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[master] Multilingual Asian Survey

Start of Block: Language selection

Q1 Welcome!

o I want to complete this survey in Pashto. (1)

End of Block: Language selection

Start of Block: English - Eligibility

English-1 Are you 18 years or older?

o Yes (1)
o No (2)
English-2 Do you identify as Asian, inclusive of Central Asian, East Asian, South Asian,
Southeast Asian, Pacific Islander, and West Asian?

o Yes (1)
o No (2)
End of Block: English - Eligibility

Start of Block: English - Consent

Page 1 of 51

Study Information and Informed Consent

Project title: Multilingual Asian American Survey

You are invited to be part of a research study. Your participation is voluntary, and it is totally up
to you to decide whether you want to participate. Even if you decide to be part of the study now,
you may change your mind and stop at any time.

If you agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to complete a short online survey. The
survey includes questions on your demographic characteristics, your identities, how you feel
about certain groups, your views on politics, how you vote, and your views on various
government policies. At the end of the survey, you will be asked to enter your contact
information. You are free to skip any question or exit the survey at any point. We expect that this
study will take 10 to 20 minutes.

Privacy and Confidentiality

We will protect your research data by storing this information within a secure location that is only
accessible by authorized members of the research team. Your research data is confidential.
This means that members of our research team will know your identity. However, no one,
including members of our research team, will know how you responded in this study (more on
this in Compensation). We will do our best to protect your identity to the best of our ability by
following best practices for data management.

Your research data will be kept for 3 years after study completion. There is also a possibility that
your de-identified data may be kept indefinitely.

Information about you may be given to: Representatives of UT Austin and the UT Austin
Institutional Review Board.

We plan to publish results from this study. Our writings may appear in scholarly journals and
academic-adjacent outlets. When the findings from the study appear in publications, survey
responses collected by the study will be used in an aggregate summary only. The survey data
we collect may be shared with any other researchers for future research studies.

We are conducting a drawing of ten $100 gift cards. We will need your contact information in
order to send you the gift card. At the end of the survey, you will be directed to a separate
survey and asked to enter your contact information. This mitigates any potential breach of
confidentiality as your contact information will not be tied to your answers. The contact
information you entered will be permanently deleted from the record immediately after the
drawing has been completed. If you do not want to participate in the drawing, you may choose
to not enter your contact information.

Page 2 of 51
Contact Information
If you have any questions about this research, you may contact Amy H. Liu, the study’s
Principal Investigator, at [512-232-7249] or [].

If you have questions or concerns about this study or about your rights as a research participant
and wish to discuss with someone other than the researcher(s), please contact the University of
Texas at Austin Institutional Review Board at 512-232-1543 or Please
reference the study number (STUDY00005673).

English-4 Do you consent to participating in this research?

o Yes (1)
o No (2)
End of Block: English - Consent

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Multilingual Asian Survey

Start of Block: Demographics, 1

Q64 We want to start out by asking a few questions about yourself.

Which age group are you in?

o Under 18 (1)
o 18-24 (2)
o 25-34 (3)
o 35-49 (4)
o 50-64 (5)
o 65 or over (6)

Q65 What is your gender?

o Man (1)
o Woman (2)
o Other (3)

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Q66 What is the highest level of education you completed?

o No formal education (1)

o Grade 1-8 (2)
o Some High School, but did not graduate (3)

o High school graduate or GED (4)

o Some college (5)
o Associate, 2-year degree (6)
o Bachelors, 4-year degree (7)
o Post-graduate degree (8)

Q1 How interested are you in politics?

o Not at all interested (1)

o Not that interested (2)
o Somewhat interested (3)
o Very interested (4)
End of Block: Demographics, 1

Page 5 of 51
Start of Block: Partisanship & Voting

Q488 We would like to ask you about how you voted in the past presidential elections in the
United States.

