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Ieas|b|||ty stud|es a|m to ob[ect|ve|y and rat|ona||y uncover the strengths and
weaknesses of the ex|st|ng bus|ness or proposed venture opportun|t|es and
threats as presented by the env|ronment the resources requ|red to carry
through and u|t|mate|y the prospects for success In |ts s|mp|est term the
two cr|ter|a to [udge feas|b|||ty are cost requ|red and va|ue to be atta|ned As
such a we||des|gned feas|b|||ty study shou|d prov|de a h|stor|ca| background
of the bus|ness or pro[ect descr|pt|on of the product or serv|ce account|ng
statements deta||s of the operat|ons and management market|ng research
and po||c|es f|nanc|a| data |ega| requ|rements and tax ob||gat|ons1
Genera||y feas|b|||ty stud|es precede techn|ca| deve|opment and pro[ect

Five common factors (TELOS)

TechnoIogy and system feasibiIity
The assessment is based on an outline design of system
requirements in terms of nput, Processes, Output, Fields, Programs,
and Procedures. This can be quantified in terms of volumes of data,
trends, frequency of updating, etc. in order to estimate whether the
new system will perform adequately or not. Technological feasibility is
carried out to determine whether the company has the capability, in
terms of software, hardware, personnel and expertise, to handle the
completion of the project. When writing a feasibility report the
following should be taken to consideration:
A brief description of the business
The part of the business being examined
The human and economic factor
The possible solutions to the problems
At this level, the concern is whether the proposal is
both technically and legally feasible (assuming moderate cost).
conomic feasibiIity
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating
the effectiveness of a new system. More commonly known
as cost/benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits
and savings that are expected from a candidate system and compare
them with costs. f benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made
to design and implement the system. An entrepreneur must accurately
weigh the cost versus benefits before taking an action.
Cost-based study: t is important to identify cost and benefit factors,
which can be categorized as follows: 1. Development costs; and 2.
Operating costs. This is an analysis of the costs to be incurred in the
system and the benefits derivable out of the system.
Time-based study: This is an analysis of the time required to achieve
a return on investments. The future value of a project is also a factor.
egaI feasibiIity
Determines whether the proposed system conflicts with legal
requirements, e.g. a data processing system must comply with the
local Data Protection Acts.
OperationaI feasibiIity
Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system
solves the problems, and takes advantage of the opportunities
identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the requirements
identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development
ScheduIe feasibiIity
A project will fail if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful.
Typically this means estimating how long the system will take to
develop, and if it can be completed in a given time period using some
methods like payback period. Schedule feasibility is a measure of how
reasonable the project timetable is. Given our technical expertise, are
the project deadlines reasonable? Some projects are initiated with
specific deadlines. You need to determine whether the deadlines are
mandatory or desirable.
Other feasibility factors
Market and reaI estate feasibiIity
Market Feasibility Study typically involves testing geographic locations
for a real estate development project, and usually involves parcels of
real estate land. Developers often conduct market studies to
determine the best location within a jurisdiction, and to test alternative
land uses for given parcels. Jurisdictions often require developers to
complete feasibility studies before they will approve a permit
application for retail, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, housing,
office or mixed-use project. Market Feasibility takes into account the
importance of the business in the selected area.
#esource feasibiIity
This involves questions such as how much time is available to build
the new system, when it can be built, whether it interferes with normal
business operations, type and amount of resources required,
CuIturaI feasibiIity
n this stage, the project's alternatives are evaluated for their impact
on the local and general culture. For example, environmental factors
need to be considered and these factors are to be well known. Further
an enterprise's own culture can clash with the results of the project.
FinanciaI feasibiIity
n case of a new project, financial viability can be judged on the
following parameters:
Total estimated cost of the project
Financing of the project in terms of its capital structure, debt equity
ratio and promoter's share of total cost
Existing investment by the promoter in any other business
Projected cash flow and profitability
The feasibility study outputs the feasibiIity study report, a report
detailing the evaluation criteria, the study findings, and the

