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First Thing First

Pre-Basic 1

By. Elfa Setiawan, SS

All rights reserved.


First Thing First Team


2. Nurdin Hidayat
3. IAS Siregar

5. Zulvi Arifa Hadi

7. Annisa Fitriani

9. Silvi Callista

11. Venny
12. Surya Winata


Co-Editor :

Layout : Zula Desain

-First Think First - Pre Basic 1 -
To the students

Dear Students:

First Thing First!


The Language Focus

Reading and Vocabulary

Listening section

activities and Fun English activities are also available for you. Frequent Progress

Final Assessment

The CD of Multimedia

Basic, Intermediate, and
Advanced levels

Elfa Setiawan

-First Think First - Pre Basic 1 -

Table of Content

Characters ………………………………………………………………..… v

Let’s get started ………………………………………………….………… 1














-First Think First - Pre Basic 1 -

Dian Agung Rahman

Juang Roy

-First Think First - Pre Basic 1 -

1. The Alphabet

a. Listen to the teacher, repeat and say these letters loudly.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii

Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr

Ss Tt Uu Vv Xx Yy Zz

b. Listen again and circle the letters that the teacher says.

c. Now, spell your own names correctly.

Example: My name’s Jasmine. J–a–s–m–i–n–e


How about you, what’s your middle name?

2. Numbers 1-20

a. Listen to the teacher, repeat and say these numbers loudly.

1 one 8 eight 15 fifteen
2 two 9 nine 16 sixteen
3 three 10 ten 17 seventeen
4 four 11 eleven 18 eighteen
5 five 12 twelve 19 nineteen
6 six 13 thirteen 20 twenty
7 seven 14 fourteen

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 1

b. Work with a partner. Take turns saying and spelling numbers.

Example: A: Eight.

B: E–i–g–h–t

c. When you are able to mention numbers 1-20, continue with 21 to


3. Days of the Week

a. Listen to the teacher, repeat and say these ‘days’ loudly.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday Sunday

b. Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering these


Example: A: What day is today

B: Today is Tuesday.

4. Months of the Year

Listen to the teacher, repeat and say these ‘months’ loudly.

January June November

February July December

March August

April September

May October

2 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

UNIT 1 L ea r ning G oa ls

I’m Dian Introduce yourself and others


A. Dian gets a library card. Check and read Spelling names

this dialog. Common American Names


Dian Dian.

Librarian : Your complete name please.

Dian ian

Amaranthy, just call me Dian.

Librarian : Is that D-I-A-N


Librarian : And how do you spell your last

1. Language Focus
Dian : A-M-A-R-A-N-T-H-Y
First names Last names

Librarian Dian Amaranthy

Dian : Thanks Doni Nugroho


Heru Santoso, Santoso

(Santoso is the surname or family

How do you spell your last name?


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 3

B. Complete the conversation below with your own information. Then
practice with a classmate.

A: What’s your name?

B: ___________________________________________

A: How do you spell your last name?

B: ___________________________________________

2. Vocabulary

A. Listen to these common American names. Then practice.

Girls’ names Boys’ names

Sophia Emma William Michael
Kaitlyn Julia David Ethan
Elizabeth Samantha John Jonathan
Hannah Christine Jack Bruce
Olivia Debby Tyler Tony

B. Now, list 10 common names in your country.

Girls’ names Boys’ names

Ajeng …………………. Andri ………………….
………………. …………………. ………………. ………………….
………………. …………………. ………………. ………………….
………………. …………………. ………………. ………………….
………………. …………………. ………………. ………………….

4 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

3. Pronunciation Syllables

A. Study the pronunciation chart. Then listen and practice.

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables

John An nie Za cha ry

B. Look at these names. How many syllables do they have?

Samantha Kennedy Michael Jackson

Brad Kusnandar Jessica Jean

Rahmat Adriana Morales Ohara

Sam Jacky Hanna Joshua

4. Reading

A. Read the in article quickly. Write the last names of the three
people in the article.

1. ………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………

Meet Dian, Rachmat, and Agung!

Hi, friends! My name is Dian. My last name is Amaranthy,
Princess in H igh S chool Musical. I like Michael Jackson.
Oh, and my nick name is Dian

Rachmat Sojuangon. Just call me

Juang. King in H igh
S chool Musical. I like Sushi! Nice to meet you. See you

H igh S chool Music.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 5


H igh S chool Music.

B. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Dian’s last name is (Amaranti/Amaranthy/Yanthy).

2. Dian’s name in High School Musical is (Princess/King/Prince).

3. Rachmat’s cat’s name is (Blondy/Blondie/Mondy).

4. Rachmat likes (sushi/music/pizza).

5. Agung’s nickname is (Pratama/’Go Get ‘Em”/Rifqi).

6. Agung’s (name/nickname/last name) in High School Musical is


5. Listening

A. Listen, read and practice these dialogues with classmates.

Roy is a new student. He meets Juang in the library.

Dialogue 1:

Roy : Good morning, my name is Roy. What is your name?

Juang : Good morning. My name is Juang.

Dialogue 2:

Roy : Are you a new student?

Juang : Yes, I am. I’m in 7D, and you?

Roy : I’m in 7D, too.

Dialogue 3:

6 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Dialogue 3:

Roy : Then we are classmates.

Juang : Yes, we are.

B. Work in pairs, listen to your teacher about the following

dialogues. While you are listening, complete the dialogues.

1. Rahman meets a girl at a camping site.

Rahman : ………………. I’m Rahman. What is your name?

Dian : ………………. I’m Dian. Which group do you come


Rahman : I am from the Eagle group. You are from the Bear
group, right?

Dian : Yes, that’s right. Well, ………………., Rachmat.

Rahman : ………………., Dian.

2. Juang is a new student.

Juang : …………………. I’m Juang.

Roy : …………………. I’m Roy. Are you a new student?

Juang : Yes, I am. I’m in 8B.

Roy : Then, we are classmates. I am going to the library.

Do you want to accompany me?

Juang : I’m sorry, I can’t.

Roy : OK, then. ……………… in the classroom.

Juang : ………………………

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 7

6. Writing

A. Complete the chart.

First name
Middle name
Last name
Nick name
How are you today?
I like………

B. Write yourself to your new e-pal. Use the chart in part A to help
Hello! My name is My last name is .



7. Grammar PRONOUN + BE + NOUN

(a) I am a student We are students You
(b) You are a student You are students
(c) She is a student They are students He
(d) He is a student = Pronouns
(e) It is a student She

(i) Dian is in my class. She is a student. It

(j) Agung is in my class. He is a student. We

(k) Roy and Rahman are in my class. They are students. They = forms of be

Pronouns refer to Nouns Am

In (i): She (feminine) = Dian Ia

In (j): he (masculine) = Agung are

In (k): they = Dian and Agung

8 First Thing First - Prebasic 1


(l) I’m a student = I am a student (p) You’re a student = You are a student

(m) She’s a student = She is a student (q) We’re students = We are students

(n) He’s a student = He is a student (r) They’re students = They are students

(o) it’s a cat = It is a cat


a. When people speak, they often push two words together. A contraction = two words
that are pushed together.
b. Contraction of a subject pronoun + be are used in both speaking and writing.
c. PUNCTUATION: The min the mark in the middle of a contraction is called an
“apostrophe” (‘).
d. We write an apostrophe above the line. Do not write an apostrophe on the line.

Exercise 1: Sentence practice

Direction: Complete the sentences. Use contractions (pronoun + be)

1. Juang is a student. He’s in my class.

2. Rahman is a student. __________ in my class.

3. I have one brother. __________ twenty years old.

4. I have two sisters. __________ students.

5. I have a dictionary. __________ on my desk.

6. I like my classmates. ___________ friendly.

7. I have three books. ___________ in my school bag.

8. My brother is twenty six years old. __________ married.

9. My sister is twenty one years old. __________ single.

10. Juang and Dian are students. ___________ in my class.

11. I like my books. ____________ interesting.

12. I like grammar. _________ easy.

13. Roy and I live in an apartment. ___________ roommates.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 9

14. We live in an apartment. __________ on Cendana street.

15. I go school. ________ a student.

Exercise 2: Sentence Practice

student or students).

1. We are students .

2. I _____________________ .

3. Rahman __________________ .

4. Dian and Juang ____________________.

5. You (one person) ____________________.

6. Your (two persons) ____________________.

7. Agung and I ______________________.

8. My brother ______________________.

9. Reading: “An-email”

Dear fellow students,

ol. I am
from Indonesia. My classmates are 14 or 15 years old. We like sports. Our favorite
sports are football, swimming and basketball. We also like movies and music.

If you want to write me a letter, this is my address Jl. Sudirman No. 14 Central Jakarta,

Indonesia. Please, tell me your name, age, favorite things do and your nationality. I hope
to read your letters soon!

Roy Soala.

10 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Now, answer the questions in complete sentences!
1. What is the writer’s name?


2. Where is he from?


3. What is his nationality?


4. How old is the writer?


5. What grade is he in his school?


6. How old are the students in her class?


7. What do they like?


8. What is his address?


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 11

Fluency Habit: “TO BE”


To practice pronunciation
To demonstrate contracted forms”
To demonstrate simple use of the verb to be.


1. Get students to pronounce individual words. Choose the words that you
think they will have the most trouble with.
2. Then demonstrate and drill whole sentences:

What’s your name?

My name’s ………………………………..

Is your name ………………………………?

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

Remember to pay attention to the rhythm and stress of the sentence.

See if you can elicit the whole sentences word by word from the students,
rather than making them yourself.




12 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Class Project:
Read about “Dian”

My first name is Dian. My last name is Amaranthy.

My nickname is Dian. My email address is My favourite subject is

Complete the sentence. Use your dictionary, if necessary.

Draw a picture or bring a photo of yourself to class.

