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Republic of the Philippines



Name: ______________________________ Score: _________________________

Section: ______________________________ Date: _________________________

Quiz 2 in MEEN 30393: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards

Multiple Choice
Directions: Using the google form provided, choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What role does consideration play in a contract? 5. Which of the following establishes ethical
A) It ensures that both parties are engineers behaviour among professionals?
B) It refers to the payment or benefit exchanged A) Taxation Regulations
for the promises in the contract B) Rules of play for professional sports
C) It is optional and not required for a contract to C) Hippocratic Oath
be valid D) Legal Contracts
D) It is only necessary for verbal contracts 6. State True or False: Identifying the minimum
2. True or False: Not allow to present for a requirements is a good specification.
competitive is not example of good A) True
specification. B) False
A) True C) Maybe
B) False 7. What is the penalty for violating the Philippine
C) Maybe Mechanical Engineering Code of Ethics?
3. Which of the following is not the qualifications A) Suspension or revocation of license to
for Member of the Board? practice
A) Natural born citizen and resident of the B) Community service
Philippines C) Fine and imprisonment
B) Must be at least thirty-five years of age D) Verbal warning
C) Must not be a faculty member for a period of 8. One qualification of Certified Plant Mechanic
four consecutive years prior to appointment must have at least ____ active practice in
D) Has never been convicted of any offense Mechanical plant operation.
involving moral turpitude A) 1
4. Complete the sentence: A professional engineer B) 2
who took the licensing examination in C) 3
mechanical engineer: D) 4
A) May not design in electrical engineering”. 9. Which is not a qualification of an applicant for
B) May design in electrical engineering if she/he ME board examination?
feels competent”. A) He must be a holder of BSME degree
C) May design in electrical engineering if she/he B) He must be a citizen of the Philippines
feels competent and the electrical portion of the C) He must not have been convicted by a court of
design is significant and incidental to the law of a crime involving moral turpitude.
overall job. D) He must be a Certified Plant Mechanic
D) May design in electrical engineering if another
10. What is the minimum passing rate for the
engineer checks the electrical engineering
Mechanical Engineering licensure exam?
A) 65%
B) 70%
C) 75%
D) 80%


11. How can engineers ensure compliance with 17. An act regulating the practice of Mechanical
contractual obligations throughout a project? Engineering in the Philippines.
A) By avoiding communication with the other A) RA No. 8495
party B) RA No. 8594
B) By regularly reviewing and updating project C) RA No. 8549
progress against the contract terms D) RA No. 8459
C) By changing the contract terms without consent 18. The date of RA 8495 finally passed by the
D) By delaying the completion of tasks Senate on_______.
12. Which of the following is not a requirement for A) February 3, 1998
the renewal of a Mechanical Engineering license B) June 13, 1998
in the Philippines? C) August 12, 1998
A) Submission of a renewal application D) December
B) Payment of renewal fees 19. What will happen if you failed to renew your
C) Completion of the required CPD units license for Mechanical Engineer on time?
D) Retaking of the licensure exam A) You need to resign as Mechanical Engineer on
13. Faculty members currently teaching mechanical your current employer
professional engineering subjects in universities, B) You can’t use PRC ID as valid ID
colleges, institutes or school shall not be allowed C) You can’t practice the Mechanical Engineering
to continue teaching after ____ from the approval anymore
of RA 8495. D) Fine and Imprisonment
A) 3 years 20. Which of the following could you accept within
B) 6 years most codes of ethical behaviour?
C) 4 years A) A trip to the Bahamas from a vendor to learn
D) 5 years about that vendor’s product.
14. Before an RME may be allowed to take the B) A pen-and-pencil set sent by a blueprint
licensure examinations for PME, he must have an reproduction company.
active practice of ________. C) A smoked thanksgiving turkey sent by a
A) 5 years previous client in gratitude for a previous
B) 4 years successful job.
C) 3 years D) A monetary incentive sent from a vendor. In a
D) 6 years country where such incentives are legal and
15. To be qualified to become a member of the Board common.
of Mechanical Engineering, the minimum age is 21. Which of the following is not applicable to
_____. Section 15 of RA 8495?
A) 35 A. He must be a citizen of the Philippines B. He
B) 45 must not have been convicted by a court of law of
C) 40 a crime involving moral turpitude. C. He holds a
D) 32 degree of BSME D. He must have two years of
16. Which of the following is correct for active practice
qualifications of applicants for PME? A) He must be a citizen of the Philippines
A) He is a citizen of any country not only in B) He must not have been convicted by a court of
Philippines law of crime involving moral turpitude.
B) He must not have been convicted by a court of C) He holds a degree of BSME
law of a crime involving moral turpitude D) He must have two years of active practice
C) He has graduated from any engineering school 22. Which of the following is correct for the power
or college and duties of the board?
D) All of the above A) To monitor the registration, licensure and
practice of mechanical engineers in Philippines
B) To issue the certificate of registration to all
C) To adopt the official seal of the Board
D) None of the above


