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Letter To God

Authors Biography – Create Mind Map based the Given details

Early Life:

Born on November 17, 1895, in Huasteca

Grew up on a ranch, experiencing rural life.

Family Background:

Father owned a general store.

Childhood exposure to diverse people (Indians, farmers, laborers).

Literary Contributions:

Began writing at fifteen.

Novelist, poet, and journalist.

Focused on chronicling the Mexican Revolution.

Insightful descriptions of the lives of ordinary people.

Skillful depiction of characters and their complexities.

Use of literature as a tool for social commentary.

Lived through the Mexican Revolution.

Literary Forms:

Novelist, poet, journalist.

Short stories for children: "Cartas de niños," "El campoy la ciudad."

Major Works:

La siringa de cristal (1914).

Clas de selva (1921).

El vagabundo (1922).

El alma del poblacho (1924).

Arrieros (1937).
Huasteca (1939).

Una Carta a Dios (1940).

Literary Themes:

Exploration of revolutionary themes related to social, political, and economic aspects.

Deep insights into the impact on individuals and communities.

Award and Recognition:

Awarded the National Prize of Arts and Sciences in 1935.

Regional Influence:

Descriptions rooted in Huasteca's landscapes and people.


Passed away on December 10, 1966, in Mexico City.

Vocabulary :

Here's a vocabulary list along with their meanings for a matching exercise based on the chapter "Letter
to God":

Vocabulary Meaning

Crest The highest point of a hill or mountain

Intimately Thoroughly or closely acquainted with

Sow To plant seeds in the ground for growth

Correspondence Communication through letters or emails

Charity The act of giving help or assistance to those in need

Satisfied Content or pleased with something

Amiable Friendly and pleasant in nature

Resolution Determination to achieve a goal or solve a problem

Despair Feeling of hopelessness or loss of hope

Vocabulary Meaning

Devastated Overwhelmed with shock or grief

Character Description :


Lencho is the protagonist of the story, a hardworking farmer who lives with his family in a small house in
the valley. He is deeply religious and believes in God's help, even during difficult times like the
destruction of his crops by a hailstorm. Lencho is determined and resourceful, as seen when he decides
to write a letter to God asking for help after his crops are ruined. Despite facing adversity, Lencho
remains hopeful and maintains his faith in God's assistance throughout the story.

Lencho's Family:

Lencho's family consists of his wife and children. They support him in his work and share his faith in God.
Although they are affected by the loss of their crops, they remain resilient and hopeful for assistance.


The postmaster is the person who works at the local post office. Initially, he finds Lencho's letter to God
amusing but later admires Lencho's faith and decides to help him by responding to the letter. The
postmaster's actions demonstrate his compassion and empathy towards Lencho's situation.


The postman is a postal worker who assists the postmaster. Like the postmaster, he initially laughs at
Lencho's letter but later becomes inspired by Lencho's faith and joins in the effort to assist him.The
postman's change of heart reflects the theme of empathy and solidarity present in the story.

Imagine you are Lencho, the character from the story. Write a journal entry reflecting on the events
described in the passage. Consider Lencho's thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the rain and its
significance to him and his family.

Sample Response:

Dear Journal,

Today was a day of unexpected blessings. As I looked out from the crest of our hill, I couldn't help but
feel a sense of anticipation. The clouds were gathering in the north-east, and I knew in my heart that
rain was on its way. The fields of ripe corn, dotted with flowers, seemed to shimmer in anticipation of
the much-needed downpour.

I had spent the morning watching the sky, my hopes rising with each passing cloud. When the rain finally
came, it was as if the heavens had answered my prayers. The air was fresh and sweet, and the sight of
the raindrops falling on the earth filled me with a sense of gratitude and joy.

As I stood outside, feeling the rain on my body, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of nature. And
then, as if by magic, I saw something extraordinary. The raindrops weren't just raindrops; they were new
coins falling from the sky. The big drops were ten cent pieces, and the little ones were fives. It was as if
the universe was rewarding us for our patience and hard work.

With a satisfied expression, I looked out at the field of ripe corn, now draped in a curtain of rain. I knew
that this rain would ensure a bountiful harvest, and my heart swelled with pride and gratitude.

Tonight, as we gather for supper, I will give thanks for this unexpected blessing. For truly, God has
smiled upon us today.

Yours faithfully, Lencho

Literary Techniques :

Imagery: The description of the field of ripe corn dotted with flowers creates a vivid image in the
reader's mind.

