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Question Text Question Type

(required) (default is Multiple
vùng đầm lầy Multiple Choice
chim sẻ Multiple Choice
vùng đầm lầy Multiple Choice
thực tế Multiple Choice
danh sách bài hát mà một nghệ sĩ sẽ biểu diễn Multiple Choice
con người Multiple Choice
giao tiếp Multiple Choice
người lớn Multiple Choice
bắt chước Multiple Choice
sự bắt chước Multiple Choice
chính xác Multiple Choice
gần như ko Multiple Choice
thế hệ Multiple Choice
một cách ngẫu nhiên Multiple Choice
học … Multiple Choice
thay vì, thay cho Multiple Choice
nói cách khác Multiple Choice
chiến lược Multiple Choice
khuynh hướng thích ứng Multiple Choice
đặc biệt Multiple Choice
khả năng Multiple Choice
bẻ nhỏ, phân tách cái gì thành cái gì Multiple Choice
âm tiết Multiple Choice
đo Multiple Choice
giai điệu Multiple Choice
tiêu chuẩn Multiple Choice
sự kết hợp Multiple Choice
tạo ra Multiple Choice
truyền thống Multiple Choice
cho phép ai/cái gì làm gì Multiple Choice
cuối cùng có cái gì (mà trước đó ko hề ngờ tới) Multiple Choice
cuối cùng làm gì (mà trước đó ko hề ngờ tới) Multiple Choice
ổn định Multiple Choice
vùng đầm lầy Multiple Choice
có lẽ đã làm gì Multiple Choice
tuổi thọ Multiple Choice
trong vòng, bên trong Multiple Choice
loài Multiple Choice
khía cạnh Multiple Choice
tác động Multiple Choice
sự mất đi môi trường sống Multiple Choice
nhân tạo Multiple Choice
rào cản Multiple Choice
đồn điền Multiple Choice
tách nhỏ cái gì thành cái gì Multiple Choice
Toàn bộ cá thể trong một nhóm Multiple Choice
đơn độc, bị cô lập, bị phân tách Multiple Choice
văn hoá Multiple Choice
sự trao đổi Multiple Choice
kết quả nghiên cứu Multiple Choice
phát triển Multiple Choice
nhận diện, xác định Multiple Choice
giữ gìn Multiple Choice
tiềm năng Multiple Choice
sinh vật Multiple Choice
đồn điền Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
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Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Text for option 2
Text for option 1
Option 1 Option 2
(required in all cases except
(required in all cases except open-
Swamp (n) open-ended
Sparrow (n) & draw
ended &
Swamp (n) draw questions) Sparrow (n)
Swamp (n) Sparrow (n)
Swamp (n) Sparrow (n)
Set list (n) Human (n)
Set list (n) Human (n)
Set list (n) Human (n)
Set list (n) Human (n)
Mimic (v) Mimicry (n)
Mimic (v) Mimicry (n)
Mimic (v) Mimicry (n)
Mimic (v) Mimicry (n)
Generation (n) At random
Generation (n) At random
Generation (n) At random
Generation (n) At random
In other words Strategy (n)
In other words Strategy (n)
In other words Strategy (n)
In other words Strategy (n)
Ability (n) Break sth into sth (v)
Ability (n) Break sth into sth (v)
Ability (n) Break sth into sth (v)
Ability (n) Break sth into sth (v)
Tune (n) Standard (n)
Tune (n) Standard (n)
Tune (n) Standard (n)
Tune (n) Standard (n)
Tradition (n) Allow sb/sth to V(v)
Tradition (n) Allow sb/sth to V(v)
Tradition (n) Allow sb/sth to V(v)
Tradition (n) Allow sb/sth to V(v)
Stable (adj) Marsh (n)
Stable (adj) Marsh (n)
Stable (adj) Marsh (n)
Stable (adj) Marsh (n)
Within (prep) Species (n)
Within (prep) Species (n)
Within (prep) Species (n)
Within (prep) Species (n)
Habitat loss (n) Man-made (adj)
Habitat loss (n) Man-made (adj)
Habitat loss (n) Man-made (adj)
Habitat loss (n) Man-made (adj)
Break up sth into sth (v) Population (n)
Break up sth into sth (v) Population (n)
Break up sth into sth (v) Population (n)
Break up sth into sth (v) Population (n)
Exchange (n) Findings (n)
Exchange (n) Findings (n)
Exchange (n) Findings (n)
Exchange (n) Findings (n)
Preserve (v) Potential (n)
Preserve (v) Potential (n)
Preserve (v) Potential (n)
Preserve (v) Potential (n)
Text for option 3 Text for option 4
Option 3 Option 4
(optional) (optional)
Wetland (n) In fact
Wetland (n) In fact
Wetland (n) In fact
Wetland (n) In fact
Communicate (v) Adult (n)
Communicate (v) Adult (n)
Communicate (v) Adult (n)
Communicate (v) Adult (n)
Accurate (adj) Little (Adv)
Accurate (adj) Little (Adv)
Accurate (adj) Little (Adv)
Accurate (adj) Little (Adv)
Pick up (v) Rather than
Pick up (v) Rather than
Pick up (v) Rather than
Pick up (v) Rather than
Conformist bias Special (adj)
Conformist bias Special (adj)
Conformist bias Special (adj)
Conformist bias Special (adj)
Syllable (n) Measure (v)
Syllable (n) Measure (v)
Syllable (n) Measure (v)
Syllable (n) Measure (v)
Combination (n) Create (v)
Combination (n) Create (v)
Combination (n) Create (v)
Combination (n) Create (v)
End up with sth (v) End up V-ing (v)
End up with sth (v) End up V-ing (v)
End up with sth (v) End up V-ing (v)
End up with sth (v) End up V-ing (v)
May have P2 Longevity (n)
May have P2 Longevity (n)
May have P2 Longevity (n)
May have P2 Longevity (n)
Aspect (n) Impact (n)
Aspect (n) Impact (n)
Aspect (n) Impact (n)
Aspect (n) Impact (n)
Barrier (n) Plantation (n)
Barrier (n) Plantation (n)
Barrier (n) Plantation (n)
Barrier (n) Plantation (n)
Isolated (adj) Cultural (adj)
Isolated (adj) Cultural (adj)
Isolated (adj) Cultural (adj)
Isolated (adj) Cultural (adj)
Evolve (v) Identify (v)
Evolve (v) Identify (v)
Evolve (v) Identify (v)
Evolve (v) Identify (v)
Organism (n) Plantation (n)
Organism (n) Plantation (n)
Organism (n) Plantation (n)
Organism (n) Plantation (n)
The correct option choice
Time in seconds
(between 1-5).
Correct Answer Time in seconds
(optional, default
Leave blank for "Open-
value is 30 seconds)
Ended", "Poll", "Draw"
and "Fill-in-the-Blank".

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