Q2 Who did you vote for in the 2008 election?

o Barack Obama (1)

o John McCain (2)
o Other (3)
o Did not vote (4)

Q3 Who did you vote for in the 2012 election?

o Barack Obama (1)

o Mitt Romney (2)
o Other (3)
o Did not vote (4)

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Q4 Who did you vote for in the 2016 election?

o Hillary Clinton (1)

o Donald Trump (2)
o Other (3)
o Did not vote (4)

Q5 Who did you vote for in the 2020 election?

o Joe Biden (1)

o Donald Trump (2)
o Other (3)
o Did not vote (4)


Q6 Are you currently registered to vote?

o Yes, registered. (1)

o Not registered (2)
o Not eligible to vote (3)

Page 7 of 51
Q7 Thinking ahead to this November’s presidential elections, how would you describe your
chance of voting?

o I am absolutely certain I will vote (1)

o I am pretty likely to vote (2)
o My chances of voting are 50-50 (3)
o My chances of voting are less than 50-50 (4)
o I will not vote this year (5)

Q8 If the election were being held today, would you be inclined to vote for Joe Biden, Donald
Trump, or some other candidate?

o Joe Biden (1)

o Donald Trump (2)
o Some other candidate (3)

Q9.A Would you say you support Joe Biden strongly or not so strongly?

o Not so strongly (1)

o Support strongly (2)

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Q9.B Would you say you support Donald Trump strongly or not so strongly?

o Not so strongly (1)

o Support strongly (2)

Q9.C Would you say you support that candidate strongly or not so strongly?

o Not so strongly (1)

o Support strongly (2)


Q10 When it comes to politics in the United States, do you generally think of yourself as a
Republican, a Democrat, an independent, or something else?

o Republican (1)
o Democrat (2)
o Independent (3)
o Other party (4)

Q11.A Do you consider yourself to be a strong Republican?

o Not strong (1)

o Strong (2)

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Q11.B Do you consider yourself to be a strong Democrat?

o Not strong (1)

o Strong (2)

Q11.C As an independent, do you think of yourself as closer to the Democratic Party, closer to
the Republican Party, or neither?

o Closer to the Democratic Party (1)

o Closer to the Republican Party (2)
o Neither (3)


Q12 Now we’d like to ask you about some people and organizations who have been mentioned
in the news recently. For each, please indicate whether you have a very favorable, somewhat
favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable impression.
Very unfavorable Somewhat Somewhat Very favorable
(1) unfavorable (2) favorable (3) (4)
The Republican
party (1) o o o o
The Democratic o o o o
party (2)
Joe Biden (3)
o o o o
Donald Trump
(4) o o o o


Page 10 of 51
Q13 Do you happen to know which political party currently has the most members in the House
of Representatives in Washington, D.C.?

o Democrats (1)
o Republicans (2)
o Don’t know (3)
Q14 What political office does Kamala Harris currently hold? Please answer without looking it

o President (1)
o Vice President (2)
o Speaker of the House (3)
o Secretary of State (4)
o Something else (5)
o Don’t know (6)
End of Block: Partisanship & Voting

Start of Block: Issue preferences

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Q15 We would like to ask about your views on current issues. What do you think are the most
important problem facing the United States today? Indicate issues you consider are the top
three problems.
______ Economy/Jobs (1)
______ Education (2)
______ Environment/Climate change (3)
______ Foreign Policy (4)
______ Globalization (14)
______ Government/Broken political system (5)
______ Healthcare (6)
______ Incomes/Gap between rich and poor (7)
______ Immigration (8)
______ Racism or racial discrimination (9)
______ Sexism or gender discrimination (10)
______ Social security (11)
______ Taxes (12)
______ Terrorism/National security (13)
______ Other: (15)

Q16 You identified the following as important problems facing the United States today. Please
rank them in the order of importance.


