Law Section List

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1. Section List
2. Penalties
3. E-Forms List | 844 844 8919

~ c~ prr r-> f/ '6 tlf m

* .s2c :~ (0 6) ➔ Pub/,'c co, p·>ivaJt: co ~} [R~hicJ1'o

n1 '1 1 RP]

~ Su 2 c- 11 ) ~

* s (c ~~ c ➔ fDCo,-• LL,,m'rrui*h>d.d. i6g (n.J ha}u:(_Qrw_rdr:.e

5·· '))

-f- i;, cc 2 ( 2 1) ~
C (c ne pei.sgn CO
'.::.. :!. (~ 2. ) ➔ OP
-:f ~i:
~ pr*'-1:-
~ S ~c. ~ ~ ~ oc i' a. J, cm no t- fo u. Yn o~ P. )(.~ +o c- r/ u, o c.-,~Ma1
•/t oc ~][T
Sma..11 Co• [f u se ~
-,k ~ t-1.c 2.(S s) ~ I .L
:J- M tw 'mwm SJ 'I• ] , ~e ,---
tfn _3nc.1,·o.. +fu1::-:1J
avo· rru im CO • [ r!
It S cc 2. <. 4 ~ -: > UJ .
J1 1~ i-O tu 1'TUM
* 2) ·
S c,,c 2 ( 4 ➔ Fo~e..,gn CO • [iNCo'tpo--r< de ~ ,d e :Jn

uv rr , s O 'I, J 1,;tl1::J:1
.... CO :) 3,,.c t, co in in
J) ~ ym ed. {lo Te.if) r,

*-~ ( k ~H- 9 -
> So Jf lo t{ > ho .If o{ Cvmpos,fu a/ Bo ])
* .S u 2 c4 "> - 1➔ o Jc
om s o ¼ (
/,'"8 co • [ Mo-re #>
g ~ ic }. J'~ C oe
~ )(,('_ 2. C g: , )- -)
u.._;;;-'€ I fj} ~ P-r ocl..J.u,
~ o Co •
4I m J- C o• [ ~a ,d ;v e cornpantU]
*2"~ + s~ _] ~ 'J) o7 5r na

2. ( f 7f)~ Re la }-
~ Sc~
rvJemb€.J<..J Jm __-a_
Co m p ~
~'u ~ I

* s ~ 1 2 .4 ~
/,, }:, €L_ j__ 2. 5 -- ?

f- S' eL i 2. 6 ~ v-4 bVd an t(, t.

~ 5 tL 12..:=t -~ ; U(.
tr-,,:,.·"..." u -f to, d.jv;c/.Hnd
R e..vo c, o. .li ~ ~ 'cJgmd.
3) ,,v ,

~ :: 1 °' :f +e-r
,;. le t ·:1 ·r ~ :Vwfj 10 R ~ k" b '
~ c.h axae. 's
~ox8'J [c Hu1 i ~ C1/61 'lj
~ b~ acwae
1, Si ~ ':12 ~ P 1oc~ -fo ~ 7 ~

-c a.Ji ~ a,/- cJ,(l}f3e [~ 1-l u, 1]

#-- Su.. -19 ➔ M od J6
e 9- o ➔ :D aie e.j- N o- lice ~ <:hax,tJ~
-¥- .Je
Jfe:t of - l<ef/ b:J Ro e
~ Rd.lµ
'- )e t 21
Co• to Rerort .Ja.l,.Jfo
.d/c11 cJ,a,t.3e_ i
82 ➔
-¥ )ec.. CA /n alueftU.Jl f /71Jt-rnttlim?
ABHISHEK BANSAL al,J (o..d,on i
* ) e.3 ~ POWtV(. f no
c fJ MCAU em l-n ~ ,J
_ fy o m Jhe Co •
m .QOfteo-> M0A /; AOA
~ f( 5 ~ £nhechmerrd-
* .~e.c. 12. {. s)➔ f{oc = cho,.r3e
sec 13 ➔ .Al-l-eirna.J-,·(911 c,/; r,,1~/l
* ,Ste 14- ~ AH-eoria}i<P11 Aofi
* Sec J5 ➔ Co p~c,f Al-/-eYe!d 1-1011
A,.,,, R ,,.1-· ]
i s; Ee. 16 ~ Rec-Hf;'caii'ori "t' Ncw
flOA J Jl8Tee n1 1:1ru - J €!JO u;n(
oL. c) [J~TP. J
* Sec. Fr ~ Cop/t½ 7) MA fiR LN oA- '
amo+fie~ M
¥- Se,c 1g ~
(hv WY d ,~ fr O'lflfl 0m ClaM :;fo
o+ b rrwmbeJC d. Hold.i.Yla0 CO •
* £e__c 19 ~,cl.iaxy Ca. nn e 1J

