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Learning Activity 1:

1. What is the impact of ethics in a person’s values and attitude?

- An individual's values and attitude have a significant impact by their values. Morality
determines what is ethically acceptable or unacceptable, and ethical principles help
people make these decisions. Applying moral principles forms a person's values and
approach on life, work, and relationships through influencing behavior, choices, and
interactions with others. Maintaining honesty, kindness, and respect are the foundations
of a healthy mindset and set of values, and they develop by consistently being ethical.

2. Give example or scenario that may apply in each ethical principle.

- Beneficence
An overseas Filipino worker (OFW) has made the decision to labor abroad in order to
improve the opportunities for the family back home. They left the people they love
behind and deal with the difficulties of working and adjusting to a new culture,
homesickness, and the possibility of being taken advantage of or mistreated. The OFW
is consistent in their pursuit of bettering their family's standard of living and providing for
their financial needs in despite these challenges.

Application of Beneficence:
The concept of beneficence is clearly demonstrated in this situation by the OFW's
unselfish desire to use their employment abroad to better their loved ones and their
families. An overseas family worker (OFW) gives up their personal comfort and well-
being in order to give those in their family in the Philippines access to better economic
possibilities, educational chances, and material living standards. The financial stability
of the OFW's family is enhanced by the earnings they send home, which allow them to
fund their goals and dreams, access necessities like healthcare and education, and buy
necessities. Additionally, by sending money home, OFWs contribute to the Philippine
economy by lowering poverty, promoting economic progress, and enhancing the
general well-being of the people of the Philippines. Even with all of their difficulties,
OFWs' efforts demonstrate the beneficence principle by advancing the welfare of
happiness of others, especially their families and communities.

Least Harm (Non-maleficence)

The group leader for a class assignment is chosen from among college students. The
student discovers that one of their group members is having trouble keeping up with the
workload because of personal problems and academic difficulties while working on the
assignment. The member of the struggling group expresses doubts about their capacity
to contribute to the project in an effective manner and worries about disappointing the

Application of Non-maleficence:
The group leader in this situation is required by the principle of nonmaleficence to take
into account the well-being of their suffering group member and take action to minimize
suffering. The group leader may help the struggling student by helping them prioritize
their work, giving them additional assistance or tutoring, and showing them kindness
and support. In order to ensure that the assignment is finished effectively without
placing an excess load on the struggling student, the leader of the group should also
honestly discuss the problem with the other members of the team and work together to
identify solutions. The group leader can preserve the nonmaleficence principle and
foster an environment for learning that is welcoming and inclusive for all participants by
responding with empathy and compassion.

Respect for Autonomy

After graduating from high school, a student is thinking about their options for college
study. Their hobbies are varied, and they are considering a number of different job
options, such as earning a degree in business, or in educations. Although the kid
exhibits a great desire to make their own decisions based on their own interests, values,
and aspirations, they do ask their parents, professors, and school counselors for advice.

Application of Respect for Autonomy:

The autonomy of the student in making decisions must be respected and recognized in
this situation in order to maintain the principle of respect for autonomy. The student
should receive support and assistance from parents, instructors, and counselors who
may provide information about various career and educational paths and explore the
advantages and disadvantages of each. It is important that those involved acknowledge
and honor the student's autonomy to make decisions based on personal preferences
and objectives. Instead of forcing their own objectives or expectations on the student,
they must provide them the tools they need to make decisions that are in line with their
goals and interests. Respecting the student's autonomy allows them to help them
develop a sense of independence, responsibility, and self-assurance in managing their
education and career journey.

Justice (Distributive Justice)

A college student who wants to support themselves financially and pay for living
expenses, textbooks, and tuition works a part-time while attending classes. The student
finds it difficult to make enough money to survive and feels burdened by the cost of
continuing their education, even though they are dedicated and hardworking.

Application of Distributive Justice:

According to the distributive justice principle, in this case, society and educational
institutions must acknowledge and resolve the difficulties presented by working students
in order to provide justice and equality in having access to educational opportunities. It
is recommended that educational institutions establish policies and support systems
with the goal of helping working students. These may include flexible class schedules,
financial aid and scholarships that address the needs of working students, and on-
campus job possibilities that align with students' academic responsibilities. Additionally,
in order to support working students in managing employment and academics,
employers should take into consideration their demands and offer reasonable
accommodations like flexible work schedules or paid study leaves. Society can respect
distributive justice and enhance equity by encouraging working students to have
equitable access to education and career possibilities.

3. Differentiate the forms of ethical theory.

- There are a variety of structures available in ethical theory to help understand and
evaluate moral behavior. Although ethical theories give comprehensive structures, other
theories—such as utilitarianism, deontology, rights ethics, and virtue ethics—bring
unique viewpoints, approaches, and emphasis points that enhance the conversation
about moral philosophy and ethics. By delving into and distinguishing between these
types of ethical theory, people and communities can participate in thoughtful thinking
and decision-making that helps promote a more moral and equal world.

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