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7 Weta Ue te 8 eS PEE eey 1 Understand the overall reaction of aerobic respiration as siting ofthe respiratory substrate to release carbon ‘oxide asa waste product and reuniting hycrogen with atmospheric oygen wih the release of large amounts of energy. 1 Uncerstand that respation isa multistep process, with each step controled and catalysed by a specific intraceltdar enzyme, (Names of specific enzymes are not required) The cei f al xganis need energy wo beak and maka bonds ‘rng hee! econ tht Ie to promt eprodctcn andthe mamenance of He Auterophieerganisrs mabe their ‘um ecu ty phtosythes: hetero orgasms ‘at and igen other ogni The ary inthe chia onde ofthe cod swarterred to the bonds in ATP (adenine trshosphae rng celia esraton Tes proves the nergy forall oter metabo reaction al hs ime oe ig A) EXAM HINT, ‘Many tude forge at las need espe Photosynth s ‘totam aerate al ng things eed torent AEN Hie WHAT IS CELLULAR RESPIRATION? Cellar respiration the proces by which he ent rom food moles tans o ATP ce Section BA.) The aubetance that a broken down called the respiratory substrate The main espatrysubstate used by cls pncose ‘Aerobic respiration the ype of celular oseiration hac aes Plc the presence of cx. The ovral enton of aerobic Fespatcnivlvesteskng down fhe resptatory tate wo reas erbon doce asa waste protic ons ranting hyerogen ‘ran stmasphese agen ofr weer wh fe lace o nse ‘nouns of energy The vohune of oxygen ised andthe vane fearon dade progced change depending on thee ct ctv the organism the type foe berg espied and oer ‘Stora ater: sch as tempera (oe Section 7A.2) Aerobie reapation of ghcoe usu sunonaied a fons CiHi.0, +60, — 600, + 64,0 + ATP) AH = 20801 cece + agen — catbon dase + water ATP) ‘AH = 2280 EXAM HINT arenber at hsisa ver snpiiod verso of esprabon isnot fe Ste eso glen ep ATP provides realy transferable enengy oral cellar resections In Seetion 58.1, you earned tat tha thre phosphate bod o ATP molecu can beroken nares reaction. eaased bythe oneyme ATPase (20g), Ths pode energy fos cter ‘hemicel eactions na cel The est adenine iphoephte (ADP] anda ie inorganic phosate reup(P) For every mole (of ATP hydrojees about 03H of energy side vale Some ofthis ena is wasted toe enorme, warming t tp bu the wc aval ray bloga ety tur reqs hosshorlation of ADPta ATP salsa eased ATPase end ‘equrs 2031) of energy sks 4648 Torun yschstP anh enyaii ATP cannot bo stoedin the body in larg amounts Tha a erat make ATP ee slo ays eal the Compound is made whan Es needed. However nce all te raw ‘more ATP made Tis schsere when oper mort sesin ater deat (se Section 6C.2} The conractng poten othe ‘ces cannot work and the muses become gid ae ear ‘espration ops and ATP production ends |AN OUTLINE OF AEROBIC RESPIRATION The sme equation gon abo for aecbic respitcn doesnot show thatthe caret process notes many tps. ivaves a ‘complex se of reat which are ain in fig A Bg Asn rc te many pp Aerobic restion occurs in two cst pases. The fst ae cal habs and docs not ‘eae agen be Setion 7.2) THs ete he epratry sutras begs freak down and thenolcle are prepared frenzy no he second sage ofthe process Asal mnt of ATP 8 rode Tho second ot cf actions scaled he Keb cyte and needs cay (ne Setion TA) "Te ink eacton mows the prductsf helix the Krebs ce andthe lecron anspor chan Eachstepf the processof aco is cotole by a speci ntracellar nayre, so my ifr enses ae ircived Te rate ths reacton i cotalled by ning hese exes, ‘sly by ober chen it the reaction chin Mos onpnams depend on aerobic resiaon which mens they need the presence of oxen to alow the espitery proceso cecur and provi hem wih suliar nowy to sre. They ay beable to cope wha temporary lack of cxygen, but cl oa very short tine Sore egansns (cals beutsie anaerobes) can suvne without oxigen hay can lyon ansteic respon ecesary Thee are afew groups of organisms cle late anaerbes) hat eannot se arygen all and may ever bale (coe gD Loe RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT WHERE DOES CELLULAR RESPIRATION TAKE PLACE? {lycotsistes part ofthe espatry pata and is ot associated with ary parca call oraz The ery contoling geal af aud inthe etplasn All he ober stages Many dens forge atthe yr esprato ie nk ection. Krebs eele nd the eco wasp da woe fn patel repel 2 7 . seme teresa, POdncing ATP] occurs the mitotondia DontforgettaronytheAsyou leaned n Seton 34.2 (BoDK I: LAS), tochord re ley age pune wth robe sige take pacenthe cml interrl struct, They havea Goube membrane nd the ner one forme nar toca. as cabled ersae (ce ig) The matic ofthe mtcchondion conars the enzymes ofthe Kree cel. andthe cristae carry he staked parties associated with ATP sybils The nunber fof miochondaia ina cl tls youhow aeive the cl is Cals wa very ow ene requremans large numbers of mitochondria in ther cytoplasm for example, muscle and liver call ‘THE HYDROGEN ACCEPTORS Simpl represensions of clr repraion suggest tat ATP is preducd a are rosa te CE ver pone unis sextecse oe he Ao pone uingeehr option ‘Smade though sere of exdaton and reduction excons inthe electron anor chia OIURG op ou reenter ganic membet Reduction stead of cons to attance ann the cel ths eas for the adon of Rewtsan Sicieon stag bydrogen cx he removal of acy. Oxidation sth emoal of electrons fom a substance ad ary miescae compound hat has angen added, ce ndogon or lates removed ovsod. Ding cts espnton. regen remem compounds and rece a hydrogen acceptor which terete rosued: Tis happens serea ime: during the reactions of respira, 5 you nillear er The iyaroga spl © ge a preter andan election and the cron ‘hen pases long te econ uanspor chun A seas of Unkodaidaton and vedio ed) ‘esctons ceeus Each eda etc releases sal amour of energy wich sad to dive he syathesisf «molecule of ATP (xe Section TA ‘Te mest commen drogen ceeptor in ale repletion is MAD (nicotinamide adenine Ainucleodie) NAD sa costzyne a sal molec tha assists in enamels reactions. ‘When NAD scoape sagen stor em a mtaboli pata, becomes redoces to frm reduced NAD. FAD (Ravin edenine dinucleotide) another corajme gen carr I ‘Secepis hydrogen om reduced NAD and forms rediced FAD, Each bine ths happens molecule ot [ATPis created inthe process Pn FINDING OUT ABOUT CELLULAR RESPIRATION ‘We have gracually devlopd our understanding of he proces of respon ever the yeas. Atte begining oer bsed tor each on whole anl ad plats Now we cosa the wore the eel of very sacl bagments We can work at seve! beaut of the evidence made ‘alate by technsgy soc asthe electron micteoope We ned to understand the oct: hat sfc te ree of respration an exact how ard where the reactions occur within the cl. TW ‘amples are genbaow. INVESTIGATING FACTORS AFFECTING THE RATE OF RESPIRATION (USING WHOLE ORGANISMS) leit ahrays cay to domensrate the rat of celular espa without sophisticated biochomical techiques desig o messi the ate in oad cell organalles However fa cool 2 esprometer can ie some Vue ntrmaaicn abet the rate of celular respeatien. Ths Instrument menses te upiheo oye (the unt use othe up of eaten se (he quantity reduce) by whole orgasms. Abasi resptemeer consis of a sed chamber ito which no ar can ener an wich coms ne or move ving organises, suchas germinating seeds se fg F). You can we a chemical (sual Seca mae pozssium hye) 1 abr te carbon ade preduced by resprsion. Theo tary charges 2 volume wb cased by the uptake of axygen he cegansns As the egal: ‘se oxygen the prssure reduces and othe Mun the manometer moves ‘ovars the tbe ‘conainng the gins Usrg he syringe. you can measure fe vlure of gs ye eed to return the manometer to noma. You can ten ue th measurement to calle te nae of oxen pet ‘itech ves you an apport respiration rata x te organs @ torah) 0) eee sea a ee 1 ont = — a — ican, ‘ou can change he cera condos (2g temperature) and measure the eet on he ate of respeation by cory changes nthe Uptake of cajgen. Ths sample apart has obvious Tatatons bu you can use to pt an ovealimprsson of the rae of espraon of puis under een conatons INVESTIGATING THE SITE OF AT SYNTHESIS (USING CELL FRAGMENTS) ‘ou canimestipt respation at te cela evel ina umber of way + Youn break open cells and cenrifuge the comets © ota a Faction coming just ‘mochona I these are hep upped wah ucose and aye, hey wl reduce ATP + Using higsesolving elcton microscopes, you can seta the stace of the Ine merbeane ofthe mrachodran ls consedin cat paced sald parle Thate porte a gesy reeesed face ao, wich an el ste for enzymes work thoes RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT thereto the mitochondrial structure. Scr have demonstrated that ATP sythess only