Idiom Crash Merged

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Asleep at the switch---- Failing to

do one’s duty or responsibility on

2. Alma Mater ----The university,

school or college that one attended

3. A cold Fish--- A person who shows

no emotions and comes across as
unfriendly or disinterested

4. Achilles’ heels ............... A small

but fatal weakness.

5. An arm chair job ............ Good

income job with high comfort.

6. An axe to grind ..............

Something done for selfish reasons.

7. Apple-pie-order .............. In good

8. At a loss ........................ To be
unable to decide.

9. At a pinch ...................... In a

10. At one’s finger’s ends .....To have

complete knowledge.

11. At one’s wit’s end .......... Puzzled /

confused / perplexed.

12. Above board---Legitimate, Honest

and Open

13. At the drop of a hat---Willingness

to do something instantly

14. Add fuel to fire .............. To make

a matter worse.
15. An iron-will.................... Strong
will power.

16. An old flame ………A person, one

had a romantic relationship with, in
the past.

17. An old head on young shoulders

............................ A child or young
person who thinks and talks like an
older andexperienced person.

18. An olive branch ...........................

Peace request/ peace treaty.

19. Apple of discord..............................

Matter of dispute.

20. Apple of one’s eye ......... Very

lovable/ dearest one.
21. At arm’s length .................. Avoid
becoming too friendly.

22. At daggers drawn.........................

To have bitter enmity.

23. At ease.............................. Free

from pain and anxiety.

24. At sixes and sevens.......................

In disorder.

25. At stake ......................... At risk

and insecured.

26. At the eleventh hour

....................... At the last moment.

27. Back to square one-----to go back

to the beginning
28. Back on one’s feet---To be healthy
again after sickness.

29. Beat the air---do useless effort

30. Blue eyed boy a man who is liked

and admired by somebody in

31. Bread and Butter---- Someone’s


32. Bear the brunt of ----Take the main

force, often of a criticism or
unpleasant event.

33. Blue blood----descent from

nobility, aristocrat

34. By dint of----as result of something

35. Break a leg ----good luck, best

36. Born with a silver spoon in mouth-

--- To be born to parents who are rich
and have a good social rank.

37. Beyond the pale-----An

unacceptable way to express

38. Beat a dead horse----some action

or ongoing argument that is useless

39. Back stairs gossip ............... Talk

among servants/ unfair talks.

40. Bad blood.................................

Enmity/ bitter relations.
41. Baker’s dozen ....................
Thirteen in number.

42. Be in the driving seat ...... Bearing

all responsibilities.

43. Bear the brunt of.............................

To bear the main part of something

44. Beat black and blue..................

Beating mercilessly.

45. Beat hollow .......................... To

defeat thoroughly and convincingly.

46. Bed of roses ....................Pleasant

situation of comfort.

47. Bed of thorns ..................... A

situation of extreme difficulty.
48. Birds of feather........... People with
the same idea, characteristics and

49. Black sheep……… A person who is

regarded as a disgrace for his family/
team etc.

50. Blind alley................. A situation

in which no further progress can be

51. Blow one’s own trumpet........... To

praise oneself.

52. Blue blood ................. Royal or

aristocratic descent.

53. Blue book ............ Government


54. Body and soul................. Entirely.

55. Bolt from the blue .... Unexpected
& unpleasant situation.

56. Boon/blessing in disguise…Hidden


57. Broken reed........ A weak,

unreliable person.

58. Brown study ............... A state of

deep thought.

59. Bull in the china shop ..... One who

is out of place.

60. Burn a hole in the pocket.......

Money spent quickly.

61. Burn one’s fingers ............. To get

oneself into trouble.
62. Burn the candle at both ends........
To waste money.

63. Burn the midnight oil ..........

Labouring/studying till late night.

64. By fits and starts ........ Irregularly.

65. Bag and baggage .............. With all


66. Be born with a silver spoon in

one’s mouth…. To be born in a rich

67. Beat black and blue......... Beating


68. Beck and call ..............................

Ready to obey order instantly.
69. Beggar description.......... A person
with no resource.

70. Bell the cat.................... Taking

first step at personal risk.

