Bai Tap Tieng Anh 3 - Tap 2 Nguyen Hoang Thanh Ly

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NGUYEN HOANG THANH LY : NGUYEN VAN HAI ven S Bai t tap Or} TIENG ANH er oT Sa y "NHAXUATBAN ng DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI Foon As Getting Started Bat dau A. TO VUNG hello Zha'lau/ xin chao goodbye /,gud'bai/ tam biét red /red/ mau dé yellow /'jelav/ mau vang blue /blu:/ mau xanh duong black /bleck/ mau den white /watt/ mau trang green /gri:n/ mau xanh luc one /wan/ 861 two /tu:/ 62 three /Ori:/ 363 four /fo:(t)/ five /faw/ six /siks/ seven /'sevn/ 867 eight Zett/ 868 nine /nain/ 869 ten /ten/ sd mudi stand up /'steendz ap/ ding lén sit down /'sit daun/ ngoi xudng hands up /heendz ap/ gid tay lén hands down /heend daun/ bo tay xuéng open your book /oupan jo:(t) buk/ md sach ra close your book /iclavz jox(t) buk/ déng sach lai B. MAU CAU 1. Cach héi tén cha ban em va cach tra li - Héi: - Tra Idi: What’s your name? Ban tén gi? My name's + (tén), Minh tén 1a + (tén) Vi du: What's your name? Ban tén gi? My name's Binh, Minh tén la Binh. 2. Cach héi tuéi cla ban em va cach tra ldi - Hai: How old are you? Ban bao nhiéu tudi/Ban may tuéi? - Tra Idi: I'm + (66 tudi). Vi du: I'm eight. Minh tam tuéi. I'm nine. Minh chin tudi. 3, Cach héi mau sac va cach tra 1éi What colour is it? Né c6 mau gi? It’s + (mau): NO (mau). Vi du: What colour is it? Né6 cé mau gi? It’s red. N6 mau do. C. BAI TAP 1. Vocabulary - Tir vung 1. Match the word with the correct number. (N6i ti véi s6 tuong tng.) 1. four AL 2. six B.2 3. one C.3 4. seven D.4 5. nine E.5 6. three F6 7. ten G.7 8. two H.8 9. five, Lg 10. eight J.10 2, Match the word with its meaning. (N6i ti véi y nghia cia né.) 1. white A. mau den 2, yellow {__B. mau xanh lye 3. black C, mau xanh dusng 4, blue D. mau dé 5. red E, mau vang 6. green F. mau trang 3. Look at the picture and choose the correct option. (Nhin hinh va chon phuong an dung.) A. stand up A. hands up A. close your book B. sit down B, hands down B. open your book A. stand up A. hands up A. open your book B. sit down B. hands down B. close your book Il. Sentence patterns - Mau cau 1. Match the sentences. (N6i cdc cau.) 1, Hello. What’s your name? 2. What color is it? A.T'meight. C. Goodbye. D. It’s yellow. 3. How old are you? 4. Goodbye 2. Choose the correct answer. (Chon cau tra Idi ding.) 1. What’s your name? 2. Hands down? A. Hello, Quan. A. My name’s Mai. B. My name’s Quan. B. Yes, teacher. C. Goodbye, Quan. C. Open your book. 3. What color is it? A. Stand up, please. B. I'm eight. C. It’s yellow. co Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. (Nhin hinh va chon cau tra loi ding.) A: How old are you? ‘A: How old are you? B: : B: A.Tmsix. A. Tm five. B, I'm seven, B. I'm four, C.T'm eight. C.T'm nine. ‘A: How old are you? A: How old are you? B: ‘ B: A. I'm five. A.T'm three. B. I'm nine B. I'm two. C.T'm ten. C. Tm six. Unit 1 - Bait My Friends Ban bé ciia téi A. TO VUNG alphabet /elfabet/ bang chit cdi the USA 78a ju: es ‘ev/ nude My the UK /¥a j Vuong quéc Anh Italy /'ttali/ nuée ¥ India /'ndio/ nude An DO Japan /438'peen/ nuée Nhat dance /da:ns/ mia sing /sm/ ca, hat draw /arg ve read /ri:d/ doc paint /peint/ t6 vé good /gusd/ kkhoé, tot great /greit/ tuyét vai, rat tot B. MAU CAU 1. Cach yéu cau ban em danh van tén ~ Dé yéu cdu danh van tén, em néi: Vidu: How do you spell your name? Ban danh van tén ban nhu thé nao? How do you spell + .... (tn)? Ban danh van (tén) ... nhu thé’nao? How do you spell “Nick”? Ban danh van “Nick” nhu thé nao? How do you spell your name? Ban dénh van tén ban nhu thé'nao? N-I-C-K 2, Cach héi ban em dén tit quéc gia nao va cach tra ldi Hoi: Where are you from? Ban dén tt dau? Tra li: I'm from + (tén quéc gia), Téi dén tit (tén quée gia). Vi du: Where are you from? Ban dén ti dau? I'm from the UK. T6i dén tir Vuong quée Anh. 3. Cach héi ai dé tiv quéc gia nao va cach tra 1di Hoi: Where's she/he from? Cé ay/anh ay dén tw dau? TrA loi: _ {She/He’s from + (tén quéc gia). C6 ay/Anh ay dén tir + (tén quée gia). Vidu: Where's she from? C6 dy dén ti dau? She's from Italy. Cé ay dén tir nude Y. 4, Cach héi ban em hay ai dé cé thich lam gi hay khong va cach tra léi Hoi: Tra Idi: | Yes, I do, (C6, minh thich.) Tra ldi: | Yes, they do. (Cé, ho thich.) Tra léi: | Yes, she/he does. (C6, cé ay/anh ay thich.) Vidu: Do you like + V-ing? Ban c6 thich .. khang? No, I don’t. (Khéng, minh khéng thich.) Do your friends like + V-ing? (Cac ban cia ban cé thich ... khong?) No, they don’t. (Khéng, ho khdng thich.) Does she/he like + V-ing? (Cé ay/Anh y c6 thich ... khéng?) No, she/he doesn’t. (Khong, c6 &y/anh ay khéng thich.) Do you like reading? Bao 6 thich doc séch khong? Yes, I do. Cé, minh thich Does she like dancing? Cé ay 6 thich mia khong? Yes, she does. Cd, cé ay thich. Does he like drawing? Anh dy cé thich vé khéng? No, he doesn’t. Khong, anh ay khéng thich. 5. Cach hoi tham sic khoé va cach dap lai Hoi: ‘Tra loi: 10 How are you? Ban cé khoé khong? : | I'm good. And you? Minh khoé. Con ban thé nao? C. BAI TAP |. Vocabulary - Tir vung 1, Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i ti véi hinh ding.) 1. the USA 2. the UK 3. India D. E. E we ee sats aE ss 4. Italy 5. Japan 6. Viet Nam 2. Look at the picture and choose the correct word. (Nhin hinh va chon tiv ding.) 2. it A. dancing A. drawing B. reading B, reading A. painting A. dancing A. drawing B. singing B. painting : B. reading 3. Find and circle the following words. (Tim va khoanh vao cdc tit sau day.) hi__good great meet. ll ot rilpJalslalH|zlo <|/z/Olslols|[rja plalm|<|m}a]a]o Mlalal|<|4]m}o|n 8]s}] |] a] R1O <]>]z|alalaz}alo SZ) |ol a] e|o]a]> Ble] ala/s}s}o/a Il. Sentence patterns - Mau cau 1, Match the beginnings and endings to make sentences. (Noi phan dau va cudi dé tao thanh cau.) 1. My name’s ‘A. from? 2. How do B. like singing? 3. Where are you C. Mai. 4.1T'm from 5. Do your friends E, Italy. 6. Yes, they F. you spell “Mai”? 2. Match the sentences, (N6i cdc cau.) A. I'm from Japan. =? B, Yes, I do. C. My name’s Quan. D. Q-U-AN, 1. What’s your name? 2. How es & kz 6 & IS 2 IO c 5 5. 3, Where are you from? 4, Do you like writing, Quan? 3. Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. (Nhin hinh va chon cau tra li ding.) A: Where is he from? A: Do your friends like singing? B. B: A. He’s from Italy. A. Yes, she does. B. He’s from the USA. B. Yes, they do. C, He’s from Japan. C. No, they don’t. 12 Caen, A: Does he like reading? A: Does she like drawing? B: B: A. Yes, he is. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he does. B. Yes, she does. C. No, he doesn’t, C. No, she doesn’t. A: Where’s he from? B A. He's from the UK. B. He's from India. C. He's from Japan. 4, Read the questions and then write the answers about you. (Doc céu di va sau dé viét cau tra Idi vé em.) 1. What’s your name? 2, How do you spell your name? 3. Where are you from? 4. Do you like singing? 5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sap xép céc tw theo thif tu ding dé tao thanh cau.) 1. name /What’s /your /? 2. you /How /your /do /spell /name /? 3, from /Where /are /you /? 4, to meet /It’s /nice /you /. 5. from /She’s /the USA /. 6, like /Do /your /friends /drawing /? 13 Ill. Phonics - Nga 4m 1. Read the words and place them under the correct sound. (Doc cac tif 2. 