Sawaal Apke Jawab Mere Case Studies Pe

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In the answer above can we use the method of contemporary relevance and importance.
Contemporary relevance : there are 4 million children working in factories (census 2011) importance:
article 21,article 24,39,45 and 51a 'e' ensures the protection of child
Definitely. They add weightage to your argument. But their usage must be limited and as per the need of
the question. Unnecessary information flow will lead to overflow which will cut your marks. So,
remember the boundary of question and take a call

I have generally seen people in case studies : for course of action

Taking a middle path
Like not revealing report ,bringing into notice of authorities ,reasoning with them etc etc
However my teacher in vajiram said ,inaction is also considered as supporting the wrong
So we always have to take the side and appropriate ethical action
What should be the approach ?
An administrator is expected to be proactive atleast on paper . So, he must remain ideal in the ethics
paper atleast even at his personal loss. So, inaction is not expected. Your vajiram teacher is right. Always
take ethical actions even at your personal loss in ethics paper

What should be the structure for case study

Can we take a middle path instead of choosing given options
Do u suggest any book for practising case studies
No fixed structure. But generally – we build up arguments and then go to the options given (we are
continuously doing practice on it – you will learn in the process)
Book for case study – see as such there are many books in market but don’t touch any unless you have
completed UPSC PAPERS. That is the right guide. Many books are simply written by people who have
very little idea of how to deal with case studies. Don’t run after too many resources. First solve upsc
papers. That is enough for getting good marks.

In case study or other topics i cant put down the points or analysis which others capable of . Afert
seeing their answer i have found that i also know all this . But i am not able to connect the dots.
Sir plz suggest some way to deal with it
The only thing is that keep practicing. They are connecting dots as they must have written before. So,
you are seeing improved version of them. Just be sincere with us. You will learn it. Also, being a
beginner, you are allowed to think even 1 hour to write an answer. In this way, you will develop the art
of thinking which will lead to your improvement. Never judge yourself on basis of them. Who knows you
are next Shubham Kumar or Shruti Sharma. But be sincere. Don’t be serious

Sir please tell a proper master structure which can be brahmastra for most type of case studies. And
one doubt sir as I am new to channel, how can I submit my answer to you for checking & how can I get
the evaluated answer sheet.Please tell sir
No brahmastra. The demand of each case study is different. But generally before jumping to options, we
try to build up the argument as per the demand of the question.
You can post the answers in the comment section of the question. I may or may not be able to evaluate
due to paucity of time but peer-to-peer evaluation is going on. So you may request your peers after
Sir ji, i used the stake holder approach in the beginning is it a good approach, or should I jump in to
the questions demand straight away. Awaiting your reply
I never followed stakeholder approach and neither I find it necessary. You can build up your argument
and jump to options. Stakeholder approach is not mandatory for good marks if your approach is right

•how exactly we need to approach,
•What are the exact thoughts we need to have the second we see the case studies,
•What should be the framework of each type?
- Depends on question to question. There is no such thing as exact approach.
- Each question is different. You will learn the approach after practicing with us.
- Framework I regularly share. Just follow that
How to build the argument ?sir
Building argument means explaining in brief what the question or the case study is all about. Just giving
the examiner the direction in which we will be taking our answers to

How to start for an absolute beginer?

Read Lexicon first as per syllabus and then practice last year questions on the channel from day 1

Sir i get confused while writing the answers of case studies.. Plzz tell sir how to addres the demand of
the question..
- See, if you remain sincere, you will learn eventually. If you get confused, think on it that what
the question is asking. Think even if it takes you an hour. But don’t jump directly to solution.
Take your time. Slowly you will learn the process of thinking and producing right answers. Be
sincere in answer writing practice
sir , in conclusion can we give reference of different approaches like justice, virtue,utilitarian
according to demand of question?? please suggest...
definitely if it is relevant

1.Extent to which one must think while writing ethical issues & ethical dilemma.
2. Can intro start with facts/data/recent events and be short as in recent times length has increased?
3. May sound foolish: How to read CS in exam hall considering the increasing length of Qs, your SOP
- 1. Vague question. Depends on the demand of question. Just the approach should be right
- 2. Yes if data is relevant to the question. Intact it will increase the beauty of your answer
3. The only solution is to practice more and more in examination condition. It is better to sweat in
practice than to bleed in war. And it is an intelligent question. Practice makes a man perfect

Should I have to ready fodder material for case studies as a beginner??

Read lexicon first and then attempt. Concepts serve as the fodder materials

Sir I am not able to write answer where I start how I write answer and essay for any topics.
I have shared the strategy in the channel for ethics and essay. Go through it.

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All the Best.
AIR 442 UPSC CSE 2021

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