Ielts Cue Cards

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WORK AND STUDIES (always in use)

- Do you work, or are you a student?
- What work do you do? What subjects are you studying?
- Why did you choose that job?
- Why did you choose to study that subject?

- Do you like your job?
- Is there anything you dislike about your job?
- What do you like about your studies?

- What do you dislike about your studies?
- What was your dream job when you were young?
- Have you changed your mind on your dream job?

HOMETOWN (always in use)
- Please describe your hometown a little.

- Do you like your hometown? M

- What is your hometown well-known for?

- Is that a big city or a small place?

- How long have you been living there?
- Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
- Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

- Have you ever lived in the countryside?

- Do you ever spend time in the countryside?
- What is the difference between living in the countryside and the city?
- What do people living in the countryside like to do?

- What do you like to do in the countryside?

- How has your town changed over the last 20 years?

HOME, DECORATION (always in use)

- Can you describe the place where you live?
- What kind of housing accommodation do you live in?

- What do you like about your flat?

- Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
- What can you see from the window where you live?

- Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

- What would you like to change in your flat?
- WHat do you dislike about your flat?

BAGS (may - december)

- What kinds of bags would you use when traveling?
- Do you often change your bags?
- Is a bag an ideal gift?
- Do you like bags? What type of bags do you like?
- Do you have different bags for different occasions?
- Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?
- What do you put in your bag?

- When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?

WILD ANIMALS (may - december)

- WHat is your favorite wild animal?
- Are there any wild animals in your country?
- Have you ever seen wild animals?

- Where can we see wild animals?
- Do you like watching animals in the zoo?

RAIN (may - december)

- Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?
- What do you do on rainy days?
- Do you like wet weather?
- Do you prefer wet or dry weather?
- Is there any part of your country where it doesn’t rain much?

- What do you usually do when it starts to rain and you are outside?
- Do you think rain is good?
- How does rain affect life in your country?
- Have you ever had to change your plans because of the rain?

TEACHERS (may - december)

- Would you like to be a teacher?
- Do you think you could be a teacher?
- Did you have a favorite teacher?
- How did this teacher help you?

CONCENTRATION (may - december)

- Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?

- Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

- Are you a focused person?
- What do you do to improve concentration?
- What do you do to help you concentrate?
- How do you stay focused?
- Where is it hard to concentrate?
- What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?
- In what situations do you need to concentrate?
- Where do you need to be focused?
- Is it easy for you to do two things simultaneously?

FRIENDS (may - december)

- Are friends important to you?
- What do you and your friends do together?
- Do you have many friends?

- Do you prefer one friend or many friends?
- Do your friends think that you are a good friend?
- What kind of friend do you want to meet in the future?

- What kind of people do you like to have as friends?
- Do you prefer to spend time with friends?

LANGUAGES (may - december)

- What foreign languages have you studied?
- Would you like to learn any foreign languages?
- Why did you choose to study that language?
- How did you learn that language?
- How long have you been learning that language?

- Would you say it is a difficult language to learn?

ICE CREAMS (may - december)

- Do you like ice cream?

- What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

FIXING THINGS (may - december)

- Can you fix things?
- What things can you fix?

WEEK (may - december)

- What is your least favorite day of the week?
- What is your favorite day of the week?

- Please describe your typical daily routine.

- Is there anything that you do everyday?
- What do you usually do on the weekend?

AMBITIONS (may - december)

- Do you think you are an ambitious person?
- Are you an ambitious person?

HEALTH (may - december)

- What kinds of exercises do you do?
- How do you keep healthy?

- What are your favorite sports?
- What sports help people stay healthy?

DREAMS (may - december)
- What was your dream when you were a child?
- Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?

DAYS-OFF (may - december)
- What do you do when you have days off?

- When was the last time you had a few days off?

BICYCLES (may - december)

- How often do you ride bicycles?
- Is it difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?
- Is it popular to ride bicycles in your country?

- When was the last time you used your bicycle?

- Do you think a bicycle is very convenient for people to use?
- Will you teach your children to ride a bicycles?

FISHING (september - april)

- Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?
- Is fishing popular in your country?
- Do you like eating fish?
- Have you ever seen any movies with lots of fish?
- Why do people go fishing?

ROBOTS (september - april)

- Are robots important?

- How can robots affect people’s lives?

- Are you interested in robots?
- Would you like robots to work at your home?
- Do you want to take a car in which a robot is a driver?
GEOGRAPHY (september - april)
- Do you like geography?
- Do you ever want to travel to a country because of its geographical

GIFTS (september - april)

- What kind of gifts are popular in your country?

- What’s the best gift you have ever received?
- What do you give others as a gift?
- Do you like to give expensive gifts?

- How often do you buy gifts for other people?
- Why do people buy gifts?
- Have you ever received a gift which you did not like?

RUNNING (september - april)
- Do you like running?
- Where do you run?
- Where do you go running?
- How often do you run?
- Do you go running a lot?

FILMS (september - april)


- Do you like to watch films?

- What kind of movies do you like best?
- How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?
- Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a child?

- What was the first film that you watched?

- Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?
- Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

COFFEE (september - april)

- Are tea and coffee popular in your country?

- Do people like tea or coffee nowadays?

- Do you prefer to drink tea or coffee?
- Do you like tea and coffee?

- Do you often drink tea and coffee?

NOISES (september - april)

- Do you mind noises?
- Do any noises bother you?
- Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?
- What type of noise do you come across and your daily life?
- Are there any sounds that you like?

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (september - april)

- Have you ever learnt to play a musical instrument?
- Is music an important subject at school in your country?

HELPING OTHERS (september - april)
- Do you usually help people around you?

- How do you usually help people around you, such as neighbors, family
and friends?
- Do your parents teach you how to help others?

- Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?

MAPS (september - april)

- How often do you use maps? M

- When was the first time you used a map?

- Did you learn to use a map when you were a child?

- Are you good at reading maps?
- Do you prefer electronic or paper maps?

CHATTING (september - april)

- What do you like to talk about with your friends?
- Have your discussion topics changed since you were a child?

CLOTHES (september - april)

- What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
- What kinds of clothes do you never wear?
- Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends?
- What color clothes do you like to wear?
- Do people in your country like to wear bright colors?

- What are the differences between men and women’s preference in


TRANSPORTATION (september - april)

- What is the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
- How do you go to work or school?
- Will you use public transport more in the future?
- Are there any traffic problems in your area?
- How would you improve transport in your town or area?
- How would you reduce traffic problems in your area?
- How do you think public transport could be improved?


1) Time you spend with a child - Describe an occasion when you spent

time with a child
Quality over quantity - Emphasizing the importance of the quality of time spent rather

than the quantity.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - Highlighting the significance of
balancing work or learning with recreational activities to avoid monotony and

Holistic development - The comprehensive growth and improvement of an individual

in various aspects, including intellectual, emotional, and physical.
Lexicon - The vocabulary of a person or a language, including all the words and
phrases used in a particular context or field.
sample answer
One memorable occasion when I spent quality time with a child was during a family
gathering last summer. My younger cousin, Sarah, who is a bright and curious
six-year-old, was present at the event. I decided to make the most of our time
together by engaging in meaningful activities that would promote her holistic
I firmly believe in the principle of quality over quantity when it comes to spending
time with children. Instead of merely watching her play with her toys, I decided to

actively participate in her world of imagination. We embarked on a journey through

the pages of a fairy tale book, expanding her lexicon with new words and captivating
stories. As we delved into each tale, I could see the wonder in her eyes, and it
reminded me of the magic of childhood.
However, I also recognized the importance of balance, knowing that all work and no

play makes Jack a dull boy. We didn't just dive into reading and learning; we also
ventured outdoors to play in the park. Sarah's laughter echoed as we raced, swung on
the swings, and built sandcastles. These moments of pure joy and play were

essential for her emotional and social development, fostering her creativity and
teamwork skills.
To encourage her holistic development further, we decided to embark on a creative
project. We spent the afternoon painting a colorful mural on a large canvas. This
activity not only allowed her to explore her artistic side but also taught her about
patience, attention to detail, and the satisfaction of completing a project. Sarah's
face lit up as she proudly showcased our masterpiece to the family later that day.
As the sun began to set, we settled down for some quiet time. Sarah showed me her
favorite toys, and we engaged in imaginative play. It was in these quiet moments that
I realized the significance of nurturing her emotional intelligence and fostering a
sense of security and trust.
In conclusion, the occasion I spent with Sarah was not just about keeping her

occupied; it was about creating a memorable and enriching experience that
contributed to her holistic development. It reinforced my belief that quality time
spent with children can leave a lasting impact, nurturing their minds, hearts, and

2) Getting lost - Describe an occasion when you got lost

To be at sea- completely lost.
Like a fish out of water - to feel uncomfortable in a specific situation.

similar thing. M
Indistinguishable - impossible to notice differences when compared to another

Euphoria - extreme happiness, sometimes more than is reasonable in a particular

sample answer
Allow me to recount an occasion when I found myself completely like a fish out of
water. It was during a solo trip to a bustling foreign city, and I got lost in its

labyrinthine streets. The experience was filled with moments of "euphoria" and
anxiety as I wandered through a place where everything seemed "indistinguishable."
I had set out to explore the vibrant streets of this new city, armed with a map and a
sense of adventure. However, as I strolled deeper into the heart of the city, the streets

began to twist and turn, and the landmarks I had relied on became indistinguishable.
I soon realized I was at sea in a place where the language and culture were entirely
foreign to me.
As I continued to walk, my initial excitement slowly turned into a sense of unease.
The streets were crowded with people, and I couldn't find anyone who spoke my
language. I tried asking for directions, but my attempts were met with friendly but

incomprehensible responses. It was in these moments that I truly felt like a fish out
of water.
Despite my growing anxiety, I decided to embrace the adventure and keep exploring. I

turned down alleyways, peeked into quaint shops, and sampled street food that I
couldn't quite identify but found delicious. The city's charm began to work its magic
on me, and I experienced moments of euphoria amidst the uncertainty.
Eventually, after a few hours of wandering, I stumbled upon a familiar landmark, and
my anxiety began to dissipate. I managed to navigate my way back to my
accommodation, feeling a sense of accomplishment mixed with relief. The
experience of getting lost had not only challenged me but had also allowed me to
discover the city in a unique and authentic way.

In retrospect, that day when I got lost in the winding streets of a foreign city was a
reminder of the beauty of embracing the unknown. It was a rollercoaster of
emotions, from feeling "like a fish out of water" to experiencing the "euphoria" of
discovery, and it made my solo adventure truly unforgettable.

3) Piece of clothing - Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often
Dressing for success - This idiom means to choose clothing and appearance that will

likely lead to a positive impression or achievement in a particular context, often in a
professional or formal setting.
Wearing your heart on your sleeve - This idiom means to display one's true emotions

or character openly and without reservation.
Sartorial - Relating to clothing, style, or tailoring.

sample answer M
Indispensable - Absolutely necessary or essential.

The piece of clothing that I wear most often and consider almost "indispensable" in
my daily life is a classic black blazer. It's not just a garment but a symbol of
confidence, professionalism, and my personal style.
I've always believed in the adage of dressing for success. Whether it's a formal
business meeting, a job interview, or even a casual outing, my black blazer has

become my go-to choice. Its sartorial elegance and timeless design make it suitable
for various occasions, giving me a sense of poise and assurance.
One of the reasons I favor my black blazer is because it allows me to wear my heart
on my sleeve. It enables me to express my personality and professionalism subtly. I

often pair it with different outfits, whether it's over a crisp white shirt and trousers for
a corporate look or with jeans and a colorful scarf for a more relaxed appearance.
The blazer's versatility extends beyond its ability to adapt to various settings. It also
serves as a functional piece of clothing. With its multiple pockets, it conveniently
holds my essentials like my phone, wallet, and even a small notebook. This
practicality adds to its indispensable nature in my daily routine.

Another remarkable aspect of my black blazer is its durability. Over the years, it has
been through countless situations and still looks as stylish as ever. It has become a
trusted companion, a constant in my evolving wardrobe.

In conclusion, my black blazer is more than just a piece of clothing; it's a symbol of
confidence, professionalism, and personal style. It embodies the idea of dressing for
success while allowing me to wear my heart on my sleeve. Its sartorial elegance,
versatility, and durability make it an indispensable part of my daily life.
4) Incorrect information - Describe an occasion when you got incorrect
Don't count your chickens before they hatch - This idiom means not to make plans or
be too confident about something until it has actually happened or been achieved
All that glitters is not gold - This idiom means that appearances can be deceiving,
and things may not always be as promising or valuable as they seem on the surface.

Misinformed - This word describes someone who has been given incorrect or false

Intricate - This term describes something that is very detailed, complicated, and
sample answer

An occasion when I received "misinformed" information that serves as a valuable
lesson revolves around a business investment opportunity I came across a few years
ago. It taught me that sometimes, all that glitters is not gold.

At that time, I was introduced to what seemed like an enticing investment
opportunity in a start-up company. The proposal was intricate and well-presented,
promising substantial returns within a short period. The potential gains were so
tempting that I was already planning how to spend the profits, forgetting the old
adage, don't count your chickens before they hatch.
As I delved deeper into the investment, I conducted what I believed was thorough
research. I read reviews, analyzed the financial projections, and even attended an

informational seminar hosted by the company. Everything seemed legitimate, and

my excitement grew.
However, my first hint of trouble came when I couldn't find much information about
the company's founders or their previous successes. This should have raised a red

flag, but I brushed it aside, thinking I might be overanalyzing.

