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Otology & Neurotology

24:548–559 © 2003, Otology & Neurotology, Inc.

Biomechanics of Stapesplasty: A Review

Karl-Bernd Hüttenbrink

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Technology, Dresden, Germany

Objective: The replacement of an otosclerotic fixed stapes by because of the oblique position of the piston. A piston can be
a prosthesis significantly modifies the function of the normal displaced up to 0.5 mm in the vestibule at ambient air pressure
ossicular chain. Because the ear works as a pressure receptor, a changes, as it is not attached to the annular ligament. These
piston prosthesis will both modify the sound pressure transmis- large movements explain why a short piston can be lifted out of
sion and respond to the ambient air pressure changes in a dif- the footplate fenestration (i.e., after sneezing) and why a piston
ferent way than the normal stapes. Both aspects, the acoustic with excessive length can impale the structures of the mem-
transmission and the displacements of the prosthesis with varia- branous labyrinth, causing vertigo (i.e., in a retraction of the
tions of atmospheric pressures, are reviewed. tympanic membrane). However, flying or diving should be
Conclusion: The diameter of a piston should not be smaller allowed generally, provided that a test with tympanometry,
than 0.4 mm and it should be inserted into a significantly larger applying variable pressures of ± 400 mm H2O, is tolerated
perforation of the footplate. A low mass is advantageous for without evoking vertigo. Key Words: Atmospheric pres-
transmission of higher frequencies. Firm attachment at the pro- sures— Diving—Flying—Piston diameter—Piston prosthe-
cessus lenticularis is necessary for effective energy transmis- sis—Stapedectomy—Stapedotomy
sion. This is of paramount importance in a malleovestibulopexy Otol Neurotol 24:548–559, 2003.

Since Shea (1) had replaced an otosclerotic stapes by ACOUSTIC BACKGROUND OF STAPESPLASTY
a polyethylene tube for the first time in 1956, stapes-
The rigidity of the annular ligament represents 90% of
plasty is one of the most fascinating procedures in
the total impedance of the human middle ear at lower
otosurgery. There is no other operation to restore the
frequencies and thus dominates the sound transmission
function of a sensory organ to help patients lead a normal
for speech frequencies through the normal middle ear,
life with a similar high success rate, with the possible
contrary to the middle ear in many research animals, like
exception of cataract surgery in ophthalmology. Al-
guinea pigs, in which the impedance is dominated by the
though the surgical technique has been refined and made
air in the bulla (2). Its solid collagen fibers determine the
reliable through the performance of thousands of opera-
amplitude of stapedial vibration in low-frequency acous-
tions spanning nearly half a century, it is important to
tic stimulation. The sound pressure at the entrance of the
note that some of the acoustic and biomechanical aspects
cochlea is directly proportional to the volume velocity of
of stapes replacement remain obscure. This is evident in
the stapes. This corresponds to the volume of the liquid
the variety of surgical techniques and designs of pros-
that is displaced by the vibration of the footplate. This
thesis available.
volume velocity is defined as the product of area and
New insight into the function of both the normal and
amplitude of the vibrating structure: the footplate with its
the reconstructed middle ear has been obtained with
area of approximately 3.2 mm2 exerts vibrations with
modern experimental tools, such as laser Doppler vibro- amplitudes of only a few nanometers for displacement of
metry, which has helped to explain the acoustic back- a sufficiently large amount of volume of liquid to trans-
ground of stapesplasty and the effects of modifications in mit sound pressure into the cochlea at physiologic sound
designs of various prostheses. This has also been useful pressures (3). This amplitude is determined by the total
in understanding the behavior of piston prostheses at impedance of the middle ear for low frequencies, and it
various atmospheric pressures, such as those encountered is constant with a defined sound pressure at the tympanic
in flying or diving. membrane (Fig. 1).
Replacement of an otosclerotic stapes by a piston
prosthesis eliminates the annular ligament as the domi-
nating factor of the impedance of the middle ear. The
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Karl-Bernd
Hüttenbrink, M.D., Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of amplitudes of vibration of the ossicles can increase at
Technology, Fetscherstr. 74, D-01307 Dresden, Germany; Email: equivalent sound pressures at the tympanic membrane. Thus, a piston prosthesis with its much smaller contact


ameter: Grolman et al. (4) reported a significantly de-

creased sound transmission, especially at frequencies be-
low 1 kHz for a 0.3-mm piston as compared with a
0.4-mm piston.
Pistons with sufficiently large diameter, 0.4 mm and
above, should have similar sound transmission properties
if the vibrational capacity of the middle ear structures is
unrestricted. However, inconsistent findings on the
acoustic results after stapesplasty with different piston
diameters are reported in the literature.
Fisch (5) and Shabana et al. (6) found equally good
hearing in the speech frequencies with 0.4- and 0.6-mm
pistons. Böheim et al. (7) compared 0.4- and 0.6-mm
gold pistons and observed a significant advantage for the
lager diameter only for 500 Hz. In higher frequencies of
2 kHz and 4 kHz, both pistons performed equally well.
Häusler (8) also found practically no difference between
0.4- and 0.6-mm pistons. Mann and Beck (9) reported a
significantly superior performance of 0.4-mm pistons in
the higher frequencies as compared with 0.6-mm pistons.
Coletti et al. (10), Schuknecht and Bentkover (11),
Sennaroglu et al. (12), and Teig and Lindemann (13),
however, reported better results with increasing piston
diameter (0.6 and 0.8 mm in Schuknecht and Bentkover
(11) and Sennaroglu et al. (12); 0.4–0.8 mm in Merchant
et al. (14) and Teig and Lindemann (13)). The acoustic
outcomes become even more contradictory if the sound
transmission is analyzed in separate frequencies.
Teig and Lindemann’s results (13) showed an ad-
vantage of a larger diameter only for the lower fre-
quencies; above 2 kHz, the 0.4-mm piston gave similar
results as the 0.8-mm piston. In the comparative study by
Shabana et al. (6), the transmission in the higher frequen-
cies of a 0.4-mm piston was worse than the 0.6-mm
piston, although both performed equally well in the
low frequencies.
Overall, audiologic results give the impression that a
larger diameter may have a small but clinically and not
significant effect on hearing results. In contrast, reduced
potential inner-ear trauma with a smaller diameter has to
FIG. 1. A piston prosthesis can vibrate with a larger amplitude
when the annular ligament as the dominating factor of the im-
be considered (5,15–17).
pedance of the middle ear is eliminated. The volume velocity and Some comparative studies used different piston mate-
thus the transfer of energy to the cochlea remains the same with rials in addition to the various diameters (4,18,19). It was
pistons of different diameters. shown that heavier prostheses (e.g., steel with a weight
of 12.5 mg (19), or gold with a weight of 10 mg (18))
gave better results in the lower frequencies; those with a
area (in comparison with the stapes footplate: 0.12 mm2 lower mass (e.g., Teflon, with a weight of 3 mg) trans-
in a 0.4-mm piston) can vibrate with a much larger am- mitted better in the high frequencies. This influence on
plitude at equivalent sound pressures. This increased lin- the frequencies by the mass of the piston is caused by a
ear velocity of the smaller piston compensates for the shift of the resonance frequency of the reconstructed
decrease in the surface area. middle ear.
Reduction of the diameter of a piston is limited be- Nevertheless, these minor changes of the mass of the
cause of the restrictions of the maximal vibrational ca- vibrating ossicular chain are of negligible importance in
pacity of the tympanic membrane and the ossicles. Ex- otherwise normal middle ear parameters. In a mathemati-
perience from animal experiments suggests that the cal model, even a 16-fold increase of the mass of the
maximal vibrational amplitude of the sound-transmitting stapes results in a reduction of transmission of less than
structures is attained at a diameter less than 0.4 mm, and 10 dB (14,20).
volume velocity will decrease with smaller diameters (2). This minor influence of the mass had already been
Clinical experience confirms this lower limit of the di- shown early in animal experiments with cats, by loading

