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Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.

Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.

My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

The study on 'Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving' provides the
interconnected stages in gas processing which leads to the where and why pumps
and compressors are applied. Let's say Chapter 8 is like a bridging chapter.

Intended For:
Electrical & Mechanical engineering students, cross over from other
engineering disciplin engineers, and related students/ professionals.
So, they can apply pumps and compressors in gas plant operations
and other related process plants.

Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving:

Page 162 - Gas processors usually take the responsibility for the gas after it leaves the
gas-liquid separator at the wellhead because operations are normally not under their
direct supervision. This chapter touches on wellhead operations and then discusses the
field operations and equipment for moving the gas into typical gas plant. The chapter
includes a discussion on gas hydrates because their control and prevention are critical
to gas transmission and is the scope of work in field operations.

2 examples in chapter 8 worked here. End of chapter problems are process/mechanical
engineering type - suitable for classroom or group. A fluid-thermodynamic textbook will
be helpful. Not a must for working cross-over electrical or mechanical engineer to
attempt, but if a similar class room group can be made then it maybe worth the time.
Figures provided here are re-drawn from the textbook. Provided after examples.
These serve to provide a general understanding concerning chapter 8.

This textbook has 2 parts.
Part 1 is suggested for electrical and mechanical students and engineers.
Part 2 maybe selected chapters, foccused more at specific stages or
operations, and have substantial mechanical-process engineering content.
Part 1 consists of 5 chapters which are not difficult to complete having read
and worked the examples in chapter 1.
Part 1:
Chapter 1 - Processing Principles
Chapter 2 - Pumps
Chapter 3 - Heat Transfer
Chapter 4 - Separation Processes
Chapter 5 - Phase Separation Equipment
Note: Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 are not difficult to comprehend compared to chapter 1.

Apologies for any errors and omissions.

Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

Example 8.1

Estimate hydrate formation temperature at 325 psia (22.4 bar) for the gas
with the composition in Table 8.1.

Compare the results from Figure 8.13 or Equation 8.1 with the
experimentally reported value for the gas at 50 degs F (10.0 degs C).

< --- Total = 20.08


USES (United States Engineering System) Units method:

Page 174 - Gas hydrates can form anywhere in a pipeline or process stream, but they
are particularly likely to form downstream of orifices or valves because of cooling from
Joule-Thompson expansion effects. See page 28 for Joule-Thompson effect.
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

Picture to the right shows a gas

hydrate in a gas pipeline. There are
worst pictures of gas hydrates
coming out of a pipeline than this.
This picture from the internet.

Obviously, pigging (pipeline clean-out)

is an essential work on a gas pipeline.
Gas hydrates impede gas flow, and
may impact the gas composition.
Refer to textbook on Pigging.
Calculate the specific gravity of the gas composition:

For ideal gases: Specific gravity or Relative density = Molar mass of gas
Molar mass of air

Specific gravity of gas composition = ƀƀƀ= 0.693
Calculate the hydrate formation temperature using equation 8.1a USES:
і 6.83 љ
= ˕16.5 ˕ їƀƀƀњ + 13.81 l n ( P ( psi a)) )
Equation 8.1a t ( F))
ј ( SpGr ) ћ

Given pressure is 325 psia.

і 6.83 љ
t ( F)) = ˕16.5 ˕ їƀƀƀњ + 13.81 ln ( 325)) = 49 F Answer.

ј ( 0.693) ћ

Using figure 8.13 page 172. Pressure

temperature curves for estimation of hydrate
formation conditions as a function of gravity.
At pressure 325 psia, and moving the
curve from either end 0.6 or 0.7 gravity
to approximately 0.693 which is good as
0.7 gives the intersection for temperature
close to 50 deg F. This shows calculated
result is good compared to the
experimental graph result. Answer.
Similar steps will provide the answer
for SI units of 9.4 degs C.