23. How can engineers ensure clarity in defining 29. What is the minimum educational requirement
their obligations in a contract? for a person to be eligible to take the Mechanical
A) By using technical jargon extensively Engineering licensure exam?
B) By keeping obligations vague and open-ended A) High School Graduate
C) By providing detailed descriptions of their B) College Undergraduate
responsibilities C) College Graduate
D) By avoiding written contracts altogether D) Master Degree Holder
24. What is the duty of a Mechanical Engineer 30. Engineering report must be accompanied by the
towards their colleagues? following except:
A) To prioritize their own interests A) Certificate of Experience
B) To prioritize the interests of their colleagues B) Affidavit of Competency
C) To avoid any interaction with their colleagues C) Affidavit of Applicant
D) To report any unethical behavior by their D) Transcript of Records
colleagues 31. How do engineers typically handle disputes
25. To comply the requirement of the Mechanical related to contractual obligations?
Engineering Law on the minimum compliment of A) By avoiding communication and letting the
mechanical engineers, a mechanical plant with a issue escalate.
combined prime movers of rating of 373 KW B) By seeking legal advice and pursuing dispute
must have in its employ the following. resolution mechanisms outlined in the contract.
A) 1 PME, 1 RME and 1 CPM C) By refusing to negotiate and demanding
B) 1 PME and 2 RME immediate payment.
C) 1 RME and 2 CPM D) By ignoring the dispute and continuing work
D) 1 RME in-charge every shift as usual.
26. What is the liability of a mechanical engineer in 32. Which of the following statement is correct?
the Philippines in the event of an accident caused A) External stakeholders, such as suppliers,
by a mechanical system or component they manufacturers, and distributors use the
designed? specifications they’re given as a production
A) The mechanical engineer is not liable if they map.
followed the applicable regulations and B) A specification, or spec, is one of the most
standards business critical aspects when it comes to
B) The mechanical engineer is always liable for making products.
any accidents caused by the system or C) A specification are quantitative, measurable
component they designed criteria that the product is designed to satisfy.
C) The liability is shared between the mechanical D) All of the above
engineer and other parties involved in the
design, manufacturing, and operation of the
system or component
D) None of the above
27. True or False: Does performance included in
A) True
B) False
C) Maybe
28. The only country that recognizes the mechanical
engineering license of Filipinos issued by the
Professional Regulation Commission and allowed
to use the license in their country is ___.
A) America
B) England
C) Japan
D) None


33. An environmental engineer with five years of 37. Engineering is considered by many to be one of
experience reads a story in the daily paper about a the learned “professionals” rather than a more
proposal being presented to the city council to fundamental occupation”. Which of the
construct a new sewage treatment plant near following is not a characteristics of a profession?
protected wetlands. Based on professional A) A profession satisfies an indispensable and beneficia
experience and the facts presented in the social need.
newspaper, the engineer suspects the plant would B) A profession is based on knowledge and skills
be extremely harmful to the local ecosystem. not common to the general public.
Which of the following would be an acceptable C) A profession depends to a great extent on the
course of action? personal judgement of its members.
A) The engineer should contact appropriate D) A profession utilizes entrance exams as a
agencies to get more data on the project before means of limiting its membership to the
making a judgement. “elite”.
B) The engineer should write an article for the 38. ____________ are an explicit set of
paper’s editorial page urging the council not to requirements including everything from raw
pass the project. materials, ingredients, formulas, packaging,
C) The engineer should circulate a petition labels, and even machinery.
through the community condemning the project A) Contracts
and present the petition to the council. B) Laws
D) The engineer should do nothing because he C) Specifications
doesn’t have enough experience in the D) Commercial Bid
industry to express a public opinion on the
39. What is a contract in the context of legal
34. What is the primary goal of the Philippine A) A casual agreement between parties without
Mechanical Engineering Code of Ethics? any legal consequences.
A) To protect the welfare of the public B) A formal agreement that can only be verbal.
B) To protect the interests of Mechanical C) A legally binding agreement between parties
Engineers with defined terms and obligations.
C) To ensure that Mechanical Engineers follow a D) An agreement that is enforceable only if it is
strict set of rules not written down.
D) To limit the liability of Mechanical Engineers
40. Qualification of PME board examination must
35. What is the duty of a Mechanical Engineer have ___ years or more of active practice.
towards the public? A) 4
A) To prioritize the interests of the profession B) 5
B) To prioritize the interests of the client C) 6
C) To prioritize the interests of the public D) 7
D) To avoid any interaction with the public
41. Which of the following is not the subjects/scope
36. The applicant who fails to pass the examination of examination for Certified Plant Mechanic?
for the third time will be allowed to take after A) Elements of Power Plant Machinery
how many year? B) Elements of Industrial Plant Machinery
A) 1 C) Basic Engineering Mathematics
B) 2 D) Shop Machine and Practice
C) 3
D) 4