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003


the footplate with mercury and registering the cochlear

microphonics (21). Temporal bone experiments, how-
ever, gave contradictory data; in one experiment, an ad-
ditional mass of 22.5 mg reduced transmission by only 3
dB (22), whereas in another study the addition of 5 mg
resulted in a decrease of 13 to 15 dB for the high fre-
quencies (23).
Mathematical models also show the advantage of a
larger diameter of the piston diameter on sound trans-
mission (20). However, even precise calculations rely on
experimental data with inherent methodologic discrepan-
cies. This may explain why a loss of 15 to 20 dB was
calculated for a 0.4-mm piston. Clinical audiology, in
contrast, does not register such a large deficit after FIG. 3. The perforation should be larger than usual in a thick
stapesplasty with a 0.4-mm piston. footplate, to prevent a lateral contact with the bony edges and
A Finite Element Model (FEM) also seemed to dem- thus an attenuation of the vibrations in cases of an oblique posi-
onstrate an advantage of a larger piston diameter (24). tioning of the piston.
Nevertheless, the assumed 19-dB increase of sound pres-
sure with a prosthesis area of 3.6 mm2 (the same size as of only 0.2 to 0.3 mm. In a study by Fucci et al. (25), 0.4-
the footplate) cannot be accepted. In FEM, any single and 0.6-mm steel pistons, which had been inserted into
incorrect parameter can distort the result. Also, in this fenestrations of identical size, performed equally well.
model, several parameters had only been roughly esti- Unfortunately, most published studies comparing acous-
mated, for example, the rigidity of the annular ligament. tic results with different piston diameters do not mention
Furthermore, this model used pressures instead of forces the size of the footplate fenestra. Most surgeons perforate
as a stimulation. The authors increased the surface area the footplate just a bit larger than the piston diameter, to
of the piston but kept the pressure constant. This will minimize the inner ear trauma (5,16,17).
enlarge the force, which is not correct for the hydraulic In cases of an increased thickness of the otosclerotic
mechanism of middle ear transmission. They also pre- footplate, however, the size of the perforation should be
served the impedance of the annular ligament, even large enough to prevent a lateral contact of an angled
though this major impedance factor is eliminated af- piston with the surrounding bone (Fig. 3). This contact
ter stapesplasty. would result in an attenuation of the vibration, with con-
The vibrating and thus energy-transmitting area, how- sequential decrease of sound transmission (8).
ever, is not solely defined by the diameter of the piston, This angulation of the piston is evident in the malleo-
as the surrounding connective tissue membrane vibrates vestibulopexy, in cases of absent or nonusable incus, as
too (20) (Fig. 2). Thus, the whole sound-transmitting the malleus handle is located anteriorly in relation to the
area of a 0.4-mm piston is equivalent to the surface area oval window (Fig. 4), which might be the cause for in-
of a 0.5- to 0.6-mm piston. This membranous component ferior acoustic results (15). Loose coupling of the wire of
explains why a stapedectomy with its partial or complete the prosthesis to the malleus handle might be an addi-
replacement of the footplate by a connective tissue mem- tional cause for reduced sound transmission. If the wire
brane gives good acoustic results (17), even though the is attached to the incus’ long process, which hovers di-
wire in the classic wire-tissue prosthesis has a diameter rectly above the perforation, the piston will vibrate
mainly in the direction of its long axis, as the processus
lenticularis vibrates mostly like a piston in the low and
mid frequencies. For this unidirectional energy transmis-
sion, the contact of the wire loop to the incus should be
sufficiently stable.
The attachment to the malleus results in angulation of
the piston, especially if the fenestration of the footplate is
located in its posterior part. This will induce an addi-
tional lateral force at the wire loop, as the malleus handle
vibrates in a piston-like fashion. This lateral force may
result in a tilting movement of the prosthesis, if the wire
loop is not rigidly attached to the malleus handle, and
which will be lost for sound transmission. Therefore,
firm attachment of the wire loop at the malleus handle,
which prevents any tilting movement, is of paramount
FIG. 2. The connective tissue seal around the piston in the
perforation of the footplate vibrates too, and thus adds vibrational importance for a malleovestibulopexy. Acoustic results
energy for the stimulation of the cochlea. This component be- are improved by pulling the wire loop tightly around the
comes especially important for thinner pistons. malleus or with a drop of bone cement (15).