~ lj) ~ J)©wrrr,mf-, c~ r:m,J-,tJ.d;g, P=fl?lef<'a1 "J]

* S v: 20 -c)£en .vice <!1f J)~
* Sec. 2 ' ➔ 1> c r ~ A u.Jrt oof~ed Pw L----

* g u.. 2.2- ➔ Btllb 0/; ~xcham3e

* chgpteo ~ 3nc0operra:i:ior1 <pt ~any# ,

* set .2 l 2 0) ➔ l,m,pall'l'IJ [~An/hon] - ;,.L'-1- () lf8 MTit al-tml( Np o,)
* Sec 8 ➔ ge,cg co•/ p !Jff'

* Sec lo ( A) ➔ vr m ~e /li f" ' {3w.JneM

* .Set 1 o -) (3,"nd.i'r,ff force 1- J1°A / f\OA -

7K' Cha.£k" ~ 1)e.posN-_g ··

~ Se.c. ~3 -) Prohi.hi./iun 0Y1 A ~ °I depOJ.ife fotmt pubt,·c
* Set:f4- ➔ /<tpatjrnmnl 1 d..epoJit.J be/or€ ~'TflrneRlliffnetnf-
* S& :/-5 ~ ::Da, ~ -for foa..u..J. c ½t LJ!rmfami~
~ Set- 1~ ~ /IC G ~ o/;- c/1.pos,·-l:J N"&1m publi
* Set ~6(AJ ·➔ PI.Jft11~/vzmernf for Cor1+trwYT1it'<m ~ Jee 13 <!>)'" ~e,c, ':/-6

[fil FORM NUf\/lr.3ER.

1> Pr ➔ i ~ Ce:r+ih ta:k °I ....gfaM o-y y _A u.J t
!·or / J<.. o.i-,Jicrrxh( f
g11 <hpo~,:.u 1v Rec

:lo eJn :hy iJt io .11- chpal-i-fe -:hw+ cJ.eeJ • Ai

le.aJ# 7 daJf,
:JPT-2 . =5> CCJ •
b~-(oy~ ~ iu w'11 C ,'7rw.J(JJ(..
I 6
:DPT -<3 ~ R~ I· · ·-- ro.L
0 , ~,L '
-lJ :JJ e.po.AlJ
•_.1_ ,.
;.!. :;tIJ e ~ l1.. 771..QT(!!,(1 ~ 30- #, Jwn.Jl..
CTU J{ffl
l- ~hy+e:r-> P?foSp&:tLU
f S~ <: 2.5 ~ '.J) e.~me& Pro.& pec.fu.g
i -S e.c 2. b -J M<clk.<l'J Jo be. ). ~/~cl i r, pra,i pe,.t;itll
~ S~c 2=t- ~ . y o.x.iaJ,' an i'l1 ~ o/J P?f(j}..r e.dtJJ
~ Sec 28 ~ ~y <l J.,o.h a! J,ho.J<J& bij fvter,1UJCVU
4- Stt Jo ~ A@vdi'.1,~ of P?r~f eduJ

* Sfc :2, I ➔ shelf p}o~p&l-tu

;F. S (C 3 2. ~ R. ed He,uu''NJ P'raJ.,p edul,
~ Se.c 1 3 ~ A b~'d.gec1 Pro1,p uJu.s
~ S ~c.. 34- ~ C')ft'mina.i
1' Se.c 35 ~ u'v,'l
·* .S e.e 44 7- ~ pe;naf4J loo /rwul,
f:: S EC 39 ~ Mhu'm,wm ,,$,1.Lb).U<J°pH'rin
~ Sec 40 --;} t1:Jt·-na G1I J+ocJ<. excli.amr/Uo/lCW{w~h·n3
* ~ec 4 1 ~ Cri~R · ·
1- Stt 42. ~ p~'va:k. p / ~

~ C ~ Audt~cYt). M .Au.dii ' '