14 va xép ching bén du6i am ding.) spell space India Japan Alpha Italy Spain singing __dancing _ painting /spl bl /yl Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. (@oc tw va khoanh vao am ding 6 phan duoc gach dui.) 1. drawing 2. spoon 3. singing 4. speak A. /sp/ A. Isp/ A. /sp/ A. Isp/ B. /y/ B./y/ Bly B. /y/ C. al C. fal Chal C. fal 5. Japan 6. Italy 7. Lisa 8, reading A. Isp/ A /spl Alsp/ A. Ispl B. /y/ B. /y/ By B./y/ C. fal C. lal Chal C./al Unit 2 - Bai 2 Family Gia dinh A. TU VUNG father 7 fasbatt)/ cha, ba, be mother 7 madalry/ me, ma brother 7 bradatt)/ em trai, anh trai sister Faistatt)/ chi gai, em gai grandfather 7 greenfardotry/ ong grandmother 7 greenmada(t)/ ba uncle 7 xgkl/ chai, bac aunt Zant/ 06, di cousin 7kxan/ anh ho, em ho homework Zhavmwsk/ bai tap vé nha clean Zalin/ don dep wake up Zwetk ap/ thite day go to bed Zgau ta bed/ ding pet 7pet/ thti cung dog 7a0g/ con ché cat 7iccot/ con méo fish 7hif/ conc Bs bird 7o3:d/ con chim B. MAU CAU 1. Cach giéi thiéu mét thanh vién trong gia dinh minh véi nguéi khac. This is my ... (family member): Day 1a... (thanh vién gia dinh) cia tdi. Vi du: This is my father. Day la cha toi. This is my grandfather. Day Ia éng t6i. 2. Cach héi mét ngwéi nao dé 1a ai trong gia dinh em va tra léi. Who's she/he? Cé ay Anh ay 1a ai? 15 She/He’s my ... (family member). C6 ay/Anh ay la .. (thanh vién gia dinh) cia t6i. Vi du: ‘A: Who's she? C6 yy 1d ai? B; She's my aunt. Cé ay 18 di tdi. 38. Cach hdi tén cua mét ngudi nao dé va tra Idi. What's her/his name? Cé ay/Anh ay tén gi? Her/His name’s + (name). Tén ctia c6 dy/anh ay 1a (tén). Vi du: A; What's her name? Co dy tén gi? B; Her name’s Mai. Co ay tén Mai. A: What's his name? Anh ay tén gi? B: His name’s Quan, Anh dy tén Quan. 4, Cach bao hoae sai khién ai lam viéc gi dé, em ding cau trac Vi du: ~ Clean your room! Hay don dep phong cita ban! hode V + prep (V: d6ng ti, prep: gidi ti) Vi du: - Wake up! Hay thite day! Luu ¥: Dé bao hoc sai khién ai dé DUNG lam vige gi, em thém DON'T é ddu cau. Vidy: Don’t open your book! Ding md sach! 16 C. BAI TAP I. Vocabulary - Ter vung 1. Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i tiy véi hinh ding.) 1. father 2. mother 3. grandfather 4. grandmother 5. brother 6. sister 2. Find and circle the words: family, cousin, aunt, uncle, pet. (Tim va khoanh vao cac tw: family, cousin, aunt, uncle, pet.) W Oo Cc = Hlole|slolmiofm]e] as “ > os BIOl|~l|z/alalolm @ls|alC | ajalmic|m Al Ze zpolzlazin fala [s]sl}alala|a 8le[xlala/mlalala slZlolmltlalata|e Il. Sentence patterns - Mau cau 1, Match the beginnings and endings to make sentences. (N6i phan dau va cudi dé tao thanh cau.) 1. This is my A. her name? 2, Her name's 3, What’s 4, How old 5. She's eight D. years old. 2. Match the sentences. (N6i cdc cau.) 1. Who's he? A. His name’s Quan, 2. Who's she? B. He's my brother. 3, What's her name? C. He’s eight, 4, What’s his name? D. Her name’s Hoa. 5. How old is he? E. She’s my aunt. s Look at the picture and choose the correct word to complete the sentences. (Nhin hinh va chon tit ding dé hoan thanh céu.) This is my : This is my A. father A. sister B, mother B, brother C. brother C. mother 7 3. 5. ‘A: Who's he? ‘A: Who's she? ‘A: Who's he? B: He's my . B: She's my ...B: He’s my A. brother A. brother A. uncle B, grandmother B. uncle B. sister C. grandfather C. aunt C. aunt 4, Read the passage and tick (“) True or False. (Doc doan van va danh dau (“) Ding hoc Sai.) 18 My name’s Phong. I’m eight years old. I live with my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, and sister. My family pet is a dog. His name’s Kiki. He three years old. He black and white. I love my dog. True False 1. Phong’s nine years old. 2. He has a brother. 3. His pet is a cat. 4, Kiki is his pet. 5. His pet is three years old. 5. Lookat the pictures. Read and choose a word from the box to complete each sentence. (Nhin hinh. Doc va chon mot tiv trong khung dé hoan thanh mdi cau.) Hands Wake room up down homework Sit ! Do your ! up! 6. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sip xép cdc tit theo thif ty ding dé tao thanh cau.) 1. is /This /my mother /. 2. she /Who’s /? 3. my /She’s /grandmother /. 4, name /What’s /her /? 19 5. Tuyet /Her name's /. 6. homework /Do /your /! 7. cats /I /don't /like /. 8. is /a dog /My /family pet /. IIL. Phonics - Ngd@’ am 1. Read the words and place them under the correct sound. (Doc eac tit va xép ching bén du6i 4m ding) mother brother father grandmother please play son Monday __ this that plane plum /pl /0/ /a/ 2. Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. (oc tw va khoanh vao am ding 6 phan duoc gach dui.) 1. please 2. brother 3, son 4, grandfather A. ipl Alpi A. /pl B. /o/ B./3 B./0l B./a/ CIN CI Cla CI 5. they 6. planet 7. grandmother _—_ 8. there A. /pl/ A./pl A.Ipl A. /pl Bo - B./0/ B. (6) B./6/ C. lal CIs C. Isl Civ) 20 Uni 3- Bai 3 School Truong hoc A. TU VUNG eraser AV rerza(t)/ cuc gom, cuc tay ruler 7 ru:la(r)/ thuée ké pencil /'pensl/ bit chi notebook /‘navtbuk/ quyén vd pencil case 7pens! keis/ hép but Math /m0/ mén Toan English /'mglif/ mon Tiéng Anh Art Ja:t/ mon Mj thuat PE mén Thé duc Music /'mjuzzik/ mén Am nhac Monday 7'mander/ tha Hai Tuesday 7 tiu:zder/ thi Ba Wednesday 7 wenzdei/ thé Tu Thursday 7 oa:zdev/ thi Nam Friday 7 frarder/ thi Sau Saturday /'seetader/ thi Bay Sunday 7'sandet/ Cha nhat orange 7prinds/ mau cam pink /pik/ mau héng purple 7'pxpl/ mau tfa gray /arei/ mau xam. favorite /iewarit/ duge yéu thich nhat B. MAU CAU 1. Cach héi va tr loi vé dé dig hoc tap c6 phai cia ban em hay khéng a. Héi vé mot dé ding hoc tap: Hoi: Day cé phai la (46 ding hoc tap) cha ban khéng? ip): 21 Yes, it is, Vang, ding réi. No, it isn’t. Khong, kh6ng phai. Vi du: A: Is this your pencil? Day cé phai la bit chi cia ban khong? B: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. Vang, duing réi. / Khng, khéng phdi. b. Héi vé nhiéu dé ding hoc tap: Hoi: Are these your + (dé dung hoc tap)? Day c6 phai la (dé ding hoc tap) cia ban khéng? ‘Tra léi: Yes, they are. Vang, duing réi. No, they aren't. Khéng, khong phai. Vi du: ‘A: Are these your pencils? Day c6 phai la nhiing cy bit chi cla ban khng? B: Yes, they are./ No, they aren't. Vang, dung réi. / Khong, khéng phi. 2. Cach héi ban cé thich mén hoe nao dé hay khéng va cach tra 1éi Hoi: Do you like + (mén hoc)? Ban c6 thich (mén hoc) khong? Tra loi: Yes, I do. Vang, téi thich. No, I don’t. Khéng, téi khéng thich. Vi du: ‘A: Do you like Art? Ban 06 thich mén My thuat khong? B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Vang, t0i thich. / Khong, toi khong thich. 3. CAch hdi va tra 16i ban cé mén hoc gi vao ngay nao Céch héi: When do you have + (tén mén hoc)? (Ban c6 mén .. vao thit may?) 22 Thave + (tén mén hoc) + on + (days). + (ngay trong tudn).) Vi dy: A: When do you have Art? Ban c6 mén My thuat vao thit may? B: Ihave Art on Mondays and Fridays. T6i cé mén My thuét vao céc ngay thi Hai va thi Séu. 4. Cach hdi va tra 1di vé mau sac ma ban em yéu thich Hai: What's your favorite color? Mau yéu thich cia ban la mau gi? My favorite color is + (mau sic). Mau yéu thich cia tdi la + (mau sdc). Vi du: A: What's your favorite color? Mau yéu thich cia ban la mau gi? B: My favorite color is pink. Mau yéu thich cia t6i la mau héng. C. BAI TAP 1. Vocabulary - Tiy vung 1, Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i ti voi hinh tuong ting.) 1. eraser 2. ruler 3. pencil 4. notebook 5. pencil case ee / 23 2. Find and circle the words: green, blue, orange, pink, purple, gray, yellow. (Tim va khoanh vao cac tit: green, blue, orange, pink, purple, gray, yellow.) WI/RIY{E;LIL{IO}|]W}]A}cC S|L]|K|H|H|F{S|W]S]|L G/|H|B/]L]UJE|I|N|F]P R|D|F/|T]H|N{E|M|G/U E|H|X|T/]E|]N|R|M|H[R E|O|P|N/H/G]F{I]|d{|P N|P|A/]P]I|[N|K/N{[ G/L Yi[L| TBR |A| RY | ee X|O|R|IA|IN/]G/E|Q/|WI|M P{L Al Y|Si7T/.G|R).A | ¥ 8. Look at the pictures and write the names of the subjects. (Nhin hinh va viét tén cdc mon hoe.) 24 4. Match each word in column A with its meaning in column B. (N6i méi tw 6 c6t A voi nghia cua no 6 cét B.) A B 1. green A. mau cam 2, orange B. mau tia 3. pink C. mau x4m 4. gray D. mau xanh luc 5. purple E. mau héng Il. Sentence patterns - Mau cau 1. Match the beginnings and endings to make sentences. (N6i phan dau va cudi dé tao thanh cau.) 1. Is this A. have English? 2. Are these B. your pencil? 3. Do you like C. pink. 4, When do you D. your notebooks? 