Comments: Straight forward as

chapter 8 presented text.
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

SI Units method:

Calculate the specific gravity of the gas composition:

For ideal gases: Specific gravity or Relative density = Molar mass of gas
Molar mass of air
Specific gravity of gas composition = ƀƀƀ= 0.693
Calculate the hydrate formation temperature using equation 8.1b SI
і 3.79 љ
= ˕6.44 ˕ їƀƀƀњ + 7.68 Έ ln ( P ( bar ) )
Equation 8.1b t ( C))
ј ( SpGr ) ћ

Given pressure is 22.4 bara.

і 3.79 љ
t ( F)) = ˕6.44 ˕ їƀƀƀњ + 7.68 Έ ln ( 22.4)) = 9.5
C Answer.
ј ( 0.693) ћ

The graph has psia only on the

vertical axis not metric bar.
There is no need for converting
bar to psia, inctead look at the
celcius scale on the top. Here
shown by the red line close to
10 degs C. Which is the asnwer
given in textbook. Answer.

Comment and a discussion:

In the oil and gas industry American companies play a big role. Lots of published data is
in USES. Related technical software can be in both USES and SI units. Pipe sizes used can
be USES size (ft-inches) in a country using SI system. There can be situations in this
industry where both units have to be given consideration whether the location is
American or metric based region. Pipeline sizes can be based on feet and inches with
conversion to metric. So, don't let the USES units be an obstacle to your learning for
gaining skills. Rather, appreciate it now. Its not difficult.
Simple rule of thumb 25 mm ~ 1 inch. Which gives 25mm x 12 inch = 300 mm = 1 ft.
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

Example 8.2

A sweet gas with a specific gravity of 0.73 leaves a gas-liquid separator at

100 degs F (37.8 degs C) and 600 psia (41.4 bara) saturated with water.

The gas drops to 35 degs F (1.7 degs C) before reaching the

next booster station at 500 psia (34.5 bara).

Assume that no hydrocarbon condensate had formed in the line.

Calculate how much methanol must be added per MMscf (10^ 3 Nm^ 3)
to prevent hydrate formation between the separator and the booster station.

Repeat the calculation for ethylene glycol,

which is added in 80 wt% mixture with water.


Figure above is an attempt to describe the example problem.

Methanol or ethylene glycol is added after the separator - just in general rather than actual
position in a real process diagram, and same for pipe turning down out of separator.
Separator plant EXPLAI NED in chapter 5.

USES (United States Engineering System) Units method:

Calculate the hydrate formation temperature using equation 8.1a USES:
At the separator end of 600 psia gas specific gravity of 0.73:
і 6.83 љ
= ˕16.5 ˕ їƀƀƀњ + 13.81 l n ( P ( psi a)) )
Equation 8.1a t ( F))
ј ( SpGr ) ћ
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

і 6.83 љ
= ˕16.5 ˕ їƀƀƀ + 13.81 Έ ln ( 600)) = 59 F
2 њ
t ( F))
ј ( 0.73) ћ

The temperature at the other end of the line just

before entering the booster station is 35 degs F.

Temperature drop or difference of: 59 ˕ 35 = 24 F < --- subcooling.

This is a lowering of the temperature which can be described as subcooling.

35 degs F (1.7 degs C) is near freezing point for water. Around where, water
vapour may start turning to ice in the pipeline.

24 degs F drop subcooling into the hydrate region, and hydrate formation is
probable without inhibition. Inhibitors expalined on page 174-178.

Calculating the inhibitor rate requires the following determined first:

1). Determine amount of liquid-water formed
2). Determine amount of inhibitor in the water phase
3). Determine amount of inhibitor in the gas phase

1). Determine amount of liquid-water formed:

Chapter 11 Gas Dehydration has the required chart for water content for
hydrocarbon gases. Used here.
Using the chart-graph on page 246.

At 600 psia at 100 deg F - 95

lb_m/ MMscf

At 600 psia at 35 deg F - 13

lb_m/ MMscf
Textbook has 13 it closer to 12 in my work use
textbook value for example purpose.

To convert to SI multiply by 16.9 as

indicated at bottom of chart-graph.

