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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509

DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-0334-2


Nutrient loads in the river mouth of the Río Verde basin in Jalisco,
Mexico: how to prevent eutrophication in the future reservoir?
Gonzalo Jayme-Torres 1 & Anne M. Hansen 2

Received: 23 March 2017 / Accepted: 25 September 2017 / Published online: 4 October 2017
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract Since nutrients are emitted and mobilized in river reduction of 90% of the phosphorus loads in wastewater emis-
basins, causing eutrophication of water bodies, it is important sions or 75% of the phosphorus loads in wastewater emissions
to reduce such emissions and subsequent nutrient loads. Due and at least 50% in emissions from livestock activities in the
to processes of attenuation, nutrient loads are reduced during river basin are required.
their mobilization in river basins. At the mouth of the Río
Verde basin in western Mexico, the El Purgatorio dam is being
Keywords NEWS2 river modeling . N and P nutrients .
constructed to supply water to the metropolitan area of the
Eutrophication . Protection of water bodies . Scenarios
second most populated city in the country, Guadalajara. To
analyze situations that allow protecting this future dam from
eutrophication, nutrient loads in the mouth of the river basin
were determined and their reduction scenarios evaluated by
using the NEWS2 (Nutrient Export from Watersheds) model. Introduction
For this, a nutrient emissions inventory was established and
used to model nutrient loads, and modeling results were com- Nutrient loads of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the
pared to an analysis of water quality data from two different main causes of eutrophication or enrichment of nutrients in
monitoring sites located on the river. The results suggest that water bodies (OECD 1982). To protect lakes and reservoirs, it
96% of nitrogen and 99% of phosphorus emissions are atten- is therefore necessary to assess the loads of these pollutants
uated in the watershed. Nutrient loads reaching the mouth of that originate from both point and diffuse sources. Nutrient
the river basin come mainly from wastewater discharges, loads can be determined by analyzing monitoring data of con-
followed by livestock activities and different land uses, and centrations and water flows, but this does not allow quantify-
loads are higher as emissions are located closer to the mouth ing the relation between emission and loads or Battenuation^,
of the river basin. To achieve and maintain mesotrophic state defined as the physical, chemical, and biological processes
of water in the future dam, different nutrient emission reduc- that reduce the mass or mobility of contaminants in water-
tion scenarios were evaluated. According to these results, the sheds (USEPA 1999). The information obtained from moni-
toring data is therefore often limited and does not allow
assessing emission and resulting load reduction scenarios.
Responsible editor: Thomas Hein
On the other hand, nutrient loads to water bodies can be esti-
mated using models that describe emissions of nutrients and
* Anne M. Hansen
resulting loads (USEPA 2008). To perform modeling of nutri-
ent loads, emission source inventories are required as well as
Posgrado en Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
information on the characteristics of the watershed (IOC
Campus Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, Paseo 2008). Once implemented, such load modeling methods en-
Cuauhnáuac 8532, Jiutepec 62550, Mor., Mexico able the formulation and evaluation of reduction scenarios of
Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, Paseo Cuauhnáhuac nutrient loads to water bodies under diverse emission situa-
8532, Jiutepec 62550, Mor., Mexico tions and water management conditions (NOAA 2004).
20498 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509

