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Executive Summary:

Business Name: Vizcafé - Nueva Vizcaya Coffee Experience

Products/Services: Exclusive single-origin Nueva Vizcaya coffee varieties
Vision: To showcase and elevate Nueva Vizcaya coffee globally while empowering local coffee
farming communities.
Vizcafé is dedicated to promoting and distributing premium Nueva Vizcaya coffee. With a
mission to spotlight the region's diverse and rich coffee heritage, we aim to support local
farmers and contribute to the global recognition of Nueva Vizcaya coffee. Located in the heart
of Nueva Vizcaya, our business operates as a corporation dedicated to championing the unique
qualities of local coffee.

II. Business Description:

Vizcafé stands out by exclusively featuring Nueva Vizcaya coffee, offering varieties
sourced directly from local farmers. Our emphasis on quality, sustainability, and community
engagement sets us apart in the market. As a corporation, we're committed to driving growth
and awareness of Nueva Vizcaya coffee.

III. Market Analysis:

The Philippines has seen a surge in coffee consumption, driven by evolving tastes,
urbanization, and the rise of specialty coffee culture. There's a growing appreciation for locally-
produced, high-quality coffee, especially in regions like Nueva Vizcaya, known for its distinct
coffee varieties. Consumers are increasingly inclined towards specialty and artisanal coffee due
to higher income levels and a desire for unique flavors. Younger demographics (18-35) exhibit a
strong interest in specialty coffee, often valuing quality, sustainability, and ethical sourcing.
Metro areas like Manila have a diverse consumer base that appreciates premium coffee
experiences, willing to pay for quality and unique offerings. The rise in digital connectivity has
led to increased online shopping for gourmet products, including coffee, with consumers
seeking convenience and variety.
There are several established local coffee brands offering various blends and regional
specialties, catering to diverse tastes. International chains have a strong presence in urban
centers, focusing on convenience and consistency but may lack the local flair and specialty
offerings. Emerging artisanal roasters emphasize unique blends, direct sourcing, and
sustainability, often attracting a niche market segment.
Highlight the direct connection with Nueva Vizcaya's coffee farming community,
ensuring transparency and supporting local growers. Showcase the unique flavor profiles of
Nueva Vizcaya coffee varieties, leveraging its regional identity and highlighting superior taste.
Emphasize ethical sourcing, fair trade practices, and sustainability efforts, appealing to socially
conscious consumers. Position Vizcafé as an artisanal coffee brand, focusing on craft roasting,
blending expertise, and small-batch production for consistent quality.

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By emphasizing these aspects, Vizcafé aims to fill a gap in the market by offering a
premium, locally-sourced coffee experience that combines unique flavors with ethical practices,
catering to the evolving preferences of Filipino consumers for specialty, traceable, and
sustainable coffee options.

IV. Organization and Management:

1. Team Overview:
Founder & CEO: Gabriel Martinez
Director of Operations: Sofia Reyes
Marketing Manager: Mateo Fernandez
Sales Manager: Camila Morales
Head Roaster & Quality Control: Diego Ramos
& Administration Manager: Isabela Herrera

The team’s expertise in coffee sourcing, marketing, and operations drives Vizcafé's
success, ensuring the effective execution of our business strategies.

2. Organizational Chart:

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Founder & CEO - Oversees overall operations, strategy, and business development.
Responsible for setting the vision and long-term goals.

Director of Operations - Manages day-to-day activities, production, and supply chain.

Ensures operational efficiency and quality standards.

Marketing Manager - Develops and executes marketing strategies for brand promotion.
Manages advertising, campaigns, and customer engagement.

Sales Manager - Leads sales team, develops sales strategies, and manages distribution
channels. Responsible for achieving sales targets and expanding market reach.

Head Roaster & Quality Control - Oversees coffee roasting processes and maintains
quality standards. Manages sourcing, blending, and ensures consistent taste profiles.

