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O’ level Pakistan Studies

History Timeline
Section 1-3

Date Event Focus points

• EIC landed at Surat in India for trade, but were
British enter India rejected by Jahangir
1612 • Later Shah Jehan gave permission for trade
1703 Birth of Shah Wali-Ullah • A Religious reformer, born in Delhi
• Initiated the decline of Mughal Empire as
1707 Death of Aurangzeb successors fought & no capable ruler came.
• Persian Ruler Nadir Shah invaded India and took
1738 Invasion of Nadir Shah peacock throne
• Attack on Fort William by Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula
1757 Battle of Plassey • Mir Jaffar met with Robert Clive & Siraj-ud-Daula
was defeated
• Ahmed Shah Abdali invaded India and defeated
1761 3rd Battle of Panipat Marathas
• Combined forces of Mir Qasim (Nawab of Bengal)
Shuja-ud-daulah (Nawab of Oudh) and the Shah Alam II
1764 Battle of Buxar (Mughal Emperor)
• Set the foundations of British political rule in India
• Born in Faridpur (Bengal)
1781 Haji Shariat Ullah • He launched Faraizi movement
• This act made the position of Governor General a
1784 Pits India Act royal appointment. Lord Cornwallis was appointed
to this position in 1786
1786 Syed Ahmed Shaheed • Born in Rai Barelvi (near lucknow)
Barelvi • He started Jihad movement
• After series of Anglo-Mysore wars, British captured
1799 Defeat of Tipu Sultan Mysore & defeated Tipu Sultan
• British captured Delhi after it became part of
1803 British capture Delhi Maratha Empire
• Muslim reformer
• laid foundations to Ali Garh movement
1817 Birth of Sir Syed • provided two nation theory
• Removed misunderstandings between Muslims and
Maratha wars with • Maratha lost the Battle in Hyderabad
1818 •
British Last obstacle was removed to rule over India
• Under this policy if the landowner did not have the
1852 Agrarian Policy documents of the land, the land would be
confiscated by british
• Under this policy, if the landlord did not have a
1852 Doctrine of Lapse male heir to be in charge of the land after he died,
the land would be confiscated by british
• Indians against British
• Started from Meerut by Mungal sepoy
1857 War of Independence • Officially ended in 1858 & marked the end of
Mughal Empire
Indian National Congress (INC) • First political party for Indians made by Allen
formed Octavian Hume
1905 Partition of Bengal • Viceroy Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal
Shimla • Muslim delegation under the leadership of sir Agha
1906 Khan went to meet Lord Minto
All India Muslim League
1906 • Muslim League was formed in Dhakka
(AIML) formed
• 1st Reform by British to transfer power to Indians
1909 Morley Minto Reforms step by step
• They planned to bring reforms after every 10 years
Reversal of partition of • Due to Hindus violent actions & an attempt to
1911 assassinate Lord Minto
• Both INC & AIML held their annual session to sign
1916 Lucknow Pact an agreement and work together
• It was Jinnah who brought both parties
• 2nd Reform by British in response to Morley Minto
Montague Chelmsford
1919 Reforms
Reforms • Minor powers were given
• A committee was formed to study the revolutionary
activities under Justice Rowlatt and the act passed
1917 Rowlatt Act in 1919
• Public gatherings were banned & others
• Muslims, Hindus & Sikhs ghathered for peaceful
Amritsar demonstration
1919 Massacre/Jallianwala • General Dyer opened fire and killed 400 Indians.
Bagh incident Later he was found guilty, he was removed from
service and sent to England
• Indians fought alongside British
1914-1918 World war 1 • Abolishment of Ottoman Empire in 1920 started
Khilafat movement (1919-1924)
• A meeting was held to send a delegation to
1919 (Nov) 1st Khilafat conference England, pursuing British not to abolish Khilafat
• Khilafat movement & Non-cooperation movement
1919 (Dec) 2nd Khilafat conference were merged
• M. Ali Johar lead the delegation to meet PM Lolyd
1920 Khilafat delegation George, but was refused to accept any proposals of
the Khilafat
• Military services were termed “HARAM”
1920 3rd Khilafat conference • Indians boycotted British schools, government jobs
and products
• Jinnah called Muslim leaders to discuss future
1927 Delhi Proposals constitutional reforms
• 3rd Reform was passed two years earlier as
1927 Simon commission government was changing in England
• In response to Simon commission all parties were
• The report allinated Muslim rights and Jinnah
1928 Nehru Report proposed 3 amendments which were also refused.
This marked the end of any future cooperation
between both parties
• They were in response to Simon commission and
1929 14 points of Jinnah Nehru report. They were also issued to protect the
rights of Muslims
• Idea of separate homeland was presented by Iqbal
1930 Allahabad address in AIML’s annual session