I decided to invest a significant portion of my savings, believing that I had found a
golden opportunity. It wasn't until a few months later that I received news that the
company was under investigation for fraudulent activities. Panic set in as I realized
that my investment might be lost.
I quickly learned the hard way that all that glitters is not gold. The intricate

presentation and seemingly promising returns had blinded me to the possibility of

deception. The investment turned out to be a scam, and I lost a substantial amount
of money.

This experience was a harsh reminder that it's crucial to exercise caution and
conduct thorough due diligence, especially when dealing with complex financial
opportunities. It also taught me the importance of verifying the credibility of sources
and not jumping into decisions based solely on the appearance of success.
In conclusion, the occasion when I received incorrect information about a business
investment was a painful but valuable lesson. It highlighted the wisdom of the
idioms don't count your chickens before they hatch and all that glitters is not gold,
emphasizing the importance of careful research and skepticism in intricate financial

5) Place to visit in the future - Describe a place away from your home you

want to visit in the future
A feast for the eyes - This idiom refers to something that is visually delightful or

Sight for sore eyes - This idiom is used to describe something or someone that is a
welcome and comforting sight, especially after a period of difficulty or

Captivates - To attract and hold the interest or attention of someone.

sample answer
Ethereal - Extremely delicate, light, and beautiful, often with a spiritual or otherworldly

One place that has always captivated my imagination, and I aspire to visit in the
future, is the ethereal city of Venice, Italy. Venice is truly a feast for the eyes and a
sight for sore eyes with its unique charm and captivating beauty.
Venice, often referred to as the "City of Canals" or the "Floating City," is a place like no

other. What makes it so special is its intricate network of canals, elegant

architecture, and rich history. It's a city that seems to defy gravity as it stands
gracefully atop countless wooden pilings. The very idea of wandering through its
narrow, winding streets and taking in the picturesque scenes is a dream for me.

One of the most alluring aspects of Venice is its mesmerizing waterways. The
graceful gondolas gliding through the canals, with their gondoliers singing traditional
songs, create an atmosphere that truly captivates the soul. The shimmering water
reflects the exquisite architecture of centuries-old buildings, making every corner of
Venice a feast for the eyes.
Moreover, the ethereal beauty of Venice is not just limited to its architecture and

canals; it extends to its art, culture, and history. The city is home to some of the
world's most renowned museums, such as the Gallerie dell'Accademia and the Peggy
Guggenheim Collection, housing treasures that I've always longed to see in person.

Additionally, Venice hosts events like the Venice Biennale, which showcases
contemporary art from around the world. The idea of experiencing this vibrant
cultural scene is another reason why this city is on my travel bucket list.
In conclusion, Venice, with its captivating beauty, ethereal atmosphere, and rich
cultural heritage, is a place I am eager to visit in the future. It truly embodies the
idioms a feast for the eyes and a sight for sore eyes. Exploring its enchanting canals
and soaking in its artistic and historical treasures would be a dream come true.
6) Enjoyable experience - Describe an enjoyable experience in your
In high spirits - This idiom is used to describe a state of being cheerful, happy, or

Walking on air - This idiom means to feel extremely happy or joyful, often to the point
of feeling like you're floating or walking without touching the ground.

Nostalgia - Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past,
typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
Revelation - A revelation is a surprising and previously unknown fact, idea, or event

that provides a new understanding or insight.
sample answer
One of the most cherished memories from my childhood that I still look back on with

nostalgia and the feeling of walking on air happened during a family vacation to the
countryside. It was an experience that left me in high spirits and led to a profound
revelation about the simple joys of life.
The vacation took us to a remote village nestled amidst rolling hills and lush
greenery. The moment we arrived, I was immediately taken by the scenic beauty that
surrounded us. The sight of endless meadows, wildflowers swaying in the breeze,
and the sweet aroma of nature filled the air was a true revelation. It was as if I had

entered a different world, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city.
One particular day during that trip stands out vividly in my memory. It was a bright,
sunny morning when my family and I decided to embark on a hiking adventure. We
followed a trail that led us to a hidden waterfall deep within the forest. The journey

itself was filled with laughter and excitement, as we encountered friendly villagers
and animals along the way.
When we finally reached the waterfall, I felt like I was in high spirits. The sight of the
cascading water, the cool mist on my face, and the sound of birds singing in the
background created an atmosphere of pure joy. I couldn't resist the urge to jump into
the crystal-clear pool at the base of the waterfall, and the sensation of swimming in

that natural oasis made me feel like I was walking on air.

After our refreshing swim, we enjoyed a picnic by the water, savoring homemade
sandwiches and fresh fruit. It was a simple meal, but the setting and the company

made it feel like a grand feast. We laughed, shared stories, and basked in the serenity
of the moment.
That day in the countryside was a revelation for me. It taught me that the most
enjoyable experiences in life are often the simplest ones, surrounded by the beauty
of nature and the warmth of loved ones. The feeling of being in high spirits and
walking on air stayed with me long after the vacation ended, and it's a memory that
fills me with nostalgia and gratitude to this day.
In conclusion, my childhood experience in the countryside was an enjoyable
revelation, a moment of pure joy that left me walking on air. It showed me the power
of simplicity and the beauty of nature, leaving me with cherished memories that I'll
carry with me forever.

7) Game - Describe a game you played in your childhood
Child's play - This idiom is used to describe something that is very easy or simple to

do, often suggesting that it's as easy as playing with toys.
The thrill of the chase - refers to the excitement and satisfaction that comes from
pursuing something or someone.

Recreation - activities that are done for enjoyment, relaxation, and leisure, such as
playing games or sports.

victory when playing games or sports.

sample answer
Competitive spirit - drive and enthusiasm to engage in competition and strive for

One of the most cherished memories from my childhood revolves around a game
called "Hide and Seek." It was a game that truly embodied the spirit of child's play
and allowed us to tap into our competitive spirit, creating hours of joyful recreation.
Hide and Seek is a game that requires at least two players, with one person

designated as "it."The "it" person closes their eyes and counts while the other players
hide. The goal is for "it" to find and tag the hidden players before they can reach the
home base without getting tagged. The anticipation of being found and the
adrenaline rush as "it" got closer added to the excitement.

What made this game truly special was the strategy and tactics we employed. We
would carefully choose hiding spots, sometimes climbing trees, hiding in bushes, or
squeezing into small spaces. This game taught us the importance of stealth and
quick thinking, which often came in handy as we grew older.
One memorable round took place on a warm summer evening as the sun was
setting. The long shadows cast by trees and buildings added an extra layer of thrill to

the game. I remember hiding behind a large oak tree, heart pounding, as "it"
approached. With each step they took, the excitement grew, until I made a daring
dash for the home base, narrowly avoiding being tagged.

Hide and Seek embodied the spirit of the thrill of the chase, as we pursued and
evaded one another, creating unforgettable memories.
In conclusion, Hide and Seek was a game that filled my childhood with joy, adventure,
and lasting friendships. It was a reminder that sometimes, the simplest games bring
the greatest happiness.
8) New shop - Describe a new shop that opened in your city
Cutting-edge technology - This idiom refers to the latest and most advanced
technology or innovations.
Turn over a new leaf - This idiom means to make a fresh start or begin a new phase
in one's life or business.
Pioneering - In this context, "pioneering" means introducing new and innovative ideas

or products.
Storefront - A "storefront" is the facade or entrance of a shop or store, often used to
display products or attract customers.

sample answer
In the heart of our bustling city, a pioneering and innovative shop recently opened its
doors, signaling the arrival of cutting-edge technology and encouraging everyone to

turn over a new leaf in their shopping experiences. This groundbreaking
establishment is none other than the "Tech Haven" storefront.
Tech Haven has quickly become a hotspot in our city due to its commitment to

offering the latest and most cutting-edge technology products. As soon as you step
inside, you're greeted by a futuristic atmosphere that showcases sleek,
state-of-the-art gadgets and devices. It's a paradise for tech enthusiasts and early
adopters alike.
The shop's commitment to staying ahead of the curve is truly impressive. They
regularly feature the newest smartphone models, gaming consoles, and virtual reality
gadgets. It's a place where you can witness the future unfold before your eyes. Each

visit feels like a journey into the world of tomorrow, where you can explore the
possibilities of what technology can offer.
One of the most appealing aspects of Tech Haven is its knowledgeable staff. The
employees are well-versed in the products they sell and are eager to assist

customers in making informed decisions. Their dedication to providing excellent

customer service has made shopping at Tech Haven an educational and enjoyable
Tech Haven has also embraced sustainability by introducing eco-friendly and
energy-efficient products. This commitment to environmental responsibility has been
a welcome change in our city, encouraging residents to turn over a new leaf in their

approach to technology consumption.

Moreover, the shop frequently hosts workshops and demonstrations to educate
customers about the latest trends and features in the tech world. These events have

created a sense of community, where tech enthusiasts can come together to learn,
share ideas, and explore the possibilities of cutting-edge technology.
In conclusion, Tech Haven has revolutionized shopping in our city by offering
pioneering technology products and services. It's a storefront that showcases the
future, and its commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation is truly
commendable. With its cutting-edge offerings and dedication to sustainability, Tech
Haven has become a place where everyone can turn over a new leaf and embrace
the exciting world of technology.
9) Invention - Describe an invention
Break new ground - This idiom means to do something innovative or achieve
something that has never been done before.
Reinvent the wheel - This idiom is used to describe unnecessary efforts to create

something that already exists, often suggesting the need for improvement instead of

Revolutionary - describes something that brings about significant and fundamental
change or innovation.
Prototype - the original or initial model of an invention or product used for testing

and development.
sample answer
The invention I would like to talk about today is truly revolutionary and has the
potential to break new ground in the field of healthcare. It's a medical device that

aims to reinvent the wheel when it comes to diagnosing certain medical conditions,
and it's known as the "NanoHealth Scanner."
The NanoHealth Scanner is not your ordinary medical device; it's a game-changer in
every sense. It was developed by a team of brilliant scientists and engineers who
were determined to create a device that could detect a wide range of medical
conditions quickly and accurately. The prototype of this device is currently

undergoing testing, and the results so far have been nothing short of astounding.
What sets the NanoHealth Scanner apart is its ability to perform a comprehensive
health assessment in a matter of minutes. Using cutting-edge nanotechnology, it can
analyze a small blood sample and provide detailed information about the patient's

health, from identifying specific pathogens to assessing overall organ function. This
level of diagnostic capability is unprecedented and has the potential to save
countless lives.
The revolutionary aspect of this invention goes beyond its diagnostic capabilities.
The NanoHealth Scanner is compact and portable, making it suitable for use in
remote areas where access to advanced medical facilities is limited. It has the

potential to democratize healthcare by providing rapid and accurate diagnoses to

those who need it most, regardless of their location.
The team behind the NanoHealth Scanner is currently working on refining the device

and obtaining regulatory approvals. Once it becomes widely available, it has the
potential to revolutionize the way medical professionals diagnose and treat
diseases. It's an invention that has the power to change the landscape of healthcare
and improve the lives of countless individuals.
In conclusion, the NanoHealth Scanner is a groundbreaking invention that has the
potential to reinvent the wheel in healthcare diagnostics. Its revolutionary
capabilities and the dedication of its creators make it a prototype that holds
immense promise for the future of medicine.
10) Car journey - Describe a car journey you had
Hit the road - This idiom means to begin a journey, often by car.
A bumpy ride - This idiom describes a journey or experience that is filled with
challenges or difficulties.

Scenic - refers to something that is visually attractive, often because of its natural
beauty, and is related to the scenery along the journey.

Cruise control - a feature in cars that allows the vehicle to maintain a constant speed
without the driver's constant input.
sample answer

One car journey that stands out vividly in my memory was when my friends and I
decided to hit the road and embark on a spontaneous road trip to explore the scenic
countryside. Little did we know that it would turn into quite a bumpy ride full of

unexpected adventures, all while relying heavily on the cruise control feature of our

The journey began early one summer morning when we packed our bags and set out
in our trusty old car. Our destination was a remote area known for its breathtaking
natural beauty. The road ahead promised picturesque landscapes, winding mountain
roads, and lush green valleys.
As we started driving, we marveled at the ever-changing scenery outside the car

windows. The rolling hills, the crystal-clear rivers, and the dense forests were a treat
for the eyes. We were in awe of the scenic beauty that surrounded us, and it felt like
we were in a different world altogether.
However, our smooth cruise through this picturesque landscape didn't last long.

