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Vision & Success

Lecturer:Houda Elafdel
What does success mean to
This chapter offers opportunities to

1. Reflect upon the nature of success

2. Understand the importance of personal vision to successful
3. Formulate a personal definition of success
4. Gain insight into personal motivation, inspiration and values, and
see how these assist current study
5. Refine your vision of the future and consider how current study
contributes towards that vision.
Defining Success

• Success is a very subjective matter and depends on what is

meaningful to you.
• ‘ Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you
get’, Dale Carnegie
• ‘Successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a
different way’, Dale Carnegie

Activity :(Page 1)
Defining Vision

• A vision is an aspirational description of what you would like to

achieve or accomplish in the mid term or longer term.

• -‘Without a vision, people perish’.


• What does success mean for you?

• What is your vision for your academic work, professional career and
personal life?
(Page 2)
Where I am Now

• How do I do I gather the information to know where I am now?

• Reflection

• Feedback
What I want to be

• It is about clarifying your vision and dream through setting goals and
objectives either on a long term or medium term.
• Long term Goal:
• Ten years from now, I see myself ......
• Medium term: One year from now, what I want to achieve

Activity 1&2 Pages (6&7)

How do I get there

Dream it ..... Believe it......

Goals 2 go
Definition of a goal:

• In football, rugby or hockey, a pair of posts linked by a crossbar and

often with a net attached behind it.
• Another definition is : aim, target, purpose and objective.
• S: Specific

• M: Measurable

• A: Achievable or Attainable

• R: Realistic

• T: Timed.

• To improve my presentation skills through attending a professional

training organised by CIPD in London in March 2014.
• To keep fit and healthy through subscribing to a sport club ‘well being
center’ at the end of October 2013
Why people do not set goals ?

• Goals are not important for them

• They don’t know How
• They fear failure
• They fear rejection
• They lack of clarity in their approach
Any Questions ?
Presentation (Assignment)
Apply the SMART Theory to achieve a certain goal.
Please write down SMART goals and link it to your vision and dream discussed
• What are your goals?
• What purposes are you aiming at?
• Where do you want to be at the end of the day?
• Why do I want to get there?
• What are your reasons behind that vision or dream?
• Is it a role model that you are following?
• Is it the influence of people around you?
• Is your burning desire to get there?

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