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Being a young and independent man always was very difficult, further in our social
reality; so, we can clearly say that being independent in Africar, concretly in Angola is
more difficult.
Here we don´t have sufficient means to conquer our independence. The younghood
starts at 18 years old, but the reality is that in this age we, usualy, don´t have conquer
the long awaited independence financial and social.
Our society, family and friends, say to us that we have to finish the graduation to get the
better jobs oportunity, but clearly there is not so easy.
And, for i can tell, this problem has very causes:
1. Social causes
2. Education causes
3. Economic causes
4. Politic causes
About social causes, the social problem consists in the really difficult to a young man to
assert youself. In our society We don´t learn about how to gain our own independence
because we don´t know to make something different unless study, make a graduattion,
and to get a formal job. The big problem here is that the people who came before us was
living another reality.
We conquer our independence in 1975 and because of that, we didn´t have the
necessary human resources to guide our own coutry. Because of this, the most part of
people was a farmer, and consequently they really had a low education level and the
tendence was to promote people to assume big positions in Public Institution.
But this isn´t the reality now; We have a thousand of people who finish their degree and
because of this situacion, the States needs has changed. We don´t need a employers
anymore, we do need investors and entrepreneurs for this peoples help on the
employability issue.
And we also need to stay focus. We spent a lot of time in the social medias, and we are
living a big fat lie. Have we wondered how honest peaple are on the plataforms?
(Facebook, Twitter (actually “X”), Instagram, etc)?
According to a study conducted by American researcher, in addition to lying to
lookmore atractive or for privacy or protection concerns, some people lie because
everyone lies on the internet to look like better than the reallity. So, because of this, I
think that people are spending too much time on social media, and we are living a big
fat lie.
About educational causes, like I have hear in a movie, we don´t learn to grow rich, we
do learn how to be a poor man. We are living in a Capitalism system, but they don´t
teach us how to become financially independent, how to invest, how to produce; They
don´t teach us to be producers, they teach us to be consumers. We are living the
capitalism but they don´t teach the capitalism, they teach de socialism.
We need to promote the financial education teaching. Despite that we do have in some
classes the entrepreneurship courses that´s not enough. Firstly because the students just
study about this matter but they don´t pratice what they learn because of fear, our
because they just think that is more important pass in this kind of discipline, finish the
studies and become a employer.
Like we already said, about the social causes, there are many issues if we keeping
follow this kind of educational system, because it doesn´t serve us anymore. And our
educational system need to be aligned with our actual needs. We need to be able to
make a complete overhaul of our education system.
We also need to value our own african culture. We need to value our own languages.
We need to create a educational system that don´t values only people who have finished
their studies but also farmers people, masons, carpenters, etc...
We need to values the pratice in the same way that we do with the theory; we have to
stop asking to the peoples that they need to finish the graduattion to get a good job to
survive because that´s not true.
I think that, with all these solutions, we can be able to make our educational system
better, and make our country better too.
About economic causes, firstlywe need to be conscience about a important data: the
State is our biggest employer with almost 40% of employees. The biggest Company in
terms of profits is SONANGOL also a States Company, and clearly that´s not good for
our economy.
We also have too many problems. For extense, the most part of peoples have the interest
but they just don´t invest because the banking institutions don´t lend money to the
They only land money to people who don´t really want to invest. And that´s a problem
because we have too many peoples with great ideas but they can put in pratice, because
a lack of money to invest.
We also are people who don´t pay ours debts. Many times we ask for loans and When
came the time to pay, we don´t pay, even in Banking institucions or in peoples; because
of that, all off us have a problem in trust in peoples. And this is a problem to our
financial system.
So, we really need to pratice the real capitalism, to form investors to help the State on
the employability problem and we need to value our informal market because there
come the support of the most part of families.
About the politic isse, there`s not a lot to say. We all know that the political party in
charge don´t value other political perspectives. The system is broken, and we clearly
can see the problem with that to our Economy.
Clearly if you are not a member of the political party in charge in can´t get goods
opportunities to create invesments, to employ peoples, create more job oportunities
because you don´t have acess to the better opportunities. We judge the peoples for the
political party, and not for their competence.
So we need to call reason our leaders, to make our country better for all of us.
In resume, we have so many typs of problems like educational, social, economic and
political problems and the solucion to all this questions are:

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