71. Between the devil and the deep

sea........ Between two difficult

72. Big gun ........ An influential person

73. Bird of passage ............. One who

comes occasionally.

74. Bird’s eye view ............. Overview.

75. Bite the dust ................... To be

76. Blind date............... A meeting
between a girl and a boy, who have
not met before.

77. Bosom friend............. Fast friend.

78. Bone of contention......... Subject

of a dispute.

79. Break the ice .................. To start

a conversation.

80. Breathe one’s last ............ To pass

away/ to die.

81. Broad day light ........... In day light

(when crime cannot be hidden).

82. Cannot stomach someone or

something-----not to be able to
tolerate or endure someone
83. Can't cut the mustard---Someone
who isn't adequate to compete or

84. Can't see the woods for the trees-

Cannot see, understand, or focus on
a situation in its entirety due to
being preoccupied with minor details

85. Carried all before one's----To

overcome all obstacles; to have
uninterrupted success.

86. Carried off his feet----to fill with


87. Carrot and Stick policy----

motivational tactic that uses a
reward and punishment system.

88. Carry someone away---Fill with

89. Carve out a niche---If you carve a
niche or carve out a niche for
yourself, you create a role or
opportunity for yourself.

90. Cash Cow----- A good way to make

money /A business or investment
that generates a large or consistent

91. Cast Iron Stomach-The ability to

eat foods that others may find
unusual, unpalatable, or too spicy

92. Cause a stir----to create an

atmosphere of excitement or great

93. Chapter and Verse-In thorough

and exact detail/The precise
authority backing up a statement or
94. Chase Rainbows-To constantly
pursue things that are unrealistic or
unlikely to happen.

95. Chew someone out Verbally ----

Scold Someone

96. Chicken out of something-To

refuse to do something due to fear
(real or perceived).

97. Chime in---To join in a discussion

about something; to offer one's

98. Chop and Change-If you chop and

change, you constantly change your
opinion, plans or methods and often
cause confusion
99. Chow Down ---To eat, often
quickly or enthusiastically

100. Close but no cigar --- Fall just

short of a successful outcome and
get nothing for your efforts

101. Carry the coal to newcastle...........

Spending time and energy in doing
something useless.

102. Cast pearls before swine......... A

right thing in a wrong hand.

103. Castles in the air ........................

Day dream/ a hope or desire unlikely
to be realized.

104. Cat and dog life ....... Troublesome

105. Catch a tartar ................... To
grapple unexpectedly with a
formidable opponent.

106. Cat’s paw ....................... A person

used by another as a dupe or tool.

107. Chew the cud ............... To ponder

over / meditate.

108. Chicken hearted ............. Lacking

courage / cowardly.

109. Cock-and-bull story .............. A

concocted story.

110. Crocodile tears ................ An false

display of grief.

111. Cross swords ............... To quarrel

or fight.
112. Cry for the moon ............ To desire
the unattainable.

113. Cry over spilled milk ..............

Regret in vain for what cannot be

114. Dog days--hottest days of summer

115. Dead ringer---A duplicate of the

exact things.

116. Dog's life----- a miserable, unhappy


117. Down to earth ----simple, decent,

realistic; practical and

118. Down at heel ---Out of luck,

shabbily dressed
119. Drive up the wall -----to make
someone angry or irritated

120. Don’t put all your eggs in one

basket---don’t put all your resources
into one thing

121. Dip your toe in the water--- To

start very carefully to do or become
involved in something that you are
not experienced at

122. Devil of a time---If you have a devil

of a time, you have a very difficult

123. Devil's Advocate---To present a


124. Don't count your chickens before

the eggs have hatched---
125. Don't give up the day job----You
are not very good at something. You
could not do it professionally.

126. Do for---- Fulfil the purpose

127. Drop a line ---Send a brief letter

128. Dot the i’s and ---cross the t’s--- To

do something very carefully and in a
lot of detail

129. Dig own grave---- do something

stupid that will cause one’s own ruin
or downfall.

130. Dead in the water ---Little hope of

being successful
131. Dead and buried---Cannot happen
or exist in future

132. Dance to one’s tune .................

Obeying one's order.