~ s~ 1 9 ➔ .App < S U · ~ i Ii udi:l-r:J~,i
, t S eL 14-o ~ R-~C!J~ , AucJfforr / Rcu,·9rnaJ,'wJ
! i sec- ,4- , ➔ ~ I , }t b,/, ~ d (jiloli,t,ca-J,'0r1 -' :JJ u~l'adfm
:f 5 Q,£, I 4 2. ~ ft e;m.wtlV(.fl:h077 . .
*s ~ I 4 3 ~ R,.8 h}-.,J ;J u.JreJ ~ Au.J.ik-
~ se-c 14-4- ➔ ?-tokJ'li,'-hui ,,ee.w,'cei
,it _sec. I 4 S- 0 j)<ly fo .J ,an Jiu Au.dit .Rep e~f
i ~ec. I ~ ➔ RrJhl fo Rmive No+,'c.<£ 4 AtnVI
.f-'Se.,c_ 14-:J- ➔ Pem~ ,. ·
.is €,(_ t 4g ➔ u,Jt r<.w~~ wrtd.. Au..cli,•f-
t -Se1. 2( ":t=r-) ➔ Rtl ol,'veJ
f .£et. 14- 3 C, 2.) ~ fi t.p tJa--h' n~ 1F 'if a.J.J.£U.. ·
?j.g e;: Ir=! ~ ·~pr/,·ca1,,·/,·J-g y j/uJ/f <:wmm1-fk~
r sec 13 _<3 lo.) ➔ UL& u.,ol ,v ~
(Il fORM NUf\tl8£R
/l 'I>'T-1 .t,. Appr,,'m,rd ",f Au~'/o~ . C Rfl - i
=# Q:,M- iQec,o<-;;, AR£-71'~v"-~
w+ ~!Joa- p J?C9oih
ftJJ T'-2 => (Mn Oval aJ {cw.d.t·~;,- C R.A - 2. "!> , Ca! ual
A:VCf-3 ~ ,,..L'
fl tnl t::l .. Ad.!foo
I CRA -3 ;:) ~J- fHubro~ 9 Go.J)
• . . . . . 7' C (n .
,, eJ '8 11 vq,07J V ~
AJJP-f ==t> R~oY6?1c3 ~ FrcWd.rlo C6, c R-.A - 1- P XBRL 13o1> Repo-r-t-

*~ fl PT ER. ➔ Mee-1:t'n
* Sec 83 ➔ Re~~-ft Mernl;ex. *(Sec.98"? Rt3lt5fe~.,ef-c. ~ beb'lcisinw.
0 "/
* s et_,t ...9~ Jb1ruw..t. Cne,nera.1 fVleeltng

* Soc sq_ ~ P~&c- of; T?n'6 uma1 -Jo Cc.1t II c, M
* sec .:, ~ ~ Po weJl.. <f nr,· ~ wnaJ :lo ~oJJ. g rv Memw ex fVl~·-n e..ft •

:f.- s ec. 9.9 ➔ PW11..t6hrnun:I fo-r c/. efa.i..J- J. ?1 Grm pl'JA·,,,g wi-+h p,o vis,·~ f -Aec~6-9~

1- S ec., / o o ➔ g X'h"a.. 01<:h'n ~ Cn..mwe aJ. /vi eel,'nJ ·

f sec 101 ➔ Le.m3-+h cf , ,10-h'ce_ . ,___
1• . ; . ·.
S I 02.. ➔ J!.. B . J-} Set ~ 3H) 'JJW.M.a:li'cm lrJ mp~ "f (3e-n e~enl_
'I.- ec w1 ne.M 3 ~ + t'?l Mt'2J .gha.){j]_
* -S et 103 ~ (9:-Uocru.rm ~ c}oJ.,W<.Q'f R~~ky .
~ Sec 104- ~ ChoJ·rmarn
% Se{:. J os -;:> P--rox~
*Is ~C, .9l h ftr1nt..w.J. fl..elw<m
~ S eL 10c ~ Vob·na,

. ~ S ec_ 10::,. 7 Vo-h'n~ b~ Ah~©/ !wnd..

