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In The Name Of Allah

The Ministry Of Education

Afghan Muslim English Language Institute

Written by: Kifayatullah Ahadi.

Guiding teacher: Fazel Mohammad Mohammadi
Topic: Dry Fruits
Time: 20/1/1402
Year: 2023
Contact: +93790822669

About this subject

As, you know that the human body for the staying alive needs for different
vitamins, water, oils… so dry fruits contain various vitamins and nutrients
that can help the human body to stay fresh and healthy. The material in
the following pages is a series of information about dry fruits, their different
types, advantages and disadvantages.
Content of the subject
The subject that I have written about was one of the important subject that
every human should be aware about it. this subject is containing: intro-
ducing of a dried fruit, history of drying fruits, health benefits of dried fruits,
disadvantages of them, types of dehydration and types of dry in
this case I wanted to give you more information about the importance of
dry fruits that how important is it for the human body? And what important
role does it play in human body? So after the reading of this subject you
will find the right knowledge about the dry fruits.
I am very thank full from the administration of AM.RED and their dear
teachers particularly Faze l Mohammad Mohammadi the assistant director
of AM.RED who inspired and helped me to write this monograph.
My core goal is fully informing people about the importance of dry fruits.
The message from Kifayatullah Ahadi
student of AM.RED

1. Introduction to dry fruits ........................................................................ 1
2. History...................................................................................................... 1
3. Production ................................................................................................ 3
4. Health Benefits of Dry Fruits ................................................................ 5
5. The Disadvantages Of Dried Fruits ..................................................... 10
6. Dehydration Methods ............................................................................ 11
1. Sun drying ........................................................................................ 12
2. Tray drying ....................................................................................... 12
3. Freeze drying .................................................................................... 12
4. Vacuum microwave drying .............................................................. 13
7. Types of dry fruits ................................................................................. 13
1. Almonds ............................................................................................. 13
2. Peanuts ............................................................................................. 14
3. Walnuts ............................................................................................. 15
4. Cashews ........................................................................................... 15
5. Dried apricots ................................................................................... 16
6. Dry figs .............................................................................................. 17
7. Pistachios ......................................................................................... 18
8. Raisins (dry grapes) ......................................................................... 19
9. Dried Cranberries ............................................................................. 20
10. Banana Chips ................................................................................... 21
8. Conclusion ................................................................................ 23
Introduction To Dry Fruits

Dried fruit is fruit from which the majority of the original water content has
been removed either naturally, through sun drying, or through the use of
specialized dryers or dehydrators. Dried fruit has a long tradition of use
dating back to the fourth millennium BC in Mesopotamia, and is prized
because of its sweet taste, nutritive value, and long shelf life.

Today, dried fruit consumption is widespread. Nearly half of the dried fruits
sold are raisins, followed by dates, prunes, figs, apricots, peaches apples
and pears. These are referred to as "conventional" or "traditional" dried
fruits: fruits that have been dried in the sun or in heated wind tunnel dryers.
Many fruits such as cranberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, and
mango are infused with a sweetener (e.g. sucrose syrup) prior to drying.
Some products sold as dried fruit, like papaya, kiwifruit and pineapple, are
most often candied fruit.
Dried fruits retain most of the nutritional value of fresh fruits. The specific
nutrient content of the different dried fruits reflects their fresh counterpart
and the processing method.


Figs in the basket, Pompeii:

Dried figs were very popular in ancient

Traditional dried fruit such as raisins, figs, dates, apricots and apples have
been a staple of Mediterranean diets for millennia. This is due partly to
their early cultivation in the Middle Eastern region known the Fertile
Crescent, made up by parts of modern Iran, Iraq, southwest Turkey, Syria,

Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, and northern Egypt. Drying or dehydration al-
so happened to be the earliest form of food preservation: grapes, dates,
and figs that fell from the tree or vine would dry in the hot sun. Early
hunter-gatherers observed that these fallen fruit took on an edible form,
and valued them for their stability as well as their concentrated sweetness.

The earliest recorded mention of dried fruits can be found in Mesopotami-

an The date palm was one of the first cultivated trees. It was domesticated
in Mesopotamia more than 5,000 years ago. It grew abundantly in the
Fertile Crescent and it was so productive (an average date palm produces
50 kg of fruit a year for 60 years or more) that dates were the cheapest of
staple foods. Because they were so valuable, they were well recorded
in Assyrian and Babylonian monuments and temples. The villagers in
Mesopotamia dried them and ate them as sweets. Whether fresh, soft-
dried or hard-dried, they helped to give character to meat dishes and grain
pies. They were valued by travelers for their energy and were recommen-
ded as stimulants against fatigue.
Figs were also prized in early Mesopotamia, Palestine, Israel, and Egypt
where their daily use was probably greater than or equal to that of dates.
As well as appearing in wall paintings, many specimens have been found
in Egyptian tombs as funerary offerings. In Greece and Crete, figs grew
very readily and they were the staple of poor and rich alike, particularly in
their dried form.
Grape cultivation first began in Armenia and the eastern regions of the
Mediterranean in the 4th century BC. Raisins were produced by drying
grapes in the hot desert sun. Very quickly, viticulture and raisin production
Spread across northern Africa including Morocco and Tunisia.
The Phoenicians and the Egyptians popularized the production of raisins,
probably due to the perfect arid environment for sun drying. They put them
in jars for storage and allotted them to the different temples by the
thousands. They also added them to breads and various pastries, some
made with honey, some with milk and eggs.
From the Middle East, these fruits spread through Greece to Italy where
they became a major part of the diet. Ancient Romans consumed raisins
in spectacular quantities and at all levels of society, including them as a
key part of their common meals, along with olives and fresh fruits.
Raisined breads were common for breakfast and were consumed with
their grains, beans, and cultured milks. Raisins were so valued that they
transcended the food realm and became rewards for successful athletes,
as well as premium barter currency.