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003


of a contraction of the stapedius muscle. In a normal

middle ear, the pull of the muscle rotates the footplate
around its transverse axis and stretches the annular liga-
ment (29). This increase of tension of the collagen fibers
results in a shift of the resonance to the higher frequen-
cies (30). Thus, the acoustic reflex induces a decrease of
larger movements and low-frequency transmission but
an improved transmission of the deleterious higher fre-
quencies of the noise.
Although the annular ligament is not functioning in a
piston prosthesis, a contraction of the stapedius muscle
might still be registered as an impedance change of the
tympanic membrane, but the change of stiffness at the
annular ligament cannot be estimated. Other subjective
factors might be responsible for the pleasant hearing im-
pression expressed by some patients with preserved sta-
pedial tendon.
The restoration of middle ear transmission by the
stapesplasty not only improves air conduction but also
can lower the characteristic depression in the bone-
conduction threshold in the mid-frequency region in
pure-tone audiometry in some patients. This Carhart
notch (31) does not represent the true cochlea perfor-
mance, as it becomes evident in the “over-closure” after
successful stapesplasty with its shift of bone-conduction
threshold. It is rather a manifestation of a reduced stimu-
lation of the cochlea in bone conduction because of the
obstructed middle ear transmission with an otosclerotic
FIG. 4. In a malleovestibulopexy, the direction of vibration of the stapes. Bone-conducted sound is transmitted mainly
piston is oblique. A significantly more stable attachment to the
malleus handle is necessary to prevent unwanted and energy- through the temporal bone directly into the cochlea (32–
consuming tilting movements.

Interposition of a venous or connective tissue graft

beneath the piston as a cover for the perforation of the
footplate is a further biomechanical point of interest
(Fig. 5). This connection between the piston and the
edge of the perforation is considered to restore the stiff-
ness of the annular ligament (26). A FEM simulation
calculated a reduction of lateral vibrations for this as-
sembly (27). An additionally introduced stiffness, how-
ever, would not be favorable for a maximal volume-
velocity of the piston, because of the induced reduction
of vibrational amplitude. However, it can be assumed
that no significant additional impedance is created, or
that this parameter has only a minimal influence on over-
all transmission, considering the excellent acoustic re-
sults that were reported by Causse (26) with this tech-
nique. This underlay technique, however, could stabilize
the piston against atmospheric pressure changes, which
are discussed below.
Some surgeons preserve the stapedial muscle when
they remove the stapes suprastructure (8,28). In addition
to a reduced risk of incus erosion because of preserved
blood supply to the lenticular process, they postulate a
more physiologic sound transmission for high sound
pressure levels and a reduction of discomfort in noisy FIG. 5. A venous or connective tissue underlay graft under the
environment because of the preservation of the acoustic piston will attenuate the free vibrations, but it will also reduce
reflex. Nevertheless, unrestricted movements of the an- the displacements of the piston as induced by atmospheric pres-
nular ligament are prerequisite for these acoustic effects sure changes.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003


34). However, a significant component of this vibration

energy is radiated from the walls of the tympanic cavity
and external ear canal and reaches the cochlea by means
of the tympanic membrane and the ossicular chain.
If the stapes is ankylosed, this part is missing. This
phenomenon is the essential component of the “Gellé
test,” which serves as a diagnostic tool for confirmation
of a stapedial ankylosis. (Alteration of meatal atmo-
spheric pressure by pneumatic otoscopy reduces the per-
ception of a tone, produced by a tuning fork, and which
is applied by bone conduction, in the normal middle ear,
as the tympanic membrane and the ossicular chain are
stretched and the middle ear component of the bone-
conducted sound is attenuated. This effect is not seen if
the stapes is fixed.)
This middle ear component of bone conduction in the
mid frequencies at 1 to 2 kHz corresponds to the reso-
nance frequency of the middle ear, which explains the
location of the Carhart notch in this frequency region.
This component is again available after a successful res-
toration of middle ear transmission, resulting in an im-
proved bone conduction with an evident improvement of
cochlear function.
Solid attachment of the prosthesis to the long process
of the incus is a dominant factor for effective energy
transmission. For this purpose, the choice of material
(e.g., platinum, steel, or gold wire loops; whole Teflon
loop) is rather irrelevant, provided that it enables firm
anchoring. An FEM analysis demonstrated that loose
coupling results in additional lateral, ineffective vibra-
tions (27,35).
Loosening of the attachment because of the erosion of
the bone is one of the most common causes for a post-
operative recurrent air-bone gap (8,36–38). It is assumed
that this erosion is caused by reduction in blood supply
of the lenticular process, if the vessels through the sta-
pedial tendon are eliminated. Animal experiments, how-
ever, did not confirm this hypothesis (37). In any event,
the blood supply of the bone is maintained through the
bone marrow, which continues down to the tip of the
long process (39).
Another assumption is that there is an increased force FIG. 6. Crimping the wire loop of a piston will not induce a
at the wire loop with atmospheric pressure-induced circular grove, as pressure is built up only locally.
movements of the incus, if the piston is tightly fastened
in connective tissue in the oval window niche (37,40).
coiling elastic loop, which could exert permanent force,
The lenticular process, however, is displaced only a few
this force would end after a superficial erosion of the
micrometers at atmospheric pressure variations, as the
bone, and only a shallow groove would occur.
malleus-incus joint attenuates the movements of the tym-
The characteristic finding in incus erosion is a deep,
panic membrane (41). These displacements are too small
circular bony defect, filled with granulation tissue (Fig.
for building up a force that could cause bone resorption.
7). Sometimes, even the bony connection to the tip is lost
An elastic loop, such as in a total Teflon prosthesis,
(8). This leads to the assumption that the bony erosion is
could exert permanent force because of its “memory ef-
caused by a sort of foreign body reaction.
fect” (38). This mechanism is not evident in the wire
loop prostheses, as a force only builds up in highly lo-
calized spots with the typical crimping procedure with a THE BEHAVIOR OF STAPEDIAL PROSTHESES
microforceps (Fig. 6). Furthermore, because of the elas- AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE VARIATIONS
ticity of the metal, a tiny but significant loosening of the
loop will follow the crimping procedure, preventing any The ear works as a pressure receptor. Its main purpose
force buildup. However, even in a prosthesis with a self- is to transmit the acoustic sound pressure to the inner ear.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003


