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1. Which two soft skills do you believe are your strengths? Why?

I believe that “Problem Solving and Critical Thinking” and “Professionalism” are two soft skills which are
my strengths. Professionalism is one of my strengths because when I go to school, I am always well-
dressed, on time, with my material and I assume my responsibilities of being a student and being
captain of the class. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking is one of my strengths too because I like to
solve difficult problems alone or in a team.

2. Which two soft skills do you believe are your weakness? Why?

I believe I need to improve my communication and networking skills. I do not feel comfortable when I
make a speech. It is also because I do not articulate enough and I speak fast. Networking is one of my
weaknesses because I do not take the first step enough when meeting new people.

3. Which soft skill would you like to improve on the most? Why?

I must improve in communication skills because it is the most important soft skill. Speaking clearly is very
important to be understood by people.

4. How would you go about improving your soft skills?

To improve my communication, I should speak more often with people I simply don’t know. I can also
use the oral exam in my school to improve my communication skills with the guidance of teatchers.

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