Page 12 of 51
Q2 We would like to ask your opinions on certain policies. Please indicate whether you support
or oppose the following.
Strongly oppose Somewhat Somewhat Strongly support
(1) oppose (2) support (3) (4)
Making English
the official o o o o
language (1)

Reinstating o o o o
affirmative action
for college
admissions (2)

Accepting o o o o
refugees into the
United States (3)

Nationwide ban o o o o
on assault rifles

Reparation for o o o o
Americans (5)

Making abortion o o o o
illegal at 6 weeks


Page 13 of 51
Q3 What is your or your family’s country of origin?

▼ Afghanistan (210) ... 238 (238)

End of Block: Issue preferences

Start of Block: Issue preferences - home country


We are interested in your view on trade policies.

Let us imagine that the United States is considering signing a free trade agreement with $
{country: China, Korea, etc.} that will allow ${country: China, Korea, etc.} to export twice as
much as it imports from the U.S. The agreement would lead to a trade imbalance that is
in favor of ${country: China, Korea, etc.} while hurting the U.S. Under the circumstances,
how much do you support the U.S. signing this trade agreement with ${country: China, Korea,
etc.} ?


We are interested in your view on trade policies.

Let us imagine that the United States is considering signing a free trade agreement with $
{Country: China, Korea, etc.} that will allow the U.S. to export twice as much as it imports from $
{Country: China, Korea, etc.}. The agreement would lead to a trade imbalance that hurts $
{Country: China, Korea, etc.} while favoring the U.S. Under the circumstances, how much do
you support the U.S. signing this trade agreement with ${Country: China, Korea, etc.} ?

Page 14 of 51

We are interested in your view on trade policies.

Let us imagine that the United States is considering signing a free trade agreement with $
{Country: China, Korea, etc.}. The agreement would lead to a trade balance in which both
countries benefit equally. Under the circumstances, how much do you support the U.S.
signing this trade agreement with ${Country: China, Korea, etc.} ?

End of Block: Issue preferences - home country

Start of Block: Issue preferences - mexico

Q1 We are interested in your view on trade policies.

Let us imagine that the United States is considering signing a free trade agreement
with Mexico that will allow Mexico to export twice as much as it imports from the U.S. The
agreement would lead to a trade imbalance that is in favor of Mexico while hurting the
U.S. Under the circumstances, how much do you support the U.S. signing this trade agreement
with Mexico?

Q136 We are interested in your view on trade policies.

Let us imagine that the United States is considering signing a free trade agreement
with Mexico that will allow the U.S. to export twice as much as it imports from Mexico. The
agreement would lead to a trade imbalance that is hurts Mexico while favoring the
U.S.. Under the circumstances, how much do you support the U.S. signing this trade agreement
with Mexico?

Page 15 of 51
Q137 We are interested in your view on trade policies.

Let us imagine that the United States is considering signing a free trade agreement with Mexico.
The agreement would lead to a trade balance in which both countries benefit equally. Under
the circumstances, how much do you support the U.S. signing this trade agreement with

End of Block: Issue preferences - mexico

Start of Block: Mobilization and engagement

Q36 People can take part in different types of civic and political activities. In the last 12 months,
have you done any of the following?
No (1) Yes (2)
Discussed politics with family
and friends (1) o o
Contacted your representative o o
or a government official (2)
Attended a protest march,
demonstration, rally, or o o
campaign (3)
Signed a petition (4)
o o
Bought or boycotted a certain
product or service because of o o
the social or political values of
the company that provides it

Attended a public meeting, o o

such as for school board or
city council (6)

Donated money to political o o

cause or candidate (7)

Page 16 of 51

Page 17 of 51
Q38 Some people are involved in political activities online or by email, while others are not. In
the last 12 months, have you done any of the following?
No (1) Yes (2)
Discussed politics with family
and friends online or by email o o
Posted or commented about
politics on social media (5) o o
Signed an online or email
petition (2) o o
Forwarded or circulated a post
about Asians or Asian o o
Americans (3)
Forwarded or circulated a post
about ${Country: China, India, o o
Korea, etc.} (4)


