Spin Selling Infosheet Questions

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Sample Questions

Sample Situation Questions Questions that aim to gather data, background facts

How long have you worked here? Who’s responsible for X? How long have you done X this
Who do you report to? How much budget do you have? How important is X to your
How do you do X? Do you have a strategy for X What competitors are there?
How do you develop new ideas? What’s your process for X? Which tools do you currently
Who manages the budget? Why do you do X this way? Have you worked with a

Sample Problem Questions Questions that aim to uncover problems

Are you satisfied with your Do you have any problems with X? How many people does it affect?
current process for X? The
How long does it take to do X? Do you have quality problems? How long does it take to
How expensive is X? Does this process ever fail? Is it easy to know what went
How many people are required Where, when, how often does this Who usually deals with the
to achieve the necessary results? happen? problem?

Sample Implication Questions Questions that aim to help realise the consequences of the problem

What effect does that have on...? What is the knock on cost of that? If you didn’t experience [issue],
would it be easier to achieve
[primary objective]?
What does that mean for your What’s the productivity cost of Does [issue] ever prevent you
team? doing X that way? from hitting your goals in
[business area]?
How does [issue] impact your What does that do for your Would you say [issue] is a blocker
team members? reputation? in terms of your personal career
What does it result in when.....? What happens if you’re not Would saving [amount of time]
successful with X? make a significant difference to
your [team, budget, company]?
Does that ever lead to......? What could you accomplish with an How would you use an extra
extra [amount of time] each [week, [amount of money] each [week,
month, year]? month, year]?
What does that mean for you? Would your customers be [more Has a problem with X ever
satisfied, engaged, loyal] if you negatively impacted your KPIs?
didn’t experience [problem related
to X]?
Sample Need/ Pay off questions Questions that aim to focus on what you can do for them.
Need Pay-Off questions should be developed from Implication Questions
IQ: “Has a problem with X ever prevented you from meeting a deadline?”
N-PQ: “If you could do X in less time, would it be easier to meet your
If …. If you could gain positive Why is it important to solve this
recognition from your problem?
Would it help if … ? Why would this help? Would it be useful to have ….?
How much time could you save if Is it important for your team to see Is there any other way this could
X benefit so they can take Y action? help you?
If you could reduce waste? Do you think solving [problem] Besides saving costs, would the
would impact you in Y way? service also enhance your image?
If you could decrease X how Would X make it simpler to achieve What other benefits would you
many additional sales do you [positive event]? see coming from a solution?
think you could make in a year?

© Sean Fielding 2018 : Spin Selling Neil Rackman- Gower Publishing

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