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Marc Brunet

Life Management Skills

04.10 Conflict Resolution Skit

Scenario #2: Brian is in his Civics class, and he has a group project to accomplish. His team members have
not been very active in group discussions. He tried to inform his team members the project would not be done
in time without everyone's effort. Unfortunately, no one responded to his messages. Brian is nervous because
the project is due in two days.

Scene #1

Setting: In conference call after Brian convinces everybody to meet. In the stage everybody is behind a
computer, and nobody speak.

Brian: Why does everybody answer my message? I don’t want answers. You are like a baby. I must make
you work. Why does everybody not make things?

Man n°1: We don’t I have time for that I must do other things.

Man n°2: And this project is not our priority. Personally, I do things which are more interesting.

Man n°3: And why we have to work together. It is you who wants to do that you us.

Brian: Because it is my chief who wants that.

Man n°2: And why we must be led by you. You are only the man whom the teacher knows the name.

Brian: Because I have a sense of priorities. Maybe it is for that reason the teacher knows my name.

Brian, in mute: So, I must do a presentation with a group of people but before I must convince them to
work because else their part will be a ChatGPT part. So, let's convince them.

Brian, unmute: Why doesn’t this project interest you, "The immigration” is a very interesting matter. It’ s
with respect racism tolerance secularism.

Man n°1: Yes, but we cannot express our true vision of immigration but else we are qualified like racist.

Man n°2: And the figures which we found are only the figure which show how people want to look like.

Brian: So, we will speak only about the tolerance and why secularism is important, especially in the
relationship between people and muslin.

Man n°3: Why muslin? There are also Buddhist for example.

Brian: Because Mahomet were a man who has the political religious and military power. It is why for
muslin people want to be judged by a cadi (cf Palerme a M Ages town which are the most powerful of
the Mediterranean).
Brian: Have I convince you?

Man n°1: Yes

Brian: So, try to found figures and tomorrow we will look in presential for build the final version of the

Scene #2

Brian: How can we work if we don’t meet? Why do you not answer me when I ask you? If I cannot make
you work when I am kind, I will be mean.

Man n°1: So, you want to be mean but if you do, we are just going to dismiss you.

Brian: Really but how are you going to do that you have not the required qualifications

Man n°2: We can just write a mail to your chief we are 4 you are 1.

Brian: Really but how can you do this project if you do that? You know that you are not so smart. I can
do this alone, but you cannot. For example, what can you say about being ecological?

Man n°3: Respect of forest, of biodiversity, of animal many of basic things.

Brian: It is really that your goal, say as “basic things” at possible to don’t have a punition.

Brian: I am disappointed I thought that you were a bit more involved in the project.

Man n°3 You was false

Brian: I am going to do the project alone

Man n°2: I send right now a mail to the chief

Brian: For what? Say “I am a big loser who only wants to do a basic thing and I don’t want to improve
myself". Say that

Man n°3: I am just going to send “Briand has any team spirit and other requirement to be in group of

Brian: You are just stupid people

Man n°1: But we are happy, and it is the most important thing

Brian Yes but me I involve; have more money and I think to my family you are just egoist

Everybody leaves

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