Page 18 of 51
Q39 Did anyone from one of the political parties call or approach you to talk about the campaign
or election this year?

o No (1)
o Yes (2)
o Not sure (3)

Q40 Which party was that?

o Democrat (1)
o Republican (2)
o Both Democrat and Republican (3)
o Other (99)

Q41 When you were contacted, what language was it in?

o My ethnic language (1)

o Another Asian language (2)
o English (3)
o English and my ethnic language (4)
o English and another Asian language (5)
o Not sure (99)

Page 19 of 51
End of Block: Mobilization and engagement

Start of Block: Identity and Linked Fate 1

Q42 How much is being American an important part of how you see yourself?

o Not at all important (1)

o Not very important (2)
o Somewhat important (3)
o Very important (4)

Q43 How much is being Asian American an important part of how you see yourself?

o Not at all important (1)

o Not very important (2)
o Somewhat important (3)
o Very important (4)

Q44 What happens generally to any Asian community in the U.S. will have something to do with
what happens to all Asian communities in the U.S.

o Not at all (1)

o Not much (2)
o Some (3)
o A lot (4)
Page 20 of 51
Q45 What happens generally to Asians in this country will have something to do with what
happens in your life.

o Not at all (1)

o Not much (2)
o Some (3)
o A lot (4)

Q46 Thinking about the next Congress and who should be elected, please tell me how
important the following statement is:

We need more Asian Americans in Congress.

o Not at all important (1)

o Not very important (2)
o Somewhat important (3)
o Very important (4)
End of Block: Identity and Linked Fate 1

Start of Block: Identity and Linked Fate 1.2

Page 21 of 51
Q47 What happens generally to immigrants in this country will have something to do with what
happens in your life.

o Not at all (1)

o Not much (2)
o Some (3)
o A lot (4)
Q48 What happens generally to Latinos in this country will have something to do with what
happens in your life.

o Not at all (1)

o Not much (2)
o Some (3)
o A lot (4)

Q49 What happens generally to Blacks in this country will have something to do with what
happens in your life.

o Not at all (1)

o Not much (2)
o Some (3)
o A lot (4)
End of Block: Identity and Linked Fate 1.2

Start of Block: Identity by country

Page 22 of 51
Q50A What do you consider to be your primary ethnicity or family ancestry?

Q51A How much is being ${Ethnicity: Kachin, Tamil, etc.} an important part of how you see

o Not at all important (1)

o Not very important (2)
o Somewhat important (3)
o Very important (4)

Q52A How much is being ${Ethnicity: Kachin, Tamil, etc.} American an important part of how
you see yourself?

o Not at all important (1)

o Not very important (2)
o Somewhat important (3)
o Very important (4)

Page 23 of 51
Q53A How much is being ${Nationality: Chinese, Burmese, Indian, etc.} American an
important part of how you see yourself?

o Not at all important (1)

o Not very important (2)
o Somewhat important (3)
o Very important (4)

Q54A1 Now, if you had to rank different identities you may have, how would you rank in order of
importance to your identity being ${Ethnicity: Kachin, Tamil, etc.}, ${Ethnicity: Kachin, Tamil,
etc.} American, ${Nationality: Chinese, Burmese, Indian, etc.} American, Asian American, or
______ ${Ethnicity: Kachin, Tamil, etc.} (1)
______ ${Ethnicity: Kachin, Tamil, etc.} American (2)
______ ${Nationality: Chinese, Burmese, Indian, etc.} American (3)
______ Asian American (4)
______ American (5)

Q55A What happens generally to ${Nationality: Chinese, Burmese, Indian, etc.} people in this
country will have something to do with what happens in your life.

o Not at all (1)

o Not much (2)
o Some (3)
o A lot (4)

Page 24 of 51
Q56A Thinking about the next Congress and who should be elected, please tell me how
important the following statement is:

We need more ${Nationality: Chinese, Burmese, Indian, etc.} Americans in Congress.

o Not at all important (1)

o Not very important (2)
o Somewhat important (3)
o Very important (4)
End of Block: Identity by country

Start of Block: Discrimination and exclusion

Q419 Now we would like to ask about your views on discrimination in the United States.