Finance & Administration Manager - Handles financial planning, budgeting, and

administrative functions. Ensures compliance, manages finances, and accounting

3. Members' Profiles:

Founder & CEO

a. Expertise: Extensive experience in the coffee industry, with a deep understanding
of sourcing, roasting, and marketing.
b. Past Achievements: Successfully launched and managed previous coffee
ventures, known for ethical sourcing and quality products.
c. Role: Provides strategic leadership, drives business growth, and establishes key

Director of Operations
a. Expertise: Operations management with a focus on optimizing production
processes and supply chain logistics.
b. Past Achievements: Implemented cost-effective measures, improving efficiency
without compromising quality.
c. Role: Oversees day-to-day operations, ensures quality control, and manages

Marketing Manager
a. Expertise: Strategic marketing planning, digital marketing, and brand
development in the F&B sector.
b. Past Achievements: Executed successful marketing campaigns, increasing brand
visibility and engagement.

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c. Role: Develops marketing strategies, manages campaigns, and enhances brand

Sales Manager
a. Expertise: Sales leadership, channel management, and market expansion
b. Past Achievements: Grew sales in competitive markets, established strong retail
c. Role: Drives sales initiatives, identifies growth opportunities, and manages
distribution channels.

Head Roaster & Quality Control

a. Expertise: Expert in coffee roasting, blending, and maintaining taste consistency.
b. Past Achievements: Developed signature blends, maintained high-quality
c. Role: Oversees roasting operations, ensures quality control, and manages

Finance & Administration Manager

a. Expertise: Financial planning, accounting, and administrative management.
b. Past Achievements: Implemented robust financial controls, optimized operational
c. Role: Manages financial aspects, budgeting, and ensures administrative

These profiles highlight the expertise, past achievements, and specific roles of key team
members, reassuring stakeholders of their capabilities to drive Vizcafé forward and execute the
business plan effectively.

V. Products or Services:

Vizcafé offers an exclusive selection of Nueva Vizcaya single-origin coffee varieties,

including Arabica and Robusta beans cultivated in regions like Kasibu, Dupax Del Sur, and
Kayapa. Our unique blends showcase the region’s diverse terroir and distinct flavor profiles.
Vizcafé's Offerings are:
 Nueva Vizcaya Specialty Coffee Blends locally sourced coffee beans from Nueva
Vizcaya, known for their unique flavors and high-quality. Appeals to consumers
seeking premium, locally-produced specialty coffee with distinct taste profiles.
Refined over years of collaboration with local farmers, utilizing traditional and
sustainable growing practices.

 Single-Origin Varietals showcases the diversity of Nueva Vizcaya's coffee terroir,

offering distinct flavors from specific regions. Attracts coffee aficionados looking
for unique, single-origin experiences that highlight the region's coffee diversity.

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Carefully curated and sourced, reflecting the essence of each specific coffee-
growing area.

 Limited Edition Seasonal Blends responds to market demand for seasonal

variations, allowing consumers to explore different flavor profiles throughout the
year. Creates excitement and anticipation among customers by introducing
limited batches with unique characteristics. Iteratively developed based on
harvest seasons and consumer preferences, fostering exclusivity.

Vizcafé's Unique Features and Alignment with Market Trends:

 Sustainable Sourcing and Ethical Practices - Direct support to local farmers,

ethical sourcing, and fair-trade practices. Addresses the growing consumer trend
towards ethically sourced and environmentally sustainable products.

 Customized Blends and Personalization - Offers personalized blending options or

customized roast profiles based on customer preferences. Caters to the market
trend of customization, providing a tailored coffee experience to discerning

 Traceability and Transparency - Ensures traceability from bean to cup,

highlighting the coffee's journey and origin. Matches the increasing demand for
transparency in sourcing and production processes.

 Artisanal Roasting Expertise - Expertise in artisanal roasting, ensuring consistent

quality and distinct taste profiles. Reflects the market trend towards artisanal,
handcrafted products appreciated for their quality and uniqueness.

Vizcafé's relevance to consumer needs quality assurance and consistency which

addresses the need for consistent, high-quality coffee among consumers seeking premium
experiences. Meets the demand for variety and exploration in the coffee market, offering
diverse blends and single-origin options. Provides an experiential journey by narrating the story
behind each coffee, appealing to consumers' emotional connection with products.
Vizcafé's offerings are positioned to meet the growing demand for premium,
sustainable, and experiential coffee choices in the Philippine market, offering a range of
products that cater to diverse tastes while maintaining a focus on quality, origin, and ethical

VI. Marketing and Sales Strategy:

Our marketing strategy emphasizes the authenticity and exclusivity of Nueva Vizcaya
coffee, targeting digital platforms, local events, and collaborations with specialty cafes. Pricing
reflects the value of high-quality, ethically sourced coffee, ensuring fair compensation for local

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Here's an overview of the unique selling propositions, pricing strategy, customer
engagement plans, and sales channels, along with innovative tactics for market penetration and
customer retention for Vizcafé.