In Class
a) Make a poster. Ask each other “What’s your….? Write the answers.
Use the sample poster below.

b) Choose a captain (leader). Present your poster to another group.


Agung Mujib Roy Rachmat

Last name Saptono Burahman Soala Sojuangon

Nickname Agung Rahman Roy Juang

E-mail Agung@gmail. rahman@gmail. juang@gmail.
address com com com
Math Biology Chemistry Science

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 13

Game: Words Connection

B. Complete the dialogue below with four sentences from A.

1. A: _______________________________________________

B: My name is Dian.

2. A: _______________________________________________

B: bye-bye.

3. A: _______________________________________________

B: Hello, Tod.

4. A: _______________________________________________

B: Fine, thanks.

14 First Thing First - Prebasic 1


Good Morning, Roy

1. Language Focus
L ea r ning G oa ls
A. Ms. Winda and Roy greet each other. Read
and practice this dialogue.

Expressing conditions Ms. Winda : Good morning, Roy.


Negative with ‘be’

Be + Adjective Roy : Fine, thank you.

Ms. Dian : Great, thanks. Are you ready

Roy : Yes, I am.

B. Complete the conversations with the words in the boxes, then


are not too you

1. Roy : Good morning. How ______ you?

Juang : _________ bad, thanks.

How about __________?

Roy : Not _________ good, really.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 15

afternoon good how you

2. Agung : Good __________, Dian. How are you today?

Dian : OK. __________ about you?

Agung : _________, thank _________.

2. Listening

each conversation.
Good Good Good
Hi. Hello.
morning. afternoon. evening.
Conversation 1
Conversation 2
Conversation 3
Conversation 4

1. Great, thanks. 4. Not too good.

I’m Joseph Nice to meet you.

2. Thank you. 5. Hello, Dan. Sorry, I’m late.

Good morning. How about you?

3. Fine, thanks. 6. Good evening, Elizabeth.

My name is Jennifer. Nice to meet you, too.

16 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

3. Vocabulary

Greetings Responses
Good morning, Good morning, My name is Agung
Good afternoon, Good afternoon,
Good evening, Good evening,
Hi,. Hi,.
Hello, Hello,
Nice to meet you. Goodbye. Nice to meet you. Goodbye.
Good to meet you. Good night. Good to meet you. Good night.
Pleased to meet you. Bye! Pleased to meet Bye!
See you! you. See you!

A. Vocabulary Practice

Dialogue 1:

Juang and Dian are classmates.

Juang : hello , Dian! How are you?

Dian : Of course, I’m coming.

Juang : OK, then. I’ll meet you there. _______________.

Dian : ____________.

Dialogue 2:

Dian : ________________, Sir.

Mr. Elfa : Good afternoon. Are you a new student, here?

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 17

Dian : Yes, Sir. I am Dian Amaranthy. I am in 7F. _____________?

Mr. Elfa : Fine. My name is Elfa Setiawan. I am an English teacher. Do

you come from Bandung?

Dian : No, Sir. My parents live in Solo. But I live here with my uncle.

Mr.Elfa : __________________, Dian.

Dian : Yes, _________________, too. Mr. Elfa.

4. Reading

Pen Pals Wanted

Hi. My name’s Selena
Hi, there. I’m Jack Parker from
Diaz. I’m from
Guadalajara, Mexico. Chicago . I’m 14. My favourite actor
I’m 14. My favourite is Jacky Chan. He’s really good! My
actor is Brad Pitt, and favourite movie are the Rush Hour
my favourite movie is
Harry Potter and the
movies. They’re exciting. Write to
Sorcerer’s Stone. How me, OK? Write to: Jack Parker, Box
about you? What’s your 4848
favourite movie?

Write to:

Selena Diaz, Box 3678

H ello, I ’m J ean A t k ins.
I ’m f r om M iami. I ’m 12. I
lik e D emi M oor e. S he’s
beaut if ul. M y Favour it e
movie is S hr ek . T ell me
about your f avour it es.

W r it e t o:

J ean A t k ins. B ox 8752

18 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Reading Comprehension

Selena Jean Jack You

Age 14
Last name Diaz
Favourite actor
Favourite movie
Box number

5. Writing

Write about yourself and your favourite in your notebook. If you are interested,
you can write to a –pen pal on


Daniel R adcliffe is my favourite actor

My favorite actor is Daniel Radcliffe. Daniel Jacob
Radcliffe was born in July 23rd, 1989 to Alan Radcliffe and
Marcia Gresham. He began performing in small school productions
as a young boy. Soon enough, he landed a role in David
Copperfield. As a young David Copperfield.


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 19

6. Grammar:


Not makes a sentence
(a) I am not a teacher. negative.
(b) You are not a I’m not
teacher You’re not/ you aren’t CONTRACTIONS:
Be an not can be
(c) She is not a teacher She’s not/ she isn’t
(d) He is not a teacher He’s not / he isn’t Note that “I am” has only
(e) It is not a city It’s not / it isn’t one
(f) We are not teachers We’re not/ we aren’t Contraction with be, as
in (a), but there are two
(g) You are not teachers You’re not/ you aren’t
contractions with be for
(h) They are not They’re not/ they aren’t (b) through (g)


Be + Adjective
NOUN + BE + Round
ADJECTIVE Intelligent
(a) A ball is round. Hungry
(b) Balls are round. Young
(c) Roy is intelligent. Happy
(d) Dian and Roy are intelligent Adjectives often follow a form of be
(am,is,are). Adjectives describe or
PRONOUN + BE + ADJECTIVE give information about a noun or
(e) I am hungry. pronoun that comes at the beginning
(f) She is young. of a sentences.
(g) They are happy.

20 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Exercise 3: Sentence Practice

Directions: Complete the sentences. Use is, isn’t, are, or aren’t.

1. A ball is square.

2. Balls ________ square.

3. Lemons ___________ yellow.

4. Ripe bananas ___________ yellow too.

5. A lemon __________ sweet. It ________ sour.

6. My pen ________ heavy. It _______ light.

7. This room ________ dark. It _______ light.

8. My classmates _________ friendly.

9. A turtle _________ slow.

10. Airplanes ________ slow. They _________ fast.


12. The weather _________ cold today.

13. The sun __________ bright today.

14. My shoes __________ comfortable.

15. The coffee ________ hot anymore.

Exercise 4: Sentence Practice

sentence with be

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 21

beautiful expensive noisy short

clean fast old tall

easy happy poor

1. I’m not sad. I ‘m happy .

2. Mr. Budi isn’t rich. He ________________.

3. My hair isn’t long. It ____________________.

4. My clothes aren’t dirty. They ____________________.

5. Flowers aren’t ugly. They ______________________.

6. Cars aren’t cheap. They ____________________.

7. Airplanes aren’t slow. They _______________________.


9. My sister isn’t short. She _____________________.

10. My grandparents aren’t young. They ___________________.

Exercise 5: Sentence Practice

Directions: Write sentences using is or are

cold funny round sweet

dangerous hot small/little wet

dry large/big square

1. Fire is hot .

22 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

2. Ice and _______________________.

3. A box _____________________.

4. Balls and oranges ___________________.

5. Sugar __________________.

6. An elephant ________________, but a desert _______________.

7. A rain forest _______________, but a desert ________________.

8. A joke ___________________.

9. Good health ___________________.

10. Gun’s aren’t safe. They ___________________.

11. A coin _________________ small, round, and ________________.

12. A lemon _________________.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 23

7. Dialogue: “This is Najif”

A. Read the dialogue quickly and practice with your classmates.

Roy : Hey, look out!




Dian : Good. Those skates are cool, Agung.


Dian : Cool. By the way, Michael. Are you a new student in our school

Michael : Well, only for two months.




Well, I have to go. See you in school, Michael.

Michael : OK, Bye.

B. COMPREHENSION: Write True or False. Correct the False statements.

………… 1. Roy, Agung, Michael and Dian are at the beach.

………… 2. Michael is an exchange student in Indonesia.

………… 3. Dian likes Agung’s skates.

………… 4. Nicole Kidman is from Canada.

………… 5. Canberra is in England.

24 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Fluency Habit: “CHECKING NAMES”


To get students to practice using structures.

MY NAME’S ………………………..


1). Circle the correct words. Then write the dialogues.

A: What’s (my/you/your) name, please?

B: Rahman. Mujib Burahman.

A: R-A-H-M-A-N?

B: Yes, (it’s/I’m/that’s) right.

A: Could you spell your (first/last/) name, please?

B: M-U-J-I-B

A: Thank you, (Miss./Mr./Mrs.). Sign here, please.

2). A: What’s your name, please? .

. B: Rahman, Mujib Burahman. .

A: ____________________________________________________________

B: ____________________________________________________________

A: ____________________________________________________________

B: ____________________________________________________________

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 25

Class Project: “Citizenship”

A. Read about Mr. Elfa

This is Mr. Elfa. Elfa is his first name. His last

name is Setiawan. But people call him Elfa. He’s an
English teacher at schools and colleges. He’s from
Indonesia. His favourite soccer player is Christiano

B. Look at the people below. Choose the two most interesting people.

C. Make a poster. Use the sample poster as a model.

D. Choose a captain (leader). Present your poster to another group.

Name : PabloRamirez (Mr. Ramirez)

Job : Soccer coach

Hometown : Guadalajara

Name : CarmenLopez (Ms. Lopez)

Job : Biology teacher)

Hometown : Monterrey

26 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Game: “Heads or Tails”
Instruction: What? Who?

1. Get a coin and game piece for yourself. When? Is?

2. Where? Are?

and ask a question based on the picture. For tails move two
spaces and make a sentence based on the picture. If you make a
mistake, move back one space.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 27

PROGRESS CHECK Units 1 and 2

1. Match the sentences to the correct responses.

1). How are you today? ……… a. R-A-H-M-A-N.