How much discrimination, if any, do you think exists against each of the following groups in the
U.S. today?
None at all (1) A little (2) Some (3) A lot (4)
Whites (1)
o o o o
Blacks (2)
o o o o
Asians (3)
o o o o
Immigrants (4)
o o o o
Latinos (5)
o o o o

Page 25 of 51
Q420 In the past 12 months, have you experienced discrimination or exclusion because you are
Asian in any of the following settings?
Yes (1) No (2)
When seeking medical care
for you or your family (1) o o
In dealing with police (2)
o o
In dealing with immigration
officers (3) o o
At your place of work (4)
o o
In a restaurant, theater, or
other places of entertainment o o
In a store (6)
o o
In other setting: (7)
o o

End of Block: Discrimination and exclusion

Start of Block: Pandemic experience - pt.1

Q421 We would like to know about your experience with and views related to the Covid-19

Did you know anyone who went to Asia during the pandemic (any time between January 30,
2020 and May 5, 2023)?

o Yes (1)
o No (0)

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Q453 Did you go to Asia during the pandemic?

o Yes (1)
o No (0)
Skip To: End of Block If Did you go to Asia during the pandemic? = No

Q428 When did you go to Asia during the pandemic? If you went to Asia multiple times, enter
the date for the first trip.

▼ March / 2020 (1) ... May / 2023 (39)

Q430 For how many days did you quarantine (inclusive of self-management period)? Enter 0 if
you did not quarantine.


Q431 Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.

I was frustrated with Americans for not taking the pandemic seriously.

Q432 I blame China for the pandemic outbreak.

Q433 I was scared of the American healthcare system.

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Q434 I was afraid of the rise in anti-Asian hate.

Q435 I experienced anti-Asian discrimination during the pandemic.

o Strongly disagree (1)

o Somewhat disagree (2)
o Somewhat agree (3)
o Strongly agree (4)

Q438 Now, we are going to list a series of statements. Tell us how strongly you agree with the
following statements.

Q439 I was embarrassed to tell people that I was going to Asia.

Q440 I was worried about being accused of being a virus carrier when in Asia.

Q441 I felt judged by the health professionals in Asia who administered the nose swabs and
PCR tests.

Page 28 of 51
Q442 I was worried about getting a positive PRC test while in quarantine.

o Strongly disagree (1)

o Somewhat disagree (2)
o Somewhat agree (3)
o Strongly agree (4)
End of Block: Pandemic experience - pt.1

Start of Block: Experiment

Page 29 of 51
Q443 According to the Department of Justice, anti-Asian hate crimes increased by 150% in
2020. And in fact, anti-Asian rhetoric on Twitter increased by as much as 4000% whenever
President Trump tweeted negatively about the virus.


Treatment 1 (Wuhan virus)

Treatment 2 (China virus)

Treatment 3 (Asian virus)

Page 30 of 51
Q460A How strongly do you agree with the following statements? The Chinese are responsible
for the pandemic.

o Strongly disagree (1)

o Somewhat disagree (2)
o Somewhat agree (3)
o Strongly agree (4)

Q461A Now we have some questions about different groups in American society. We would like
you to judge whether almost all of the people in that group are "guilty," "blameless," or neither of
spreading Covid.
Guilty (1) Neither guilty or Blameless (3)
blameless (2)
Republicans (1)
o o o
Democrats (2)
o o o
Chinese (3)
o o o
Latinos (4)
o o o
Indians (5)
o o o
Filipinos (6)
o o o
Vietnamese (7)
o o o
Koreans (8)
o o o
Japanese (9)
o o o
End of Block: Experiment