1st Round table • All parties attended the conference except Congress
1930 as they wanted Nehru report to be enforced
2nd Round table • Gandhi refused to accept minority rights and kept
1931 rude behavior throughout the conference
• Muslims accepted the award as it was favorable for
1932 Communal award them
3rd Round table
1932 • It was just a formality
• British concluded Simon commission & RTC’s
1935 Government of India Act main talks and framed the law
• Both parties rejected it
• Congress gain victory over 5 provinces & forming
1936 Elections coalition in 4 provinces
• AIML lost their majority areas
• Cruelties with Muslims
1937-1939 Congress rule • Bande Matram (Hindu national poem)
• Wardha Scheme (Spinning of cotton)
• Congress resigned from ministeries, so on Jinnah’s
1939 Day of Deliverance advice, Muslims observed it as getting rid of
injustices by Congress rule
• On 22nd Mar, Jinnah chaired the meeting to have a
1940 Pakistan Resolution separate state for Muslims
• British wanted Indians to participate in World war 2
and assured to transfer power after war
1940 August offer • AIML wanted separate state & Congress wanted
immediate transfer of power
• 4th Reform by British to give dominion status to
1942 Cripps mission India after war
• Both parties rejected
• Congress passed a civil disobedience in response to
Cripps mission
1942 Quit India Movement • British arrested all prominent leaders of Congress
and AIML stayed neutral
• It was the last biggest Satyagraha by Gandhi
• Both leaders held meetings at Jinnah’s house in
1944 Gandhi-Jinnah talks Bombay from 9-27 Sep
• Jinnah refused to accept Gandhi’s demands
• British invited all parties from India after the war to
1945 Shimla conference leave India peacefully
• Conference failed
145-1946 Elections • AIML & Congress won in their majority areas
• A delegation was sent to frame the future
1946 Cabinet mission constitution
• Cabinet mission was rejected by Congress, so
1946 Direct action day AIML asked Muslims for strike and show their
strength for a separate homeland
• Lor Mountbatten (last viceroy) was sent to form a
solution. After it was approved by British it was
1947 3rd June plan announced on 3rd June
• It approved separation of India & Pakistan
• Approved on 15th July
1947 Independence act • Government of India act would be used as
temporary constitution
• On 16th Aug, sir Cyril Radcliffe announced the
Radcliffe Award
1947 boundaries of both states.
(boundary Commission) • Muslim Majority areas were given to India
• 1st Governor General
1947-1948 Quaid-e-Azam • Pakistan became part of UNO
• Faced early problems after partition
• 2nd Governor General
• Objectives resolution
1948-1951 Khuaja Nazim-ud-Din • Basic principle committee
• PRODA (disqualification act)
• Liaquat-Nehru pact signed in 1950
• 3rd Governor General
1951-1955 Malik Ghulam • Strikes to declare Ahmadis as non-Muslims
• 6 year economic plan
• Dismissed Khuaja Nazimuddin
• In Aug 1955 fell ill and resigned
• 4th Governor General
• Introduced One-unit scheme
• He made Pakistan’s 1st constitution
• He dismissed five prime minsters and appointed
1955-1958 Iskandar Mirza Ayub khan
• Due to economic crises, he imposed 1st martial law
and later Ayub khan forced him to resign and leave
• Capital shift to Islamabad
• Indus water treaty signed in 1960
• U2 spy plane incident
1958-1969 Ayub Khan • 1965 war
• Tashkent declaration signed in 1966
• Sheikh Mujeeb’s six points in 1966
• 1st General elections in 1970
1969-1971 Yahya Khan • War of 1971
• Separation of East Pakistan
• Shimla agreement signed with India & POW
1971-1977 Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto returned to Pakistan
• New constitution was enforced on 14th Aug 1973
• 2nd OIC held in Lahore in 1974
• Nationalization policy
• Execution of Bhutto in 1977
• Soviet-Afghan war in 19179
• Movement of Restoration of Democracy
• National referendum on Islamization in 1984
1977-1988 Zia-ul-Haq • Martial law lifted and Constitution of 1973 restored
in 1984
• Ojhri camp disaster in 1988
• Zia’s plane crash on 17th Aug 1988
1988-1990 Benazir’s 1st Tenure • Visited U.S.A and acquired 60 F-16 planes in 1989
• In 19991, Shariat bill was passed
• Cooperative societies scandal
1990-1993 Nawaz’s 1st Tenure • BCCI scandal in 1991
• Klashankov culture
• Pressler amendment was removed
• Pakistan sent 5000 soilders to Somalia by UN
1993-1996 Benazir’s 2nd Tenure • Train march by Nawaz
• Murtaza Bhutto killed at his residency in 1993 in a
police ambush
1997-1999 Nawaz’s 2nd Tenure • 8th amendment repealed
• In 1997, he was accused of corruption charges and a
mob stormed into the court during hearing
• Series of Nuclear tests carried out in 1998
• Pervaz Musharraf started war at Kargil
• Nawaz orders to replace Musharraf, but was exiled
to Saudia Arabia

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