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Android Based Heartrate Monitoring System and

Automatic Notification System

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of



Ms. Aishwarya Palvi IEN: 11712032

Mr. Raj Patil IEN: 11712034

Ms. Priyanka Chaudhari IEN: 11612003


Mr. Rushikesh Nikam

Department of Computer Engineering

New Horizon Institute of Technology and Management, Thane

This is to certify that the project entitled “Android Based Heartrate
Monitoring System and Automatic Notification System” is a bonafide work
of “Ms. Aishwarya Palvi(IEN-11712032), Mr. Raj Patil (IEN-11712034),
Ms. Priyanka Chaudhari (IEN-11612003) submitted to the University of
Mumbai in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

Mr. Rishikesh Nikam

_________________ ___________________
Dr. Sanjay Sharma Dr. Prashant Deshmukh
Head of Department Principal


Project Report Approval for B.E.

This project report entitled Android Based Heartrate Monitoring System and
Automatic Notification System by Ms. Aishwarya Palvi, Mr. Raj Patil, Ms.
Priyanka Chaudhari is approved for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Computer Engineering, 2020-21.

Examiner Name Signature

1.________________ _____________
2._________________ ______________


In this paper, the design of an integrated portable device that can monitor heart rate (HR)
continuously and send notifications through short message service (SMS) over the cellular
network using Android application is presented. The primary goal of our device is to ensure
medical attention within the first few critical hours of an ailment of the patient with poor
heart condition, hence boost chances of his or her survival. In situations where there is an
absence of doctor or clinic nearby (e.g., rural area) and where the patient cannot realize their
actual poor heart condition, is where our implemented system is of paramount importance.
This paper proposes a methodology to measure a heart rate using photoplethysmogram (PPG)
— a technique that uses infrared light to detect changes in the blood flow volume in tissues.
We present a new application of the Android smartphone’s camera equipped with LED flash
which used for recording the intensity of light from the fingertip blood volume. The red
channel of RGB signals in each picture frame recorded by smartphone returned the
plethysmographic information. This contextual information will be converted into time
domain signal by using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for further used in heart rate estimation
process. The final results is the heart rate of each person recorded within 40 seconds. The
designed system shows the real time HR on the mobile screen through Android application
continuously and if any abnormal HR of the patient is detected, the system will immediately
send a message to the concerned doctors and relatives whose numbers were previously saved
in the Android application. This device ensures nonstop monitoring for cardiac events along
with notifying immediately when an emergency strikes.


1 Introduction ........................……………………………………………………….….1

2 Literature Survey ………………...……………………………….……………….….4

3 Problem Statement, Objectives and Scope………………………..…..…….………...8

4 Proposed System …………..……...……………………………………………….….10

5 Implementation plan………………...………………………………………………...18

Expected Outcome ...........................................................................................................20

References ........................................................................................................................21