Start of Block: Information about politics

Page 31 of 51
Q415 How often do you watch, read about, or listen to news about politics and current affairs in
the United States?

o Practically never (1)

o About once a week (2)
o A few days a week (3)
o Almost everyday (4)

Q416 Where do you usually get news about politics and current affairs in the United States?

o English-languages sources (ex. CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC) (1)

o Sources in my ethnic language (2)
o Both equally (3)

Q417 How interested are you in politics in ${Country: India, China, Korea, etc.}?

o Not interested at all (1)

o Somewhat interested (2)
o Moderately interested (3)
o Very interested (4)

Page 32 of 51
Q418 How often do you watch, read about, or listen to news about politics in ${Country: India,
China, Korea, etc.}?

o Practically never (1)

o About once a week (2)
o A few days a week (3)
o Almost everyday (4)
End of Block: Information about politics

Start of Block: Cultural assimilation

Q88 When thinking about people from ${Country: India, China, Korea, etc.} living in the
United States… To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?:

When in the company of Americans, we should speak to each other in English even if it is easier
for us to use our common mother tongue language

o Strongly disagree (1)

o Somewhat disagree (2)
o Somewhat agree (3)
o Strongly agree (4)

Page 33 of 51
Q89 It is important for our children to learn their mother tongue language

o Strongly disagree (1)

o Somewhat disagree (2)
o Somewhat agree (3)
o Strongly agree (4)

Q90 Our children should be able to speak their mother tongue language as their first language
(more fluently than English)

o Strongly disagree (1)

o Somewhat disagree (2)
o Somewhat agree (3)
o Strongly agree (4)

Q91 I want my children to speak English more fluently than our mother tongue language

o Strongly disagree (1)

o Somewhat disagree (2)
o Somewhat agree (3)
o Strongly agree (4)

Page 34 of 51
Q92 When thinking about your personal network (e.g., friend group), which ethnic group are
they primarily from?

o My own ethnic group (1)

o Asian group in general (including both my own ethnic group and other Asian groups) (7)
o Other Asian group (not including my own ethnic group) (2)
o White (3)
o Black (4)
o Latinos (5)
o Other non-Asian groups: please specify (6)

Q93 Generally speaking, what is your favorite type of food?

o My own ethnic food (1)

o Asian food in general (including both my own ethnic food and other types of Asian food) (2)
o Other Asian food (not including my own ethnic food) (7)
o American food (barbecue, burgers, etc.) (3)
o European/Western food (e.g., Italian, French, Spanish, etc.) (4)
o Latino food (tacos, empanadas, etc.) (5)
o Other: please specify (6) __________________________________________________

Page 35 of 51
Q94 Generally speaking, what type of food does your family eat at home?

o My own ethnic food (1)

o Asian food in general (including both my own ethnic food and other types of Asian food) (2)
o Other Asian food (not including my own ethnic food) (7)
o American food (barbecue, burgers, etc.) (3)
o European/Western food (e.g., Italian, French, Spanish, etc.) (4)
o Latino food (tacos, empanadas, etc.) (5)
o Other: please specify (6) __________________________________________________


Page 36 of 51
Q95 Do you celebrate Thanksgiving as a major holiday in your family?

o No, not at all (1)

o Yes, but only sometimes (2)
o Yes, most years (3)
o Yes, every year (4)

Q96 Do you and your family celebrate Independence Day/Fourth of July?

o No, not at all (1)

o Yes, but only sometimes (2)
o Yes, most years (3)
o Yes, every year (4)

Q97 When having family meals during holidays (e.g., New Years, Thanksgiving, Christmas,
religous and ethnic holidays, etc.), what type of food does your family have in general?