2). How do you spell your name? …… b. Very well, thank you.

3). Nice to meet you. …... c. Good-bye, Roy.

5). See you later, Mr. Elfa. …….. d. Hi. My name is Juang.

6). My name is Dian. ……… e. Nice to meet you, too.

2. Complete the conversations.

1). Agung Hi! _____ name is Agung. What’s ______ name?

Dian _________ Dian. Nice to meet _________.

2). Roy _______ you today, Mrs. Hidayat?

Mrs. Hidayat Not ________, thank you. How _____ you?

Roy I’m great.

3). Mr. Elfa __________ morning, Dian.

Dian __________ I’m late, Mr. Elfa.

3. Listening: “What’s your name?”

True or
False. Then correct the False statements.

1. Megan is a new student. True. …….……………………………

28 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

2. Kevin’s last name is Bartelsman . ………… ………………………

4. Megan’s nick name is Peg. ………….. ………………….…………

5. Kevin’s nickname is Kev. ………… …………………………………

B. What do you think? Write I agree or I disagree (don’t agree).

1. Nicknames are cool. ………………………………………………….

2. I like my name. ………………………………………………………..

3. My name is easy to spell. ……………………………………………

4. My friend’s name is easy to spell. …………………………………..

3. Complete the conversations with the sentences in the box.

Hello, Mr. Thomas. How are you? Nice to meet you, too.

Agung, this is Jessica. Not bad, thank you.

1. A Hello, Mr. Thomas. How are you?

B Good, thanks. How about you, Jessica?

A ……………………………………………………………………

2. A ...………………………………………………………………….

B Hi, Jessica. Nice to meet you.

C ………...………………………………………………………….

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 29

SONGS: “The Day You Went Away”

"The Day You Went Away"

Sung by. M2M

Well I wonder could it be

When I was dreaming 'bout you baby
You were dreaming of me
Call me crazy, call me blind
To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time

Did I lose my love to someone better

And does she love you like I do
I do, you know I really really do

Well hey
So much I need to say
Been lonely since the day
The day you went away
So sad but true
For me there's only you
Been crying since the day
The day you went away

I remember date and time

September twenty second
Sunday twenty five after nine
In the doorway with your case
No longer shouting at each other
There were tears on our faces

And we were letting go of something special

Something we'll never have again
I know, I guess I really really know

The day you went away

The day you went away
Why do we never know what we've got 'til it's gone
How could I carry on
The day you went away
Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say
Been crying since the day
The day you went away

The day you went away

The day you went away


30 First Thing First - Prebasic 1


He’s my Math teacher L ea r ning G oa ls

Talking about teachers and friends

His / her
Who’s this?

A. Roy and his dad are looking at photos.

Read and practice the dialogue.

Roy : Look, Dad. This is my new

1. Language Focus
football coach.
What’s his name?
Dad His name is Mr. Darmawan
What’s her name?
Roy : His name is Mr. Darmawan Her name is Anita.
Dad : I see. And this old man, who is Who’s this?
Who’s this?
This is my classmate.



Dad : And who

Roy : Dad! This is Juang – my best

B. Complete the conversation below. Read and check.Then practice
with your classmates.
1. Mr. Darmawan: Who’s (Who’s / What’s) this?
Agung : My math teacher.
Mr. Darmawan: What’s ……….. (his/her) name?
Agung : ………….. ( His/Her) name is Mr. Diaz.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 31

2. Agung : This is my classmate.
Mr. Darmawan: ……………. (What’s / Who’s) her name?
Agung : ……………. (His/Her) name is Jenny

3. Mr. Darmawan: And …………… (who’s/what’s) this?

Agung : My science teacher. …. (His/Her) name is Ms. Nurul.

2. Pronunciation Contractions with question words

Notice the contractions Who’s and What’s. Repeat after the teacher.
Who’s this? What’s her name? What’s his name?

A. Now practice the conversations in Exercise 2B.

3. Grammar


(a) What is this (thing)? It’s a pen. What asks about things.
(b) Who is that (man) That’s Mr. Elfa. Who asks about people.
(c) What are those (things) They’re pens.
Note: In questions with what and who,
(d) Who are they? They’re Mr. and Mrs. Arifin
is is followed by a singular word.
are is followed by a plural word.
(e) What’s this? CONTRACTIONS
(f) Who’s that man?
What is = what’s
Who is = who’s

32 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES: Using My, Your, His, Her, Our, their

(a) I have a book (e) We have books. I my

My book is red. Our books are red. You your
(b) You have a book. (f) You have books. She her
Your book is red. Your books are red. He his
(c) She has a book. (g) They have books. We our
Her book is red. Their books are red. They their
(d) He has a book.
His book is red. I possess have a book. = I have a book.
= It is my book.

My, our, her, his, our, and their are called

“possessive adjective.” They come in
front of nouns.

Exercise 6: Sentence practice

Direction: Complete the questions with what or who and is or are.

1. A: Who is that woman?

B: She’s my sister. Her name is Jasmine.

2. A: ________________ those things.

B: They’re ballpoint pens.

3. A: ________________ your name?

B: Rahman.

4. A: _________________ that?
B: That’s Ms. Setiawan

5. A: . __________________ this?
B: That’s my new notebook.

6. A: __________________ your favourite teachers?

B: Mr. Elfa and Ms. Nurul.

7. A: Look at those people over there. _____________ they?

B: I’m not sure, but I think they’re new students from Australia.

8. A: _____________ your grammar teacher?

B: Mr. Hidayat.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 33

9. A: ________________a rabbit?
B: It’s a small furry animal with big ears.

10. A: _________________ bats?

Exercise 7: Sentence practice

Directions: Complete the sentences with my, your, her, his, our, or their.

1. Dian is wearing a blouse. Her blouse is light blue.

2. Juang is wearing a shirt. __________ shirt is yellow and brown.

3. I am wearing earrings. __________ earrings are gold.

4. Roy and I are wearing sweaters. ________sweaters are green.

5. Jasmine is wearing a skirt. __________ skirt is black.

6. Dian and Roy are wearing boots. ________ boots are brown.

7. Rahman is wearing pants. _________ pants are dark green.

8. Agung is wearing belt. _________ belt is white.

9. I am wearing jeans. _________ jeans are blue.

10. You are wearing shoes. _________ shoes are dark brown.

11. Juang and Agung are wearing socks. __________ socks are dark grey.

12. Dian and Anita are wearing dresses. ___________ dresses are red.

Exercise 8: Sentence practice

Directions: Error analysis. Correct the errors.


1. We is students.

34 First Thing First - Prebasic 1


2. I no hungry.


3. I am student. He is teacher.


4. Rahman not here. He at school.


5. I’m from Thailand. Where are you from?


6. Cuba is an island.


7. Those pictures are beautiful.


8. This is you dictionary. It not my dictionary.


9. Mr. Elfa have a brown coat.


10.There are n’t here today.


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 35

4. Reading “ I’m Indonesian ”

Java. Dian is in seventh grade.
“My nameis DianAmaranthy. I’m13. I’manewstudent
here. Right now, I amintwoforeign-languageclasses:
GermanandEnglish. I likeAmericanandLatinm usic.
My favouritesingers areChristinaAguileraandJessicaSimpson.”
Mujib Burahman is 15. He is from Jakarta. He is a theatrical
student. But, he studies Technique Electric . Mujib is also an
English class. His fist language is Indonesian, and his second
language is English.

“Hi. I’mMujib. I’m15 years old. My parents areinJava, but I’mhere

inJakarta. Right now, I’mastudent of SMP 49, International School-

Reading Comprehension
A. Read about Dian and Mujib article above. Where are they from?
B. You and your classmate are going to interview Dian and Mujib for your
school project. Ask each student some questions.

Questions for Dian:

1. How old are you .
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________

Questions for Mujib:

1. _________________________________________________

36 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________

5. Listening “Favourite Stars”

A. Wendy, Julia, and Clare talk about their favourite stars. Fill in the
missing words or sentences.

Wendy : Who’s this?

Julia : Gisele Bundehen. She’s ____________ model.

Clare : And who’s this?

Julia : Thierry Henry. He’s my favourite _____________.

Wendy : So, who’s your favourite actor?

Julia : _________. He’s right here.

Clare : Oh, I’m Brad Pitt fan, too. I think _________________.

B. Write about these stars from Julia’s web site.

1. (Gisele Bundchen) This is Gisele Bundchen. She’s a model.

2. (Spider-Man) ____________________________________________

3. (Maria Sharapora) ________________________________________

4. (Ryan Seacrest) _________________________________________

5. (Thierry Henry) __________________________________________

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 37

6. Vocabulary

Look at the photos on Agung’s web site. Label the pictures with the words in
the box.

actor model footballer

cartoon character singer tennis player

1 3

Christiano Ronaldo

Rihanna Super-Man


Maria Sharapova Keanu Reeve

Gisele Bundchen

38 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

7. Reading: “All About Indonesia”

Indonesia is a vest and beautifully diverse country consisting of more than

17,000 islands, which only about 6,000 are inhabited, stretching more than 5,000 km
between the Australia and Asia continental main island and dividing the Pacific and
Indian Oceans on the Equator. Situated completely in the tropics. Indonesia is known
as “the belt of emeralds across the equator”. There are two seasons, the dry season
from June to October and the rainy season from November to March.

The main island of Java is the most populous and where the capital city,
Jakarta, is located. Jakarta is home to millions of people, a varied blend of shops,
good museums, great nightlife, nationalistic monuments and the bustling port of Old
Batavia. The cultural capital Yogyakarta is relaxed and offers a window to traditional
arts and crafts. It is possible to experience traditional Ramayana theatre. Nearby
archeological site of Borobudur and Prambanan is one of the Seventh World best
heritages located in Central Java. Volcanoes form a backbone to Java with Mounts and
Merapi popular tourist sites.