occurs hho Ths are ther ence prove tha he sak pares ae val thf ot ATP Cu 1. Spiny cellar repabon such an impor reaton 2d IO, 60, --€C0, +6H0+ ATP Trsequaton's ones ge athe eatin of aero respraton Ean he sens Tmestne of epee sees epraton nt ay 2.) pin non expromsr are redline thy can a vs sbot cell respiration, D eyes ne maple aapacasinngoepar nehy Be wou deer moe 4 Suzie lindt ents tance ety ete he asin gle SE celular repraion he proce by wen ood bak oun ie ATP sour fener or rmetabotereacton) ‘eipatory surat the bance ued ae al and onde during cel epaton erotic respiration the orm of la esate ha ocisintemtachondn he eseneo ‘aed parte stuctres onthe nner mitochon membrane whe ATE prodcton ccs reduction te adn of elatonstoa sistance og by he aden hydogen or rerealt onsen) Cidton he removal of devs rom asustance(eg byte adeno oxygen femoral here) drogen acceptor arciecde which eves ystogen an becomes edvedincaliocemisty [NAD iotinanie aceine node) acoeraye that as asa hyrogen aczpor revced NAD HAD ich as cena a yaogen tana metabo pathway FAD ain adenine neo) a hyroer carr acon eldar espa, AD eves Ieiage fom rece FAD cag te prosacon ATE respiometer apace of apart red for messing the at eatin hol ogi or PAC A URS Stee SO Po PEE eey 1 Uncestan the roles of cols in aerobic and anaercbic respiration including the phosphoryaton of hexoses the production of ATP by substrate level phosphoryation, and the praduction of reduce coenzyme, pyrite and lactate 1 Understand what happens to lactate after perio of anaerobic respiration in animal. Inti sation. you wl oak athe der tago ofthe lochamsty of eallrresatonseparrely an then conser the oferl proces. Ths wil mal easier to understand wnat s ‘oe conunuous process The hast stage s gleolyis. In avai, {2 eatbon (lice molecules roe oto mec of tho sexton (6¢) comecuné pyruvate ina sees of 10 reactors “The pyruvate fons produced ty ghyecdss can eter be wed sce respusien cr sneroie eston GLYCOLYSIS Gc 'augar breakdown takes plc nthe cytorass of thecal. The an sages of pclae shown = Jc: | oo: Gucese is Gearon (6C supa ahecee The glucose needed for gheasismay come dre ram the ood e ay be poaueed by the breakdown of peoger sores a muscle ander {0s ae Satin 14.3 (Book | TAS), The ftp in loli uses AP to provide the energy to Bosphonlate the 6 sugar gucose adding two phosphate [nous Ths phosphorylation mals to use more eto snd lo males unatie to pass though the ell membrane soit acces rapped win he al. ‘The phosphorylated sugars the bake down og wo molecules of a cate sugar Eachof these mokeuls shan omerted tough seer eps ine a molecu f prruvi at “This ious n souton es pyruvate ons. Durr these reactions ena amount of ATP le prodaeed a flows + Two trogen toms ar removed fom to SC sugars and Collected oy NAD fring esiced NAD Ths cease ttepanm che cal The duced NAD then pases tough the outer mitochondil membrane rote lectron uanspoct char, whch s expand n otal i Section 7A + Asmall amount ef ATP s aso made ect tom he energy ans when the 3C sugars comvetadto pyruvate. The Bhospesyation ofthe supra the begining of cos Fevers when the fal mermediate compound iconerted totert ADP tT? + hee pen of ayn hepa wlenter te riechonn are been fe ebro of he Kies ‘jee I xen ee are one prin ers he ‘Seplan aolicorere i aber ethane (a las and Yeast or lactate narra) wah ateral ATP predced ‘Tiss anaerobie respiration ihe crop ef) Eu ce ea ‘ubsoae lol posphryiion na ‘tise age Pmt seosainion serch meorton eee snojesun meat son ‘erent enon ‘rss 0.0, (fg Tecra teste roc goa oe ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION ‘Anaerobic respiration occu inthe absence of oxygen cis tac peso nga, butte inal products ler between ‘ypesof cpa, NT ‘smorimgortn te ear enumber of eaton star ote ‘feet compounds than he ames! he compen eres ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION IM MAMMALS 1 you do igh ens enerie your musts do ct ceive rough nen fo mest ter ness When hs pens the proicts of ayohlecnnce comin othe serse stags of feller rspten, Te musces eto repre onaeabial, In anaerobic espationn mammals the pyruvate fom gyciyss icometed to ace tid. Ti anther 9C comocnd that tcc orm lactate os and drogen one Arete ‘ian cy produces two moles of ATP per anaes ‘maecale espe In cotra. up to eight ATP males are proctced in hea when pres ean continue nto the Krebs ‘ele. This very wt prodoctn of ATP in anaerobic espation Ie bcause sna tthe redaced NAD sed vo ace pyruate tolbcae rater than eraring the econ uansport chin The Tact moves out ofthe cali the loc Hh:0,261H,0,(+ATP) OH- —150 cose lac aeid(+ ATF) AH ~ ~150I “The ees of lactate an ycogen ons increave during anaerobic respon nthe ules and thease hep ofl ante ail sue becomes acdc It sed tobe thought ths edced the sb te misc o corre othe conraton et therfore and eval Seppe completely Moder esearch tobeaffoctd by lactate ons oto al pH caused by arog Ten appenshat the movement of latte ad yap ons lt the blod om the mca lvers the pH of te ood. whieh arent afets te corsa nervous sym (see Section 88.1) This may reduce nervous sinuaten fom the conta neous system that reduces and evenly stops mse correction Scent hak ths ea occ asptation to give the muscles tie to recover and return o asec respon, which ape to. ras the pHof the blond again. ‘When exerci stops, the vl of lactate inthe bond verain Tigh The lca tac ao mus be axed back vo pyrate toomerthe Krebs cyl and be eprod aocbicaly, pesucing "arom nie water and ATPThe lett case oe fern ‘blood iis converted back wo pyrwate and eared inthe er ‘ls Oxygen needed to ne the priate made om the Sccuulae atte This why yeu soem o eae deeply fersome me er you have finshed exreing You can se these sec Age EXAM HINT Donotoveed the meoranc of amare respaton The ‘eerson of pre oat rete yom om ede sent haba amaercarin paptatueyrentsinayenaetrsasears ‘Smaltimoun ofA TE E RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 1 Ge “Msg arns te deuce bts henge dee Sprintatlees may in up 095% of aracereyng onthe anaerobic respon of tet muscles Lang detance anne have o mana ach higher level of aerobic eapiraion ‘cae thelr muscles couldn continu to wot rte length of ime ese to fish the roce if cae lvls werent pt ‘oa minimum Trang alows shits to get mor oxygon ther muscle faster aa better blood sup develope ato ‘oleae higher eres of leat bere the musdes become ted ‘Wen you ody etpsea repeated to Mgh att ves, mor latte ransporter molecules develop the mitochon ‘membranes A ares lactis recessed to pyre more (qucly when ongen is anaable ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION IN PLANTS AND FUNGI ‘outs wl known for ararcic respiration, with chanel an carbon dade asthe man waste products: This the bai ‘many process in bctechelogy auch a baling leavened bread inthe rot ells ns omzaiing high vl of water When ant ols espe aaerebealy thy also produce ethanol: CithaO. 264101 +200; + ATP) aH =~148h0 ‘Baccee ~ ethan + catton doce (+ ATP) AH~ 144s DISCOVERING THE GLYCOLYSIS PATHWAY ‘ie tock my year to understand he pathy of gals andthe dove soci process of ache ae leaole fermertaon. From th begining yeast rahe than plans has bean sed investigate jc eg) es eto gre Itreprodices apd and tere ae no eticaianus abou sng 2 fungus In adaon yeux contain the enaymes cf gece A fed hss ec meee ntes ES oo Daring hea he aon spar roca by splting cara se resias norm pation Ensyes kno a dehyogoae ie edu e Sactlone 281 37282 (BK 1:1) and ‘isprocss thts Cre Practical 15: Use an aria hydrogen care (edoxindcato © investigate reprationts yest Treas rin of trent ral apenas wich ve ‘hehytogen or prodved daring hye and ching sour ben they rede. They ae called + sear clride (TC} changes for cles ore wher tired + chlrophonoinoprenl OCP: charges om buf clouter une i duce eco diferent erperatres of dfs subsvate conceeators on tera of espraon Youn ‘Ste that of erat py Oy mesg hehe asta oer propa agen (lou Figstovayouthe mentor metnoe Sse Saf Ney proton bnecad or acy ad fet Went ED vcore Sac yobs the et age of ell espation which ecas nthe cpm an common fo both rob and asco pation Pyranteions than producto scl (lrmenttcpinfng anduome pants Ineatelneef eatbon compound [aia which th nd prt of ansererepatnin aro espration he form ef calderespaten ators the apasn when tee no erdrogenatesencyesthat eove hyérogen rom aol rng oso resctns) ‘edoxindators hema whch are clr clous whan ty ove ndedud They can et {Sart hyragn caravan repaint SL) 7A 3THE KREBS CYCLE PEE eey 1 Unclerstand the role ofthe ink reaction and the Krebs cyl in the complete oxidation of glucose and formation of ‘carbon dioxide (CO;) by decarboxylation, ATP by substrate level