* Su I o& ~ VoHn8 by eiu,+rorni.c ('Ae~
* s I03 ➔
<JC 'J>e:mamd. 1o1( Poll
~ S ec. 110 --=:, ~eJ~lm_ ~ pos+al b aJJ.of
f. Si'e,c, I l l ~ Ci'b"ctUoJiol'i ~ Me.~be}(J'A~o/,JlonA
1- S e-G t 12- ~ R~~ en,Jo.J-,•im ~ ~ Rf e&idsmt- _, U1 ovwn oy..-8 J 11 m~•ri,q· ~ CO

* . .
~ ec 113~ Reptes.eni:lt,.:nrm of u,)pora1Jo-nJ fV\eelf71g ~ c~.
-to w)-uch lit~ w menn
JJJYtcl &u,cl.i---Jo~
* S ec, I J 4- ~ 0 'lrd-inOJ.'c} amc/ ), p6d aJ. .Re..& ~'071
)f sec , , 5 ➔ Reso/u.Hon .Rev»-·<ffrz;J ~p&ia1 Nerh'ce.
* s~ "' ➔ .
Re.&<,'<!m ...
I j \
Q~c) 0 UJ,llT1 ~a
!f- s 7 ~ Ra 8-Wicmi, s!, ~ .Jo be -h'eld. w Hh fl
e.c... II OC
* se,c, l1 8 ~ t,11,·~
r Sec, 11 9 ~ 9-rupnA
CA ABHISHEK BANSAL/ ,11,L ..,.., ·~.L .•.
~~ u-o- ,-,,'Yl,,fURA book
~ of, d O~ 8m ~ ' Y l 4'c_ fo~rn
~ se C 1t C ➔ M o.i 1\::tQJn QfflLQ_ 8nu ped,'or,

~ Set. 12. J ➔ Re.port (1)'Yl ft07M

of Tit.i.a Ch0-p1~ -1v OPC[t111;.p~ Gvmramy]

i $t,t, 12 t ~ Ap plr' /,'½J


Mt,lT1-1--> R 1'.i·fe'a'" 4 fv1em.he

~a Jd
~ lcw u.. / ML!J G-fheJt.· .i ~ -f u ho/due ..
MCnT- 2 ~ R e.s,uk-r cf
ckJ J h.o (J
f\ll (n~ - 3 S> FO Y€.9frn {J. nM 'rlroy I
"a' "°' ~ I . •
tn :fu w+ . i~
. ~ ~n tVte al
MlllT-4- _, M8'rn
~ L
l o-JL rt.9 o'e /n <?:h 'd cJ V"
-_,..., .o ~ ,'n ot , ho
'"'°'- Co • J.. n Jlu i fo 'lrr rP.
b€1Yle-hcia.P 3~ t .i.n l/v. ,Jh (J.){Jl. tD/- j-Aaj-
, MU)T-s "=> ~ pe;uorz h.a lcl .t~
M& iT- r; Cmmp OU'tf )i},.o.11
~ ~ e. fiUv.><m wifh RO C .in 3o d° i)f
fMf/ P<f"f!.fOJlQ. }h1nUA.) .R eiw w, ;
__g ho.Lt
MC nT -'t => & ~ wm
• ..$'1.aJJ Ce~f t~ dh~ ..A fi.tNX fYJ •
M uiT - S ~ ~ , • /...,/1, fed . C,

~ pa.Jdr1v-u hi p Ae. T. , 2 0 0
s Ix ~ L hn1 .'+~c1 l,,, aJ , ,·1 ,·J.,·
~ ... CH A Pr •I I

~ S<X s ➔ Pax:Jnw
P~W ·
~ 5 ~ 6 --;, M,·ni~wrn No ,~
1- s·et'.. -+ ➔ ~u '8 ~ c l POJ
-<1'n elu
'f. 5·e...c g ➔ L; oJ, i 1,·J.t.e& °d- :D
~?·8'Yl oJ-w{ P0-J-d-n ~
PoxJn (Y(J
I .s ~ 1 ➔ Gh0ftl0 ~ J' ri :D eJ , 8rn a;h J
I £ e..c I D➔ f u.;ni,&hYY'lVftf lo"' unin-a,v em:h'cm 1 .A u 1- a.mcJ. 9
~O op ry ra lic m 'J)o~
r!- s~ 11 ~
~ ec, I l ~ S; -n Lo op o~ 'cm
htJ- Ro ... ~~ ·(! ff}
'qJ. T/vJu.i.n
oJ L Lr (1/)1d C,ham3e
*.<;ec 1'3 ➔ R ·0-f~-fv<.,td. ~' ce

