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Name: Dr. Vikas Sharma
Designation: Professor
Chandigarh University
Location: Gharuan, Mohali

Student Name:
Deepanshu singh
BCOM Batch 21-2424

B.COM (H) (Batch 2021-24)

Date of Commencement: 23 July, 2023
Name of the company: Libra Lehar
Reporting Guide: Dr. Vikas Sharma
Project Assigned: On Industry, company, functional profiles, Functional elective areas of
sales general analysis of Libra Lehar

Area Analysis 1: Marketing for Print Media Company

Company Overview:
Libra Lehar is a print media company that specializes in publishing magazines and newspapers. They target a
diverse audience and have a strong presence in both local and national markets.

Market Analysis:

1. Target Audience: Identify and analyze the demographics, interests, and preferences of Libra Lehar's
target audience. Determine the readership trends and preferences to tailor content effectively.
2. Competitive Landscape: Analyze the competition in the print media industry. Identify major
competitors, their strengths, weaknesses, and market share. Understand their content strategy and
pricing models.
3. Content Strategy: Evaluate Libra Lehar's current content strategy. Analyze the type of content they
produce, the topics they cover, and how well it aligns with the target audience. Identify opportunities
to differentiate their content.
4. Distribution Channels: Analyze the distribution channels used by Libra Lehar. Assess the effectiveness
of traditional distribution methods (newsstands, subscriptions) and explore digital distribution
strategies to reach a wider audience.
5. Marketing Channels: Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing channels such as social media,
advertising, and partnerships. Analyze which channels drive the most engagement and subscriptions.

Area Analysis 2: Finance for Print Media Company

Financial Overview:
Libra Lehar operates in a challenging environment due to the digital shift in media consumption. Their revenue
primarily comes from subscriptions, advertising, and occasional special editions.

Revenue and Cost Analysis:

1. Revenue Streams: Analyze the sources of revenue for Libra Lehar. Evaluate the contribution of
subscriptions, single copy sales, advertising, and any other revenue streams.
2. Advertising Revenue: Break down advertising revenue by type (print, digital), advertiser segments, and
advertising pricing models (CPC, CPM, etc.).
3. Subscription Analysis: Analyze subscription models, pricing, and subscriber retention rates. Identify
strategies to improve subscription acquisition and retention.
4. Production Costs: Evaluate the costs associated with content creation, printing, and distribution.
Identify cost-saving measures without compromising quality.

Financial Strategy:

1. Capital Structure: Assess Libra Lehar's current capital structure, including debt and equity financing.
Analyze the potential benefits of restructuring debt or seeking equity investments.
2. Financial Risk Management: Identify financial risks, such as changes in advertising revenue or shifts in
reader preferences. Develop strategies to mitigate these risks and maintain financial stability.
3. Investment Analysis: If Libra Lehar is considering digital expansion or diversification, perform a cost-
benefit analysis to determine the potential return on investment and assess the feasibility of such
4. Profitability Improvement: Explore opportunities to increase profitability by optimizing revenue
streams and reducing costs. This could involve renegotiating supplier contracts, exploring digital
revenue streams, or enhancing advertising targeting.

Market Analysis

Target Audience Analysis for Libra Lehar Print Media Company:


1. Age Group: Identify the primary age group of Libra Lehar's readers. Analyze whether they cater to a
specific age range, such as millennia’s, Gen X, or baby boomers.
2. Gender: Determine the gender distribution of the readership. Does Libra Lehar's content appeal more
to a specific gender?
3. Geographic Location: Analyze the geographic distribution of readers. Are they concentrated in specific
regions, cities, or countries? This can help tailor content to regional interests.
4. Education and Income: Understand the education and income levels of the target audience. This can
impact the complexity of content and pricing strategies.


1. Interests and Hobbies: Explore the interests, hobbies, and lifestyle preferences of Libra Lehar's readers.
Do they have common interests, such as travel, fashion, technology, or arts?
2. Values and Beliefs: Analyze the values and beliefs that resonate with the target audience. This can
guide content that aligns with their perspectives.
3. Media Consumption Habits: Understand how the target audience consumes media. Do they prefer
print over digital? How do they use social media and other online platforms?
4. Consumer Behavior: Analyze their purchasing behavior, both related to print media and other
products/services. This can provide insights into subscription patterns and potential cross-promotion

Reading Preferences:

1. Content Preferences: Identify the type of content that engages the audience the most. Do they prefer
long-form articles, infographics, interviews, or visual content?
2. Topics of Interest: Determine the topics and themes that attract the target audience. This can range
from current events and lifestyle to niche interests.
3. Quality Expectations: Analyze the expectations of the target audience regarding content quality. Do
they value in-depth analysis, exclusive stories, or diverse perspectives?

Challenges and Pain Points:

1. Media Challenges: Understand the challenges the target audience faces in consuming media, such as
information overload or lack of credible sources.
2. Information Needs: Identify the information gaps or needs that Libra Lehar can fulfill. This can guide
the creation of content that addresses those gaps.
3. Entertainment Preferences: Determine the role of Libra Lehar's content in providing entertainment,
escape, or intellectual stimulation.