phosphoryation, reduced NAD and reduced FAD by detycragenation(rames of other compounds are not required) and rat these steps take place in mitochondria, nike gycoiysis which occurs inthe cytopasm. ‘When theeis pleny of oxygen aaa: the pyrate produced asthe end produto areosis fe pare no the mtschonda, nthe mitochon eres the Krebs eyele though te ink tion. The Kebs eye sa sees of biochemical sep tat ads othe complete oan of shecee producing carbon cde, water ad elativay lage amount ef TP. “Lt gyeolya th Kebe ye a process with any tp Exe did tp contol ait catalysed ty a speci itaceler enzyme The recon ofthe cyl ac inthe mat of the ‘itochondren AT producodin te sad parles onthe er mitochondral membcancs {ne presence of oxygen. You wil larn abou the Kies ye but you donor eed tear the dete boshamical tops that ocur Fig A ges yu an ides of us how complex he Krebs eye ‘too t A gh THE LINK REACTION “hiss the ue we somtimes ge tothe rect that ks phoobs tothe Kes cycle The Serio (GC) compound pyruvate cece tous he mtechondial membrane om te eteplamn themiechonti An aemf exon anda melee of cng errand fe pat (Gecaboglten eating the ration ofa abun dade mole nda extbon compere This 2C cmpoundthen ans ath coszyme Aon he corpound acetyl coenzyme A acetyl (Con) Atte same me he preteen gen to NAD deren) sine RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT transport chan prodace ATP (se Seetion 7A) The energy ‘onanedin the ce CoA readin he Krbecye Ename® Called decarboxylases verve cibon dade and eras all enydrogenass remove hog Insurers pyre (30) + CoA + NAD ~+ acetyl CoA (20) + CO, + reduced NAD ‘THE KREBS CYCLE + The 2C any group tem 3031 CoA combines wth 8 ‘ompou ofr 8C compound. At his point thas entered the kret ee + The 6C compound no oon acca sees of reactions During tis cyte, the compound s broken ow na rurber of stages to gh the agin 4C compeund. Tro more ‘molecule andthe eye teins asin, For exch mlecule of pruat that eds into the Krebs ele three melacles of reduced NAD, ene of redid FAD a one TP oe produced. The reduced NAD and sedoced FAD {hen enter the elecuon warsport cain (se Secon € ‘ach moiecul of hice that eres the gh ata the Krebs cyl completed nec becauze the OC glucozo cozue produces two C pate mokecles each of ich pos tg the Rebs eye 1 Summarie the dfeercesetneen the Keb years Brows EXE coon reece make aery forthe col xp Nom th 2. ie oan reason gto BoE Hees eye aseres ol bechercal sesh nds tothe compete ‘onda of pnee ring nthe proditon of oon ded, Str ard eae age amount ATP Tek reaction he acto needed to movethe prio gat inte the eee eye acer coenzyme A acetyl Co) he 2¢ compound proces inthe in teacion wich acs ecto the Kes ec combing witha Conga sido kerma eatbon omar Secroonrtaye tremor eon does ‘dary rogenases rayne ht rove hydrogen om amolcle (Gampositon actor) Bee m DID YOU KNOW? ‘Understanding the Krebs oe Han Kos frst suppatd his ideas forthe nom famous eyo in 127 (ei). Ras th rai Ke’ a ters niga reasoning and expeinetaton the ers Defreand So enapar Inthe peed 1910-20, srl Bachan, tig. Taner, US. Stem and Bae use be eat sess cok when radu show hat Sowers wer mead Fasting Iyrogen aos rom prc erg acts own occur ine cls of finely ehopod anima se In 195, Alert Saat yay reduced soqunc of ezyatic ‘rations showing fe codaton several erga cis rom ‘ice 266, wich We ow know is part of he Krebs cy ‘rons (s0 98) then esate aces of xparments show ‘hat ery crn rare ais were exo als, and tat ‘arian reborn top the odors. Aer much work ‘siggestd te sequence we now now asthe Kes cycle Hs tot important dscover was tha the 2 lecular the 40 oleae combined tome a8 This was missing Tk that alowed him io show tat the process was ace Kes ‘so stowed that al te reactions he sogestad cou ecu aa fast enough te account rte use of yu and eae inte sue which was ready Koen. Tis suggested ats pathy was the ma i the ony, patra rte xiaton ‘toad melee He won te Neel Pre Physio end Medicine in 1053 fr hs orc whch changes pecans eel Bilayer ever, WS Bee PE ey 1 Unerstand how ATP s synthesised by oxidative phosphorylation assocated withthe electron transpoct chal in mitochorda. including the role of chemiosmoss and ATP synthase Oxidative phosphorylation ithe al pects of scot reepition inthe provers, redicod NAD or FAD from eyo nthe Kies yee sed wth eygen to make ATP The process Involves an electron transport chain wichig a sare of {ecuon caer molecules long which decvons em reduced INADor FAD are ransered. At the same time the emsineng Iyetogen ons (pctons) ate used in chemiosmosis to supp the ergy need subi ATP kage ates are removed rm he compounasin eho sche Kee ose, and hprogn atoms inthe end cabin wth taypen ams ta form weer but tema econ that are sed along to carer ast. Tiss why th ejtem sealed the econ ransport chai The hyhogen ons remain in slston You can tino he vaous pas the deco uanspont as ss beng at ile eneray eels The fst menber of the chain isthe highest level and subsequent steps have lower levels Each elecuonspassed dow rom oe energy eve tances deving the proguchon of ATP (ee A) ATP peoducten scales ‘aidatve phosphorylation because ADP is phoshoryated a proces that depends on the presnce of exygen. The laren transport chin model desrbes te sequence of reactions by 4 EXAM HINT, {afl ert ele Roe ee alate ‘eyen sed ntl revere fhe pres iat endo fneeavon anspor on “There ae four main electron crise + Thecoenaymes NAD and PAD eth act eg cepa lorhyaogenrleasd inthe Krebs cyee, One malcueof ATP ispreduced when the FAD i edad and aces hydrogen fromthe reduced NAD wich becones cided inthe process + Cytochromes we peein pment with anon group (eer sla to haemoglobin] wich ar ivaieaineeceon transport They ae reduced econ om reduce FAD nd esuced NAD which are consequent ended again. A molecule of ATP is prodied at his sag {Cytochrome oxidases an eye that ree the sons from the tetromes andi reduced asthe eyochromes ae ‘nied, A mole of ATP sao proce atthe ge, ‘igen ithe ial tydogen acceptor inthe chin, When he ‘ayes edood, wars lxtped ad the chai a an end Asa rout of each molecule ofhyekogen passing along the ‘ecton tanepor cn fom reduced NAD suficen enery ‘elo oak thee molecu of ATP When the bydgen ‘rer the cn orn reduced FA only two odes of TP EXAM HINT Yes red to fen the ames NAD ane FAD. Yu dont rei tow ‘tomames ofthe oar elas cies the can bmp carer carrer 3 WHERE IS ATP ACTUALLY MADE? ‘lyctss occur in the cal cytoplasm and the her sages tt resleton occu inthe tochondia The nc reacion ‘an Krebs ce occur nthe matic ofthe mitochon. The ‘ecton ranspor chin ard ATP production occur onthe inner ‘membrane of te meochendra wie fled up form he ste pd alarge surface area The surface of te cre ed wth cosa packed led patos wn soem tbe ‘hese of the ATPase ermes. "THE CHEMIOSMOTIC THEORY OF ATP PRODUCTION In 06, Pater Mitchel fi deere he nen the Cae 173 proton of ATP He called ithe cemloumatie theory Te har exo wht happenso the Freee ns rotons) hat rein ae the econ re passed along the decton easport cha, end how te meverent of he gen iis nto ha production ATP ache propose shat hyagen ns se stv uanspored ao the space beeen he aera cuter mitochondrial membranes sng te energy provid asthe lector pss along the wansport fain se fg). The aco wanspor ofthe hyogen ons ares te ner membrane ess ‘fern iyogen on concentration on each sie of the ine: membrane. The membrane space has afigerconcetaton of hydege ons than the matic there a oncenationgadent across the membrane As result of the dere ycgen on concentration tees also pt {cent Andbecasee posite hyogen on are concen in he memane spac, her san ‘ecvocherca gradient toa ce msc AAMARAAALAAA WEA A fi ‘iecrine eo ll Tea =m ii a q VW Nr ae * ay SZ ees a fe cron tmepon ra They moraine wetugh papa ‘At tee factor mean hale ogee tend oe bait thematic The ony way Shjeanmeetce te rts re pape ok Tan rs enh aes Meat parr fart andi an ATPate rayne asocaed wih. Ashe og one move song her YUAN IO IAS ‘Scent conination and gens though hue pees he egy euuedto ete edge Yunayred Ste ot ATW Thee oct ound al ng ting Eovaat eat) How muon ar cameo? \eseeeeeereeet {Giycots contual feds note Krebs cee, ae the centro of the whele proces depends cn ‘atlous enzymes andthe levels of some of the autres and products othe eacons Celular espition has evoked o produce energy inthe form of ATP for use inthe ces The facta the process is tb samen almost al ig expanses suggests) a evlved a ery en sage nthe deveopent of oqaniss on Earth ad) hat isa very eecve need at producing evalableenrgy I tas were not tha cave aerate socastl lef wth erent System of reitation woud fae evolve ang ago. But eal bom much ATP is aed ing the ‘daten of ene msec of laos nits journey along the respon patways? “The eat way to undertnd this eo consider tho whele process and where the AT eprodioed (cee ig) For many yeom scent snd hate average amt of ATP pode fam one So CLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT case mlecule in aerobic esation was 36 moc of ATR assuming thal gcse eters the {ele and that isin compet. The actual tl was taken as 38 moles of ATP bt itakes ‘wo molestie of ATP to tranrpo the reduced NAD moses producedin ayo theugh te ‘itochondal membrane lsng 38 vale forthe body cls. ft is compared wh the Wo ‘olen of ATP that es when the breakdown ofa glucose molecule completely anaerobic ‘he mporanceof the omens process Becomes ery cle A fige, Tec snoningthe 3 roo inal bye cept eon tame ol gone ‘Mer mspaton obey ees ra lngna Mazon sent now ent ee per raving ene utes “These figues mak the astumpton tat the ATP ays prodcedin whole numbers Oerthe pt 5 eas cur undead ofthe process of telecon anspor cha hasinceased ana {he fits ave bacon ke cota Seon new tk that ATP production ay ot aves ‘le ruber. Cire the best etnaes om scents arta the cdton of two noleces of reduced NAD apples enough eneryto mak ive molecules of ATP Sy tey row ik that the gabon of to maecuks of reduced FAD produces abou tree molecu of ATE This ges an ‘real podueion of around 3 moles of ATP orth proces of arbi cellar respon Inaction the proton gradients inthe mitochondria ar not only se to produce ATP. They an alba be used to ave the ate transport of sovral deer eles ad ens tcugh tener ‘membrane to the marx And reduced NAD can be sed a a elicingagent x many ferent ‘eactons $0, ahough the uncon! prducion of ATP usa guste as 35 (or 36 13, the amount of ATP resulting am one mole of locse going trough complete cidon probably rarely ove 30. RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 7 es Clo em iraligC:o hp you rw ge, ly beled dagram sunmarsingthe procs ofarobic cella rapeaton sang nth ome 2 Expanhow he oxidation of ose estsin the formation of AT. 2 Gon why arti respation produces somuchmore ATP tan aerobic epaon {2} ony the quoted TPF aroberepration 0 arable 44 escibe Mico’ cemosttic theory of ATP production nd state hy is solmportant our Undeeandng fal ration SE cuidnve phosphor the oxen dependent proces inte econ tansportchan where AD plesprnyaed "Seton anspor chin ass of elestro-caring compounds lng which lectonsare tania {eves oxdhtonrecton econ. dtr te prodtion of ATP ‘horton the paces tht inks thee that eps log the econ tarepor.han tothe Producten o ATP. by te movant of hyaogen os eugh he mere lng lerachersa eeentaton and grt ‘focromas members of electron tarsport cha they ate rote leit an fon eoup (Gmtariehaemogabn) wien are reauced by corso eed FAD wh ead the ‘ocmoms oases ens nthe lecton rareprt chan whch ees he lets em he ‘chrome andi redieedorhe ctctomes se issu whthe podution of aaeedect ATP {emosmot theory the mel eloped Pre chal expan the rosscbon of ATP in Imtschonda, crept ar esanherein Ingle USP ay NOME EM ACU 1 Understand what meant by the term respiratory quotient (2). ‘Theres not ans sufici gucoe and henge provide allthe ATPreededin cell When 1h is the ete, other substances can be espred,n parclr ober ebolyates and fa Its cay ‘o understand hat, or example. dsacehadesigar canbe broken down and ene the spate pathy but where do the ther stances ein? RESPIRATORY SUBSTRATES Diteent respiratory substrates are used a ferent imesin the cells ofthe body Lips are an ceaclent souee of eng n Section 1A. ook I: IAS) ouzued thr toy can be yar bypass to ge ty seid and ghee The jee phosphorite and enters the gycltc puthvay as GALP The foty acid pas troup a series of reatons which remove 2-caibon ston bf arty CoA. Hyiegen ams ae removed inthe proces and are wasferedalongthe electron transport chain wo lem ATP even ble he acetyl CoA ete the Kees cj. The at acid hen foe tough the reaction seis again remove the nex 2enbon agent. Ainge ay acd can froduce arg moun’ o ATP: expe. singe molecule of sare acid an TBcarton tn) produces abou 18 molecules of ATP Ths the complete cian ffx prodaces are amount fuego enersy This is eh fats avery portant ney source or the ee rari fr ‘ete enue auch asbeat sce Ier and oye, Prin isnot sal used asa resitory substrate tis chen don ely if spies bath ‘atlas and lps are very low th tsa onl he body senses rs starving The rin ‘elds wich mala pie pepade chains us be denied (he arpa ou st errors) Tefore terest ofthe molecu can be ed for callie respiration, Fig A shows how vary of rspratory substatos enter to respiratory pathway to provide ATP forte cell PS RESPIRATORY QUOTIENTS ‘The amounts of eygen used ard erbon dade proce ding cela espaion change depending one level of act ofthe organi the typeof ood being rexpod and oer actos. ‘We can produce what known as the respiratory quotient (RQ) by west earns of cabon dixie rouced an expen used by an gai in ge ine period ‘ong wed ES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Rd fa vespitory quotient = Te RO eps us undestnd wha peso os ate eine cased inthe body ef an ois at a parialar tne Intheory carbohydrates gv an RQ of I, fats ge an RO of 07 and pretenses Sn RQ of 0. Unde normal condone preten ent oon eed ope energy, oan Re ‘ound 1 uggets that alot of eabolatate isbeng ued in cella eapaion. An RQ of shan Tindeates ta combnzon ef crbahjat anda bang reaped. the RQ of an ng geste than 1, then anaerobic pation may be acu, wth reir tle oxygen beng ed compare wth the carbon code proces, You wl ter bere ‘ery low RQ vac in phtcsyaetc gains bocauso uch ef the earn iodide produced is ‘ed in making new sugars ands I canot be measured Ex Fer Core Practical V6 Use asimplerempirometer to determine therate of epiration nd RQof=. ‘sabe yous ned ‘suitable material achas germinating seeds or smal nvertcbrates)youcarwsthe respon togurbeths epeeton eee nection TA f(b), page 165 Terese a misnse of paar hings io erember when mong th Of rans ‘ings pps You noed to undestand hee nda eed espa them Maranon ques suchas gemnatng sds or Sal recta ey 1 The potion hyde inthe tet tes absorbs carbon onde fom the ae Youcan we sad penal wtp Iyaoideto do tesame tg, ‘rd wht precatonsare 2 Aiornanriret dba ape iy ong ton teseastepesiineibe Feed enue ede ‘Sterees bene he ef and tbe ae eight sank 2 Anyetoon dene produc aborbody he possum erode rauton 4 ste snge conacedt the ge hind tube ort he manometer orginal por Yaucan eke fe vlan of oxen ed by csng te volume ge you need to ques rom 5 you npel the pene wing ter ae dan posse oie you cana cute the ean of cn done ped byte lence te meee eterno Sty Ne: The appara sey age ar tpn should be move ody and ert, Sn Ernest fessor wel peter teuldbe rei, 1. Spin whats meant by te tems repent and expan quotent 2.) UrefigAto help you exisin why ome reapratory skates pode oe ATP than others 5D The respiratory quotes) tor ferent opnsmsare measure ELI suse Crean Ahsan AQ 1 (rp dar mB ot arun (reas Chas an fof 0. Stpanam Ohacan eee? see enlanaton for thes erent easier Soe esptory baat the sorarce ved aul andonisend ding espraton Fespiatory quotient (RQ) the elatonsnip baween he amount feo donde produce ane the ean ger sed hen ferent repatorr sme wre wed cur epson CN eS 1 (@) Aneleewon om glucose molecule weld rar hcugh the felling proceses: 1 Kets ole 2 alyalss 3 elecvon transport chain 4 nkreacion| In-wtch order woud the ecto travel hough these procases? aria (8) Incalularrspatin, cose is broken downto podace [NTR Darng this proces, ycrogen atoms ae removed From he glucose molecule and atach to wich of he folowing eances? a Aver B onze © atrogea DxAD (0) The ies es apart secbic espeton dis an carpe of bos patny (0, Solan vy te Keb pee esrb a inet pty a (i) Sine presly whee inthe cl he Krebs ce oc a (2) The sagrambelow shows some of he sth sco inthe eb ose. det Cota NO onsen * ata ais 10 ego Soe ole" covets ene are mole in some of the reacionsin he Kres cyl. Using he eters to Fant theintrracen sven inthe diagram. dent he eters of all he stages thrive an caeredactaseenzyne (3) (Total for Question 1 = T marks) 2 (a) Whatarethe produc of anzercbicresiraton? [1] 2 act in plants and ethanol in mares B echncic acid in lant and lactate n mammals echualn plats and lactate in arenas lactate plats an etanoi et mamas () State waren te call anaerobic espton akesplace. {1} le) Te dag bla ehows some ofthe sages of anaerobic rerpinon tar al 1) Whats the name of subance A? u ‘A scents biphoophate B cette pyre D etna (8) Which sage uses ATP? m A sage t B sage? © sages D sage (i) Which sage produces ATF? 0 A sage! B sage2 sage D sage (@ Expa why actc acid s produced in actively respiing ‘ail cla (Total for Question 2 = 9 marks) Ete 3 (6) Thea sow eps ome he aes (2) Anum A iis are rept, nds to ne ‘epiaten n aya cel ofthe acon cares econ vtech Scergerme varemet ot ag te et ck = amin Aon te rapa of ea ale wo] + Yen ae re wht soe ceaing oer sania _ADR phosphate ions and glucose, eg OY Lr ee «Theta enlace ve waterbath 30°C zee 1 evar nett er een oo Substance W ‘+ During this time, the cxygen content of the suspension + Theexperimen was repeated wih acimyen Aadedo e ‘he suspension Smuts ater the stro the ination «The eau ave shown inthe table blow [ecard [ren cear Sonos Rae areal as Tonrareroa =" ‘Without | With antimycin A inte cs ee [tcimyeinA_| added after’ mutes 0 Whezaecrec mes arstaness $ e a Waste : = #7 = {A eatbon monoxide and crggen x z BB hydrogen and angen * “ 2 eaten ase yg a a =r D cate doesn og = a x (9 interpre be up ng whe wow aspect 1) Cemamoniy eon comet te ae town Seaton tink aanech oa Dans (ante ge ocean be meprn feet (dnt etgc wma (3) Exe na fee aot ech A (@ Satan it ato evecnte pectin AT a which no ATP is made." asia 4) ‘(Total for Question 4 = 10 marks) (6) Stare two ler that ho whete subse level hagtylaion aes pace 2 (b) Dung geass he coenzyme NAD is redvod.Desonbe the ways in wich terete NAD can be wed inthe yeast, a (otal for Question 3= 8 marks) 4 (a) Te phowgraph ow shows a mitochon a een ‘sing an eleeten microscope (Name the pars abet Band 2 (4) State he eter nat presets th cation of ‘he elector tensor chain f . . TOPIC 7 RESPIRATION, Se SSN) ae OW Se [Arabian horses are renowned around the world fr their endurance and stamina. Thoroughbreds ae faster over short distances, but Arabians are superior as soon asthe distances get longer. Why is this? Every horse needs ‘muscles to move, and those muscles need a good supply of food and oxygen. What scientists are discovering that the balance of muscle fibre types in these different horses i very different. The blood supply tothe muscles is lfferent too: thoroughbreds have a high aerobic and anaerobic capacity in thelc muscles, but Arabians use ft for energy very efficiently in their muscles and this enables them to continue racing for longer. In thie chapter, you wil tudy the basic structure ofthe musculoskeletal system and how the diferent ticuas ‘work together when you move, including the antagonistic pais of skeletal muscles and the synovial joints. By looking atthe detailed structure and biochemistry of the muscles you will discover how they contract and why some people are sprinters wile others run marathons You will consider how the heart muscle differs from the keletal muscle, and find out how your heart rate is controlled Your body operates most effectively within narrow boundaries and you wll lookat the principles of homeostasis, the way this ‘steady state'is maintained. Finally, you will be considering how the heart and breathing rates are controlled so your body can respond to both exercise and stressin everyday life Construct and interpret frequency tables and diagrams, bar charts and histograms (eg. impact of xercse on hear rate and heart volume, anaerabic exercise and oxygen debt), ‘Translate information between graphical, numerical and algebrale forms (e.. imps and heat volume, oxygen debt), Use appropriate umber of sian figures. cling prcemapeeficec of arabic espation Plot two variables from experimental or other data (eg, investigating the rate of respiration, venation rates) Calculate rate of change from a graph showing a linear relationship (eg, investigating the rae of respiration) ‘ 4 Wn ee eee enone tea Poreealrsinmrsnlel See ee ee eat pio setetr ey ee fice beni a eens Shelia nition rr ehinerttiienid peer oer oot ee oe ee a St eters a . poten aetedanl eee 71: a se) a ed CS) | PEE eey 1m Know the way in which muscles, tendons, the skeleton and ligaments irteract to enable movernent,incding antagonistic muscle pars, extensors and exo, Jmagine you are moving (walking, ening or jumpig) and then to agin doing any of thse ‘ngs wihos you alton and the sues apoitd wth Yur bony shen appt out ole body You cin move ao asa esi ofthe wa the bones of your selon and oter clea tases work together The properties ef your sell sues vay becuse hey ae adopted to parerm ha very deren funcions eect THE SKELETAL TISSUES “Thomain tse ofthe sokton i one. Bone is svong and hard tis madeof bene cls wich are fed frmiy ina matic of collagen and calcum ls Hones partly stong under comeresion, (Gqunhng) forces Bone nods toe both song ad hard, butt mus alo be ab ht a posse to reduce the eight you hae to moe about Compact ne & dense ad hey. Thi thebane aad inthelengbores of your boy. Spngy bone has a much more ope truce sits mac her It Is foupa in ge masses of bone such as your obs ae tha hee the aru Cartage is har bu exe iss tis made up of ces called chondrocytes within an organic tic which consists o varying amourts of colagen teas Carag i else (stetces and ens "to tzanga sae and abe wstand compressive sgiceng forces ts a Very good shock thsorber ands our betwen bones sich asthe verte nyse a nthe ts Tere are twerman typos of carloge found in the elton, + Hyalne carlage is found atthe ends of bores andi the nce. ir passageways and pats he an. + White firous crtage has bunds of densely pack colagen nthe marin ths grat tense "engvbut les lee than the her form af eatlage forms the ds between our ‘ertebre ad i outd between the bones nthe os “Tendon ae mide up almost entieyof white brous Uesue. This cons of bundles ofcallagen ves which oma stong tat etl nassau You lead the srutre of collagen es, in Section 1A.5 (Book I: IAS) Is idea jing musciese bores One end ofthe tendon ‘ached toa muse and the ether en tached eter ieety to abone or tothe Breuecove of TRebone.asyoucan see infg A Ths makes a sacure alachent for muscles to bone. and povies ste shek soya the nt sven a sasen suet. Hower tendons etched 1, rch of the werk done by the muscles would be wasted becase they wai etch the terns vethout mving the bones ‘Ligaments hold te bones egetern he cotect agent They fm a capul aroun he oat ‘nid the bones together nse the ant sel Ligaments need to be caste so the tne trojan can more when they ned ta. Thay ae made of yew ease seve whch get an eal fourbitaien of svengh wih dasiciy Somelgarrt capsules are ery loses the a can move ‘gze ee, Otbr ar ery tt because deren ont cd ailrentpoporicn The dferences te propertes ofthe igumens come om the varying smauts of clagen an white Abou Us inthe mir. eros maa gsc pape) teenies Aah Tees etal ten ae shomn ee ae Tey Stugeteo edhe bo eer top tem weg ay [iaeotg onan nncrath rious acres pce EXAM HINT ‘Some studenten he le oftdos sd gens ie ingot ior ut gaers taba to bane ar sec {alow movomer endent akdmeicete Bones dont eee JOINTS, MUSCLES AND MOVEMENT ‘Youre te joins of you boy oon movement and locomotion Th ens of the besa act re sap to more smooth over each ote The ayn ich the wo bones met ‘ses accord othe ypeof movement equi as You can soe {es ng B For ear, hep and shuldrhavebal ane seclaoiswhch sve yu wey fe rmerene. wees the hing Jef the ees ei poste mavemen. 4 —_(e gp Pedtonh emai dcspeseteyech res ther we experienc sever forces If then consisted Smplyof bane on bons, te ence would scon become thiner land weaker thrugh bing together To prevent his. te ort is “ined ith aepaceable ae of rubbery curtage Ths males it posible the at oasis (re) smo. The mes ‘moble joints as produce iid hbrcat known as synovial ‘use oe eaity and ensues easy Tcttee smoverent (20 gC) HOW DO WE MOVE? Yea. move by the action of muscles on bones. Each of your elt muses tached by tendons o two dierent bones, ‘ecendng across atest ne pi. When mules contract hey fullon atone and 30 mover eve fo anther bone. Hower, When musi ela hey 30 no push ina corresponding nay “Thay smply stop contacting and canbe pled back tha gil shape This wy te muscles ofthe set are one ‘npais.One pl the bone inane direction the cher ule back ‘ols original postion. The muses which extend ajo are ald ‘extensors andthe muscles ta bend ot ec jolt ae called ‘exors. Becauetey workin ect oppostion a euch ae ‘hese acl are krewn as antagonist pairs. You can see a ‘Sere pictre how movement appene nD. j RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Co 1. Jontlite hee he ipa the boule ave sori ‘ot Derr sro uid and expian why ts enportant 2. Matea wero summarise popenescf he man stele Desrbhow tls, tendons. the seen and gent SI teverrrate ston = ‘alge ar but el see se at en as shock ‘Sraterand preven wear nln ‘honors ees atom age ‘cdomindncctthjsmacattons Colagen tres * ligaments el ive which forms jot capes syroval faa fis utich ects hemostasis >< — 