5. My favorite color is E. Art? 2. Match the sentences. (N6i cac cau.) (Cis this your eraser? ») (A. My favorite color is orange, 2D (2. Are these your pencils?) (CB -¥es, Tao. ) (3. When do you have Math?) (E.No, it isn't, 4, What’s your favorite ent?) D. Ihave Math on Mondays and Wednesdays. C 5. Do you like musie? 2) Ci. Yes, they are. 2) 3. Read and choose the correct option. (Doc va chon phuong an dung.) LA: your pencil? 2, Ar Ts this you pencil case? B: Yes, it is. B: , itisn’t. A. Is this A. Yes B. Are these B.No 2: a B.A: your notebooks? 4. A: Are these your pens? B: Yes, they are. B: Yes, A. Is this A. itis. B, Are these B, they are 5. A: Are these you erasers? B: No, A, they aren't B, they are 4, Write the words in the blanks to complete the short dialogues. (Viét cac tit vao ché trong dé hoan thanh c4c doan dam thoai ngén.) Do English Yes like don’t 1. A: Do you PE? B: Yes, I do. 2, A: Do you like art? B; Ido. 3, A: Do you like Math? B: No, I : 4A: you like music? B: Yes, I do. 5. A: When do you have 2 B: Ihave English on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 5. Read the passage and tick True or False. (Dgc doan van va danh d&u True hoac False.) Ican make green with yellow and blue. And you? My name's Phong. My favorite color is green. You can also make all your favorite colors with red, green, yellow, blue, black and white. For example, you can make orange with red and yellow, pink with red and white, or gray with black and white, You can make purple with blue and red. True False 1, Phong’s favorite color is blue. 2. Phong can make green with yellow and blue. 3, Red and yellow make purple. [es] 4, You can make gray with black and white. 5. You can make pink with red and white. 10 [ 6. Red and yellow make orange. 26 6. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sdp xép cae ttt theo thit tw ding dé tao thanh cau.) 1. eraser /Is /this /your /? 2. Are notebooks /these /your /? 3. Do flike you /music /? 4, Land like /Music /Art. 5, have /do /When /you /Math /? 6. What’s /favorite /your /eolor /? 7. My /is /favorite /color /pink /. IIL. Phonics - Ngi am 1. Read the words and place them under the correct sound. (Doc cdc tir va xép ching bén dudi 4m ding) physical name math here near sister eight hear English _ black eraser __sing cat _ year Je/ hra/ hd Tel 2. Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. (oc tif va khoanh vao 4m ding 6 phan gach duoi.) 2. physical 3. eraser 4, Saturday A./ev A. leil A leu Avlel B. /el B, feel B.A/ By/tal C. hol CA ©. hol Chl 5. black 6. Math 7. here 8. sister Ad A. Ital A. led Ale B, /el B. fei/ B, /el BAl Chol Cu feel C. hal C. lel 27 Unit 4 - Bai 4 Home Nha d A. TU VUNG living room 7g ru:m/ phong khach bedroom 7bedru:m/ phong nga kitchen katfin/ nha bép, phong bép bathroom 7'ba:0ru:m/ phéng tém yard Zja:d/ san bed /bed/ cai givéng closet Z'klozit/ tu quan 4o chair /tfea(r)/ cai ghé desk 7aesk/ cai ban TV Zitis ‘vi/ cai tivi mirror /'mura(r)/ cAi guong picture 7 piktfa(e)/ bite tranh sofa /'sauta/ ghé s6-pha table /‘terbl/ cai ban box 7boks/ c&i hop house 7haus/ ngdi nha clean 7klizn/ don dep, lau chai play Zple/ chai eat Zist/ an sleep Zslizp/ nga cook /kuk/ nau an. B. MAU CAU 1. Cach héi mét ngwéi ndo dé dang 6 dau va cach tra léi. Hoi: Where's + (name)? (Tén riéng) dang 6 dau? 28 Vi du: A: Where’s Nam? Nam 6 dau? B: He's in his bedroom. Anh 4y 6 trong phéng ngu cia anh ay. 2. Cach hdi ai dé dang lam gi va cach tra 1di. Hoi: What's + she/he/(name) + doing? C6 ay/Anh Ay/(tén riéng) dang lam gi? Tra loi: She/He/(name) is (V-ing). C6 ay/Anh y/(tén riéng) dang Vi du: A: What’s he doing? Anh ay dang lam gi? B: He's listening to music, Anh dy dang nghe nhac. 3. Cach héi xem cé phai mét dé vat hoc mét con vat dang 6 mét noi nado 6 hay khéng va cach tra Idi. Héi: Is the (thing/animal) + in the (location)? C6 phai (dé vat/con vat) dang d (dia diém) khéng? Tra loi: Yes, it is. Vang, dting réi. No, it isn’t. Khong, khong phai. Vidu: A: Is the sofa in the living room? C6 phai ghé'so-pha d trong phong khach khong? B: Yes, itis. Vang, diing réi. A: Is the picture in the bedroom? C6 phai bite tranh 6 trong phong ngit khéng? B; No, itisn't. Khéng, khéng phai. 29 4, Cach héi ban em song 6 dau, vdi ai va cach tra léi. 30 a, Cach héi ban em sdng 6 dau Héi: Where do you live? Ban séng ¢ dau? Tra loi: I live on + (street) in + (place name). T6i song 6 ...(dudng) 6... (dia danh). Vi du: A: Where do you live? Ban séng 6 dau? B: I live on Phan Chu Trinh street in Da Nang. Toi séng 6 duéng Phan Chu Trinh 6 Da Nang. b. Cach héi ban em séng véi ai: C&ch héi: Who do you live with? Ban séhg véi Tra loi: I live with + (members of family). ‘Toi sdng véi + (thank vién trong gia dinh) Vidu: A: Who do you live with? Ban song véi ai? B; I live with my mother, father and two sisters. Toi sng véi me, ba va hai chj cia t6i. C. BAI TAP 1. Vocabulary - Ti vung 1, Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i tty voi hinh tuong tng.) 1. living room 2. bedroom 3. kitchen 4. bathroom 5. yard ap Us): aa 2. Find and circle the words: mirror, picture, sofa, table, box, house. (Tim va khoanh vao céac tit: mirror, picture, sofa, table, box, house.) WIR{|M{I/R/R{O/RI AIC s K|H/H/|F{S|W]S|L PIH/|S/O/|F/A/I|N| FIT I|D|FI{T|H/|N/E|M|G/A Ci]H|X/T/E|N{|R/|M|H{|B ‘TJO|PIN|H/G/F/ I] J{L U|P{[A|P{I|N/|K|IN|IG{E R{|L/]|S/|B/JR{A|R/]Y]H|R E|H|O|U|S/E|X/Q|W|M PILILIY{|S|T{V{ BIO] xX a 3. Look at the pictures an va viét tén cdc dé vat.) write the names of the objects. (Nhin hinh 31; soso 4. Match each word with the correct picture. (N6i mdi tit voi hinh tuong ting.) 1. cleaning 2. eating 3. cooking 4, playing 5. sleeping > eS 3 ys -. O2 eto Il. Sentence patterns - Mau cau 1. Match the beginnings and endings to make sentences. (Néi phan dau va cudi dé tao thanh cau.) 1. Where's ‘A. sleeping. B. Nam? the kitchen? 2, He’s in 3. What’s he D, the garden. E.itis, F. doing? 5. Is the chair 6. Yes, S x & 2, Match the sentences. (N6i cac cau.) (C1. Where’s Mai? > (A-He'’s playing. >) C2. Whats she doing? ey (@.He’s in the yard. __) C3. Where’s Nam? ) CG. She’s in the bedroom.) (C4. What's he doing? a D.No, it isn’t. >) ( 4.Is the mirror in the living room? _) (Ge She's cleaning. +) w vn 8. Look at the picture and choose the correct option to complete each sentence. (Nhin hinh va chon phuong an ding dé hoan thanh méi cau.) She's A. cooking B. cleaning C. eating Tom's A. playing B. sleeping C. cooking i She's A. sleeping B. eating C. playing He's A. sleeping B. playing C. cooking She's A. cooking B. watching C. eating Mai's A. sleeping B, reading C. eating 33 4, Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. (Nhin hinh va chon cau tra Idi ding.) A: Is the mirror in the bedroom? A: Is the ball in the box? B: 7 B: A. Yes, it is. A, Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. B. No, it isn’t. 4, Az Is the sofa in the yard? A: Is the closet in the bedroom? B: E B: A. Yes, it is. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. B.No, it isn’t. , 5. Write the words in the blanks to complete the short dialogues. (Viét cac tit vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh cdc doan dam thoai ngan.) playing in kitchen ‘Tom Is What's 1, A: Where’s f B: He’s in the yard. 2, A: What's he doing? B: He's 3, A: Where’s Mom? B: She's in the 4. she doing? B: She’s cooking. 6. 0AS the table in the kitchen? B: Yes, it is. 34 6. A:Is the picture the living room? B: No, it isn’t. 6. Read the passage and tick (V) True or False. (Doc doan van va danh dau (V) Diing hod Sai.) My name’s Phong. I live on Nguyen Van Cong street in Ho Chi Minh City. I live with my father, mother and sister. My house has three bedrooms. My bedroom is great. It’s blue. It has a bed, a closet, a table, a chair and a TV. True False 1, Phong lives in Ho Chi Minh City. 2. He lives with his father, mother and brother. 3. His house has two bedrooms. 4. His bedroom is blue. 5. His bedroom has a closet, a bed, a table, achair anda TV. 6. Phong loves hid bedroom. 7. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sap xép cdc ti theo thi ty ding dé tao thanh cau.) 1. Daddy /Where’s /? al living room /He’s /in /the /. . Nam’s /in /playing /the /yard /. * in /Mrs Brown /the kitchen /is /cooking /. = doing /What’s /she /? 2 . the /mirror /Is /the /bathroom /in /? 35 7. is Yes, lit /. 8. has /a bed, /My bedroom /a table /and a chair /. Ill. Phonics - Nga’ am 1. Read the words and place them under the correct sound. (Doc cac ty va xép ching bén du6i 4m ding) bedroom eating school bathroom _ sleeping tree sofa now. open house home brown. fail fi:/ fav! /av/ 2. Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. (oc tw va khoanh vao am ding 6 phan gach du6i.) 1. eating 2, home 3. blue 4yhouse A. fil A. fil Av lil AL hai B./us B, fol B. fu:/ B. /av/ C. feo! Chul C. lao! C. feu! 5. open 6, know 7. reading 8. g0 A. aol A lil Afi A fil B, fu! B, fav! B, ful B, fool C. feo! C. bol C. aol C. /aol 36 Review (Units 1-4] I. Vocabulary - Tir vung 1, Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i tir véi hinh tuong tng.) 1. bird 2. ruler 3, mirror 4, chair 5. kitchen 2. Look at the pictures and complete the words. (Nhin hinh va hoan thanh céc tit.) 37 38. Match each word with the correct picture. (N6i mdi tit voi hinh tuong ting.) l.dancing 2. do your homework 3. wake up 4. cooking 5. cleaning D. 1, Match the sentences. (N6i céc cdu.) 1, Where are you from? A. No, it isn’t. 2. What’s her name? Il. Sentence patterns - Mau cau B. Yes, they are. 3. Are these your pencils? C. I'm from Japan. 4. Is the sofa in the bedroom? D. My favorite color is orange. 5. What's your favorite color? E. Her name’s Hoa. il U 2. Look at the picture and choose the correct option to complete each sentence. (Nhin hinh va chon phuong an ding dé hoan thanh mdi cau.) A: Does he like reading? This is my B: A. sister A. Yes, he is. B, brother B. Yes, he does. C. mother C. No, he doesn’t. 38 She’s . He's A. sleeping A. cooking B. cleaning B. reading C. playing C. eating A: Where does he from? B; A. He’s from the USA. B. He’s from India. C. He's from Japan, 3. Read and choose the correct option. (Doc va chon phuong an ding.) LA: old are you? B: I'm eight. A. What B. How C. Where 2 A: do you spell “Quan”? B: Q-U-A-N. A. How B. What C. Where 3. A: Where are you from? B: from Japan. A. He's B.I'm ©. You're 4, A: Do your friends like singing? B: Yes, they A. are B. do C. don’t 39 5. A: What's her name? B: name’s Mai. A. My B, Your C. Her 6. A: When do you have English? B: I have English Mondays and Fridays. Ain Bat C.on 1 & is he doing? B; He's reading. A. How B, What C. Where 8. I live on Nguyen Kiem Street Ho Chi Minh City. A. at B. on Cin 9, A: What’s your favorite color? B: My favorite color is Ais B, blue C. great 10. Ican make orange yellow and red. A. with B. in C.on 4. Write the words in the blanks to complete the short dialogues. (Viét céc tit vao ché trong dé hoan thanh céc doan dam thoai ngan.) on bedroom pink with in _ these 1. A: Are your notebooks? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: When do you have Music? B: I have Music Thursdays and Fridays. 3. A: What’s your favorite color? B: My favorite color is 4. A: Where’s your sister? B: She’s in the 5. Ican make green yellow and blue. 6. A: Is the picture the bedroom? B: No, it isn’t. 5. Read the passage and tick (v) True or False. (Doc doan van va danh dau (“) True hoac False.) My name’s Hoa. I live on Dinh Tien Hoang Street in Ho Chi Minh City. I live with my father, mother and brother. I go to school from Monday to Friday. My favorite subject is Music. I have Music on Thursdays and Fridays. My favorite color is pink. Ican make pink with red and white. True False 1. Hoa lives in Ho Chi Minh City. 2. She lives with his father, mother and sister. 3, She goes to school from Monday to Saturday. 4, Her favorite subject is Art. 5. She has music on Thursdays and Fridays. 6. She likes pink 7, Red and white make pink. 6. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sdp xép cac tit theo thi ty ding dé tao thanh cau.) 1. he /Where's /from /? 2. India /He's /from /. 3. your friends /like /Do /painting /? 4, his /What's /name ? 5, Nakata /His name's /. 6. English /do /When /you/ have /? 7. have /T /on /English /Tuesdays /and /Eridays /. 8. My /color /is /favorite /orange /. 41 9, doing /What’s /she /? 10. is /My mother /in /cooking /the kitchen /. Ill. Phonics - Nga’ am Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part. (Tim tir 6 am khac 6 phan duge gach du6i.) 1 foe Se Se A. mother A. eraser A. Italy A. sofa A. English A. home A. India A. house A. here 10. A.son B. brother B. name B. black B. home B, sleeping B. brown B. bag B. bathroom B, near B. home c, Cc. Cc. eeseaaea Cc. son D. Japan eight D. Math cat D. Saturday brother D. open sister D. sing now D. house Alpha, D. Japan now D. brown hear D. eating open D. sofa 2. Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. @oc tit va khoanh vao 4m ding 6 phan gach duéi.) 1 6. 42 singing 2. Japan A /sp/ Al B. iy B, fel C. ipl C. fal physical 7. eraser A. hol A. lel B, /e/ B, /ei! C.Al C. hal 3. Italy A. fal B. fei! Cll 8. go A. faol B. fool C. tus 4, son 5. open A ul A. lao! B. feel B. foul CI ©. Aus 9. house 10. place A. laol A. /pl/ B. ool B. /sp/ C. fu C./0 Unit 5 - Bai 5 _ Sports & Hobbies Thé thao vat Sé thich A. TU VUNG badminton 7beedmintan/ cdu long tennis /‘tenis/ quan vot volleyball 7 voliba:l/ bong chuyén basketball /ba:skrtbarl/ bong ro soccer /'soka(n)/ bong da hit Zait/ danh kick Zktk/ da catch, Zkextf/ bat throw /erau/ ném| watch TV /wotf tit ‘vii/ xem ti vi go skateboarding /gou ‘skertba:din/ di trugt van go out /gav aut/ di ra ngoai go swimming /gav ‘swimtn/ di boi hand 7heend/ ban tay arm Za:m/ canh tay foot/feet /fot/fi:t/ ban chan leg /leg/ chan, c&ng chan’ head /ned/ dau body /'bodi/ co thé B. MAU CAU 1, CAch héi ban em 6 biét choi mén thé thao nao khéng va tra léi. Cach héi: Can you play + (sport name)? Ban cé biét choi + (tén mén thé thao)? Tra loi: Yes, I can. Vang, toi biét. No, I can’t. Khong, téi khong biét. 43 Vi du: ‘A; Can you play tennis? Ban c6 biét choi quan vot khong? B: Yes, Ican./ No, I can’t. Vang, tdi biét. / Khéng, t6i khéng biét. 2. Cach héi ban minh gidi vé diéu gi va tra 1di. Héi: What are you good at? Ban gidi vé diéu gi? Tra loit T'm good at + (action). Tai gidi (hanh d6ng). Vidu: ‘A: What are you good at? Ban gidi vé diéu gi? B: I'm good at swimming. T4i boi gidi. 3. Cch xin phép ai dé lam viée gi va tra 1di. Hoi: May I + (dong ti)? Toi 06 thé + (dong tt) khong? Tra loi: Yes, you may. Vang, ban c6 thé. No, you may not. Khéng, ban khéng thé. Vidu: A: May I watch TV? Téi cé thé xem ti vi duge khong? B: Yes, you may. Vang, ban cé thé. C. BAI TAP I. Vocabulary - Ti’ vung 1. Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i tiy vdi hinh tuong tng.) 1. badminton 2. tennis 3, volleyball 4. basketball 5. soccer 2, Find and circle the words: hit, kick, catch, throw, watch, swim. (Tim va khoanh vao cac tii: hit, kick, catch, throw, watch, swim.) w[R|[M|I[R|H[I|TI[A|C s{t|«/H/H/Fl[s[wls|[t Flal|K/i[c[K|i|[N/Flw clplFl/tTlH|N[e[m[cGla Ala|x[?T[®|[N[R[M|H/T Tlol[P|N|H[G[Fl[i[s[c clplaleli[n[K[N|[G/H u[ti[i|/B[R/A[R|/y[H[R vitlalrfo[w[x|@|w[M M[tl[aly[s|wii[m[R[x | 3. Look at the pictures and write the names of body parts. (Nhin hinh va viét tén cdc bé phan co thé.) 3. : b. 4, Match each word with the correct picture. (N6i mdi tif voi hinh tuong ting.) 1. hitting 2. kicking 3. catching 4, throwing 5. swimming IL Sentence patterns - Mau cau 1. Match the beginnings and endings to make sentences. (N6i phan dau va cudi dé tao thanh cau.) 1. Can you play 2. Yes, 3. What are you 4. I'm good at 5. May 1 6. I can 2. Match the sentences. (N6i cae cau.) 1. Can you play tennis? 2. Do you like soccer? 3. What are you good at? 4. Is it your favorite sport? 5. May I go swimming? A. swimming. B.Ican. C. you out? D, tennis? E. kick the ball. F. good at? A. Yes, itis. B, Yes, Ican. C. No, you may not. D. Yes, I do, E. I’m good at playing soccer. 