1.1 Data Acquisition and Storage……………………………………………………..1

1.2 Heart Rate Monitoring Technique………………………………………………...2

1.3 Android Application………………………………………………………………2

1.4 Importance of HRMS……………………………………………………………..3

2.1 Literature Review………………………………………………………………....4

2.2 Background……………………………………………………………………….6

4.1 Software Requirements…………………………………………………………..10

4.2 Hardware Requirements………………………………………………………….11

4.3 Project Architecture……………………………………………………………....11

4.4 Analysis Diagram………………………………………………………………...15

5.1 Project Schedule……………………………………………………………….....18


2.1 Literature Review…………………………………………………………………5

5.1 Project Scheduling……………………………………………………………….18


Chapter 1

Monitoring vital parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure plays a very important role in
detection, recognition the dangerous situation and prevent of any health diseases. Heart rate is
important because the heart's function is so important. The heart circulates oxygen and
nutrient-rich blood throughout the body [1]. An abnormal rate or rhythm may be discovered
during a physical exam, ECG, or other testing, even in healthy people who have no symptoms.
By far, the only viable diagnostic tool that could ascertain cardiac events is HR readings.
Henceforth, HR monitoring and alert system which is able to monitor the HR condition of a
patient is very effective in the detection of heart diseases and Photoplethysmogram (PPG) has
been employed to compute HR [3]. Currently, there are some Android applications that can
monitor HR but do nothing when hearts condition is poor. It would be a breakthrough if an app
is developed that incessantly monitors HR and if detected unusual, sends messages to all saved
mobile numbers with precise GPS location of the patient and current HR. In this regard, this
literature describes a system that determines the HR per minute in real time and then sends
SMS alert to the mobile phone in face of emergency or user requirement [1].

1.1 Data Acquisition and Storage

A Bluetooth connection between a smartphone or a tablet and the HR monitor provides secure
data acquisition. The HR monitor used in this work transmits data packets containing
information acquired by biosensors at a frequency of 1 Hz [11]; a routine implemented in the
Android application extracts from each packet the following information: instantaneous HR,
last 15 heartbeat time stamps, and last heartbeat progressive number. Unless a test is in
progress the smartphone display shows only the HR. The test results are then saved to an
internal SQLite database and may be sent to an online MySql database via Wi-Fi or a 3G
connection of the Android device using Json format and Php web pages [2].

Chapter 1

1.2 Heart Rate Monitoring Technique

Photoplethysmogram is not a new technique for measuring pulse wave. In 1938, Hertzman
described a new technique that recognized the pulse wave form changes by sending an
infrared light into the tissue and then measured the amount of light absorption corresponds
with the variation of the blood volume. This technique called photoplethysmogram (PPG)
which later implemented on smartphone by many researchers. This technique presents the
simple and low-cost optical based technology that used camera on a smartphone to record the
pulse in the fingertip [3].
Our system concerns about two main tasks:
1) PPG imaging that grabs frame of fingertip obtained from smartphone and
2) RGB color analysis that will be further used in the heart rate estimation process.
In the first task, the frame obtained from smartphone in YUV color format will be converted
into RGB color format which can be used to analyses the histograms of red, green and blue
channels which shown in Fig 2. Since the fingertip does not fix on the lens, it can shift from
the proper position and drop its pressure on the lens. Therefore, we have ensure the area of
the finger pressing fits the image boundaries. In order perform fingertip placing verification,
we modified the verification color distribution threshold proposed by Kurylyak et al. [3]. The
range of mean and distribution of RGB color range in our thresholds are described as below:

 mean(Red) – σRed > 128,

 mean(Green) + σGreen > 10 and < 128,
 mean(Blue)+σBlue < 128

The distribution of each color must greater 40 This modification thresholds constructed from
our investigation of RGB color histogram in each captured frame. These thresholds will
perform in case that LED is used. We found that the color distributing in the channels of the
error frames rules usually spread out of the ranges: 1) the red channel of each error frame has
pixel values that concentrated in the lower half of its value range, 2) the green channel of
each error frame has pixel values that less than 10 or concentrated in the higher half of its
value range and 3) the blue channel of each error frame has pixel values that concentrated in
the higher half of its value range. Any frame that has a mean and distribution of RGB color
fits in this range is determined as a correct frame will present a central region of fingertip
shown in Fig.3 (a). The correct frames will be further collected into an array. Some example
of correct and incorrect fingertip placing frame are shown in Fig.3 which obviously seen that
the red channel provides the most outstanding PPG signal.