Metaphor: Lencho's perception of raindrops as "new coins" is a metaphor comparing rain to wealth and

Personification: The phrase "The only thing the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower"
personifies the earth, suggesting that it has needs and desires like a person.

Symbolism: The rain symbolizes blessings and abundance, as Lencho sees it as a form of wealth and
prosperity for his crops.

Foreshadowing: Lencho's observation of the sky towards the north-east foreshadows the impending rain
and sets the stage for the climactic moment when it finally arrives.
Write a descriptive paragraph about a scene you observed recently that made you feel joyful and
content, using sensory details to create vivid imagery.

Sample :

As I strolled through the forest on a crisp autumn morning, I stumbled upon a picturesque clearing
bathed in golden sunlight. The trees stood tall and proud, their vibrant foliage ablaze with hues of red,
orange, and yellow. The gentle rustle of leaves filled the air, accompanied by the melodic chirping of
birdsong. A carpet of fallen leaves blanketed the ground, crunching softly beneath my feet with each
step. The earthy scent of damp soil mingled with the sweet fragrance of pine needles, creating an
intoxicating aroma that filled my senses. Sunbeams filtered through the canopy above, casting intricate
patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor. In that moment, surrounded by nature's beauty, I felt
a profound sense of peace and serenity wash over me. It was as if time had stood still, and all worries
and cares melted away, leaving only a deep sense of gratitude and contentment in my heart.

Rewrite the passage from the perspective of the woman preparing supper, describing her thoughts and
emotions as she observes Lencho's reaction to the rain. How does her perspective add depth to the

As I bustled about the kitchen, preparing supper for my family, my attention was drawn to the window
overlooking the fields. From this vantage point, I could see Lencho, my husband, standing outside, his
gaze fixed on the sky to the northeast. His anticipation was palpable, his face a mixture of hope and
longing. I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, knowing how much he cared for our land and crops.

As the older boys worked diligently in the fields, I watched Lencho closely, sensing his deep connection
to the earth. His familiarity with the land was evident in the way he studied the clouds, searching for any
sign of rain. I whispered a silent prayer, hoping for the heavens to bless us with much-needed water.

When the first drops of rain began to fall, I saw Lencho's face light up with joy. His excitement was
contagious, and soon, even the smaller children abandoned their play to marvel at the spectacle. I could
feel the tension in the air dissipate as the rain washed over us, bringing relief and renewal to our
parched land.

As Lencho returned from the rain, his expression of sheer delight filled my heart with warmth. His
exclamation about the raindrops being "new coins" was a testament to his resilience and gratitude. In
that moment, I understood the profound connection between my husband and the land we called
home. It was a connection that sustained us through the challenges and uncertainties of life, reminding
us of the beauty and abundance that surrounded us.
Through the woman's perspective, we gain insight into the emotional depth of the characters and their
relationship with the land. Her observations add richness to the story, highlighting the significance of the
rain not just as a source of sustenance but also as a symbol of hope and renewal for their family.

How does the passage illustrate the theme of interconnectedness between humans and nature?

Answer: The passage depicts Lencho's intimate relationship with the land and his reliance on nature for
sustenance. His awareness of the weather patterns, his anticipation of rainfall, and his joy at the sight of
rain all highlight the interconnectedness between human life and the natural world. Lencho's
contentment with the rain reflects a deep appreciation for the Earth's bounty and the cyclical nature of


Connection to Nature: Lencho's intimate knowledge of his fields and his constant observation of the sky
highlight the deep connection between humans and nature. His reliance on the weather for the success
of his crops underscores the smbiotic relationship between humans and the natural world.

Hope and Optimism: Despite the dry conditions and the need for rain, Lencho maintains a sense of hope
and optimism. His anticipation of rainfall and his excitement at the prospect of water for his crops
demonstrate his resilient spirit and positive outlook on life.

Gratitude and Appreciation: Lencho's reaction to the raindrops as "new coins" reflects a sense of
gratitude and appreciation for the blessings that come his way. Even in the midst of challenges, he finds
joy in the simple pleasures of life, such as the feeling of rain on his skin and the promise of a bountiful

Family and Community: The presence of Lencho's family members, both working in the fields and
gathering for dinner, emphasizes the importance of family and community in the passage. Their shared
experiences and collective efforts underscore the idea of unity and support within the family unit.

Advertisement: "The Letter to God - A Tale of Faith and Hope"

[Visual: A serene countryside landscape with Lencho's house on the hill, surrounded by fields of ripe

Narrator: Are you ready to embark on a journey of faith, hope, and resilience?