8. Read and choose the correct option to complete each sentence. (Doc va chon phuong an ding dé hoan thanh mdi cau.) 1. A: Can you play badminton? B:____, can. A. Yes B. No Cc. OK 3. Ar you play soccer? B: Yes, I can. ‘A. Are B:Can C.Do 5. A: Can you play basketball? B: No, I A.don’t B.can — C.can't > a 2. A: Can you play tennis? B: Yes, I B. do C. can 4. A: Can you volleyball? B: No, I can’t. A-kick ~ B. hit C. play 6. A: Can you play soccer? B:Yes,___can. Ayou BI 4, Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. (Nhin hinh va chon cau tra Idi ding.) A: Can you play tennis? A: Can you play basketball? B: E B: A. Yes, I can. A. Yes, Ican. B. No, I can’t. B. No, I can’t. A: Can you play volleyball? A: Can you play soccer? B 5 B A. Yes, I can, A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t. B. No, I can’t. A: Can you play badminton? B; A. Yes, Tan. B. No, I can’t. 47 5. Look at the pictures and choose the correct option to complete each answer. (Nhin hinh va chon phuong an ding dé hoan thanh mdi cau tra ldi.) ‘A: What are you good at? ‘A: What are you good at? B: I'm good at ; B: I’m good at . A. throwing A, throwing B, hitting B. catching C. kicking C. hiting A: What are you good at? ‘A: What are you good at? B: I’m good at . B: I'm good at A reading A. hitting B. swimming B. throwing C. singing C. kicking A; What are you good at? B: I'm good at A: swimming B. dancing C. singing 6. Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer. (Nhin hinh va chon cdau tra Idi ding.) ‘A: May I go swimming? B: A. Yes, you may. B. No, you may not. A: May I go skateboarding? B A. Yes, you may. B. No, you may not. A: May I go out? B: A. Yes, you may. B. No, you may not. A: May I watch TV? B A. Yes, you may. B, No, you may not. A: May I play basketball? B: A. Yes, you may. B. No, you may not. 49 7. Write the words in the blanks to complete the short dialogues. (Viét c 1 ‘4c tit vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh cac doan dam thoai ngén.) can't play playing What good . A: Can you basketball? B: Yes, I can. . A: Can you play volleyball? B: No, I . A: What are you good at? B: I’m good at badminton. A: are you good at? B: I’m good at catching. . A: What are you at? B: I’m good at throwing. Read the passage and tick (V) True or False. (Doc doan van va dénh dau (Y) True hodc False.) My name's Phong. My favorite sport is soccer. I am good at playing soccer. I use my legs and feet to kick the ball. I can also use my head and body in soccer. I can’t use my hands to catch the ball. 1. Phong’s favorite sport is soccer. 2, He’s good at playing basketball. 3. He can use his body in soccer, 4, He can kick the ball with his legs and feet. 5, He can’t use his head in soccer. 6. He can’t catch the ball with his hands. True False 9. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sap xép cac tit theo thit ty ding dé tao thanh cau.) 50 1 2. . basketball /play /Can /you /? . are What /you /good /at /? 3. I [good /at / am /throwing /. 4. I'm /kicking /good /at /. a . May /go /I /swimming /? 2 you /not /No, /may /. a can /I /kick /the ball /in soccer /. - the ball /I /in /can’t /kick /basketball /. Ill. Phonics - Nga’ 4m 1. Read the words and place them under the correct sound. (Doge céc ttt va xép chting bén dudi 4m ding.) volleyball throwing — catch soccer three watch got Math kitchen chair fa:/ /o/ It? 2. Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. (@oc tit va khoanh vao 4m ding 6 phan gach du6i.) 1. father 2. Thursday 3. thanks 4. question A. fa:/ A. asl A. lai! B. /0/ B. /6/ B./8/ C. tf C.itf/ C. tf 5. dog 6. soccer A. la:/ A. la:/ Alas B. /6/ B. /0/ B. /6/ C. ffl C.Af/ CLAS 51 Unit 6 - Bai 6 Clothes Quan do A. TU VUNG dress /ares/ fo dam, 40 vay shirt /f3it/ fo sd mi shorts /Sasts/ quan sodc, quan céc socks /soks/ tat ngdn pants /pents/ quén skirt Zska:t/ vay dai nt jacket /dgeekit/ fo khoae jeans Zagiznz/ quan jean, quan bd boots /burts/ gidy Ong, tng T-shirt, /'tis fart/ 4o thun ng&n tay belt Zbelt/ that lung, day nit scarf /skarf/ khan quang cd sweater /'sweta(t)/ 4o len dai tay pajamas /p2' dga:maz/ quan 4o ngii, pijama skiing mon ski, trugt tuyét uniform déng phuc polo shirt /'pavlav f3:t/ 4o thun 06 6 tie /tai/ nd, ca vat sneakers Z'snizka(r)/ giay thé thao B. MAU CAU 1. Céch héi ban em muén gi hay can gi va tra ldi. Hoi: What do you want? Ban muén cdi gi? Tra ldi: 52 I want + (dé vat). Téi muén (dé vat). Vi du: A: What do you want? Ban mudh cai gi? B: I want a dress. Téi mudn mét cdi 4o dam. 2. Cach hdi ban em cé muén gi khac khéng va tra ldi. Hoi: What else do you want? Ban cé mudn gi khdc khong? Tra ldi: Vi du: ‘A: What else do you want? Ban c6 mudh gi khée khéng? B: I want a shirt. T6i mudn mét céi do so mi. 3. Cach héi ban em dang mic trang phuc gi va tra ldi. Hoi: What are you wearing? Ban dang mac gi? Tra léi: Tm wearing + (name of clothes). Toi dang mde + (tw chi trang phuc). Vi du: A; What are you wearing? Ban dang mie gi? B: I'm wearing jeans, Téi dang mac quan jean trang phuc. 4. Cach héi mét dé vat nao do cé phai la cia ban em hay khéng va tra 1éi. Hoi: Is + that + your + (item word)? D6 6 phai la (tén dé vat) cia ban khong? Tra léi: Yes, it is. Vang, ding réi. hoic 53 Vi du: A: Is that your belt? D6 cé phai la thét lung cia ban khéng? B: Yes, itis. Vang, ding réi. No, it isn’t. Khong, né khéng phi. 5. Cach héi nhiing mén dé nao dé cé phai la cia ban em hay khéng va tra 1éi. Hoi: Are + those + your + (item word)? D6 cé phai la (tén mén dé) cia ban khéng? Tra loi: Yes, they are. Vang, dung ri. hoe No, they aren’t. Khéng, khéng phi. Vidu: A: Are those your boots? Dé 6 phai la doi ting cia ban khong? B: No, they aren't. Khéng, khéng phdi. = Dé héi ban em mic trang phuc gi d trudng va tra l6i. Hoi: What are you wearing at school? Ban méc trang phuc gi d truéng? Tra li: I wear + (name of clothes). Téi mac (tw chi trang phuc). Vi du: A: What are you wearing at school? Ban mdc trang phuc gi d truéng? B; I wear a uniform, Téi mac déng phuc. C. BAI TAP I. Vocabulary - Tir vung 1. Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i tit véi hinh tuong ting.) 54 1. dress 2. T-shirt 3. shorts 4. socks 5. pants AJ aRe? 2. Find and circle the words: belt, scarf, sweater, pajamas, skiing, uniform. (Tim va khoanh vao céc tii: belt, scarf, sweater, pajamas, skiing, uniform.) we] |alxplalnlsni= Cla sO nol aie] BlelH/ZlaOls}H | zI1q Kf efo)oy Zz) 2zalelm)e tal | ed}l oe)|lco | | o AAH ZfO} a 2A alo Ses] ]O] |] oles IDK) Zell ela) =<} ZlS[ZlQlalmjalalale Qlal>|Z)>lalplolcla 3. Look at the pictures and write the names of items . (Nhin hinh va viét tén cdc mén dé.) 1. 2. 3. 4. Il, Sentence patterns - Mau cau 1. Match the beginnings and endings to make sentences. (N6i phan dau va cudi dé tao thanh cau.) 1. What do A. jacket. 2. T want B. it is. 3. What are you C. you want? 4, 'm wearing a red D. wearing? 5. Is that E. your tie? 6. Yes, F.a shirt. if 2. Match the sentences. (N6i cdc céu.) 1. What do you want? A. Yes, it is. 2. What are you wearing? B, Lwant a skirt. 3. Is that your sweater? C. Yes, they are. 4, Are those your socks? D, I'm wearing blue jeans. 5. Do you like your uniform? E. No, I don’t. Ml 8 3. Read each sentence and choose the correct picture. (Doc mdi cau v: chon hinh ding.) 1. I want a shirt. 2. I want some socks. i ee A A B. KC. T A B. of 3. I want a jacket. 4. I want a belt. a af oA a 3 & a 5. I want a polo shirt. 2 fT off w 6 4, Look at the picture and choose the correct option to complete answer. (Nhin hinh va chon phuong an ding dé hoan thanh céu tré Idi.) A: What do you want? A: What do you want? B: I want B: I want . A. some socks A. a T-shirt B.a tie B. a jacket 3. A: What else do you want? A: What do you want? B: I want : B: I want A.atie A. a polo shirt B.a belt B. a skirt A: What else do you want? B: Lwant 22 82 A. a belt B.a scarf 5. Look at the pictures and write the correct word to complete each answer. (Nhin hinh va viét tit ding dé hon thanh mi cau tra ldi.) 1. A: What are you wearing? 