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PerDev 101 Week 6-7 Activity

Name: Course & Yr: Instructor: MS. SORIANO


Activity 1: Bubble Quotes

Complete the graphic organizer bubble quotes writing the different definitions of emotion. (10 pts.)


Activity 2: Table Completion

A. Complete the table by describing the different theories that define Emotional intelligence.

Specific components/
Theories/Author Description



Mayer, Salovey
and Caruso

PerDev 101. Understanding the Self Wk. 6-7 Page 1

Activity 3: T-Chart
Complete the chart by describing the approaches and forms of emotional regulation.

Emotional Regulation
Cognitive Reappraisal Suppression
 

Cognitive/covert Behavioral/overt
 

Activity 4: Emotional Intelligence Test

Instructions: Answer the Emotional intelligence (EQ) test online to determine your EQ level. Take the test on
this link:

My EQ Result: ______________________________

Description of Result:


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Activity 5: EMO – Emotion, Myself, and Others
Instructions: This exercise is designed to help you become aware of how you manage your emotions and feelings
when working with others. For each row, put a ✓ mark on the box that best describes your preference and behavior
when working in a group, Choose only one option (1) per row.

I want to start I want to know first I want to know how I want to know all
working on any task the goal of the task others feel about the the specific details
immediately before working on task before working of the task before
it. on it. working on it.
When I am askes to Before working on I consider the mood I will not start work
do something, I do it the task, I want to of my groupmates until I get all the
without hesitation. know its purpose prior to starting details I need
first. work. about the tasks.
I don’t procrastinate Someone should tell I should know the All the details of
on any task; I start me why I need to do general sentiment of the task should be
working on it this task before my group members presented to me
promptly. working on it. about the task before first before I begin
I can start working. working.
As soon as I need to I feel comfortable I will not work on a
instructions are given understand why I doing the task If I task If all the facts
to me, I start working will do the task know the others are not presented
on it right away. before I start it. enjoy doing it also. to me first.
I should start working I should know the I have to make sure I need specific
on the task as soon rationale behind the everyone is okay with information about
as it is given. tsk before I start the task before I start the task prior to
working on it. it. working on it.

After putting a ✓ mark on your preferred box, tally your responses per letter and identify your dominant:
tendency. Put the total in the table below:

Total ✓ marks

What do the letters mean?

A - you are an action person. You want to plunge immediately into the work and ask questions as you work
Through the task.
G - you are a goal-directed person. You want to get the over-all picture and the benefits you are getting from
working on the task.
P - you are a people-person. You value relationships, ensure everyone has a say in the task and that they feel
Comfortable before working on it.
D - you are a detailed person. You want to know all the information, including the specifics, before working on
any task.

What do you think are the strengths of your dominant tendency? Use three or four adjectives.

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What are the limitations of your dominant tendency? Use three or four adjectives.

What other tendency do you think you will have difficulty working with? Why?

What other tendency do you think you can work with best? Why?



Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement incorrect. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
____________1. Emotions are the higher-level response occurring in the brain.
____________2. The mental portrayal of what is going on in your body when you have emotion is called feelings.
____________3. Emotions are psychological feelings are subjective since they are based on personal beliefs.
____________4. Emotional intelligence denote the interpretation and management of feelings.
____________5. Cognition is used to be aware of one’s feelings and others too.
____________6. Emotional intelligence is a requirement for one's overall well-being.
____________7. In the workplace, IQ is said to be more important than emotional intelligence or EQ.
____________8. Emotional regulation is not learned.
____________9. Conscientiousness is taking responsibility for one’s performance.
____________10. Emotional regulation varies from person to person, from context to context.

For # 1-5: Determine in which of the theories/model about emotional intelligence is described by the given
a. Bar-On b. Goleman c. Mayer, Salovey and Caruso

_______1. Described emotional intelligence as an array of non-cognitive abilities, competencies and skills.
_______2. Defined emotional intelligence as the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others.
_______3. Emotional intelligence model with four branches: emotional perception and expression, emotional
PerDev 101. Understanding the Self Wk. 6-7 Page 4
emotional understanding and analysis, and reflective emotional regulation.
_______4. Came up with his own cluster of emotional intelligence, namely self-awareness, self-management, social
awareness and relationship management.
_______5. The model is made up of 5 composites: self-perception, self-expression, interpersonal, decision-making and
stress management.
For # 6-10: Which of the following approaches/forms of emotional regulation is described by the given statement.
a. Cognitive Reappraisal b. Suppression c. Cognitive/covert d. Behavioral/overt
_______6. It entail engagement in observable activities, such as behavioral avoidance.
_______7. It involves evaluation of the situation prior to making personal, subjective valuation.
_______8. It involves denial and masking of facial expressions to hide one's current emotional state.
_______9. This strategy include avoidance of thoughts and feelings judged to be painful.
_______10. Approach used in certain situations where expressing feelings will not always have positive outcomes.

1. Explain why emotion exist alongside cognition. (5 points)

2. Explain why emotional intelligence has positive impact in different settings. Give examples. (5 points)

Research at least Five (5) definitions of spirituality.

Go, Ma. Jocelyn M. & Ramirez, Normaliza C. (2018) Understanding the Self. C & E Publishing, Inc. Edsa South
Triangle, Quezon City.
Macayan, Jonathan V., Junghan, Jasmine P. (2018) Understanding the Self. C & E Publishing, Inc. Edsa South
Triangle, Quezon City.

PerDev 101. Understanding the Self Wk. 6-7 Page 5

Brawner, Dalisay G. and Arcega, Annaliza F. (2018) Understanding the Self. C & E Publishing, Inc. Edsa South
Triangle, Quezon City.

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