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Answer the following questions:

1. Based on the discussions, how doe SCOT and SST differ?

- Based on the discussions. The Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) and Social
Shaping of Technology (SST) provide informative frameworks for interpreting the
complicated relationship between technology and society. In contrast with SCOT, which
focuses on the process of technical development and the formation of meaning through
social interactions, SST takes an approach that is more comprehensive. SST adopts a
larger perspective, including responsibility for the social context in which technologies
exist and how they both shape and are shaped by society.

2. List down the social media sites you use. What do you use it for? How does it
affect your lives daily?
Messenger, Facebook, and TikTok
I usually use Messenger and Facebook every day in my daily life because, as a college
student, Messenger, with its instant messaging, ease of use, file sharing tools, group
chats, a combination of audio and video options, and excellent Facebook integration,
affects my daily life as an instrument to maximize the effectiveness of communication
for us as college students. While TikTok provides me with entertaining content, which
can help me relax and unwind after a long and tiring day.
3. Technological change is done in multiple stages. Explain how computers have
evolved through the stages of technological change.

Computers have evolved through several technological phases, which is evidence of

human creativity and invention. Every significant advancement in computing, from the
simple early days of mechanical calculators to the all-encompassing computing gadgets
of today, has expanded the boundaries of what is possible.

1. Invention of Technologies
-When new technologies are invented, they are patented. Utility patents are done for
new processes, machinery, articles of manufacture, and others.

2. Commercialization or open-source release through research and development

emerging technologies)
- Getting a patent or licensing an invention takes it into the market to create
financial value. R&D agreements between science institutions and the industry provides
institutes with funding. Open-source software
development allows the collaboration of online users in the development of the
software. Through
open-source code, end users can change and adapt their software to their personal
needs; this is
done since the modular software allows for the development of independent

3. Continuous technological improvement (often resulting in lower costs)

- Research and development take on the role of developing new services and
improving existing ones.

4. Technology dissemination throughout industry or society

- Computers were mainly used in business settings such as office workstations; then,
personal computers have made its way into our homes. Normally, the dissemination of
involves disruption and convergence: these are periods of success and stagnancy in the
adoption of

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