1.3 Android Application

The Android application is connected to the hardware through Bluetooth device. The data is
sent from hardware to application. It is then displayed on the application i.e. Heart Monitor
App. The Android application for the mobile device has been developed using Android
Studio. It is developed to be used on the patient side. The key features of the applications

include: login, registration, logout, profile edit, report view, data input, validate the newly
added data and generate a graph from it. When the application is launched for the first time,
the login panel is deployed. It asks for a username and a password. If the credentials provided
in the mentioned field matches with the database, the user is authenticated and the user panel
on the application is launched. In case of a new user, once the fields have been filled, it
checks into the database for the user. If the email address provided is unique, the user is
registered and then taken to the user panel, much like the login process. Once, the user is
logged in, the username and password is stored locally on the Android device using shared

1.4 Importance of HRMS

Monitoring your heart rate during exercise is essential to success in meeting your fitness
goals, especially if those goals revolve around improving cardiovascular health and weight
loss. In order to have a standard of reference to go by, it’s important to establish what your
target heart rate zone is; in other words, the zone in which the best aerobic and fat burning
benefit occur. One of the first things I ask my training clients is if I can get their resting
pulse. Using this number, I’ll enter it into the Karvonen formula to provide my clients a
baseline expectation for where their heart rate needs to be. Many people have no idea[4].
Time is of the essence for when we work out. Not only that, results themselves are of the
essence. Without establishing our target heart rate zone before delving into cardiovascular
exercise, then we are essentially grasping at straws when it comes to attaining our goals[4].

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Literature Survey

2.1 Literature Review

Researches are done for evaluation in Healthcare System and also in wireless sensor network.
Those are helpful in maintaining and monitoring the health of patient. The focus is on
Mobile-Phone-based Remote Patient’s Vital Signs Monitoring and Intelligent Alerts System
which involve automated functioning medical sensor device to ease human life and an
intelligent data record system that is easy communicable with patients and their Guardians
[3]. The developed system in this paper, consists of many medical equipment which
measures body temperature, heartrate, breathing rate, activity and posture. Szakacs-Simon
describes about the design of simple heartrate monitor system based on Arduino board which
displays the output on a LCD display and simultaneously transmitting the data to a smart
phone via Bluetooth. This project is only focused on providing accurate and quick readings
of patients even in the absence of a doctor [3].
Research is done in the domain Body Area Network (BAN) from 1967. There was a project
named Code Blue Project By Astang Coupe in 1967. The wearable computer is made which
was attached to the patient’s wrist and the values are taken to predict disease [5]. In 2008 a
project is made by V. Annamalai &S.K.S.Gupta named as Project Ayushman. It is a real time
project which is sensor network based medical monitoring system which collect and analyse
health information [5].
The project Europian Mobihealth by Katarzyna Wac in 2009 which works as WBAN. But it
has some major issues; they are security and reliability of communication resource [3]. AID-
N system developed. It consist of smart dust which is a wearable computer attached to the
patient’s wrist. Parameters are continuously transmitted to doctors tablet device.
Transmission protocol used is IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Due to this collaborative and time
critical system is developed for emergency. AID-N system relieve the workload by
automatically recording and analysing the patient’s vital data and alert the doctor if any
abnormal condition occurred [5].

Chapter 2

Table 2.1-Literature Review

2.1.1 HR Detection and Processing Software Development Procedures

The application utilizes an imaging acquisition concept similar to that found in commercially
available pulse oximeters in which infrared light is used to determine oxygenated and
deoxygenated blood based on the blood opacity (i.e., oxygenated is brighter red than
deoxygenated which is blue/purple). Variable levels of opacity are illuminated by the camera
light and measured by the camera’s five-megapixel photodetecting lens, as it passes through
the pulsating capillary tissue beneath the surface of the finger. Measurements are tracked
overtime and analyzed until a pulsatile signal is properly detected [6]. The first step was to
determine if the image captured from the light provided by original equipment
manufacturer’s (OEM) LED flash and five-megapixel camera could be passed through
software image analysis filters to detect the appropriate wavelengths for efficient pulse
detection based on variations in opacity. The next step was to determine whether the
smartphone could process frame-by-frame image analysis in a timely and consistent manner,
in order to detect the small pulsatile color changes. An nv21 YUV planar frame format was
used to allow for efficient processing of both light and color intensity changes. Real-time
trials were used to determine an optimum settings bundle of frame capture rate (20 fps),
image pixel density , focus mode (infinity), and software image analysis filters. The next
step was to detect changes of blood flow by comparing values over a series of frames.
During this step, points were gathered and graphed to help programmers visually discern
changes of blood flow. Throughout this process, the development team compared signal
detection by the developed application with a Nonin Onyx II model 9560BT oximeter
(Nonin Medical, Plymouth, MN). Initial comparisons allowed assurance of capturing opacity
Chapter 2

