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During the summer of 2023, I chose an internship journey working with my mother at her

swap meet booth, where we specialized in selling intricately crafted wooden puzzles and other
doohickeys that she has collected throughout the years. This hands-on experience provided me
with an opportunity to immerse myself in the world of entrepreneurship, refining my sales
techniques, improving customer interactions, and gaining valuable life skills. This essay recounts
my enlightening internship experience, reflecting on the goals I set, the skills I honed, and the
profound impact this experience has had on my perspective as I move into my life after high
school and as an adult.
Working side by side with my mother, I was exposed to the intricate dynamics of
operating a mobile small business. My original intent was to grasp the basics of being an
entrepreneur, including sales strategies, customer interactions, and the operational intricacies of
managing a booth at a swap meet. From setting up the tent and tables, arranging the displays and
products to selling puzzles, engaging with customers, and efficiently closing down the shop, I
was involved in a diverse array of essential tasks. Meeting with my mother daily allowed us to
discuss strategies to increase our sales, customer preferences, and ways to improve our booth's
My most significant takeaway from this internship was the realization that customer
interactions go beyond simple transactions—they are about building relationships, even if they
are temporary and short-lived. Engaging with the diverse array of customers at the swap meet
taught me the art of understanding and adapting to individuals and their unique perspectives and
inquiries. This experience significantly enhanced my perspective on the power of effective
communication and empathy in making meaningful connections, a lesson I consider invaluable
as I prepare for the future.
One of the key 21st-century skills I expanded upon during this internship was Financial,
Economic, and Business Literacy (through communication). The swap meet environment was
dynamic and unpredictable, needing quick adjustments to my sales strategies. Adapting to the
evolving demands of customers, rearranging our display based on financial feedback, and
embracing new approaches to enhance our sales taught me the importance of being flexible and
open to change, a skill that will undoubtedly serve me well in the ever-evolving landscape of
jobs and interactions.
I also honed my Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving skills. Balancing inventory levels
to meet customer demands while avoiding overstocking required careful analysis of sales trends
and customer preferences. This experience improved my ability to analyze situations, consider
multiple perspectives, and devise effective solutions—a fundamental skill that transcends
business and is crucial in personal and professional life.
Collaboration was another essential skill that I used and developed during this internship.
Working closely with my mother, we functioned as a team to manage various aspects of the
business. Through effective communication and cooperation, we ensured smooth operations and
improved sales. This experience reinforced the importance of collaboration in achieving shared
goals, a lesson I will carry into future experiences.
In terms of meeting my personal internship goals, I am pleased to have achieved the
initial 60 hours as well as an additional 45.5 hours. I finished my internship with a total of 105.5
hours across the entire summer. I successfully learned the basics of entrepreneurship and gained
practical insights into managing a small yet ever-expanding business. My sales and customer
service skills improved, evident from the positive feedback we received from customers and their
increased purchases. The most valuable aspect of this experience was witnessing firsthand the
dedication and hard work required to run a business. The long hours, the persistence in engaging
customers, and the satisfaction of making a successful sale are lessons I will carry with me as I
explore my life beyond high school. Additionally, despite it being during the summer, the
majority of the work days began early which allowed me to understand that even during breaks,
there are reasons to get going early and stay on a schedule.
However, one of the greatest challenges I faced during this internship was dealing with
turndown. Not every customer was interested in our products, and at times, it was disheartening.
Yet, I learned to view rejection as an opportunity to improve our approach and products, turning
challenges into learning experiences that ultimately made me more resilient and persistent. I
learned to become a better communicator through my failed sales and interactions.
This internship has significantly prepared me for life after high school. It has given me a
unique and practical perspective on entrepreneurship, which I intend to pursue further in my
educational and professional journey. The hands-on experience, coupled with the development of
essential 21st-century skills, has equipped me to face the challenges and uncertainties of the
future with confidence and determination. The lessons learned during this internship will
undoubtedly guide me as I strive for success in both my personal and professional endeavors.
Thank you to my mother Jennie Morris for her support and lessons over this experience.

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