Having dried fruits was essential in ancient Rome as these instructions for
housekeepers around 100 BC tell: "She must keep a supply of cooked
food on hand for you and the servants. She must keep many hens and
have plenty of eggs. She must have a large store of dried pears, sorbs,
figs, raisins, sorbs in must, preserved pears and grapes and quinces. She
must also keep preserved grapes in grape-pulp and in pots buried in the
ground, as well as fresh Predestine nuts kept in the same way, and
Scantian quinces in jars, and other fruits that are usually preserved, as
well as wild fruits. All these she must store away diligently every year."

Figs were also extremely popular in Rome. Dried figs were added to bread
and formed a major part of the winter food of country people. They were
rubbed with spices such as cumin, anise and fennel seeds, or toasted
sesame, wrapped in fig leaves and stored in jars. Today, major producing
regions include Israel, Jerusalem, Gaza and many other Arabic countries.
Dried figs are rich in vitamins, phosphorus and various other important
Plums, apricots and peaches had their origins in Asia. They were domes-
ticated in China in the 3rd millennium BC and spread to the Fertile Cres-
cent where they were also very popular, fresh and dried alike. They
arrived in Greece and Italy much later and were very expensive but valued
in the preparation of gourmet dishes with port or stewed with honey and


Dozens of types of dried fruit and fruit leather at a market

in Yerevan
Today, dried fruit is produced in most regions of the world, and consumpt-
ion occurs in all cultures and demographic segments. In the United States,
Americans consumed an average of 1 kg (processed weight) of dried fruit
in 2006. Raisins accounted for about two thirds of this. California produc-

es the largest percentage of the US and the world's dried fruit crop. It acc-
ounts for over 99% of the US crop of raisins and dried plums, 98% of dried
figs, 96% of dried peaches, 92% of apricots and over 90% of dates. Most
of California dried fruit production is centered in the San Joaquin Valley
where the soil and climate, especially the hot, dry summers, provide ideal
growing conditions. While these fruits were commonly dried in the sun in
the past, now only raisins are almost entirely naturally sun-dried.

Fruits can be dried whole (e.g., grapes, berries, apricot, plum), in halves,
or as slices, (e.g., mango, papaya, kiwi). Alternatively, they can be
chopped after drying (e.g., dates), made into pastes, or concentrated
juices. The residual moisture content can vary from small (3 – 8%) to
substantial (16 – 18%), depending on the type of fruit. Fruits can also be
dried in puree form, as leather, or as a powder, by spray or drum drying.
They can be freeze dried. Fresh fruit is frozen and placed in a drying
chamber under a vacuum. Heat is applied and water evaporates from the
fruit while still frozen". The fruit becomes very light and crispy and retains
much of its original flavor. Dried fruit is widely used by the confectionery,
baking, and sweets industries. Food manufacturing plants use dried fruits
in various sauces, soups, marinades, garnishes, puddings, and food for
infants and children.

As ingredients in prepared food, dried fruit juices, purées, and pastes

impart sensory and functional characteristics to recipes:
 The high fiber content provides water-absorbing and water-binding
capabilities, tenderization, and nutritional enhancement.
 Organic acids such as sorbitol act as humectants, provide dough and
batter stability, and control water activity.

 Fruit sugars add sweetness, and surface browning, and control water

 Fruit acids, such as malic acid and tartaric acid, contribute to flavor
enhancement and act as anti-microbial agents (suppress mold and
bacterial growth).

 Vitamins and minerals increase nutritional value and label appeal.

 Phenolic compounds slow down lipid oxidation in meats. They add a
natural caramel color.
The high drying and processing temperatures, the intrinsic low pH of the
fruit, the low water activity (moisture content) and the presence of natural

antimicrobial compounds in dried fruit make them a stable food. Incident
of a food-borne illness related to dried fruit are not known.
Sulfur dioxide is used as an antioxidant in some dried fruits to protect their
color and flavor. For example, in golden raisins, dried peaches, apples,
and apricots, sulfur dioxide is used to keep them from losing their light
color by blocking browning reactions that darken fruit and alter their flavor.
Over the years, sulfur dioxide and sulfites have been used by many
populations for a variety of purposes. Sulfur dioxide was first employed
as a food additive in 1664, and was later approved for such use in the
United States as far back as the 1800s.

Sulfur dioxide, while harmless to healthy individuals, can induce asthma

when inhaled or ingested by sensitive people. The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) estimates that one out of a hundred people is sulfite-
sensitive, and about 5% of asthmatics are also at risk of suffering an
adverse reaction. Given that about 10% of the population suffers from
asthma, this figure translates to 0.5% of the whole population with potent-
ial for sulfite-sensitivity. These individuals make up the subgroup of great-
est concern and are largely aware of the need to avoid sulfite-containing
foods. Consequently, the FDA requires food manufacturers and process-
ors to disclose the presence of sulfating agents in concentrations of at
least 10 parts per million.