Answer the following questions completely!

1. How many islands does Indonesia have?

2. Where is Indonesia located?
3. What is Indonesia known?
4. How many seasons are available in Indonesia? Mention them!
5. When is the dry seasons?
6. When is the rainy seasons?
7. What island is the most populous?
8. Where is Borobudur located?

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 39

Fluency Habit: “COUNTRY NAMES”


To practice pronunciation of countries

To elicit from students the names of people who come from these


1. Teachers shows cards individually to pronunciation

2. Teacher then elicits from students:
3. Teachers then drills this with the students.
4. Each student chooses a card.
5. Students then walk around the class, asking where the other students
come from.

Country Names:

Australia Indonesia England

Malaysia Singapore France
China Japan Germany

Korea Philippines Italy

U.S.A Canada Taiwan

India Saudi Arabia Egypt

40 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Class Project: “My School”

A. Read about kevin’s ideas for his “cool school”

B. Think of your “cool school.” What facilities does it have? What

classes does it have? Complete the chart. Use your dictionary, if

Facility Class

In Class:
A. Choose two subjects for classes at your “cool school”. Choose a
facility to have each subject.
B. Present your project to another group.

This is our “cool school”. There is

a media center in our school. We
have film-making class there ………

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 41

Game: “Action Verb Search”

42 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

L ea r ning G oa ls
I’m Indonesian Communication:

Talk about nationality and say where

you are from
Apologize and accept and apology

1. Reading Plural of nouns
This/that; these/those
Article: a/an
A. Read this letter. While you read, Vocabulary
underline the important information. Countries and nationalities

B. Compare your work with your classmate.

Did you underlined the same information?
Discuss what kinds of information in the
e-mail are important.

Dear fellow students,

My name is Roy Soala. I am 13 years old. I’m in seventh

grade here in 49 Junior High School-Jakarta. Can you guess
where Jakarta is? It’s in Indonesia.

My class wants to e-mail students in other countries. The kids

in my class are 11 or 12 years old. We all like sports. Our
favourite sports are hockey, skiing, and snowboarding. We also
like movies and music.

If you want to write to my class, go to http:/

In your e-mail, please tell us where you are from, your age,
and your favourite things to do.

I hope to read your e-mail soon! Photo/ image



First Thing First - Prebasic 1 43

C. Now, answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the writer’s name?

2. Where is he from?
3. What is his nationality?
4. How old are the students in his class?
5. What do they like?

A. Talking about where you are from.

Dian :
2. Language Focus Juang : Rachmat Sojuangon,
just call me Juang.
Dian :
Where are you from? Juang :
Are you Malaysian? Indonesian.
Where are you from?
I’m from Indonesia, too. Dian :
Juang :
Country & Nationality:
Sumatera. How about
I’m Indonesian.
Dian :
Country Nationality Indonesian.
France French
Australia Australian B. Now, work with your
Finland Finnish classmate. You are from one of
Canada Canadian those countries and your
The USA American classmate is also from other
Indonesia Indonesian country. Make a dialogue like the
Egypt Egyptian

44 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

3. Grammar Singular & Plural Nouns

(a) one pen two pens To make the plural form of most nouns,
one apple three apples add –s.
one cup four cups
one elephant
(b) baby babies End of noun : consonant + -y
city cities Plural form : change y to I, add –es.
(c) boy boys
key keys Plural form : add –s.
(d) wife End of noun : -ƒe or –ƒ
(e) dish dishes End of noun : -sh, -ch, -ss, -x
match matches Plural form : add –es
class classes Pronunciation : / z/
box boxes
(f) tomato tomatoes End of noun : consonant + -o
potato potatoes Plural form : add –es
zoo zoos
radio radios Plural form : add –s

Irregular Plural Forms

(a) child children Mr. Siregar has one child. Mr. Elfa
(b) foot feet has two children.
(c) man men
(d) mouse mice feet.
(e) tooth teeth My cat sees a mouse. Cats like to
(f) woman women catch mice.
His tooth hurts. His teeth are white.
(g) sheep sheep Dian drew a picture of one sheep.
Agung drew a picture of two sheep.
(h) one sheep - two sheep

Bob has an aquarium. He has one

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 45

(i) (none)* people

t People is always plural. It has no singular form.

Exercise 9: Sentence practice

Directions: Complete the sentences. Use the plural form of the words in the
lists. Use each word only once.
List A. baby cowboy lady country

boy dictionary party

city key tray

1. Mr. and Mrs. Setiawan have one daughter and two sons. They have one
girl and two boys. .
2. The students in my class come from many _____________________.
3. Women give birth to ________________________.
4. My money and my _________________ are in my pocket.
5. I know the names of many __________________ in the United States
and Canada.
6. I like to go to ________________________ because I like to meet and
talk to people.
7. People carry their food on _______________________ in a cafeteria.
8. We always use our ________________________ when we write
9. Good evening, ___________________________ an gentlemen.
10. __________________________ ride horses.

46 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

List B.
knife life wife

leaf thief

11. It is fall. The ____________ are falling from the trees.

12. Dian and Anita are married. They have husbands. They are
13. We all have some problems in our ________________.
15. Please put the _______________________,forks, and spoons on the

List B. Bush Clash Dish Glass

Match Potato Sandwich Sex

Tax Tomato Zoo

16. Rahman drinks eight ______________ of water every day.

17. There are two ______________: male and female.
18. Please put the _____________ and the silverware on the table.
19. All citizens pay money to the government every year. They pay their
20. I can see trees and ____________ outside the window.
21. I want to light the candles. I need some ________________.
22. When I make a salad, I use lettuce and ________________.
23. Sometimes Sue has a hamburger and French-Fried _____________for
24. We often eat _____________ for lunch.
25. Juan is a student. He likes his ________________.
26. Some animals live all of their lives in ______________.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 47

4. Vocabulary Nationalities

Direction: Rahman and Roy are looking at pictures of students and their
e-pals. Where are they from? What are their Nationalities. Complete these

1. Paulo is from Brazil . He is Brazilian .

2. Jenny is from The U.S. . She is ________________.

3. Sandra is from . She is Mexican .

4. Nicole is from Canada . She is .

5. Emma is from . She is Australian .

6. Hatori is from Japan . He is .

7. Ronaldo is from . He is Portuguese .

8. Fasha is from Indonesian . He is .

9. James is from . He is English .

10. Miguel is from Colombia . He is .

Fasha, Indonesian
(age 13)

48 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

5. Writing Favourite Actor/actress

A. Write
Look at the example.

Justin Drew Bieber, was born on March 1,

1994. Now he is 19 years old. He is
a Canadian pop musician, actor, and singer-

B. Now, choose one of these famous actors/actresses or singers and

write about him/her into a paragraph.

1. Rihanna

2. Michael Jackson

3. Keanu Reeve

4. Emma Watson

5. Daniel Redcliff

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 49

Fluency Habit: “What’s your nationality?”

People from many countries live in the United States because this coun-

try is a nation of immigrants. Here are the names of some of the nations

people come from and their nationalities. Notice that many nationalities

more nations and nationalities?

Nation nationality Nation Nationality

Burma Burmese Denmark Danish

China Chinese England English

Japan Japanese Ireland Irish

Lebanon Lebanese Poland Polish

Portugal Portuguese Sweden Swedish

_______ _________ ________ ________

_______ _________ ________ ________

Armenia Armenian Chile Chilean

Brazil Brazilian Cuba Cuban

Ecuador Ecuadorian Mexico Mexican

Italy Italian Uganda Ugandan

________ __________ __________ _________

________ __________ __________ _________

What is your nationality? ________________________________

What nation are you from? ___________________________________

50 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Class Project: “What city are you from?”
A. Read about Roy’s hometown and his suggestions for

Bandung, the capital of West Java province, located about 180

kilometres (110 mi) southeast ofJakarta, is the third largest city in
Indonesia. Its elevation is 768 metres (2,520 ft) above sea level and
is surrounded by up to 2,400 m (7,874 ft) high Late
Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic terrain. The 400 km flat of central
Bandung plain is situated in the middle of 2,340.88 km wide of the
BandungBasin; the basin comprises Bandung, the Cimahi city, part
of Bandung Regency, part of West Bandung Regency, and part
of Sumedang Regency. The basin's main river is the Citarum; one of
its branches, the Cikapundung, divides Bandung from north to south
before it merges with Citarum again in Dayeuhkolot. The Bandung
Basin is an important source of water for drinking water, irrigation and
fisheries, and its 6,147 million m³ of groundwater is a major reservoir
for the city.


Write a paragraph about your own city. You can write about the city you
are from. The paragraph should talk about:

1) Name of the city

2) Location

3) The city trademark

6) Others.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 51

Game: Crossword Puzzle

Look at the pictures to complete the crossword.

2. Mr. Agus is a great …………………….
6. Andika is my …………………………………….
7. Randy isn’t a tennis player. He’s a …………………………….
8. Agnes Manakah is my favourite …………………………………..

1. M. Dimas isn’t a science teacher. He’s a …………………………………….
3. Maronna is in good movie. She’s my favourite ………………………………
4. My favourite song is In The World. The ……………………… is Dolli Paryon
5. Jackie is my …………………….. She’s my science partner, too.

52 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

PROGRESS CHECK Units 3 and 4

A. Write the short forms (contractions).

1. (He is) He’s my sister.

2. (She is) his brother.

3. (I am) sleepy.

4. (You are) here.

5. (They are) singers.

6. (We are) at the beach.