*~ ec I 4 ➔ .£-f.fuJ ,J R°'-~MfJe77
<f Sec.. IS ➔ rJ 0/YYlQ
f £U l b ~ fx_ e.H!J-Va:li gn 0.f 'YUln1Q..

f <.~ ec 1=,. ➔ P-tdJ·F,co.:Hcm aJ ,yz aM t a/ u~ P

I se,e .22. ➔ ~•'}-lh'l,1) f~ le
.-,. 5 QC 2 3 .-) M(J.:J,' O'YIJ fur ~
pax/tJ eJU
'f S e,c, Q4 - 0 C. eM r,.:Huri ~ p ~ ) u'p ~
Oi l ~ ~-~ ,in p{J
/rcr:h ..H.;!n V-4
-t-'-9 CA
e,e_ g ~ ➔ R.

Se,c 26➔ Poxln~ Jll,:! Aaf?lft/-

)f- S~ 21-;) ~,xh'.m;I- clJ L 1ah,·t,t3 t1f /J L p
i SQ£. £8➔ Exwnf ~ Li'a.h,/1'frt 'tj- pa>JneJCJ
* £ec 29~ H-olcUri8 cut
11' s e.,. '30 ➔ (j"(l)JYYI.J''ttJ _1.'aJ, ,·!'Jg J 'Y1 ..,C;u, t 4 ,,t;,-o.JA.d
1 s e.<: 31 ➔ LtJ h.l~-lle 6 / ~,·re
f .~e.~ 32 ~ FoYm o/ C-o'Y1½;·b uf,C9YJ
J- ~& 31➔ ~·8 och'crm :f-o CPrrfn'6uk
)I- ~ u 34-➔ f'Jo..i~ 'if (JOA o o+hex ~o?rd.t ~ a.w{,'f de '
* s~ 34-A➔~7l8 a;nJ ~-'Yf.} ..,g+rvr,Jwdt
f- s e.c. 35 -x:-:.r <JUiun "t ;[JO~ k e{'+ bzj A. ~:Jl&~(!_'If (s ~ 30
)f S ~ 36 Ae-< 35 : A 11 'nllai Rdw<rn · .
f 37 ➔ Pem~ Fo~ pahe.
& e,c_, ...&~
t s e~ 3~ ➔ Pt9-Wex__ aJ- rx~~+ra:<1 ;J-o ~bfai'Yl -3nfumaf{(/,}
f-sec :J.9 ➔ Cump <9-wr1~.i?1.t3 o.P.~'f
J 5 e,ct~ PllAfY1 ~-',,!. T-ra.rns f'vaih /e arrd-exui-
J $ QA. s s-➔ 0rrwex...J /wn J,rrtfo LL P

l 5 e.c. 5 ~ 7 U9n'U/ eJ-lJ 1<0?1 ~om P71'va:k co · (,yd-,; L L P


:;, Se.G s 1 "? --RC om v VtJ fr>-n -tYm'Yl urit¼-kd p vJ, I i'c uYmf °1J 1Ydu Ll P

f Se-{.58 ➔ ~~~1oa.11·rm ~ ~-KW~ &rrw~iam

tf- .Set _f;.9 ➔ F="o~ e.ia 'Y1 r
11 'rru ~d ---1 'a..b I,·~ p <JJ-Jn v-uJ·,.l p
~ S e{. G0 -:> ~p?!(f'ml/,~ ~ ~ af /.J L p
f- Se<:. 6 I ~ p~ e.K 'v, _I 11,bwncJ. L_ ...J.
~ e.m foo c.e. ~~mu~ e. o'o ()..nOJnJ etrlVI.I
1F- S & 62. ~ p'YOVt~t'crn _frrlJ to.,~ih¼.hro ~ ~ - < 9 7 ) 0"! (lfYTIJ)}.eMna.fmJ #
~ ,___,, ·u LLp
.,.. .S ec. 63 ~ w, 'YIUL in.~ up ~ 1)IM o-w.1-, (YT)

'I. .s ~ bh c.,:~~ _,(,7l uJr.i~ uLP 'm°d be w ~d.. u.p 9tJ T?n'bwna)
* .Se.c 6S ➔ R.i.tfu .fo?f wr'ric/..i''Ytl) Uf CJ./nrd ~~ur}

t-- Se,c ~ 0 ➔ BrtUrt ~ f UJnJ~ h-mvnl-

l Qi,B PTf_R. ~ SHAR€S
*S ~c 4--(; ➔ C e7J·i-h cak 'Pj- Si:"OJ<PJ,
~ S e-c 4 T ~ V~· 'Yl5 (Q ,31-ttd
'>A ,9 <1e 41? - , V cv<illJ.«m 'f ~ h ~ lewd' .A_, 8 ht!