In Taipei, Taiwan, a 2010 city health survey found one-third of tested dried
fruit products failed health standard tests, most having excessive amounts
of sodium cyclamate, some at levels 20 times higher than the legal limit.
Turkey exported 1.5 billion dollars of dried fruit in 2021 and became the
world's largest exporter of dried fruit.

Health Benefits Of Dry Fruits

The crunchy nuts and naturally sweet dry fruits make for excellent snacks,
accompaniments for breakfast or just something to eat in between meals.
They also make for amazing additions to several recipes including a host
of delectable desserts as well as non-veg dishes. In fact, dry fruits and
nuts are very widely consumed in the world in various forms. This isn’t
only because of their delicious taste but also because of the incredible
benefits of dry fruits.

If you are in the habit of eating them daily, you are doing something
amazing for your body. If not, in this article, we give you 21 reasons why
you need to add them to your diet.
1. Dry Fruits are loaded with several essential nutrients

What makes dry fruits and nuts a must-eat is the fact that they are full of
several essential nutrients. They are loaded with proteins, fiber, healthy
fats, antioxidants as well as several vitamins and minerals.

Hence, eating a handful of these on a daily basis won’t just give you a
boost of health but also fulfill your daily requirements of certain nutrients.
2. Dry Fruits help boost energy and stamina

One of the best benefits of dry fruits and nuts is that they give you a boost
of energy and stamina. Running low on energy or feeling a bit tired? Eating
a few of these will give you energy instantly.
Since dry fruits are rich in natural sugars and nuts help you feel satiated,
they are the best food that you can eat for an energy boost.
3. Are good for building immunity

As dried fruits are loaded with numerous essential nutrients, they help in
building overall health and immunity.
Most dry fruits and nuts are a very good source of fibers, proteins, calcium,
iron, antioxidants etc. and all of these nutrients come together to help build
better resistance against diseases. This is one of the most important
reasons why you must include them in your daily diet.
4. Help maintain a healthy weight

Dry fruits are usually associated with weight gain but did you know that
eating them can help you lose weight too? Well, dry fruits are basically
superfoods that when combined with the right diet, they can help you
maintain a healthy weight.

So, no matter what your weight goals might be, including dry fruits in
moderation in your diet is always a good idea.
5. Promote a healthy gut and keep your stomach happy

Dry fruits and nuts like figs and almonds are very good for your stomach
and overall digestive health. Since they are a very good source of fiber,
they promote healthy bacteria and boost your gut health.

They also keep the stomach happy by keeping issues such as
constipation at bay. Almonds, walnuts as well as dried figs work as
excellent natural laxatives.
6. Help maintain heart health

Another one of the benefits of dry fruits is that they are very good for
maintaining your heart health. Whether it is almonds, walnuts or raisins,
they are all very good for your heart.

Almonds are known to reduce the ‘bad cholesterol’ or LDL in your body
while maintaining the levels of good cholesterol. Whereas, walnuts are
known to keep your arteries clear. All in all, dry fruits and nuts are
extremely beneficial for your heart health.
7. They are also good for your brain

How can we possibly leave behind the benefits of dry fruits and nuts for
the brain? Almonds as well as walnuts are excellent brain foods.

They don’t just help improve your memory but also enhance other
cognitive functions and keep your brain working well. Hence, to stay
sharp, add a few nuts and dry fruits to your daily diet.
8. Are good for your bone health
Did you know that nuts and dry fruits can also aid your bone health?
Almonds, dried figs as well as cashews are actually very good for your
Eating them regularly won’t just improve your bone density but also pre-
vent diseases like osteoporosis.
9. They are also a pretty good source of antioxidants

Antioxidants are essential substances that your body needs to fight off
and prevent the damage caused by free radicals. The damage caused
by free radicals to your cells can often lead to severe diseases such as
cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The good thing is that dry fruits and nuts like dried figs, almonds and
walnuts are loaded with these antioxidants. Moreover, antioxidants also
help delay the signs of ageing.
10. Are good for diabetics

What’s more is that dry fruits and especially nuts are also good for diabetic
people. Since nuts contain essential fats, fiber and minerals such as
magnesium and potassium, they are very good for diabetes.

Almonds, walnuts and cashews are excellent for diabetes patients. Dry
fruits, too, in moderation, are beneficial for them. Isn’t this one of the best
benefits of dry fruits and nuts? Just to mention that pure Himalayan
Shilajit is also a good food that helps in improving the condition of
11. Are helpful in fighting anxiety and depression

Dried fruits and nuts are also anxiety reducing foods. They are loaded with
nutrients that can help ease down bouts of anxiety as well as depression.

All dried fruits and nuts, especially walnuts, almonds and cashews work
very well for this purpose. Whether you suffer from anxiety in general or
feel stressed out at times, don’t forget to add these dry fruits to your diet.
12. Help fight and prevent anemia

One of the best benefits of dry fruits is that eating them is effective in the
prevention as well as treatment of anemia. Since they are a rich source of
iron as well as potassium, eating them helps increase hemoglobin and
blood absorption in the body.
Have walnuts, almonds, cashews, raisins and dried figs for this purpose.
13. Are good for hypertension

Another benefit of eating dry fruits is that they are good for hypertension
as well. Nuts as well as dry fruits are known to lower blood pressure levels
as they contain high levels of magnesium and potassium.

