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1. The dataset
- concrete crack images for classification, crack detection is important for structural
health monitoring and inspection of buildings
- Source:

- we will have two classes images of cracked concrete denoted with y = 1

- images with no cracks will denote this with the value y = 0

- Will have 40,000 RGB/colour images (20,000 with crack or positive & 20,000 with no
crack with negative) 75% for training & 25% for validation
2. Dataset challenges
- the data set cracks can be confused with noise in the background texture or foreign
- inhomogeneous illumination and
- irregularities such as exposure of jointing
Finding an addict Matic method for detecting cracks is an important yet challenging
3. Project overview
- Load data from object storage -> skills network lab -> pre-process the data
(database) -> Convert the images to vectors and try a linear classifier
- use pre trained models a predefined neural network architecture (usually state of the
art) with excellence performance
- the model will be trained with lots of data from another data set
- you can use a network printer the vast amounts of data on many GPUs by world

- you will not concern yourself with the detail with the actual models just how to build
- you know is will take the output of the final hidden layer and this can be used as a
feature extractor
- you will simply change the output layer of your network and train it you'll be given a
data set will then take the output of your last layer train the output of your output
layer and this requires a lot less time and data than building your own network then
you can use your network to make a prediction

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