Different nutrient export models serve various purposes. It the NEWS2 model performed reasonably well in these
is not the scope of this work to evaluate the seasonal variations regions, where monitoring data are scarce.
in the basin or the processes that will take place within the dam The aim of this study is to apply this approach to the
but rather to describe actual annual loads and to predict loads Río Verde basin (20,632 km2) in order to evaluate nutrient
occurring under different emission scenarios. The lumped loads and explore reduction scenarios to protect water
annual-scale models have been useful in predicting past and from eutrophication in the mouth of the Río Verde basin,
future changes in nutrient exports to the river basin mouths where the El Purgatorio dam is under construction. The
and can assist in the formulation of policies aimed at reducing reservoir will have a volume of 3.49 Mm3 to partially
eutrophication, including for data-scarce regions (Kroeze et al. supply water to the metropolitan area of Mexico’s second
2012). largest city, Guadalajara. The information on nutrient load
Howarth et al. (1996) examined the flux of N from large scenarios will be essential in the formulation of policies
watershed regions to the North Atlantic Ocean in the context aimed at reducing eutrophication of water in the El
of N inputs from human activity. Considered inputs were use Purgatorio reservoir, located approximately 10 km north-
of synthetic N fertilizer, N fixation associated with agricultural east of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara.
crops, atmospheric deposition of oxidized N, and net move-
ments of N into or out of the region in human food and animal
feeds. The sums of these inputs were the net anthropogenic
nitrogen inputs (NANI). A similar accounting approach has Study area
been applied to phosphorus, resulting in the calculation of net
anthropogenic phosphorus input (NAPI) (Han et al. 2011; The study area is the Río Verde hydrological basin that par-
Russell et al. 2008). tially covers the states of Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco,
Using this approach requires to develop a methodology San Luis Potosí, and Zacatecas, Mexico; its total extension is
capable of evaluating conditions in other watersheds, subject approximately 20,632 km2 (Fig. 1), which is slightly over the
to varying agronomic practices and substantially different di- lower limit of 20,000 km2, recommended for application of
etary preferences (Hong et al. 2012). In the Río Verde basin, N the NEWS2 model (Mayorga et al. 2010). The length of the
and P monitoring data are scarce and not consistently refer- Río Verde exceeds 200 km. Elevated nutrient concentrations
enced in space and time. Therefore, the NEWS2 model affect water quality in the river basin, causing excessive algae
(Nutrient Export from Watersheds) was chosen because it re- and water hyacinth growth in already existing dams in the
quires less information to estimate the total nutrient loads from river basin.
both natural and anthropogenic sources.
The NEWS2 was selected among other nutrient export
models to forecast nutrient exports to the mouth of the
Río Verde basin. The NEWS models were developed by Methods
UNESCO to assess nutrient loads in watersheds, taking
into account the emissions and the effects of the processes Nutrient emissions inventory
that occur during mobilization and attenuation of nutrients
(Mayorga et al. 2010). These NEWS models are spatially A nutrient source inventory for the Río Verde basin, which
explicit, quantify annual nutrient loads, identify their incorporates nutrient sources from different land uses, live-
sources, and estimate nutrient exports at river basin stock, industrial, domestic, and municipal wastewater dis-
mouths. In total, this approach calculates nutrient exports charges on the river shores, was developed by Corzo-Juaréz
as a function of human activities and basin characteristics, (2009) and completed by Jayme-Torres (2014), by including
integrating available knowledge in simple regression all wastewater discharges in the basin and considering average
models that account for climate, soil characteristics, land and not slaughter weights for each category of animal in the
uses, and wastewater discharges, and thereby identifying livestock emissions inventory, which include secretions from
risks and dominant causes for eutrophication (Kroeze production of swine, dairy, and meat cattle, as well as fixation
et al. 2012). NEWS2 has been used to evaluate nutrient and deposition of N (Bouwman et al. 2009).
exports in river basins in several parts of the world, such Nutrient emissions in the Río Verde basin are described by
as Africa (Yasin et al. 2010), South America (van der source type (Table 1), where it is observed that the main emis-
Strujik and Kroeze 2010), and China (Qu and Kroeze sions come from diffuse sources, while point sources account
2010, 2012). Furthermore, van der Strujik and Kroeze for only 5.17% of total N emissions and 2.99% of total P
(2010) compared the nutrient loads calculated with the emissions. Additionally, livestock activities represent over
NEWS2 model with measured nutrient and water flow 75% of total N emissions and more than 96% of total P emis-
values from South American river basins, observing that sions in the river basin.
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509 20499

Fig. 1 Sub-basins of the Río

Verde basin, positions of dams
under construction, location of
sampling stations, and general
information of the watershed

Description of NEWS2 NEWS2 is composed of independently formulated sub-

models that predict annual exports to river basin mouths for
The Global NEWS models are based on calculations that com- dissolved organic and inorganic as well as particulate forms of
bine empirical and theoretical equations that describe nutrient nutrients. NEWS2 highlights the representation of sources and
transport and attenuation in river basins. A first generation of sinks on soil and in water, transfers of nutrients from land to
the Global NEWS models consisted in different sub-models rivers, and ultimately to the basin mouth. NEWS2 distin-
that calculate the various forms of nutrients such as N, P, guishes point sources, which include wastewater emissions,
silicate, and carbon (Beusen et al. 2005; Dumont et al. 2005; and diffuse sources, such as agricultural land uses and natural
Harrison et al. 2005a, b; Seitzinger et al. 2005). A second ecosystems. The model uses information on nutrient emis-
generation (NEWS2) was developed by Seitzinger et al. sions and export coefficients for each source type, and trans-
(2010), Mayorga et al. (2010), and Harrison et al. (2010), formations among different forms are calculated by the model
who integrated the different sub-models in a framework that and integrated in transport equations. The model has been
shares the same group of input files and integrates the results calibrated for more than 5000 basins worldwide, among
in a single output file. others the Grande de Santiago river basin that contains the
20500 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509

Table 1 Nutrient emissions by

source type in the Río Verde basin Source type Source N P

(Mg year−1) Percent (Mg year−1) Percent

Point sources Municipal wastewater 1 5060 5.13 1075 2.99

Industries 2 34 0.03 0 0.00
Sub-total 5094 5.17 1075 2.99
Diffuse sources Urban runoff 2 11 0.01 2 0.01
Agricultural runoff 2 447 0.45 103 0.29
Forest runoff 2 67 0.07 5 0.01
Scrub runoff 2 17 0.02 <1 0.00
Pastureland runoff 2 382 0.39 30 0.08
Livestock activities 1 74,335 75.37 34,750 96.62
N fixation 3 11,917 12.08 0 0.00
N atmospheric deposition 3 6359 6.45 0 0.00
Sub-total 93,535 94.83 34,891 97.01
Total 98,629 100.00 35,966 100.00
Jayme-Torres (2014)
Corzo-Juaréz (2009)
Bouwman et al. (2009)