Competitor Analysis:

1. Comparative Appeal: Compare Libra Lehar's target audience to those of its competitors. Identify what
sets Libra Lehar's audience apart and what competitive advantages they offer.
2. Opportunities: Identify untapped segments within the target audience that could be potential growth

Content Strategy Analysis for Libra Lehar Print Media Company:

Content Objectives:

1. Audience Alignment: Assess how well Libra Lehar's current content aligns with the preferences and
interests of its target audience. Is there a match between what the audience wants and what the
company produces?
2. Diverse Content: Analyze the diversity of content types offered by Libra Lehar. Are they providing a mix
of articles, features, interviews, visuals, and other engaging formats.
3. Value Proposition: Determine the unique value that Libra Lehar's content brings to its readers. Does
the content provide insights, entertainment, education, or a combination of these?
Topic Relevance:

1. Trending Topics: Evaluate how well Libra Lehar covers trending topics and current events. Are they able
to provide timely and relevant content to keep readers informed?
2. Evergreen Content: Analyze the presence of evergreen content in Libra Lehar's content mix. Evergreen
content remains relevant over time and can attract sustained traffic.
3. Niche Coverage: Identify any specific niches or topics that Libra Lehar excels in covering. Niche content
can attract a dedicated readership.

Content Quality:

1. Research and Depth: Assess the depth of research and analysis in Libra Lehar's content. High-quality
content often provides in-depth insights and valuable takeaways.
2. Credibility: Examine the credibility of sources and information presented in the content. Accuracy is
crucial to maintaining reader trust.
3. Visual Appeal: Evaluate the visual elements in Libra Lehar's content. Visuals such as images,
infographics, and videos can enhance engagement.

Distribution Channels:

1. Print vs. Digital: Analyze the balance between print and digital distribution. Determine the preferences
of the target audience and the effectiveness of each channel.
2. Online Platforms: Evaluate Libra Lehar's presence on digital platforms such as its website, social media,
and mobile apps. Are they effectively using these platforms to reach their audience?
3. Multi-Channel Approach: Consider a multi-channel distribution approach. Integrating print, website,
social media, and email can provide a seamless reader experience.

Engagement and Interaction:

1. Reader Feedback: Analyze the level of reader engagement and interaction with Libra Lehar's content.
Are readers commenting, sharing, and discussing the content?
2. Interactivity: Consider adding interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and reader-contributed
content to enhance engagement.
3. Personalization: Explore personalization options to tailor content recommendations based on reader
preferences and browsing behavior.

Monetization and Subscription:

1. Subscription Models: Evaluate the effectiveness of Libra Lehar's subscription models. Are they offering
compelling incentives for readers to subscribe?
2. Fermium Content: Analyze the balance between free and premium content. Freemium models can
attract wider audiences while monetizing premium content.
3. Ad Integration: Consider the integration of advertisements. Assess how well ads are integrated without
compromising the user experience.

Content Calendar and Timing:

1. Consistency: Evaluate the consistency of Libra Lehar's content publishing schedule. Consistency can
help build reader expectations.
2. Seasonal Relevance: Analyze how well Libra Lehar adapts content to seasonal trends, holidays, and
events that are relevant to the target audience.
3. Event Coverage: Consider how well Libra Lehar covers events, conferences, and industry happening
Revenue Streams Analysis for Libra Lehar Print Media Company:

Subscription Revenue:

1. Subscription Models: Analyze the different subscription models offered by Libra Lehar, such as
print subscriptions, digital subscriptions, or bundled packages. Evaluate the pricing, benefits, and
popularity of each model.
2. Subscriber Base: Assess the size and growth rate of Libra Lehar's subscriber base. Are there
segments of subscribers that are more loyal or likely to renew?
3. Churn Rate: Calculate the churn rate, i.e., the rate at which subscribers cancel their subscriptions.
Identify factors contributing to churn and strategies to reduce it.

Advertising Revenue:

1. Print Advertising: Evaluate the revenue generated from traditional print advertisements. Consider
factors like ad placements, sizes, and pricing models.
2. Digital Advertising: Analyze the revenue from digital advertising on Libra Lehar's online platforms.
Assess the effectiveness of digital ad formats and targeting methods.
3. Sponsorships and Special Editions: Consider revenue from sponsored content or special editions.
Assess the demand for such opportunities among advertisers.

Single Copy Sales:

1. Newsstand Sales: Evaluate revenue from individual magazine or newspaper sales at newsstands.
Identify trends in single-copy purchases and the impact of pricing on sales volume.
2. Distribution Channels: Analyze the effectiveness of distribution channels for single copy sales,
including partnerships with retail outlets and convenience stores.

Content Licensing and Syndication:

1. Content Syndication: Assess whether Libra Lehar licenses its content to other media outlets for
syndication. Evaluate the revenue potential and brand exposure from syndication.
2. International Licensing: Analyze revenue generated from licensing content to international
markets. Consider the demand for Libra Lehar's content in different regions.

Events and Conferences:

1. Event Revenue: Evaluate revenue from hosting or participating in events, conferences, or

workshops related to the print media industry. Assess attendee fees and sponsorship
2. Brand Partnerships: Consider revenue from brand partnerships or collaborations for events.
Analyze the alignment of partner brands with Libra Lehar's audience.

Digital Products and Services:

1. Digital Subscriptions: If applicable, assess revenue from premium digital subscriptions, offering
exclusive content or ad-free experiences.
2. E-Books and Digital Products: Analyze revenue from selling e-books, digital guides, or other
downloadable products related to Libra Lehar's content.
Marketplace Revenue:

1. Online Store: Evaluate the revenue generated from an online store selling branded merchandise,
books, or other related products.

Strategies for Diversification:

1. New Revenue Streams: Explore opportunities for diversification, such as launching new digital
products, online courses, or membership programs.
2. Partnerships: Consider strategic partnerships with other media companies or technology platforms
to tap into new revenue streams.
3. Subscription Enhancements: Develop strategies to enhance subscription offerings with premium
tiers, personalized content, or unique experiences.


**********END OF REPORT*********

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