hundred-millimeter water column are tolerated by the ear

without any problem. It is important to consider that the
ear is constantly exposed to these pressure changes in
daily life, for example, during swallowing, at every tubal
opening, at wind gusts at the external ear, in flying, in
diving, and so forth.
In tympanometry, with its pressure changes of ± 400
mm H2O the tympanic membrane and the malleus are
displaced inward and outward up to 1 mm. In the normal
ossicular chain, these forces induce a gliding in the
malleus-incus joint. Because of the intricate construction
of the joint and the supporting ligaments of the ossicles,
this gliding movements forces the incus predominantly
upward or downward. This results in a gliding in the
incudostapedial joint. Because of this change of the in-
ward-outward movement of the malleus to a perpendicu-
FIG. 7. The typical finding in a loosening of a piston prosthesis lar movement at the lenticular process, the stapes and in
is a circular bony erosion with granulation tissue in the bony consequence the inner ear are uncoupled from the exten-
defect. This is more consistent with a foreign body reaction than sive displacements of the tympanic membrane at ambient
with a mechanical origin.
air pressures (42). The maximal piston-like inward or
outward movement of the stapes never exceeds 10 to 30
However, it is also exposed to the enormous changes of ␮m, regardless of the pressure in the external ear canal
ambient atmospheric pressures (Fig. 8): at the hearing (41) (Figs. 9 and 10).
threshold, the sound pressure is 20 ␮P; at the pain thresh- The solid attachment of the stapes in the annular liga-
old at 114 dB, it reaches 10 million ␮P, which corre- ment, which is the strongest ligament in the middle ear
sponds to a static pressure of a 1-mm water column (43), is crucial for the induction of this gliding process in
(daPa). Nevertheless, atmospheric pressures of a several- the joint. The placement of a stapedial prosthesis elimi-
nates this resistance. Atmospheric pressure changes,
which induce displacements of the tympanic membrane,
can now move a piston practically unrestrictedly in the
vestibule (Fig. 10).
These movements were analyzed in temporal bone ex-
periments with a three-dimensional microscopic mea-
surement technique (41,44). Pressures of 50, 100, 200,
and 400 mm H2O, like in tympanometry, were applied to
the external ear canal of nine fresh temporal bones (1–3
days postmortem). The middle ear walls were opened for
viewing and illumination by enlarging the tubal orifice

FIG. 9. The gliding movement in the malleus-incus joint

FIG. 8. The ear as a pressure receptor not only transmits the changes the inward-outward movement of the tympanic mem-
sound pressures but is also permanently exposed to the million- brane, resulting in a gliding of the incus-stapes joint. This reduces
times larger variations of ambient air pressure. the inward-outward movement of the stapes significantly.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003


When the friction between piston and the edge is

greater than the frictional resistance of the malleus-incus
joint of 10 mN (1 mg) (45), only a fraction of the inward
and outward movement of the malleus is transmitted to
the prosthesis. Therefore, much larger displacements of
the prosthesis can be expected if the gliding capacity of
the ossicular joints is impaired. Histologic studies
showed that degenerative changes with ankylosis can
develop in the joints in 50% of otosclerotic middle
ears (46–48).
This abnormality was simulated in the temporal bone
experiments by fixation of the malleus-incus joint with
cyanoacrylate glue (Histoacryl, Braun, Germany). With
FIG. 10. Inward-outward displacements of umbo, stapes, and a
piston prosthesis in a temporal bone during application of tym- this ankylosis of the joint and resulting elimination of the
panometric pressures. protective gliding mechanism, the movement of the pis-
ton in the vestibule increased nearly twofold at ± 400
and removing parts of the dorsal tegmen and parts of the mm H2O, with an average of 407 ␮m (range, 288–548
medial wall of the vestibule, as these structures are not ␮m). In two temporal bones, this movement even ex-
essential for statics and function of the middle ear. All ceeded 0.5 mm (41). This comparatively large displace-
ossicular ligaments were left untouched. Measurements ment is the reason why a very short piston can be lifted
of the ossicular positions at various static pressures were out of the perforation by simple sneezing or with a Val-
carried out using technical objectives (Bausch & Lomb) salva maneuver. It will resettle on the fixed footplate, a
in a measuring microscope. With an objective magnifi- finding that is often reported in revision surgeries for
cation of 9×, 25×, and 50×, corresponding to a total recurrent air-bone gap (8). A very long piston can contact
magnification of 200×, 625×, and 1,250×, displacements or even pierce the underlying structures of the membra-
down to 1 ␮m could be measured in the three planes of nous labyrinth (utricle, saccule) at an increased pressure
space with the ocular micrometers and the microscope’s in the external ear canal with a retraction of the tympanic
microbody fine adjustment. Relevant parts of the ossicles membrane and cause vertigo (Figs. 12 and 13). Relating
and the piston were marked with aluminium powder, these displacements to the anatomy of the vestibule, the
dotted on the surface by a needle. These aluminium piston should be inserted into the posterior section of the
grains of 1 ␮m size weigh only 0.03 mg/cm2, thus posing footplate, as this location guaranties the largest distance
no significant additional mass. These grains appeared as to the saccule (49,50).
bright spots when illuminated obliquely. Because of the potential displacements and the vicin-
In a first step, the mechanics of the normal middle ear ity of the piston to the inner ear structures, surgery under
were examined by measuring the displacements of the local anesthesia is recommended. If the insertion depth
umbo, lenticular process, and stapes. Then, an 0.8-mm of the piston is 0.5 mm, as has been proposed to prevent
perforation was drilled into the footplate, the crura were its outward dislocation with sneezing (36), a gentle pres-
cut with a microscissors, and a 0.6 × 4.5-mm platin-
Teflon piston (Richards) was attached to the long process
of the incus (Fig. 11). The displacements of the piston
were measured through the medial opening of the wall of
the vestibule.
The cochlea was drained for these experiments. This
“unloading” can be a methodologic weakness in mea-
surements of sound transport, as it modifies the vibra-
tional characteristics of the stapes footplate. However, it
is insignificant if a displacement of a piston in a change
of static pressure is measured. In the experiments, the
pressure was increased stepwise and maintained. The
new position of the piston was measured at each step.
Thus, no movements (which could be influenced, if the
piston pushes on air or on liquid) but only positions in
steady state with pressure equalization in the vestibule
were measured.
On average, the pistons were displaced 232 ␮m in-
ward and outward at pressures of ± 400 mm H2O, with
FIG. 11. Temporal bone with simulated stapesplasty. A pis-
large interindividual variations (114–403 ␮m). Because ton prosthesis is inserted into a perforation of the footplate.
of the friction of the piston at the edges of the perfora- The vestibule is opened for registration of the pressure-induced
tion, larger values were not reached. displacements.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003