Soon enough, we encountered unexpected roadblocks, detours, and even a few

instances of getting lost. The roads became increasingly rough and uneven, making
it a literal bumpy ride. But despite the challenges, our sense of adventure only grew
One memorable stop on our journey was a hidden waterfall we stumbled upon. It
was a serene oasis, and we couldn't resist the temptation to take a refreshing dip in

its crystal-clear pool. We also had a picnic by the waterfall, savoring the simple joys
of life and appreciating the unplanned detours that had brought us there.
Another highlight was when we reached a viewpoint at the top of a mountain. The

panoramic views of the valley below were absolutely breathtaking. It was moments
like these that made the bumpy ride and the challenges we faced completely
In the end, our spontaneous road trip was an unforgettable adventure filled with
scenic beauty, unexpected twists, and the joy of exploration. It taught us that
sometimes the journey is just as important, if not more so, than the destination itself.
It was a reminder that life's greatest adventures often come when you hit the road
with an open heart and an adventurous spirit.
11) Book - Describe a book you have read many times
A page-turner - This idiom describes a book that is so engaging and exciting that it
encourages the reader to keep turning the pages.
Read between the lines - This idiom means to understand the hidden or implied

meaning in something, often a text or situation.
Literary masterpiece - is a work of literature that is exceptionally well-written and

highly regarded for its artistic and intellectual value.
Dog-eared - describes a book or page that has folded corners or edges due to
frequent reading or use.

sample answer
One book that has had a profound impact on me and I've read many times is "To Kill
a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. It's not just a novel; it's a literary masterpiece that has

always been a page-turner for me. Every time I open its dog-eared pages, I discover
something new, and I find myself reading between the lines to understand the deeper
themes and messages it conveys.
The first time I encountered this book was in high school, and it left an indelible mark
on my literary journey. It's a story set in the racially charged American South during
the 1930s, told through the eyes of a young girl named Scout Finch. The novel
explores themes of racism, injustice, empathy, and the moral complexities of human

What makes "To Kill a Mockingbird" a page-turner for me is not just the gripping
storyline but also the rich character development and the layers of symbolism that lie
beneath the surface. With each subsequent reading, I peel back more layers and

uncover the subtle nuances of the characters and the society they inhabit.
One of the reasons I keep returning to this book is its ability to provoke deep
reflection and discussion. It challenges readers to read between the lines and
question the prevailing social norms and prejudices. It prompts us to examine our
own biases and values, making it a timeless and thought-provoking work of

My copy of "To Kill a Mockingbird" is dog-eared, filled with annotations and

underlined passages. It's a testament to the countless hours I've spent engrossed in
its pages, immersing myself in the world of Scout, Atticus, and Boo Radley. Each

time I pick it up, it feels like revisiting old friends and discovering new aspects of
their personalities.
In conclusion, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a literary masterpiece that I've read many
times. It's a page-turner that keeps me engaged with its captivating story and
encourages me to read between the lines to uncover its profound themes. My
well-loved and dog-eared copy of the book is a cherished possession, and I will
continue to revisit its pages to gain fresh insights and perspectives.
12) Person who moved to a new accommodation - Describe a person
you know who moved into new accommodation
Settle into a new groove - This idiom means to become comfortable and familiar with
a new environment or routine.

A change of scenery - This idiom refers to the experience of moving to a different
place or environment, often to gain a fresh perspective or escape routine.

Resettlement - is the act of moving to a new place or accommodation, often due to a
change in circumstances or location.
Homely - describes a place that is comfortable, cozy, and suitable for living in, often

with a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
sample answer
I'd like to share an experience about a close friend of mine who recently underwent a

significant change in her life – she embarked on a journey of resettlement and
settled into a new groove by moving into a new, homely accommodation.
My friend, Sarah, had lived in the same apartment for years, and while it was
comfortable, she felt it was time for a change of scenery. She desired a fresh start, a
place that truly felt like her own. After careful consideration and months of
searching, she found the perfect new apartment.
The day she moved into her new place was filled with excitement and anticipation.

The apartment itself was a cozy, well-lit space that instantly felt homely. The
moment you stepped in, you could sense the warmth and comfort that Sarah had
already begun to create.
What struck me most was how Sarah seamlessly settled into a new groove in her

new surroundings. She had a knack for interior design, and it showed in the way she
had decorated her new living space. The walls were adorned with beautiful artwork,
and the furniture arrangement was both stylish and functional. She had transformed
her apartment into a haven that reflected her personality and tastes.
Sarah's move also brought about a positive change in her lifestyle. The new
neighborhood was vibrant and diverse, offering a range of restaurants, parks, and

cultural activities. She quickly made new friends and felt a sense of belonging in her
new community.
Moreover, her resettlement allowed her to declutter and simplify her life. She realized

the importance of keeping only the items that truly mattered, letting go of excess
baggage both physically and emotionally. It was a transformative process for her,
and she emerged from it with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.
In conclusion, Sarah's journey of resettlement and settling into a new groove in her
homely accommodation has been an inspiring one. It's a reminder of how change,
when embraced with enthusiasm and a positive outlook, can lead to personal growth
and happiness. Her experience serves as a testament to the power of a change of
scenery in reshaping our lives.
13) Popular person - Describe a popular person
The life of the party - This idiom describes someone who is lively, entertaining, and
the center of attention at social gatherings.
Rise to stardom - This idiom means to achieve fame or widespread recognition, often

referring to a person's journey from relative obscurity to celebrity status.
Iconic - describes a person who is widely recognized and admired for their significant

impact or influence in a particular field or industry.
Adulation - refers to excessive admiration or praise given to a popular person, often
to the point of being adored by their fans or followers.

sample answer
I'd like to talk about a remarkable individual who has become nothing short of an
iconic figure in our society. This person has a magnetic personality, is often

described as "the life of the party," and has risen to stardom through their incredible
talent and charisma. I'm referring to none other than the internationally renowned
musician, John Legend.
John Legend, born John Roger Stephens, is a multifaceted artist known for his
soulful voice, incredible piano skills, and songwriting prowess. He burst onto the
music scene in the early 2000s and quickly captured the hearts of music enthusiasts
worldwide. His journey to stardom is a testament to his exceptional talent and the

adulation he receives from his fans.

One of the most striking aspects of John Legend's career is his ability to connect
with his audience on a deep emotional level. His soulful ballads and uplifting
anthems resonate with people from all walks of life. Whether he's performing in an

intimate setting or on a grand stage, he has an uncanny knack for making each
member of the audience feel like they're the only ones in the room.
John Legend's rise to stardom was not without its challenges, but his perseverance
and dedication to his craft paid off. He has won numerous prestigious awards,
including multiple Grammy Awards, and his music has been the soundtrack to
countless important moments in people's lives. He has used his platform not only to

entertain but also to advocate for social justice causes, further endearing him to his
Moreover, he is known for his philanthropic work and is actively involved in initiatives

aimed at improving education and addressing social inequalities. He uses his fame
to make a positive impact, which only adds to his iconic status.
I had the privilege of attending one of John Legend's concerts, and it was an
unforgettable experience. The energy in the room was electric, and his performance
was nothing short of spectacular. It was a testament to his ability to be the life of the
party while touching the hearts of those in attendance.
In conclusion, John Legend is undeniably a popular person who has become an
iconic figure in the world of music and entertainment. His ability to connect with his
audience, rise to stardom, and use his platform for positive change is truly inspiring.
He continues to be a source of joy and inspiration for people worldwide.

14) Film you didn’t like - Describe a film you watched recently that you
felt disappointed about

A letdown - This idiom describes a disappointing or anticlimactic experience or

To fall flat - This idiom means to fail to meet expectations or to be unimpressive.
Underwhelming - is used to describe something that is less impressive or exciting

than expected.
Narrative coherence - refers to the logical and consistent flow of a story, which is
essential for a satisfying film or book.
sample answer
Recently, I watched a highly anticipated movie that had generated a lot of buzz in the
film industry. However, to my dismay, it turned out to be quite a letdown and seemed
to fall flat in many aspects. The film in question was "The Enigma," and I had
expected it to be a cinematic masterpiece, but it left me feeling underwhelmed due
to its lack of narrative coherence.
"The Enigma" was promoted as a thought-provoking and visually stunning thriller. It

boasted an ensemble cast of renowned actors and an intriguing premise. The trailers
had created high expectations, and I was eager to see how the story would unfold on
the big screen.
As the opening credits rolled, I was initially captivated by the film's aesthetics. The

cinematography was indeed impressive, and the visuals were nothing short of
breathtaking. However, as the plot unfolded, it became increasingly clear that the
film's narrative was disjointed and lacked narrative coherence.
The characters' motivations were unclear, and their actions often seemed arbitrary. It
felt as though important plot points were missing, leaving the audience to fill in the
gaps themselves. This lack of clarity left me feeling disconnected from the story and

the characters, making it difficult to become emotionally invested in the film.

Additionally, the film's pacing was uneven, with moments of intense action followed
by long stretches of slow, meandering dialogue. This inconsistency in pacing made it

challenging to maintain my engagement with the storyline.

What was particularly disappointing was the ending of the film, which left many
questions unanswered and seemed to fall flat in terms of resolving the central
mysteries introduced earlier in the plot. It left me with a sense of frustration and
unfulfillment, especially considering the high expectations I had going into the movie.
In conclusion, "The Enigma" was a film that I had eagerly anticipated but ultimately
found to be a letdown. While it had stunning visuals and potential, its lack of
narrative coherence and unsatisfying conclusion left me feeling underwhelmed. It
serves as a reminder that even in the world of cinema, high expectations can
sometimes lead to disappointment.
15) Helpful person - Describe a person you know who often help others

A heart of gold - This idiom is used to describe someone who is exceptionally kind,
generous, and compassionate.
Lend a (helping) hand - This idiom means to offer help or assistance to someone.

Altruistic - describes a person who selflessly and genuinely cares for the well-being
of others, often placing their needs above their own.

Humanitarian - is someone who is dedicated to promoting the welfare and happiness
of others, often through charitable actions and efforts.
sample answer

I'd like to share with you a remarkable individual in my life who has a truly altruistic
nature and a heart of gold when it comes to helping others. Her name is Sarah, and
she exemplifies what it means to lend a (helping) hand and be a true humanitarian.
Sarah has always been known among our friends and family for her selflessness and
willingness to assist those in need. Whether it's a friend going through a tough time,
a neighbor with a problem, or a stranger she encounters in her daily life, Sarah never
hesitates to offer her support.

One of the most striking qualities that sets Sarah apart is her unwavering
commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others. She spends her
weekends volunteering at a local shelter, providing food and comfort to the
homeless. Her dedication to this cause is truly commendable, and it's evident that

her actions are driven by a deep sense of empathy and a genuine desire to help.
Sarah's heart of gold is not limited to charitable acts alone. She also possesses an
innate ability to connect with people on a personal level, offering a sympathetic ear
to those who need it most. Her friends often turn to her for advice and emotional
support, knowing that she will always be there to lend a listening ear and a
comforting word.

Furthermore, Sarah's altruistic spirit extends beyond her immediate circle. She has
been involved in various humanitarian missions abroad, working to improve living
conditions in underprivileged communities. Her experiences in these missions have

not only enriched her own life but have also brought hope and assistance to
countless individuals.
What's truly remarkable is that Sarah's acts of kindness are not performed for
recognition or praise. She believes in the intrinsic value of helping others and finds
fulfillment in knowing that she has made a positive difference in someone's life, no
matter how small.
In conclusion, Sarah is an extraordinary person with a heart of gold and an altruistic
nature. She continually lends a (helping) hand to those in need and embodies the
spirit of a true humanitarian. Her selfless actions serve as an inspiration to me and
everyone who has the privilege of knowing her.
16) Ideal house of apartment - Describe and ideal house or apartment
where you want to live

Home sweet home - This idiom refers to the comforting and welcoming feeling of
being in one's own home.
Live the high life - This idiom means to have a luxurious and extravagant lifestyle.

Panoramic - describes a view that extends across a wide area, allowing you to see a
large portion of the surroundings.

Amenities - the features and facilities in a house or apartment that provide
convenience and comfort, such as a pool, gym, or spa.
sample answer

My dream dwelling, the place where I envision spending the rest of my life, is the
epitome of "home sweet home." It's not just a place to live; it's a sanctuary where I
can truly "live the high life." This ideal abode is characterized by its panoramic views
and a plethora of modern amenities that make everyday living a joy.
First and foremost, the location of my dream home is crucial. I picture it nestled on a
hillside, overlooking a serene lake with a backdrop of rolling green hills. The
panoramic views from every window are breathtaking, allowing me to wake up to the

sight of a tranquil sunrise and fall asleep under a canopy of stars.

The house itself is a masterpiece of architectural design. It seamlessly combines
modern luxury with a cozy, inviting atmosphere. The interior is flooded with natural
light, creating a warm and welcoming ambiance. The spacious living areas are

perfect for hosting gatherings with family and friends, and there's a dedicated room
for my home office, where I can pursue my work with focus and inspiration.
One of the standout features of this dream dwelling is the state-of-the-art kitchen. It's
a culinary enthusiast's paradise, equipped with the latest appliances and ample
counter space. Cooking becomes not just a chore but a delightful experience in this

The master bedroom is a tranquil haven, complete with a private balcony where I can
sip my morning coffee while taking in the scenic views. The bathroom is a spa-like
retreat, featuring a luxurious bathtub and a rainfall shower.

Outside, the well-manicured garden is a sanctuary of its own. It's a place where I can
relax, read a book, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature. There's also a spacious deck
for outdoor dining and entertaining, making it perfect for hosting barbecues and
In terms of amenities, my dream home spares no expense. It has a fully equipped
gym, a home theater, and a heated swimming pool for year-round enjoyment.
Additionally, it boasts smart home technology, allowing me to control lighting,
temperature, and security with a touch of my smartphone.

In conclusion, my ideal house represents the concept of home sweet home taken to
the next level. It's a place where I can live the high life while surrounded by
panoramic natural beauty and modern amenities that enhance every aspect of daily
living. This dream dwelling is not just a house; it's a haven of comfort and

17) Adventure you would like to take - Describe an adventure that you
would like to take in the future

Off the beaten path - This idiom means to go to a less-traveled or unconventional
destination, often seeking unique experiences.