o My own ethnic holiday food (1)

o American holiday food (e.g., turkey, barbecue, etc.) (2)
o Other Asian food (3)
o Other non-Asian food (4)
o Other: please specify (5) __________________________________________________

Page 37 of 51

Q98 Generally speaking, do you watch the Super Bowl?

o No, not at all (1)

o Yes, but only sometimes (2)
o Yes, most years (3)
o Yes, every year (4)

Q99 Generally speaking, do you support team USA OR team ${Country: India, Korea, China} in
international sports games/events (e.g., Olympics, World Cup, etc.)?

o Team USA (1)

o Team ${Country: India, Korea, China} (2)
o Neither (3)

Page 38 of 51
Q100 Generally speaking, do you listen to American music OR music from ${Country: India,
Korea, China, etc.}?

o I listen to American music in general (1)

o I listen to music from ${Country: India, Korea, China, etc. } in general (2)
o I listen to Asian music in general (including both ${Country: India, Korea, China, etc. } music
and other Asian music) (3)

o I listen to other Asian music (not including ${Country: India, Korea, China, etc.} music) (5)
o I listen to other non-Asian/non-American music (4)
End of Block: Cultural assimilation

Start of Block: Immigration Backgroud

Q68 Now we’d like to know just a bit about your background and family history.

Which of the following members of your family were born in the United States? (You may select
more than one option if applicable.)

o You (1)
o Your mother (2)
o Your father (3)
o Your mother’s mother (4)
o Your mother’s father (5)
o Your father’s mother (6)
o Your father’s father (7)

Page 39 of 51
Q70 You were not born in the US, so which country were you born in?

▼ Afghanistan (1) ... Zimbabwe (195)

Q71 For the first 18 years of your life, how many years in total were spent in the United States
(need not be continuous)?


Q72 Are you an American citizen?

o Natural born citizen (1)

o Naturalized citizen (2)
o Not a citizen (3)

Q73 Are you a citizen of another country?

o Natural born citizen of another country (1)

o Naturalized citizen of another country (2)
o No, I am not a citizen of another country (3)

Page 40 of 51
Q101 Do you have any of these immediate family members who have served, or are currently
serving, in the U.S. Armed Forces (you may select more than one option if applicable)?

▢ You (1)

▢ Your spouse (2)

▢ Your children (3)

▢ Your sibling(s) (4)

▢ Your parent(s) (5)

▢ Your cousin(s) (6)

▢ Your grandparents(s) (7)

▢ None of the above (8)

Q85 Are you currently on an F/M/J (student) visa or tourist/visit visa?

o F/M/J (student) visa (1)

o Tourist/visit visa (2)
o Neither (3)
End of Block: Immigration Background

Start of Block: Religion - control

Page 41 of 51
Q103A How proud are you to be an American?

o Not proud at all (1)

o Not proud (2)
o Somewhat proud (3)
o Very proud (4)

Q104A What is your present religion, if any?

o Buddhism (1)
o Christianity (2)
o Hinduism (3)
o Islam (4)
o Judaism (5)
o Sikhism (6)
o Other (7) __________________________________________________
o None/ no religion (8)

Page 42 of 51
Q105A Have you experienced discrimination or exclusion in America because of your religion?

o No, practically never (1)

o Yes, a few times (2)
o Yes, often (3)
o Yes, on a regular basis (4)

Q106A How often do you attend a place of worship?

o Practically never (1)

o Seldom (2)
o A few times a year (3)
o Once or twice a month (4)
o Once a week (5)
o More than once a week (6)

Page 43 of 51
Q107A Please indicate the race/ethnicity of most of the people at your place of worship or
religious gatherings.

o Mostly whites (1)

o Mostly blacks (2)
o Mostly Latinos (3)
o Mostly Asians (4)
o Mostly people from ${Country: China, India, Korea, etc.} (5)
o Mixed (6)

Q108A Would you describe yourself as an evangelical Christian?

