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ELEMENT NO. 5.19.3
JOB/ TASK TITLE Self Levelling Epoxy Painting Activity
001 Work Preparation and planning.  Inadequate planning and  TBT and other pertinent documents shall be secured
preparation of the job. before any works commence.
 Non-compliance of HSE rules  Task supervisor to conduct daily pre-start meeting
and procedure. prior to work commencement and discuss conditions
 Working without wearing of the TBT and JHA with his team. All workers shall
appropriate PPE. sign on the Task Specific TBT sheet.
 Untidy work area.  Ensure personnel involved on this task are well
briefed, understand instructions, knows the
sequence of event, aware of all risk and competent Low level risk
to perform the job.
 Supervisor and safety officer to supervise and
monitor the activity respectively.
 Check safety condition of the whole work area prior
to work commencement.
 Equipment and tool inspection must be carried out.
 Wear proper PPE’s at all times.
 Good housekeeping must be observed promptly.
002 Transportation, loading and  Improper material stacking,  Ensure the loaded weight is as per the capacity of
unloading of materials. unsecured loads causes the vehicle.
accidents and personnel  No loads shall be protruding out of the allowable
injury. periphery of the loading platform. If items are
prolonged out of loading platform ensure necessary
warning signs are fixed.
 Hazardous and flammable materials to be loaded
transported as per NCC T&D/Client hazardous
material handling procedure.
 If forklift will be use, ensure that the Low level risk
plant/equipment is in good condition, inspected and
 All plant/equipment operators must have a license
and having a 3rd party certificate as a proof of
 Banksman shall be provided for movement of
 No personnel shall travel along with the loads.
 Close competent supervision at all times.
 -Activity co-ordination shall be established through
toolbox talk prior to start of activity.
 -Keep minimum required people in the area.
 -Follow requirements of specific risk assessment
prepared for Manual material handling.

003 Area/Surface preparation.  Electric Shock.  Ensure that the electrical lead/plug is inspected, for
Floor Grinder Machine and any defects and in good condition prior each use.
portable grinder operation.  Ensure that the grinder is disconnected from electric Low level risk
power source and motor operations switch is in the
OFF position before removing the guards or making
 Ensure that the area requiring grinding does not
contain any live electrical cable, gas, or water.
 Ensure that the repairs to the motor and machine
are carried out by qualified personnel only.
 Provide adequate training to use the floor grinder