1A Heh Thesiger oy Ah Re echt gh band apr char ‘To ndersand how the slg flamer theory explains the way in which muses conta, is Inspr to undostand the srucre of acu an moan. Arai olees made up af two long polypeptide tars wid taper each ae ends large, gtr head which hes ADP and inorgane phosphate mcecles atached tt In some cacumstances, the head can et aan ATPase lexayme. A nposn laments mace up of lt of those melecles Nal ogee with Reads Stcling ut for the flament At aca flames made up af Wo chais of aca moras oed Topstar kebeads ona neciace The shape of the ata molecule proauces bids se for joan repaints which the lobule hed ofthe myasn melee can. However anther Tong cham prota molocule called trepomyosin ware arcund the doubieacin chains Inaolaxed ruse. the woporaas chain coves the jain bing tes. The troparysn also Pas oles tf anther rote troponin ich are atached a reguar itera ale the cain, lg B shows Some of the ain eae of tase pets, a Pitre | ag Undress ain mya andthe cte seated pases pen ho ie mc ona LEARNING TP "Youcan magne themes Aanentasaroning stared enosinneads saan. ASE ‘cu ake contact he bashes pager in Sen amen psthe moan ent meening eon ACTIN-MYOSIN INTERACTIONS. ratchet mechanism hasbeen propced forthe contraction of tho mci Ths summarised fn ig Calcium ns are leased fom stores nthe sarcopasne ecu and atach ob Stasn the weponi molecules changing thal Shape A asi, the toponinmelecls pul on the ‘ropoyonin molecules moving them aay om acing ses the jon lees “Te shape ofthe myosin molecule nal to atc tothe actin to om cross biges of actomyosin Ths changes the molecu ape ana pulls the atin lament sero the myosin, aed ‘hisinceases the imeriodeng regon and shorter ine sarcomere. Th bidges the ek ana the process repeat acwoen 80 and TOD mes pr Second The combined elect of ths happeingin each sarcomeres ashoreing ofthe whoke oie The shortening of many yobs oper rests nthe contraction of mule oe i se Seat | Seley =a sagan howe teen m2kemen oi A Bge Te pcpondatdtetnetanimlertbecrtacon oo ‘ryan Seepeliacecte Do oo PS and myosin together intelah netingharpers If we adé ATRactorosn forms andeontacs aah is shows ws thatthe process must be an active one As eecuon mergraphs become mereasingly Manatee tink te ATP Sn luc bey have sho pretence cf trger between he acinand arses appa” tonsa tenes ‘that theue bridges are formed and broken down during convaction, ATP is needed to break the eee coaa tcinergosn bonds Hisaboncedettoreum tecacun nsw tesariasrsors once (ggg SSnectonen Ae eits caer Clo (a futycoractes (uty 22 escbe hole ofakomlors inte contraction of lta mus 2.) linwhy te presence cf AT so imporartor te craton of sated uses EXE cecum DD) Sgt how hc nicht happns nha grrr sin afr death. BoE shin lmerttheory the her tht thea and myosin lmetscverle ug use contarton ryen binding sts inte reed ate Mop pati ele ath epoyohy g ape n ao ccnr comune cara rac on rot ones tm basen cb anmyjoen ding mie CMe Se Sete tee a = PEE eey Bro) Pr 1 Know the myogenic ratue of cardiac muscle 1 Understand how the normal letra atvty of the heart coordinates the heartbeat clung the oles of the ‘Snoatial node (SAN), the aroventicular node (AVN), the bundle of Hs and the Purkyne ites 1 Understand how the use of elecrocarciograms (ECGs) can ai in the diagnosis of abnormal heart hythms. Your bear beats continual trouphur yeu ie, with an erage cf abou bets per ine aHnough snl cle the east fate emus igh Your het can respond aed When you re crercsg, your tines ees more agen so your heart ess Iaserand applies more tod the tasuss The bond bing the glucose and exygen which are needed by the apy esping tells and emo the creabed wane product Stes can ao HOW IS THE HEARTBEAT CONTROLLED? In te very erly embiy, cls whic are destino become the Feat begin contacting rthmicaly ong before the eran a forms. Caniac muce cell are myogenic whch means toy contract witout ary external tis They also have trina Pythncty An adult heart rernoved fan the body wl continue To contact a fog ase bathed na table oxygen ch ud “This inser of the hearts around 60 beats er inte Ths ler tan cur hers best most ofthe ie hen eae aakeberause, as you vil ate wehave many fleet ways of onoling he beat to make seit dene the arcunt of ood “Theisen of thebeats manainedy 2 mae of eleccal exciton sla to nerve impulse wich sprees tough spec tsupin te heart usc se gl “The area of the hear with he fase nasi sytem is rp of colin thei tam krown as tho snoatral node (SAN), nd hs ata the heats om natrlpacemaer ch Keep ‘hehe eating regulary + The snoattal rae eabishe a nave of eet exetaton [cepotrsaton| whch causes te not sat contacting This rte ne Parzen + Becta alo spreads to another re of simlar ess called ‘he atrlovenrielar node (AVN). + The AUN enced as aresitof the SAN but it produces 2 sgh lay bef th ware of depolasation passes into the bundle of His. group of conden Ares inthe sep of ‘heheart This make sire the aa have topped onractng before the eres art + Thebeule of His slits ino oo branches and cares the wane of ecationon ne the Purge Herve 4+ The Parke teu cosets of conducting estat penetate Ashe dopclaration tae though the tse star tbe ‘onzaction the venules sartag a he boom and so ‘Squeeangblood out of the beat te Rattan EXAM HINT botom of techies that lod squeezed uonars tomar ‘seman anate. “The sped atch he excitation spreads trough the hea ith ¢hestaton before the AVN stimultes the nde of Hie mabe Sure hate aia have sloped contacting the verdes Sar Is thse changes ihe ecrelexcaton ofthe beast ‘hat ease the repeating cardiac cycle. These electrical changes canbe mascred nan electrocaraiogram (ECG) cf B). Pn ene Because your heart ha its own hs yun, you do aac have o ik about i You dat waste by ‘escuces on mitaning aval bu cortmuows event However mary people ave a faster esting Feat ate than ts base yh the average is around 7 eats per mute This sbecause ts of ‘er ators induding nerve pulses and hormones, conta ale! the heat ae atyou wil Teun in Section 72. USING ELECTROCARDIOGRAMS -AnECG i wed io inestigate te sya of th best by producing a record ofthe elec ‘ety of the hear. As you Kreg the hy of the hear vests fon te spend wave of epolriseton (decal activity) though pecaed tissu wt th heart mule sell This ‘epolnsston‘n te eat cases ny sects changes onthe sae of Your sen. An ECG, ‘measures these changes athe suave of Yours. ‘otake an ECG, 12 electrodes and leads re atached o you body This is a comeetlypaness process Your shin wipe wah ethaoloremove an ease rset so the elesuede an make 00d contact with your sn Sometimes speci ls apbed to the electro o ake ste they conduct lecy as flee ax posse, Each elestode recor information caine the ecocatiogram. eet ging 12 views ofthe he. ‘An BCG can show you what shappesing in anormal heathy hear. Howewe itso sed to indicate diferent hart condons snd o monitor patents with heat deeaee. An ECG cual, done wah the port hing dwn and resting, bu sometimes is conducted wile 2 patents ‘iercisg fon as a sess tet because Some heart conditions arpea eal dung exrcie You ans gore EC ng die cer erm ‘A fie herdatordp been hele oans ithe ad eaten hwy Hee you Iki pose o collect wise ange of mesnuremens to producea diagram showing how the lec actity ecoded in an ECG and pressure changes in ilerent carers of the haart work ‘ogee dung the cadar eye (oulearnd aout he card een Section 184 (Book 1 TAS) In fg Cy can se hw diferencesin presse inthe regions ofthe le ideo the het cause the ren ales to doce. The sae process happenrg on he nek hand ado he heat at exact same tne You can als see hom the stages ofthe card cyte ete tothe presure changes and an ECG shoving the aca acity of the heart. ME ual RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT i 8 = YS f eamec ‘ewe mee, soo Hee 1 sermoacogae See Syme ancto EXAM HINT, Nake sire yousuay he sagamane can urdentng why heals ‘pan and se wen te 0, 1. ()Bectihowthestrtnc it ihe (0) xn the resting ear ate aly ger tan he 2. plinnowan aang dea Sy reper ral cere 0 TTD ews ferme ‘SUBJECT VOCABULARY "myogenic contacts tout neta sinus Innes hy te inde (terna yeh of ontacton {ndrsuaton nthe cardac mulch et Sinoaria node SAN) aspcased group af sia the ghia ‘thee et atl tency gener rope ‘cal salen acs asthe heats wn natal pacar to esp ‘renear beth egy stores nede AWN) aon nate e ne {rronting te impulse tothe unde ot Hs bale sa roup of conductig ees nthe sepum of ee Parkyetun conducting ies ht pene donn tough the septa he hear spread betwee ane around te venice ‘etoarclogam (C6) ecology wed ove the hy ms iene poaeng src ee acne Ue eae ey (Ee 1 Urcerstand whats meant by the term homeostasis and ts importance in maintaining the body ina tate of dynamic equilbrium during exercise incucng the role ofthe hypothalamus in thermoregulation. 