133. Dead letter ...................... A law or

ordinance that is no longer enforced.

134. Die a dog’s death............... To die

a shameful death.

135. Dog in the manger .......... A person

who prevents others from enjoying
what he cannot.

136. Donkey’s years ................... A long


137. Duck in a thunder storm................

In a painful condition.
138. Eager beaver -----A keen and
enthusiastic person who works very

139. Enough to cobble dogs with---A

large surplus of anything

140. Easy as pie----Extremely easy,

simple, or intuitive;

141. Easy does it---- Used to advise

someone to approach a task carefully
and slowly.

142. Eat crow/Eat humble pie---To

admit that one is wrong, usually
when doing so triggers great

143. Economical with the truth-the one

who omits important facts or gives
incomplete information, deceitful
144. Egg on your face-----If someone
has egg on their face, they are made
to look foolish or embarrassed, to
suffer embarrassment as a result of
some public failure or faux pas.

145. Elbow grease---- Hard physical

work, especially vigorous polishing
or cleaning/Energetic labor.

146. Engaging manner---Good


147. Ended in smoke-----No concrete or

positive result/Came to nothing

148. Even at the turning of the tide---

To denote some change from a
previously stable course of events.
149. Every nook and cranny---Any part
or section of a given place, especially
those that are hard to see or reach/
every small, out-of-the-way place or
places where something can be

150. Eye to eye (with someone)----to

agree with someone, or to have the
same opinion as them.

151. Every cloud has a silver lining----

There is always something good even
in an unpleasant, difficult or even
painful situation.

152. Every Tom, Dick & Harry----Every kind

of common, undistinguished person;
anyone at all, indiscriminately/to talk
about many different people, especially
people they do not think are special or
153. Eyewash ----nonsense, deception,
insincere talk

154. Ease off/Ease up -----to give

something less effort

155. Eke Out ---To make (a living) or

support (existence) laboriously/To
supplement; to add to something.

156. Egg Someone On---- to urge or

strongly encourage them to do
something especially something not
wise enough

157. Eagle eyed ................. With keen

eye sight.

158. Elbow room ................ Sufficient

scope to move or function.
159. Escape one’s lips .....................
Speak unintentionally or

160. Fabian policy ............... Deliberate

slow policy/ policy of delaying

161. Fair weather friend ......................

Selfish friends

162. Fish in troubled waters ….. To

take advantage of the problems of

163. Fish out of water .............. Out of

one’s usual and comfortable place.

164. Fly in the ointment.......... A slight

unpleasant thing that obstruct the
enjoyment of something.
165. Forty winks ................. A nap.

166. From hand to mouth .............

Providing only bare essentials.

167. For Good --Forever or permanently

168. Few and Far between ---Rare or


169. Flog a dead horse---- To focus on

something that is no longer of any

170. Fresh blood -----New members of

an organization who have fresh ideas,
skills etc.
171. Fight tooth and nail---To fight,
compete or battle with great

172. Friend at court----- An ally or


173. Face the music---To experience

negative repercussions of one’s
action or words

174. Feather in one’s cap--Achievement

in one’s name.

175. Feel under the weather---to be ill

or feel ill

176. Fit as a fiddle -----Very fit and

177. Freudian Slip ----A speaker's
unintentional mistake revealing his
true thoughts

178. Green eyed monster----jealousy

179. Green Horn----- An untrained or

inexperienced person

180. Go the extra mile----Going above

and beyond whatever is required for
the task at hand.

181. Go out on a limb---- To do

something that lacks evidence or

182. Gala day ................. Celebration

183. Get into a soup ................ Get into

184. Get into hot water .................. Get

into trouble.

185. Get off scot free........................ To

escape without punishment.

186. Get on one’s nerves.................. To

irritate or annoy.

187. Gibble-gabble ................... Foolish


188. Give a piece of mind..... To rebuke

or scold.

189. Go through fire and water...... To

brave any danger.
190. Go to dogs ............ To deteriorate/

191. Go to rack and ruin........ To decay

or get destroyed.

192. Good Samaritan ........... A person

who helps and pays sympathy to
those in distress.

