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【Voc】 新聞英文--武漢冠狀病毒篇 airborne(a.

)空氣傳播的 【Phrase】
越南篇: infection(n.) 感染 contagious(a.)接觸傳染性的 1. break into 闖入
Vietnam (n.)越南 screen(v.)篩檢,過濾 human-to-human transmission(ph.)人對人 《例句》Yesterday, someone broke into his
tourist attraction (n.)觀光勝地 strain(n.)病毒株 的傳染,傳播 apartment and stole all his money.
flock/swarm into (v.)蜂湧而至 -> strain of coronavirus (ph.)冠狀病毒株 quarantine(n.)隔離;檢疫
Buddha(n.)佛陀 coronavirus(n.)冠狀病毒 ->quarantine zone(ph.)隔離區;檢疫所 2. breakdown 崩潰;故障
deity(n.)神祗 coronal(a.)冠狀的 ㅡ> under quarantine (ph.) 隔離中 《例句》We are late because our car had a
palm (n.)手掌 outbreak (n.) [(+ of)]爆發 ration (n.)配給 breakdown on the road.
fog(n.)濃霧 e.g. the outbreak of SARS (SARS 疫情得爆 coach(n.)長途公車,客運[英式用法] 形容人的心理狀態崩潰喔!
pagoda (n.)纜車 發) curb (v.) = control = restrain 控制,遇止 《例句》She suffers a nervous breakdown.
amusement park(n.)遊樂園 exhibit(v.)表示,顯出[常接症狀] parasite (n.)寄生蟲
lantern (n.)燈籠 e.g. She began exhibiting symptoms such as fungi(n.)真菌 3. break through 突破
nostalgic(a.)懷舊的 a fever or bacteria(n.) 細菌 《例句》Their love breaks through the age
cathedral(n.)大教堂 cough.(她開始表現出一些像咳的症狀。) spore (n. PI)孢子 gap.
relic (n.) 古物 common cold (ph.)普通感冒 abnormality(n.)異常;變態
debris(n.)遺跡 c.f.enterovirus(n.)腸病毒[縮寫:EV] 4. break one's words 毀約
contaminate (v.) 污染
ammunition (n.)彈藥 c.f.gastroenteritis(n.)腸胃炎[縮寫:GE] 《例句》Don't believe him. He's gonna
warhead (n.)彈頭 rapid test(ph.)流感快速篩檢 break his word soon.
pathogen(n.) 病原體
Vietnam War 越戰 infrared(n.)紅外線[物理學語] disinfect (v.) = fumigate = sterilize 消毒
stoke (v.)引發 5. break the ice 打破僵局
hospitable(a.)好客的 cure (n.)解藥
-> stoke worries(ph.)引擔憂 《例句》He started the speech with a
immigrant (n.)移民者 pandemic(n.)流行病,流傳中的疫情
bug(n.)病菌[語用法] couple of jokes to break the ice.
occupation(n.)佔領 travel rush (ph.)春運
colony(n.)殖民地 respiratory(a.)呼吸的
6. break up 分手
exotic(a.)異國風情的 -> respire(v.)呼吸
《例句》I just can't believe they broke up.
chrysanthemum (n.) 菊花 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 嚴重急
They'd been together for over ten years.
lotus(n.)蓮花 性呼吸道
honk(v.) 按喇叭 系統症候群[縮寫:SARS] 7. breaking news 即時新聞
currency (n.)貨幣 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome 中東呼 《例句》The best way to report the
dong(n.)盾(越南盾:台幣=700:1) 吸道症候
breaking news is by getting to the scene of
socialism (n.)社會主義 群[縮寫:MERS] the story on time and reporting it as the
Communism (n.)共産主義 assertion (n.)斷言,主張 news is breaking.
reunification (n.) 統一 epidemic(n.)時疫,流行病
infrastructure (n.)基礎建設 plague(n.)瘟疫,鼠疫 8. heartbreaking 令人心碎的
peninsula (n.)半島 mutate (v.)變種,突變 《例句》This movie is so heartbreaking that
landscape (n.)景色 lethal(a.)= fatal 致命的 I cried for one whole hour.
