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1. Identify reference word from caption

2. Definition of caption
3. Identify justified opinion
4. Definition of liquid waste
5. Definition of organic waste
6. Definition of hazardous waste
7. Determine the topic of descriptive text (if there’s a title, then the title is the answer)
8. Identify reference word from descriptive
9. Determine the main idea in the last paragraph
10. The purpose of analytical exposition (about “The Importance of Sleep for Health”)
11. The meaning of ghrelin level
12. Determine the incorrect statement in analytical exposition (about “Benefit of Vegetable”)
13. Able to summarize the caption, conclusion (Shakespeare’s)
14. Able to summarize the caption, conclusion
15. Able to summarize the caption, conclusion
16. Implicit meaning of caption (Maudy Ayunda’s description)
17. Determine supporting details used in the descriptive text
18. Relation between paragraphs
19. Conclusion of analytical exposition
20. Determine the author’s attitude (the atmosphere/environment(?) of the text)
21. Determine the topic of analytical
22. Identify generic structure of analytical
23. Determine the main idea in the second paragraph
24. Determine the meaning of habit (definition/synonym)
25. Determine cause and effect of analytical (about “The Easiest Way to Stay Healthy)
26. Determine cause and effect of analytical (about “The Easiest Way to Stay Healthy)
27. Determine the main idea of analytical (about “The Importance of Sleep for Health”)
28. Determine the topic of the text (about “The Problem of Being Too Fat”)
29. Determine cause and effect (about “The Problem of Being Too Fat”)
30. Determine supporting details in caption
31. Similar meaning of “Appeal”
32. Cause and effect
33. Cause and effect (about “Lunar”)
34. Antonym of “Embedded”
35. Determine the topic in the second paragraph of descriptive text
36. The meaning of “Corrosive”
37. Determine the cause and effect (about “Liquid Waste”)
38. Fill in the blank (about “Solid Waste”)
39. Fill in the blank (about “Solid Waste”)
40. Fill in the blank (about “Solid Waste”)

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