B. Give true answers.

1. Are You Brazilian? No, I’m not. .

2. Is it Sunday today? .

3. Is your best friend a student? .

4. Are you at school? .

5. Are your brothers at home? .

C. Class activity:
Directons: Your teacher will say a noun. You say the plural form with two.
Close your books for this activity

TEACHER: one child

STUDENTS: two children

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 53

1. one child 5. one man

2. one woman 6. one mouse


4. one foot 8. one page

9. one place 17. one knife
10. one banana 18. one sex
11. one book 19. one girl
12. one desk 20. one exercise
13. one sentence 21. one tooth
14. one man 22. one boy
15. one orange 23. one sister
16. one leg

D. Complete the sentences with Who? Where? How? Or What?

1. A: What ‘s your name?
B: old are you?
2. A: are you?
B: Fine, thanks.
3. A: ‘s that?
B: That’s Agnes Monica.
4. A: ‘s that?
B: It’s a video camera.
5. A: ‘s your mom?
B: She’s in the kitchen.

54 First Thing First - Prebasic 1



Sung by: Taylor Swift
I remember when we broke up the first time
Saying, "This is it, I've had enough," 'cause like
We hadn't seen each other in a month
When you said you needed space. (What?)
Then you come around again and say
"Baby, I miss you and I Swear I'm gonna change, trust me."
Remember how That lasted for a day?
I say, "I hate you," we break up, you call me, "I love you."

Oooh we called it off again last night

But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you

We are never ever ever getting back together

We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Like, ever ...

I'm really gonna miss you picking fights

And me, falling for it screaming that I'm right
And you, would hide away and find your peace of mind
With some indie record that's much cooler than mine

Oooh, you called me up again tonight

But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Oooh oooh oooh oooh

I used to think That we were forever ever

And I used to say never say never
Huh, so he calls me up and he's like, "I still love you"
And I'm like, "I just, I mean this is exhausting, you know, like,
We are never getting back together. Like, ever "


We are never ever ever getting back together

We are never ever ever getting back together

You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)

But we are never ever ever ever getting back together


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 55


“Can you repeat that, please?”

A. Dialogue
Listen and read. Circle Agung’s date of birth.

Woman : Good afternoon. Can I help you? Learning Goals:

Rahman : Yes, please. Can my friend get a Communication:
guest pass? Ask for and give names,

Woman : Sure. Let me get your information. addresses, and telephone

What’s your last name?
Agung : Saptono
Information questions with be
Woman : Can you spell that, please? Count & Non-count Nouns
Agung : Sure. It’s S-A-P-T-O-N-O. Vocabulary:

Woman : Saptono. And your first name? Ordinal numbers

Months of the year
Agung : It’s Agung. A-G-U-N-G.
Woman : What’s your address?
Agung : It’s 45 Salemba Raya, Center
Woman : And what’s your phone number?
Agung : Let me see… It’s (021) 42076856.
Woman : OK. Here’s your pass. Is there 1. Language Focus
anything else?
Can you spell that,
Agung : No, that’s it. Thanks! please?
Sure, it ……..
And your first name?
It’s Agung.
What’s your address?
It’s 45 Salemba Raya….
What’s your phone number?
It’s …..

56 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

B. Comprehension
Work with classmate. Fill out Agung’s guest pass.

GUEST P ASS (valid for December 20 only)

Last name: …………………………………………
First name: …………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………
Phone number: …………………………………….

2. Reading

My name is Elizabeth

My name is Elizabeth. My friends call me Beth. I come from

England. I have two brothers. I am the oldest child in my
family. My parents have a nice house. It has five rooms all
together. My brothers and I have our own rooms.

My young brothers are Bobby and Tommy. Bobby is tall are

has brown, curly hair. He also has gray eyes and Tommy is
average height and has black straight hair. He has blue eyes,
Both my mother and father have blue eyes and blond curly
hair. My father is heavy and my mother is slim. They are
good parents.

A. Answer the following questions completely!

1. Where does Elizabeth come from?


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 57

2. What do her friends call her?


3. How many brothers does Elizabeth have?


4. Tell about Elizabeth parents’ home?


5. What does Bobby look like?


6. What does Tommy look like?


7. Who has black straight hair?


8. What does Elizabeth’s mother look like?


9. What does Elizabeth’s father look like?


58 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

3. Writing: Greeting Cards

A. Look and read the greeting card below.

Hello, Jasmine

How’s it going?

We’re waiting for your coming…

Please, go home town soon.

Miss you so much

Dian, your beloved sister

Mum and dad

B. Answer the following questions based on the above greeting

1. Who is Jasmine?
2. Do you know where Jasmine is?
3. What is Dian writing about?
4. Who misses Jasmine much?

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 59

C. Take a look at the other sample of the Greeting card. Fill in the

For Rahman,

A Best Friend

Hi, Rahman! How are you? _____________________ since the

_____________ we played basketball in my schoolyard. Let’s meet again and

family? Can’t ___________________

Warm regards,


Spend some time Wait to see you It’s been two months

party I miss you Last time

D. Writing Practice: Agung writes a greeting card to his best friend

sometimes and goes around Brisbane all day long.

60 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

4. Grammar: Count & Non-count Nouns
two books
some a + noun
COUNT a book one + noun Noun + -s
NOUN one book
a lot of
Some mail (no plural Do not use a. A noncount noun
NONCOUNT Do not use one. does not have a
A lot of mail form) plural form


advice mail bread pepper
furniture money cheese rice
help music coffee salt
homework food soup
information vocabulary fruit sugar
jewelry weather meat tea
luck work milk water

Exercise 10: Noun Practice

Direction : Look at the italicized words. Underline the noun. Is it count

or noncount?
1. He sits on a chair. Count noncount
2. He sits on furniture. Count noncount
3. She has a coin. Count noncount
4. She has some money. Count noncount
5. The street is full of . Count noncount
6. There are a lot of cars in the street. Count noncount
7. I know a fact about bees. Count noncount

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 61

8. I have some information about bees. Count noncount
9. The teacher gives us homework. Count noncount
10. We have an assignment. Count noncount
11. I like music. Count noncount
12. Would you like some coffee? Count noncount
13. Our school has a library. Count noncount
14. We are learning new every day. Count noncount
15. I need . Count noncount
16. Tom has a good job. Count noncount
17. He likes his work. Count noncount
18. Maria wears a lot of bracelets. Count noncount

Exercise 11: List the noncount

in meaning. Use a/an with the count nouns.

Advice furniture money
Assignment homework music
Bracelet information song
Cloud jewelry suggestion
Coin job weather
Desk letter work
Fact mail


1. mail a letter

62 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

5. Vocabulary: Months of the year

Direction: Work with a partner. Unscramble the letters to form the names
of the months.
1. J __ __ __ __ __ __
2. F __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. M __ __ __ __
4. A __ __ __ __
5. M __ __
6. J __ __ __
7. J __ __ __
8. A __ __ __ __ __
9. S __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
10. O __ __ __ __ __ __
11. N __ __ __ __ __ __ __
12. D __ __ __ __ __ __ __

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 63

6. Listening: Ordinal numbers

Ordinal Numbers: 1st – 10th

Listen to your teacher and repeat.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

sixth seventh eight ninth tenth

64 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Fluency Habit: “Conversation Scramble”

To introduce students to the flow of a simple conversation.

To recognize common answers to questions.
To provide groundwork for exercise in the book.


1. Give students this exercise to do BEFORE they have looked in the book and done
book exercise.
2. Put students in groups of 2 or 3.
3. Give students the STRIPS or parts of dialogues and ask them to arrange them to
make a conversation.
4. Collect the parts again from the students and get them to do the right composition of
the conversation.






Agung : So am I.



First Thing First - Prebasic 1 65

Class Project: “This is my laptop?”


B. Think of three electronic things. Write the names of the things. Use your
dictionary, if necessary.
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________


In Class
1. Look at all advertisements. Choose five
things. Choose the coolest advertisements
for them.
2. Choose a name for your electronic store.
Make an advertisement. Use the sample
advertisement as a model.
3. Choose a captain as a group leader. Present
your advertisement to another group.

This is Roy’s Electronic Store. Look

at the cool things in the store! This
an MP3 player. That’s a

66 First Thing First - Prebasic 1


A. What are these objects? Guess. Label each photo.

B. How many of your answers are correct? Compare with a


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 67


“That’s all right” Learning Goals:

A. Dialogues Expressing apology appropriately
Dian forgets to feed her cat, Belang. Her Expressing gratitude
father is upset.
Dian : Dad, I’m sorry, I forgot to feed Belang. Ask and give information
Father : What? How could you forget? Oh,
Using “A/an”
don’t forget.

Mother needs some sugar for the cake she is

baking. She asks Rahman to go to market.
1. Language Focus
Mother : Rahman, I need some sugar for the Express apology:
cake and I’m too busy to go to market.
I apology for ….
Can you help me to buy it? Please excuse me.
Please accept my apology.
Rahman : of course, Mom.
Mother : Thank you, dear. Express gratitude:
Thank you
Rahman : My pleasure, Mom. Thanks.
Thank you.

Juang lost his pen and he asks Agung about it. Express to ask & give
Excuse me. What is your
Juang : Do you know where my pen is? My name is Roy.
Can you tell me where you
Agung : Which one?

Juang : The red one. The one I put on the Do you happen to know
where the bank is?
table. Go straight up the street.
It’s on the left.
Agung : No, I don’t know where it is.