remedy(n.)療法,療程 9. take a break 休息一下
lesion(n.)器官損害[醫學用語] 《例句》Take a break! You look exhausted.
structural alteration (ph.) 結構性改變
complication(n.)併發症 10. give me a break 饒了我吧!
untamed(a.)未被抑制的 《例句》Oh! Give me a break. Stop
pneumonia (n.)肺炎[pneumo-:lungs] complaining.
【talk】 1. What are probably rare in Oman's cloud obtain (v.)獲得 1. How are you doing?
One of the World's Great Deserts forest? moisture (n.) 濕氣 How’s it going?,是稍微正式的說法。
The Middle Eastern country of Oman has A. Light breezes. directly (adv.) 直接地 2. Howdy 這是 How are you doing? 的縮寫
one of the most unusual deserts on earth. B. Steady showers. normally(adv.)正常地;按慣例 講法,常見於美國南方,尤其是德州。
Located in the Dhofar Mountains, Oman's C. Misty weather. tropical(adj)熱帶的 3. Howdy-do 即 Howdy,但不建議使用因
desert is home to a fragile cloud forest. D. Warm temperatures. region (n.)區域 為聽起來較稚氣。
Cloud forests are so named because they rainfall(n.)降雨(量) 4. Yo 記得不要說成 yo yo yo .
obtain moisture directly from clouds. 2. Where do the majority of Oman's people 5. What’s happening?
plentiful (adj.)豐富的
Normally, such forests are located in topical live now? 問候,但比較是詢問別人發生了什麼事?
survive(v.) 倖存
regions, where rainfall is plentiful. But the A. In poor villages.
extreme (adj.) 極度的 6. How goes it 這和 How’s it going? 同
cloud forest of Oman survives in an area of B. In refugee camps.
dryness(n.) 乾燥 義,但並不是很正式,可以用於朋友或認
extreme dryness. The trees in the forest are C. In urban areas.
alive(adj.)活著的;有生氣的 識的人。
kept alive by tiny drops of water that they D. In mountain ranges.
gather from low-Iying clouds, that is, ground low-lying(adj.)地勢低的:位於低處的 7. What’s up
3. According to this article, what do the trees fog (n.)霧 這是 How are you doing? 較不正式的用法
fog. The trees store some of the water
below ground and extract it later during in the desert cloud store(v.) 儲存 8. How ya doin’即 How are you?
periods when there is no rain. forest mainly provide for camels? extract (v.)吸取 這句話六人行男主角 Joey 的口頭禪。
A. Water. period (n.)時期;期間 9. Sup 這是 What’s up 的縮寫
The primary threat to Oman's desert cloud B. Shade. primary (adj.) 首要的 10. What up
forest is not the dry weather but the C. Homes. threat (n.) 威脅 即 How’s it going? 可用在朋友之間
country's large population of camels. Though D. Food. population(n.)(某地區動物或植物)的總數 11. Hi
most of Oman's people have moved into camel (n.) 駱駝 12. Hi there 這是 Hi 的變化形,通常用在
cities, traditional families still measure their 4. What might happen if action is not taken measure (v.) 估算 很喜歡或關係親近的人。
wealth by the number of camels they own. by officials in Oman? 13. Hiya
own(v.) 擁有
A. The forest could finally disappear. 也是 Hi , 通常在倫敦使用
domestic (adj.)被馴養的
And today, many families own more camels B. The people will lose their traditions. 14. Hello 這是英文問候的最基本形式
allow (v.) 允許
than they need. In the Dhofar Mountains, C. The camels could become extinct. 15. Yellow 這是 Hello 的變化形, 比較不
D. The land might turn into a desert. continue (v.) 繼續
domestic camels eat the leaves of trees in 正式而且通常用在電話當中
the desert cloud forest. If this is allowed to gather (v.)積聚
sufficient (adj.)足夠的 16. Hey=Hi , 這個字還可以用音調的變化
continue, the trees may lose too many of 作為一種非正式請某個人注意的說法。
their leaves. Then they may be unable to eventually (adv.) 最終
die(v.)死;消失 17. Ahoy
gather sufficient moisture from the clouds
這常可以和 Mate 這個字聯用 , Ahoy
and could eventually die. In light of this ancient (adj.)古代的
Mate 在澳洲是很常見的問候方式。
danger, Omani officials are consulting with on earth=in the world 在世上
18. Greetings
scientists on steps that must be taken to be home to...⋯的發源地
也是表達 hello 的一種說法 , 雖然可能有
protect the country's ancient and fragile cloud forest 雲彩森林
desert cloud forest. 一點正式,但在英國很常見。
drop of water 水滴
19. Good day
the number of.⋯的數量
in light of 有鑑於
take steps to V 採取措施(做).