o Yes (1)
o No (2)
o Not sure (3)
End of Block: Religion - control

Start of Block: Demographics, 2

Page 44 of 51
Q75 What is your current relationship status?

o Married (1)
o Widowed (2)
o Divorced (3)
o Separated (4)
o Never married (5)
o Other (6)

Q76 What racial/ethnic group is your spouse or former partner?

o White (1)
o Black or African American (2)
o Hispanic or Latino (3)
o Asian or Asian American (4)
o South Asian or South Asian American (5)
o Arab, Middle Eastern, or North African (6)
o American Indian/Native American (7)
o Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (8)
o Multi-racial: inclusive of Asian (ex. White and Asian) (9)
o Multi-racial: exclusive of Asian (ex. White and Hispanic) (10)

Page 45 of 51
Q77 What is the main language you speak with your families at home?

o English (1)
o My ethnic language (2) __________________________________________________
o English and my ethnic language (3)

Q78 We would like to ask you about your ethnic language skills:
Not at all (1) Just a little (2) Intermediate (3) Native or Fluent
How well do you
understand or o o o o
speak your
ethnic language?
How well do you
read or write o o o o
your ethnic
language? (2)

Q79 What is your current employment status?

Page 46 of 51
o Working full-time (1)
o Working part-time (2)
o Self-employed (3)
o Unemployed and still looking for work (4)
o Unemployed and stopped looking for work (5)
o Student (6)
o Homemaker (7)
o Retired (8)
o Permanently disabled (9)
o Other (10)

Page 47 of 51
Q80 What was your total combined household income last year (2023) before taxes? This
question is completely confidential and just used to help classify the response, but it is very
important to the research.

o Less than $20,000 (1)

o $20,000 to $29,999 (2)
o $30,000 to $39,999 (3)
o $40,000 to $49,999 (4)
o $50,000 to $59,999 (5)
o $60,000 to $69,999 (6)
o $70,000 to $79,999 (7)
o $80,000 to $89,999 (8)
o $90,000 to $99,999 (9)
o $100,000 to $149,999 (10)
o $150,000 to $199,999 (11)
o $200,000 or more (12)

Q81 Do you currently own or rent the home you live in?

o Rent (1)
o Homeowner (2)

Page 48 of 51
o Other (3)

Q82 When you think about the community that you live in, which comes closest to how you
would describe it?

o Large urban area (1)

o Large suburb near a large city (2)
o Small town or small city (3)
o Small suburb near small town or city (4)
o Rural Area (5)

state In what state do you currently live?

▼ Alabama (1) ... I do not reside in the United States (53)

Q84 Please enter your current zip code. The survey is anonymous and no identifying
information will be stored or shared.

End of Block: Demographics, 2

Start of Block: Gift card drawing

Page 49 of 51
Q87 Thank you very much for your participation in this study.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this study, in return for your participation, you are eligible
to enter a drawing of $100 gift cards. Your chance of winning is 1 in 500. To be entered in the
drawing, you will need to enter your contact information. If you win, we will contact you to
arrange for the gift card to be sent. Your information will be delinked from your response and will
be destroyed immediately after the drawing is completed.

Would you like to be entered in the drawing?

o Yes (1)
o No (2)
End of Block: Gift card drawing

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Contact Info

Start of Block: Default Question Block

Q1 Please enter your contact information below. You may enter your email address, Facebook
or Twitter profile, KakaoTalk, Line, WeChat, or WhatsApp number, or any other preferred
method of communication. This will allow us to reach you if you are selected to receive a $100
gift card.

o Email (4) __________________________________________________

o Facebook (5) __________________________________________________
o Twitter (6) __________________________________________________
o KakaoTalk (7) __________________________________________________
o Line (8) __________________________________________________
o WeChat (9) __________________________________________________
o WhatsApp (10) __________________________________________________
o Other (11) __________________________________________________
End of Block: Default Question Block

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