68 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Language Focus Practice:
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate sentences.
You : Good morning. I’m ______________ (your name).
Are you ______________ (your friend’s name)?
Your friend : Yes, please call me ____________ (your friend’s name)
You : What’s your full name?
Your friend : ___________________
You : Where were you born?
Your friend : ___________________
You : What do you want to be?
Your friend : ____________________
You : How do you spend your leisure time?
Your friend : _____________________________________
You : Are you interested in sport?
Your friend : _____________________________________
You : ______________________?
Your friend : _____________________________________
You : ______________________?
Your friend : _____________________________________
You : ______________________?
Your friend : _____________________________________
You : Thanks for your time.
Your friend : You’re welcome. Bye.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 69

2. Grammar


A and an are used in front of

(a) A dog is an animal singular count nouns.
In (a) : dog and animal are singular
count nouns.
Use an in front of words that begin
with the vowels a,e,i, and o : an
(b) I work in an apartment, an elephant, an idea,
an ocean.
(c) Mr. Lee is an old man. In (c) : Notice that an is used
because the adjective (old) begins
with a vowel and comes in front of
a singular count noun (man)
(d) I have an uncle. Use an if a word that begins with
“u” has a vowel sound : an uncle,
Compare an ugly picture.
Use a if a word that begins with
(e) He works at a university. “u” has a/yu/sound : a university, a
usual event.
In some words that begin with “h,”
the “h” is not pronounced. Instead,
the word begins with a vowel sound
and an is used : an hour, an honor.
(g) I live in a house. He lives in a
In most words that begin with ,”
the “h” is pronounced. Use a if the
“h” is pronounced.

Exercise 12: Sentence practice

Directions : Complete the sentences. Use a or an.

1. Roy is eating _____________________ apple.
2. Rahman is eating ___________________ banana.
4. I have __________________ idea.

70 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

5. I have _____________________ good idea.
6. Juang is taking ___________________ class.
7. Agung is taking ___________________ easy class.
8. Cuba is ________________island near the United States.
9. ______________ hour has sixty minutes.
10. ______________ healthy person gets regular exercise.
11. ______________ horse has a long nose.
12. Dian is ________________ honest worker.
13. Fahita needs _______________ math tutor.
14. ______________ university is ________________ educational
15. Jasmine has _______________unusual job.


A/An is used in front of singular

count nouns.
In (a) : The word pen is a singular
(a) I have a pen. count noun.
(b) I have some pens.
Some is used in front of plural
count nouns.
In (b) : The word pens is a plural
count noun.

Some is used in front of noncount

(c) I have some rice nouns.
In (c) : The word rice is a noncount

Exercise 13: Sentence Practice

Directions : Use a/an or some with the count nouns in these sentences.
Are the
1. Roy has __________________ book on his desk. ---> book = a singular

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 71

count noun
2. Bob has __________________ books on his desk.---> books = a plural
count noun
3. I see ________________ desk in this room.
4. I see ________________ desks in this room.
5. I’m hungry. I would like ____________ apple.
6. The children are hungry. They would like _____________ apples.
7. We are doing ______________ exercise in class.
8. We are doing ______________ exercises in class.

Exercise 14: Sentence practice.

Directions : Use a, an, or some with the nouns in these sentences. Are they
singular count nouns or Noncount nouns ?
1. I need _____________ money. ---> money = a nouncount noun
2. I need _____________ dollar. ---> dollar = a singular count noun
3. Alice has ____________ mail in her mailbox.
4. Alice has ____________ letter in her mailbox.
5. I’m hungry. I would like ______________ fruit.
6. I would lilke ________________ apple.
7. Jane is hungry. She would like ___________ food.
8. She would like __________________ sandwich.
9. I’d like to have _________________ soup with my sandwich.
10. I’thirsty. I’d like __________________water.

EXERCISE 15: Sentence practice

Directions : Use a/ an or some with the nouns in these sentences.

1. Jasmine is wearing _______________ silver jewelry. She’s wearing
_____________ necklace and ____________ earrings.
2. I’m busy. I have _________________ homework to do.
3. Roy is very busy. He has _________________ work to do.
4. Dian has ________________ job. She is _________________ teacher.
5. We have ______________table, ______________ sofa, and

72 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

_______________ chairs in our living room.
6. We have __________________ furniture in our living room.
7. Rahman has a CD player. He is listening to __________________
8. The children are hungry. They would like _____________________
oranges. They would like ______________ fruit.
9. I’m confused. I need ___________________ advice.
10. I’m looking out the window. See ____________________ cars,
_________________ bus, and _________________trucks on the

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 73

3. Reading

A. Before you read, discuss this question in a class: Should

children and teens help out with household chores? Why or
why not?

Mom and Kids’ Talk


I think household chores are a pain. Every day after breakfast,

I have to clear the table. On weekends, I have to clean the bathroom
and do the dishes after dinner. There are two things that I hate most
in life—cleaning the bathroom and doing the dishes.

My mom says my bedroom is a mess. I don’t think it’s really

that messy. OK, there are some clothes on the floor, but it’s my
bedroom. Mom doesn’t have to look at it if it bothers her. But she just
has to check my room every day and nag me to clean up “this mess!”
of course, I promise her each time that I will clean it up—when I have
the time.

My brother, Diaz, doesn’t have to do very much at home.

Sometimes, he helps Dad wash the car and water the plants. Those
are not difficult chores at all. I usually have to remind him to help me
do the laundry, but after he puts the laundry in the washer, he runs
back to his computer.

74 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

B. Comprehension: Complete the following activities.
1. Make a list of Jasmine’s chores; then list Diaz chores.
Jasmine chores:
a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
Diaz chores:
e. _______________________________
f. _______________________________
g. _______________________________

2. List two complaints Jasmine has about her mom.

a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________

4. Writing
Write a paragraph about your responsibilities at home. Use the
questions that follow to help you.

1. What do you have to do at home?

2. Do you like your chores? What don’t you like about your chores?

3. Does each member of your family have chores? Is the distribution of

chores fair? Why or why not?

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 75

5. Vocabulary

Match the pictures on the left with the words on the right.
A C E 1. Cooking ………..
2. Sweeping ………..
3. Ironing ………..
4. Washing the car ………..
B D F 5. Washing the dishes ………..
6. Doing the laundry ………..

6. Listening

Listen and repeat these dialogues after the teacher.

Dialogue 1:
Mother : Juang, can you help me with the groceries?

Juang : Of course, Mom.

Mother : Thank you, Dear.

Juang : You’re welcome.

Dialogue 2:

Agung : Dian, can I borrow your book?

Dian : Sure, here it is.

Agung : Thanks a lot.

Dian : Don’t mention it.

76 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Dialogue 3:

Father : Rahman, did you break that glass?

Rahman : Yes, I did. I am very sorry, dad.

Father : That’s quite all right., son.

Rahman : Thanks dad.

Fluency Habit: “Japanese Bow”

A. Take a look at this article about Japanese Greeting.

In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. A bow ranges

from a small nod of the head to a long, 90 degree bend at the waist. If
the greeting takes place on tatami floor, people get on their knees in
order to bow.

When bowing to someone of higher social status, a deeper,

longer bow indicates respect. Conversely, a small head nod is casual and
informal. However, most Japanese do not expect foreigners to know
proper bowing rules and so a nod of the head is usually sufficient.

It is also common to bow to express thanks, to apologize, to

make a request or to ask someone a favor.

Shaking hands is uncommon among the Japanese, but again,

exceptions are made for foreigners

B. Choose one country. Complete the chart below. Use your

dictionary, if necessary
1) Country _________________ 4) Greetings ______________
2) Continent ________________ 5) Foods _________________
3) Language _______________ 6) Traditions _______________

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 77

In Class:
1. Make a page for your country you chose. Use the sample article

2. Tell your own work with the other groups in your class.

Class Project: “Cute Bookmarks”

A. Read about the health tips below.

B. Write three healthy foods and three healthy activities you know. Use
your dictionary, if necessary.

Healthy foods Healthy activities

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

In Class:
Look at all the list you have made.
Choose one food and one activity you like. Make
two bookmarks. Use the sample bookmarks as
Present your bookmarks to your group.

Eat bananas. They’rehealthy.

Walk toschool. It’s goodfor you.

78 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Game: “Countries Puzzle”
A. Write the missing letters to make country names.
A u s t r a l i a
B ___ ___ ___ ___ l
C ___ ___ ___ ___ a
E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ d
F ___ ___ ___ ___ e
I ___ ___ ___ a
M ___ ___ ___ ___ o
S ___ ___ ___ n

B. Write the country names from part A to complete the puzzle.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 79

PROGRESS CHECK Units 5 and 6

1. Read the article quickly. Circle the correct answers.
a. Salsa is a (teenager/cat).
b. Teddy bear is a (animal/ karawang).
c. Salsa likes her (blue jeans/ shoes) so much.

What a mess!
Hi, I’m Salsa. This is my virtual bedroom. It’s a mess! My
laptop is on the bed. My Teddy bear is on the chair. My
shoes are on the sofa. There are some t-shirts on the
Floor. Where are my blue jeans? There are my favourite
blue jeans on the bed. I can’t find my sweaters? Where
are they?

80 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

A. Rewrite the sentences. State each person’s nationality.
1. Justin Bieber is from Canada.
He is Canadian. .
2. Park Jun So is from Korea.
3. Those students are from Spain.
4. These teenagers are from Singapore.
5. The girl next door is from UK.

1. iparl April is the fourth month. .
2. beeemprst ________________________________________
3. uugats ________________________________________
4. rebcoot ________________________________________
5. hcamr ________________________________________

A. Complete the sentences with a, an, or the.
1. It’s ____________ alarm clock. It’s weird.
2. That’s ___________ MP3 player.
3. A: What’s that? _________ video game?
B: No, it isn’t ___________ calculator.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 81

Share some of your answers with the class.
1. Things you can see in a house.
a ____________________________
an ______________________________
some _______________________________ (plural nouns)
some _________________________________ (singular nouns)

2. Things you can see in a classroom.

a ____________________________
an ______________________________
some _______________________________ (plural nouns)
some _________________________________ (singular nouns)

3. Things you can see outdoors.

a ____________________________
an ______________________________
some _______________________________ (plural nouns)
some _________________________________ (singular nouns)

82 First Thing First - Prebasic 1


“Jet Lag”
(Sung by: Simple Plan)

What time is it where you are?