193. Grease the palm ............ To bribe.

194. Halcyon days ................. Peaceful


195. Hammer and tongs ........... With

great effort or energy.

196. Hand and glove with.......In close

197. Hang by a thread ............ Be in a
risky situation.

198. Have one’s hands full ............ To

be completely occupied.

199. Hen-pecked husband........ Admirer

of one’s own wife in a servile manner.

200. Herculean task ................ Task

requiring tremendous effort.

201. High and dry............. In a deprived

situation (alone).

202. High handed...... Overbearing.

203. Hit the jackpot .......... Gaining a

big/ great success (specially by luck).

204. Hobson’s choice.... No alternative.

205. Hole and corner policy ...............
Secret policy.

206. Hue and cry ................... Any loud

public outcry.

207. Hush money.... Money given to

someone to keep something secret.

208. Hell in a hand basket---

Deteriorating headed for complete

209. Hale and hearty -----very healthy

and strong.

210. Hold your horse----Be patient

211. Hit the bull’s eye -----Get

something exactly right or be on
212. Head over heels ---fall deeply and
completely in love, especially

213. Hit the sack or hit the hay---to go

to bed, to go to sleep

214. High on the hog---- Living in luxury.

215. In a trice----Without causing any


216. In a tight corner----to be in a

difficult situation

217. In deep water----In difficulty, in a


218. In the dark-----Uninformed, a state

of ignorance.
219. In cold blood---In a planned way
and without pity or other emotion.

220. In the blink of an eye----In an


221. In black and white--Formally, on

paper and in writing.

222. In the good books---Be in

somebody’s favour or good opinion.

223. In high spirits---With joy

224. In apple pie order---Clean and


225. In a fog---- Great confusion

226. Ill-gotten gains---Money or other
possessions gained dishonestly

227. In a dead heat---Two or more

competitors that finish the task at
an exact same time or produce the
same result

228. In a split second---In a very short


229. In one’s cups---Drunk, consumed

alcohol liberally

230. Itchy feet--- Feeling a need to


231. In a nutshell ................. In very

brief form.
232. In black and white......... In printed
or written form.

233. In full swing .................... At the

height of activity.

234. In the blues ................... In dumps


235. Iron hand/ Iron fist ....... Rigorous


236. Itching palm....... Craving for bribe.

237. Itsy bitsy ......... Very small or tiny.

238. Judas kiss ................. False love.

239. Jump to a conclusion ............. To

come to a conclusion prematurely.
240. Jump the gun----Do something too
early, especially without thinking

241. Jam on the brakes---To press the

brakes suddenly and in a hard way.

242. John Hancock---- A person's


243. Jump on the bandwagon--To profit

from a craze; to join a trend.

244. Jump the lights---- Pass traffic

lights, when they are red.

245. Justice is blind--- This expression

means that justice is impartial and
246. Jangle someone’s nerves--Annoy
someone or make them nervous.

247. Jump for joy--- To be extremely


248. Just deserts---- Get what one


249. Keep your chin up---- be stalwart

and courageous in a tough situation

250. Keep at arm’s length--Keep a

distance, avoiding intimacy or

251. Keep an eye on him---You should

carefully watch him.
252. Keep body and soul together---To
earn a enough money in order to keep
yourself alive.

253. Knee Jerk reaction--A quick

reaction that doesn’t allow you time
to consider

254. something carefully (It is always


255. Knock on wood---- Knuckle

tapping on wood in order to avoid
some bad luck.

256. Kick the bucket ----To die.

257. Kangaroo court ............ An illegal

258. Keep one’s cards close...........
Hiding something to one’s chest
259. Keep one’s fingers crossed…….To
wait expectantly.

260. Keep the ball rolling ..... To

maintain the progress of a project or

261. Kith and kin ............... Blood


262. Knit one’s brow .............. To


263. Lame excuse ........... False

excuse/ baseless excuse.

264. Left- handed compliment……..An

insult disguised as a compliment.

265. Loaves and fishes............ Material

266. Look off colours .............. Look ill
or unhealthy.

267. 1Lump in the throat ......A tight or

uncomfortable feeling in throat due
to emotions.