補充資料: 20. G’day
be located in...位於⋯ 這是 Good day 的縮寫形式,較不正式。
unusual (adj.)不尋常的
low-Iying cloud 低飄的雲 除非你是在很輕鬆的氛圍環境工作,否則
desert (n.) 沙漠
be unableto V 不能(做)⋯ 不建議你在抵達公司向人問候時使用。
fragile (adj.) 脆弱的
consult with 與⋯協商
The Unsolved Mystery of Machu Picchu 1. Which of the following is the best title for ridge (n.) 山脈
At the top of a ridge deep in the mountains this article? spectacular (adj.)壯麗的
of Peru lies a spectacular archaeological site A. Repairs Scheduled for Machu Picchu. site (n.)場所
left behind by the Incas: Machu Picchu, the B. Security Concerns at Machu Picchu. remoteness (n.) 偏遠
"Lost City." Despite its remoteness, this C. Researchers to Visit Machu Picchu. grandeur (n.) 宏偉壯觀
magnificent city is a popular tourist site. In D. The Secrets of Machu Picchu. originally (adv.) 起初地
2005, it was visited by around 700,000 temple(n.)神殿;寺廟
people, who were drawn by not only its 2. What does the writer imply about Machu
structure(n.) 建築物
grandeur and beauty but also its mystery. Picchu?
occupy (v.) 佔用
A. It's near population centers.
scholar (n.)學者
No one knows for sure why Machu Picchu B. It's quite easy to overlook.
was built. The site originally contained many C. It's historically significant. empire (n.) 帝國
fine buildings made of stone, including D. It's attracting fewer visitors. rule(v.)統治
temples, palaces and other structures. They indeed (adv.) 真正地
were built close together and connected by 3. What was true about the population of wonder (v.) 納悶
thousands of stone steps. Some of the Machu Picchu? abandon (v.) 遺棄
buildings were originally covered with gold. A. It increased year by year. sufficient (adj.)足夠的
All of them were probably occupied from the B. It remained quite small. purpose (n.)目的
mid-fifteenth to the mid-sixteenth century. C. It shrank after a few years. at the top of.在⋯頂端
D. It rose after falling sharply. leave behind 留下
Most scholars believe that Machu Picchu tourist site 觀光勝地
was a mountain retreat for a person of high 4. According to this article, who may Machu for sure 確實地
position in the Incan empire. That person Picchu have been thousands of...成千上萬的.
may have been Pachakuteq, who established built for?
stone steps 石階
the empire and ruled it from 1438 to 1471. A. The founder of the Incan empire.
be covered with 被⋯所覆蓋
Machu Picchu never had a large number of B. The descendents of Pachakuteq.
of high position/rank 高位/階
residents - only 200 to 300 people. But if C. The enemies of the Inca people.
Machu Picchu was, indeed, built for D. The youngest residents of the site. a large number of...許多的.
