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Remote lesson 1 4/1/21

How does Dickens present the transformation of Ebenezer


Miser- A person who hoards wealth and spends as little money ass
possible. For example, when Scrooge was blatantly refusing to give a sum of
his money to the charity men.

Hoarding- The act of collecting a large amount of something and keeping it

to yourself. In A Christmas Carol this is shown through Scrooges
relationship with his money.

Task 1
1.1. The office fire was weak and small.
1.2. Scrooge instructs Bob to go buy some more coal in order to make the
fire warmer.

2.1. Scrooge resents having to pay Bob over Christmas.

2.2. Scrooge rewards Bob with a pay rise.

3.1. Scrooge’s dialogue is curt(abrupt) and bad tempered

3.2. Scrooge speaks joyfully towards everyone and has an energetic tone.

4.1. Scrooge is a miser who hoards his money

4.2. Scrooge becomes more than willing to give donations to charity.

5.1. Scrooge rejects Fred’s Christmas invitation

5.2. Scrooge joins Fred at Fred’s house and apologises and askes if he can
join in with their celebration.

6.1. Scrooge refuses to wish anyone ‘Merry Christmas’

6.2. Scrooge wishes everyone he sees a ‘Merry Christmas’
Task 2
He repeats his promise and commitment to change. – ‘I will live in the Past, the
Present, and the Future!’ ‘The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me’.
When Scrooge exclaims, he is quite a baby it establishes the idea that Scrooge
himself has been reborn and that he has become a new spirit within himself
one in which is more open to the good of the world. I believe that Dickens
decided to have Scrooge awaken on Christmas Day as it allows the reader to
truly see the impact that the Three Spirits had on Scrooge and how it
completely contrasts Scrooges original attitude toward the Merry season.
Task 3
‘As merry as a schoolboy’ This simile describes how Scrooge is feeling when he
awakes from the sprits. This establishes the idea that he feels completely filled
with joy.
‘as light as a feather’ This simile justifies the idea of Scrooges guilt being lifted
referring back to when Marley warned Scrooge about the chain he bares and
the weight in which he must drag.

Task 4
Money isn’t the most important thing- Scrooge becomes willing to give a sum
of his cash to the charity and he begins to care more about others wellbeing
for example when he sent the largest prize turkey to the Cratchits family.

Scrooge learns to honour Christmas- Scrooge becomes more joyful and merry,
in complete contrast to stave one when Scrooge refused to wish ‘Merry
Christmas’ to anyone and had a foul attitude towards those who did. However,
in stave 5 he is wishing everyone a ‘Merry Christmas’

Scrooge gains a family again- Scrooge first turned down Fred’s invitation to
spend Christmas with him but then on Christmas day, after Scrooges
encounters with the Three Spirits, Scrooge joins Fred and asks him for
forgiveness and offers to celebrate with them.

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