268. Lend me your ear----To politely ask

for someone’s full attention

269. Let bygones be bygones ----To

forget about a disagreement or

270. Let the cat out of the bag ----To

share a secret that wasn’t supposed
to be shared

271. Level Playing field--- A fair

conmpetition where no side has an
272. Long in the tooth ----Rather Old

273. Make one's way---Advance in life

by one's own efforts.

274. Man in the street---An ordinary


275. Mark my words----- Listen to me

276. Marry money----- To marry a rich


277. Meet one's death----To die.

278. Minting it ---Earning a lot of money


279. Maiden voyage---- The first voyage

of a ship or boat
280. Make a beeline for---To hurry
directly toward someone or

281. Make a comeback---To return to

one's former (successful) career or

282. Make a difference ----To cause a

change in a situation

283. Make a fool out of----To make

someone look foolish

284. Make a fuss---- To worry about

285. Make eyes at ---To flirt with

someone, to look at someone to try
and attract him or her
286. Make a mountain out of a molehill-
--- Make a fuss

287. Make ends meet ----To have

adequate money to survive on

288. Mad as a march hare........... Crazy

and insane.

289. Maiden name ........... A woman’s

surname before marriage.

290. Maiden speech ............. First


291. Make hay while the sun shines

................. To take the benefit of an

292. Make or mar ................. To make

or destroy.
293. Man of means .............. A wealthy

294. Man of iron ................... Man with

strong will-power.

295. Man of letter ........... Learned


296. Man of parts .................. A man of


297. Man of spirit ................. A man full

of enthusiasm.

298. Man of straw ................. A weak


299. Man of the world ............ An

experienced person.
300. Man of word ...................... True to
one's word.

301. Mare’s nest ....... A false invention.

302. Midas touch ... A man with

extraordinary power or capacity to
make any venture profitable.

303. Mince matters ............ To

moderate or restrain one's language.

304. Miss the beat ................ To lose

an opportunity.

305. Mother wit ...........Common sense.

306. Move heaven and earth...... To try

one's best.
307. Much cry and little wool............
Lot of fanfare for something

308. Much ado about nothing ................

which has very little importance.

309. Nine day’s wonder .........

Something that arouses great
interest but for a very short period.

310. Nip in the bud ................ To put on

end to something in its initial stage.

311. Null and void ............. Ineffective.

312. Nurse a grudge ...................... Bear

resentment for long period.

313. No spring chicken----Who is no

longer young
314. Not hold water----- Not true or

315. Nothing to sneeze at----Not bad,


316. No love lost ----A feeling of hatred

or dislike

317. Night owl ---Someone who is

vigilant late at night

318. Not give a damn-----No care at all.

319. Neck and Crop----- Completely

320. Nuts and Bolts -----Essential and


321. Not my cup of tea---Dislike

322. Nitty-gritty ----The most important
aspects or practical details of a
subject or situation

323. Nineteen to the dozen---Talking

Very Quickly

324. Necessary Evil ----Something

unpleasant but needs to be done in
order to achieve a goal

325. No man is an island---To not be

able to live independent of others at
all times

326. Nest Egg---- Saving for the future

327. On the table----- something being

discussed or considered

328. Once bitten, twice shy----Afraid of

doing a thing again
329. Out of the blue ----Something

330. Over the hill---- Too old to perform

331. Off-hand---- Without any


332. Off the mark -----Irrelevant,


333. Olive branches ----Offer of


334. Over and above----In addition to


335. On your toes----- Alert

336. Out of hand---- Uncontrolled

337. On the cuff---- On credit

338. Once in a blue moon----Very rarely

339. On the cards ----Possible or likely

340. Off color--- Sick

341. Out and Out ----Completely

342. Out of woods---- Out of problem

343. Oily tongue .................. Flattering


344. On one’s guard .............. Vigilant.

345. On one’s last legs ....... Close to

346. Once for all................ For the last
time/ Conclusively.

347. Palmy days ............... Prosperous/

affluent days.

348. Pandora’s box ............. A source of

extensive but unforeseen troubles.