The quantity of water that drops in the

pipeline between temperature
difference of 100 to 35F:
95 ˕ 13 = 82 lb_m / MMscf
That is, assuming maximum
water condensation in pipeline.
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

2). Determine amount of inhibitor in the water phase

Page 176 - Thermodynamic inhibitors, mainly methanlol and ethylene glycol, are
widely used. They are essentially antifreeze.
A number of empirical correlations based upon thermodynamic properties of
solutions, predict the amount of any hydrate inhibitor required to depress hydrate
formation temperatures.

Using equation 8.4a, where x_w is the mole fraction of water in the aqueous phase.

ęU ( F)) = ˕129.6 Έ l n іјx W љћ

< --- gives the hydrate depression temperature
i.e. the temperature to prevent hydrate
Re-arranging equation to solve for x_w:

ęU ( F))
ln іјx W љћ = ƀƀƀ ęU ( F)) = 59 ˕ 35 = 24 F

ln іјx W љћ = ƀƀƀ = ˕0.185


Refresher: If y = e then x = ln ( y))
xW = e = 0.831 This is the mol fraction of water.

Therefore, mol fraction of methanol (MeOH) is:

x M eOH = 1 ˕ xW = 1.0 ˕ 0.831 = 0.169 mol fraction

Now calculate the weight fraction of methanol in the gas mixture:

See note at bottom of page.
Molas mass of MeOH is 32, calculate the weight fraction given the
mol fraction of methanol and water.

Molar mass of methanol = 32

іјx M eOH Έ M W M eOH љћ
Molar mass of water = 18
Weight fraction of methanol in mixture: ƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀ
іјx M eOH Έ M W M eOH љћ + іјx H 2O Έ M W H 2Oљћ

( 0.169 Έ 32))
wt f r act i on _M eOH = ƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀ = 0.266
( 0.169 Έ 32) + ( 0.831 Έ 18)
Note: 'Weight fraction' term is not the best expression. Textbook bottom page 18 -
The weight fraction should properly be called the mass fraction but this is uncommon.
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

Now by using the weight of the methanol to the weight of the water
based on mol fraction values will provide the fraction needed to continue
on to calculate the weight of the methanol required to be added based
on the same weight ratio of water.

Calculate weight fraction methanol to weight fraction water

( 0.169 Έ 32))
ƀƀƀƀ = 0.362 lb_m methanol / lb_m water. As it is in textbook.
( 0.831 Έ 18)

Therefore the mass of methanol in water phase need be added to

the 82 lb mass of water in the pipeline is:

Methonal mass = 0.362 Έ 82 = 29.7 lb_m / MMscf Answer.

Procedure here was to add

methanol of the same phase
to the water hydrate phase.
Liquid to liquid, and vapour
to vapour. By the same
proportions. Next for the
vapour mass of methanol to
be added to pipeline. But
this is done not thru the
same steps as before. Rather
thru use of a chart-graph.

3). Determine amount of inhibitor in the gas phase

Figure 8.14 is a chart-graph of the methanol in vapour phase composition to

methanol-liquid composition. Exactly the units on the x-axis (the axis value that is
needed) are MeOH in vapour phase lb-m_/ MMscf / MeOH in water phase, wt%.

That was why the weight fraction was calculated in the previous part.
But it need to be multiplied by 100 so it is in weight percent form.

і ( 0.169 Έ 32)) љ
wt % _M eOH = 100 Έ їƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀ
ј ( 0.169 Έ 32) + ( 0.831 Έ 18) њћ
= 26.6 %

Continued next page.

Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

This time use the engineering values at the other end of the pipeline.
Where the pressure is 500 psia at booster station, and the temperature is 35
degs F just before entering the booster station. Which is the temperature in the
field before entering an enclosed structure like the booster station.
For the worst case temperature.

< --- Figure 8.14 page 177.

At 500 psia and 35 degs F,

the result is approximately is
1.22 MeOH in vapour phase
lb_m/ Mmscf / MeOH in water
phase, wt%.

Calculate amount of methanol in vapur phase to add to the pipeline:

1.22 x MeOH in vapour phase lb-m/MMscf

MeOH in water phase, wt%.

MeOH in vapour phase lb_M Mmscf = 1.22 x MeOH in water phase, wt%.

