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ACT 1952
CT, 1952

~Jl~1l:.tlJiJ(Ml•J:~i;tm!Jillll:J.i 1,
According to Mine s Act "adult" m
(a) completed in Eighteenth year

(b) eighteenth year (or) sixteenth year

(c) completed his eighteenth year

(d) completed his sixteenth year.

Mines Act comes into force on ?
(a) 1st July 1952,

(b) 27th May 1952,

(c) 15th March 1952

(d) None of them

According to mines act "day" means

-- -- --
Ans : Twenty-four hours beginning at mld-nfglat
. mines act calender year means
(a) 1st April to 31 st March

(b) 1st Jan to 31 st Dec

(c) 1st Jan to 30th Sep.

(d) 1st Oct to·31 st Dec.
Where work of the same kind ls carried out by two (or) more
lets of persons working during different periods of the day
each of such sets is called a · and each o/ such periods
Is called a
A,.. : Relay, Sht(t
According to mines act week means a period of _ _

(a) seven days beginning at sunday night

{b) seven days beginning at saturday night
(c) six days beginning at monday night
(d) any seven days

7. In which section of mines act 1952 th

occupational health survey is mentioned .? e Provision
(a) 9 (b) 9A

(c) 22 (d) 22A

8. Which of the following is not framed under M·

rnes Act 1952
(a) Mines vocational training rules

(b) Oil mines regulations

(c) Mineral conservation & Development rules

(d) Mine rescue rules

9. Ad not apply where
(a) not more than 20 persons are employed
(b) excavation not extending below superjacent employed

(c) a & b

(d) none of the above

10. Inspectors under mines act are appointed by

(a) President of India

(b) State Government

(c) Chief Inspector of Mines

(d) Central Government

.. ry means_.,.,,.-
11. According to Mines Act 1952 reportedly ,nJU ofl)
72 hour• (or ,,.
Ans : A person Injured from work for .. ,y ?
. us t,odY ,rtJU
12- Which of the following comes under serto
(a) The permanent loss of any part (or) section
-~. • - - - - -· ·-- -- - --
.. - - ~ ----~ -- - - - --- - -~
-,-r._, 19
&SA . 52-- - - - -- - - . -· . .. .

(bl Sigh t (o r) hearing

fd Fractu re of any bone

(d) All of the above

y- depth o f excavatio n measured from
NJ shall not apply to a~ ever exceed s _ _ for coal is
t ho w
lt#gheSt to its lowest pom
(b) six meters
(a) fifteen meters
(d) ten meters
(c) twenty meters
en cast m in e en gaged in excavation
k l shall not apply to any clay , limestone where the
avel, ordina ry
<Ikankar, morrum, gr d from its highest to its lowest
su re
depth of excavation mea
point is _ _
(b) six meters
(a) fifteen meters
(d) ten meters
(c) twenty meters
an y op en ca st m ine engaged in the
k t shall not apply to
ulder, shingle, ordinary
, m orru m , grav el, bo
ertraction ofkankar re the nu mber of persons
, lim e ston e w he
,and, ordinary clay
on an y o ne da y do es not e x c e e d s _
(b) 6

(dO 25
,,. c f' 195 2 --
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st .------:-;: persons appointed under owners 0,

At feO d bY the Central government. , mine,

.1 penfng to be given
rJt'(ice OJ
st rnonth before In Form-1
(~) At Iea
At least two months before In Fom-1
t least one month before In Form • 2
(c) A
(d) At least two months before in Form-2
t,1anager is appointed by _ __
Ans : ()u,ner (or) Ap
All such paints shall be legibly marked "Drinking Water" in
language understood by a majority of the persons employed
inthe mine and no such point shall be suited within __ of
any washing place.

Where more than · are employed there shall be provided

and maintained a first-aid room.
Ans : One hundred and #Y persons
Which section of mines act 1952 the powers of ;nspector u,lterl
causes of danger not expressly provided against exist AND,
Power to prohibit employment in certClin cases-
(a) 9A&2A (b) 22 & 23
(c) 9A&22A (d) 22 & 22 A
42 --- - ---- -

portable injuries o f preuio

7. Repo rt of re us ca/ender .lleQr L&sl
. d to C/M
be su bm itte s,,O//

) 'On (or) be fo re 31st December


on (o r) b e fore 2 0th January


n (or) b e fo re 1 4 th February
(c) o
1st March
(d) on (or) before 3
2 -- -- -- -- -· -
-- ·-
-· - .