Río Verde basin. The spatial distributions of the model inputs watershed is volcanic rock. The runoff discharges of the
are generally resolutions of 0.5° and consequently, the appli- sub-basins, from 27.0 to 510.0 Mm3 year−1 (Table 2), were
cation of the model is recommended for river basins with areas obtained from hydrometric data published in the Mexican
over 20,000 km2. The NEWS2 model requires the following Data Bank for Surface Water (CONAGUA 2011). Currently,
inputs: physical and geophysical properties, hydrology and there are no exports of consumptive water from the Río Verde
climate, and point and diffuse source emissions (Mayorga basin, and therefore no nutrient extraction due to such water
et al. 2010). transfers.
Nutrients and suspended solids retention values were cal-
Model input data culated based on the depths and residence times in the differ-
ent water bodies located in each sub-basin; these values vary
The delimitation, areas, river mouth locations, centroids, from 25 to 34% for N (Dumont et al. 2005), from 90 to 93%
Strahler orders, and dominant slopes of the sub-basins of the for total suspended solids (Beusen et al. 2005), and a constant
Río Verde watershed were obtained using a digital elevation value of 85% for P (Harrison et al. 2005b) (Table 2).
model at the 1:50,000 scale (INEGI 2013) and ArcGis 10 Average daily and annual rainfall data were obtained using
(ESRI, Redlands, CA). The sub-basins were organized from data from a climate information extractor (IMTA 2005) and
upstream to downstream in the watershed: El Niágara considering 80 climatological stations in the Río Verde basin
(5462 km2), Cuarenta (2327 km2), Ajojucar (816 km2), San with complete reports in the period from 1990 to 2002; more
Gaspar (2939 km 2 ), La Cuña (7618 km 2 ), and Verde recent information has not yet been published. Analyzing the
(1470 km2) (Fig. 1). The compositions of land and water sur- average rainfall for each sub-basin in this period and using the
faces in these sub-basins varied between 95.8 and 99.4%. The Thiessen polygons method (Aparicio-Mijares 2001), annual
Strahler orders that indicate river branching, related to the rainfalls between 485.5 and 777.1 mm and daily rainfalls be-
attenuation of nutrients in the river network (Mayorga et al. tween 2.9 and 4.8 mm were obtained for the different sub-
2010) varied between 6 and 7, indicating complexity of trib- basins (Table 2).
utary branching and expected high nutrient attenuations. The Since nutrient emissions from wastewater is not directly
dominant slopes in the sub-basins were between 5.0 and available, the volumes of generated wastewater were estimat-
18.1 m km−1 (Table 2). ed based on the amounts of supplied water, by considering the
Given the Köppen-Geiger climate classification (Kottek coverage of drinking water supply (CEA 2008), the typical
et al. 2006), no part of the basin is classified as tropical humid. amounts of produced wastewater (CONAGUA 1994), the
According to the world map of lithology (Amiotte-Suchet population data by localities, and the drainage services for
et al. 2003) and the geological map of Mexico (Instituto de the different sub-basins (INEGI 2013). Typical nutrient con-
Geología 2000), the lithological class that dominates in the centrations in wastewater were obtained from FAO (1992),
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509 20501

Table 2 Modeling input data

Group Input El Niágara El Cuarenta Ajojucar San Gaspar La Cuña Verde

Physical Sub-basin mouth location 102°22′30″ 102°22′30″ W 102°22′30″ 102°29′50″ W 102°49′16″ W 102°49′16″
properties W 21°46′45″ N W 21°17′05″ N 21°00′19″ N W
21°46′45″ N 21°46′45″ N 21°00′19″ N
Total area (km2) 5462 2327 816 2939 7618 1470
Land area (%) 99.4 98.5 99.4 95.8 98.5 98.5
Basin order 6 7 6 7 7 7
Biophysical Tropical humid climate (%) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
properties Lithology class 2 6 6 6 6 6 6
Slope (m km−1) 5.0 7.2 5.0 6.7 9.6 18.1
Hydrology and Water flow value (Mm3 year−1) 3 29.3 ± 5.9 27.0 ± 38.5 45.0 ± 46.9 106.4 ± 117.1 510.0 ± 275.6 142.0 ± 91.9
climate Consumptive water (Mm3 year−1) 0 0 0 0 0 0
N retention value (%) 4 25 34 25 30 34 33
P retention value (%) 5 85 85 85 85 85 85
Suspended solids retention value (%) 6 91 93 91 90 93 92
Annual rainfall (mm year−1) 7 485.5 ± 59.9 523.6 ± 144.3 532.5 ± 62.9 592.8 ± 106.5 592.7 ± 118.1 777.1 ± 81.5
Daily rainfall (mm day−1) 7 2.9 ± 0.4 2.9 ± 0.8 3.3 ± 0.4 3.9 ± 0.7 3.9 ± 0.8 4.8 ± 0.5
Point source Wastewater (kg km−2 year−1) 8, 9, 10, 11 N 566.7 N 49.1 N 123.7 N 196.9 N 102.0 N 268.4
emissions P 120.4 P 10.4 P 26.3 P 41.8 P 21.7 P 57.1
Detergents (kg km−2 year−1) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Diffuse source Agriculture land use (%) 12 41.9 36.6 37.0 30.1 38.8 59.0
emissions Grassland land use (%) 12 31.3 42.0 43.6 51.1 42.4 10.2
Livestock activities (kg km−2 year−1) 13, 14, 15, 16, N 1256.6 N 1201.6 N 2676.7 N 6217.6 N 4524.6 N 6630.6
17, 18, 19, 20
P 670.8 P 659.4 P 1501.7 P 2714.5 P 2076.3 P 3082.0
Agriculture (kg km−2 year−1) 12, 21 N 3.6 N 0.3 N 25.8 N 14.00 N 32.1 N 80.9
P 0.8 P 0.1 P 6.0 P 3.2 P 7.4 P 18.7
N fixation in agricultural areas (kg km−2 yr.−1) 22 445.3 445.3 445.3 445.3 445.3 445.3
N fixation in natural areas (kg km−2 yr.−1) 22 664.0 664.0 664.0 664.0 664.0 664.0
N deposition in agricultural areas 490.8 490.8 490.8 490.8 490.8 490.8
(kg km−2 yr.−1) 22
N deposition in natural areas 188.9 188.9 188.9 188.9 188.9 188.9
(kg km−2 yr.−1) 22