MeOH in vapour phase = 1.22 Έ 26.6 = 32.5 lb_m_MMscf

The amount of methonal to be

added in the vapour phase is
32.5 lb_m/ MMscf.

Total amount of methonal

required (both water and
vapour phase):

29.7 + 32.5 = 62.2 lb_m_MMscf

Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

There were 2 phases water phase and vapour phase.

If there were a condensate phase present in the pipeline then there could be
need to look into figure 8.15.
Page 179 at end of this example the following - If a condensate phase was
present as well, the losses estimated by use of Figure 8.15 would have added
into that phase (condensate phase). This amount of methanol will be much
less than what goes into the aqueous and vapour phase in the gas line.

Refresher on aqueous phase - An aqueous phase is the water portion of a system

consisting of two liquid phases, one mainly water, the other a liquid immiscible with
water. Example, when oil and water are mixed, they form two separate layers, and
the water layer is the aqueous phase. The oil layer does not mix with water that is
it's immiscible. An aqueous solution is a solution in which water is the solvent.

Continuing the example problem for ethylene glycol.

Repeat the calculation for ethylene glycol,

which is added in 80 wt% mixture with water.

This part of the problem is worked differently compared to methanol.

Some similarities are there.

Apply equation 8.3a to calculate the mass fraction Xi of the inhibitor in

the free water phase.

ęU ( F)) Έ M W
Xi = ƀƀƀƀƀƀƀ
ęU ( F ) Έ M W i + 2335
ęU ( F)) = 24
M Wi = 62 molar mass for glycol.

24 Έ 62
Xi = ƀƀƀƀƀ = 0.39 mass fraction (i.e. weight fraction).
24 Έ 62 + 2335

Given the glycol is diluted to 80% mass fraction (weight fraction).

Here that is taken for 80% ethylene glycol and 20% water.

Now how do we come up with the updated ethylene glycol mass fraction for the
80% diluted solution? Simply multiply by 0.8 for 80%?
Aim is 'To obtain the mass of inhibitor solution (ethylene glycol) added
per unit mass of free water present to obtain the desired concentration'
So, its just not pouring in simply into a tank rather proportion of inhibitor to a unit mass
of free water.
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

X0 X0
Use this expression: ƀƀƀ OR ƀƀƀ
Xi ˕X0 X0˕Xi
where Xo is the mass fraction of inhibitor in the solution
to be added.
Denominator Xi-Xo OR Xo-Xi just so we get a positive value
since Xi can be less than or greater than Xo.

X0 0.8
ƀƀƀ = ƀƀƀƀ = 1.95 < --- This is the adjusted mass fraction or
X0˕Xi 0.8 ˕ 0.39 weight fraction for dilution to 80%.
Like before based on the mass of water 82 lbs,
the amount of ethylene glycol to be added is

1.95 Έ 82 = 160 lb_m/ MMscf. Answer.

Page 179 at end of example problem: At these conditions, glycol loss into vapour
phase is negligible so the total amount of solution required is 160 lb_m_MMscf.

Set Xi approximately 0.4

instead of 0.39:

і 0.8 љ
їјƀƀƀ Έ 82 = 164
0.8 ˕ 0.4 њћ lb_m/ MMscf.

That 164 lb_m_/MMscf was

provided in the textbook as
a 2nd solution just maybe
make up for the
condensate phase.

This comes to the end of this USES example problem.

The SI unit solution were provided for the example.
NOT necessarily correct in all the steps for SI method. See next page.
However, these are thru USES to SI conversion factors, since the tables concerned
here chart-graph 11.1 was in Fahrenheit and did not have Celcius. Figure 8.14 has
a and b for correponding F and C. This will do. The main thing is understanding
what all is involved for the application of pumps and compressors.
Six end of chapter problems are not a must for the electrical or mechanical person
to solve, they have both USES and SI values in the problems.