[Visual: Scenes from the story, including Lencho observing the sky, the family gathered around the
dinner table, the devastating hailstorm, and Lencho writing his letter to God.]
Narrator: Introducing "The Letter to God," a captivating story that will inspire and move you.

[Visual: Close-up of Lencho writing his letter, the postmaster's reaction, and Lencho's disappointment
upon receiving the response.]

Narrator: Follow the tale of Lencho, a humble farmer who faces unimaginable hardships but never loses
his unwavering faith in the divine.

[Visual: Images of the postmaster reading Lencho's letter, the postman delivering the response, and
Lencho's determination to seek justice.]

Narrator: Experience the power of resilience as Lencho confronts adversity with courage and

[Visual: Lencho mailing his second letter, the postmaster reflecting on his actions, and Lencho walking
away with hope in his heart.]

Narrator: "The Letter to God" is more than just a story; it's a testament to the strength of the human
spirit and the belief that even in our darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of hope.

[Visual: The title "The Letter to God" displayed prominently with the tagline "Faith, Hope, Resilience."

Narrator: Don't miss out on this unforgettable journey. Watch "The Letter to God" today and be

[Visual: Contact information for viewing the story or obtaining more information.]

Narrator: "The Letter to God" - where faith meets resilience in the face of adversity.

[Visual: Fade out with the sound of gentle rain and a hopeful melody.]

End of Advertisement

Dramatization Script: "The Letter to God"

Scene 1: The Beautiful Valley

(Lights up on a scenic view of the valley. Lencho's house sits on a hill, overlooking the fields of ripe corn
and the river. Lencho, his family, and the postmaster are present on stage.)

Narrator: The house, perched on the crest of the hill, overlooked the entire valley. The fields were
abundant with promise, and the air was ripe with the scent of flowers.

Lencho: (Excitedly) Now we're going to get some water, woman.

Wife: (Agreeing) Yes, God willing.

Scene 2: The Arrival of Rain

(Transition to Lencho and his family gathered for dinner. Raindrops start to fall, and Lencho goes outside
to feel the rain.)

Lencho: (Exclaiming) These aren't raindrops, they're new coins! Ten cent pieces and fives!

(Lencho looks out at the fields with satisfaction.)

Scene 3: The Hailstorm

(Suddenly, a strong wind blows and hailstones begin to fall. The family reacts with concern as the hail
destroys their crops.)

Lencho: (Worried) It's getting bad now. I hope it passes quickly.

(Hail continues to pelt down for an hour, devastating the valley.)

Scene 4: Aftermath of the Storm

(Transition to Lencho standing in the destroyed field, surrounded by his family. They express their
sorrow and worry.)

Lencho: (With sadness) We'll have no corn this year. All our work, for nothing.

Family Members: (Expressing sadness and concern) What will we do now?

Scene 5: Writing the Letter to God

(Transition to Lencho writing his letter to God. Postmaster and employees watch and react to the letter.)

Lencho: (Writing) God, if you don't help us, my family and I will go hungry this year. We need a hundred
pesos to sow our field again.

Postmaster: (Impressed) What faith this man has!

Scene 6: Sending and Receiving the Response

(Transition to Lencho going to the post office to mail the letter. Postmaster and employees react as they
receive and respond to the letter.)

Postman: (Laughing) A letter to God? That's unusual!

Postmaster: (Serious) We must answer this letter to maintain his faith.

Scene 7: Second Letter to God

(Transition to Lencho writing his second letter to God, expressing frustration with the incomplete
Lencho: (Writing) Send me the rest of the money. Don't send it through the mail, the post office
employees are crooks.

Scene 8: Closing Scene

(Transition back to Lencho's house. Lencho mails his second letter, determined but disappointed.)

Postmaster: (Reflective) What have we done?

(Lights fade as Lencho walks away, hopeful but frustrated.)

End of Dramatization Script

This dramatization brings the story to life, allowing students to understand the events and emotions
portrayed. It emphasizes themes of faith, desperation, and human fallibility, providing a platform for
discussion and reflection.

Plot Elements for "Letter to God" – Give a diagram illustrating the plot elements of "Letter to God" using
the content given below.


Introduction of the protagonist, Lencho, a humble farmer living in a solitary house in the valley.

Description of Lencho's family and their dependence on the harvest for survival.

Setting the scene of the story in a rural countryside with a focus on Lencho's cornfield and his faith in

Inciting Incident:

The onset of a hailstorm that devastates Lencho's crops, leaving the family facing the prospect of hunger
and poverty.

Rising Action:

Lencho's decision to write a letter to God, seeking financial assistance to recover from the loss caused by
the hailstorm.