Kottek et al. 2006
Amiotte-Suchet et al. 2003
Dumont et al. 2005
Harrison et al. 2005b
Beusen et al. 2005
IMTA 2005
CEA 2008
INEGI 2013
FAO 1992
INEGI 2008a
INEGI 2008b
INEGI 2008c
INEGI 2008d
INEGI 2008e
Jones and Sutton 2003
Taiganides and Sánchez 1996
FMVZ 2009
Benaman et al. 1996
Bouwman et al. 2009
Inputs presented in italics: estimated data based on information from literature
20502 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509

and resulting nutrient emissions from municipal wastewater in defined as the loads that would allow water in the El
the different sub-basins were found to vary from 49.1 to Purgatorio dam to conserve mesotrophic state. These MAL
566.7 kg km−2 year−1 for N and from 10.4 to were obtained by multiplying the concentration limits for me-
120.4 kg km−2 year−1 for P (Table 2). sotrophic state of 753 μg L−1 for N (OECD 1982) and
The NEWS2 model requires input data for P emissions 39.6 μg L−1 for P (CEPIS 2001), with the average water flow
due to use of detergents. In our study, this emission was value at the mouth of the river basin of 5.67 × 108 m3 year−1,
considered to be part of the wastewater emissions. In ad- and nutrients retention values calculated based on the depth
dition, no nutrient removal was considered in existing and residence time in the El Purgatorio dam with values of
wastewater treatment plants because only a fraction of 15% for N (Dumont et al. 2005) and 80% for P (Harrison et al.
wastewater in the basin is treated by secondary processes, 2005b). These MAL resulted in 502 Mg year−1 for N and 112
with typical removal efficiencies of 20% N and 30% P Mg year−1 for P.
(Brown and Atherton 2009). Besides, there are no reports
on the final destination of the generated sewage sludge
that contain the removed nutrients. These are most likely Analysis of monitoring data
deposited within the watershed, becoming once more nu-
trient sources (Wang et al. 2014). Therefore, we consid- Water flow values, as obtained by the Mexican National Water
ered zero nutrient removal due to wastewater treatment Commission (CONAGUA) and using the velocity-area meth-
(Table 2). Using ArcGis 10 (ESRI, Redlands, CA), land od, were evaluated for two hydrometric stations: La Cuña
uses were determined for each sub-basin using informa- located upstream from the future dam and El Purgatorio locat-
tion published by SEMARNAT (2013), resulting in the ed at the mouth of the Río Verde basin and adjacent to the
following predominant land uses in the sub-basins: be- homonym dam (Fig. 1). Average monthly data from these
tween 30.1 and 59.0% agriculture and between 10.2 and stations for the La Cuña hydrometric station were available
51.1% grassland (Table 2). from 1947 to 2011 and for the El Purgatorio hydrometric
The nutrient emissions from animal waste were estimated station, from 1990 to 2003 (CONAGUA 2011). Data were
from the livestock inventories for each state in the Río Verde analyzed separately for rainy seasons (from July to October)
basin (INEGI 2008a, b, c, d, e); these were multiplied by and dry seasons (from November to June), because concen-
nutrient contents reported for waste from bovine cattle trations are directly related to water flows (Table 3).
(Jones and Sutton 2003) and swine (Taiganides and Sánchez Calculated fluxes were also provided at an annual scale be-
1996). Since these emissions are a function of animal weight, cause it is not possible to split modeled fluxes into seasons,
growth curves were obtained for bovine cattle and swine NEWS2 model describing annual nutrient loads (Ruiz-Castro
(Jones and Sutton 2003; FMVZ 2009), resulting in emissions 2017).
from 1201.6 to 6630.6 kg km−2 yr.−1 for N, and from 659.4 to Water quality data were obtained from a total of 18 sam-
3082.0 kg km −2 yr.−1 for P in the different sub-basins pling events between 2002 and 2011 for both monitoring sites,
(Table 2). with eight sampling events during rainy seasons and ten dur-
To estimate nutrient emissions from agriculture, concentra- ing dry seasons. Concentrations of the different N and P spe-
tions in runoffs reported for tropical climates of 1.56 mg L−1 cies had been measured using standard analytical methods
for N and 0.36 mg L−1 for P (Benaman et al. 1996) were used (APHA 1998) and monitoring data were obtained from the
and multiplied by runoffs, calculated by Jayme-Torres (2014), following reports: AyMA Ingeniería y Consultoría (2006)
resulting in nutrient emissions that vary from 0.3 to Updating and characterization of pollution sources in the
80.9 kg km−2 year−1 for N and from 0.1 to 18.7 kg km−2 year−1 Río Verde basin in the state of Jalisco. Guadalajara, Mexico.
for P in the different sub-basins (Table 2). Contract no. CEAS-IHSC-ZC-071/2006 (In Spanish), and
Nitrogen fixation and atmospheric deposition were obtain- AyMA Ingeniería y Consultoría (2011) Monitoring of algal
ed from Bouwman et al. (2009), who reported N fixations of blooms in the Río Verde basin and the BPurgatorio^ supply
445.3 kg km − 2 year − 1 on agricultural areas and of area in the state of Jalisco. Guadalajara, Mexico. Contract no.
664.0 kg km−2 year−1 on Bnatural^ (non-agricultural) areas, UEAS-SA-SC-CI-032/2011 (In Spanish). Total N and P con-
while atmospheric depositions of N were 490.8 kg km−2 year.−1 centrations were determined as the sums of their different
for agricultural areas and 188.2 kg km−2 year−1 for natural species and averaged to obtain site-specific total nutrient con-
areas. centrations for dry and rainy seasons.
Uncertainties of the modeled results were estimated by an- Nutrient loads were estimated based on the water flow
alyzing averages and standard deviations of rainfall values and values and average nutrient concentrations (Table 3). Error
water flow. propagations were carried out by standard procedures
To evaluate the resulting nutrient loads and load reduction (Lindberg 2000) and presented in the results for mean nutrient
scenarios, target Bmaximum allowable loads^ (MAL) were loads and standard deviations.
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509 20503