Comments: This was a bridging chapter. It's intended purpose to remove obstacles
against applying pumps and compressors for the electrical and mechanical engineer
and student (reader). Chapters on Pumps and Compressors are interesing and do
provide applicable skills. Interested? Consider purchasing the 2nd edition textbook.
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

SI Units method does NOT work exactly the same here:

Calculating the inhibitor rate requires the following determined first:

1). Determine amount of liquid-water formed
2). Determine amount of inhibitor in the water phase
3). Determine amount of inhibitor in the gas phase

1). Determine amount of liquid-water formed:

Chapter 11 Gas Dehydration has the required chart for water content for
hydrocarbon gases. Used here.

Earlier in USES calculation the chart-graph on page 246 was used to determine the
mass of the methanol based on pressure and temperature. This was using a USES
system chart-graph. See chart-graphs on USES method.
To convert to SI multiply by 16.9 as indicated at bottom of chart-graph.

At 600 psia at 100 deg F - 95 lb_m / MMscf Mass cannot be directly converted to
At 600 psia at 35 deg F - 13 lb_m / MMscf kg for continuing use in calculations.
SI would need its own chart-graph.
( 95 Έ 16.9)) ˕ ( 13 Έ 16.9)) = 1385.8 mg /Nm^ 3 Unit on chart-graph is mg water/ Nm^ 3.

The unit above is miligram, its preferred to make it kg in this case.

1000 mg = 1 g. 1000g = 1kg. 1mg : 1/ 10^ 6 kg. 1mg : 1/10^ 3 g.
mg /Nm^ 3 = (kg/ 10^ 6) Nm^ 3 OR (g/10^ 3) Nm^ 3

( 95 Έ 16.9)) ˕ ( 13 Έ 16.9)) = 1385.8 kg/(10^ 6) Nm^ 3 Answer.

Textbook rounded it to 1390 kg/(10^ -6) Nm^ 3

2). Determine amount of inhibitor in the water phase

Refer to the USES method for notes on the solution. Here on the SI method
same calculations do not always work since the chart-graph was USES designed
and multiplying factor involved for SI. As will be demonstrated here.
Using equation 8.4b, where x_w is the mole fraction of water in the aqueous phase.

ęU ( C)) = ˕72.0 Έ l n іјx W љћ

< --- gives the hydrate depression temperature
i.e. the temperature to prevent hydrate
Re-arranging equation to solve for x_w:

ęU ( C))
ln іјx W љћ = ƀƀƀ ęU ( F)) = 37.8 ˕ 1.7 = 36.1 C
ln іјx W љћ = ƀƀ = ˕0.501
< --- This is larger than the USES value.
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

xW = e = 0.606 This is the mol fraction of water.

Therefore, mol fraction of methanol (MeOH) is:

x M eOH = 1 ˕ xW = 1.0 ˕ 0.606 = 0.394 mol fraction

This is larger than the USES value of 0.169.
Now calculate the weight fraction of methanol in the gas mixture:
See note on mass fraction.
Molar mass of methanol = 32, and molar mass of water = 18.
іјx M eOH Έ M W M eOH љћ
Weight fraction of methanol in mixture: ƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀ
іјx M eOH Έ M W M eOH љћ + іјx H 2O Έ M W H 2Oљћ
( 0.394 Έ 32))
wt f r act i on _M eOH = ƀƀƀƀƀƀƀƀ = 0.536
( 0.394 Έ 32) + ( 0.606 Έ 18)
Note: 'Weight fraction' term not the best that expression. Textbook bottom page 18 - The
weight fraction should properly be called the mass fraction but this is uncommon.

Calculate weight fraction methanol to weight fraction water

( 0.394 Έ 32))
ƀƀƀƀ = 1.156 kg methanol / kg water.
( 0.606 Έ 18)
This in comparison to USES which was 0.362, SI here greater than 1 at 1.156.
Continuing on anyway.
Therefore the mass of methanol in water phase need be
added to the 1390 kg/ Nm^ 3 mass of water in the pipeline is:

Methonal mass = 1.156 Έ 1390 = 1606.8 This is NOT the answer.