1 Uncerstand whats meant by the terms negative eedoack and positive feedback contr. 1H Understand the principle of negative feedback in maintaining systems within narrow its “Manmalan cols are wry sense o change. Whatee arpens inthenie of a marimar example dutihigk levels of physical ‘eteeorin extemal exter tempers, he tera nutions of the body rast be convoed win a natow age. ‘This «cya eqloriam an imotes matching esp of cxygen and goose othe cetinualy chaning demands of td ancien ompurtute a pH maintained. Malang State of dynamic equlviu dough the sponses of thebody {oesteroal an ema simul sow ashomeostasa The Tain mecca mechanisms fn manmalinchte syste that respond te changosin bot externa and tral corners tocontel hep tenpertre ed water poten of he boy ‘ThepH evel ofthe body mast be maintained so hat the strstr of pon moles remain sable. Tis ales rzymesto function their cptinum ect andthe truce of fll membranes tobe marsied. You saw bow the aepor ct €arbon dine any fom the tssus of he bay como the pH fhe load andy Td Setion 1B2 (Book 1 TAS) EXAM HINT anerber ote he condos queda the ody othe sey eetaymes ‘Thecore temperate of the body needs tobe stable to maintain ‘he optimum activity the enzymes that conto te rate of Celle rations Az you lee in Sections 28.1 and 28.2 (Gook 1148) sbleteperanste vey unporan co mamta Ihe trucute ad funtion of the cel membrane, 20 hey ean ental the meerment of substancesint and out ofthe cel In humans. th temperatures around 37°C. ‘The water potent ofthe bodys must also emain within rrr mst vod oxo effec that could damage oF estoy the cls You learned about he eee of caotic ‘ranges Seti 24-3 (Book 1 14S) HOMEOSTASIS ‘ur serous nd cei col ayes nrc to man 2 namic eqatbru te bx Snsors/reeptors dete COCOA hangsn te bry Tey send messages oefactors tht ier ‘aco vetese be cunge oo eens Cuan amber of (ference ters Ecorse usa muses gan FEEDBACK SYSTEMS ‘The communication na homeostatic edbecksystem may be by hormones (chemial messengers ory nerve meses ecical ‘message, You wil learn more about nerves ad orrones it ‘opie ‘Tere en smal verso ov unershot gsng beyond crnot reaching the de! lee) ae eeback sytem cores fd tat ao needs to be corrected othe eves of rest boy "ystems fictuot (ar betwsen vals bore and blow) igtly {found the eal lvl a dyna ogra. In some css ‘here re serrate mechan concing change in eleret ‘Areas bus lesa partes senate espone an a grest Segre of cont An examples the conte blood saga aes [NEGATIVE FEEDBACK SYSTEMS Moat ofthe Sedhack systems in mamroas we negative feedback systems (seg 8). They roid away to maintain ‘condton, ich the concenton of asubstance win & ‘els in electors Being stated to etre the equ. I "hecancentraion gos up theefletos ig down again and vice vera Eran of pegate feedback oops are een inthe calaraa th byromenee: ‘vans ee | Noyhermores See| fame [Seco 2U ea Pt tos RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT EXAM HINT Beenie fate Sedat eet taed ego ck ert cial hs stable Poste edoek ersten ange eluding POSITIVE FEEDBACK SYSTEMS. In postive feedback systems effector wort increase the flee that as gg the ponte, crarpleis the conracions ofthe utes uring labour (ging bit). The pressre ofthe babs ead on tne cervix causes te relat of chemicals tht reset contation of the wes, the ead then pushed down even arcs 8), ‘is rosea. —! A = == aa =ae KS == A Hab the atsen tne armanaeca 1. Dafne homessass and exp why sso mporantin ing anos. 2 inte pst, homeo ae erred the manenance ote in ste, Ge the mere 2 Sexpert eds en rar date oe San [Romeo hermnimance ofa satefdyram equloeum inthe body despe chage he ‘teal erin enatane ‘Seworrecopor seid cls tata seve to speci anges te rion ee sel let awe revs ven rene dared leet ce regan feedback stems pte for mansinng acorn sucha th concentton a stance, hin ararow ange eceptsdtecta chang mn cons ard. asa eu elecorsarestimusted > ‘estore tie eaten [perce renarrated cri en ct tt a eee UAH ae ANDEAN ss 1 Understand what meant by the term homeostasis and its importance in maintaining the body in a sate of {namic equilbium during exercise, inclucing the rote of the hypothalamus in thermoregulation. 1m Be able to caleate carci output 1H Understand how variations in ventilation ard cardiac output enable rapid delivery of oxygen to tissues and the remeval of carbon dioxide from the, including how the heat rate ard ventilation rate are controled and the rles of the cardavascula contol centre andthe ventlaion centre inthe medulla obiongata, 1 Understand the role of adrenaline in the ght or ight response. Homeostasis plays an important le cng exercise station inhi candies nthe boy are changieg aid and demands ‘nthe tems ae high When you want to move somewhere fs, Jour body muster uk 0 suply your muscles wih the ‘ocose and oxygen they need and remove excess carbon deride [Negtv fessor systems ae val ntheceorsinated reponse ‘tabling you to exer fective ox bth your heat a your respucary sem respond RESPONDING TO DEMAND The fine contol ofthe heat inmate damonettes deal the imptance of hing Aileen oop oct (a) imeral changes (0) the waysin which be parasympathetic nervous system an sympathetic nervous sytem work oper comply wa nde tectonseen In Section 78.5, you lornad how he invite ythn of te Feat icone by pues ited inthe soni node (SAN) tha spread tough the tower node (AVN) and thebunde ct Histo give a regula coordnated heartbeat But ths intasle hth eanne cope wih changes in demand, Foe fuample durrg exces, mote oxygen muse cared othe ‘api respiring muscle sues. andthe waste carbon decide and Tacnte when acumen te muscle Poe need to be emote (nce the exis stops your bay rust rau to nara The respon of the heart we these changes domand she elt of ‘CHANGING CARDIAC OUTPUT ‘When your body demands mor locose and ayn he bear can espendin two way The rte t which te eat Deas can Incase. Als, the cardiac volume (aout of ood pape at cach heartbeat canbe itceased by a more ficient contraction tof the vertnes The combination o thes tw factors ges 8 ‘measur called the cardiac output, ‘aca oupt = carci wohime her te (ame!) (dor) (Gems) Ina rermalnchl te he heart bes bo 70 tes 3 ‘mine and pops between 4 an 6dr of Hood per nen a waned alte, the resting hear bets mor sow aroun 60 teats per miute When aft niu ences arc the rar ae beg toincreabe lore the exec bepne The cade value mereases moreso a cares lr rm the changes inthe bed tht he execs singe continue. Cadac eurut darng cena cen crease we aound 0am Without ase changes ahigh eve pyc el. such as uring we ‘Shotora cod envicrmnet wauldbeimgcesls (eg A} ‘ADJUSTING THE HEART RATE Differ onl syst enable the har to respond tothe varying cerands of your body Houghout he day 5 Boned [NERVOUS CONTROL OFTHE WEART Mos ofthe nervous contol of your hat isk the suzonomie (Gevclaaty) serous se, so you do nat have oink about 1. The eardiowarclar contol centre usted the media ‘elongata of thera (oe Seeton 8.1) I laysamaor arin contig changes inthe eat ae ard the volume of ‘ood pumped wih etch barbet in respon to changes he ier enronnent. Chemical etch ane pressure recep inthe fring of the bond ‘rele andthe chambers tthe har send nrse impulses ote ‘ardorasular convo centre It espords by senirg impulses ‘othe hear along the sympa or paasyepathete neve (Geehulets pons beloy) The bear musi sponds to these impulses so cortoling the rate whch itbeats “Thu, cont ofthe heart vi th autonome (voluntary) nervous sytem vided ino wo pt + Thesympshce nervous ce sully ecto fo example i specs up the eat te + Thoparasyrpaesc syste is usually hac for example, itelows dawn the hen ate Mos ofthe boy organs are supplied by bot ype of nerves ‘Benga lee of Hoe conto [Neve ipulss tha travel down the sympsthetc nee from the ‘cerdrasulr contol etre tothe her clase noradrenaline {ostmdatethe SAN, Treas te egancy ofthe lal Fr the pacer eon, otha the heat beats ore ucky Branches of dhs smpatot rere as pass into the vertices, ‘they alo incase heforeeef contacto. Tn coras. nee impulses te coresponding parasympathetic nerve lease acetylcholine (ACK) nb the SAN nso he hart ‘own cig Bo fig 1A ta ste caromsonolconte nthe mctcHongia conse ‘ehertaarwu preyrgunec wd gmpnbaicrave san RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ‘THE ROLE OF BARORECEPTORS ‘Baroreceptrs se mectanoreceptm i the cud atari the neck anc onthe sori that ae sent Co pres charges ‘They areimportertin the feedback contra the hear ate uing exer se fg) Atos, they Sond 2 ead coeur of sg back ough seaory neurone tothe