(I miss you more than anything)
And it's drivin' me mad
I'm back at home you feel so far I miss you so badHeart heart heart is so jet
(Waitin' for the phone to ring) lagged
It's gettin' lonely livin' upside down Heart heart heart is so jet lagged
I don't even wanna be in this town Is so jet lagged
Tryin' to figure out the time zone's And my heart heart heart is so jet lagged
makin' me crazy I miss you so bad
(I miss you so bad)
I miss you so bad
You say good morning
(I miss you so bad)
When it's midnight
I miss you so bad
Going out of my head (I wanna share your horizon)
Alone in this bed I miss you so bad
I wake up to your sunset (And see the same sun rising)
And it's drivin' me mad I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad Turn the hour hand back to when you were
And my heart heart heart is so jet holding me...
Heart heart heart is so jet lagged You say good morning
Heart heart heart is so jet lagged When it's midnight
Is so jet lagged Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
What time is it where you are? I wake up to your sunset
(5 more days and I'll be home) And it's drivin' me mad
I keep your picture in my car I miss when you say good morning
But it's midnight
(I hate the thought of you alone)
Going out of my head
I've been keeping busy all the time
Alone in this bed
Just to try to keep you off my mind I wake up to your sunset
Tryin' to figure out the time zone's And it's drivin' me mad
makin' me crazy I miss you so bad

You say good morning And my heart heart heart is so jet lagged
When it's midnight Heart heart heart is so jet lagged
Going out of my head Heart heart heart is so jet lagged
Alone in this bed Is so jet lagged
I wake up to your sunset (Is so jet lagged)


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 83


“Our Lovely House”

Learning Goals:
1. Reading Communication:
Ask and answer questions
Reading Comprehension about names of rooms in a
There + be + subject + place
There + be: asking questions
with How many.


Months of the year
Two storey house. It is located near
Patrol Highway, Jalan Rajawali no.
20, Cibubur. The house consists of
the following:
A living room, a drawing room, a
dining room, a study room, a
kitchen, two bathrooms and a
Children’s and nanny’s bedrooms upstairs and a main
bedroom downstairs.
A sofa and some chairs in the drawing room.
A refrigerator, an electric fan, and a television.
Kitchen utensils, such as pots, pans, kettles, gas stoves
and the kitchen sink.

It also has 3000V power, telephone line, hotspot, and water

heater. Serious buyer contacts Dian 021-987654321.

84 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Answer these questions carefully.

1. Could you mention the rooms in the house?

2. Where are the children’s bedrooms?

3. Could you mention the things in the living room?

4. What is there in the drawing room?

5. Can you mention some kitchen utensils?

2. Vocabulary

A. Match the Words in the box to the rooms in the house.

Bathroom dining room kitchen yard

Bedroom garage living room

B. Talk about your own house. circle the words that make the sentences
true for you.

1. My home is in the (city/country).

2. It’s (old/new).

3. Our neigbourhood is (quiet/noisy).

4. Our (house/apartment) has a (big/small) kitchen.


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 85

Check and read this conversation, then practice
3. Language Focus it with a partner.

Where’s/where Rahman : Dad! I’m late. Where are my

Where’s my bag? pencils? They’re not in my pencil
It’s under the bed.
Where are my pencils? case.
They’re in your bag.
Dad : They’re in your bag.
It’s not/They’re not…
It’s not on the desk. Rahman : OK, but where’s my bag? It’s not
They’re not in my pencil
case. on the desk.

Dad : It’s under the bed.

Rahman : Oh, right. Thanks. Oh! Where are

my books? They’re not in my bag.

Dad : They’re next to your computer.

Rahman : And where’s …………….

4. Grammar: THERE + BE

There + be is used to say that

THERE + BE + SUBJECT + PLACE something exists in a particular
(a) There is a bird in the tree Notice: the subject follows be:
(b) There are four birds in the tree There + is + singular noun
There + are + plural noun
(c) There’s a bird in the tree
There + is = there’s
(d) There’re four birds in the tree
There + are = there’re

86 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Exercise 16. Sentence practice

Directions: complete the sentences with “is” or “are”. Then circle yes or no.
compare your answers with your classmate’s answers.
1. There is
2. There are two trees in this picture. yes no
3. There ____________ a bird in this picture. yes no

5. There ____________ a grammar book on my desk. yes no

6. There ____________ many grammar books in this room. yes no
7. There ____________comfortable chairs in this classroom. yes no
8. There ____________ a nice view from the classroom window. yes no
9. There ____________ interesting places to visit in this area. yes no
10. There ___________ a good place to eat near school. yes no
11. There ___________ fun activities to do on weekends in this
area. yes no



(a) How many chapters are there in this book? -> Sixteen (there are
16 chapters in this

(b) How many provinces are there in Canada? -> Ten. (There are 10
provinces in
(c) How many words do you see?
INCORRECT: How many word do Notice: The noun that follows how many is plural
you see?

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 87

Exercise 17. Let’s talk: small groups
Directions: work in small groups. After everybody puts two or three objects (e.g.,
a coin, some keys, a pen, a dictionary) on a table in the classroom, describe the
items on the table. Use there is . . . . and there are . . . .
SPEAKER A: There are three dictionaries on the table.
SPEAKER B: There are some keys on the table.
SPEAKER C: There is a pencil sharpener on the table.

Exercise 18. Let’s talk: Class activity

Directions: ask and answer questions about this room (use how many and the
given words).
Example: desks
SPEAKER A: How many desks are there in this room?
SPEAKER B: Thirty-two. OR There are thirty-two desks in this room.
SPEAKER A: That’s right. OR No, I count thirty-three desks.
1. Window 5. Women
2. Deks 6. Men
3. Students 7. Grammar books
4. Teacher 8. Dictionaries

Exercise 19. Let’s talk: pairwork

Directions: work with a partner. Ask questions with how many.
Example: days in a week
SPEAKER A: How many days are there in a week?
SPEAKER B: Seven. OR There are seven days in a week
SPEAKER A: Right. OR There are seven days in a week. You turn now.

88 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

1. Pages in this book
1. Chapters in this book
2. People in this room
2. Doors in this room
3. Letters in the English alphabet
3. Floors in this building

5. Listening: “It’s in your bag!”

A. Tim and Katie talk about where Tim’s MP3 player is. Listen and write
True or False. Then correct the false statements.

1. Tim and Kate are late. True .

2. Tim’s MP3 player is in his bag. ____________________________

3. Tim’s cell phone is a calculator, too.


4. His video game is on the dresser.


5. A spider is on the bed. _________________________________

B. What do you think? Write I agree or I disagree (don’t agree).

1. I think cell phones are great. _____________________________

2. I think video games are interesting. ________________________

3. I think MP3 players are cool. _____________________________

4. I think spiders are weird. ________________________________

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 89

6. Writing: “In my kitchen”

1. What are in your bedroom? _________________________________

2. What are you in your kitchen? _______________________________
3. Can you mention the things in your living room. _________________
4. Can you mention the things in your bathroom. __________________

“In my bedroom”



90 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Fluency Habit: “How Many Legs”

A. Count the number of legs.

For Example:

Three dogs twelve legs 12

Four cats
One farmer & two horses
One bird

One tourist guide & fourteen tourists

Two chairs
Four tables
Mr & Mrs Brown & their three daughters

If you are right, the total is the same as

the number of legs in five football

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 91

Class Project: “My Activity”

Hi! I’m Dian. In my free time, I

paint pictures. I need special things Agung’s Art Store
for painting. Look at this
Art Supply Sale
advertisement from my favourite
art store. Canvas Rp. 230,000,-
Brushes Rp. 95,000,-
Paints Rp. 170,000,-
Easel Rp. 123,000,-

B. Choose an activity.
C. What do you need for your activity? Write four items and their prices.
Use your dictionary or the Internet, if necessary.
1. ______________________ 3. _________________________
2. ______________________ 4. _________________________

In Class

1. Choose a name for your store. Make an advertisement for your store. Use
the sample advertisement as a model.

2. Tell your group about the items in your store.

I like skiing. Skis are Skis $600.00

$600.00. Boots are
Boots $350.00
$350.00. A jacket is …………
Jacket $220.00

Goggles $50.00

92 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Game: “Is there a bank?”

Look at the picture for one minute. Close the book. Your teacher asks
questions. What do you remember?
Teacher : Are there any trees? Teacher: Is there a bank?
Team A : Yes, there are. Team B: Yes, there ist

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 93

“I don’t have any brothers”
Check and read this conversation, then
practice it with a partner. Learning Goals:
Agung : So, Rahman, do you have any
Talk about your family

brothers or sisters? Ask what people look like

Iwan : I have two sisters, but I don’t Possessive nouns
Simple present tense: have
have any brothers.

Roy : What do they like? Do you have Family members

Physical description.
any pictures of them?

iwan : Yes, I do. Here they are. The

curly hair is Kiki, and the one 1. Language Focus

with black hair is Devi. How many…… do you
Dian : They’re very pretty. How about
How old is she/he?
cousins? How many cousins do She/he is thirteen.

Do you have any……?

you have?
No, I don’t …..
Iwan : I have 10 cousins.

Roy : Gee, what a big family!


Work with your classmate, can you guess the family terms? Write them in
the blanks. You may use a dictionary.

1. Grandfather and grandmother = grandparents .

94 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

2. Father and mother = _________________

3. Son and daughter = _________________

4. Grandson and granddaughter = ____________________

2. Reading: Dian’s lovely family

A. Meet Dian’s family.

Read and practice.

These are my parents. My These are my

father is 44. His name is grandparents. My
Hendra. My mother is 42. Her grandfather is 74. My
name is Novita. grandmother is 67.

This is my uncle,
My name is
Donny, and my

This is Jessica,
My older
cousin. brother, Daffa.