The answer here is 500g/10^ 3 Nm^ 3
Note: 1 kg approximately equal to 2.2046 lbm or 2.205 lbm.
What went wrong? The mass fraction should be the same for both USES or SI system.
Since, use of molar mass is the same for USES and SI.
The chart-graph Figure 11.1 was NOT constructed for SI weight
fraction, it made for multiplying a 16.9 conversion factor.
Calculate weight fraction methanol to weight fraction water (See USES solution)
( 0.169 Έ 32))
ƀƀƀƀ = 0.362 that is lb_m methanol / lb_m water which is unitless.
( 0.831 Έ 18)

That fraction 0.362 applies to both metric and English USES units.

Methonal mass = 0.362 Έ 1390 = 503.2 g/ 10^ 3 Nm^ 3 Answer.

500g/ 10^ 3 Nm^ 3 rounded of - textbook answer.
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

3). Determine amount of inhibitor in the gas phase

Figure 8.14b page 177 for SI units does not go far enough for 1.7 degs C for 500
psia. This chart-graph cannot be used in this situation. Like figure 8.14a was used.

USES: At 500 psia and 35 degs F, the result is approximately is 1.22 MeOH
in vapour phase lb_M Mmscf / MeOH in water phase, wt%.

Same situation as in part 2.

Go to the USES calculations and it comes down to applying the

multiplying conversion factor 16.9

Calculate amount of methanol in vapur phase to add to the pipeline:

1.22 x MeOH in vapour phase lb-m_MMscf

MeOH in water phase, wt%.

MeOH in vapour phase lb_M Mmscf = 1.22 x MeOH in water phase, wt%.

MeOH in vapour phase = 1.22 Έ 26.6 = 32.5 lb_m_/ MMscf

Multiply by 16.9 for SI units.

MeOH in vapour phase = 32.5 Έ 16.9 = 549.3 g/ 10^ 3 Nm^ 3 Answer.

540g/ 10^ 3 Nm^ 3 rounded of - textbook answer.

Total amount of methonal required (both water and vapour phase):

500 + 540 = 1040 g/ 10^ 3 Nm^ 3 Answer.

USES answer for total: 29.7 + 32.5 = 62.2 lb_m/ MMscf

Applying multiplier factor 16.9 on that: 62.9 Έ 16.9 = 1063 g/ 10^ 3 Nm^ 3

Textbook answer for total was 980 g/ (10^ 3) Nm^ 3.

Some rounding offs and other miscellaneous glitches gave little off answer.

Next to the last part on ethylene glycol.

Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

Repeat the calculation for ethylene glycol,

which is added in 80 wt% mixture with water.

Go back to the USES solution it concluded with 1.95 below for continuing to
the answer.
X0 0.8
ƀƀƀ = ƀƀƀƀ = 1.95 < --- Same requirement but we are only
X0˕Xi 0.8 ˕ 0.39 going to apply the 16.9 multiplier again.

Like before based on the mass of water 82 lbs,

the amount of ethylene glycol to be added is
1.95 Έ 82 = 160 lb_m_MMscf.

Multiply the USES answer by 16.9.

160 Έ 16.9 = 2704 kg/(10^ 6) Nm^ 3 = 2.704 (g/10^ 3) Nm^ 3 Answer.

2.7 g/ 10^ 3 Nm^ 3 rounded of textbook answer.

Not exactly the way it was expected to work out.
Obviously, there is an advantage in just getting used to USES units.
Engineers and scientist work with various units for various disciplins.
Maybe consider to get adapted to work in both SI and USES in this industry.
Expecially when the oil gas industry is so much driven by American technology.
There maybe other textbooks on the same topic by other engineer-authors aimed at
SI units. Both units are used in this textbook just that the majority examples are
solved in USES units. As in chapter 1 worked examples both units can be used.
Multiplying factor like the one used here 16.9 was helpful to amke things eaiser.

Next pages are a few figures.

Apologies for any errors and omissions.

Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing (2nd Edition) - Kidnay, Parrish, and McCartney.
Chapter 8 - Field Operations and Inlet Receiving Arthur J. Kidnay - Professor.
My Homework - Karl Bogha. April 2024.

Note: Textbook tries to cover text material on each rectangular box process.
Apologies for any and all errors and omissions.

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