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Learning Objective

01 02 03

Learn happen Learn what causes Learn how we can

ones we won't these water protect the ocean
reduce water pollution & how to save the
pollution earth
What can happen if
we don't act quickly?

Many things can happen if we don't act quickly.

We can damage the environment which can lead
to the ocean having different types of bacteria
that can be transmitted to us that can also lead
to different diseases and infections.

We can harm the ocean and the animals in the

ocean. If we don't act quickly, our ocean animals
can die soon and might not be able to breathe
clean water, which affects them. Once that
happens, we won't be able to catch fish, but if we
do, those fish that we catch might be sick or
infected due to the pollution inside the ocean.
What can happen if
we don't act quickly?

The water gets contaminated and we won't be

able to get fresh water or even drink clean water.
The oxygen in the water gets lessened. Also, our
aquatic plants won't be able to live as much as
they want because of the contaminated water.
Many dead plants and animals might be found in
the ocean if not responded to quickly.
What causes this water pollution?
Plastic bags and Garbage

There are many things that cause water pollution, but one
of the most common is throwing our plastic bags and
garbage. Yes, we don't always throw them in the ocean,
but on land, it still affects us as it contributes to our land

Oil Pollution

Oil Pollution is one of the worst water pollution, Because

these are the oil spills from the tankers and ships that can
create a thick layer of oil above the water and since oil
doesnot dissolve it can just stay in the water forever.
How can we Protect the ocean &
Lets learn how to reduce the usage of water when
not needed. Just like our electricity

Lets normalize the usage of paper bags/eco bags

instead of plastic bags and also the usage of paper
straws/metal straws.

Lets reduce waste in the ocean and save our

aquatic friends.

Normalize picking up trashes in the beach or even

in land

Made by: Erin Ladim


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