42. Why is competitive bidding often considered to 45. An engineering firm is hired by a developer to
be counterproductive? prepare plans for a shopping mall. Prior to the
A) Competitive bidding may reduce the client’s final bid date, several contractors who have
cost but will increase the design professional received bid documents and plans contact the
cost. engineering firm with request for information
B) Competition among different design firms is relating to the project. What can the engineering
unprofessional, undignified and unethical. firm do?
C) The best design is not always the least A) The firm can supply requested information to
expensive. the contractors as long as it does so fairly and
D) A design professional who reduce the final evenly. It cannot favor or discriminate against
cost in order to be competitive may eliminate any contractor.
important designs steps or features. B) The firm should supply information to only
43. Without your knowledge, an old classmate those contractors that it feels could safely and
applies to the company you work for, Knowing economically perform the construction
that you recently graduated services.
from the same school, the director of engineering C) The firm cannot reveal facts, data or
shows you the application and resume your friend information relating to the project that might
submitted and asks your opinion. It turns out that prejudice a contractor against submitting a bid
your friend has exaggerated his campus on the project.
organization, even claiming to have been an D) The firm cannot reveal facts, data or
officer in an engineering society that you are sure information relating to the project without the
he was never in. On the other hand, you consent of the client as authorized or required
remember him as being as highly intelligent by law.
student and believe that he could really help the 46. What is the required continuing professional
company. How should you handle the situation? development (CPD) unit for Mechanical
A) You should remove yourself from the ethical Engineers every three years?
dilemma by claiming that you don’t remember A) 30 units
enough about the applicant to make an B) 45 units
informed decision. C) 60 units
B) You should follow your instincts and D) 75 units
recommend the applicant. Almost everyone
stretches the truth a little in their resumes, and
the thing you’re really being asked to evaluate
is his usefulness to the company.
C) You should recommend the applicant, but
qualify your recommendation by pointing out
that you think he may be exaggerated some
details on his resume.
D) You should point out the inconsistences os the
applicant’s resume and recommend during
hiring him.
44. Which of the following statement is correct?
A) External stakeholders, such as suppliers,
manufacturers, and distributors use the
specifications they’re given as a production
B) A specification, or spec, is one of the most
business critical aspects when it comes to
making products.
C) A specification are quantitative, measurable
criteria that the product is designed to satisfy.
D) All of the above


47. Without your knowledge, an old classmate 50. Which of the following is not the subjects/scope
applies to the company you work for, Knowing of examination for Mechanical Engineers?
that you recently graduated from the same A) Machine Design
school, the director of engineering shows you B) Power Plant and Industrial Plant
the application and resume your friend submitted C) Engineering Mathematics
and asks your opinion. It turns out that your D) Methods of Research
friend has exaggerated his campus organization,
even claiming to have been an officer in an
engineering society that you are sure he was
never in. On the other hand, you remember him
as being as highly intelligent student and believe
that he could really help the company. How
should you handle the situation?
A) You should remove yourself from the ethical
dilemma by claiming that you don’t remember
enough about the applicant to make an
informed decision.
B) You should follow your instincts and
recommend the applicant. Almost everyone
stretches the truth a little in their resumes, and
the thing you’re really being asked to evaluate
is his usefulness to the company.
C) You should recommend the applicant, but
qualify your recommendation by pointing out
that you think he may be exaggerated some
details on his resume.
D) You should point out the inconsistences os the
applicant’s resume and recommend during
hiring him.
48. Engineering is considered by many to be one of
the learned “professionals” rather than a more
fundamental occupation”. Which of the following
is not a characteristics of a profession?
A) A profession satisfies an indispensable and
beneficial social need.
B) A profession is based on knowledge and skills
not common to the general public.
C) A profession depends to a great extent on the
personal judgement of its members.
D) A profession utilizes entrance exams as a
means of limiting its membership to the “elite”.
49. Which of the following is a detailed description
of the quality of materials and workmanship
required to complete an engineering project in
accordance with its drawings and details?
A) Contracts
B) Law
C) Specifications
D) Commercial Bid

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