changes representative of accurate pulsatile readings during the recording and graphing of
data. A history system aids the detection of HR pulses as well as accumulates the pulses to
generate beats per minute HR feedback [6]. Once the appropriate signal-to-noise ratio was
established, minor adjustments were made to ensure noise or small changes in the user’s
finger position did not disrupt the continuous monitoring of HR. Finger movements that
resulted in unobtainable HR measurement or finger removal results in vibration-based
feedback to the user to reposition the finger on the camera lens. The smartphone HR monitor
application directs each step of the process from video capture, video processing and
analysis, and feedback to the user in a graphical user interface [6].

2.1.2 Data Analyses

The ECG-derived average HRs per minute from the BioZ bioimpedance cardiograph system
using the 4 beats rolling average served as the criterion measure. HR values recorded from
the cell phone and the Nonin pulse oximeter were averaged and compared to the ECG at
their respective time periods. Pearson correlation coefficients and standard errors of estimate
(SEE) were calculated. As devices are expected to be highly correlated measuring the same
signal agreement of the 3 devices was assessed for each activity using Bland Altman plots
for repeated measures with 95% limits of agreement[6].

2.2 Background
Industry experts say the widespread use of mobile apps and devices that are fully integrated
into a comprehensive healthcare and wellness information system remains a work in
progress. According to some experts, authoritative curation of mobile apps is needed to ease
physician uncertainty about adopting apps more widely for clinical use. Much more progress
is needed in developing and disseminating apps that enable healthcare providers to help
patients manage their medical conditions [7]. “We can see within five years apps moving
from novelty to mainstream,” said Murray Aitken, executive director of the IMS Institute for
Healthcare Informatics [7]. A recent report Aitken co-authored, based on a study of nearly
43,700 purported health or medical applications available on Apple's iTunes App Store,
found that only 54% of them provided results that could serve clinical purpose. Of those,
69% targeted consumers and patients while 31% were built for use by clinicians. Most of the
consumer healthcare apps were “simple in design and do little more than provide
information” according to the IMS report. Only 159 of the consumer apps could track or
capture user-entered data, and fewer than 50 relate to condition management or provide tools
and calculators for users to measure their vitals. That leaves “considerable room for growth
in this sector,” the report said [5]. Doing some market research over the medical equipment
and their related application, we did not get any useful application that can help us in regard
of reducing chronic heart disease. A custom build app can provide all those abilities that a
patient may need in order to monitor heartrate in a regular basis [7].

According to WHO, the greatest killer in the world are the cardiovascular diseases
(CVD).An estimated 17.5 million people died from CVDs in 2012, representing 31% of all
global deaths. Over three quarters of CVD deaths take place in low- and middle-income