Table 3 Nutrient loads in the El

Purgatorio and La Cuña sites as El Purgatorio La Cuña
calculated from monitored data
Dry season Rainy season Dry season Rainy season

Water flow values (m3 s−1) 4.32 ± 3.35 44.85 ± 17.58 4.04 ± 4.03 50.40 ± 20.66
(n = 112) (n = 56) (n = 520) (n = 260)
Water flow monitoring period 1990–2003 1947–2011
N concentration (mg L−1) 1.01 ± 0.57 5.13 ± 1.70 1.25 ± 0.83 3.65 ± 0.92
(n = 10) (n = 8) (n = 10) (n = 8)
P concentration (mg L ) 0.49 ± 0.30 1.14 ± 0.46 0.59 ± 0.36 1.30 ± 1.14
(n = 10) (n = 8) (n = 10) (n = 8)
Nutrient concentration monitoring period 2002–2011
N load (Mg season−1) 92 ± 88 2420 ± 1242 106 ± 127 1935 ± 931
N load (Mg year−1) 2512 ± 1245 2041 ± 940
P load (Mg season−1) 45 ± 44 538 ± 303 50 ± 59 689 ± 667
P load (Mg year−1) 583 ± 306 739 ± 670

Simulation of nutrient reduction scenarios not be easily obtained, these simulations serve as theoretical
indicators of how much nutrient emissions should be reduced
To assess nutrient loads that reach the mouth of the Río Verde to assure adequate water quality in the mouth of river basins
basin under different emission reduction scenarios, simula- (Passy et al. 2016).
tions of emission reductions necessary to reach MAL, nutrient Likewise, the influence of the location of the sub-basins on
attenuation by source type, and source location impact were the nutrient loads at the mouth of the Río Verde basin was
carried out. These scenarios allow analyzing the influence of assessed, considering the same emission reductions in each
the different nutrient sources and emission locations on the sub-basin equal to the value for the sub-basin with lowest
final loads of N and P that reach the mouth of the Río Verde emission (La Cuña), resulting in six additional scenarios.
basin. This kind of scenarios was aimed at helping to examine the
According to the importance of the different nutrient relative sensitivity in nutrient loads from emission sources at
emissions and in order to reach MAL, four reduction ra- varying distances from the basin mouth, and their usefulness
tios (25, 50, 75, and 90%) were evaluated for three dif- have been described by Basnyat et al. (1999).
ferent emission sources: wastewater, agriculture, and live- Therefore, a total of 22 nutrient loads reduction scenarios
stock activities, resulting in 12 scenarios. Besides, the were evaluated and for each scenario, the relations between
combination of reductions of 75% of wastewater emis- load/emission reductions in the mouth of the Río Verde basin
sions and 25, 50, 75, and 90% of emissions from live- were calculated (Table 4).
stock activities resulted in additional four scenarios.
Reduction scenarios in these nutrient sources have previ-
ously been evaluated in other basins, where sufficient Results and discussion
progress in mitigating environmental impacts of nutrients
was possible only through a combination of emission re- Evaluation of modeling results
duction measures (Passy et al. 2016; Leip et al. 2015).
The two lowest nutrient reduction scenarios (25 and 50%) The nutrient loads at the mouth of the Río Verde basin
were evaluated based on experiences of reducing nutrient (Table 5) are mainly composed of nutrients from the El
loads, where several decades of implementation of various Niágara and the La Cuña sub-basins with 26 and 37% of the
actions for control resulted in reductions of approximately N load and 48 and 25% of the P load, respectively. These
50% in nutrient loads to the coastal zones in Denmark loads are mostly influenced by the extensive areas of these
(Kronvang et al. 2014). The two highest nutrient reduction sub-basins with the El Niágara sub-basin covering 26% and