cardovastuler onl cenue inthe bras Ar tebegnng of exer he ood vse ce vaso) becoming wie in esporse tothe hormone adrenaline, which s lesen anticpaton of ‘Stace. Ar et oft vga te blood rem alls {te This reduces the stetch onthe baocscepits and they ‘nos stop responding Wid hi reduced tmusion fom the tnrrecepton the etoracarconrl centre mise ‘san sgl along th spat owe to simulate the Peart fata cease the lod pressure gan by conscing te Blood vasels When eroe tpe, Hood preazue nthe aes snresos asthe heart caries opp arder an aster han ‘tneeds to and so the baroreceptors are stretched They respond Uyeending more sencry rere mpc: to th carcass conuolcense whic consequent sends impulses tough te paruympathati sytem o Sow down the hea ate an cause ‘ood pesure again SST Came pees are Saas EES ee ce econ ‘THE ROLE OF CHEMORECEPTORS INTHE AORTA chemoreceptors as wel as baroreceptors ee fig ) These are ‘Samat to the lve of caton diode nthe bod. A carbon aise eves go up the FH the lox! goes down and isis tected bythe soc and crc chemoreceptors They send ingles slong sensory neurons to he crease onl Ccrein the meduls longa. whch increases te ruber of impulses waaling own te eympatete nerve othe hea ‘Th vents nan incensed heat ate, creasing the bod ow ‘othe ing and se more carbon dose verve fom the ‘ood. As lod etbon ded keel. the ood pH es “The chemoreceptor respond to hsb reducng the eurer of ‘impulses tothe cardevascuar cere. This ees the umber of impulses sent along thesyrapathatc neve ote eat and inne hth. The chemoreceptors alo pyro nthe ‘onl ofthe besthng rate (se Section 72.) her rt, ones from he censcous aes of cu brn can Sir simul orinhtte SAN Some pele can ow ther har ate gt down st by cncertatng oni roi tweens Som A. 8g Anasne feta ym fooling hese nh the Soap ts jacon el bear cone recone fre Shee cpu yh athe es ry froin A ted Tederneecepios hess cesar, HORMONAL CONTROL OF THE HEART ‘Your eer beat faster when you ae ners ight or exe andi you are anbopaing exercze Trappe ren you are Siting sl arte tine so he charge snoxin response 0 xe ‘When youare sean the spate nave sume the dena sbeurhormones athe way they wok m Chapter 76. Ackenaine ‘sve smiar tothe rerdenane issn the soaps the Sympatsicnenous system eis cated arcu body inthe ‘ood a bids oer nthe tapet gna ng the SAN ‘Adenine timate the adores contol ein he increasing the mputesin he srg nearcnes nich usc thes Teo nase eft crt SADE mersen the Froguney of exaion ad soe hea te increases Ts suples youn exra cay and cou for your ses an rain cate Youneedto runaway or sada fght Atealineis esprit ‘hovesponse of thebody im neahl sate The ister clea te Tehri reaction igs tect of ring away, ADDITIONAL RESPONSES ‘The sponse ofthe body to exec or ress comple Ding crise impulses om the carSorascle cotel cee rare) tocar fier at wo a he hen tthe sre tine athe Ssympatetcsytom sends many srpuesto the hea to speedit Up sents ever irles to an loos vessels Ti ets she cntoctioncf the smooth mscestning the vessels, hs raring foros the vse. inthis way he ood fow is etd om Seas which are temporary les important to provide move od fer thehawt and he muscles tow A youcan soirom able A, ‘etiood spy the ain ay cortny,bat he aounis 0 lod Roving elseahere he system vary conscaby. ‘The ennges soc in fg Hand table Aare allthe rest of 3 cubinaton of nevus and hormonal rsporse lfectng the heart the lood vessel eda range of body aster, our serena andr 2 Ing isu 00 steel muscee | 740 an 0 ‘otal blood few | S700 TT (one cane anni rete Soucont to cweve eas ates ceeereeaee RESPIRATION, MUSCLES & INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Cla chahean to sere. 2.) Use the dso igh to procuces aphtoshow st ‘ould br exoetedto app oa up der rte duenga pv fe olowed by 0 misc 2. a} wer chartirpie chr toshowtnecifrnc inthe Dncenags los town erent ress eBoy st et na dunn exec ngs ro able (o)eptin wy hse trance ocr 4. Simmarse how neu and homenal contok ene te ‘auc te heed ote omc te ay SOE prasympathetcrereus stam inate autonome motor Peurone wich produce etynane si eran and tes hve any nto ct on an ong ys thesoneroneshave very lg myelinated preganglionic res that levee CS nd yap pan very cloetothe fli: bran pasganglone fiber aren show xt unyelined Sympathetic nervous system inolesatonomicraor nutes ‘hh pode norris er reroansiter aden Nove espose acta ofan st: se neones have ver short myauted eregangn est eave the CNS ecdapee is gang ey com ae CNS pigeon ees Ie longind srs {aia veume te vom of od pumped at ee eaten tata cpt menazc fiver of ot prec rt fear permine ccd by malin cada vlan By eat ‘arovsclr concen ene the ml oblongata the ad convo rarest the hear ate ad tecarSac ohare tough pucaympatetc and spp rere tonomicvlurtay) narvout str tenon neous ‘yen atlonomle moor mre cool td factons at he noradrenaline rerovariter inte spathetcnenous system {nd actenergicsyapss ofthe tran cette (ACh eucraranitr te patsy enters the apes motor heroes ana hale ‘raps nthe bain broreceptrsmecaraecptasin he aortand roi ares tata sentveto rere change renaie Perna rece bythe ater gan whch Sundaes tofightor ptrespnse hemor ery nee ore) Rat rpndto 7B 8 THE RESPONSE OF THE ree BREATHING SYSTEM TO EXERCISE 1 Urcerstand how variations in venation ad cardiac output enable rapid delvery of oxygen to tissues and removal Of carbon doxide fom them iclading how the heart rate and ventilation rate are controled and the roles ofthe Cardiovascular contol eenire and the ventilation centre in the medulla oblongata, 1 Urcerstand what fs meant by the term homeostasis and is importance in maintaining the body in a state of dynamic equilbrium during exercise, including the ole of the hypothalamus in thermoregulation, When youener thems cele ting th eat mul) eed much ore agen They a preg more ctben oxi ai act Oxon rough ta your by and carban Se removed dough Your ngs Breahng in an ut coms owt ar morsine and cut ofyosr lungs ands0i ces thon spp and thereof ern dane renoval The spray sem esto respond dung erercse Homocstass ‘maiaped aba eu o morenegabe beast stars (COMPONENTS OF THE LUNG VOLUME In Section 24.6 (Book 1: TAS) yu looked et bethng ae fe erchange. Te understand in more et he way behing {Conrll ou ned to undetnd mare about hw a Bento bid cutof the hngs [A cern amour of aris away present in your gs exchange ‘system ling up te spaces when na ars towing Apa fom ths the volo ofa hat eters and lees the espa system very verble Mos of the components o the og ‘lume ae gen specie rames (se 8 A + Tidal volume (Vs tb elu fs hat omer arden ho lungs ot eachnal ein bea, aa Fol 5 (reams 1. ign isan sed nproman ais gesyou tn det + Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV): he vlume of aie hat arcane mane te norma nsied Your ‘ter words dss th ea a thar Yu can ake in when You beste nas deeply as pose ater a norma mapa, + Expiratory reserve volume (ERV} she vlume of aishat searcan ce oo ove the nora ete il vole, Tie isthe exra a you beste cut when you fe the a ot of Your ings a ard as possible ter 2 normal expan. + Vita eapacity (VC) isthe total othe dal volume ang the witch you cn breathe out by breabing cut as ards ou can nd ton breating in as deeply as posse + Residual volame (RV) the vlums of alain henge aller the songs passe expiration ‘+ Total lung expaciy (TLC) ste sum of he vital capaciy ted the vesdulvlune + Inspiratory capacity (IC) she votue dat ean be nsped from the endo «pra expiration: IC= VT + IR EXAM HINT, areola hese voles and apace on arae produced fom aspomee The race na paphsobesuetoread hes Eo EXAM HINT ‘You nay needto deserbe how promt s sed and precaution eure wen ‘Sing he appari You maya beast ane ards ror apart crewiateanimerpiton. Ec Pitre Jungs The rate of breathing canbe expressed asthe ventilation rte. Tis sa measure ofthe ‘okie of bested ina mite: vena ate = el volume x hequncy of aspinton (erin) (a) nin) “The venation ofthe ngs needs to supply all the jpn thats require bythe sues ofthe body ‘whatever they are éoing ar also remove al he wast carbon ec. Tho veil rates fected by two things the emu ofa youths no you lngs teach brea andthe ruber of tines youbreate per minute For tale, the dal Vlume can nrese ro 15% a he leapt) to ov curing hen exercise The fequeney of ispitation ows sme inceases EE co Toinvenipe the ctf ene on characters ch sl wong veilain at and ny Consumption we esd ayo mesenger erage ‘hen nandcu he ngs oc Ns sitean we asprometer Ge ig Spometer come ns ide varity shoes and iz: hey al ‘Wotinasinlarnay. ume sprorscm are potabe and canbe ined uring xc oui bt may {elspa pear eqaoman They maybe inka cect 0 scorpre ora ple rohg

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