For this purpose, eating almonds, cashews, raisins and dried figs regularly
can help.
14. Eating them can also reduce the risk of certain types of cancers

Several studies have shown that regular intake of dry fruits and nuts is
linked with lower risk of certain types of cancers.
Having almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachios and other dry fruits and
nuts can significantly reduce your risk of colon cancer, lung cancer,
prostate cancer as well as some other cancers. Also, pure organic
saffron is also known to reduce the risk of cancers, so you must try adding
that to your regular diet as well.

15. Are very good for pregnant women

Did you know about the benefits of dry fruits for pregnancy? Since dry
fruits and nuts are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and several other
essential nutrients, they are extremely beneficial for pregnant women.
Being rich in iron, proteins, calcium, fiber, magnesium, manganese,
potassium, healthy fats and antioxidants, a handful of mixed dry fruits and
nuts daily can give pregnant women a boost of health.
16. They are also good for the eyes

What’s more, benefits of dry fruits and nuts also include them being good
for the eyes. Since most nuts and dry fruits are rich in antioxidants, they
can prove extremely beneficial for eye health.
Since they are a very good source of omega 3 fatty acids as well as
vitamin E, nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews are excellent for your
eyes. Eating them regularly can protect your eyes from several diseases.
17. Thyroid can get in control

Another amazing benefit that eating nuts has is thyroid control. Since nuts
like walnuts, almonds are a very good source of healthy fats, they help
with thyroid control.
Black raisins are also helpful when it comes to better thyroid function.
18. Are amazing for your skin

Did you know about the benefits of dry fruits for skin? Well, there are
many! Dried fruits and nuts are loaded with all the essential nutrients that
are needed by the skin.

Walnuts help with skin nourishment, almonds provide sun protection,

cashews help prevent and fight acne and raisins help you achieve flawless
skin. Moreover, since most dry fruits and nuts are rich in antioxidants, they
help keep your skin looking youthful.
19. They are excellent for your hair

Along with your skin, dry fruits and nuts are also excellent for your hair.
Most nuts are full of proteins as well as healthy fats, both of which help
with great hair.
By including almonds, walnuts and pistachios in your daily diet, you can
improve your hair health. They help strengthen your hair, prevent hair fall
and make hair shiny.

20. Delay signs of ageing

This is one of the most amazing benefits of dry fruits. Since almost all
dried fruits and nuts are a very rich source of antioxidants, they help delay
the signs of ageing.
Along with helping in fighting free radical damage, antioxidants are also
known to delay the signs of ageing. This means delayed wrinkles and
youthful skin for longer.
21. Benefits of dry fruits with honey

To reap more benefits, you can also have dry fruits with honey. The
goodness of honey combined with the goodness of dry fruits will ensure
more antioxidants, better immunity, better cardiovascular health and

The Disadvantages Of Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are a healthy addition to your diet, but if you don't control your
portions, they may have adverse effects on your weight. Portion sizes
are small, usually about 2 tablespoons, so snacking straight from the bag
may lead to overeating. Read the nutrition facts labels on your favorite
dried fruits. Avoid varieties that have added sugar or that are sweetened
with fruit juice, to minimize excessive calorie and sugar intake.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Dried fruits are high in fiber. You need fiber in your diet to improve
regularity and promote bowel health, but too much fiber bothers your gut,
especially if you do not normally consume high-fiber foods. Dried fruits
may cause you to have gas, abdominal cramping, bloating, constipation
or possibly diarrhea. Avoid these negative effects by keeping your dried
fruit intake to a small amount each day or split your portion into two
separate servings. If you need to boost your fiber intake, slowly increase
it over a period of several weeks. Have an extra one or two pieces of
dried fruit every couple of days, as tolerated, until you are able to eat a
full serving without having gastrointestinal upset.
Increased Calorie Count

Because the water has been removed from dried fruit, they are denser
and less filling (and easier to overeat) than their whole fruit counterparts.

Because of this, when you eat dried fruit, you may be taking in signific-
antly more calories than if you reach for whole fruit instead. For example,
a single serving of grapes, or approximately one cup, contains 150
calories. On the other hand, one cup of raisins, which are dried grapes,
contains approximately 520 calories. Because of this, a standard serving
size for raisins is one-fourth cup.

You can include dried fruit into your diet plan and stay within your calorie
needs, but you have to be extra mindful of how much you're eating.
Tooth Decay

Dried fruits have natural sugar in the form of fructose, which is fruit sugar.
Some types of dried fruits are coated in additional sugar to keep moisture
levels to a minimum and to prevent the dried fruit from sticking to each
other. Sugar is one of the main contributors to tooth decay. Sticky foods,
such as dried fruits, are especially harmful because they stick to your
teeth, forcing the sugar to stay on the teeth for a longer period of time.
Minimize your risk of tooth decay by drinking water while snacking on
dried fruit. Brush and floss your teeth as soon as possible after eating to
remove the sugar from the surface of your teeth.