scenarios (75 and 90%) were analyzed to evaluate reductions the La Cuña sub-basin, 40% of the river basin’s total area. To
necessary to reach MAL in the mouth of the river basin, since compare these values, the specific nutrient loads were obtain-
this is where the El Purgatorio dam is being constructed to ed by dividing loads by the area of each sub-basin. These
partially supply water to the metropolitan area of the city of values resulted higher for the Verde sub-basin for N, because
Guadalajara, Mexico. Although these nutrient reductions may of the higher specific emissions of this nutrient by livestock
20504 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509

Table 4 Simulated nutrient reduction scenarios for the Río Verde basin

Scenarios Emission reductions Load reductions Load/emission

(Mg year−1) (Mg year−1) reductions (%)


Emissions reduction by source type

Source type impact 1 Wastewater emissions 25% 1265 269 409 57 32.3 21.2
2 50% 2530 538 798 115 31.5 21.4
3 75% 3795 807 1197 171 31.5 21.2
4 90% 4554 968 1436 206 31.5 21.3
5 Emissions from agricultural use 25% 112 26 3 0 2.7 0.0
6 50% 223 52 6 0 2.7 0.0
7 75% 335 77 8 0 2.4 0.0
8 90% 402 93 10 0 2.5 0.0
9 Livestock emissions 25% 18,584 8688 365 7 2.0 0.1
10 50% 37,167 17,375 730 14 2.0 0.1
11 75% 55,751 26,063 1095 21 2.0 0.1
12 90% 66,901 31,275 1315 25 2.0 0.1
13 75% wastewater emissions 25% 22,379 9495 1562 178 7.0 1.9
14 and varying livestock emissions 50% 40,962 18,182 1927 185 4.7 1.0
15 75% 59,546 26,870 2292 192 3.8 0.7
16 90% 70,696 32,082 2512 196 3.6 0.6
Fixed amounts of nutrient emissions reduction in each sub-basina
Source location impact 17 El Niágara sub-basin 2286 1247 36 5 1.6 0.4
18 Cuarenta sub-basin 2286 1247 43 5 1.9 0.4
19 Ajojucar sub-basin 2286 1247 86 6 3.8 0.5
20 San Gaspar sub-basin 2286 1247 62 6 2.7 0.5
21 La Cuña sub-basin 2286 1247 80 6 3.5 0.5
22 Verde sub-basin 2286 1247 117 7 5.1 0.6
101 Mg year−1 of N and 21 Mg year−1 of P for wastewater emissions and 2185 Mg year−1 of N and 1226 Mg year−1 of P emissions from livestock

activities. For P, the El Niágara sub-basin presented highest loads are higher and modeled P loads lower than those obtain-
specific loads due to the higher specific emissions of P in ed by analysis of monitoring data, suggesting that attenuation
wastewater, followed by the Verde sub-basin, where specific calculated by the model is lower for N and higher for P than
emissions of P are higher for livestock activities (Table 5). the retentions that actually occur in the watershed. Another
The modeled nutrient loads were compared to monitoring possibility is that denitrification may be underestimated in
data from the El Purgatorio and the La Cuña sites (Figs. 2 and the case of N, causing higher modeled N loads compared to
3). For both monitoring sites, it is observed that modeled N monitoring data. For P, the model does not include

Table 5 Modeled results of the

nutrient loads that reach the Sub-basin N load N load Specific N load P load P load Specific P load
mouth of the Río Verde basin (Mg year−1) (%) (Mg year−1 km−2) (Mg year−1) (%) (Mg year−1 km−2)

El Niagara 1040 26 0.190 142 48 0.026

Cuarenta 78 2 0.034 7 2 0.003
Ajojucar 141 4 0.173 7 2 0.009
San Gaspar 550 14 0.187 35 12 0.012
La Cuña 1475 37 0.193 72 25 0.009
Verde 656 17 0.446 32 11 0.022
Total 3940 100 295 100
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509 20505

Mg year−1. Therefore, the nutrient load reductions needed to

achieve mesotrophic state of water in the mouth of the Río
Verde basin should be at least 87% for N and 62% for P.