Seize the day - This idiom encourages taking advantage of the present moment and
making the most of opportunities.
Expedition - a journey or trip, often for a specific purpose, such as exploration or
Uncharted - describes an area or territory that has not been mapped or explored,
often suggesting a sense of discovery and adventure.
sample answer
One adventure that has been a dream of mine for quite some time is to embark on an
expedition to explore uncharted territories and truly go off the beaten path. It's an

aspiration to seize the day and experience the world in a way that few have had the
opportunity to do.
The adventure I envision is a journey into the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, a vast
and enigmatic wilderness that has captivated explorers and adventurers for

centuries. While many have visited the more accessible parts of the Amazon, I am
drawn to the idea of venturing deep into the untouched and remote areas, places
where the true spirit of the rainforest remains untouched by modern civilization.
This expedition would be a remarkable opportunity to immerse myself in the
astonishing biodiversity of the Amazon. The sheer variety of wildlife, from jaguars
and colorful birds to rare amphibians and insects, is a source of fascination. I hope

to document these creatures in their natural habitat, gaining a deeper understanding

of the delicate ecosystems that sustain them.
Navigating the Amazon's labyrinthine waterways, I would experience the unique way

of life of indigenous communities that call the rainforest their home. Learning about
their traditional knowledge of the forest and their sustainable practices would be a
valuable aspect of the adventure.
The Amazon adventure would be a test of endurance and adaptability. It's a place
where one must be prepared for unexpected challenges, from sudden changes in
weather to encounters with elusive creatures. It's an environment where preparation
and the ability to seize the day when opportunities arise are crucial.
One of the most exciting aspects of this journey would be the feeling of stepping into
uncharted territory, where few have ventured before. It's a chance to contribute to the
scientific community by discovering new species or documenting previously
unknown behaviors of the wildlife.
However, I am acutely aware of the importance of responsible exploration.

Preserving the delicate balance of the rainforest's ecosystems and respecting the
rights and cultures of indigenous peoples are paramount. I would ensure that my
expedition is carried out with the utmost respect for the environment and local

In conclusion, the adventure of exploring the uncharted depths of the Amazon
Rainforest is a dream that I hope to turn into a reality one day. It's a journey that

embodies the spirit of going off the beaten path and seizing the day, all while
contributing to our understanding of one of the planet's most awe-inspiring and vital
18) Important decision - Describe an important decision that you once

A turning point - This idiom refers to a crucial moment or event that leads to
significant changes or decisions.
Bite the bullet - This idiom means to face a difficult or unpleasant situation with
courage and determination.

Pivotal - describes something that plays a crucial role or is of vital importance in a
particular situation or decision.
Dilemma - a difficult choice between two equally undesirable options or a situation

that presents a challenging decision.

sample answer
One of the most pivotal moments in my life was when I had to make a significant
decision that marked a true turning point in my personal and professional journey. It
was a decision I had been contemplating for quite some time, and when the moment
arrived, I knew I had to bite the bullet and move forward.

The decision I'm referring to was the choice to change my career path entirely. I had
spent several years working in a corporate job that provided financial stability, but it
didn't align with my true passions and aspirations. The dilemma I faced was whether

to continue in a comfortable but unfulfilling career or to pursue my dream of

becoming a professional photographer.
Photography had always been my passion, a hobby I pursued with unwavering
enthusiasm outside of my nine-to-five job. Over time, my love for capturing moments,
stories, and emotions through the lens grew stronger, and I yearned to turn this
passion into a full-fledged career.
Making this decision was not easy. I had to weigh the pros and cons carefully. On
one hand, I had a stable job with a regular paycheck, which provided financial
security and comfort. On the other hand, I had my dream of becoming a
photographer, a profession that promised creative fulfillment but came with
uncertainty and challenges.
I vividly remember the moment when I decided to take the leap. It felt like a leap of
faith, a moment when I knew I had to follow my heart and pursue my true calling. It

was a moment of clarity, and I decided to quit my corporate job to dedicate myself
fully to photography.
The transition wasn't without its share of difficulties. I faced the initial challenges of

building a client base and establishing myself as a professional photographer.
However, with determination and hard work, I began to see my photography business
grow. Every milestone and every client I gained felt like a validation of my decision.

In hindsight, I can confidently say that choosing to pursue my passion for
photography was the right decision. It was a turning point that not only transformed
my career but also enriched my life with a sense of purpose and fulfillment that I had
never experienced before.

This experience taught me the value of taking risks and biting the bullet when faced
with important decisions. It's a reminder that sometimes, the most rewarding paths
in life are the ones that require us to step out of our comfort zones and follow our
true passions.
In conclusion, the decision to change my career and become a professional
photographer was a defining moment in my life. It was a pivotal decision that

allowed me to pursue my dreams and find fulfillment in my work. It's a testament to

the power of following one's heart and taking calculated risks.
19) Expensive gift - Describe an expensive gift you want to give
someone when you save a lot of money

Pull out all the stops - This idiom means to make an extravagant effort or to do
everything possible to achieve a goal or create a special experience.
Break the bank - This idiom means to spend a large amount of money, often beyond
one's budget or means.

Extravagant - describes something that is elaborate, luxurious, or characterized by

excessive spending or showiness.
Generosity - refers to the quality of being generous, which involves giving freely and

willingly to others.
sample answer
One aspiration that has been close to my heart for a long time is to be able to pull out
all the stops and give an extravagant gift to someone I deeply care about when I've
managed to save a significant amount of money. It's a goal that represents the
ultimate act of generosity, even if it means having to break the bank to make it
The gift I envision giving is a luxurious vacation package to a tropical paradise for my
parents. They have always been there for me, offering love, support, and guidance
throughout my life. It's only fitting that I express my gratitude and appreciation in a
truly memorable way.
This dream gift would include an all-expenses-paid trip to a stunning tropical island

known for its pristine beaches, lush greenery, and crystal-clear waters. I'd spare no
expense in selecting the most luxurious accommodations, complete with private
beachfront villas and personal butler service.

The vacation package would cover everything from first-class airfare to gourmet
dining experiences at the finest restaurants on the island. Activities such as private
yacht excursions, spa treatments, and guided tours to explore the natural beauty of

the destination would be part of the package.
What makes this gift extravagant is not just the opulence of the experience but the
thought and effort put into creating unforgettable memories for my parents. It's
about seeing the joy in their eyes as they relax on the beach, explore new cultures,

and savor every moment of this once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
However, I am fully aware that providing such an extravagant gift would require
meticulous financial planning and considerable savings. I am prepared to break the
bank to ensure that this dream becomes a reality and that my parents are able to
enjoy a well-deserved escape from their daily routines.
In conclusion, the desire to give my parents an extravagant vacation as a symbol of

my love and gratitude is a goal I hold dear. I am willing to pull out all the stops and
make significant financial sacrifices to make this dream gift a reality. It's an act of
generosity that I hope will create cherished memories and show my parents just how
much they mean to me.

20) Water sport - Describe a water sport you want to try in the future
Make a splash - This idiom means to attract attention or create a notable impact,
often in a bold or exciting way.
Test the waters - This idiom means to try something cautiously or tentatively before
committing fully.

Aquatic - relates to water or is associated with activities in water, such as aquatic
sports or creatures.

Adventurous - describes a willingness to take risks and explore new and exciting
experiences, often associated with outdoor activities like water sports.
sample answer
One aquatic adventure that has always piqued my interest and that I'm eager to try in
the future is the thrilling sport of kiteboarding. It's a water sport that promises to be a
fantastic way to make a splash and test the waters of the exhilarating world of
extreme water sports.
Kiteboarding, also known as kitesurfing, is an adventurous sport that combines
elements of surfing, wakeboarding, and paragliding. It involves riding on a small
board while being harnessed to a large kite. The wind power propels you across the
water's surface, and it offers a unique blend of adrenaline rush and connection with

What draws me to kiteboarding is the perfect harmony it strikes between harnessing
the power of the wind and the freedom to explore the open waters. The prospect of
riding the waves, launching into the air, and performing tricks while being surrounded

by the vastness of the sea is undeniably appealing.
One of the key aspects of kiteboarding is the sense of control that the rider must
master. Balancing on the board, steering the kite, and controlling the speed require

skill and finesse. It's a sport that challenges your physical abilities and mental focus,
making it an ideal choice for those who seek both adventure and personal growth.
The idea of gliding across the water's surface, feeling the ocean spray on my face,
and being carried by the wind as I explore different coastal locations is a vision that

excites me. I can imagine myself getting lost in the sheer joy of kiteboarding,
surrounded by the beauty and serenity of the sea.
As with any adventure sport, safety is paramount in kiteboarding. I'm fully aware that
before I can truly make a splash in this sport, I'll need to undergo proper training and
acquire the necessary skills. This includes learning about wind conditions, kite
control, and safety measures to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the

In conclusion, kiteboarding is a water sport that represents the perfect blend of
adventure and tranquility. It's an aquatic activity that allows you to test the waters of
the open sea while experiencing the thrill of harnessing the wind's power. I look

forward to the day when I can embrace this exciting water sport and embark on a
journey of adrenaline, exploration, and connection with nature.

21) Speech you gave - Describe a speech experience you had

Speak volumes - This idiom means that something conveys a lot of information or

meaning without using words.

Get cold feet - This idiom describes feeling nervous or hesitant about doing
something, often just before taking action.

Orator - a skilled and eloquent public speaker.
Enunciate - to pronounce words or speak clearly and distinctly.
sample answer
One of the most memorable experiences of my life was when I had the opportunity
to be an orator and deliver a speech in front of a large audience. This experience was
a true test of my ability to speak volumes, but it also pushed me to the brink, making
me almost get cold feet before stepping onto the stage.
The occasion for this speech was a university graduation ceremony where I was
asked to be the student representative and deliver the commencement address. It
was an honor I had not anticipated, and it filled me with a mix of excitement and
The day of the speech arrived, and as I stood backstage, I couldn't help but feel a

rush of nervousness. The auditorium was filled with graduates, families, faculty, and
distinguished guests. The responsibility of addressing such a diverse and esteemed
audience was both exhilarating and daunting.

As I stepped up to the podium, I reminded myself to enunciate clearly and project my
voice to reach every corner of the auditorium. The room fell silent as I began to
speak, and the weight of the moment settled in. It was a surreal feeling to see all

those eyes focused on me, hanging on my every word.
At that moment, I understood the power of words and the impact they can have. The
experience of delivering a speech to such a diverse audience taught me the
importance of conveying a message effectively, ensuring that it speaks volumes to

both the intellect and emotions of the listeners.
During the speech, I shared personal anecdotes, words of encouragement, and
reflections on our journey through university. It was a challenging but rewarding
experience to connect with the audience, to see smiles, nodding heads, and even a
few tears, as I spoke.
As I concluded the speech and received a warm round of applause, I realized that the

initial jitters and the fear of getting cold feet had been replaced by a profound sense
of accomplishment. I had successfully delivered a speech that resonated with the
audience and left a lasting impression.
This experience was a significant milestone in my life, one that not only enhanced

my public speaking skills but also deepened my appreciation for the art of oration. It
taught me that words have the power to inspire, motivate, and unite people, and that
as an orator, I could make a positive impact through effective communication.
In conclusion, the speech experience I had at my university graduation was a
momentous occasion that challenged me to overcome my initial apprehensions and
step onto the stage. It was an opportunity to speak volumes and connect with a

diverse audience, ultimately leaving me with a profound sense of accomplishment

and a greater understanding of the power of words.
22) Crowded place - Describe a time you went to a place where there

were lots of people

A sea of faces - This idiom describes a crowd of people, often emphasizing the large
number of individuals present.
Rub shoulders with - This idiom means to be in close contact or associate with
people, especially in social situations.
Crowded - a place or situation that is filled with a large number of people or things,
often to the point of being congested.
Confluence - a gathering or coming together of people or things at a particular place
or time.
sample answer
The memory that comes to mind when I think of being in a place teeming with

people is when I attended a music festival last summer. It was an event that truly
immersed me in a confluence of music enthusiasts, and I found myself surrounded
by a sea of faces all eager to experience the magic of live music.

The music festival was a grand affair, featuring a diverse lineup of artists from
various genres. From rock bands to electronic DJs, it promised a weekend filled with
electrifying performances. I had been looking forward to it for months, and the

excitement was palpable as I arrived at the festival grounds.
As soon as I stepped through the gates, I was greeted by the sight of thousands of
festival-goers. The venue was sprawling, with multiple stages and food stalls. People

were everywhere, chatting, dancing, and enjoying the vibrant atmosphere. It was a
crowded scene, but the energy was infectious.
One of the most remarkable aspects of the festival was the opportunity to rub
shoulders with people from all walks of life. As I navigated through the crowds, I
struck up conversations with fellow music lovers, sharing our favorite artists and
experiences. It was a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds, all brought together
by a shared love for music.

The highlight of the festival was undoubtedly the live performances. I found myself in
the midst of enormous crowds, all gathered in front of the main stage to witness
their favorite bands and artists. The feeling of unity and shared enthusiasm was
incredible as we swayed to the music, singing along with the lyrics.

While the festival was a celebration of music, it also presented some challenges. The
crowded conditions meant long lines at food stalls and restrooms, but these
inconveniences were quickly overshadowed by the overall experience. The sense of
belonging and the joy of being part of something larger than oneself made it all
As the festival drew to a close, I couldn't help but reflect on the power of music to

bring people together. Despite the crowded conditions and the challenges of
navigating through the masses, the festival provided a sense of community and
connection that was truly unique.

In conclusion, attending the music festival last summer was an unforgettable

experience of being in a place with a confluence of people who shared a common
passion for music. It was a scene of rubbing shoulders with fellow music
enthusiasts and immersing myself in a sea of faces all brought together by the
magic of live performances. It was a reminder of the unifying power of music and the
joy of sharing it with others.
23) Interesting job - Describe an interesting job
Dream job - This idiom is used to describe the ideal or perfect job that someone
aspires to have.
In the driver's seat - This idiom means to be in control or have the authority in a
situation, often used in the context of one's career.

