Classwork - A Triumph of Surgery

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Dramatized Text – A triumph of Victory

Scene 1: Concern for Tricki

[The scene opens with Dr. Herriot parked on the street, observing Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey. He
approaches them, shocked by Tricki's appearance.]

Dr. Herriot: [alarmed] Mrs. Pumphrey, Tricki looks terribly unwell. What's happened to him?

Mrs. Pumphrey: [frantically] Oh, Mr. Herriot, I'm so worried! Tricki has been listless and lethargic lately.

Dr. Herriot: [examining Tricki] He's gained so much weight! Have you been feeding him extra treats?

Scene 2: Mrs. Pumphrey's Explanation

[Mrs. Pumphrey nervously explains her actions, justifying her treatment of Tricki.]

Mrs. Pumphrey: [defensively] I thought Tricki needed some extra nourishment, so I've been giving him
malt, cod-liver oil, and Horlicks at night.

Dr. Herriot: [concerned] But did you cut down on the sweets, as I advised?

Mrs. Pumphrey: [regretfully] I tried, but he seemed so weak. I couldn't resist giving him his favorites—
cream cakes and chocolates.

Scene 3: Dr. Herriot's Warning

[Dr. Herriot becomes stern, warning Mrs. Pumphrey about the severity of Tricki's condition.]

Dr. Herriot: [firmly] Mrs. Pumphrey, if we don't change Tricki's diet and give him more exercise, he could
become seriously ill. You must stick to a strict regimen.

Mrs. Pumphrey: [anxiously] Oh, Mr. Herriot, I'll do my best! It's just so difficult.

Scene 4: Tricki's Hospitalization

[Tricki's condition worsens, prompting Dr. Herriot to suggest hospitalization.]

Dr. Herriot: [decisively] Tricki needs intensive care. I recommend hospitalizing him for observation to
prevent further complications.

Mrs. Pumphrey: [tearfully] Oh, Mr. Herriot, I can't bear the thought of him being away! But if it's for his
health, I'll agree.

[Dr. Herriot leads Tricki away as Mrs. Pumphrey watches with tears in her eyes.]

Scene 5: Mrs. Pumphrey's Distress

[A few days later, Mrs. Pumphrey calls Dr. Herriot, distressed about Tricki's condition.]

Mrs. Pumphrey: [tearfully] Mr. Herriot, Tricki won't eat anything! He's vomiting and lying around all day.
I'm so worried!

Dr. Herriot: [calmly] Mrs. Pumphrey, we'll do everything we can to help Tricki. I'll make arrangements for
him to be hospitalized immediately.

Scene 6: Tricki's Hospital Stay

[Tricki is hospitalized, and Dr. Herriot monitors his progress closely.]

Dr. Herriot: [observing Tricki's improvement] Tricki is responding well to treatment. He's starting to
show more interest in his surroundings.

Mrs. Pumphrey: [relieved] Oh, Mr. Herriot, thank you for taking care of Tricki. You're a lifesaver!

[The scene ends with Mrs. Pumphrey expressing her gratitude as Dr. Herriot assures her of Tricki's

Scene 7: Tricki's Recovery

[Tricki begins to show signs of improvement under Dr. Herriot's care.]

Dr. Herriot: [observing Tricki's progress] Tricki is responding remarkably well to the treatment. He's
starting to show interest in his surroundings and even interacting with the other dogs.

Mrs. Pumphrey: [relieved] Oh, Mr. Herriot, thank you for taking such good care of Tricki. I don't know
what I would have done without you.

Scene 8: Tricki's Adjustment

[Tricki adapts to life at the surgery, gradually becoming more active.]

Dr. Herriot: [watching Tricki interact with the other dogs] Tricki seems to be integrating well with the
other pets. He's joining in their activities and exploring his new surroundings.

Mrs. Pumphrey: [with a hint of worry] Do you think he misses me terribly?

Dr. Herriot: [reassuringly] I'm sure he misses your company, but he's in good hands here. He needs this
time to recover fully.

Scene 9: Feeding Time

[Tricki joins the other dogs for feeding time, showing signs of improvement in his appetite.]

Dr. Herriot: [observing Tricki's behavior] Tricki is showing a healthy appetite today. He's even jostling for
his share of food with the other dogs.
Mrs. Pumphrey: [delighted] Oh, that's wonderful news! It's such a relief to see him eating again.

Scene 10: Tricki's Transformation

[Tricki's progress continues, and he starts to fully embrace his new life at the surgery.]

Dr. Herriot: [noting Tricki's transformation] Tricki has truly come a long way. He's now an active and
engaged member of the group, enjoying his time with the other dogs.

Mrs. Pumphrey: [with gratitude] Mr. Herriot, you've worked wonders with Tricki. I can't thank you
enough for saving him.

Scene 11: Mrs. Pumphrey's Anxiety

[Dr. Herriot is busy attending to Tricki's recovery, while Mrs. Pumphrey anxiously waits for updates.]

Mrs. Pumphrey: [on the phone, fretting] Hello, Dr. Herriot? Any news on Tricki's condition?

Dr. Herriot: [calmly] Mrs. Pumphrey, Tricki is doing much better. He's convalescing rapidly.

Mrs. Pumphrey: [relieved] Oh, thank goodness! But, Dr. Herriot, are his cushions being turned regularly?
Is he wearing the correct coat for the weather?