Simulation of nutrient load reduction scenarios

Source-dependent nutrient load reductions

The relations nutrient load/emission reduction vary depending

on the type of emission source, with higher values occurring
for reductions in wastewater emissions and lower values for
Fig. 2 Comparison of emitted nutrients, monitored, and modeled reductions in emissions from livestock activities and different
nutrient loads at the El Purgatorio site, Jalisco, Mexico land uses (Table 4). This means that nutrients in wastewater
discharges are transported more efficiently to the mouth of the
atmospheric deposition of this nutrient, probably causing the river basin than the other emissions.
observed underestimation of the modeled P loads as compared In this way, although nutrient emissions for wastewater
to monitoring data. However, modeled nutrient loads for both discharges are much lower than for livestock activities
sampling sites were within the standard deviations of those (Table 5), the nutrient load/emission reduction for N is ap-
obtained from analysis of monitored data (Figs. 2 and 3). proximately 32% of the emission reduction for wastewater
Nitrogen load overestimation by NEWS2 is previously re- and 2% for livestock activities, and the load reduction for P
ported by McCrackin et al. (2013), who compared modeled N is approximately 21% for wastewater and 0.1% for livestock
loads with those obtained using spatially referenced regres- activities. Leip et al. (2015) also reported in a study in
sions on watershed attributes (SPARROW), a regional-scale European countries, that major nutrient sources not necessar-
model developed by the US Geological Survey (USGS 2011), ily produce larger environmental effects. This can be ex-
finding that while NEWS2 allocated more than twice as much plained by the effects of retentions occur depending on the
N export from manure than SPARROW for the USA as a way nutrients are emitted, mobilized, and attenuated in the
whole, attribution to sewage and population-related sources river basin. One of the main causes that explain the higher
was consistently higher by SPARROW than NEWS2. Sutton attenuation of nutrients from livestock activities compared to
et al. (2011) state that exact nutrient inputs to watersheds are wastewater discharges is that the latter is collected and
not perfectly known and require pursuing monitoring pro- discharged directly to the river network and therefore only
grams and data integration. Also, the nutrient retention pro- attenuated in water, while nutrients emitted by livestock activ-
cesses are still poorly understood. That is why it is possible to ities are more frequently discharged on land, being attenuated
over- or sub-estimate nutrient loads, and the selection of the by both water and soil. This effect has been mentioned by Leip
best model for nutrient loads estimations should be made on a et al. (2015), who found that most of the net input of nutrients
case-by-case basis depending on the conditions of the water- is maintained in the soil, where it may be considered a benefit
shed, availability of input data, and the model limitations. as long as it contributes to fertilizing land.
It is observed that modeled nutrient loads in the basin are The differences between nutrient emissions and loads in
presently approximately eight times higher than MAL for N of the mouth of the Río Verde basin (Fig. 2) are considered as
502 Mg year−1 and three times higher than MAL for P of 112 the attenuated nutrients. These attenuations in the river basin
resulted in a weighted average of approximately 96% for N
and 99% for P. Analyzing these attenuations by individual
emission sources, attenuations from wastewater emissions re-
sulted in 68.3% for N and 78.7% for P, from agriculture, in
97.4% for N and 100% for P, and from livestock activities, in
98.0% for N and 99.9% for P.
The modeled results of the nutrient reduction scenarios
show that reductions in nutrient emissions from wastewater
(scenarios 1–4) and livestock activities (scenarios 9–12) pres-
ent higher efficiencies in reducing N and P loads at the mouth
of the river basin. Also, independently of the amount of emit-
ted N, the wastewater reduction scenarios present similar re-
Fig. 3 Comparison of monitored and modeled nutrient loads at the La duced loads at the mouth of the river basin as compared to the
Cuña site, Jalisco, Mexico scenarios in livestock activities (Fig. 4). This is not the case for
20506 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509

Fig. 4 Modeled nitrogen loads in

the mouth of the Río Verde basin
under the different emission
reduction scenarios. MAL
maximum allowable load, PNL
present nutrient load

