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Personal Training Program:


• Lose weight
• Gain muscle
• Improve overall fitness
• Increase flexibility

Training Frequency: 3-5 times per week

Training Approach: A combination of gym workouts and home workouts, focusing on bodyweight
exercises to accommodate your preferences and your sedentary lifestyle.

Physiotherapy Integration: All exercises will include modifications to accommodate your shoulder
injury and improve flexibility and range of motion.

Sample Weekly Workout Plan:

1. Monday: Gym Workout

• Warm-up: Dynamic stretches focusing on shoulder mobility.
• Strength Training: Compound exercises like squats, lunges, and modified shoulder exercises
with light weights.
• Cardio: 20-30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio on treadmill or stationary bike.
2. Tuesday: Home Workout
• Warm-up: Dynamic stretches focusing on shoulder mobility.
• Bodyweight Circuit: Push-ups, bodyweight squats, plank variations, and resistance band
exercises for shoulders.
• Flexibility: Yoga or Pilates session focusing on improving overall flexibility.
3. Wednesday: Rest or Active Recovery
• Rest day or light activity such as walking or gentle stretching.
4. Thursday: Gym Workout
• Warm-up: Dynamic stretches focusing on shoulder mobility.
• Strength Training: Deadlifts, rows, and modified shoulder exercises with light weights.
• Cardio: 20-30 minutes of interval training on the elliptical or rowing machine.
5. Friday: Home Workout
• Warm-up: Dynamic stretches focusing on shoulder mobility.
• Bodyweight Circuit: Pull-ups or assisted pull-ups, bodyweight lunges, Russian twists, and
resistance band exercises for shoulders.
• Flexibility: Foam rolling and targeted stretching for shoulder and overall flexibility.

Note: Progression and intensity will be adjusted as you improve. Focus on proper form and
technique to prevent further injury.
Nutrition Guidance:

Goals: Improve overall diet, track calorie intake, and track macros (carbs, protein, fat).

Nutrition Plan:

• Indian vegetarian recipes and meal ideas.

• Weekly meal plans provided with calorie and macro breakdowns.
• Emphasis on whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.
• Portion control and mindful eating strategies.

Physiotherapy Support:

Goals: Improve posture, recover from shoulder injuries, and enhance flexibility and range of motion.

Physiotherapy Plan:

• Specific stretches and mobility exercises targeting shoulder rehabilitation and overall
• Weekly guidance on proper form and technique for exercises to prevent exacerbating
• Recommendations for at-home self-care practices such as foam rolling and mobility drills.

Communication and Feedback:

• Weekly check-ins to assess progress and make adjustments to your program as needed.
• Open communication for any concerns or questions about your training, nutrition, or
physiotherapy plan.

Remember to listen to your body and communicate any discomfort or pain during exercises.
Consistency and patience will be key in achieving your wellness goals.

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