 Premium Quality Coffee: Emphasize the superior quality of Nueva Vizcaya coffee
beans, highlighting their unique flavor profile and sustainable sourcing practices.

 Local Sourcing and Community Impact: Showcase the direct support to local
farmers, emphasizing ethical sourcing, fair trade practices, and community

 Artisanal Roasting and Blending: Highlight the artisanal approach to roasting and
blending, ensuring consistent taste and freshness.

 Value-based Pricing: Position the coffee at a premium price point, justified by its
quality and unique characteristics.

 Tiered Pricing: Offer various blends or specialty coffees at different price levels to
cater to diverse customer segments.

 Educational Campaigns: Conduct workshops, seminars, or online sessions

educating consumers about coffee origins, brewing techniques, and flavor

 Customer Feedback and Loyalty Programs: Engage customers through feedback

channels, implementing loyalty programs rewarding repeat purchases.

 Online Store: Develop an intuitive, user-friendly e-commerce platform for direct

sales, ensuring easy access to Vizcafé's products.

 Retail Partnerships: Collaborate with local cafes, specialty stores, or

supermarkets for shelf placement and visibility.

 Subscription Services: Offer subscription-based models for regular delivery,

providing convenience and ensuring repeat purchases.

 Mobile App Integration: Develop a mobile app for ordering, loyalty tracking, and
providing exclusive offers or discounts.

 Social Media Engagement: Leverage social media platforms for interactive

campaigns, user-generated content, and influencer partnerships to increase
brand visibility and engagement.

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 Sustainability Initiatives: Implement eco-friendly packaging and highlight
sustainable practices, resonating with environmentally conscious consumers.

By leveraging these strategies and innovative approaches, Vizcafé can position itself as a
premium brand, engaging customers, penetrating the market effectively, and fostering long-
term relationships for sustained growth and success.

VII. Financial Projections:

Financial forecasts demonstrate sustainable growth, with revenue projections based on

market research and feasible sales targets. Break-even analysis indicates a profitable trajectory
within 24 months.

Financial Forecasts (Yearly Estimates with ₱500,000 Revenue in Year 1)

 Growth in Nueva Vizcaya coffee demand is expected at 10% annually.
 COGS gradually decreases from 40% to 35% over three years due to economies of scale.
 Operating expenses increase by 25% yearly due to expanded operations and marketing
 Best Case Scenario
Aggressive market demand: 15% annual growth in sales.
Tight cost controls leading to COGS at 30% due to bulk purchases.
Efficient marketing, reducing operating expenses' growth to 15% annually.
Year Revenue (₱) COGS (₱) Operating Net Income (₱)
Expenses (₱)
Year 1 ₱500,000 ₱150,000 ₱143,750 ₱206,250
Year 2 ₱575,000 ₱172,500 ₱165,938 ₱236,563
Year 3 ₱661,250 ₱198,375 ₱218,308 ₱244,567

 Worst Case Scenario

Slower market growth: 5% annual increase in sales due to unforeseen economic factors.
COGS remains at 40% due to increased raw material prices.
Higher-than-expected operating expenses: 30% annual growth due to intensive marketing
efforts for market retention.
Year Revenue (₱) COGS (₱) Operating Net Income (₱)
Expenses (₱)
Year 1 ₱500,000 ₱200,000 ₱150,000 ₱150,000
Year 2 ₱525,000 ₱210,000 ₱189,000 ₱126,000
Year 3 ₱551,250 ₱220,500 ₱245,700 ₱85,050

 Expected Case Scenario

Moderate market growth: 10% annual increase in sales in line with industry projections.