Lencho's journey to the post office to mail the letter, filled with hope and desperation.


The reaction of the postmaster and the postman upon receiving Lencho's letter, initially amused but
later moved by the farmer's faith.

The postmaster's decision to respond to Lencho's letter by gathering funds from colleagues and friends.

Falling Action:
Lencho's receipt of the response letter from "God," containing partial financial assistance but falling
short of his expectations.

Lencho's disappointment and frustration upon realizing the discrepancy in the amount received.


Lencho's determination to express his dissatisfaction by writing another letter to "God," reflecting his
unwavering faith despite setbacks.

The story ends with Lencho mailing the second letter, demonstrating his resilience and ongoing belief in
divine intervention.

A Mock interview session where students take on the role of journalists interviewing the
characters from the story. They can prepare questions based on the characters' backgrounds,
actions, and relationships.

Interviewer: "Good morning, Lencho. Thank you for joining us today. Can you tell us a little about
yourself and your family background?"

Lencho: "Good morning. I come from a humble farming family in a small village. We depend on our
crops for survival, and I work hard to provide for my family."

Interviewer: "In your letter to God, you expressed disappointment about the amount of money you
received. Can you explain why this was so important to you?"

Lencho: "Yes, of course. Our crops were destroyed by a hailstorm, and we were left with nothing. I
prayed to God for help, and receiving that money was our only hope for survival. I believed God would
provide for us, so it was devastating to not receive what I asked for."

Interviewer: "You mentioned in your letter that you mistrust the postal service. Can you elaborate on
why you feel this way?"

Lencho: "I have heard stories of letters being lost or stolen, and unfortunately, I experienced it firsthand
with this letter. It is frustrating to think that someone would take what was meant to help my family in
our time of need."

Interviewer: "How do you feel about the postmaster's attempt to help you by gathering money from his

Lencho: "I appreciate the gesture, but it falls short of what I needed. While I understand the
postmaster's intentions were good, it was disappointing to receive less than what I asked for."

Interviewer: "Lastly, what do you hope to achieve by writing this letter to God?"
Lencho: "I wrote the letter out of desperation and faith. I hoped that God would hear my plea and
provide for my family. Despite the challenges we face, I continue to believe in the power of faith and

Interviewer: "Thank you, Lencho, for sharing your perspective with us. We wish you and your family all
the best."

Lencho: "Thank you for having me. God bless."

Mime Action:

Character: Lencho

1. Description: Lencho is a humble farmer who experiences a range of emotions throughout the
story, including desperation, disappointment, and faith.

Mime Action:

Desperation: Mime Lencho kneeling down in the field, hands clasped in prayer, looking up at the sky
with a pleading expression.

Disappointment: Mime Lencho receiving the money from the postman, then counting it with a furrowed
brow and shaking his head in frustration.

Faith: Mime Lencho writing the letter to God with determination, looking upwards as if speaking to God,
and folding the letter with care before sending it off.

2. Character: Postmaster

Description: The postmaster is a compassionate and well-meaning individual who feels a sense of
satisfaction from helping others, despite facing limitations.

Mime Action:

Compassion: Mime the postmaster reading Lencho's letter with a concerned expression, nodding
thoughtfully as he considers how to respond.

Determination: Mime the postmaster gathering money from his employees, gesturing with
determination as he convinces them to contribute to Lencho's cause.

Satisfaction: Mime the postmaster watching Lencho send off his letter with a smile, feeling fulfilled and
content knowing he has done a good deed.

`Characters: Lencho and the Postmaster


Compassionate: Both Lencho and the postmaster show compassion towards others. Lencho writes a
letter to God seeking help for his family, while the postmaster tries to assist Lencho by collecting money
from his employees.

Belief in Faith: Both characters exhibit a strong belief in faith. Lencho's letter to God demonstrates his
unwavering faith in divine intervention, while the postmaster's attempt to help Lencho reflects his belief
in the power of kindness and goodwill.


Background: Lencho comes from a humble farming background, while the postmaster holds a position
of authority in the post office. Their differing social statuses influence their perspectives and actions.

Response to Challenges: Lencho responds to the challenges he faces with a direct appeal to God, seeking
divine assistance. In contrast, the postmaster takes practical steps to help Lencho within his capacity,
such as collecting money from his employees.

These comparisons highlight the similarities and differences between Lencho and the postmaster in
terms of personality, beliefs, and actions in the story "Letter to God".

Authors biography
Vocabulary match
Venn diagram comparison
Journal Entry
Interview session between a Journalist and the character, Lencho.

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