Pachakuteq, then these people were almost no longer 不再
certainly his descendents and, therefore, of 5. What happened to Machu Picchu around lie(v.)位於 locate (v.) 位於
high rank in the empire. Scholars also 1540? archaeological (adj.) 考古學的
wonder why Machu Picchu was suddenly A. It came under heavy attack. despite (prep.) 儘管
abandoned around 1540. Possibly, the B. All of its people went away. magnificent(adj) 壯麗宏偉的
residents could no longer obtain sufficient C. A fire destroyed it completely. mystery (n.) 神秘
water. Since Machu Picchu was located on a D. Some of its buildings collapsed. contain (v.)包含
ridge, water for drinking and other purposes palace (n.) 宮殿
had to be brought to the site. connect(v.) 連接
century (n.)世紀
establish (v.) 建立
resident (n.)居民
descendent (n.) 後裔
suddenly (adv.) 突然地
obtain (v.)獲得
Bei Tou Hot Spring What's your first hot spring experience? TravelTips 旅遊情報站
北投溫泉 你的第一次溫泉體驗是什麼? Bai Tou Hot Springs area is worth a day tour
with many famous tourist places. The New
Special Feature 特色寫真 I went to a hot springs last winter. It was Bei Tou Hot Springs Museum is only about
magine soaking at a naturally formed hot only 8 degrees Celsius outside. It was so three minutes away from MRT. In the
springs pool with the steam rising from cold. I took off my clothes and went in the museum, you will see the hot springs culture
valley below in cold weather. Sounds like hot springs pool. The pool's natural and history. Not far away from the Hot
Heaven! In 1896, the Japanese built the first temperature was 42 degrees Celsius. When I Springs Museum, there is an open-air
hot springs hotel in Taiwan called "Tengu frst went in, it felt too hot, but soon it felt so Japanese-style public hot springs pool. It is
Um house" in Bai Tou. They wanted to good. an inexpensive way to experience the
provide a place for the Japanese soldiers 我去年天去泡溫泉。當時戶外溫度只有攝 traditional Japanese open-air hot spring
similar to the hot springs bath they had at 8 度。好冷。我脫下衣,進入溫泉池。池的 pool. In the Hot Springs Water Park, there is
home. It is still in business after all these 自然溫度為攝 2 度。進到裡的第一秒鐘覺 a Japanese-style wooden bridge and gazebo.
years, but the name has changed to 得燙得受不了,但是很快的就覺得很舒服。 There is also a free hot springs "foot spa"
"Takimoto". A small monument stands in the area so that visitors can really get into
front yard to commemorate the visit from 2 Well, my first experience was with a water. The Taipei Public Library Bei Tou
the Crown Prince of Japan in 1923. Since it tourist group. We had to wear swimming Branch is Taiwans first green library building.
was built by Japanese, the architecture is suits. There were so many people in the pool The building is designed to be environment
quite unique when compared with the other that I felt that we were like dumplings friendly with solar power and a rainwater
large spa hotels in the area. In "Takimoto", cooking in a big hot pot. recycling system. Of course, you should try
there are separated baths for men and 怎麼說呢,我的第一個經驗是和旅遊團一起 the local food for your day trip. Bei Tou's "Jiu
women. The naturally formed hot springs 的。們必需要穿泳衣。當時有很多的人。 Jia Cai" ('special restaurant food") is very
bath is very attractive to the visitors 只是覺得我們像在大火鍋裡煮水餃一樣。 unique. There were a lot of exclusive
historically. Plus the low fee makes you want restaurants in the 1950s, and wealthy
to return like the local regular visitors do. politicians and business people came here to
3 The first time I went to a hot springs pool. I
drink and entertain guests and business
was the only young girl in there. As soon as I
associates. The menu slowly developed into
got in the water, someone in the pool
luxurious gourmet Chinese dishes.
needed to be rescued because she was
having a heart attack! It was scary.