patients presented some nystagmus, although they did

not complain of vertigo.
These pressure-induced displacements of the piston in
the vestibule can cause inner-ear irritations or even dam-
age the inner ear. This danger is even more evident for a
malleovestibulopexy (51), considering the movements of
the malleus of up to 1 mm. Therefore, a piston should be
attached adjacent to the short process of the malleus, near
the rotation axis of the malleus in ambient air pressures
to reduce the pressure-induced displacements. This
position has only a minor influence on the audiologic
results, as the malleus handle vibrates mostly in a piston-
like fashion at sound transmission; its acoustic rotation
axis changes its position, depending on the frequency (3).
The pieces of connective tissue that are often placed
around the piston in the oval window niche serve as a
seal to prevent a perilymphatic leakage. In addition, their
FIG. 12. At a positive pressure of 400 mm H2O in the external frictional resistance will attenuate the pressure-induced
ear canal (analogue to tympanometry), the piston protrudes displacements of the piston after healing and scarring, as
deeply into the vestibule and nearly touches the white saccule. soon as it surpasses the frictional resistance of the
malleus-incus joint (Fig. 14). The same mechanics apply
sure downward of the long process of the incus can to the venous or connective tissue graft under the piston
test the maximal inward movement of the piston. Short- in the fenestration. Therefore, flying should not be per-
ening of the piston is necessary if the patient reports mitted 2 weeks after a stapesplasty (52), until this con-
vertigo with this movement. By analogy, removing the nective tissue covering has matured. In modern passen-
tamponade of the external ear canal can lateralize an ger jets flying at an altitude of 41,000 ft, the pressure
inwardly displaced tympanic membrane together with
the piston in cases of postoperative vertigo, even with
nystagmus. Such an irritation by an impaling piston is
confirmed if the vertigo ceases instantly after a cautious
Valsalva maneuver.
Irritation of the inner ear by a piston prosthesis is not
uncommon, even in asymptomatic patients. We tested 53
patients 6 months after stapesplasty with a piston pros-
thesis, by applying pressures of 400 mm H2O, with tym-
panometry and simultaneous registration of eye move-
ments by electronystagmography. One-third of the

FIG. 13. At a negative pressure of −400 mm H2O in the external

ear canal (analogue to tympanometry), the piston is nearly lifted FIG. 14. The connective tissue, which is inserted into the oval
out of the perforation. Only its lower in end merely visible, flush window niche as a sealing, attenuates the pressure-induced dis-
with the footplate bottom. placements of the piston because of the friction.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003


differential relative to sea level is 2,000 mm H2O (53), 8. Hausler R. Advances in stapes surgery [in German]. Laryngol
which induces excessive displacements of the tympanic Rhinol Otol 2000;79(Suppl 2):95–139.
9. Mann W, Beck C. Functional results in stapes surgery [in German].
membrane even with repeated tubal openings. Laryngol Rhinol Otol 1983;62:387–90.
A test applying tympanometric pressures to the ear 10. Coletti V, Fiorino FG. Stapedectomy with stapedius tendon pres-
with simultaneous recording of nystagmus can reveal ervation: technique and long term results. Otolaryngol Head Neck
whether flying or diving could be hazardous to patients Surg 1994;111:181–8.
after a stapesplasty. If no vertigo or pathologic eye 11. Schuknecht HF, Bentkover SH. Partial stapedectomy and piston
prosthesis. In: Snow JB Jr, ed. Controversy in Otolaryngology.
movements are evoked with pressures of 400 mm H2O, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1980:281–91.
even larger pressures should not cause inner-ear irrita- 12. Sennaroglu L, Unal F, Sennaraglu G, Gursel B, Belgin E. Effect of
tion. Larger pressures are not transmitted by the ossicular the Teflon piston diameter on hearing result after stapedotomy.
chain because of the tympanic membrane stiffening with Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2001;124:279–81.
13. Teig E, Lindemann H. Stapedotomy piston diameter: is bigger
increasing tension of its radial collagen fibers, behaving better? Otorhinolaryngol Nova 1999;9:252–6.
like a solid wall at pressures above 400 mm H2O (3,54). 14. Merchant SN, Ravicz ME, Voss SE, Peake WT, Rosowski JJ.
Thus, a prosthesis attached to the ossicles will not be Middle ear mechanics in normal, diseased and reconstructed ears.
displaced significantly with further increasing pressure J Laryngol Otol 1998;112:715–31.
(compare Fig. 10). These experimental results are con- 15. Hausler R, Oestreicher E. Malleus grip stapedectomy. In:
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firmed by the experience of military jet pilots from sev- on Middle-Ear Mechanics in Research and Otosurgery, Boston,
eral nations who continued to fly after a stapesplasty MA, 1999. The Hague, The Netherlands: Kugler Publications,
without problems, and who were exposed to even larger 2000:261–70.
decompressions in action (55–57). 16. Marquet J, Greten WL, Camp KJV. Consideration about the sur-
Pressure chamber experiments in monkeys (58), cats gical approach in stapedectomy. Acta Otolaryngol 1972;74:
(59), and guinea pigs (60) also did not demonstrate any 17. Smyth GDL, Hassard TH. Eighteen years experience in stapedec-
inner-ear damage after stapesplasty. Stapesplasty pa- tomy: the case for the small fenestra operation. Ann Otol Rhinol
tients even performed diving, which causes much larger Laryngol Suppl 1978;87:3–36.
pressure changes, without any problems (61). 18. De Bruin AJG, Tange RA, Dreschler WA. Comparison of stapes
Therefore, it does not seem justified to ban pilots, prostheses: a retrospective analysis of individual audiometric re-
sults obtained after stapedotomy by implantation of a gold and a
divers, parachutists, or other people who are exposed to Teflon piston. Am J Otol 1998;20:573–80.
excessive pressure variations from performing their 19. Robinson M. Stapes prosthesis: stainless steel versus Teflon. La-
work or sport after stapesplasty. Prerequisite for safe ryngoscope 1974;71:385–8.
exposure to excessive pressure variations is, however, 20. Rosowski JJ, Merchant SN. Mechanical and acoustic analysis of
middle ear reconstruction. Am J Otol 1995;16:486–97.
the above-mentioned pressure test with tympanometry
21. Cottle RD, Tonndorf J. Mechanical aspects of stapedial substitu-
without symptoms. Furthermore, a normal, stable, tym- tion: an experimental study. Arch Otolaryngol 1966;83:547–53.
panic membrane without atrophic areas should be con- 22. Gan RZ, Wood MW, Dyer RK, Dormer KJ. Mass loading on the
firmed in otomicroscopy. For divers, a greater danger is ossicles and middle ear function. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2001;
hidden in a reduced mechanical stability of the tympanic 110:478–85.
membrane, as a rupture of an atrophic drum under water 23. Nishihara S, Goode R. Experimental study of the acoustic proper-
ties of incus replacement prostheses in a human temporal bone
can cause a life-threatening loss of orientation and vom- model. Am J Otol 1994;15:485–94.
iting because of the thermal stimulation by the inflow- 24. Arnold W, Bohnke F, Scherer E. Influence of the area of stapes
ing water. footplate prostheses on perilymphatic pressure and basilar mem-
brane displacement [in German]. Otorhinolaryngol Nova 1999;9:
Acknowledgment: Special thanks to R. Kayarkar for her 81–6.
linguistic refinement of the manuscript. 25. Fucci MJ, Lippy WH, Schurig AG. Prosthesis size in stapedec-
tomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;118:1–5.
26. Causse JB. The twenty fine points of otosclerosis surgery. Am J
REFERENCES Otol 1989;10:75–7.
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3. Hüttenbrink K-B. Biomechanics of middle ear reconstruction [in 108:1453–8.
German]. Laryngol Rhinol Otol 2000;79(Suppl 2):23–51. 29. Huttenbrink K-B. The movement of the ossicles induced by the
4. Grolman W, Tange RA, de Bruijn AJ, Hart AA, Schouwenburg contraction of the middle ear muscles [in German]. Laryngol Rhi-
PF. A retrospective study of hearing results obtained after stape- nol Otol 1989;68:614–21.
dotomy by the implantation of two Teflon pistons with a different 30. Huttenbrink K-B. The function of the ossicular chain and of the
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6. Shabana YK, Ghonim HR, Pedersen CB. Stapedotomy: does pros- Arch Otolaryngol 1950;51:798–808.
thesis diameter affect outcome? Clin Otolaryngol 1999;24:91–4. 32. Bekesy G. v. Experiments in Hearing. (Reprint). Huntington, NY:
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1997;7:235–40. duction: the middle ear. J Acoust Soc Am 2002;111:947–59.