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Gradual decrease in COGS from 40% to 35% as projected.
Operating expenses increase by 25% annually in line with expansion plans.
Year Revenue (₱) COGS (₱) Operating Net Income (₱)
Expenses (₱)
Year 1 ₱500,000 ₱200,000 ₱162,500 ₱137,500
Year 2 ₱550,000 ₱220,000 ₱203,125 ₱126,875
Year 3 ₱605,000 ₱242,000 ₱253,906 ₱109,094

Break-Even Analysis
Assuming fixed costs of ₱100,000 annually and a unit selling price of ₱100:
Break-Even Point = Fixed Costs / (Selling Price per Unit - Variable Cost per Unit)
Break-Even Point = ₱100,000 / (₱100 - ₱40) = ₱100,000 / ₱60 = 1,666.67 units

These detailed financial forecasts outline projections under different scenarios, offering
insights into profitability and the break-even point for Vizcafé with a starting revenue of
₱500,000 in the first year. Adjustments can be made based on actual performance and market

VIII. Appendix:

Nueva Vizcaya, nestled in the Cordillera Mountain range, boasts an ideal climate and
elevation for cultivating Arabica and Robusta coffee varieties. The region's altitude, ranging from
500 to 2,000 meters above sea level, contributes to the coffee beans' unique flavor profiles. The
region's volcanic soil, coupled with the cool climate and adequate rainfall, imparts specific
characteristics to the coffee beans, offering rich and complex tasting notes. Vizcafé fosters close
partnerships with local coffee farming communities across Nueva Vizcaya. Through sustainable
and ethical practices, we support farmers in adopting modern cultivation techniques while
preserving traditional methods, ensuring consistent quality and fair compensation. Our coffee
beans are cultivated in compliance with internationally recognized certifications such as Fair
Trade, Rainforest Alliance, and Organic, highlighting our commitment to ethical sourcing,
environmental sustainability, and superior quality. Vizcafé implements rigorous quality control
measures at every stage, from hand-picking ripe cherries to meticulous processing methods.
Our beans undergo careful sorting, washing, and sun-drying processes, ensuring optimal quality
and flavor preservation. Our coffee beans undergo comprehensive cupping and grading
procedures by certified Q-Graders to assess aroma, flavor, body, acidity, and overall quality,
ensuring that only the finest beans reach our customers. Leveraging blockchain technology and
traceability systems, we provide customers with detailed information about the coffee's origin,
processing, and certifications, fostering transparency and authenticity in our offerings.
Vizcafé's commitment to quality, ethical sourcing, and technological innovation in
preserving the authenticity of Nueva Vizcaya's coffee heritage resonates in every cup. Through
strategic partnerships, certifications, and stringent quality control, we deliver a product that
encapsulates the region's unique flavors while supporting local communities and sustainable
agricultural practices.

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IX. SWOT Analysis:
This tailored business plan positions Vizcafé as a unique entity highlighting and
celebrating the distinctive qualities of Nueva Vizcaya coffee while ensuring sustainability and
community empowerment within the region.
Unique Regional Sourcing: Direct access to high-quality coffee beans from Nueva Vizcaya,
known for distinct flavors.
Ethical Sourcing Practices: Strong commitment to fair trade, supporting local farmers, and
sustainable cultivation.
Artisanal Roasting Expertise: Skilled team ensuring consistent, premium-quality coffee products.
Brand Story and Authenticity: A compelling narrative highlighting the brand's origin and local
community impact.

Limited Market Reach: Initial focus on a niche market might limit immediate scalability.
Dependency on Local Sourcing: Vulnerability to external factors affecting regional coffee
Brand Awareness: Potential lack of brand recognition among broader consumer segments.
Cost of Production: Higher costs associated with ethical sourcing and artisanal processes might
affect pricing competitiveness.

Rising Coffee Consumption: Growing market trend towards specialty and artisanal coffee.
Expansion of Distribution Channels: Potential for partnerships with cafes, supermarkets, and
online marketplaces.
Market Diversification: Exploring export opportunities to tap into international demand for
specialty coffee.
Seasonal and Limited Edition Offerings: Leveraging consumer interest in exclusive and seasonal

Market Competition: Intense competition from established local brands and global coffee
Economic Factors: Economic instability affecting consumer spending patterns.
Climate Change and Crop Risks: Potential impact of climate change on coffee production and
Regulatory Changes: Any alterations in trade policies affecting import/export or sustainability

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This SWOT analysis provides an understanding of Vizcafé's internal capabilities, market
potential, and external factors influencing its position within the Philippine coffee market.
Strategic actions can capitalize on strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and
mitigate threats to ensure sustainable growth and market success.

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