1 B: I'm wearing blue. ) 2. A: What are you wearing? I B: I'm wearing a red (8) 57 3, A: What are you wearing? T B: I'm wearing a yellow ( )) 4, A: What are you wearing? fi B: I'm wearing a red (A) 5. A: What are you wearing? Ww B: I'm wearing a black a (Goad) 6. Look at the pictures and complete each sentence. (Nhin hinh va hoan thanh mdi cau.) & 1. Is that your ? 3, Are your boots? 2, , it is'nt. 4. No, they 5.1s your polo shirt? 7. Are those your 2 6. Yes, it ; 8. Yes, are. 7. Write the words in the blanks to complete the short dialogues. (Viét cae tit vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh cae doan dam thoai ngén.) dress that wearing What like those 1. A: What do you want? 2A: are you wearing? B: I want a 5 Bm a white shirt. 3, A: What else are you wearing? 4..A: Are your pants? Bim yellow sneakers. B; No, they aren't. 5. A:Is your tie? 6.A: Do you your uniform? B: Yes, it is. B: No, I don't. 58 8. Read the passage and tick (“) True or False. (Doc doan van va danh dau (“) True hode False.) My name’s Trang. I live with my mother, father and brother in Da Nang. I’m wearing a white T-shirt and red shorts. At school, I wear a white shirt and blue skirt. I wear a red scarf. I like my uniform. True False 1. Trang lives in Hanoi. 2. She has a brother. 3, She's wearing a T-shirt and yellow shorts. 4. Her scarf is red. 5. She likes her uniform. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sdp xép cdc tiv theo thit tu ding dé tao thanh cau.) 1. you /What / do / want /? 2. T/socks /want /some /. oo . What /you /are /wearing /? . . yellow /jacket /'m /a /wearing /. eS Are /your /pants /those /? 2 they /Yes, are /. = . wear /What /you /do /at school /? - wear /I /a white shirt /blue pants /and /. 59 Ill. Phonics - Ngi am 1. 2. 60 Read the words and place them under the correct sound. (Doc cac tw va xép ching bén du6éi am dung.) she Jack shirt jacket scarf shorts jean skiing school il dx /sk/ Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. (oc tit va khoanh vao 4m diing 6 phan gach du6i.) 1. shoes 2. June 3, skirt 4, shirt, Ali Aft Ali Afi B./ dy B./ dy B./ dy B./ dy C./sk/ C./sk/ C./sk/ C./sk/ 5. skiing 6, T-shirt 7. juice 8. scarf Aff Aft A./fi A.ISi B./dy/ B./dy/ B./ dy B./ dy/ C./sk/ C./sk/ C./sk/ C./sk/ Unit 7 - Bai 7 D6 choi A. TU VUNG robot /'raubot/ ngudi may, r6 bét doll /dvl/ buip bé big /big/ lén small /smail/ nhé car /ka:(r)/ 6 t6, xe hoi card 7ka:d/ tam thé block /blok/ dé choi hinh khéi dice /dats/ vién xtc xAc marble /'mazbl/ hon bi under /’anda(e)/ duéi, 6 duéi on, /on/ trén, 6 trén in An/ trong toy box /'tat boks/ hép dé choi wardrobe Z'wa:draub/ ti dé, ta quan 40 eleven A'levn/ sé mudi mét (11) twelve /twelv/ sé mudi hai (12) thirteen sé mudi ba (13) fourteen s6 mudi bén (14) fifteen 86 mui lam (15) sixteen 6 mudi sdu (16) seventeen /,sevn'tisn/ sé mui bay (17) eighteen /er'ti:n/ s6 mudi tam (18) nineteen /.natn'tisn/ s6 miutdi chin (19) twenty /‘twenti/ sd hai mudi (20) B. MAU CAU 1. Cach héi ban em cé thé nhin thay (mt dé vat, mdt con vat) gi va tra 1éi. Hoi: What can you sei 61 ‘Tra 1éi: Ican see a(n) + (item, animal). Téi cé thé nhin thay (mén dé, con vat). Vi du: A: What can you see? Ban cé thé nhin thay gi? B: Ican see a doll. Téi c6 thé nhin thay mét con bip bé. 2, Cach hdi ban em cé bao nhiéu mén dé hod con vat va tra ldi. Héi: How many + (items animals) + do you have? Ban c6 bao nhiéu + (dé vat, con vat)? Tra ldi: Ihave + (number) + (items, animals). Téi c6 + (sé lugng) + (dé vat, con vat). Vi du: A: How many dolls do you have? Ban cé bao nhiéu con buip bé? B: Ihave two dolls. éi cé hai con buip bé. 3. Cach yéu cau ai dé dat mot vat gi d vi tri ndo dé, em néiz. Noi: Put + (item) + (prep of position) + (location) Hay dat (dé vat) + (idi tir chi vi trf) + (vi tro. Vi du: Put the ball on the table. Hay dat qué bong lén ban. 4, Cach dién ta phép tinh cOng va phép tinh tri, em néi nhu sau: - Phép cong: (Number) plus (number) is (total). (S6) cong (sd) bang (tong sd) Vi du: ‘Two plus three is five. Hai céng ba bang nam. - Phép tri: (Number) minus (number) is (difference). (S6) trix (s6) bang (hiéu 86) Vidu: Ten minus two is eight. Mu@i tri’ hai bang tam. 62 C. BAI TAP |. Vocabulary - Tiy vung 1. Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i tit voi hinh tuong tng.) 1. robot 2. doll 3. car 4, card 5. block _ 2. Find and circle the words: big, small, under, on, in, wardrobe, toys. (Tim va khoanh vao cdc tit: big, small, under, on, in, wardrobe, toys.) ¢ WIRIU/TIRIBJE|L{| T/C S|S|N/H/H/F]S|w/o]L FIM[I/I/B/1}/G|1]y]P I{A[F/TI/H|N/E|M]S]/A NIL/QIN|T/FI/O[R]H] I A|LIRIN/H/G/F/I]J]0 R/P/UIN|D/E|RIN|GIN FLLIT/B/R/X|R|/Y|H/A VIS|WIEJA|TIE/RI| WIS PIWIA/RID/R{O| BI EG 3. Look at the pictures and write the names of items. (Nhin hinh va viét tén cdc dé vat.) a 2. 3. =) ag va a m, t b 63 4, Match each number with the correct word. (N6i mdi sé v6i tir tuong tng.) 2.14 A. twelve B. eleven C. seventeen D. fourteen E. twenty F eighteen G. thirteen H. sixteen I. nineteen 21 If) 18 re | |S] la 10,18 J. fifteen a 3 Il. Sentence patterns - Mau cau 1. Match the beginnings and endings to make sentences. (N6i phan dau va cui dé tao thanh cau.) 1, What can B_ in the toy box. C. you see? 4, Eighteen plus two is D.a big car. 5. Put the robot E, twenty. ge} fe F| |g 2) |5 Ells 2| (2 2 j 3 g é > . 3 ig 4 3 e Z g 3 5 a 4 2. Match the sentences. (Néi cac cau.) A. [have two robots. B, I don’t have any. 3. How many dice do you have? C. can see a dice. E. [have two dice. w a S z 8 2 5 eS 3 3 S $ a & ka S 2 a 5 2 s, 3. Read each sentence and choose the correct picture. (Doc mdi cau va chon hinh ding:) 1. Tcan see a card. 2, ean see a big doll. ay & a 23 § cH 4, can see a dice. ° a 8 y c A. B. c. 5.Ican see a marble A a?° pt of 4. Look at the picture and choose the correct option to comple each answer. (Nhin hinh va chon phuong an ding dé hoan thanh méi céu tra Idi.) A: How many cards do you have? A: How many marbles do you have? B; Ihave B: Ihave A. four cards A. three marbles B. five cards B. four marbles C. six cards C. five marbles 6: a A: How many blocks do you have? A: How many dice do you have? B: [have : B: [have A. six blocks A. six dice B, seven blocks B. seven dice C. eight blocks C. nine dice A: How many cars do you have? B: Ihave A. eight cars B. three cars C. four cars 5. Look at the pictures and choose the correct sentence. (Nhin hinh va chon cau ding.) a i bs 2. A. The ball is under the chair. A. The doll is in the toy box. B. The ball is on the chair. B. The doll is under the toy box. C. The ball is in the chair. C. The doll is on the toy box. 66 A. The book is under the table. B. The book is under the bed. C. The book is on the table. A. The shirt is in the wardrobe. B. The shirt is in the toy box. C. The shirt is on the bed. A. The chair is under the table. B. The chair is on the table. C. The chair is under the wardrobe. 6. Read the sentence and tick (v) the correct picture. (Nhin cau va danh dau chon (“) hinh ding.) 1. Put the book on the desk. alfa BIT 3. Put the doll on the bed. a ET 7 5. Put the car on the desk. AleEl Oo BP il 2, Put the ball under the chair. af hh the robot in the toy box. A ta O oe 6. Put the T-shirt in the wardrobe, a EE o B. 4, Put 4 y i 67 7. Write the words in the blanks to complete the sentence. (Viét cdc ti vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh cdc cau.) Ten minus _fifteen eleven plus three 1. Eighteen minus three is 2. ‘Two plus is thirteen. 3, Seventeen minus is fourteen. 4. plus four is fourteen. 5, Twelve four is eight. 6. Seven eight is fifteen. Read the passage and fill in the blanks. (Doc doan van va dién vao ché tréng.) T have four robots and ten cars. I put two robots in my toy box. I put three cars under the desk. I put three marbles on my desk. How many toys are on my desk? 9. 68, On the desk: 1 robots 2 cars 3.