P for which loads in the mouth of the river basin are about river mouth, while the lowest values correspond to the more
eight times higher for wastewater emissions (scenarios1–4) remote Niágara sub-basin.
compared to livestock activities (scenarios 9–12, Fig. 5). In
the case of reduction of agricultural emissions (scenarios 5–8), Recommendations for preventing eutrophication
both N and P load reductions are insignificant (Figs. 4 and 5).
Based on the modeling results, the implementation of nutrient
Reduction for combined scenarios reductions in the river basin should include 90% of P removal
in wastewater treatment, and the resulting sludge with re-
Combinations of nutrient emissions as simulated by reducing moved P should be reused, confined, or exported from the
emissions from both wastewater and livestock activities (sce- river basin to nutrient-deprived areas. This removal of P
narios 13–16) reduced more efficiently nutrient loads at the may be reduced to 75% in wastewater when combined with
mouth of the river basin. For the combination of 75% reduc- at least 50% reduction of P emissions from animal waste.
tion of nutrients in wastewater emissions and 50% reduction According to reports in the literature (Grizzetti et al. 2012,
of nutrient emissions from livestock activities, the resulting Passy et al. 2013, Romero et al. 2013), such reductions in P
loads at the mouth of the river basin are 2013 Mg year−1 for emissions from wastewater are feasible. Furthermore, Leip
N and 110 Mg year−1 for P for scenario 14, which are not et al. (2015) recommend two main methods to reduce P emis-
sufficient to reach MAL of 502 Mg year−1 for N but adequate sions due to livestock production: (1) reduction of emissions
to reach MAL of 112 Mg year−1 for P (Figs. 4 and 5). intensity through modified livestock diets and/or removal and
reuse of nutrients from manure and (2) lower livestock pro-
Sub-basin-dependent nutrient load reductions duction. The second approach would have important social
and economic implications. Therefore, in order to be able to
It also observed that this relation increases as the distance continue the meat and dairy industries in the river basin, social
between the emission source and the mouth of the river basin actors, governments, and producers should work together to
decreases, since nutrients emitted from sources located closer implement modifications of livestock diets and removal of
to the mouth of the river basin are transported more efficiently nutrients from manure, particularly of P, to be reused in the
that those emitted from more remote sources. river basin or exported to nutrient-deprived areas.
Reducing the same amounts of nutrient emissions in each Other nutrient removal scenarios such as change in soil
sub-basin (Table 4) resulted in more efficient load reductions uses, implementation of wetlands, or natural barriers do not
when applied to sub-basins located closer to the mouth of the seem to significantly influence nutrient loads on the basin
Río Verde basin than for sub-basins located higher upstream. scale (Comisión Estatal del Agua Jalisco-Instituto Mexicano
The load/emission reduction values range from 1.6 to 5.1% de Tecnología del Agua (2014) Elaboration of a proposal for
for N and from 0.4 to 0.6% for P, with the highest values the control of nutrient loads in the area of influence of the dam
corresponding to the Verde sub-basin, located closest to the and pumping system project Purgatory-Arcediano.

Fig. 5 Modeled phosphorus

loads in the mouth of the Río
Verde basin under the different
emission reduction scenarios.
MAL maximum allowable load,
PNL present nutrient load
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:20497–20509 20507

Guadalajara, Mexico. Contract no. CEA-IMTA-UEAS-002/ emitted by livestock activities in the Río Verde basin, the
2013, In Spanish). results of nutrient load reductions are similar for N and higher
Land application of treated wastewater could be an effec- for P when emission reductions are implemented in wastewa-
tive way to manage and reduce N and P loadings to the river ter discharges than for livestock activities. This is because the
and consequently to the future reservoir. However, conse- attenuation of nutrients generated by wastewater is lower than
quences of this practice must be considered such as possible for nutrients generated by other activities due to the more
nutrient accumulation in the soil, percolation of nutrients to direct discharge of wastewater to the river network.
groundwater, cost of infrastructure for conduction of waste- It is expected to reach the target load or MAL for P but not
water, and management of infiltration zones. Manure manage- for N at the mouth of the Río Verde basin when emissions
ment also presents a risk of pollution if holding facilities fail or from wastewater are reduced by 90% or when emissions from
do not function properly. Intensified animal production may wastewater are reduced by 75%, and at least 50% of emissions
cause too much manure to be produced within a geographic from livestock activities are diminished. In order to control
area to be applied on nearby land without overloading soils eutrophication in the El Purgatorio dam, it is imperative to
with nutrients (NRC 2000; Sarpley 2000). reduce loads of P rather than N. We recommend to reduce
Science and technology to improve the effectiveness of these loads at the source, principally by removal of P in waste-
nutrient source controls, both from diffuse and point sources, water treatment plants and reduction of nutrients in animal
must be a high priority in the preventive and rehabilitative waste by modification of livestock diets, removal, and reuse
stage of eutrophication assessment and management. This re- of nutrients from manure.
quires intensive scientific research but also placing this re-
search into a watershed context (Boesch 2002). Efforts to Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Mexican National
Science Foundation for the scholarship awarded to GJT (CONACYT
reduce nutrient over-enrichment of ecosystems must include
343490). Also, thanks to Emilio Mayorga, University of Washington;
environmental modeling and monitoring (NRC 2000), partic- Óscar Fuentes-Mariles and Vicente Fuentes-Gea, Mexican National
ularly, if these efforts involve controlling multiple sources Autonomous University; Carlos Corzo-Juárez, Abel Ruiz-Castro,
within a watershed (NRC 1999). Marco A. Mijangos-Carro, and Luis Bravo-Inclán, Mexican Institute of
Water Technology, for providing information and guidance during the
development of this project.

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