"J.. s ~ + .3 J o ---& ec s l ~ C,o1h ©11 Sh~

~ S e,,c_ S 2. ~ S e,c..u.,o'J1 eJ fT€1tn..iUIY71 a:J- dl--<wvr-J.
if.. S e-c. s 3 - p.0 )u b,·Jim, ..-n ...LJ-l u..t <f .,g Yl c,.,,.M
~ 5 ~ s 4-- ~ '3M LU-- ~ S w e..,o..-f Q, V.U~ .,8 h. (V-l{)J
~ s e,e. ~ s ---:') R. d.,Qnnp-fi<JYY1 °(f f'¥ e..~ A (JJ{.Q.J • . ~
.,._. ~e,.c., 56 ~ To'OJ/1$-fe;-t, ..ftftld -prcvru ~(ss1 <!rl1 f /2e,o.J.J-lbHLJ
* s €L .s =t ~ pu_rri..M krr~-- /o?J p vu~ a.:ficrrn rtJ- ,,gvi aJ-U-h ~~
'YI. .
::,,. s <U. s g _,,. Re_.fuJ Q./ 't} R "'~-r, cvl-i &n ~ exp r e aR ""'--'8 o./?<-.SI- Re fti.!, al_
* 5 e-c. s 9 ~ R e_,c_J-, •(;· eos1-,· cm 'tJ-. Ro..?)L-d+vt ~ fVl ,v-rrJ; eJ4.~- ! ,: ·
~ S e..c. bl ~ P (9..Lu e.J-£ <y- .J..i'yn.i+ed C0 :h a.JJ-e O J.1-...6 -J'h c.u-u ~ 'r/cJ

* S e.c. (;' 2_ ~ Fiud-J,, e.o ~ t.,l>Z aiJ- ~ h GV-<J2. / Ju }d-- .-J rta.JUU/ fQ__ I~ }t_:u, ctf (?f'/rr!J~
o e_ - ~

* S <!.C b3 - "f {] &'11 ILi ·,,..J h a.JUl . .

3M w '

I s ec.- &4- ~ 13 LL}} bw- a/- ~ 1-t aJlO.

* ~ 6 6 ~ P?to ce.d.u..x.Q R edM..J,·~ fl _l, h-cV<.Q CAp ifct/

I. S ~ ~ :f -+
P~rue__ Cf:! (!).Llj 'YI ,,.g h. (j.){QJ
~ S ete =,- I ~ poo c ~ /o?J -lM uamu · 'tJ :JJ eJ,&rrJwu_ •



PENALTY o; co- Act ao13 [CA Tntoleu]
DVIDE NDS ICo ’Simple Int 18 o PCL
Tlme limit (sec 2H irector i000 Pen dciy t max 243 o5 tmpraionmant
Urpcid diidend ale(Sec 124 0’ 1Lakh t 50D pen doay to max 10 larh

oyicen’ Q5K + f00 penday to max QLah.

of Chamqes Cser
g O R u 500,0VD
p, ouD
OPenalty (on (sec

Penallies sec 392)> o ’ ndL to may 3L de<ault Coninuthen

O1Cen ’ 25000 to max SUDDD Penday.
5,00, oVD.
An caPoralion of COi
Co’ 10L to 1or
o sec &) cerued oNPOZ q
contravetaoicer)5K to 25L
yajcirs o< co-Conducthd raudulenty
Bicer are Uabu(ls y4
2(0mmencement o Buines pcfOAo uablu kor * 50 oUD
oucen ts babe 100D pen day nd
Suwofet to max ipg000
Aceoonts of Compam y
inaucial statemerd sec 124’mpnsionment upto 1yr,fne t 5Ok to 5L
@ rculation e,(s)(sec136’Non Cempl°ant Co0 2500
| Hling o(ES) áth ROC(C1340A1DK, +100 per day ’max to QL.
o{cei >P40k t 1 00perday max to I5DK
9 NERA (Sec 132ndividuallakh to max 5 times o, Remuni ration
Hm 5 Lakh to 1o imes e Remuniration.
Audttor un be(debur) om Krm min Gmitomax loyrs
Controvend BookA. 50K to max 5L

yoth e amt

Coples o moA2 AOAsec 1A>

+DEROsITS conhavention 0Repayment Deposit + (1er or
Penalty for sec az(A)
sar les