Literature Survey

countries [3]. According to the latest WHO data published in May, 2014 Coronary Heart
Disease Deaths in Bangladesh reached 50,708 or 6.96% of total deaths. The age adjusted
Death Rate is 53.53 per 100,000 of population ranks Bangladesh #150 in the world [7]. As
most of the population of Bangladesh belongs to the lower income group, improvements in
diagnosis and treatment tools in a less cost are welcomed by the medical community which
inspires the growth of research in Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM). The developed system
is built based on a pulse rate sensor which will be monitored via a mobile application. So,
the system will be portable, will able to take regular readings and will offer better
monitoring from home. It will not require any distant visit for patients who have problem in
travelling. The system will generate organized data with minimum chances of fragmented
report. The result will be stored with minimum time delay as the observers will not need any
paper. The mobile application and webpage both will generate a graph view of data which
will ease the task of report generation for the doctors. So, doctors will be able to monitor
their patients on a regular basis from anywhere with a proper internet connection. The data
will be cross-checked against a predetermined data range and it will be able to provide a
minimum indication about the data which will assist the doctor in concluding his report. The
reports will be updated to the database and notify the patients, facilitating storage system on
the server [7].

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Problem Statement, Objectives and Scope

3.1 Problem Statement

To develop a user-friendly heart rate monitoring system on Android platform that is able to
detect the possibility of heart disease in real-time basis based on reasoning and computational

3.2 Objectives
 To be able to calculate the Heart Rate by calculating the blood change volume in the
 To suggest the user a diet according to his Heart Rate and to maintain to good health
for his heart
 To send notification to the concerned Doctor or relative as per stored information in
the system.
 To track the location of the patient through GPS system.

3.3 Scope
 This application will provide the user function to monitor his Heart Rate instantly.

 It will suggest the user diet according to his health of heart.

 The application would help to calculate the BMI of the user, using the input of weight
and height.

 According to the BMI, the user will also be suggested with the diet he should
follow to maintain the BMI .

 The Application also provide the user any specific diet if he needs one. For E.g. For
Weight loss or weight gain.

Proposed Syste

 It would also help the user to create a SOS alarm and send SMS to his selected

 This Application would also suggest the user any nearby hospitals if he needs one.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Proposed System

4.1 Software Requirements

4.1.1 Java
Java is a popular programming language. Java is used to develop mobile apps, web apps,
desktop apps, games and much more.

4.1.2 MATLAB
MATLAB is a programming and numeric computing platform used by millions of engineers
and scientists to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models.

4.1.3 Android Application Framework

An Android application framework is a software toolkit that enables app developers to piece
together a finished product that meets the requirements of its proprietor. A framework
provides the bones of an application, to be fleshed out with graphics, animation, special
features and functionality.

4.1.4 Android SDK

Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device.
Download Not Available.

4.1.5 Android Studio

Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device.

Chapter 4

4.2 Hardware Requirements

4.2.1 Smartphone Camera

A camera phone is a mobile phone which is able to capture photographs and often record
video using one or more built-in digital cameras. It can also send the resulting image
wirelessly and conveniently.

4.2.2 Processor
The processor of your smartphone is the component that converts all your actions into visual
changes on the screen. For this project we require dual core of above processor.

4.2.3 Memory
Internal memory is the manufacturer-installed storage space, usually 16, 32 or 64GB, where
the operating system, pre-installed apps, and other system software is installed. Here we
need 2gb or more RAM.

4.3 Project Architecture

Fig 4.1- HRM Architecture

Chapter 4

4.3.1 Working Algorithm

The working algorithm begins with sensing raw IR sensor output voltage that is collected
and processed (amplify, noise cancellation) by amplifier, filter and Arduino. The calculated
BPM value is then received in smart phone by Bluetooth module transmission [1]. Once our
app is installed, run and paired with HC06 Bluetooth module, it will continuously perform
the following steps:

 Read the incoming real time BPM. Using android application of our GUI interface
anybody can check his/her BPM value anytime when he/she wants [1].
 If BPM is out of the normal range (60-140) it will start a countdown of 10 seconds
 If all BPMs are out of normal range within this countdown the app will assume
emergency condition [1].
 An SMS will be sent to all saved numbers in app. The SMS will contain: precise
location co-ordinates (using GPS built in smart phone), approximate location [1].

Fig 4.2-Workflow of HRM

Proposed System

4.3.2 Beat-to-Beat Algorithm Based on the PPG Morphology

In this section, we explain the details of the proposed beat-to-beat algorithm for wrist PPG
signals comprised of
(i) preprocessing, and
(ii) high resolution beat-to-beat extraction modules [11].