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34. Tonndorf J. Bone conduction: studies in experimental animals. 61. Becker GD, Parell GJ. Barotrauma of the ears and sinuses after
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35. Williams KR, Blayney AW, Lesser TM. A three-dimensional finite
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36. Fisch U, May J. Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy and Stapes Sur- The authors are to be complimented on compiling a
gery. Stuttgart, New York: Georg Thieme; 1994:39–40. comprehensive review of the biomechanics of stapedec-
37. Schimanski G. Erosion and necrosis of the long process of the tomy. As aptly stated in their introduction, “…Although
incus after otosclerosis surgery [in German]. HNO 1997;45:682–9. the surgical technique [of stapedectomy] has been
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to note that some of the acoustic and biomechanical
39. Anson BJ, Winch TR. Vascular channels in the auditory ossicles in
man. Ann Otol 1974;83:142–58. aspects of stapes replacement remain obscure.” The re-
40. Schimanski G. Stapes surgery in otosclerosis [in German]. HNO
view is unique and noteworthy in two ways: first, both
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42. Huttenbrink KB. Middle ear mechanics and their interface with static pressure are discussed. Nonetheless, we take issue
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43. Huttenbrink K-B. Functional anatomy of the middle ear: ossicular The authors concluded that the 0.4-mm-diameter
ligaments [in German]. Laryngol Rhinol Otol 1989;68:146–51.
stapes piston is optimum, and that smaller and larger
44. Huttenbrink K-B. Static air pressure-induced displacements of
stapes piston prostheses [in German]. Laryngol Rhinol Otol 1988;
diameter pistons have disadvantages. We respectfully
67:240–44. disagree. In our opinion, there is no single “optimum”
45. Cancura W. On the statics of malleus and incus and on the function piston diameter; rather, there is a continuum wherein
of the malleus-incus joint. Acta Otolaryngol 1980;89:342–4. larger piston diameters give better acoustic results after
46. Belal A, Stewart TJ. Pathological changes in the middle ear joints. stapedectomy. The reasons for our belief are as follows.
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47. Lempert J, Wolff D. Histopathology of the incus and the head of eter and hearing results after small fenestra stapedectomy
the malleus in cases of stapedial ankylosis. Arch Otolaryngol 1945; using a simple, lumped-element mathematical model of
42:339–67. the middle ear (1). The output of the middle ear was
48. Altmann F. The finer structure of the auditory ossicles in otoscle- quantified by the “volume velocity” of the stapes, where
rosis. Arch Otolaryngol 1965;82:569–74.
volume velocity is the product of stapes linear velocity
49. Backous DD, Minor LB, Aboujaoude ES, Nager GT. Relationship
of the utriculus and sacculus to the stapes footplate: anatomic
and area of the footplate. After a small fenestra stape-
implications for sound- and for pressure-induced otolith activation. dectomy, the “effective” footplate area is reduced to the
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1999;108:548–53. area of the prosthesis. This reduction has two effects:
50. Pauw BKH, Pollak AM, Fisch U. Utricle, saccule, and cochlear first, it reduces the mechanical load that opposes the
duct in relation to stapedotomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1991; piston motion, resulting in an increase in the linear ve-
100:966–70. locity of the piston for a given ossicular force; and sec-
51. Schuknecht HF, Bartley ML. Malleus grip prosthesis. Ann Otol ond, it reduces the volume velocity produced by a given
Rhinol Laryngol 1986;95:531–4.
stapes linear velocity. The reduction in mechanical load
52. Harrill WG, Jenkins HA, Coker NJ. Barotrauma after stapes sur-
gery: a survey of recommended restrictions and clinical experi-
comes about because the force driving the piston is con-
ences. Am J Otol 1996;17:835–46. centrated over a smaller area of the oval window, and the
53. Syms CA. Flying after otologic surgery. Am J Otol 1991;12:162. annular ligament, which normally constrains motion of
54. Flisberg K, Ingelstedt S, Ortegren U. On the function of middle ear the stapes footplate, is eliminated. Although our model
and eustachian tube. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl 1963;182:42–54. predicted a significant increase in piston linear velocity
55. Katzav J, Lippy WH, Shamiss A. Stapedectomy in combat pilots. (compared with velocity of the normal stapes), this in-
Am J Otol 1996;17:847–9. crease was less than the decrease in the effective area,
56. Rayman RB. Stapedectomy: a throat to flying safety? Aerosp Med and the net result was a decrease in stapes volume ve-
1972;43:545–50. locity with decreasing piston area. The decreased post-
57. Thiringer JK, Arriga MA. Stapedectomy in military air crew. Oto- stapedectomy volume velocity interacts with normal
laryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;118:9–14. acoustic impedance of the inner ear and produces a pro-
58. Fletcher JL, Robertson GD, Loeb M. Effects of high intensity portional decrease in cochlear pressure. The reduction in
impulse noise and rapid changes in pressure upon. Acta Otolaryn-
gol 1969;68:6–13.
stapes volume velocity and reduction in cochlear sound
pressure lead to an air-bone gap that is predicted to per-
59. Garlington JC, Singleton GT. Rapid decompression and recom-
pression in the stapedectomized cat. Aerosp Med. 1969;40:475–8. sist after a small fenestra stapedectomy. The smaller the
60. Antonelli PJ, Adamczyk M, Appleton CM, Parell GJ. Inner ear area of the stapes prosthesis, the greater the air-bone gap.
barotrauma after stapedectomy in the guinea pig. Laryngoscope The model predicted a continuum of effects of changing
1999;109:1991–5. piston diameter. At frequencies of 1,000 Hz and below,