Fulfilling - a job or role that provides a deep sense of satisfaction and
Vocation - a person's calling or strong inclination toward a particular career or

sample answer
The job that immediately comes to mind when I think of an interesting job is one that

many would consider their dream job - it's being a wildlife photographer. This
captivating profession allows individuals to be in the driver's seat of their own
adventures, all while pursuing a fulfilling vocation that revolves around capturing the
beauty and mystery of the natural world.
Being a wildlife photographer is a career that blends artistry, adventure, and
conservation. It's a job where every day is unique, and the opportunity to witness and
document the wonders of the natural world is a constant source of inspiration.
In this role, one has the privilege of being close to nature's most magnificent
creatures, from elusive big cats in the African savannah to vibrant tropical birds in
remote rainforests. It's a profession that takes you to breathtaking landscapes and

allows you to become part of the natural world, even if just for a moment.
What makes this job truly fulfilling is the sense of purpose that comes with it. Wildlife
photographers play a vital role in raising awareness about the beauty and fragility of
our planet's ecosystems. Their images serve as powerful tools to advocate for the

conservation of endangered species and the protection of pristine habitats.

One of the most remarkable aspects of being a wildlife photographer is the constant
pursuit of the perfect shot. It involves patience, keen observation, and the ability to
blend into the environment without disturbing the wildlife. This is where the phrase in
the driver's seat comes into play, as photographers have the creative control to frame
their shots and tell compelling stories through their images.

However, it's important to recognize that this job also comes with its share of
challenges. The unpredictability of wildlife behavior, harsh weather conditions, and
the need for specialized equipment are just some of the hurdles photographers face.

Yet, the rewards far outweigh the difficulties for those who are truly passionate about
their work.
In conclusion, being a wildlife photographer is more than just a job; it's a dream job
that puts individuals in the driver's seat of their own adventures and allows them to
pursue a fulfilling vocation focused on capturing the wonders of the natural world.
It's a profession that not only fulfills a personal passion but also contributes to the
broader cause of wildlife conservation.
24) Traditional festival - Describe an important traditional festival in your
Roll out the red carpet - This idiom means to give someone a royal or special
welcome, often associated with grand celebrations.

Paint the town red - This idiom is used to describe a lively and extravagant
celebration or event.

Heritage - traditions, customs, and values that are passed down from one generation
to another, often associated with cultural festivals.
Cultural significance - indicates the importance and meaning of a festival within a

specific culture or community.
sample answer
In my country, one of the most celebrated and cherished festivals is Diwali, also

known as the Festival of Lights. This festival is a time when we roll out the red carpet
and paint the town red with vibrant decorations and illuminations, marking its
immense cultural significance and the warm welcome it receives from people of all
Diwali is a Hindu festival celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm, and it holds a
deep-rooted place in our cultural heritage. It typically falls in October or November,
and the preparation for Diwali begins weeks in advance. Homes are thoroughly

cleaned and decorated with colorful rangoli designs, lamps, and candles. It's a sight
to behold as streets, shops, and houses are adorned with twinkling lights and

One of the most captivating aspects of Diwali is the tradition of lighting oil lamps,
known as diyas, and bursting fireworks. The significance of these rituals lies in the
belief that they symbolize the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. The
night sky is ablaze with colorful fireworks, creating a breathtaking spectacle that
brings communities together.

Another hallmark of Diwali is the exchange of gifts and sweets among friends and
family. It's a time when people visit each other's homes, share delicious homemade
treats, and exchange well-wishes. This act of giving and receiving fosters a sense of

togetherness and strengthens bonds.

One of the most exciting parts of Diwali is the variety of traditional sweets and
savory dishes that are prepared during the festival. Families come together to cook
elaborate feasts, and the air is filled with the enticing aroma of spices and sweets
being prepared. The flavors and aromas are an integral part of the festival's charm.
Additionally, Diwali often sees the bursting of firecrackers and the lighting of
sparklers, adding to the festive atmosphere. The night sky is illuminated with an
array of colors and sounds as families and communities come together to celebrate.
The cultural significance of Diwali extends beyond the religious aspect. It promotes
unity, love, and the spirit of giving. It's a time when people forgive past grievances
and start anew, embracing the values of compassion and harmony.

In conclusion, Diwali is an important traditional festival in my country, celebrated with
immense cultural significance and grandeur. It's a time when we roll out the red
carpet to welcome the festival of lights, and we paint the town red with colorful

decorations and illuminations. Diwali not only holds religious importance but also
serves as a unifying force, bringing people together in the spirit of joy and

25) Sports program - Describe a sport program you like
On the ball - This idiom means to be alert, efficient, or well-prepared, often used in
the context of sports and activities.

Hit it out of the park - This idiom describes achieving an outstanding or exceptionally
successful result, like hitting a home run in baseball.
Athleticism - physical abilities and skills associated with sports and athletic
Training regimen - a structured and systematic plan for physical training and

preparation, commonly used in sports programs.

sample answer
I'd like to talk about a sport program that I truly admire and enjoy, and that's the
Special Olympics. The Special Olympics is an inclusive sports organization that is

always on the ball when it comes to promoting athleticism and creating a sense of
community. It's a program that, in my opinion, really hits it out of the park in terms of
its impact on individuals with intellectual disabilities.
The Special Olympics is more than just a sports program; it's a movement that aims
to transform the lives of people with intellectual disabilities through the power of
sports. I have had the privilege of volunteering for this program, and the experience

has left a lasting impression on me.

What sets the Special Olympics apart is its commitment to inclusion and diversity.
Athletes of all abilities are welcome to participate, and it's incredible to witness the

sense of belonging and accomplishment that sports can provide. The program offers
a wide range of sports, from swimming to track and field, and each athlete is given
the opportunity to showcase their talents.
The dedication and training regimen of these athletes are truly inspiring. They work
tirelessly to improve their skills, and the progress they make is a testament to their
determination and spirit. It's heartwarming to see how the program not only focuses
on competition but also emphasizes personal growth and development.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Special Olympics is the sense of
community it fosters. Athletes, coaches, volunteers, and families come together to
support one another. The atmosphere at Special Olympics events is electric, filled
with cheers and encouragement. It's a place where every athlete is a winner, and the

joy on their faces is truly infectious.
I believe that programs like the Special Olympics have a profound impact on
individuals with intellectual disabilities. They not only provide an opportunity to

showcase their athletic abilities but also boost their self-esteem and confidence. It's
a reminder that sports have the power to transcend barriers and bring people

In conclusion, the Special Olympics is a sport program that I greatly admire. It's a
program that is always on the ball when it comes to promoting athleticism and
inclusion, and it hits it out of the park in terms of the positive impact it has on
individuals with intellectual disabilities. Witnessing the dedication, camaraderie, and

26) Painting - Describe a painting

personal growth of the athletes involved is truly inspiring.
A work of art - This idiom is often used to describe something that is exceptionally
well-done or masterful, just like a great painting.
Paint a picture - This idiom means to describe something vividly and in great detail,

often used when talking about storytelling or descriptions.

Masterpiece - a work of art or creation that is of the highest quality and represents
the peak of an artist's skill and creativity.

Brushwork - technique and style of using brushes in painting, which can greatly
impact the texture and appearance of the artwork.
sample answer
I'd like to describe a painting that has always fascinated me, as it truly is a work of
art and has the power to paint a picture that evokes a multitude of emotions. The
painting I'm referring to is Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night," an absolute masterpiece

that is renowned for its remarkable brushwork and emotional depth.

"Starry Night" is one of Vincent van Gogh's most iconic works, and it's easy to see
why. The painting portrays a serene night sky filled with swirling, vividly colored stars

and a crescent moon. The village below is bathed in the gentle glow of the stars,
creating a sense of tranquility and wonder.
One of the most captivating aspects of this painting is the way van Gogh used bold
and expressive brushstrokes to create a sense of movement and energy in the night
sky. The stars appear to dance and twirl, conveying a feeling of dynamism and life
within the cosmic landscape. It's as though the sky itself is alive with emotion.
The use of colors in "Starry Night" is also striking. Van Gogh's choice of deep blues
and vibrant yellows creates a sense of contrast and harmony simultaneously. The
blues in the sky evoke a sense of depth and mystery, while the golden hues of the
stars and the village below bring warmth and familiarity to the scene.
But what makes this painting truly special is the emotional depth it conveys. Van
Gogh created "Starry Night" during a tumultuous period in his life when he was
battling mental health challenges. Some art historians believe that the swirling stars

and the sense of movement in the sky may reflect his inner turmoil, while others see
it as a symbol of hope and the human capacity to find beauty even in the darkest of

"Starry Night" has the remarkable ability to speak to different people in different
ways. For some, it's a source of solace and inspiration, while for others, it's a symbol
of the power of art to capture the complexity of human emotions.

In conclusion, "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh is undoubtedly a masterpiece that
stands as a shining example of the power of art to paint a picture of emotion and
beauty. Its remarkable brushwork and the emotional depth it conveys make it a
timeless work of art that continues to captivate and inspire people around the world.

27) Photo you like - Describe a photo that you like

A picture is worth a thousand words - This idiom suggests that a single image can
convey a complex message or story.
Capture the moment - This idiom means to take a photograph at the perfect time to
capture a special or memorable moment.

Photogenic - someone or something that looks attractive and appealing in
Composition - in photography it refers to the arrangement of elements within the

frame of a photograph to create a visually pleasing and balanced image.

sample answer
I'd like to describe a photo that I've always held dear, as it perfectly exemplifies the
saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. This particular photo has an
incredible ability to capture the moment and convey a story all on its own. It's a
testament to the power of photogenic imagery and thoughtful composition.

The photo I'm referring to was taken during a family vacation a few years ago. We
were at a picturesque beach at sunset, and the scene before us was nothing short of
magical. The golden hues of the setting sun painted the sky with warm shades of

orange and pink, creating a breathtaking backdrop for what would become a
cherished memory.
In the center of the photo stands my little nephew, who was about five years old at
the time. His eyes are wide with wonder as he gazes at the receding waves, his tiny
feet immersed in the wet sand. On one hand, he clutches a seashell he'd just
discovered, and on the other, he holds a kite that dances in the sea breeze.
What makes this photo truly special is the way it captures the essence of that
moment. The sheer joy and innocence on my nephew's face, the vivid colors of the
sky, and the gentle movement of the kite all come together in perfect harmony. It's as
though time stands still, and you can almost hear the sound of the waves and feel
the warmth of the setting sun.
The composition of the photo is impeccable. The rule of thirds is applied masterfully,
with my nephew placed at the intersection of two imaginary lines, drawing the

viewer's eye right to him. The balance of elements—the kite, the beach, and the
sky—creates a sense of symmetry and completeness that adds to the photo's visual

This photo is a reminder that sometimes, the most precious moments in life are the
simplest ones. It captures the innocence of childhood, the beauty of nature, and the
joy of discovery all in a single frame. Whenever I look at it, it brings a smile to my

face and warms my heart.
In conclusion, this photo is a perfect example of how a picture is worth a thousand
words. It has the remarkable ability to capture the moment and convey the emotions
and beauty of that particular day at the beach. Its photogenic qualities and

thoughtful composition make it a timeless reminder of the simple joys in life.
28) Party - Describe a party that you enjoyed.
You should say:
- what the party was
- when it took place
- where it was

- whose party it was

- why you enjoyed the party
Life of the party - Someone who is very lively and entertaining at a social

Paint the town red - To go out and have a great time, often by partying or
Milestone - This party marked a significant milestone in Sarah's life as she

celebrated a special birthday.

Eclectic - The guest list was quite eclectic, encompassing people from diverse
backgrounds and interests.

sample answer

Last summer, I had the pleasure of attending a remarkable soirée that left a lasting
impression on me. It was a lavish garden party, hosted by my close friend, Sarah, to
celebrate her milestone birthday.
The party was held on a warm, balmy evening in late June, which was just perfect for
an outdoor gathering. The venue chosen by Sarah was her sprawling backyard, which
was adorned with strings of fairy lights and colorful bunting. It was transformed into
a magical oasis for the occasion.

Sarah, truly the life of the party, an aficionado of exquisite food and wines, went all
out to ensure her guests were pampered. The centerpiece of the evening was a

sumptuous buffet featuring an array of culinary delights from various cuisines. From
delectable hors d'oeuvres to mouthwatering desserts, every dish was a masterpiece,
and we all felt like we were ready to paint the town red.

What made this party truly special, beyond the delightful setting and gastronomic
delights, was the eclectic mix of guests in attendance. Sarah had invited friends and
acquaintances from various walks of life, and it led to captivating conversations and

exchanges of ideas. The atmosphere was vibrant, with laughter and merriment filling
the air.

As for why I enjoyed this party so much, it was not just the delightful ambiance, the
culinary indulgence, or the interesting guests, but the overall sense of camaraderie
and celebration. It was a memorable evening that brought people together and
allowed us to savor life's pleasures.
I hope this format correctly highlights the idioms and advanced vocabulary. If you
have any more requests or questions, please feel free to ask.

29) Park or garden- Describe a park or a garden you like

You should say:
- what park it is
- where it is

- when you go there

- why you like it

Drawn to - Attracted or compelled to visit or do something.


Concrete jungle - A metaphorical term used to describe a city or urban

environment dominated by tall buildings and a fast-paced, hectic lifestyle.


Sprawling - Central Park is a sprawling urban oasis, covering a vast area.

Myriad - The park offers a myriad of activities and attractions for visitors.
sample answer

One of my favorite places to visit is Central Park, located in the heart of New
York City. Central Park is a sprawling urban oasis nestled between the
towering skyscrapers of Manhattan, and it's a destination I frequently find
myself drawn to.