Fig 4.3-Block diagram of Beat-to-Beat Algorithm

The susceptibility of the PPG signal to poor blood perfusion of the peripheral tissues and
motion artifact is well known.18 In order to minimize the influence of these factors in the
subsequent phases of the PPG analysis for beat-to-beat estimation, a preprocessing stage is
required [11]. This step is comprised of:

 Framing and windowing

 Band-pass filtering (0.4 Hz to 4 Hz)
 Automatic gain control (AGC) to limit the signal level
 Signal smoothing and baseline wandering removal

The PPG input data is processed using a window of T0 seconds and further blocks are
processed by moving the window with mT0 (that is, m = 3/4) overlap. A band-pass filter is
then required to remove both high frequency components (such as power sources) of the
PPG signals, as well as low frequency components such as changes in capillary density and
venous blood volume, temperature variations, and so on. Figure 2a and 2b show a PPG
signal before and after filtering. The filter has a cutoff frequency at 0.4 Hz and 4 Hz. The
fundamental frequency of the HR ranges between 0.4 Hz to 3 Hz. Therefore, using a range
that is a little higher for beatto-beat estimation allows us to include harmonics that
emphasize the beat times. Sudden spikes are removed from the filtered signals using a
median filter. Then, an AGC module limits the signal level to ±V volts in order to verify the
selected peaks by checking the amplitude of the signal at a later stage. The durable PPG
measuring process for HRV unavoidably introduces another type of artifact, such as baseline
wandering. Consequently, a low-pass finite impulse response (FIR) filter is used to smooth
the array of the PPG samples in the frame (shown in Figure 2c), to remove the baseline
wandering noise, and to get a smoother signal for the delineation module [11].

Chapter 4

4.3.3 Data Collection

400 video samples with duration from 15 to 20 seconds are taken from a group of 20 people
between 18 and 50 years old, with an average age of 26.3 years old. Particularly, subjects are
asked to wear Beurer BC08 cuff in the left hand and simultaneously hold the smartphone in
the right hand and put index finger over smartphone rearcamera len and flash LED [8]. The
experiments are conducted in laboratory environment and under supervision to ensure that
every configurations is well-setup during the measurement. Moreover, different Samsung
smartphones are used to evaluate developed application and device influences [9].

Fig 4.4-Block diagram of PPG signal processing

A brief description of PPG signal processing is presented as follows. In the pre-processing

stage, video goes through video-to-frames and RGB extracting block to obtain sequence of
frames with separate Red Green Blue (RBG) channel. In the representation stage, mean
brightness of each frame is calculated which Red channel is preferred one to obtain PPG
signal. Then, PPG signals are transformed (i.e. moving average filter, or FFT) in order to
highlight the peaks. Subsequently, applying peak picking is of purpose to look for candidates
peaks in segmentation stages. In classification stage, candidates peaks are reclassified based
on distance constraints and RBG threshold to counter motion artifacts (i.e., noise of unstable
finger) before calculating HR in the last stage [9].