形容地理位置時,英文常見用詞: 主動語態:lie、sit、stand 較平面的事物,像是河流,較常用 lie。 被動語態:be located、be situated
lie、sit、stand、be located、be situated 如果主詞是「人」,lie、sit、stand 可以 例如: 使用被動語態 be located、be situated 表
「位於、坐落於」的意思。 用來表達「躺、坐、站」等不同姿勢。 示地理位置時,句型跟 lie、sit、stand 類
區分為主動及被動語態兩種表達: 但如果前面是「物」,lie、sit、stand 則 You must go see the mighty river lying on 似。
有「位於、坐落於」的意思。 the eastern side of the mountain range.(你
一定要去看看位在山脈東側的那條大 ● 基本句型:主詞 + be located / be
● 基本句型:主詞 + lie / sit / stand + 地 河。) situated + 地方副詞
「主動語態」(active voice),主詞是動 方副詞
作的發動者,而這種用法也是最常用的語 相反地,如果是明顯有高度的事物,像是 後面同樣不直接加上受詞,而會加上地方
態。 Lie、sit、stand 後面不直接加上受詞,而 城堡,較常用 stand。例如: 副詞(介係詞 + 地方)。例如:
「被動語態」(passive voice),主詞 會加上地方副詞,也就是「介係詞 + 地
(my house)是動作的接受者。 方」。例如: On top of the hill stands an ancient castle The Gothic cathedral is located on Fifth
overlooking a winding river.(有座古堡矗立 Avenue.(那座哥德式教堂位於第五大
主動語態是最常用到的語態,而被動語態 That small town sits 60 miles to the east of 在山頂,俯視著蜿蜒的河流。) 道。)
的形成為: us.(那個小鎮位於我們東邊六十英里
1. 把主動語態的受詞變為被動語態 處。) 搭配介係詞 on,以及地方 Fifth Avenue
的主詞; 「第五大道」。
2. 將主動語態的動詞改為「be + 過 搭配「表方位相對位置」的介係詞 to,
去分詞」的結構; 以及地方 the east of us「我們東邊」。 The formidable medieval fortress is situated
3. 將主動語態的主詞前加上介係詞 near the shore, not far from the fishing
by,放在動詞之後(有時這可省 The tropical island lies 150 miles from the village.(那座威嚴的中世紀堡壘就矗立在
略) coastline.(那座熱帶島嶼距離海岸線 150 海岸附近,距離那個小漁村不遠。)
搭配介係詞 near,以及地方 the shore
搭配「表距離」的介係詞 from,以及地 「海岸」。
方 the coastline「海岸線」。

● 倒裝句型:地方副詞 + lie / sit / stand +


On the hillside stand rows of ramshackle

redbrick buildings.(山腰上佇立著幾排搖

要注意的是:lie、sit、stand 會「跟著後

● 細微差異

stand 等詞通常可以互用,但如果明顯是
1.對等連接詞 Coordinating Conjunctions 2.相關連接詞 Correlative Conjunctions 3.從屬連接詞 Subordinating Conjunctions 作法 + so that + 目的 為了(目的)…,(作
對等連接詞主要用來連接兩個詞性相同的 功能與對等連接詞相似,也可以用來連接 主要功能,是連接一個附屬子句,為本來 法)…(說明行為的目的)
單字、片語或結構相似的句子,由於每個 兩個詞性相同的單字、片語或結構相似的 的主要子句作補充說明或修飾。主要子句 I hold my breath(作法) so that the candles
連接詞本身的意義不大一樣,前後連接的 句子。由於這些連接詞的語意沒有太大的 本來就可以單獨存在,具有完整的意義; on the cake won't go out(目的).為了不讓蛋
對象語意就有部分的限制。 正反差異,所以連接的對象基本上只要留 附屬子句不能單獨存在,本身語意並不完 糕上的蠟燭熄滅,我屏住了呼吸。
意符合詞性或句構的相對性即可。 不過 整,用來補充說明或修飾主句中的細節。
and 和、以及 要特別注意的是,這類連接詞一定是成對 表示條件
My favorite animals are dogs and rabbits.(連 的使用,拆開單獨使用就不具原來的意義 表示時間 as long as 只要…
接名詞)我最喜歡的動物是狗和兔子。 了。 before / after 在…之前 / 在…之後 (符合 A 就可以得到 B)
(用時間點說明事件的先後次序) As long as you try hard enough, you will get