Central Park spans over 840 acres, making it one of the largest urban parks in
the world. It's a lush green expanse surrounded by bustling city streets,
offering a peaceful retreat from the concrete jungle. I typically visit the park

during the weekends, as it provides a welcome escape from the demands of
daily life.

What truly captivates me about Central Park is its sheer diversity. From the
enchanting Alice in Wonderland statue to the tranquil waters of the Central
Park Lake, there's always something new to discover. The park offers a myriad

of activities, from leisurely strolls along winding pathways to picnicking on the
Great Lawn. It's a place where you can watch street performers, visit the
Central Park Zoo, or simply unwind under the shade of towering oak trees.
One of the main reasons I cherish Central Park is its ability to transport you to
a different world. It's a place where nature and urban life harmoniously
coexist. I find solace in the lush greenery and the serenity of the park,

providing a much-needed respite from the concrete jungle that surrounds it.

30) Person who likes cooking for others- describe someone who loves
cooking for others.

You should say:

- who this person is
- what they like to cook
- who they cook for
- why he or she likes cooking


Whip up - To prepare something quickly and skillfully.


Mouthwatering - Extremely appetizing or delicious.


Culinary - Sarah's culinary skills extend to a wide range of dishes.

Meticulous - Sarah pays meticulous attention to detail when preparing her

sample answer

One person who comes to mind when I think about someone who absolutely
loves cooking for others is my aunt, Sarah. She is not just an excellent cook

but also has an undying passion for creating culinary delights that bring joy to
everyone fortunate enough to taste her dishes.

Sarah is a middle-aged woman with a warm and welcoming personality. She's
the kind of person who always has a smile on her face and goes out of her
way to make people feel comfortable and loved. Cooking is her way of

expressing affection and care for those around her.

What sets Sarah apart as a cook is her versatility. She can whip up a wide
range of dishes from various cuisines, but her true specialty is in preparing
traditional, home-cooked meals. Whether it's a hearty lasagna, a
mouthwatering roast chicken, or a delicate homemade apple pie, her creations
are nothing short of culinary masterpieces.
Sarah primarily cooks for her family, which includes her husband, their two
children, and me, as I'm fortunate enough to be a frequent guest at her dinner

table. She enjoys hosting family gatherings and inviting friends over for
special occasions. Her dedication to cooking for others is evident in the
meticulous planning and effort she puts into each meal.

One of the reasons why Sarah loves cooking for others so much is the joy it
brings her. She finds immense satisfaction in seeing people savor her dishes
and witnessing the happiness it brings to their faces. For her, cooking is a way
to create lasting memories and strengthen bonds with loved ones.

31) Science subject - Describe a subject you are interested in.


You should say:

- what science subject it is

- how you got interested in it

- how you learn this science
- why this science is interesting for you

Stumble upon - To discover something unexpectedly or by chance.

Ignited my curiosity - To spark or arouse one's desire to learn or know more.


Mind-boggling - Learning about the vastness of the universe was a

mind-boggling experience.

Fundamental - Astrophysics seeks to answer fundamental questions about

the universe.

sample answer

One science subject that has always fascinated me is astrophysics.
Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that delves into the physics of

celestial objects, such as stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe as a whole.

My interest in astrophysics was sparked during my teenage years when I

stumbled upon a documentary about the cosmos. As I watched images of
distant galaxies and learned about the mind-boggling scale of the universe, I
was captivated by the mysteries that lay beyond our planet. It was a moment
of awe and wonder that ignited my curiosity about the cosmos.

I started my journey into astrophysics by reading books and articles written by

renowned astrophysicists like Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan. I was drawn

to their ability to simplify complex concepts and make them accessible to the
general public. Additionally, I enrolled in online courses and attended lectures
at a local astronomy club to deepen my understanding.

What makes astrophysics particularly intriguing to me is its ability to answer

fundamental questions about the universe. I find the concept of black holes,
the expansion of the universe, and the search for extraterrestrial life utterly
captivating. It's a field where imagination meets scientific inquiry, and the
pursuit of knowledge about the cosmos knows no bounds.

Moreover, astrophysics encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills,

which I believe are essential in any scientific discipline. It challenges us to

think beyond the confines of our planet and consider the broader implications
of our existence in the universe.

In conclusion, astrophysics is not merely a science subject; it's a gateway to

understanding the cosmos and our place within it. My interest in astrophysics
continues to grow, and I am continually amazed by the profound discoveries
and mysteries it unveils.

32) Rule - Describe an important rule at school or at work.

You should say:
- what rule is it
- why you think it is important

- what happens if someone breaks it
- how you feel about it

Run smoothly - To operate without problems or disruptions.

Reflects poorly on - To have a negative effect on one's reputation or image.


Efficiency - Punctuality contributes to the efficiency of classes and meetings.

Harmonious - Punctuality fosters a harmonious working or learning

sample answer

One important rule that I've encountered in both school and work settings is
the rule of punctuality. This rule emphasizes the importance of being on time
for classes or work-related commitments.

The rule of punctuality is crucial because it reflects professionalism,


responsibility, and respect for others' time. It ensures that classes and
meetings run smoothly and efficiently, minimizing disruptions and delays.
When everyone adheres to this rule, it creates an atmosphere of trust and
reliability, which is essential for a productive learning or working environment.

If someone consistently breaks the rule of punctuality, it can have several

negative consequences. Firstly, it disrupts the flow of classes or meetings,
causing frustration and inefficiency for others. Secondly, it can reflect poorly

on the individual's reliability and professionalism, potentially affecting their

reputation. In a school or work context, this can hinder one's academic or
career progress.
Personally, I believe that the rule of punctuality is vital and should be
respected. Being on time shows a commitment to one's responsibilities and
respects the time of others. It's a basic but essential principle that contributes
to a harmonious and effective learning or working environment.

Furthermore, as someone who values efficiency and respects the schedules of

my peers and colleagues, I feel that punctuality is a simple yet powerful way to

demonstrate consideration and professionalism. It's a rule that I uphold with
diligence, as I believe it reflects not only on me but also on the broader culture
of the institution or workplace.

33) Person you have not met before- Describe someone you have not
seen but you want to know more about

You should say:
- who this person is
- how you know about this person

- what you want to know about this person
- why you want to know more about this person
Leading figure - A person who is influential and respected in a particular field.

Pivotal moments - Critical or decisive moments that significantly affect one's


life or career.


Renowned - Dr. Maya Patel is a renowned astrophysicist known for her


groundbreaking work.

Cutting-edge - I am eager to gain insights into the cutting-edge research she is

currently undertaking

sample answer

One person I have heard a lot about but have not had the opportunity to meet

in person is Dr. Maya Patel. She is a renowned astrophysicist and researcher

who has made significant contributions to our understanding of black holes
and the expansion of the universe.

I first learned about Dr. Maya Patel through a series of articles and
documentaries about her groundbreaking work in the field of astrophysics.
Her research has been featured in prestigious scientific journals, and she has
delivered captivating TED Talks on her findings.

What I am particularly eager to know about Dr. Maya Patel is her journey to
becoming a leading figure in astrophysics. I want to learn about her early
inspirations, the challenges she faced as a woman in a male-dominated field,
and the pivotal moments in her career that propelled her to where she is today.

Furthermore, I am curious about her current research projects and the
potential implications of her work for our understanding of the cosmos. Her

discoveries have the power to reshape our knowledge of the universe, and I
am eager to gain insights into the cutting-edge research she is currently

The reason why I want to know more about Dr. Maya Patel is twofold. Firstly,
her story is an inspiration to aspiring scientists, particularly women, who

dream of making significant contributions to the field of astrophysics. Her
achievements serve as a testament to the power of determination and
passion in the pursuit of knowledge.
Secondly, astrophysics is a subject that has always captivated me, and Dr.
Maya Patel's work represents the forefront of this field. Her insights and
discoveries have the potential to unlock profound mysteries of the cosmos,

and I am genuinely excited about the impact her research may have on our
understanding of the universe.

In conclusion, Dr. Maya Patel is a person I have not met in person but would

love to know more about due to her remarkable contributions to astrophysics

and the potential insights her work holds for the future of scientific

34) Positive change in your life - Describe something that changes you

life in a positive way.

You should say:
- what the change was and when it happened

- how it happened
- why it was a positive change

Wake-up call - An event or experience that makes someone realize the need
for a change.
Tailored fitness plan - A customized exercise program designed to meet
individual needs and goals.


Well-being - Embracing a healthier lifestyle had a profound impact on my

overall well-being.

Sustainable - The positive change in my life is sustainable and part of my
long-term commitment to health.

sample answer

One of the most significant positive changes in my life occurred a few years

ago when I decided to embrace a healthier lifestyle by prioritizing regular
exercise and mindful eating. This transformation began in my mid-twenties
and has had a profound impact on my well-being.

The change happened gradually and was sparked by a growing realization of
the importance of health and fitness. I had reached a point where I felt
sluggish, lacked energy, and often experienced stress-related issues due to my
sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. It was a wake-up call that I needed
to make a change.

I embarked on this journey by first consulting with a nutritionist and a personal

trainer. They helped me create a tailored fitness plan and develop a nutritious
eating regimen. The initial phase was challenging as it required breaking old
habits and establishing new ones. It involved daily workouts, meal prepping,

and tracking my progress.

The positive change in my life became evident over time. I experienced

increased energy levels, improved mental clarity, and a significant reduction in
stress. My physical health improved, and I lost excess weight, which boosted

my self-esteem and confidence. I also noticed that I was better equipped to

handle life's challenges, both mentally and emotionally.

One of the most valuable aspects of this positive change is the sustainable
nature of my new lifestyle. It's not a short-term fix but a long-term
commitment to health and well-being. It has become a part of who I am, and I
continue to prioritize fitness and nutrition in my daily life.
This change was undeniably positive because it improved my overall quality of
life. I now feel more energetic, confident, and mentally resilient. It has also
taught me the importance of discipline, perseverance, and self-care. I am
grateful for this transformation, as it has allowed me to live a happier,
healthier, and more fulfilling life.

35) Waiting for a nice thing - Describe a time you waited for a nice thing.

You should say:
- what you were waiting for, how you felt
- what you did while waiting

- why you waited for it
Best things are worth waiting for - Valuable or special things are worth waiting

patiently for.

Kept me occupied - Engaged my time and attention.

vocabulary M
Commissioned - I had commissioned a custom-made piece of artwork for my
friend's birthday.

Tranquility - The artwork represented the tranquility of the beach scene.


sample answer

One memorable occasion when I eagerly waited for a wonderful thing was
when I ordered a special gift for my best friend's birthday. I was filled with a

sense of anticipation and excitement as I awaited its arrival.

What I was waiting for was a custom-made piece of artwork that I had
commissioned from a talented local artist. The artwork was a stunning
painting of a serene beach scene, and I knew it would be a meaningful and

cherished gift for my friend, who had always dreamt of visiting the seaside.

The waiting period felt like a mix of impatience and excitement. I was eager to

see the final product, but I also understood that creating a masterpiece takes
time. So, I reminded myself that the best things are worth waiting for, and I
looked forward to the joy it would bring my friend.

While waiting for the artwork to be completed, I kept myself busy with various
tasks. I researched framing options to ensure the artwork would be beautifully
presented. I also planned a surprise beach-themed birthday party to
complement the gift. This not only kept me occupied but also added to the
excitement of the upcoming celebration.

I decided to wait for this special gift because I wanted to give my friend
something truly meaningful and personalized. I knew she had a deep
connection to the beach and the tranquility it represented. It wasn't just about

the physical gift; it was about conveying my love and appreciation for our
friendship through a thoughtful and unique present.

When the day finally arrived, and I held the artwork in my hands, I felt an
immense sense of satisfaction and happiness. Seeing my friend's delighted
reaction when she received the gift and the tears of joy in her eyes made the

waiting period entirely worthwhile.

This experience taught me the value of patience and the joy of giving

meaningful gifts that have a personal touch. It reinforced the idea that
sometimes, the anticipation and waiting for something special can enhance
the overall experience and make it even more memorable.
36) Bad service - Describe a time when you received bad service at a
restaurant or shop.
You should say:

- when and where it was

- what was wrong with the service
- how you felt about it

Understaffed - Not having enough employees or staff to handle the workload.

Lukewarm - Neither hot nor cold, often used metaphorically to describe

something that is unenthusiastic or lacking energy.


Disheartened - I left the restaurant feeling not only unsatisfied but also


Inconveniences - The evening turned into a series of inconveniences due to

the poor service.

sample answer
I vividly remember a disappointing experience I had at a restaurant named
"Gourmet Delights" about a year ago. It was a Saturday evening, and I had
chosen this restaurant for a special dinner with my family.

The problems with the service started right from the moment we walked in.
The host seemed disorganized and confused about our reservation, even
though I had called ahead to confirm it. After a brief wait, we were finally

shown to our table, which was situated in a poorly lit corner of the restaurant.

As we settled in, it became apparent that the restaurant was understaffed that

evening. It took an unusually long time for a server to approach our table and
take our drink orders. When our drinks finally arrived, they were lukewarm,
which was certainly not up to the standard of a supposedly upscale


The troubles continued with our food orders. Our main courses arrived long

after we had finished our appetizers, and the dishes were barely warm. To
make matters worse, they got one of our orders completely wrong, serving a
beef dish instead of the vegetarian option that my sister had requested. When
we brought this to the server's attention, they seemed flustered and offered a
hasty apology.

The poor service continued throughout the evening with slow refills of our

drinks and a lack of attention from the staff. It was evident that there was a
lack of communication and coordination among the restaurant's team
members, resulting in a subpar dining experience.