Sugar Crash

Some dried fruits, especially sugar-coated varieties, are high on the

glycemic index. The scale rates foods from 1 to 100. Foods with a high
glycemic index rating cause your blood sugar to surge, making you feel
quickly energized. Unfortunately, once you hit the energy peak, your
blood sugar quickly drops and you may experience a sugar crash, or
sudden fatigue. Raisins are somewhat high on the glycemic index scale,
having a rating of 64, according to Harvard Medical School. Dates are
right in the middle of the glycemic index. Prunes are one of the few dried
fruits that have a low glycemic index rating. This type of dried fruit has a
rating of 29 on the scale.

Dehydration Methods
People have practiced food preservation since ancient times. Many folkta-
les describe ways of preserving foods in one way or another according to
local and cultural traditions. Dehydration Methods help to prevent food
from spoilage and to maintain it for a longer period of time while keeping
it suitable for consumption. Reducing the amount of water in fruits helps
prevent bacteria, yeast or fungi from growing on them. There are several
processes that can be used in the production of dried fruit, each of which

affects its appearance, rehydration properties, and nutrients differently.
These drying processes include sun drying, tray (air) drying, and vacuum
microwave drying. Each process has its own benefits and disadvantages.
Sun drying

Sun-dried apricots in a mountain-slope orchard

of Turkey
This process uses sun-exposure as its thermal source, combined with
natural airflow. It is also a traditional drying method to reduce the moisture
of fruits by spreading under the sun. Warmer temperatures evaporate the
moisture and lower humidity allows moisture to move quickly from the fruit
to the air. However, there are many disadvantages associated such as
the longer time required to dry, hot climate and daylight, and risk of
invasion by animals and unwanted microorganisms.
Tray drying
A tray dryer is similar to a convection drier, which is placed in enclosed
insulated chambers and trays on top of each other in the tray. Input
materials are batch fed, placed in trays and loaded into ovens for drying.
Dryers are used in processing where drying and heating is an important
part of the industrial manufacturing process, like dried fruits. Tray drying
means dehydrating small pieces of fruits from a source of hot dry air or
the sun until it is dry enough to store at ambient temperature with minimal
spoilage. Despite its poor re-hydration properties and shrunken appearan-
ce, this process requires a short period of time along with controlled
humidity and heated air.
Freeze drying
Freeze-dried is a special form of drying that removes all moisture and has
less effect on the taste of food than normal dehydration. Freeze drying is
a water removal process commonly used to preserve pear material, the
fruit is placed in a vacuum chamber in low heat to increase shelf life. This

process works by freezing the material, then reducing the pressure and
adding heat to neutralize the frozen water in the material. Unlike the other
drying methods, this method allows the dried mango to retain its shape,
retain the highest color value, and provide a great rehydration property
despite its high costs. Foods that contain adequate amounts of water are
very easy to work with and will maintain their initial shape after the freeze-
drying process is complete.
Vacuum microwave drying
The microwave generates a specific amount of energy, easily shortening
the drying time. In addition, the boiling point of water is lowered under
vacuum, causing a high temperature inside the dried particles on the
surface of the product. Microwave vacuum drying is a dehydration process
that uses microwave radiation to generate heat at full pressure (chamber
pressure). During vacuum drying, high-energy water molecules propagate
to the surface and evaporate due to low pressure. Due to the absence of
air, vacuum drying inhibits oxidation and maintains the color, texture and
taste of dried products. This device can improve the quality of products
and the equipment can prolong the shelf life of food, preserve the original
taste and nutrients of food, maintain physical activity of raw materials,
enhance the function of healthy food and increase the value of agricultural
products can do. This method provides better flavor retention, greater
rehydration, least nutrient loss and least color change among another
thermal drying along with a faster drying rate compared to freeze drying.
Vacuum microwave not only dries the mango quickly, it also reduces the
amount of fibers and the microorganisms present in the pulpy part of the
fruit. The fruit taste is distorted at some rate. The vacuum drying also
reduces the amount of water contained and in a closed environment no
other microorganism can enter into the fruit.

Types of dry fruits

There are many types of dried fruits in the world but we introduce some
of them.

almonds are a widely consumed dry fruit as it has many health advantage-
es. Almonds are great for both adults and kids since they are rich in
vitamin E, essential oils, and antioxidants.

•Almonds are rich in proteins, fiber, and nutrients. They also help you lose
weight and maintain good skin and hair.

•Almonds lower cholesterol risk.

•Almonds can manage blood sugar levels.

•Excessive consumption of almonds might result in symptoms such as

nausea, diarrhea, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, etc.


The peanut also known as the groundnut, goober (US), Pindar (US) or m-
onkey nut (UK), is a legume crop grown mainly for its edible seeds. It is
widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, important to both small and
large commercial producers. It is classified as both a grain legume and,
due to its high oil content, an oil crop.
World annual production of shelled peanuts was 44 million tons in 2016,
led by China with 38% of the world total. Atypically among legume crop
plants, peanut pods develop underground rather than above ground. With
this characteristic in mind, the botanist Carl Linnaeus gave peanuts the
specific epithet hypogaea, which means "under the earth".

Peanuts contain a high percentage of calories in peanuts. Protein support-

s bone health while promoting muscle growth and helping to increase
muscular mass. Peanuts include nutrients like vitamin B1, niacin, and

folate that are necessary for a healthy brain. It raises healthy cholesterol
while decreasing bad cholesterol.
Walnuts provide a lot of protein and fiber, which helps people stay at a
healthy weight. Walnuts aid in the body’s improved absorption of calcium
in bones. Walnuts can help with diabetes. Consuming walnuts can lower
your risk of Type II diabetes. Slow metabolism may benefit from a boost
from walnuts. They aid in digestion, growth, development, and other
metabolic functions and are rich in vital fatty acids.

Alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid, two monounsaturated fatty acids

abundant in walnuts, are among them. They support a normal lipid supply.
Levels of bad cholesterol are reduced, while those of good cholesterol are
raised. They aid in lowering high blood pressure as well.

Dry and fresh Cashews

Cashews are one of the most widely consumed nuts in the entire world.
They aren’t just delicious but also come with a host of health benefits.
Cashews grow on long and tall trees that often grow as high as 46 ft. The
fleshy fruit that grows on this tree is called the ‘cashew apple’ and has a
kidney-shaped seed attached to it. The seed, after doing a few processes
on it, is what becomes the cashew nut. Today, India is one of the major
producers of cashews in the world.

Health Benefits of eating cashews and nutritional information

 Cashew nuts are rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, magnesium, mangane-
se copper, zinc, phosphorus as well as some other minerals and vitamins

 They also contain beneficial plant compounds like antioxidants that are
extremely essential in protection against damage caused by the free
 The fats that are present in cashews are actually very good for your heart
health. They are known to reduce the bad cholesterol or LDL in your body
while maintaining the good cholesterol or HDL levels.
 Eating cashew nuts also helps with weight management.
 Since cashews are a rich source of copper, eating them will promote bone
 Cashews are also good for your eye health.
 Eating these nuts regularly will also boost your skin health.
 Cashews are also good energy boosters.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots

these are some delicious dry fruits. Dried apricots aren’t just sweet and
delicious but eating them also has numerous health benefits.
Apricots grow on small trees that grow up to as high as 39 feet. The apricot
fruit is quite similar to a peach in terms of appearance and is yellowish to
orange in color with often a red tinge. The beautiful orange colored
apricots are sun-dried. Since the apricot fruit is dried to make dried
apricots, the dried version of apricots is much more nutrient-dense as
compared to the fruit.

Health Benefits and Nutritional Information of Apricots

 Dried apricots are a very good source of potassium, iron, fiber and A, C
and E vitamins.

 Being rich in beta carotene, vitamin E as well as A, dried apricot is very
good for your eye health.
 Dried apricot is also extremely beneficial for your overall skin health.
Eating it regularly promotes skin health and enhances its appearance.
 Apricots also contain many antioxidants and thus, eating them is
beneficial to keep several diseases like diabetes and heart ailments at
 Dried apricots are also known to improve bone mineral density.
 Owing to their excellent nutritional profile, eating dried apricot is extremely
beneficial for pregnant women.

Dry figs

Dry figs aren’t just a treat to the taste buds but also a treat for your entire
Figs belong to the Mulberry family and grow on the Ficus trees. These
figs, after being dried out, result in dried fig. Dried figs are commonly
grown in Kashmir, Afghanistan, the United States, Iran, Spain, Greece
and Turkey.
Kashmiri and the Kabuli Variety of dried Figs are considered to be better
in quality. But the production in Afghanistan far outnumbers that harvested
in Kashmir.

Health Benefits and Nutritional Information of Dry Figs

 Dry fig is rich in nutrients like magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper
and calcium.

Since dried figs are also a good source of fiber, they are quite helpful in
weight management.
 Eating dry figs daily is extremely good for your digestion and will boost
your digestive health. If you suffer from issues like constipation or
indigestion, dry figs are one of the best things that you can have.
 Being a very good source of potassium, eating fig also helps in lowering
blood pressure. For those suffering from high BP, adding fig to diet can
be quite beneficial.
 This dry fruit is also very good for your heart health as it helps the heart in
multiple ways by lowering the triglycerides, lowering blood pressure and
keeping heart diseases away.
 Also a good source of calcium, dried figs are known to promote bone
 Dry figs also help boost reproductive health and are known to prevent
hormonal imbalances.
 What’s more, dried figs are actually amazing for diabetics as well as eating
them helps balance blood sugar levels.


Some health boosters come in small packages. Even though they are bite
sized, they are actually full of goodness. Pistachios are one of the most
loved nuts in the entire world because of their delicious taste.
These tiny green-colored nuts that are encased in a hard shell belong to
the cashew family. They are a little salty, crunchy and extremely delicious-
making them one of the most sought after nuts.

Health Benefits and Nutritional Information of Pistachios
 Pistachios are a natural source of the healthy fats, proteins, Vitamin B6,
fiber, thiamin, manganese, copper and phosphorus.
 Pistachios are also quite high in antioxidants, making them beneficial for
your overall health and staying away from several chronic diseases.
 Again, owing to pistachio’s antioxidant content, eating them provides
protection against heart diseases as well as several types of cancers.
 Being high in fiber, pistachios promote healthy gut bacteria and help keep
your digestive system in the best health.
 Eating pistachios regularly can also help keep your blood sugar, blood
pressure and cholesterol levels in check.
 Pistachios are also low in calories. Also, eating just a few of them can
keep you satiated for long. Eating them may also aid you in weight loss.
 Being rich in proteins and antioxidants, pistachios are also beneficial for
good skin and hair health.