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003


an 0.8-mm-diameter piston was predicted to cause a 4. There may be insufficient numbers of cases in a
5-dB gap, a 0.6-mm piston was predicted to cause a clinical series to achieve statistical significance in
10-dB gap, and a 0.4-mm piston was predicted to cause detecting differences between differing diameter
a 15-dB gap. The increased probability of inaccuracies in pistons. For example, in the study by Shabana et al.
the data sets used to produce the model at higher fre- (6) cited by the authors where 0.4- and 0.6-mm
quencies limits the model’s utility at frequencies above 2 pistons were shown to be equivalent in an analysis
to 3 kHz. of 200 procedures, the raw data showed a trend
Our prediction that hearing results improve with in- toward better results for the 0.6-mm piston, but this
creasing piston diameters are in agreement with predic- did not reach statistical significance, except at
tions made by other investigators using more sophisti- 4 kHz.
cated three-dimensional and finite element models (2,3). The above confounding issues not withstanding, a re-
Our predictions are also supported by experimental tem- view of published clinical results after stapedectomy (in
poral bone data by Goode and Hato (4), where measure- the English language literature) shows that the majority
ments of round window velocity were made in an ex- of clinical studies do indeed report that larger piston
perimental temporal bone preparation with stapes diameters yielded better results for frequencies up to and
prostheses of varying diameter. Round pistons of 0.4 mm including 2 kHz (7–11). The “N” for these studies ranged
and 0.8 mm diameter, and an oval 1.6 × 0.8-mm piston from 200 to 1,459, and piston diameters ranged from 0.3
were used, whereas all other parameters of the prepara- through 0.8 mm. A minority of studies reported no dif-
tion were kept unchanged. The results showed significant ference in results between 0.4- and 0.6-mm piston diam-
differences between different piston diameters, with eters (6,12). There is no study of which we are aware that
larger diameters giving larger round window velocities. supports the 0.4-mm piston resulting in acoustically su-
An important test of any model, including ours, is the perior results for frequencies of 2 kHz and lower. In our
comparison of model predictions with actual clinical re- opinion, one of the best and most careful analyses of the
sults. However, multiple factors can confound the effect of piston diameter was the study of Teig and Lin-
comparison of model predictions with clinical results af- deman (7), who compared piston diameters of 0.4, 0.6,
ter stapedectomy: and 0.8 mm, with special attention to the confounding
1. Our model assumed that the effective vibrating variables described above. Their data showed clear sta-
footplate area after small fenestra stapedectomy is tistically significant differences in hearing results, with
no more than the area of the lower end of the pros- larger pistons giving better results for frequencies up to
thesis. If a fenestra is larger than the prosthesis, and including 2 kHz. The mean hearing results for the
then the effective vibrating surface may be greater 0.6-mm piston were better by 4 to 10 dB when compared
than the area of the prosthesis alone, and hearing with the 0.4-mm piston, whereas the 0.8-mm piston was
results will be correspondingly better. This is sup- better than the 0.6-mm piston by 5 to 7 dB.
ported by a clinical analysis of 120 stapedectomy The author’s preference for the 0.4-mm piston is also
procedures by Fucci et al. (5), who created a 1.4- based in part on the reduced potential for inner ear
mm-diameter fenestra and used either a 0.4-mm trauma with the 0.4-mm piston. Most otologists would
piston (60 ears) or a 0.6-mm piston (60 ears). There agree that a small fenestra stapedectomy is less traumatic
were no differences in hearing results between the than a total or large fenestra stapedectomy. However, we
two groups. are not aware of any data that indicate differences in
2. The method used to compute the poststapedectomy inner ear trauma between a 0.4- and a 0.6-mm piston
air-bone gap may explain why, in some cases, (when both pistons are used in the small fenestra tech-
the observed gaps are not as large as those pre- nique). The lack of difference in inner ear trauma with
dicted by various models. Many published studies differing piston diameters, provided that a small fenestra
computed the postoperative air-bone gap using the technique is used, is implicit in the author’s recommen-
postoperative air conduction thresholds and the dation of placing a 0.4-mm piston in a significantly
preoperative bone-conduction thresholds, which larger perforation of the stapes footplate. The author rec-
minimizes the postsurgical air-bone gap, because ommends making the fenestra significantly larger to im-
bone-conduction thresholds generally improve af- prove the effective vibrating area of the stapes footplate
ter stapedectomy. (Fig. 2); thus, the author implicitly acknowledges the
3. The various models assume that bone-conduction importance of making the effective footplate vibrating
thresholds are true and accurate reflections of area as large as possible.
cochlear function. The problems in accurate deter- We emphasize that we are not opposed to smaller
mination of bone-conduction thresholds in otoscle- pistons such as the 0.3- or 0.4-mm piston. In fact, there
rosis are well known. Furthermore, bone-conduc- are certain anatomic situations where these smaller pis-
tion thresholds show greater improvement for tons may be advantageous, such as a narrowed oval win-
larger piston diameters than for smaller piston di- dow niche caused by otosclerosis or an overhanging fa-
ameters (6,7), which further confounds compari- cial nerve. A 0.4-mm piston is also advantageous when
sons of clinically measured air-bone gaps and pis- performing a stapedectomy by the Fisch (12) technique,
ton diameters. wherein the prosthesis is placed before removing the