349. Pay through his nose ......... To pay


350. Penny wise pound foolish....

Careful about trifles but wasteful in
large ventures.

351. Pick up the gauntlet ................ To

accept the challenge.

352. Play ducks and drakes .................

To waste money.
353. Play second fiddle ............. To be
at a subordinate position.

354. Play truant ................... To be

absent from duty without permission.

355. Poison someone’s ears .................

To speak against one to another.

356. Poke one’s nose ...... To Interfere.

357. Pull the wool over somebody’s

eyes......... To mislead.

358. Put a spoke in one’s wheel... To


359. Pay your dues---- Earn a position

after a hard work
360. Play away from home---To have
fun with someone else

361. Put years on ----To look old

362. To play fast and loose---Betray


363. Past master---- Expert in


364. Petticoat government----Rule of a


365. Piece of cake---- A very easy task

366. Pie in the sky--- Fictional,

367. Put down ----Reduce instantly

368. Pick holes in another’s coat---To

find fault in someone else

369. Quite the thing--- Very fashionable

and popular

370. Question of time---Something will

surely happen.

371. Quake in one's boots---To be

frightened or nervous

372. Quarrel with one’s bread and

butter ................ To fight with the
employer, who is providing one’s
means of living.

373. Queer fish ........... Strange person.

374. Rain cats and dogs ................ Rain
very heavily.

375. Red tapism ...... Strict adherence

to excessive paper work and official

376. Rest on one’s laurels ....

Depending on the achievement made
in the past.

377. Rhyme or reason ............... Sense,

logic or meaning.

378. Right hand man............ One’s

most valuable assistant or supporter.

379. Rise like a phoenix ....... To make

a miraculous comeback from its
ashes after a seemingly
insurmountable setback.
380. Royal road ..................... An easy
or direct way of achieving a desired

381. Rule the roost ..................... To


382. Run amuck................ Mad with

murderous frenzy.

383. Rags to riches---- Start as poor but

after sometimes become rich.

384. Root and branch--Completely

385. Rough time--- Hard or difficult time

386. Run out of steam---Lose energy or

387. Running battle ----An argument
that continues for an extended

388. Run helter skelter---Carelessly

hurried; confused, disorderly

389. See which way the cat jumps----

see what direction events are taking
before committing oneself

390. Sell like hotcakes----Be sold

quickly and in large quantities.

391. Settle a score--- Taking revenge

for something that someone did to
you in the past.

392. Seventh Heaven---In a state of

bliss or extreme happiness
393. Shake a leg-----To hurry up or to
get going.

394. Shilly-shally----- Fail to act

resolutely or decisively.

395. Skate on thin ice---Taking a high


396. Sky's the limit---- anything is


397. Slap on the wrist---A mild

reprimand or punishment.

398. Speak of the devil---when

someone comes in unexpectedly
while being talked about

399. Spot on ----Exactly

400. Start from scratch-----Starting from
the beginning

401. Sail under false colours ................

To pretend to be something that you
are not

402. Save ones’ skin .................. To

save oneself.

403. See eye-to-eye ....................

Showing agreement/ to agree.

404. See pink elephants...... Any visual

hallucination arising due to intoxication.

405. See red ............... Be very angry.

406. See through ........... Comprehend/

407. Set at naught ........... To disregard
or treat as of no importance.

408. Set one’s teeth on edge………..To

irritate or annoy someone.

409. Set the Thames on fire ......... To

achieve something amazing.

410. Show white feather ......... To show


411. Sine die .................... Indefinitely.

412. Small fry ...... Insignificant person.

413. Smell a rat .......... To suspect of

something wrong

414. Smooth sailing ...... Easy progress.

415. Sow the dragon’s teeth .............
To create future troubles for yourself
or others.

416. Spick and span ............... In order/

neat and clean.

417. Stand on one’s own legs......... To

be self dependent.

418. Stand/Stick to one’s guns.............

To be strict and determined.

419. Stiff-necked person ..................

Stubborn or arrogant.

420. Stir a finger ............... Making

421. Street Arabs ........ A homeless
person (especially who survives by

422. Swan song ........................ The

last ceremony or farewell.