but 但是、不過 either…or… 不是…就是… My mom asks me to go home before 10 whatever you're after.只要你夠努力嘗試,
He looked tired but happy.(連接兩個語意相 (兩者擇一) p.m.. 我媽要我在晚上十點前回家。 你就會得到任何你追求的目標。
反的形容詞)他看起來很疲倦但很高興。 Either you or I need to clean up the mass
before mom gets home.(連接名詞)在老媽 since / until 從…起 / 到…時 if / only if 如果… / 只有…才…
yet 然而、但是 到家以前,不是你就是我得把這團混亂給 (用時間點說明事件的起迄) (符合 A 就可以得到 B)
The rain wasn't as heavy as expected, yet 收拾好。 I've been extremely busy since I was back My mom will allow me to keep a dog only if I
the activity was still cancelled.(連接兩個語 from the vacation.我從渡完假回來以後就 promise to take care of it myself.只有我承
意相反的句子)雨勢沒有預期中的那麼大, neither…nor… 既不是…也不是… 極度地忙碌。 諾會獨立照顧,我媽才會讓我養狗。
然而活動還是取消了。 (兩者皆非)
The movie is neither interesting nor as soon as 一…就… unless 除非…,否則…
(never/not/no) nor 既不…也不… exciting.(連接形容詞)這部電影既不有趣也 (用時間點強調事件發生的立即性) (符合 A 否則無法得到 B)
His room is not clean nor tidy.(連接形容 不刺激。 He handed over the kid to me as soon as I I won't be able to help you unless you tell
詞,但前面的句子一定要含有否定詞) came in.我一進門他就立刻把孩子交到我 me the truth.除非你告訴我實情,否則我
他的房間既不乾淨也不整齊。 not only…but also… 不僅…而且… 手上。 無法幫助你。
因 so 所以… 果 Stinky Tofu not only smells terrible but also when / while 當… / 正當… 表示對比
It's raining cats and dogs outside, so the tastes weird.(連接句子)臭豆腐不僅味道難 (說明事件發生的時間點) although / though 雖然…,還是…
music party has been cancelled.(連接互為因 聞,嘗起來也很詭異。 I finally caught my cat while it was sneaking Though she is not young anymore, she is still
果關係的兩個句子)外面正下著傾盆大雨, back to the house.當我的貓正偷偷摸摸地 interested in trying all kinds of new stuffs.雖
所以音樂派對被取消了。 both…and… …和…都 溜進屋子裡時,我終於抓到了牠。 然她已經不再年輕,她還是興致不減地嘗
(兩者皆是) 試各種新事物。
果 for 因為… 因 Both time and tide wait for no one.(連接名 表示原因
He couldn't be there on time for earlier the 詞)時間和潮汐都不為誰而等待(歲月不待 as / because 由於… / 因為… even though 雖然…,還是…
train was late for 40 minutes.(連接互為因果 人)。 (說明理由、原因) Even though he hasn't slept for days, he still
關係的兩個句子)他沒辦法準時抵達是因為 I can't reach my boss because he is away for looked pretty energetic.雖然他已經好幾天
早些時候火車誤點了 40 分鐘。 whether…or… 不論…或… a vacation. 沒睡了,他看起來還是精力充沛的。
Would you be with me whether I am rich or
poor?(連接形容詞)不論我是富裕或貧窮, since 因為… while 儘管…,卻…
你都會在我身邊嗎? (說明理由、原因) While she believes in his innocence, she
Since he won the lottery and got a lot of can't prove it.儘管她深信他的清白,她卻
money, he quit the job and started his own 無法證明。

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