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003


stapes superstructure, and there is usually not enough better understand the finer points of the operation. As
room to place a prosthesis larger than 0.4 mm before the a bonus, Professor Hüttenbrink has provided input on
superstructure is removed. the subject based on his considerable clinical and re-
search experience.
*Saumil Merchant I do have some areas in which I disagree with Profes-
and† J. J. Rosowski sor Hüttenbrink’s conclusions and will briefly summa-
*Department of Otolarnyngology and rize them. I do appreciate the opportunity to add my
†Eaton-Peabody Laboratory, commentary to this review.
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary,
Boston, MA Optimal Piston Diameter and Mass
Acoustically speaking, larger area pistons perform bet-
REFERENCES ter than smaller pistons, particularly at frequencies below
1.5 kHz. The differences are relatively small in the 0.4-
1. Rosowski JJ, Merchant SN. Mechanical and acoustic analysis of to 0.8-mm diameter range, so the choice may depend on
middle ear reconstruction. Am J Otol 1995;16:486–97. the suspected decreased risk of cochlear trauma with
2. Arnold W, Bohnke F, Scherer E. Influence of the area of stapes
footplate prostheses on perilymphatic pressure and basilar mem- smaller pistons. Pistons larger than 0.8 mm in diameter
brane displacement [in German]. Otorhinolaryngol Nova 1999;9: are not currently available; however, modeling experi-
81–6. ments predict they should provide improved transmis-
3. Koike T, Wada H, Goode RL, et al. Finite-element method analysis sion of sound energy into the vestibule compared with
of transfer function of middle ear reconstructed using stapes pros-
thesis. Abstracts of the Association of Research Otolaryngology.
smaller pistons. Recent unpublished experiments in our
Mt. Royal, NJ, Association of Research Otolaryngology, 2001;24: laboratory studied a large, oval stapedotomy piston,
221. equivalent to 1.05 mm diameter using a temporal bone
4. Goode RL, Hato N. A temporal bone model of stapedotomy for otosclerosis model. We found a significant increase in
otosclerosis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000;123:86–7. sound transmission into the inner ear with this piston
5. Fucci MJ, Lippy WH, Schuring AG, et al. Prosthesis size in sta-
pedectomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;118:1–5. compared with 0.4- and 0.8-mm-diameter pistons at both
6. Shabana YK, Ghonim MR, Pedersen CB. Stapedotomy: does pros- low and high frequencies. Professor Hüttenbrink dis-
thesis diameter affect outcome? Clin Otolaryngol 1999;24:91–4. counts any advantage of larger pistons but, in fact, the
7. Teig E, Lindeman H. Stapedotomy piston diameter: is bigger bet- optimum acoustic area may not be known. Piston mass,
ter? Otorhinolaryngol Nova 1999;9:252–6.
8. Smyth GDL, Hassard TH. Eighteen years experience in stapedec-
within the available size and material constraints, is not
tomy: the case for the small fenestra operation. Ann Otol Rhinol a factor.
Laryngol 1978;87:3–36.
9. Schuknecht HF, Bentkover SH. Partial stapedectomy and piston Variations in Atmospheric Pressure and
prosthesis. In: Snow JB Jr, ed. Controversy in Otolaryngology. Prosthesis Displacement
Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1980:281–91. Professor Hüttenbrink describes experiments from his
10. Coletti V, Fiorino FG. Stapedectomy with stapedius tendon pres- laboratory using a temporal bone model that shows dis-
ervation: technique and long term results. Otolaryngol Head Neck
Surg 1994;111:181–8. placements of stapedotomy pistons up to 0.4 mm with
11. Sennaroglu L, Unal F, Sennaroglu G, et al. Effect of the Teflon changes in ear canal pressure of ± 400 mm H2O. In his
piston diameter on hearing result after stapedotomy. Otolaryngol model, the cochlea is drained, eliminating both the an-
Head Neck Surg 2001;124:279–81. nular ligament impedance and the cochlear impedance.
12. Fisch U. Stapedotomy versus stapedectomy. Am J Otol 1982;4: In this situation, piston movements would be expected to
be greater than in the clinical case; the impedance of air
is substantially less than that of the cochlear fluids,
INVITED COMMENT something obvious to anyone who has jumped down
from a high place into water. The resistance of air on the
Professor Hüttenbrink, a clinician-scientist from
way down is nothing like that when you hit the water.
Dresden, Germany, has provided an excellent review of
Another unknown is the impedance of the new piston-
the pertinent literature on the biomechanics of the middle
footplate seal. Although probably less than the normal
ear after stapes replacement surgery (stapesplasty). Al-
annular ligament, it is certainly not zero. I agree that
though much of the information is from clinical studies
increased piston displacement occurs with changes in ear
familiar to most otologists, there is a significant amount
canal pressure, particularly in the first weeks after sur-
of material from measurements in human temporal
gery until the new seal forms. However, I do not think his
bones, animals, and middle ear modeling experiments,
model can provide an accurate estimate of the amount of
including articles originally written in French and Ger-
displacement or the true effect of gluing the malleus-
man. This latter information may not be as well known to
incus joint.
the clinician.
At the risk of sounding like your mother saying Richard L. Goode
“eat your spinach, it’s good for you,” I encourage read- Stanford University School of Medicine,
ers of Otology & Neurotology to study this review to Palo Alto, CA

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003

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