TIe OnIIne SIoppIng oI IupLop, CompuLers, CompuLer PurLs und
AccessorIes Is u new IeuLure LIuL we ure proposIng Lo LIe E-SIoppIng.
SInce we ure oIIerIng LIuL LIe compuLer purLs und uccessorIes onIIne,
LIey ure requIred Lo Iuve u PC (udmIn) wILI un nLerneL connecLIon und
u duLubuse sysLem Ior LIe producLs und cusLomer`s InIormuLIon. TIrougI
LIe nLerneL, LIey wIII uIso be requIred Lo Iuve u websILe wILI u domuIn
nume ILseII. TIe PC (udmIn) und LIe domuIn nume uIone, oI course,
requIre some sorL oI IInuncIuI supporL. I LIose Lwo requIremenLs wouId
be reuIIzed, LIen u new websILe Is Lo be buIIL wILI InLerIuce seIIIng LIe
compuLer purLs und uccessorIes LIuL Is now onIIne. L provIdes un
InLerIuce Ior LIe user (cusLomer) regIsLruLIon und IIIIs up uII LIe
InIormuLIon needed. AII oI LIuL duLu wIII LIen be goIng Lo LIe PC
(udmIn). So II LIey wIII be vIsILIng LIe sILe uguIn, LIey wouId Iuve jusL Lo
Iog In und wouId noL be regIsLerIng unymore.
L`s up Lo LIe user (cusLomer) II Ie Iud seIecLed un ILem. He wouId be
cIIckIng LIe InLerIuce wILI LIe buy buLLon. nIormIng LIe udmIn LIuL
someone Is wIIIIng Lo buy LIuL ILem. JusL cIIck Lo udd ILems Lo LIe wIsI
IIsL (curL). By LIuL, u LrunsucLIon beLween LIe cusLomer und LIe udmIn
wIII begIn. TIe user (cusLomer) wIII Iuve u down puymenL oI zo%, sInce
cusI wIII be gIven upon LIe deIIvery oI muLerIuIs so LIuL LIere wIII be no
Iruud beLween LIe cusLomer und LIe udmIn wouId urIse. TrunsucLIon wIII
now go Lo LIe puymenL us weII us LIe sIIppIng process. I LIe desLInuLIon
or cusLomer`s uddress Is neur, muybe u person wIII be In cIurge Ior LIuL
muLLer. TIrougI LIe LrunsucLIon, LIe IuLLer sIouId be reuIIzed
InLroducIng now our new IeuLure we oIIered, und LIuL Is LIe mobIIe
pIone. TIe upduLe oI LIe ILems seIecLed und LIe LrunsucLIon process us
weII, Is LIrougI LIe use oI mobIIe pIone especIuIIy II LIe user (cusLomer)
Is now noL onIIne.


TIIs sysLem Is very uIIordubIe Ior LIere`s no muLerIuIs needed. L onIy
uses u compuLer wILI un nLerneL connecLIon und you musL Iuve your
own websILe Ior you Lo pubIIsI Lo LIe worId LIe ILems purcIused. To Iuve
u websILe, you musL Iuve u domuIn nume IIrsL, und In LIuL sense IL Is LIen
very uIIordubIe. L Is noL even one-LIIrd oI your Income II you Iuve IL.
AIso LIe mobIIe pIone us oI LIIs momenL Is uIso cIeup buL In LIuL muLLer
IL`s LIe cusLomer`s responsIbIIILy.

Terms specIIIcuLIon und prIces:
PersonuI CompuLer (udmIn) ....................zo,
DomuIn Nume.............................1,
DeIIvery Expense (opLIonuI)..............
SuppIIes Expense (receIpLs, bond puper und eLc.).............oo.oo

TIen LIe deIIvery expense wIII jusL be counLed II und onIy II LIe sIIppIng
desLInuLIon Is In LIe remoLe ureus. usLIy, LIe suppIIes expense Is counLed
sInce LIIs wIII be used und serve u LrunsucLIon`s IormuIILy.
Our sysLem oIIers Iess expenses oI money.
TIereIore, IL Is very uIIordubIe.


AII LIey wIII provIde Is LIe person wIo Is responsIbIe Ior LIe websILe Lo
Iook over II unyone Iud gone Lo IogIn und Iuve LIeIr ILems seIecLed und
Lo Iook over LIe duLubuse Ior LIe upduLes oI LIe producLs on Iund und
soId ouL. Even one or Lwo persons wIII do. BuL oI course LIere`s uIso u
person be responsIbIe Lo deIIver LIe ILems seIecLed.

WILI our new sysLem, uII LIe dIsudvunLuges wIII be vunIsIed .SInce we
wIII be usIng our IIgI-LecInoIogy, IIke LIe use oI compuLer LogeLIer wILI
LIe power oI nLerneL pIus LIe mobIIe pIone Is u very greuL Lundem LIuL
LIIs proposed sysLem LIuL we Iud wIII LIen be possIbIe.

Our sysLem Is very possIbIe In LecInIcuI muLLer, Is very IInuncIuIIy
uIIordubIe, orgunIzuLIonuIIy IeusIbIe und mosL especIuIIy eLIIcuIIy
uccepLubIe Lo everybody.
As we uII know LIuL us oI now, LIere ure so muny websILes LIuL Iuve un
onIIne sIoppIng, buL LIe new IeuLure we oIIered Is LIe use oI mobIIe
pIone. TIe users (cusLomer) wIII Iuve un upduLe Ior LIe ILems seIecLed.
Even II LIey ure noL uccessIng LIe websILe, sLIII LIey Iuve LIe wuy Lo geL
LIe InIormuLIon oI LIe ILems LIey wunL.
OnIIne sIoppIng uIso oIIers u vusL prIce und ILem seIecLIon. You cun Iuve
u cIeuper buL durubIe muLerIuI wILI your own LusLe und sLundurds.
nIormuLIon und revIews us weII convenIence Is possIbIe wILI LIe use oI
onIIne sIoppIng.
AIso LIe cusLomers ure Iond oI sIoppIng dIrecLIy LIrougI reLuIIers. n LIe
sume wuy, u mujorILy oI consumers cIoose onIIne sIoppIng Ior IusLer und
more eIIIcIenL sIoppIng experIence.
TIereIore, our sysLem Is eLIIcuIIy uccepLubIe noL onIy In our socIeLy buL
perIups Lo LIe wIoIe worId.

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