: fl\/lPO
rk In a m in e Ior mor
e than
ll o w ed to w o
person shall b e a
d a ys in a o n e w ee k.
A n a : Sbc dav•

ll o w ed to w o rk in a M in e fo r m o re than
sh a ll b e a
,so n
No p h o u rs in a w ee k
A n s : 4 8 h o u rs
f a n y a d u lt sh a l b e so a "a n g ed that alon
11,e p er io d o f w o rk o o t in a n y d a y sp re ad ov er
ey sh a ll n
""'1 his in te rv al o f re st th
,nore than _ _
(b) 24 ho ur s
12 hours
(d) lO ho ur s
36 ho ur s
g ro u n d in a m in e shall be allowed
b el o w
No adult em p lo ye d h o u rs in a n y w ee k (or) for
n __ _
to work fo r m o re th a
h o u rs in a n y d a y ?
more- than _ _ _
(b) 6, 3 6
(a) 36, 6
(d) 8, 48
(c) 48, 8
ye a rs a g e sh al l b e al lo w ed to w ok
No person b el o w _
In any m in e (or) p a
rt ,t h er eo f?
(b) 18
Co) 16
(c) 20 (d) 23

in a m in e a b o ve g ro u n d shall be
iery Women em p lo ye an _ _ _ ho ur s between
o f n o t le ss th
'allowed an in te rv al e da y th e co m m en ce m en t
t o n a n y o n
lnatton o f em p lo ym en
p lo ym en t
the ne xt p er io d o f em
60 (b) 10
(a) 8
(d) 12
(c) 11
.1men in any mine above ground ex
7. Employment wo
01 cept
between the hours - -
. 0?·00 pm (b) 06:00 am to 06:00 pm
(a) 06:00 am t o .

(c) 07: 00 am to 06 .
·00 pm (d) 07:00 am to 07:00 pm

No person shall work for _ _ before he has had in an

B. interval for rest of at least half an hour in above grounq.

Ans : More than 05 hours continuously

9. According to Mines Act 1952 calender year defined

Ans : Twelve months begfnngfng with .first day of

January In any year.
10. Extra wage to be paid _ _ the normal rate of wag
(a) one and half times (b) twice
(c) two end half times (d) thrice
11. The number of times in which leaue may be taken during
a·nyone calender year shall not exceed ?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
· Annual leave wages in case of a person employed below
grou nd rate of one day for every __ days

Ans : Fifteen
· In any other C<&? (open cast) at the rate of one day for eve,Y - 1

Ans : twenty
__ _ 61
__ ___
___ i f he
n in a mine
2_ _
,4CT, 195 low 9 TO U
- 11. ,ES db e
o f p e r s o n employe an
not less th - - -
a ise ye a r p u t in
rt!C th e calender
i 4 In s dun n. g th
n d m n t}1 a tt.e ndance
: O n e hundred a
An s
( o r) an y o ther·case
p l o y e d a b o v e grou u t in naJ less
o n e m e a r p
. o 'p e r s . •
calender y
/ncase 'Ie ,if h e h a s d u n n g t h e
. a m1·n
.·,. ,n
than ourty attendances
hund red and J
A n s : two

5. {bl
4 . fcl
1. 2. 3 . {a]
10. [bl
6.:_ lcJ 7. [a] 8.
11. la) 12. 13.
..,. IIIIL -

- 89
.., ,..,f s ACf.1
9~_!_ --- -
- --
- -
= ~ - --- -

If "",.. 1lif(IJ:!J(N
(I1~/ij1Jifl! tions & ruli fi
ntral govt. to make, regula es o r
=--- paw
ers the .ce b notification in the Gazette .
I f; m ose listed In _ _ _ Y a
· ,p
P'' n 58 & 59
(b) Sectio
(b) Sec tio n 5
7 & 58
61 A (d) Section 60
(d Sec tion 59 &
cting inspector's duties ?
, The fi ne for
(b) 2000 Rs.
fa) 2500 Rs.
(d) 500 Rs.
(c) 200 Rs. subm it ting false
a kin g fals e statement (or)
3. The fine for rn (or) o ther records.
, re tu
certificate, plane
(b) 2000Rs.
(a) 1000 Rs.
(d) 300 Rs.
(c) SOORs.
plan, return, notice, report etc.,
h e fine for omission to furnish any
4 T
(b) lOOO
(a) SOORs.
(d) 2000Rs.
(c) 1500 Rs. ing employment
ions regard
h e fine contravention o f provis
5. T
of labour
(b) SOORs.
(a) 1000 Rs.
(d) 300 Rs.
(c) 2000 Rs.
p rov ision s o f cerlain regulation
6 Th e fi ne for contravention
fo r) bye/aws is
100 Rs. (b) 500Rs .
(a )

2000Rs. (d) 1000 Rs .

w ithout man ager is - -
7 ing time
The fine /or runn
(b) 1500Rs.
(a ) lOOORs.
(d) 2500Rs .
~ c) 500&.
--- -- ---- THE~
8. The fine & imprisonment upto
• contravention of Law resulting fn

(a) Loss of life

(b) Serious bodily injury

(c) Other injury (or) danger

l = Imprisonment upto
F = Fine upto
M = months
y = Years
Ans ; (a) I : 2 year / f : 500/-
(b) l year I F : 300 /- I Bqth

(c) I: 3M IF = 1000/-Both

1. [a} 2. (dJ 3. Cal 4. {bl
6. (cl 1. (d}

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