Raisins (dry grapes)

Raisins are basically nature’s candies. Made from grapes, they are sweet
and delicious. So, raisins are also often referred to as dry grapes. Raisins
or Dry Grapes are very popular in Afghanistan as well as in other parts of
the globe.
After carefully harvesting the grapes, they are left to dry out. This process
of drying reduces the moisture content in them and they become small
and wrinkled. Since the moisture has been reduced from these grapes,
the dry grapes or raisins actually contain nutrients in concentrated form.

Health Benefits and Nutritional Information of Raisins/Dry Grapes
 Raisins are a very rich source of antioxidants and iron. They also contain
several other minerals and vitamins that are essential for overall health.
 Dry Grapes are known to aid in digestion. If you suffer from any stomach
related issues, make sure to add them to your diet.
 Since they are a very good source of iron, eating raisins will help your
hemoglobin and also help in the prevention and treatment of anemia.
 The antioxidants in raisins are also known to keep your eyes in the best
 Eating raisins also promote oral and dental health.
 Having a high content of antioxidants in them, raisins are good for your
overall health. They help in preventing and fighting the damage that is
caused to your body by free radicals.
 Eating raisins also helps in reducing the bad cholesterol or the LDL in your
 Again, owing to the antioxidant content, raisins are excellent for your skin.
 What’s more, raisins are also beneficial for your bone health and
strengthens them.
 Since raisins are full of natural sugar, eating them will give you an instant
boost of energy.

Dried Cranberries

dried cranberries are made by dehydrating fresh cranberries. These little

dark red colored berries are extremely delicious. Just the right mix of
sweet and sour, you’d want to keep eating these. These are a true delight
to have.
Apart from their deliciousness, they also come with a number of health
benefits. Since the fruit has been dehydrated and the water content has
been removed from it, the dry cranberries also contain nutrients in
concentrated forms.

Dried Cranberries Health Benefits and Nutritional Information
 They are an excellent source of Vitamins C, E and K.
 These cranberries are also a very good source of fiber, antioxidants and
minerals like manganese and copper.
 Dry cranberries are amazing for treating as well as preventing UTIs or
urinary tract infections.
 Eating them regularly can also significantly reduce your chances of getting
cardiovascular diseases.
 The compounds present in cranberries are known to protect against
degenerative and chronic diseases.
 Also being a good source of dietary fiber, eating these regularly will help
you lose weight.
 The compounds in these cranberries also have effects on cancer cells and
can slow down their growth.
 What’s more, the dried cranberries are also known to enhance oral health.
 Eating these also ensures that your digestive system is in good health as
they improve the good bacteria in your gut.
 Being rich in antioxidants, these dry fruits are also amazing for your overall
skin health.

Banana Chips

Banana chips (sometimes called banana crisps) are deep-fried or dried,

generally crispy slices of bananas. They are usually made from firmer,
starchier banana varieties ("cooking bananas" or plantains) like the Saba
and Nendran cultivars. They can be sweet or savory, and can be covered
with sugar, honey, salt, or various spices.
Banana chips are the only processed banana product with significant
international trade. The main exporter of banana chips worldwide is

the Philippines. Export markets for banana chips are also established
in Thailand and Indonesia.
Fried banana chips are usually produced from under-ripe banana
slices deep-fried in sunflower oil or coconut oil. These chips are dry (like
potato chips), contain about 4% water (table), and can be salted, spiced,
sugar coated or jiggery coated. Sometimes banana flavoring is added. If
ripe dessert bananas are used, they come out soggy. They are used for
desserts, not for dry chips.
Some varieties of banana chips can be produced using only food dehydra-
tion. Banana slices that are only dehydrated are not dark yellow and crun-
chy, but rather are brown, leathery and chewy. They are very sweet and
have an intense banana flavor. These are ideally made from bananas that
are fully ripe. Another kind is made by baking in an oven, although this
process may not result in the same intense banana flavor.
Dried banana chips are 4% water, 58% carbohydrates, 34% fat, and
2% protein. In a 100-gram reference amount, dried banana chips supply
520 calories and are a rich source (20% or more the Daily Value, DV)
of magnesium (21%DV) and vitamin B6 (20%DV), with moderate amoun-
ts of iron, copper, and potassium (10% to 11% DV) (table). Other micron-
utrients are in negligible amounts of the Daily Value (see nutrition table).
The Philippines is, by far, the main exporter of banana chips worldwide. It
exports large quantities to more than 30 countries, including the United
States, Canada, the European Union, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Ch-
ina, and Russia. The annual revenue for banana chip exports of the
Philippines was approximately $35 million in 2009.There are many
variants of banana chips in the Philippines, from traditional dishes
like pinasugbo to modern versions coated in cheese powder. Banana
chips in the Philippines are made predominantly from Saba or Cardava
bananas, with the latter preferred for commercial banana chips due to
their larger sizes. For domestic production and home cooking, they are
made directly by deep-frying fresh sliced bananas. For commercial
banana chips for the export market, the main method of production is
through osmotic dehydration followed by deep frying at 375 °C (707 °F)
in coconut oil for 1 minute. The resulting chips are distinctively light-


A dried fruit is fruit from which the most of the its natural water has been
removed naturally, through sun draying, or by the use of specialized
dryers or dehydrators.