I felt increasingly frustrated and disappointed with the service, especially given
the restaurant's reputation for fine dining. It was supposed to be a special
evening with my family, but it turned into a series of letdowns and

In the end, when the bill arrived, I couldn't help but express my disappointment
to the server. They apologized again and offered a slight discount on our meal,
but the damage was already done. I left the restaurant feeling not only

unsatisfied but also disheartened that what was supposed to be a special

occasion had been marred by such poor service.

37) Sportsperson you admire - Describe a sports person you admire.

You should say:
- who this person is
- what this person has achieved
- how you know about this person
- explain why you like this person

Trailblazing impact - Pioneering or leading the way in a particular field or


Unwavering determination - A resolute and steadfast commitment to achieving
a goal.


Resilience - Serena Williams has shown remarkable resilience in her tennis


Advocate - She has used her platform to advocate for important social issues.

sample answer M
One sports person whom I greatly admire is Serena Williams, the iconic
American tennis player. Serena Williams is not just a sports legend but also a
remarkable role model for athletes worldwide.

Serena has achieved numerous milestones in her tennis career. She holds a
record of 23 Grand Slam singles titles, which is the most by any player in the
Open Era. Her athleticism, power, and finesse on the tennis court are truly
awe-inspiring. She has also held the world No. 1 ranking in women's singles

tennis on multiple occasions.

I first came to know about Serena Williams through television broadcasts of

tennis tournaments. Her dominating presence on the court and her
remarkable ability to come back from challenging situations captured my
attention. I was impressed not only by her incredible tennis skills but also by

her unwavering determination and resilience.

What truly sets Serena apart and why I admire her so much is her trailblazing

impact on women's sports. She has been a fierce advocate for gender equality
and has used her platform to address important social issues. Serena has
shown that women can excel in sports at the highest level while also standing
up for causes they believe in.
I admire Serena Williams because she is not only a phenomenal athlete but
also a symbol of empowerment and perseverance. Her ability to overcome
setbacks and continue to excel in a highly competitive sport is inspiring.
Moreover, her commitment to making a positive impact beyond the tennis
court by advocating for equality and social justice is commendable.

In a world where athletes often face immense pressure and scrutiny, Serena

Williams remains a role model for aspiring athletes, especially young girls,
who are inspired by her achievements and her advocacy.

38) Problems with the computer - Describe a time when your computer
broke down.
You should say:

- what the problem was, what you were doing
- when it was
- what you did about it
- how you felt about it
idioms M
Go on strike - To stop working or functioning suddenly and without warning.

Get back on track - To return to normal operation or progress after a setback.



Glitch - This unexpected glitch disrupted not only my presentation but also the
entire online conference.

Troubleshooting skills - I also recognized the importance of thorough

troubleshooting skills and maintaining backups to prevent future disruptions.

sample answer

A couple of years ago, I encountered a vexing situation when my computer


experienced a sudden breakdown. At the time, I was engrossed in an

important online conference for work, which added to the frustration.

The problem manifested as a complete system crash while I was giving a

presentation during the virtual conference. My computer's screen froze, and a
perplexing error message appeared, indicating a severe software malfunction.
It was as if my computer had decided to go on strike at the worst possible
This unexpected glitch disrupted not only my presentation but also the entire
online conference. I quickly realized the urgency of the situation and
attempted to restart my computer, hoping that it would magically resolve the
issue. However, despite my repeated efforts, the computer remained
unresponsive, leaving me feeling utterly helpless.

The timing couldn't have been worse. The online conference was a critical

event with participants from around the world, and my presentation was a vital
component of it. I could sense the pressure mounting as I frantically tried to
troubleshoot the issue. Panic began to set in, and I knew I had to act swiftly.

Eventually, I decided to contact the conference organizers and explain the
technical difficulties I was facing. They were understanding and suggested a

brief recess while I worked on resolving the problem. During the break, I also
reached out to a tech-savvy colleague for assistance. She provided some
valuable advice on potential solutions, which I attempted to implement.

After a tense 30 minutes, my colleague's guidance paid off, and I managed to
get my computer back on track just in time to resume the presentation. It
turned out that a corrupted software update had caused the issue, and I had to
roll back to a previous version to restore functionality.

As I continued with the presentation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief

and gratitude that the issue was resolved. However, I also recognized the
importance of thorough troubleshooting skills and maintaining backups to
prevent future disruptions. This experience served as a stark reminder of the
vulnerability of technology and the need for contingency plans in the digital


39) Advice you gave - Describe a time when you gave advice to others.
You should say:
- who you gave advice to

- what the situation was

- what advice you gave
- what the result was


Take a leap of faith - To take a risk with uncertain outcomes.

Weigh the pros and cons - To consider the advantages and disadvantages of
a decision.

Fulfillment - Sarah found a deep sense of fulfillment in her photography career.

Thriving - Her freelance photography business began to thrive.

sample answer

I vividly recall a situation where I provided advice to a close friend who was
facing a challenging career dilemma. My friend, Sarah, had been working at
the same company for several years and was becoming increasingly

dissatisfied with her job. She was torn between continuing in her current role,
which offered stability but little personal fulfillment, or taking a leap of faith to

pursue her passion for photography.

The situation had taken a toll on Sarah's happiness and overall well-being. She
confided in me about her inner conflict and asked for my perspective on what
she should do.
After listening carefully to her concerns and aspirations, I offered the advice
that had guided my own career decisions: "Follow your passion and take
calculated risks." I encouraged her to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate her
financial stability, and create a well-thought-out plan for transitioning into a

photography career. I reminded her that life is too short to stay in a job that
doesn't bring fulfillment.

Sarah took my advice to heart and began taking evening photography courses
while still working her corporate job. She gradually built a portfolio and started

doing freelance photography work on weekends. It was a challenging juggling

act, but her passion and determination were evident.

The result of her decision was remarkable. Over time, Sarah's photography
skills improved, and her portfolio began to impress potential clients. She

eventually made the bold decision to quit her corporate job and dive into
photography full-time. While the initial months were financially challenging,
she persisted, and her freelance photography business began to thrive.

Today, Sarah is a successful professional photographer, specializing in portrait

photography and wedding photography. She loves her work and feels a deep
sense of fulfillment. Our friendship has grown stronger through this
experience, and I am proud to have played a small part in helping her pursue
her passion and find professional satisfaction.
I hope you find this highlighting helpful. If you have more topics you'd like to
explore or need further assistance, please feel free to ask.

40) Successful business person - Describe a successful business

person you know.
You should say:
- who this person is

- how you know them
- what business this person does
- why this person is successful


Capture new opportunities - To take advantage of new possibilities or


Think outside the box - To think creatively and unconventionally.

Stellar - Tech Innovations has a stellar track record for delivering high-quality

Philanthropic - In addition to his professional success, my uncle John is

known for his philanthropic efforts.

sample answer

One successful business person I greatly admire is my uncle, John Smith. I


have known him since childhood, and he has always been a source of
inspiration to me.

My uncle John is the founder and CEO of a thriving technology startup called
"Tech Innovations." I became familiar with his entrepreneurial journey through
family gatherings and conversations with him over the years. His business

specializes in developing cutting-edge software solutions for various

industries, including healthcare, finance, and education.

What sets my uncle John apart and makes him a successful business person
is a combination of factors. Firstly, he possesses an unwavering passion for
technology and innovation. He constantly seeks ways to improve existing
systems and processes through the latest advancements in software
development. This dedication to staying at the forefront of the industry has
been a key driver of his success.

Secondly, my uncle John has a remarkable ability to identify emerging market

trends and adapt his business accordingly. He's not afraid to take calculated
risks and invest in new technologies, even when they are relatively untested.
This forward-thinking approach has allowed Tech Innovations to capture new

opportunities and stay competitive.

Moreover, he places a strong emphasis on fostering a culture of creativity and

collaboration within his company. He believes that the collective intelligence
of his team members is a valuable asset. This commitment to teamwork and
innovation has resulted in a work environment where employees are

encouraged to think outside the box and contribute their ideas.

Another aspect of his success is his commitment to ethical business

practices and customer satisfaction. He believes that long-term success is
built on trust and reputation. Tech Innovations has a stellar track record for
delivering high-quality solutions on time and providing exceptional customer

In addition to his professional success, my uncle John is known for his

philanthropic efforts. He actively supports local educational initiatives and

mentors young entrepreneurs. He believes in giving back to the community

and helping others achieve their dreams.

In conclusion, my uncle John is a successful business person because of his


unwavering passion for technology, his ability to adapt to market trends, his
dedication to fostering a culture of creativity, his commitment to ethical
business practices, and his philanthropic endeavors. His journey serves as a
testament to the power of innovation, hard work, and a strong sense of
purpose in achieving business success.

41) Beautiful city - Describe a beautiful city

You should say:

- what city it is
- how you know it
- what it is famous for
- why you think it is beautiful

Take your breath away - extremely beautiful or astonishing to the point of
leaving someone speechless.
Capture your heart - to cause someone to fall in love or be deeply moved or
affected emotionally.

Historical grandeur - the majestic and impressive qualities associated with
historical buildings or monuments.

Contemporary elegance - the quality of being stylish, sophisticated, and
modern in a way that is tasteful and refined.
sample answer

The beautiful city I want to describe is Barcelona, a vibrant metropolis located
on the northeastern coast of Spain. I have had the pleasure of visiting
Barcelona twice, once as a tourist and later as part of a cultural exchange

program. Barcelona is renowned worldwide for its rich cultural heritage,
stunning architecture, and a lively atmosphere that blends tradition with
One of the most famous landmarks in Barcelona is the Sagrada Familia, a
magnificent basilica designed by the legendary architect Antoni Gaudí. This

iconic structure, still under construction, is a testament to human creativity

and architectural brilliance. Barcelona is also renowned for the mesmerizing
Park Güell, another masterpiece by Gaudí, which offers panoramic views of
the city and showcases intricate mosaic sculptures and colorful designs.

What makes Barcelona exceptionally beautiful is its perfect blend of historical

grandeur and contemporary elegance. The city's historic Gothic Quarter, with
its narrow cobblestone streets and medieval architecture, creates an
enchanting ambiance. On the other hand, the modernist buildings, such as

Casa Batlló and La Pedrera, exhibit unique designs and artistic flair.

Furthermore, Barcelona's natural beauty is enhanced by its stunning coastline


and pristine beaches. The golden sands, coupled with the backdrop of the
azure Mediterranean Sea, create a picturesque setting. The city's green
spaces, like Montjuïc Park, offer a serene escape from the urban hustle,
adding to its charm.
Having witnessed Barcelona's breathtaking architecture, vibrant cultural scene,
and warm, hospitable people, I am convinced that it truly takes your breath
away. Its combination of historical landmarks, artistic treasures, and natural
wonders make it a city that captures your heart. Barcelona is not just beautiful
in terms of its physical appearance; it's a city that resonates with the spirit of
creativity, making it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a truly
captivating experience.

42) Person with interesting ideas - Describe a person who has
interesting ideas and opinions.

You should say:

- who this person is
- what this person does
- how you know this person

why you think his or her ideas are interesting

Ahead of the curve - more advanced or progressive compared to others.

Think outside the box - to think creatively or unconventionally; to approach a
problem in an innovative way.

Cutting-edge - at the forefront of new developments or ideas.

Innovative solutions - creative and original answers or methods to address
problems or challenges.
sample answer

The person I'd like to describe is my friend, Alexandra, who is a cutting-edge

technology entrepreneur. I've known Alexandra for several years now, and what
sets her apart is her ability to generate innovative solutions and her
willingness to challenge conventional wisdom.

Alexandra is the co-founder of a startup that specializes in creating disruptive

technology for the healthcare industry. Her work involves developing advanced
software solutions and digital health applications that aim to revolutionize

patient care. She's passionate about using technology to improve healthcare

access and outcomes, and she's not afraid to explore unconventional avenues
to achieve this.
I first met Alexandra during a technology conference, where she was a guest
speaker. Her presentation on the intersection of artificial intelligence and
healthcare left a lasting impression on me. She effortlessly explained complex
concepts and demonstrated how her ideas were light years ahead of the
current industry standards. We struck up a conversation after her talk, and I
was immediately drawn to her enthusiasm and innovative thinking.

What makes Alexandra's ideas particularly intriguing is her ability to see
beyond the status quo. She has a knack for identifying problems and

inefficiencies in the healthcare system that others might overlook. Her
innovative solutions, such as using predictive analytics to optimize patient
care or leveraging telemedicine for remote diagnostics, are not only ahead of

the curve but also have the potential to make a significant impact on patient

I find Alexandra's ideas both refreshing and inspiring. Her commitment to
pushing the boundaries of technology to address critical healthcare
challenges is commendable. She reminds me that true innovation often
comes from individuals who dare to challenge existing norms and think
outside the box. It's people like Alexandra who drive progress and bring about
positive change in our society.

43) Interesting place in your country - Describe an interesting place in

your county that is not visited by many tourists.

You should say:


- what place it is
- where it is
- why it is interesting
- how you found out about it

Hidden gem - something outstanding but not widely known; a place of great
value or beauty not yet discovered by many people.

Pique someone's curiosity - to cause someone to become interested or

curious about something.
Intricate - having complex details or parts, elaborately detailed.
Spellbound - utterly captivated or enchanted, as if by a spell.
sample answer
One of the most fascinating yet lesser-known places in my country is the
Mystic Caves located in the remote outskirts of my hometown. Nestled amidst
rolling hills and dense forests, these caves remain largely unexplored by
tourists. The location is a well-kept secret, hidden away from the usual tourist
trails, making it a true hidden gem.