IH oljicer Conhavened deposits

Imprgionment upto years max1ocy)
&vch provislon o lo and min 25L -max 20]
sC 331> Penalty ol 2 5U,00D for each de <autt
Abnidged PHespectus
8 CRIMINAL Labi iy cec 34b Penalky tor
raud uls497>smau
max frcud
t0yn (NOrmally
(NDrmdlijk OY and does not
bmprig- 6m nvove puoic
Onment bys CPubic Unt) nlerest
ne 3bimetne nprsionment or Sytr
BoBn Y
Rrcuwd 50 Lakh

Poçvate placement |sec 42]

| not’ col promoter ] rechor
0 frl Retum oj allofmen toRDC <I5 Days
°able foE 1000 penday
s proneion tonhravenad fmax t 25 L

-’ col PromDker|direor-’ abe tor fmt received through pivade plcenert

2rore and kefund tne amt wtth
i2|· Simple int thtn 30 Daye
# AUDITA AODITORS bLah RupetpRifas
( 1 2 ) ato-
Kepostlng e, faud secI43
otnerco.’ 1lah upe Aucltor
unhavention ec|4asec 13q to Cec 14Gk co ’225k to Slakh
Cbicen ’ 10k to 1 lakh.
Normally wtllully >mprelonorernt oy Lyr ’ Furthex eurd the
&6K tof 50 K F: max 25L Renubneratin.
4 tirmes of Reruineration 8times o} Remuneration Pay tor the damages

# Meutings
8eL 96 to sec48 is contavened +hon, ’ co. and ob7i ce au liabe
upto 71 L so0Dpenday l
Reseuton and aqeLment tobe ilec toltn koc ’yoleBault eordinues
not Hled then
Compan oyjfcer
LOK 4 lovpendauy to
tomax QL mar 5pk

SMinuts t-9c 18) contiavencd co 250D ]1} any pensn ourd

|tampeing oith
minutes ot
PrOceeding then
(ompionmunt upto 2yrs ne 25ovD-oooni)e
AGm Sec I12|(Gn) i oCo 1L4 suw pon day maxto 5Larh.
(9 Report on mox to
okicen 25K t 50D

eßcen 500VD
to max 100 OSO.
Anual Retom (Secq2A Aam is not flleel with n(60dayshen
JoKt lo0per dy LoK +lo0 penday
tomaX 21 to maX SD0DD
AF LLP 008.
penalty for cortMavertion o sec()asec t9)-{GccIo1 to

() NUnbe o,patnes les then 2 then in 10,00D + 100 perd ay’ Max

4QLlaiuto |ile cortad o'De'oitn n 30Dlqagpointment

LR Ptnens iabe
Mn 50004t 100 pen da
min 500UD anpiztonmant
max 500,00 upho 5Yeas
ca Arual Returun HSeL 35lPenalty for nol iúng< WP10D per day to max 1L.
DP > Lo0 pen day to max Sk
Penadty ton ptau stedametijsuGSt >omity Rny mal eíal jact whidhumaterial
knouingtalu shdement
min 1L to max SL ayears
Amourt ohich tg
fnohi bition on iss ue o shaNes at die Count sec 53 45 Lakh
Re7und the Ant
Hcived +12-|·Tnt.
(2 Transle and tuQng misÃon e secwiiesjsecsl
’l0. and every o<en fs üable or penalky o s,00D
8 purighment tor pensonation q shonehald sec 5)
’ Any person conhavenad tn see thenamprisionment 1yar to

Mn 1L to ma 5
mox 34eors
Kehusal o a giskration and apeal aqainst Refusal [cec 5I
to max
’Any person ontavenec ampoision ment oy iyear 3years
Ane ân 1L to max SL
Isunne e bebenture sec 11
9 DeBaui ncompliana oy orden e, the tu bunal
Imprsionment max 5L
extendedto 34ears


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