Proposed System

4.4 Analysis Diagram

4.4.1 ER Diagram

Fig 4.5- ER Diagram

4.4.2 DFD Diagram

Fig 4.6- Level 0 DFD

Chapter 4

Fig 4.7- Level 1 DFD

Proposed System

Fig 4.5- Level 2 DFD

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Implementation Plan

5.1 Project Schedule

Table 5.1-Project Scheduling

Task Start Date End Date Total Days

Topic selection by the team 17-09-2021 22-09-2021 07

Research and Discovery 23-09-2021 29-09-2021 07

Scope and Goal Finalization 30-09-2021 04-10-2021 05

Gathering Requirements 05-10-2021 12-10-2021 08

Requirement Analysis 13-10-2021 19-10-2021 07

Feasibility Analysis 20-10-2021 30-10-2021 11

Planning and Scheduling 01-11-2021 19-11-2021 19

System Design 1-12-2021 21-12-2021 21

Coding 22-12-2021 15-02-2022 56

Testing 16-02-2022 28-02-2022 13

Feedback 01-03-2022 08-03-2022 08

Debugging 09-03-2022 17-03-2022 09

Updation 18-03-2022 28-03-2022 11

5.2 Gantt Chart

Fig 5.1-Gantt Chart

Chapter 5

Expected Outcome
Our objective with the present work is to put forward a continuous HR monitoring and
automatic notification system over the cellular network. The monitoring system is mainly
based on an Android platform, which not only continuously displays the real time HR on the
mobile screen but also generates SMS and sends it to the saved mobile numbers when
abnormal HR is detected. Application of this system includes providing medical attention
within the initial stage of determination of unorthodox HR of patients who may be at distant
locations with no doctors or when the patient is illiterate. In this paper, a review of existing
algorithms for heart rate measuring using mobile phones will be evaluated. The objective of
this proposed algorithm is to develop Android application to measure HR in real time with
duration about 10 seconds that optimizes for any smartphones. Thus, this method will
propose a simple moving average filter with only 7 coefficients to reduce complexity when
developing on Android platform and is expected to achieves affordable accuracy with
classification stage with distant constraints and RGB threshold that outperformed some
previous works with the same 400 video samples as input data and work stably on different
android mobile devices with 50 sample tests. We are also going to use the statistical method,
the paired samples test, to calculate the difference between the heart rate result from a digital
blood pressure monitor and one from our application which uses PPG technique.

[1] Android Based Heart Rate Monitoring and Automatic Notification System(2017 IEEE
Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)).


[3] Heart Rate Measurement on Android Platform(2016 IEEE Faculty of science).




[7] Development of Android Based Pulse Monitoring System.

[8] Real-time Heart Rate Measurement based on Photoplethysmography using Android

Smartphone Camera.

[9] Heart Rate Measurement System Using Mobile Devices to Alert Arrhythmias(2015 12th
International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic
Control (CCE)).

[10] Pulse Rate Measurement using Android Smartphone(2019 IEEE/WIC/ACM

International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology).


[12] M. T. Islam, S. T. Ahmed, I. Zabir, C. Shahnaz, and S. A. Fattah, “Cascade and parallel
combination (cpc) of adaptive filters for estimating heart rate during intensive physical
exercise from photoplethysmographic signal,” Healthcare Technology Letters, 2017.

[13] M. T. Islam, I. Zabir, S. T. Ahamed, M. T. Yasar, C. Shahnaz, and S. A. Fattah, “A

time-frequency domain approach of heart rate estimation from photoplethysmographic (ppg)
signal,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 36, pp.


The making of the B.E project needs co-operation and guidance of a number of people. We,
therefore consider it as our prime duty to thank all those who helped us during this venture.
We would like to thank Dr. Prashant Deshmukh (Principal), for his kind co-operation,
guidance and for providing necessary facilities during the working on this report. We
express our sincere thanks to Dr. Sanjay Sharma, (Head of Computer Department) for
his support and co-ordination.

It is our immense pleasure to express our gratitude to Mr. Rushikesh Nikam as our Guide
for providing us with constructive and positive feedbacks during the preparation of this
project. We express our gratitude to Ms. Aarthi Kamble for her valuable insights and co-

Last but not the least, we are thankful to all other staff members of Computer Department
amd our friends whose encouragement and suggestions helped us to enhance our ongoing
B.E Project. We are also thankful to our parents for their constant support and best wishes.

Thank You!


Ms. Aishwarya Palvi (IEN – 11712032)


Mr. Raj Patil (IEN – 11712034)


Mr. Priyanka Chaudhari (IEN - 11612003)



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