___ marbles 4, toys (robots + cars + marbles) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sap xép cac tit theo thif tu dung dé tao thanh cau.) 1, you ‘What /can /see /? 2. can /I /see /a /big /car /. 3. you /How many /do /cars /have /? 4. I /three /marbles /have /. 5. I /robots /have /ten /. 6. in /Put /the dice /the toy box /. 7. seven /Ten /minus three /is /. 8. plus /is /Four /five /nine /. Ill. Phonics - Nga’ am 1, Read the words and place them under the correct sound. (Dgc cac ti va xép ching bén du6i 4m ding.) ball marble toy chair —red hair smal] card boy wear spell__jov MI Ir! fal leo 2. Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. (oc tit va khoanh vao 4m ding 6 phan gach duéi.) 1. pencil 2. read 3. family 4. bear AM Ail AM A. Jo B. Al B. itl B. /ea/ 5. yellow 6. orange 7. pear 8. boy Avil Aull A. lo! A. fol B. Mt/ B. ff B. /ea/ B. /ea/ 69 Food Thite ain A. TO VUNG apple /'epl/ qua tao banana /ba'na:ne/ qua chudi carrot /keerat/ ct ca rot cupcake /'kapketk/ banh nuéng nhd donut /‘davnat/ banh vong onion /anjan/ ca hanh tomato /ta'maztav/ ca chua egg /es/ tring potato /pa'tertay/ khoai tay lime /laim/ qua chanh fries /frai/ khoai tay chién pizza /pittse/ banh pizza cake Zketk/ banh ngot ice cream ais krism/ kem chicken /'tfiin/ thit ga fish Hif/ ca knife /nait/ con dao fork /ark/ cAinia spoon /spu:n/ ci muéng chopsticks /'tfopstiks/ d6i dia noodles /nu:dl/ mi sgi B. MAU CAU 1. Cach ndi vé sy tén tai cua mGt hoac nhiéu dé vat. There is + a/an + singular noun C6 mét +... (danh tit s6‘it) There are + (sé lugng) + plural noun C6 (sé lugng) +... (danh tit sé nhiéu) 70 Vi du: There is an apple. C6 mét qué téo. There are five carrots, Cé ndm cti ca rét, 2. Cach hdi va tra 1di vé su tén tai cla mét vat. Hoi: Is there a/an + ... singular noun? C6 phai c6 mét... (danh ttt s6‘it) khong? Tra léi: ‘Yes, there is (a/an + singular noun?). Vang, c6 mét... No, there isn’t. Khong, khong c6. Vi du: A: Is there a banana? Cé mét qué chudi phai khong? B: Yes, there is a banana./No, there isn't. Vang, cd mét qua chuéi./Khéng, khéng c6. 3. Cach hdi va tra loi vé su tén tai ca ede vat. Hoi: Ave there any + (plural noun)? C6 bat ky... (danh tit s6nhiéu) khéng? Tra léi: Yes, there are (some + plural noun). Vang, cé (mét vai... danh tit s6nhiéu) hoae No, there aren't. Khéng, khong cd. Vidu: Are there any potatoes? C6 ct: khoai tay nao khong? Yes, there are (some potatoes)./No, there aren’t. Vang, cé vai cti (khoai tay)./ Khong, khéng c6. 4. Cach mdi ding mén va cach dap lai 1éi mdi. Méi: Would you like some + ... (plural noun or uncountable noun)? Méi ban dung mé6t it .... (danh tiv s6nhiéu hose danh tit khéng dém duge) nhé? 71 Tra léi: Yes, please. /Sure, thanks. Vang, xin cdm on./Dugc, cam on: No, thank you. Khéng, cdm on. Vidu: A; Would you like some cake? Ban ding mét it banh ngot nhé? B: Yes, please./No, thank you. Vang, xin cdm on./Khong, cdm on. hode 5. Cach dién ta ai dé An mon gi bing dung cu gi, em ndi: Chi ngii + eat(s) + (the name of food) + with + (tool). An (mén an) bang céch dang (dung cu). Vi du: We eat fish with chopsticks. Chung ta an cé bang dia. C. BAI TAP I. Vocabulary - Ti vung 1. Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i ti véi hinh tuong ting.) 1. apple 2. banana 3. carrot 4. cupcake 5. donut 72 2. Find and circle the words: fries, pizza, cake, chicken, fish. (Tim va khoanh vao cac tit: fries, pizza, cake, chicken, fish.) W[R|U|I|R|B[E|L|Flo s|F[N/H|H[F[s[wli|L F(R/1/clA|K|E|N[slP P{t/F/T|H|N[E[M/Hla Tje/o[nN|[t/Flo|Rlala z[s[R[N[H[G[Fli[slo z|PlQ|N[p[/e[R[N[ [nN A[t[1[B[R/A[R[x]H[A v[s[wle/t|tle[r[wis P[cl/H[t[c[klE|Nl/El[cG 3. Look at the pictures and write the correct words. (Nhin hinh va viét tit tuong ting.) ee @ f 4, Look at each picture and reorder the letters to make the correct word. (Nhin mdi hinh va sap xép lai cac chit cai dé tao thanh tir ding.) ‘ey 2. 3. = kinfe fkor spono 73 = cthopsicks nolodes 1. Match the beginnings and endings to make sentences. (N6i phan dau va cudi dé tao thanh cau.) 1. There is an A. a carrot? 2. There are some B. aren't. 3. Is there C. apple. 4. Are there D. tomatoes. g PA 1 5. No, there E. any potatoes? 2. Match the sentences. (N6i cae cau.) 1. Is there a cupcake? A. Yes, there are. 2. Are there any tomatoes? B, Yes, there are eight apples. 3. Is there an egg? C. Yes, there is a cup cake. 4, Are there any apples? D. No, thank you. 5. Would you like some cakes? E. No, there isn’t. nM 3. Count and choose the correct option to complete each sentence. (Dém va chon phuong 4n ding dé hoan thanh mdi cau.) There are bananas. There are carrots. A. one B, three C. two A.three B.four C. five 74 There are donuts. There are____ cupcakes. A.three B.four C. six A. five B. six C. seven There is egg. There are____apples. Aa B. an C. two A. ten B.nine C. four 4, Read and choose the correct option to complete each sentence. (Doc va chon phuong 4n ding dé hoan thanh mdi cau.) 1. A: Are there any tomatoes in the kitchen? B: Yes, there A. is B. are C. isn’t : Is there onion? B: Yes, there is. Aa B. an C. the 3. A: Are there any carrots? B: Yes, are. A. it B.they C. there 4. A: Are there any bananas? B: No, there 2st 8 SOM Ft DS Avis B. are C. aren't 5. A: Is there potato? B: No, there isn’t. Ava C. the 6. A: Is there an egg? B: No, there A. is B. isn’t —C. aren’t 75 5. Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. (Nhin hinh va chon 76 céu tra Idi ding.) dy A: Are there any tomatoes? B A. Yes, there are. B. No, there aren't. C. No, there isn't. A: Are there any potatoes? B: A. Yes, there is, B. Yes, there are. C. No, there aren’t. ®@ @ A: Are there any eggs? B 5 A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there are. C. No, there isn’t. A: Are there any cakes? B: A. Yes, there are B. No, there aren't. C. Yes, there is. ‘Avs there an egg? B; A. Yes, there is B. No, there isn’t. C. No, there aren't. A: Is there a lime? B: A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t. C. No, there aren't. 6. Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer. (Nhin hinh va chon cau tra Idi ding.) A: Would you like some fries? A: Would you like some fish? B: B: A. Yes, please. A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you. B. No, thank you. A: Would you like some chicken? A: Would you like some pizza? B: x B: A. Yes, please. A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you. B, No, thank you. ‘A; Would you like some ice cream? B: A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you. 7. Complete the dialogues with the words from the box. (Hoan thanh cac doan hdi thoai voi cac tw trong khung.) Yes some _—pizza__—ilike ‘favorite 1, A: Would you like some 2-2. Would you some fries? B: Yes, please. B: No, thank you. 77 3. A: Would you like some ice cream? —_ 4. A: Would you like some noodles? B: , please. B: Yes, please. My noodles. 5. Would you like cupcakes? B: No, thank you. food is 8. Read the passage and circle True or False. (Doc doan van va khoanh vao True (Ding) hod False (Sai).) My name’s Kim. I’m from Korea. We often eat rice and noodles. We eat with chopsticks and a spoon. We don’t use a knife. My favorite food is chicken, 1. Kim is from Korea. ‘True 2, They often eat fish. True 3. His favorite food is chicken. True 4, They don't use chopsticks. True 5. They use a knife. True False False False False False 9. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sap xép cdc tit theo thi tw ding dé tao thanh cau.) 1. cupcakes /are /There /seven /. 2, There /an is /egg /. 3. any /Are /there /potatoes /? 4. there /No, /aren’t /. 5. you /Would /some /like /pizza /? 6. is /Yes, /there /an /onion /, 7. with /We /eat /fish /chopsticks /. 8, food /My /favorite /is noodles /. II. Phonics - Nga 4m 1. Read the words and place them under the correct sound. (Doc cac tit va xép chung bén du6i 4m ding.) donuts eggs fries sure carrots tomatoes dice tour robots potatoes white cure 78 Mts/ ia fal loa/ 2. Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. (Doc tit khoanh tron 4m dung 6 phan dugec gach dudi.) 1. shirts 2. cards 3. five 4. knife A. laf Ais! A. fail A. [ool B. its! B. /2/ B. /oa/ B. ai! 5. sure 6. tour 7. carrots 8. cards A. foal A. Jail Ala A. laf B. Jail B. loa B.As/ B.its/ Review (Units 5-8] I. Vocabulary - Tif vung 1. Match the word with the correct picture. (N6i tt véi hinh tuong tng.) 1. basketball 2. donut 3. socks 4, dress 5, onion Ho "ols 79 2. Look at the pictures and complete the words. (Nhin hinh va hoan thanh cac tw.) s 8 ce s ks ce c e 8. Look at the picture and reorder the letters to make the correct word. (Nhin hinh va sap xép lai cdc chit cdi dé tao thanh ti dung.) hdan scafr sixeten uformni frko Il. Sentence patterns - Mau cau 1. Match the sentences. (N6i cdc 7 a 1. Is that your skirt? CA.No, there aren't.) Ga 3. How many cards do you have? Se CC. Tean see a robot.) 4. Are there any potatoes? D. Yes, please. (5. Would you like some chicken?) (Bes, itis. ) 80 2. Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. (Nhin hinh va chon céu tra loi ding.) a. 2. A: Can you play basketball? A: What can you see? B: B: A. Yes, I can. A.Ican see a doll. B. No, I can't. B. I can see a robot. C. No, I don’t. C. I can see a car. A: How many marbles do you have? ‘Twenty minus three is B: A. [have eight marbles. A. seventeen B. I have four marbles. B. eighteen C. Ihave five marbles. A: Are there any onions? B: A. Yes, there are some onions. B. No, there aren’t. C. No, there isn’t. 81 3. Look at the pictures and choose the correct sentence. (Nhin hinh va chon cau ding.) 1 2. A. The doll is in the toy box. A. The chair is under the table. B, The doll is under the toy box. B, The chair is on the table. C. The doll is on the toy box. C. The chair is under the wardrobe. A: What do you want? A: What do you want? B; B: A. I want a T-shirt. ‘A. [want a polo shirt. B. I want a jacket. » B. I want a skirt. C. I want a tie. C. I want a sweater. SF A. There are five tomatoes. B, There are six onions. C. There are five carrots. 4. Complete the dialogues with the words from the box. (Hoan thanh céc doan hgi thoai v6i céc tix trong khung.) wear May Howmany at like any 1A: I watch TV? B: Yes, you may. 82 2. A: What are you good 2 B: I'm good at throwing. 3. A: What do you at school? B: I wear a red scarf. 4. cards do you have? B: Ihave six cards. 5. Are there tomatoes? B: No, there aren't. 6. A: Would you some fries? B: Yes, please. 5. Read the passage and tick (“) True or False. (Doc doan van va danh dau () True hoac False.) My name’s Kim. I’m from Korea. I live with my mother, father and brother in Seul. I'm wearing a T-shirt and black shorts. At school, I wear a white shirt and blue skirt. I wear a red scarf. I like my uniform. True False 1. Kim lives in Korea. 2. She has a sister. 8. She’s wearing a T-shirt and blue shorts. 4, She wears uniform at school. 5. She wears a scarf at school. 6. Her scarf is red. 6. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (Sdp xép cdc tit theo thi tu ding dé tao thanh cau.) 1. are /What /you /good at /? 2. I'm /kicking /good /at /. 3. What /you /are /wearing /? 4. wear /What /you /do /at /school /? 5. I /robots /have /ten /. 6. six /Ten /minus four /is /. 83 7. plus /is /Four /five /nine /. 8. you /Would /some /like /pizza /? 9. food /My /favorite /is /fish /. Ill. Phonics - Ngi’ am Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part. (Tim tt c6 Am khae & phan duge gach duéi.) 1 Avcatch B, kitchen C. chair 2. A. throwing B, mother C. math 3. A.scarf B. skiing C. school 4. A. scarf B. shorts C. she 5. A.toy B. tour C. joy 6. A. house B, brown C. sure 7. A.sure B, wear C. hair 8 A.carrots B, robots C. shirts 9. A. donuts B. potatoes C. cards 10. A. white B. five C. knife D. T-shirt D. three D. shirt D. shirt D. boy D. now D. chair D. eggs D. tomatoes D. uniform 2. Read the word and circle the correct sound in the underlined part. (Doc tw va khoanh yao 4m ding 6 phan duge gach duéi.) 1. Thursday 2. catch 3. June 4, shirt ALi AM ALM A/S B. /8/ B. /6/ B, /dy/ B. /d3/ CAI CA C. /sk/ C. Isk/ 6. chair 7. knife 8. cards 9. carrots A. fo! A. [oof A. Its/ A./2 B. /eo/ B. /ai/ B. fai B./ts/, C. Jai C/o! Ci CM 84 5. family A./i/ B. it/ C. iif 10. eggs. A. Its! B./ff C. lal Getting Started 1.¢€ 2.D 3A 4B 1 3. 1D 2F 3A 4G 41 LB 2B S30 4a 46l¢ 6C 73 8B 9E 10H }]4 a; Answers vary. LF 2B 3A 5. 40 5D 6B 1. What's your name? 3. 2. How do you spell your name? A A OBB 3. Where are you from? 4B _B 6B 4, It’s nice to meet you. in 5. She's from the USA. 1 6. Do your friends like drawing? 1B 2D 8A 4,0 aa 2. 1 iB oan ao ‘sp! spell, space, Spain a fol India, Japan, Alpha, Italy ey : In) _ singing, dancing, painting Dewe 1B 2A 3B 4A I BO 6). Cryin IC.4.1i8,B L Unit 2 LC 2B aA. ; 4F 5B 6D 4 2. 1 1.C 2.F 3.E LA 2B 3.B 4.B 5A 4h i 5.D 6B 3. 2. SGT OPOTDIOLALS wlely[w[tJo]A|s|a]c DLL kK) do) HN 8 LO s|[t[kl[u[ulr[s[wis[t (Al we fe |r [i [D [fn] [f@prkeTo Tots Tr Pye [fe Wd TF [e/a [cls [fz Al|[D| F] T[H[N[E[MIG [IN yle[r{[rl[y lee fz Mal x]? fe (N(R [uw [n fo u[o|lP[nlulalr | ifolr[N[a[ele{a [a |e el rTefatrx|v[e] | UPR Goa Dai ele x[v[tly[r[e[wle y {tlt} Blriatrfy[alo i. clofo[x]t[n[Gle|wiu 1 P{tfaly[s[t @lelr F aC 2.8 737A 4E 5B 6D 85 1 1B 2E 3A 4.C 5.D 2. 1.B 2E 3.D 4A 5.C 3. LA 2B 3.C 4.€ 5A 4. 1. False 2. False 3. False 4, True 5. True 5. 1, Wake 2. room 3. up 4, down, 5. homework 6, Hands 6. 1. This is my mother. 2. Who’s she? 3. She's my grandmother, 4, What's her name? 5. Her name's Tuyet. 6. Do your homework! 7. [don't like cats. 8. My family pet is a dog. IpV please, play, plane, plum /8/ father, grandmother, this, that /a/ mother, brother, son, Monday 2: vA 21) 18.011 4B BiB eG AG 7 Cl vas Unit 3 I 1. 1,-C——2-A-- 8-D1-—4-E 6-8 2. w[rWleltitJolwy alec s[t[x[H[Hle[s[wis [zt (Valet fopey NiF ip R]D[F/t/H[n[e[m[e lu E[a[x[t/e[N[R[M[al]R E[o[P[N 1/alP IP Ale] N[ GL y/u[i/B[Rfa[R[y [ale x folRiA|Nic{e) Q[w[m P{[L[Aly{[s|ti|G[r{a] o a 3. 1. Math 2.English 3, Art 4, Physical education 5. Music 4, LD 2A 3B 4C 5B i. L 1B 2D 3B 4A 6¢C 2. 10 2E 3D 4A 6B 3. LA 2B 3B 4B 5A 4, Llike 2. Yes 3. don't 4. Do 5. English 5 1. False 2, True 3, False 4,True 5, True 6, True 6. 1, Is this your eraser? 2. Are these your notebooks? 3, Do you like music? 4, Llike Music and Art. 5. When do you have Math? 6, What's your favorite color? 7. My favorite color is pink. 1 le) eraser, name, eight hol here, near, hear, year hl English, physical, sing, sister Jel Math, black, cat 2 KAS 2G)! Malad | aA 5.B 6.C LC 8.B Unit 4: t LE, 2D" S3A. 4°Ce #58 » w[R[@ [i frirfofRy alc s[L[k]H[u[r[s|w[s|[ i PH CSToOlFlAli[N[ Fy I][p[Fl[tlH[Nl/e[M[ alfa cH] x] Tle [N[R[ mM] als Tilo|P[N[alalr[i[a]z ul[p[alP lin k[N[c (te) RL s[B[R[alR]/ y[H[R (eel o [ul sTeyx]alw[u 3. 1. bed 2. closet 3. chair 4.desk 5.TV 4. LD Qari Sag ods abel cog, B i. L THB 2s ee seF: 4A 5.0 '6E 2. 1.€ 25 3.B 4A 5.D 3. 1B 2C 3.B 410, BC), 56.3 4. LA 2.B 3.B 4A 5. i.Tom | °2. playing “ “8. kitchen 4. What's _5.1s 6. 1, True 2, False 3. False 4, True 5, True 6, True q 1. Where's Daddy? 2. He's in the living room. 3, Nam’s playing in the yard: 4, Mrs Brown is cooking in the kitchen, 5, What’s she doing? 6. Is the mirror in the bathroom? 7. Yes, it is. 8. My bedroom has\abed;atableand a chair, ML. a ‘ul bedroom, bathroom, school fil eating, sleeping, tree foo), sofa, home, open Javl house, brown, now 2. leh ~ 2B AE Bor aB B.C 16:0 rA--+-8.B Review [Units 1-4] E L LC > 2 D-~rarAetske-+ 5-8 2. 1, desk ~~ -2-grandfather 3,pencil case 4: box- 6 bedroom 3. fb? | YAS 1 3p} alot in lhe i Bp) | 2 p73 Bl ala | Sip 2. if oW | @ Bx BBO | 4 Jal TS) 3. HEB, |. 2 Als kgbAB 414) Diag oO) GGk 7, BaesaC’ y2oyDualOcA 4, Lithese 2v0n 3, pik 4.bedroom 5.with 6. in 5. 1. True 2.False 3. False 4,False 5. True 6,True 7. True! 6. 1, Where's he from? 2. He's from India. 3. Do your friends like painting? 4, What's his name? 5, His name’s Nakata. 6, When do you have English? 7.Thave English on Tuesdays and Fridays. 87.

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