The intricate rock formations within the caves are nothing short of
extraordinary. Stalactites and stalagmites, illuminated by soft, natural light

filtering through crevices, create a surreal atmosphere. What makes these
caves particularly interesting is the presence of ancient cave paintings,
depicting scenes from the lives of the indigenous people who once inhabited

the area. These historical remnants provide a glimpse into the region's rich
cultural heritage.

I first learned about the Mystic Caves from a local storyteller, whose tales
about the caves were as captivating as the place itself. His vivid descriptions
and animated storytelling piqued my curiosity. Intrigued, I decided to embark
on an adventure to explore this hidden wonder.

Upon arriving, I was utterly spellbound by the caves' beauty. The serenity and

the sense of mystery that hung in the air were almost palpable. It was a
surreal experience, as if I had stepped into a different world. The lack of tourist
crowds enhanced the ambiance, allowing me to immerse myself fully in the
awe-inspiring surroundings.

Discovering this hidden gem reminded me of the joy of exploring the unknown.
The experience not only opened my eyes to the incredible natural wonders
within my own country but also emphasized the importance of preserving
such unique places for future generations.

44) Useful advertisement - Describe an advertisement that you think is


You should say:

- where you can see it

- what is shows
- why you think it is useful
- how you feel about it
Speaks volumes - conveys a great deal of meaning; reveals a lot about a
Hits close to home - is very personal or emotionally relevant to someone;
affects someone deeply.
Impactful - having a strong effect; making a significant impression.

Effective - successful in producing a desired or intended result.
sample answer
One of the most impactful advertisements I've come across is a public service

announcement displayed prominently on billboards across the city. This
advertisement captures the essence of environmental conservation. It

features a powerful image of a lush, green forest juxtaposed against a barren,
deforested land. The stark contrast highlights the impact of deforestation on
the environment.

What makes this advertisement exceptionally effective is its ability to convey a
complex message in a simple yet profound manner. The image alone speaks
volumes, urging viewers to contemplate the consequences of their actions on
the environment. In addition to the striking visuals, the advertisement also
displays a concise yet compelling slogan: "Plant a Tree, Secure a Future."

I find this advertisement incredibly useful for several reasons. Firstly, it raises
awareness about a critical issue without overwhelming the audience with
information. Instead, it encourages viewers to reflect on the importance of
afforestation and its long-term benefits. Secondly, the advertisement tugs at

the heartstrings, evoking a sense of responsibility and urging individuals to

take action. It promotes a sense of collective responsibility, making viewers
feel that their contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant

Personally, every time I encounter this advertisement, I am filled with a

profound sense of duty toward the environment. It hits close to home,

reminding me of the delicate balance between human progress and nature's

well-being. The advertisement doesn't just impart information; it stirs
emotions and strikes a chord with the viewer's conscience, making it not just
useful but also deeply impactful.
45) Difficult task - Describe a difficult task that you completed at work or
study that you felt proud of.

You should say:

- what the task was

- how you completed it

- why the task was difficult
- why you were proud of the completion of the task

Burn the midnight oil - to work late into the night; to work hard and diligently.
Navigate through a maze - to find a way through a complicated or confusing

Meticulous - showing great attention to detail and accuracy.

sample answer M
Sharp mind - quick intelligence and excellent analytical abilities.

Completing a complex research project during my final year of university was

a task that I consider both challenging and deeply rewarding. The project
involved investigating the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems, a
topic I was passionate about but knew little in-depth information on.

To accomplish this task, I employed a meticulous approach, conducting

extensive literature reviews and gathering data from various sources. I
collaborated with experts in marine biology, attended international
conferences, and even conducted field research to gather firsthand data.

Additionally, I burned the midnight oil for weeks, analyzing the gathered
information and creating comprehensive reports and visual representations.

The task was inherently difficult due to the intricate nature of the subject
matter and the need for precision in data analysis. The scientific jargon and

complex statistical methods required thorough understanding, which

demanded both time and patience. Furthermore, coordinating with

professionals in the field and balancing their perspectives with the theoretical
framework was like navigating through a maze.

Upon the successful completion of the project, I felt an immense sense of

accomplishment. I was proud not only because I had tackled a complex
subject but also because I had crossed the finish line within the given
timeframe. The knowledge I gained and the skills I honed during this process
were invaluable. Moreover, the project received accolades from my professors
and was even considered for publication, adding to my pride and sense of

In hindsight, this challenging task taught me the importance of perseverance

and thinking outside the box. It reinforced my belief that with determination

and a sharp mind, even the most challenging projects can be accomplished. It
was a defining experience that boosted my confidence and made me realize

the extent of my capabilities.

46) Foreigner who speaks your native language well - Describe a
foreigner who speaks your native language very well.

You should say:

who this person is
where this person is from
- how this person learns your native language
- why this person can speak your language well


Blend in - to become similar in appearance or behavior to a particular group.

Hit the nail on the head - to describe a situation where someone has
understood a complex problem perfectly.

Dedication - the quality of being committed to a task or purpose.

Keen intellect - sharp intelligence and understanding.
sample answer

I want to share my experience about a remarkable individual, Maria Rodriguez,


who hails from Spain. I met Maria during my time as an exchange student in
Barcelona. What amazed me about Maria was her exceptional command of
my native language, English, despite it not being her first language.

Maria's journey to fluency in English was both inspiring and impressive. She
began learning English at a young age in her home country, driven by her
passion for global literature and cinema. Despite the challenges of mastering
a foreign language, Maria's dedication and perseverance stood out. She
immersed herself in English literature, movies, and music, which not only
honed her language skills but also deepened her understanding of the culture.

Moreover, Maria's inquisitive nature played a significant role in her language

acquisition. She was never hesitant to ask questions, seek clarifications, or
engage in conversations with native speakers. Her keen intellect and
adaptable mindset allowed her to quickly grasp the intricacies of English

grammar and vocabulary, making her conversations remarkably fluent and

Maria's ability to blend in seamlessly with native speakers was a testament to
her hard work and passion for language learning. Her determination to

overcome language barriers and connect with people from diverse
backgrounds highlighted her resilience and cultural empathy. Maria's
proficiency in English not only impressed those around her but also inspired

many, including me, to approach language learning with enthusiasm and
In conclusion, Maria Rodriguez is a shining example of how dedication and
perseverance can enable someone to master a foreign language. Her journey
from a non-native speaker to a fluent English speaker is a testament to her

keen intellect and resilience. She truly hit the nail on the head when it comes
to language learning, and her story is a source of inspiration for language
enthusiasts worldwide.

47) Tiring - Describe an activity that made you feel tired


You should say:

- what the activity was

- when and where was it

- why you took part in it

- why it made you feel tired

Battling against the waves - facing significant challenges or obstacles.
Herculean task - an exceptionally difficult or demanding task.
Arduous - involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.
Undulating - having a smoothly rising and falling form or outline.
sample answer
Engaging in a triathlon last summer left me thoroughly drained yet immensely
fulfilled. The event took place on a sweltering August day at a picturesque
coastal location in San Diego, California. I decided to participate in the
triathlon not only to challenge my physical limits but also to raise funds for a
local charity supporting environmental conservation efforts.

The triathlon kicked off early in the morning, just as the sun was beginning to
cast its golden glow upon the ocean. The race encompassed a 1.5-kilometer

swim, followed by a 40-kilometer bike ride, and culminated in a 10-kilometer
run. The serene beach and the prospect of contributing to a noble cause
motivated me to take on this arduous challenge.

The initial swim through the choppy waters, symbolizing the first leg of the
race, felt like a daunting task. Battling against the waves and maintaining a

steady pace demanded both physical strength and mental resilience. As I
transitioned to the bike ride, the undulating terrain challenged my stamina, and
the scorching sun intensified the ordeal. The final stretch, the run, felt like a
Herculean task, each step echoing my determination to reach the finish line.

By the time I crossed the finish line, I was not only physically drained but also

mentally and emotionally exhausted. The sheer intensity of the race, coupled
with the heat and the mental battle to keep going, left me completely spent.
Yet, amidst the fatigue, there was an overwhelming sense of accomplishment
and pride.

48) Successful person - Describe a person you once studied or worked


You should say:


- who this person is

- how you know this person
- how this person behaves

- why you think this person is successful

Go the extra mile - to make a special effort to achieve something.
Bring out the best in - to cause someone to show their best qualities or
Dedicated - committed to a task or purpose.
Knowledgeable - having a deep understanding or extensive knowledge in a
particular field.
sample answer
The person I want to talk about is my former colleague, Dr. Emily Hayes, whom
I had the privilege of working with during my research project at the university.

I met Dr. Hayes when she was assigned as my research supervisor, and we
collaborated closely for over a year.

Dr. Hayes is an incredibly dedicated and knowledgeable individual. She
possesses an unmatched enthusiasm for her work and is always willing to go

the extra mile to help her colleagues and students. Her meticulous approach
to research and her ability to think critically have always impressed me.

One of the remarkable traits of Dr. Hayes is her humility. Despite her vast
knowledge and expertise in her field, she is approachable and always willing to
listen to others' ideas and perspectives. Her patience in guiding her students
and colleagues, even during challenging times, has created a positive and
nurturing environment in our research team.

I believe Dr. Hayes is successful not just because of her extensive knowledge
but also due to her exceptional leadership skills and empathy. She knows how
to motivate and inspire her team, bringing out the best in each member. Her
ability to foster a collaborative and supportive atmosphere within the

workplace leads to enhanced creativity and productivity.

Moreover, Dr. Hayes is an advocate for continuous learning. She encourages

her students and colleagues to attend workshops, seminars, and conferences,
providing them with opportunities to expand their knowledge and network with

experts in the field. Her commitment to personal and professional growth sets
an example for everyone around her.

In conclusion, Dr. Emily Hayes is a successful person not just because of her
achievements but also because of her attitude, dedication, and the positive
impact she has on the people she works with. Her ability to balance expertise
with humility and to inspire others makes her a role model and a truly
successful individual in both her academic and professional endeavors.
49) Exciting activity you did with someone else - Describe an exciting
activity that you experienced with someone else

You should say:

- what it was
- where you did it

- who you were with
- how you felt about it

Bubbling with excitement - feeling very excited and enthusiastic.
Suspended in a dream - experiencing something surreal and almost unreal.

Exhilarating - providing intense excitement and joy; thrilling.
Panoramic - relating to an unbroken view of the entire surrounding area;
comprehensive in scope.
sample answer M
Last summer, I had the opportunity to engage in an exhilarating adventure with
my best friend, Emily. We decided to embark on a thrilling hot air balloon ride,
which turned out to be an unforgettable experience filled with awe and

We took a hot air balloon ride in the picturesque countryside of Napa Valley,
California. The rolling vineyards and the sun-kissed landscapes provided a
perfect backdrop for our adventure. It was a bright, sunny day with clear skies,
making it an ideal setting for our escapade.

I was accompanied by my best friend, Emily, who shares my passion for

exploration and adrenaline-pumping activities. We had talked about going on a
hot air balloon ride for years, and finally, our dream became a reality. The
sense of anticipation was palpable as we stood in the open field, watching the

massive balloon being inflated and prepared for flight. Emily and I were both
bubbling with excitement, eagerly awaiting the moment we would ascend into

the sky.

As we soared higher and higher, I was filled with a mix of exhilaration and
wonder. The panoramic views of the valley beneath us were breathtaking, and
the feeling of floating weightlessly in the air was surreal. I could see the
patchwork of vineyards, the meandering rivers, and the distant mountains. It
felt like we were suspended in a dream, witnessing the world from a
perspective we had never imagined.

50) History period - Describe a period in history that interests you

You should say:

- what the period is

- how you know about it
- why is it interesting

Rich tapestry of history - a complex, intricate, and diverse collection of
historical events and developments.

Uncovering a rich tapestry - discovering or revealing a complex and varied set
of elements or information.

Profound transformation - a significant and far-reaching change.
Cultural flourishing - a period of extensive development and growth in arts,
culture, and intellectual pursuits.
sample answer
The historical period that has always fascinated me is the Renaissance, a
cultural, artistic, and intellectual movement that spanned roughly from the

14th to the 17th century in Europe. I first learned about the Renaissance in
school, but my interest deepened as I delved into books and documentaries
on the subject. This era captivates me due to its profound impact on shaping
the modern world and its extraordinary emphasis on creativity, humanism, and

scientific inquiry.

The Renaissance was a time of profound transformation. It marked the revival

of classical art, literature, and knowledge from ancient Greece and Rome.
During this period, there was a surge in artistic achievements, with masters

like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael producing some of their

most iconic works. It was also a time of great intellectual curiosity, with
scholars and thinkers exploring diverse fields such as mathematics,

astronomy, and anatomy.

What makes the Renaissance particularly intriguing is its emphasis on the

concept of humanism. This philosophical movement celebrated human
potential, emphasizing the value of individual achievements and creativity. The
period witnessed a shift from religious dogma to a more secular worldview,
encouraging critical thinking and exploration. The Renaissance also saw the
invention of the printing press, which revolutionized the dissemination of
knowledge and ideas, laying the foundation for the modern information age.

Furthermore, the Renaissance was a period of cultural flourishing. It inspired

innovations in art, literature, and architecture that continue to influence

contemporary creativity. The period's emphasis on knowledge, exploration,
and artistic expression transformed societies and laid the groundwork for the

scientific and cultural advancements of later centuries.

Studying the Renaissance is like uncovering a rich tapestry of history, where

every thread represents a fascinating discovery. It reminds me that human
potential knows no bounds and that periods of great creativity and intellectual
curiosity can shape the course of civilizations. The Renaissance serves as a

reminder that curiosity, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge are timeless
pursuits that continue to enrich our lives today.

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