Nowadays, dried fruits consume widely by the people in all over the world.
Almost half of dried fruits sold are raisins, followed by dates, figs, almonds
apricots, peaches, apples, pistachios and pears.
Dried fruits retain most of the nutritional value of fresh fruits. The specific
nutrient content of the different dried fruits reflects their fresh counterpart
and the processing method.
The very first recorded mention of dried fruits can be found in Mesopotam-
ian tablets dating to about 1500 BC, which contain what are probably the
oldest known written recipes.

The date palm was one of the first cultivated trees. It was cultivated and
used in Mesopotamia more than 5,000 years ago.
Figs were also used as an important dry fruit at the beginning in ancient
Mesopotamia, Palestine, Israel, and Egypt where their daily use was
probably greater than or equal to that of dates.
they were also extremely popular in Rome. Dried figs were added to bread
and formed a major part of the winter food of country people.

Grape cultivation first began in Armenia and the eastern regions of the
Mediterranean in the 4th century BC. Raisins were produced by drying
grapes in the hot desert sun.
Today, dried fruit is produced in most regions of the world, and consumes
widely in all cultures and demographic segments.
In the United States, Americans consumed an average of 1 kg of dried
fruit in 2006. Raisins formed for about two thirds of this.
Now California produces the largest percentage of the US and the
world's dried fruit crop.

Turkey exported 1.5 billion dollars of dried fruit in 2021 and became the
world's largest exporter of dried fruit.
dry fruits and nuts are in fact they are full of several essential nutrients.

One of the best benefits of dry fruits and nuts is that they give you more
energy and strength.

Most dry fruits and nuts are a very good source of fibers, proteins, calcium,
iron, antioxidants etc. and all of these nutrients come together to help build
better resistance against diseases.

Walnuts help with skin to become strong and fresh, almonds provide sun
protection, cashews help prevent and fight acne and raisins help you
achieve flawless skin.

By including almonds, walnuts and pistachios in your daily diet, you can
improve your hair health. They help strengthen your hair, prevent hair fall
and make hair shiny.

Although dry fruits have a lot of benefits sometimes if you eat and used
them a lot it is harmful for you.
Dried fruits are high in fiber. You need fiber in your diet to improve
regularity and promote bowel health, but too much fiber bothers your gut,
especially if you do not normally consume high-fiber foods.
Because the water has been removed from dried fruit, they are denser
and less filling (and easier to overeat) than their whole fruit counterparts.
Because of this, when you eat dried fruit, you may be taking in signific-
antly more calories than if you reach for whole fruit instead.

Dried fruits have a lot of natural sugar and sweetness and when eat it lot
it can damage your teeth.
Sticky foods, such as dried fruits, are especially harmful because they
stick to your teeth, forcing the sugar to stay on the teeth for a longer
period of time. Minimize your risk of tooth decay by drinking water while
snacking on dried fruit. Brush and floss your teeth as soon as possible
after eating to remove the sugar from the surface of your teeth. And also
eating a lot of dry fruits can find sugar blood for which this is from one
the daggers diseases nowadays in the world.

There are four types of drying processes include sun drying, tray (air)
drying, freeze drying, and vacuum microwave drying. Each process has
its own benefits and disadvantages.

The sun drying process uses the heat of the sun to dry the fruits, and it is
an ancient drying method. It is also a traditional drying method to remove
the natural water of fruits by putting them under the this method
you need for longer, hot climate and daylight to dry the fruits.

Tray drying process is similar to a convection drier, which is placed in

enclosed insulated chambers and trays on top of each other in the tray.

One the benefit of this method is not requiring more time to dry the fruits.
Freeze-dried is a special form of drying that removes all moisture and has
less effect on the taste of food than normal dehydration. Freeze drying is
a water removal process commonly used to preserve pear material, the
fruit is placed in a vacuum chamber in low heat to increase shelf life. In
this method you don't need for more heat to dry the fruits.

The microwave generates a specific amount of energy, which helps to

reduce the drying time.

Microwave vacuum drying is a dehydration process that uses microwave

radiation to generate heat at full pressure (chamber pressure). During
vacuum drying, high-energy water molecules propagate to the surface
and evaporate due to low pressure. Due to the absence of air, vacuum
drying inhibits oxidation and maintains the color, texture and taste of
dried products. This method provides better flavor retention, greater
rehydration, least nutrient loss and least color change among another
thermal drying along with a faster drying rate compared to freeze drying.

The vacuum drying also reduces the amount of water contained and in a
closed environment no other microorganism can enter into the fruit.

Today there are many types of dried fruits in the world, and the people
use different methods to dray these fruits so they are: walnuts, peanuts,
pistachio, almonds, dates, raisons and dry figs which is very popular in
Afghanistan, and have a high quality. It produces a lot specially in
Kandahar province of Afghanistan.

Cashew is an Indian dry fruit which is called (Kaju) Indian

grows on long and tall trees that often grow as high as 46 ft.
Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews and pistachios are the popular dry
fruits nowadays in the world, and mostly they consume in dried state and
it does not recommend to eat them freshly because they do not have a
better taste in the fresh state.
These dry fruits contain huge amount of fiber, vitamins and nutrition with
themselves, which it can helps the human body to stay strong, fresh and
give more resistant against the different danger diseases like skin cancer
blood pressure, heart attack… so it the important for every human to
know about the importance dry fruits.


Afghan Muslim English Language Institute

My Wise Institute!

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