 Mechanical hazards can  Never allow an untrained person to operate machine

cause serious injury to without adequate instruction.
personnel from improper or  Ensure that all users read, understand and follow the
careless use of the machine manual operating procedures.
 Use correct manual handling techniques when
moving the surface grinder. The machine is fitted
with wheels for transport.
 Do not operate the machine unless all protective
guards are in place.
 Keep hands and feet clear of rotating parts as they Low level risk
will cause injury if contacted.
 Ensure both the machine and users are stable by
setting up on a level surface. Make sure the machine
does not tip over, slide or fall while in operation.
 Do not leave the machine in operation while it is
 Never stand on the unit while it is operating.
 Only use the recommended grinding discs or
 Dressing safely and appropriately. Loose clothing,
can get caught in to moving parts and causes serious
injury or death.
 Exercise care when operating the unit .Extended
exposure to vibration or repetitive works of actions
can cause hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS).
 Provide adequate training to use the floor grinder
 Excessive noise can cause  Wear approved hearing protection as required while
temporary or permanent loss operating the machine to limit noise exposure.
of hearing. Low level risk
 Grinding concrete surfaces  Establish a barrier around the work area to restrict
generates high levels of silica unprotected workers from entering.
dust that can cause a serious  Install appropriate signage’s and caution tape in
and irreversible respiratory appropriate area. To indicate that the floor grinding
disease (Silicosis) for the user is in progress and adequate respiratory protection is
and people in vicinity. required.
 Adequate PPE such as dust mask, googles, earplug, Low level risk
etc. must be worn at all times and monitor the
 All floor grinding done in open-air spaces to be
completed with water suppressant.
 Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) to be provided to
minimize the generated dust.
 Ergonomic injuries caused by  Make sure that the machine user must to take
the presence of ergonomic frequent break.
risk factors including  Rotate workers if long period of grinding during a
awkward or sustained shift. Make sure that the job rotated to maintain Low level risk
postures, forceful exertion, short term exposure limit (STEL).
strain, Repetitiveness and  Consider that size of the tools/grinder to be use to
pace of work. or Work the built of the user. Not all team members can
Related Musculoskeletal handle the bigger grinder.
disorder  Work at comfortable position, when using portable
 Workers must receive proper instruction, training,
information and supervision regularly.
 Slip, trip, and fall to the same  Ensure that the safe access point to working area
ground or fall to the must maintain clear and not obstructed.
unprotected/unguarded floor  Where practicable, ensure electrical cables are
opening. properly routed to the sides or over walk ways.
 Maintain good housekeeping practices. Proper
housekeeping is a routine. It is an ongoing procedure
that is simply done as a part of each worker’s daily
 Avoid creating obstacles in aisles and walkways.
 Keep work areas well-lit and clean.
 Wear approved safety shoes. Employees are
expected to wear footwear appropriate for the
duties of their work task. Low level risk
 Control individual behavior. Being in a hurry will
result in walking too fast or running which increases
the chances of a slip, trip or fall. Taking shortcuts,
not watching where one is going, using a cell phone,
carrying materials which obstructs the vision,
wearing sunglasses in low-light areas, not using
designated walkways and speed are common
elements in many on-the-job injuries.
 Ensure that all floor openings will have adequate
cover and guarding’s (e.g. Pre-fabricated steel
gratings, checkered cover plate, or steel rebar guard
 The temporary removal of safety measures, which is
already in place must only done after the joint site
visit of Safety Officer, concern people and with
approval of the project / site manager.
 While the cover is not in place (temporary removed),
an individual must be assigned to monitor and
constantly attend the area and to warn others of the
 Design and construct all floor openings covers so they will
effectively support without failure two times the weight of
workers, equipment, and materials that may be imposed
on the cover; be larger than the opening, secured against
displacement, and labeled “Floor Opening, Do Not
Remove” warning notice displayed to alert workers of the
fall hazards.
 Temporary removal of safety  Ensure that safe system of work must be followed
measures, which is already in supervised and monitored by relevant competent
place for all leading edges personnel.
and floor openings such as  Where practicable, establish an appropriate safe
guard rails, barriers, open sequence of work.
floor covers, caution tape,  Establish a proper communication and coordination
signage’s, can cause an to the relevant personnel prior to remove or
incident on the area. modified any safety measures in place.
 Consider the other worker or group that might effect
of your activity.
 Ensure that all floor openings will have adequate
cover and guarding’s (e.g. Pre-fabricated steel
gratings, checkered cover plate, or steel rebar guard
 The temporary removal of safety measures, which is
already in place, must only do after the joint site visit
of Safety Officer, concern people and with approval Low level risk
of the project / site manager.
 While the cover is not in place (temporary removed),
an individual must be assigned to monitor and
constantly attend the area and to warn others of the
 Design and construct all floor openings covers so
they will effectively support without failure two
times the weight of workers, equipment, and
materials that may be imposed on the cover; be
larger than the opening, secured against
displacement, and labeled “Floor Opening, Do Not
Remove” warning notice displayed to alert workers
of the fall hazards.
 Relevant personnel in charged must regularly
conduct site hazard identification and risk
 Relevant personnel in charged must ensure a well-
planned and organize execution of each activity.
 Implement and obtain a logbook system. The log
book must be accessible to the relevant personnel of
the following work shift as a written communication
regarding to the area or activity.
004 Primer and self-leveling epoxy  Personnel can be over  Whenever possible, it is always best to avoid using a
coating application. exposed to chemicals toxic material either by eliminating its use (by
Mixing of primer materials. through inhalation and can changing the method or process for example) or by
be absorbed through the skin substituting the toxic material with a less hazardous
and can pose significant material.
health harm.  Obtain the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) Find
out about all of the hazards (health, fire, chemical
reactivity) of these materials prior to use.
 Use good ventilation. Well-designed and well-
maintained ventilation systems remove toxic vapors,
fumes, mists or airborne dusts from the workplace
before workers are exposed.
 The appropriate PPE should be selected and be
Low level risk
available. It is important to understand the limits of
PPE, not just its capabilities.
 Proper instruction, training, information and
 Personal cleanliness. Wash hands before eating,
drinking, smoking or going to the toilet.
 Regular health check on people over exposed to

005 Primer and self-leveling epoxy  Personnel can be over  Whenever possible, it is always best to avoid using a LoW level risk
coating application. exposed to chemicals toxic material either by eliminating its use (by
through inhalation and can changing the method or process for example) or by
be absorbed through the skin substituting the toxic material with a less hazardous
and can pose significant material.
health harm.  Obtain the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) Find
out about all of the hazards (health, fire, chemical
reactivity) of these materials prior to use.
 Use good ventilation. Well-designed and well-
maintained ventilation systems remove toxic vapors,
fumes, mists or airborne dusts from the workplace
before workers are exposed.
 The appropriate PPE should be selected and be
available. It is important to understand the limits of
PPE, not just its capabilities.
 Proper instruction, training, information and
 Personal cleanliness. Wash hands before eating,
drinking, smoking or going to the toilet.

006 Outdoor activities, Exposure to Heat disorders.  Ample cool drinking water supply at all times
extreme temperature. (Heat stress / heat exhaustion /  Increased fluid intake
heat stroke)  Dedicated crew and vehicle for continuous supply of
ice and cool drinking water
 Progressive exposure to new employee @ site
 Refuge shed / heat stress shelters @ site
 Re-hydration fluid available @ clinic Low level risk
 Intermittent break periods
 Increased awareness on heat stress management
(symptoms of disorders & first aid)
 Readiness of medical and safety team.

007 Manual handling Sprain, Strain and stress,  Must be taken prior commencing of activity. Low level risk
Slips, Trips and Fall,  Assess the load to be handled.
Cuts and bruises  Proper manual handling procedure must be follow to
perform the job safely.
 Use mechanical aide where as practicable.
 Observe sharp edges of materials to be handled.
 Proper PPE such as gloves and safety shoes must be
 Plan your route and ensure access is free from any
obstructions and slippery surface.
 Exercise buddy system.
 Maintain good housekeeping of the area to eliminate
slips, trips and fall hazards.

JSP Prepared By: Signature: Date:

JSP Accepted By: Signature: Date:

JSP Approved By (Site): Signature: Date:

JSP Approved By (EHVPD-C): Signature: Date:

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