Science 4 4as Strategy KIUNISALA

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Science 4

1. Enumerate the different habitats for a living organisms
Code No. (S4LT-llgh-13)
2. Describe the effect of the environment on the life cycle of organisms.
Code No. (S4LT-IIgh-14)
II. Topic: Effects of the environment on the life cycle of organisms
Learning Resources:
A. Reference: Teacher’s Guide; pp. 199-205
Learner’s Materials; pp. 160-165
B. Materials: LCD Projector; Laptop ; Activity Sheets; Illustration Boards; Pictures
Strategy Used: 4 A’s; Game; Think-Pair-Share; Differentiated Instruction
Value Integration: Caring for the environment
Subject Integration: Music; Arts; Araling Panlipunan; EsP
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
Direction: List down 5 terrestrial plants and 5 aquatic plants
Terrestrial plants Aquatic plants
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
B. Developmental Activities:

 Do you know where different animals live?

2. Unlocking of difficulties:
 Arrange the jumbled letters to form a new word.

Say: This is about the place where an organisms makes its home, what is it?
What new word do you form?
(answer: HABITAT)

3. Presentation:
a. Present the song “ Habitat Song” found in the video clip.
b. Engage the pupils to sing together
c. Shows different pictures to the class. Let them describe the effect from the pictures

C. Learning Stage:

1.Activity:---(Group Activity)

Group I ------------- ( Answer Me )

Directions: In 1-2 sentences, describe the effect of the following environments on the life cycle of


2. _______________________

3. _______________________

Group II --------------- ( Draw Me )

 Direction: Draw at least 2 animals that live in the following habitats below. Then describe
what will happen to them if they would not have homes/habitats.

A. Forest B. Freshwater C. Grassland

Group III ----------------- ( Sing Me )

 Direction: Sing the “ Habitat Song “. Then describe what will happen to them if they would
not homes.

 Group Presentation

2. Analysis
1. What is the title of the song that you sing about?
2. How many habitats/different homes for living things mentioned from the song? Named them.
3. How important are these habitats to the living organisms?
4. What are the effects when they have no place to live in?
Value Infusion: How can you help to maintain an environment that can sustain the needs and life cycle of
different organisms?

3. Abstraction
A habitat is a place where an organism makes its home. Some examples of habitats are the
forest, farm, wetlands, ocean, freshwater, and desert. A habitat meets all the
environmental conditions an organism needs to survive.

 The main components of a habitat are shelter, water, food, and space. A habitat is said
to have a suitable arrangement when it has the correct amount of all of these.

 Food is an environmental factor needed by all organisms. They use it to get energy and
perform life processes. Food is also needed for organisms’ growth and development of
the body.
 Living organisms need water to survive. Other organisms require water to break down
food molecules or generate energy during the respiration process. Water also helps
many organisms regulate metabolism and dissolves compounds going into or out of the
 An organism’s shelter protects it from other animals and extreme weather. Shelter also
provides space for eating, sleeping, hunting, and raising a family. Shelters come in many
forms. A single tree, for example, can provide sheltered habitats for many different
 Destruction of biodiversity, hunger and thirst, disastrous landslide, many animals died,
and natural growth is disturbed are some of the effects if we do not care the
environment to the life cycle of different organisms.

4. Application
Directions: Complete the table below by describing the effects of the kind of environment to the life cycle
of organisms.
Type of Environment Effect to the life cycle of organisms
1. Polluted seawater _____________________
2. Deforested mountain _____________________
3. Food shortage for animals in the zoo _____________________
4. Overpopulated fishpond ______________________
IV. Evaluation:
A. Direction: Give at least 5 different habitats for a living organisms.
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________
B. Directions: List five (5) possible effects on the life cycle of organisms on the following
environments/habitats below.
1. Transferred forest into residential area
2. Polluted fish pond
3. Oily ocean
4. Suitable environment to live in
5. Denuded mountain

V. Assignment
Directions: Get a piece of bond paper and pencil. Draw a habitat where there is the presence of the different
environmental factors such as food, water, shelter and space. You will be rated using the rubric below.

Rubrics for the Activity

Category 5 3 1
Craftsmanship Demonstrate quality Demonstrate some quality Lack
of quality
Creativity Express original idea Light original idea Lacks original
Realism Content is evident Content Somewhat evident Lack of content is evident

12-15 - Excellent
8-11 – Better

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