Dr. Herriot: [dodging the questions] Yes, yes, everything is being taken care of. Don't worry, Mrs.
Pumphrey. Tricki is in good hands.

Scene 12: Mrs. Pumphrey's Generosity

[Mrs. Pumphrey's concern for Tricki leads her to take action.]

Mrs. Pumphrey: [arriving at the surgery with baskets of eggs] Dr. Herriot, I brought some fresh eggs for
Tricki. I heard they're good for building strength.

Dr. Herriot: [gratefully] Thank you, Mrs. Pumphrey. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.

Scene 13: Indulgence in Luxury

[The surgery becomes a place of indulgence as Tricki's recovery progresses.]

Dr. Herriot: [pouring glasses of wine] Lunch is served! Let's toast to Tricki's health and happiness.

Mrs. Pumphrey: [raising her glass] To Tricki!

Scene 14: Reunion

[Tricki's recovery is complete, and he is ready to be reunited with Mrs. Pumphrey.]

Dr. Herriot: [approaching Mrs. Pumphrey's car] Tricki is fine, Mrs. Pumphrey. You don't need to worry.
[Mrs. Pumphrey's eyes light up with relief as Dr. Herriot goes to retrieve Tricki.]

Scene 15: Tricki's Transformation

[Tricki's remarkable transformation is revealed to Mrs. Pumphrey.]

Dr. Herriot: [handing Tricki to Mrs. Pumphrey] Here's Tricki, Mrs. Pumphrey. He's made a remarkable

[Mrs. Pumphrey's face fills with joy as Tricki leaps into her arms, showering her with affection.]

Scene 16: Gratitude and Farewell

[Mrs. Pumphrey expresses her gratitude as they depart.]

Mrs. Pumphrey: [leaning out of the car window] Oh, Mr. Herriot, how can I ever thank you? This is truly
a triumph of surgery!

[As the car pulls away, tears of gratitude glisten in Mrs. Pumphrey's eyes, marking the end of Tricki's
miraculous journey to recovery.]

Group 1(6 Members)- Cozy Comforts – Challengers

Group 2 – (6 Members) Pleasant Pleasures – Super challengers

Group 3 - Radiant Revelations – Mega challengers

Group 4- Illuminating Inspirations – ultimate Challengers` \

Differentiated Activities

Group 1 – Reading (dramatically)

Group 2 – Explanation – Explain in detail dramatically.

Group 3 - Give Authors Biography, Describe characters, Discuss Themes, Vocabulary (create activities
and games based on the given content to let your class learn everything clearly)

Group 4 - Role play

Authors biography –
Plot Elements
Classwork - what should be written

1. Authors Biography - concept Map

2. Character Description – in tabular column
3. Plot Diagroam – draw triangle diagram and write the elements – given above
4. Creative writing – Letter Writing – sample given below. Read and write in your words.
5. Sketching Storyboard – create by yourself in classwork notebook

4. Write a letter from Mrs. Pumphrey to Mr. Herriot expressing her gratitude for his care and
expertise in treating Tricki, her beloved pet dog. In the letter, Mrs. Pumphrey should convey her
relief and appreciation for Tricki's recovery, detailing her emotional journey throughout his
illness and convalescence. Additionally, she should express her heartfelt thanks for the
compassionate and attentive care provided by Mr. Herriot and his team. Finally, Mrs. Pumphrey
should express her willingness to follow any further recommendations for Tricki's well-being and
her joy at having him back healthy and happy

[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Mr. Herriot
[Veterinary Clinic Name]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear Mr. Herriot,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude
for the exceptional care and expertise you provided in treating my beloved Tricki during his recent
illness. Your dedication and compassion have truly made a difference, and I cannot thank you enough.

When Tricki fell ill, I was overcome with worry and anxiety. Seeing him in such a state was
heartbreaking, and I felt utterly helpless. However, from the moment I brought him to your clinic, I knew
he was in the best hands possible. Your professionalism and genuine concern for Tricki's well-being were
evident every step of the way.

Throughout Tricki's illness and convalescence, your team's attentive care and medical expertise were
invaluable. Your thorough assessment and treatment plan not only restored Tricki's health but also
provided me with much-needed reassurance during a difficult time. I am deeply grateful for your
dedication and commitment to ensuring Tricki's recovery.

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you and your entire team for the kindness and compassion you
showed not only to Tricki but also to me. Your patience in addressing my concerns and your willingness
to answer all my questions alleviated much of my anxiety. I cannot thank you enough for your
unwavering support and guidance throughout Tricki's journey to recovery.

As Tricki returns home, happy and healthy once again, I am filled with joy and gratitude. I am committed
to following any further recommendations you may have for Tricki's well-being to ensure he remains
healthy and happy for years to come. Your expertise and guidance have been invaluable, and I trust your
judgment implicitly when it comes to Tricki's care.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for Tricki and me.
Your exceptional care and compassion have made a world of difference, and I am forever grateful.

With warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Sketching Storyboards: Students will sketch storyboard panels depicting key scenes from Tricki's
journey, such as Tricki's initial illness, Mrs. Pumphrey's distress, Tricki's hospitalization, and his joyful
reunion with Mrs. Pumphrey.

10 B

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Aathifa Maseera Meet Joshuva
Aysha EM Prasansha Yousuf Atharv
Azrin Sayyan Jerome Riya
Rasha Devraj Pritty Abel
PRAISY hafiz Abigya Pavani
Farhan Zahra Rayan
Luthfiya Abdul kareem

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