423. Sweat of one’s brow ............ Hard


424. Swelled head .......... Grand opinion

of oneself/ conceited.

425. Sworn enemies ....... People hating

each other a lot.

426. Take away one’s breath........ To

overwhelm with surprise.
427. Take one at one's word …….To be
convinced of one's sincerity and act in
accordance with his/her statement.

428. Take the bull by the horns.... To

adopt the most direct but the most
dangerous way of facing a difficulty.

429. Take to one’s heels .......... To run


430. The printer’s devils ....... ..Error in


431. Through thick and thin …….In

good and bad times.

432. Throw cold water upon …….. To

433. Turn the corner ................ To pass
through a critical point in a process.

434. Turn turtle .................... To


435. Turn up one’s nose at ..................

To take lightly with contempt.

436. Turn the tables----Reverse the


437. Take the cudgels----To support or


438. Throw in a towel-----To be


439. To and fro ----forward and

440. Turn to account----- Turn to

441. Take forty winks---- Take a nap for

a short period

442. Tender age----A young age

443. Through and Through-----


444. Under the cloud---Suspicious

445. Under the rose---Secretly

446. Under duress---- Under pressure

447. Underdog----Weak person in

comparison to other
448. Uncharted waters--A situation
that is new and not known

449. Under fire---- Being criticised

450. Upper crust---- High-class people,

often rich and high social status

451. Upper hand---- Dominating and

controlling position

452. Under lock and key----Stored


453. Under someone heel----Under

control of someone else

454. Under the knife----Undergo a

455. Under the weather----Feel sick and
lack of energy

456. Under the nose of ........... Right in

front of someone.

457. Under the thumb of .................

Under the power or influence of.

458. Up and doing ........ Active in work.

459. Up one’s sleeves ............. An item

kept hidden and used whenever

460. Uphill task .............. Difficult task.

461. Upon one’s sweet will ......... On

self desire or wish.
462. Utopian scheme ................... A
visionary scheme though impractical.

463. Vanish into the air---To disappear

464. Virgin territory-----A territory that

hasn’t been explored or touched

465. Volte-face--- Complete reversal of

opinion and attitude.

466. Vent the spleen-----To express


467. To wash Dirty lining in public----

Discuss or argue about one's private
affairs in public.

468. Wild goose chase----A foolish and

Hopeless search
469. Wear one’s heart on one’ sleeves--
-To display one’s feeling openly

470. With a high hand-----Oppressively

471. A windfall----A sudden and

unexpected profit

472. Wrong foot---- To begin in a way

that is likely to fail

473. Walking on air---- Extreme


474. Willy-Nilly----Whether one wishes

or not

475. Weather the storm ........... Survive

by coming out of difficulties.
476. Well-to-do...................... Affluent.

477. Wet blanket .................. One who

spoils the enjoyment.

478. White elephant ............. Expensive

but of no use.

479. Will O’ the wisp ............. Elusive/


480. With a grain of salt ....... To accept

with misgiving.

481. Word of mouth .............. Informal

oral communication.

482. X marks the spot---Said to show

the exact spot.
483. X factor ----An outstanding ability

484. Yoke around someone's neck----A

type of burden, pressure

485. Young Turk ----A rebellion

486. You got me there--Unable to


487. Young at heart--- To have a spirit

of youth even in old age.

488. Yeoman’s service .......... Excellent


489. Zero hour ---The time when

something is already planned to
490. Zero tolerance---- Non-acceptance
of antisocial behavior in a strict

491. True to one’s salt .......... Loyal


492. Turn a deaf ear to.......... Not to

pay attention to.

493. Turn over a new leaf ....... To be

entirely changed (for good)

494. Think twice .............. To consider

carefully before deciding

495. Talk big ......................... To boast

or brag.
496. Talk of the town ............ To be the
person or subject everyone is talking

497. Steal a march ................ To obtain

an advantage by secret means.

498. Step into another’s shoes....... To

take over a job/responsibility of
some other person.

499. Stand somebody in good

stead....................... To be of great
use and benefit to someone.

500. Speak one’s mind .......... Speak

what one really thinks.

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