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Submitted By- Umang Kaushik

Semester- 2nd
Course- M.Ed
Submitted To- Prof. Md. Javed Hussain

The Saber- Tooth Curriculum

Q1. What is the most important issue that the Saber- Tooth curriculum raises for
you as an educator? Why is this issue significant?
Ans. In today’s rapidly changing society, where technological advancements,
globalisation, and societal shifts occur at an unprecedented pace, as educators we need
to ensure that the curriculum evolves to meet the needs of students and demands of
future workforce. This means integrating relevant and practical content that equips
students with critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and adaptability skills
necessary for success in the 21st century.
The Saber- Tooth Curriculum raises the very same issue that the curriculum should
preserve the past but should not be limited by it. Education must not be static or bound
by tradition but should be dynamic, responsive, and forward thinking. The emphasis
should be on developing a curriculum that is rooted in real world relevance, addressing
current issues, trends and challenges facing society. As educators we should be
embracing innovation, flexibility, and continuous improvement. Educators need to
ensure that students are equipped with knowledge, skills and competencies needed to
thrive in an ever-changing world.
This issue of relevance of the subjects, content, skills being taught in the schools
become even more significant today as 21 st century has brought many drastic changes
in people’s lives and society. As an educator what concerns me the most is, although
times have changed dramatically, the fundamental and sacred aspects of 19 th century
curriculum remain with us today. Teacher’s reliance on textbook to structure learning,
focus on memorization with students learning definitions, facts, mathematical
problems and proofs etc. Is memorizing the periodic table, formulas for calculating the
area of different figures necessary when we can access all this information just at the
click of a finger or are we also teaching Fish-Grabbing-with-the-bare-hands, when we
should be teaching students the skills and content relevant today. Instead of reliance on
memorization our attention should be on developing problem solving skills in students,
so that they are able to comprehend the problems like global warming, climate change,
migration, space debris etc. and find effective solutions for them. Unlike the previous
generations the students of today are living in much liberalized and culturally
globalized world, values like inclusiveness, awareness and respect for others needs to
become an integral part of the education system.
As educators we need to work on the flexibility and transferability of the curriculum.
This allows teachers to better engage learners and maximize their learning potential.
Transfer of learning can help students apply concepts they have learned to new
situations which can help them master their skill and knowledge. The content being
taught should be relevant to the needs and requirements of the student and the same
goes for the assessment and evaluation methods and strategies, approaches of teaching
and the teaching learning material being used in the educational institutions.
If that all is not kept in mind like palaeolithic school curriculum which became
obsolete with the ice age, out current educational system would come to an end.

Q2. What subjects if any in the current school curriculum would you equate with
fish grabbing with the bare hands. Why?
Ans. Any subject in its entirety does not becomes irrelevant over time, but the content
being presented and taught in schools do become outdated for the ever-changing
society. Curriculum should include topics with real life applicability and not just
theories. Subjects that not only focuses on knowledge creation but also knowledge
application are necessary. Subjects that encourage students to learn 21 st century skills
will make our curriculum more relevant to the current times.
Literature- Classical literature has its own value, but teaching classical literature
exclusively without incorporating contemporary and diverse perspectives may limit the
understanding of students about society and current scenarios. Updating the literature
curriculum to include more diverse voices, genres, and media forms can enhance
relevance and engagement for students.
Mathematics- Instead of just getting students to memorize theory, formulas, and
theorems in mathematics. Real life application of mathematical concepts is as equally
important as solving hypothetical questions. Activities and projects where students
must use mathematical concepts in solving real life problem would make a better
History- Learning history is very important to understand the current evets and not to
make similar mistakes again. Our current curriculum focuses on memorizing history
rather than understanding the nuances of the complex events of the past and
understanding history from multiple dimensions.
Overall, it’s not about the subject being taught it’s also about the content and the
strategy being used to teach that subject. Its not fish grabbing that became irrelevant it
was the strategy of catching fish with bare hands that became irrelevant.

Q3. What new subjects would you suggest adding to the school curriculum to
avoid creating our own Saber Tooth Curriculum? Why?
Ans. The world is constantly evolving, with advancements in technology, changes in
societal norms, and emerging global challenges. By adding new subjects to the
curriculum, educators can ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge and
skills necessary to navigate and succeed in modern world.
1. Financial literacy- Being financial literate from young age equips students with
essential skills for managing money, making informed financial decisions, and
understanding economic concepts. Many students graduate from school without basic
knowledge of personal finance, budgeting, saving, investing, or understanding credit.
The lack of financial literacy can lead to many pitfalls, such as accumulating
unsustainable debt burdens, either through poor spending decision or a lack of long-
term preparation.
2. Environmental sustainability- With the growing concerns about climate change and
environmental degradation, along with environmental studies a subject on
environmental sustainability is required to educate students about environmental
issues, conservation, and sustainable living practices. This subject would prepare
students to become responsible advocates of positive changes for environment
3. Digital literacy and Technology skills- Given the increasing reliance on technology
in various aspects of life, including education and workspace, a dedicated subjects
focusing on digital literacy and technology skills would be beneficial. Topics like
internet safety, handling digital communication, ethical use of digital resources etc.
should be taught in this subject.
4. Life skills- Instead of evaluating students based on how much they can memorise, a
subject dedicated to teaching and assessing life skills should a part of our curriculum.
A lot of students go through the school without learning skills that are used in everyday
life, skills like communication, empathy, coping with stress, decision making, problem
solving etc. should be learnt by every student to live their life to the fullest.
5. Health and nutrition- With the increasing sedentary lifestyle, lifestyle health diseases
are on the rise, Physical Education as a subject has failed to produce significant results
in that direction. A holistic approach to health and nutrition is required. Health and
nutrition as a subject should incorporate topics and activities around not only physical
health but mental health as well, understanding human anatomy, evidence-based
studies, study of materials and ingredients of everyday consumption is essential.

If we continue with the current curriculum without these necessary changes, we are on
the line of creating out own Saber tooth curriculum. Where we will still be learning
content and skills that are no more relevant. School curriculum should be teaching and
preparing students with information and skills that would be needed in the future and
not the skills and knowledge that could be easily replaced by technology.

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