Andri is my younger

B. Complete these sentences about Dian’s family.

1. Dian’s mother is 42.
2. Her father is _________________.
3. Her ____________ is 16.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 95

4. Her aunt is _________ .
5. Her ________ is 39.
6. Her ______________ is just 4.
7. Her ________________ are 74 and 67.
8. Her _____________ is

3. Listening: She’s Chinese

A. Listen to a

B. Listen again. Correct the nine mistakes in the article.

Mei Lan Chan is a new st udent . S he is f r om S hanghai,

China. H er par ent s ar e living in Beij ing. H er sist er is
st udying t he violin in Miami. Mei Lan has seven aunt s and
uncles. T hey ar e living in Beij ing. O ne niece and nephew
ar e t r aveling in S ingapor e. T hey ar e visit ing Mei Lan t his
week. Mei Lan has a lot of cousins in A ust r alia. A f ew of
her cousins ar e in Manila. Mei Lan is st udying E nglish,
her e in j akar t a. Please welcome Mei Lan t o our school!

4. Writing: An e-mail about your family

A. Write an-email to your e-pal about your family.

Dear Park Jun Soo,

Thanks for your email. Now let me tell

you about my family. My parents are
chocolate farmers. Most families here
are small. I have one older sister, but I

96 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

B. Now, read your own e-mail in front of the class loudly. Ask questions
to get more information.

5. Grammar: The Simple Present Tense

I talk we talk Notice: the verb
2nd PERSON You talk you talk after she, he,
3rd PERSON it (3rd person
She talks they talk singular) has a
He talks –s: talks
It rains
(a) I eat breakfast every morning. The simple present tense expresses
(b) Roy speaks English every day. habits. In (a): Eating breakfast is a
habit, a usual activity.
(c) We sleep every night.
= Monday morning, Tuesday morning,
(d) They go to the beach every Wednesday morning, and so on.

Exercise 16. Let’s talk: pairwork

Direction: work with a partner

second, third, etc.? Write them on the lines.

____ eat breakfast 1. The alarm clock rings
____ go to class 2. I turn off the alarm clock
____ put on my clothes 3. ________________________
____ drink a cup of coffee/tea 4. ________________________
____ shave 5. ________________________
____ put on my make-up 6. ________________________
____ take a shower/bath 7. ________________________

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 97

____ get up 8. ___________________________
____ pick up my books 9. ___________________________
____ walk to the bathroom 10. __________________________
____ watch TV 11. __________________________
____ look in the mirror 12. __________________________
____ turn off the alarm clock 13. __________________________
____ go to the kitchen/the cafeteria 14. ___________________________
____ brush / comb my hair 15. _________________________

____ say good-bye to my roommate/ 16. __________________________

____ brush my teeth
____ do exercises
____ wash my face

Exercise 17. Sentence practice

Directions: choose the correct completions

1. My mother and father eat breakfast at 7.00 everyday.
eat eats
2. My mother _________________ tea with her breakfast.
drink drinks
3. I ________________ a bath every morning.
take takes
4. My sister ______________ a shower.
take takes
5. I study ________________ English with my friends.
study studies

98 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

6. We walk ______________ to school together every morning.
walk walks

7. Class _________________ at 9.00 every day.

begin begins

8. It _________________ at 12.00 for lunch.

stop stops

9. We ________________ in the cafeteria.

eat eats

10. My friends and I ________________ home at 3.00 every afternoon.

go goes

Using Frequency Adverbs: Always, Usually, Often, sometimes, Seldon,

Rarely, Never.
100% Always (a) Rahman always
always eats usually
breakfast. often
90% - 17% Usually (b) Anita SUBJECT + Sometimes + VERB
usually eats seldom
breakfast. rarely
75%-90% Often (c) They often never
watch TV at
night. The words in this list are called
25%-75% Sometimes (d) Agung “frequency adverbs.” They come
sometimes between the subject and the simple
watches TV. present verb.*
5%-10% seldom (e) I seldom
watch TV.
1%-10% Rarely (f) I rarely drink
0% never (g) I never eat

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 99

Exercise 18. Sentence practice

Directions: write S V

1. Always I eat breakfast in the morning
I always eat breakfast in the morning.

2. I eat carrots for breakfast.

_______________________________________ for breakfast.

3. Seldom I watch TV in the morning.

_______________________________________ in the morning.

4. Sometimes I have tea with dinner

__________________________________________ with dinner.

5. Usually Dian eats lunch at the cafeteria.

_______________________________________ at the cafeteria.

6. Rarely Roy drinks tea.

_______________________________________________ .

7. Often We listen to music after dinner.

_________________________________________ after dinner.

100 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

8. Always The students speak English in the classroom.
______________________________________ in the classroom.

The Simple Present: Yes/No Questions

Do/does + Subject + Main verb Questions forms, Simple Present

(a) Do I like coffee? Do I

(b) Do you like coffee? Do you
(c) Do we like coffee? Do we + main verb (simple
(d) Do they like coffee? Do they form)

Does she
Does he + main verb (simple
Does it form)
Notice in (e): The main verb in the
(e) Does she like coffee?
(f) Does he like coffee?
-s is part of does.
(g) Does it taste good?
Incorrect: Does she likes coffee?

Are you a student? When the main verb is a form of be,

Incorrect: Do you be a student? do is NOT used.

Exercise 19. Question practice

1. A: Do you like tea? .

B: Yes, I do. (I like tea.)
2. A: Do you like coffee? .
B: No, I don’t. (I don’t like coffee.)
3. A: _________________________________
B: _________________________________ (I don’t speak Chinese)
4. A: _________________________________
B: __________________________________ (Dian speaks English)

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 101

5. A: _________________________________
B: _________________________________ (Agung and Roy don’t
speak Arabic)
6. A: _________________________________
B: _________________________________ (I do exercise every
7. A: _________________________________
B: _________________________________ (Rahman has a cold)
8. A: _________________________________
B: _________________________________ (Juang doesn’t do his
homework every day)
9. A: _________________________________
B: _________________________________ (It rains a lot in April)
10. A: _________________________________
B: _________________________________ (Frogs don’t have tails)

102 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

6. Vocabulary : Crossword “Our Senses”

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 103

Fluency Habit: “My Happy Family”

only once. Ask follow-up questions of your own.

Find someone………. Name

Who is an only child. ……………………………

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

Who has more than two brothers.

2 ……………………………
“How many brothers do you have?”
Who has more than two sisters.
3 ……………………………
“How many sisters do you have?”

4 “Are any of your brothers or sisters living

abroad? Where? ……………………………

5 ……………………………
Do you live with your grandparents?”

6 “Is your great-grandmother or great-

grandfather still living?” ……………………………

Who has a family member with an usual job

7 “Does anyone in your family have an
usual job?” ……………………………

Whose mother or father is studying English

8 “Is either of your parents studying
English? Where?” ……………………………

104 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

Class Project: “He’s 45”

My name is Hitaro Kajawa. I have a lot

of nice relatives. My favourite relative



In Class
1. Make a photo album of your relative. Use the
sample album page as a model.
2. Tell your group about your relative.

This is my aunt, Anita. She’s 25. She’s tall and

thin. She’s really friendly. Anita is my favourite

3. Make a group photo album. Make a cover for your photo

album. Then staple together all of your pages and the cover
to make your album.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 105

Game: “Ron’s mother”
A. Look at Ron’s family tree. Who are the people in his family?

B. Play the game with a classmate. Use things in your bag as game marker
to the correct space. Look at Ron’s family three and say who the person is.
If your answer is not correct, you lose your next turn. The classmate who

Classmate 1 (coin landed on heads): Barb is Ron’s mother.

Classmate 2 (coin landed on tails): Harry is Ron’s grandfather.

106 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

PROGRESS CHECK Units 7 and 8

A. Write each word in the correct column.
blue reggae tall
brown heavy pop
thin classical gray

Music Colours Physical description


B. Match the phrases with the words.

1. My mother’s father aunt
2. My father’s siter cousins
3. My uncle’s children parents
4. My parents’ daughter uncle
5. Our mother and father grandfather
6. My mother’s brother sister

A. Let’s talk: class activity
Directions: your teacher will ask you to talk about your morning, afternoon,
TEACHER: Tell me something you . . .

a) Always do in the morning

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 107

b) Never do in the morning

c) Sometimes do in the morning

d) Usually do in the afternoon

e) Seldom do in the afternoon

f) Never do in the afternoon

g) Often do in the evening

h) Sometimes do in the evening

i) Rarely do in the evening

j) Sometimes do on weekends

B. Look at the chart. Then complete the sentences with has, have,
doesn’t have, or don’t have.

car sister uncle son daughter


1. I’m Juang. I a sister.

2. Agung ___________________ a daughter.

3. We _________________ any uncles.

4. Dian ________________ a sister.

5. We all ________________ cars.

6. Agung and Dian _____________ any children.

108 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

C. Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Her (brothers’ / brother’s) rooms are messy.

2. Britney is (Justin’s /Justins’) girlfriend.

3. My (parents’ / parent’s) car is new.

4. His (sister’s / sisters’) names are Anita and Elvita.

5. My (father’s / fathers’) sister is 35 years old.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 109

Sing by: Michael Jackson

Another day has gone Though we're far apart

I'm still all alone You're always in my heart
How could this be you are not alone
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
Someone tell me why And girl you know that I'll be there
Did you have to go I'll be there
And leave my world so cold
You are not alone
Everyday I sit and ask myself I am here with you
How did love slip away Though you're far away
Something whispers in my ear and says I am here to stay
That you are not alone you are not alone
I am here with you I am here with you
Though you're far away Though we're far apart
I am here to stay You're always in my heart

But you are not alone you are not alone

I am here with you I am here with you
Though we're far apart Though you're far away
You're always in my heart I am here to stay
But you are not alone
you are not alone
'Lone, 'lone I am here with you
Why, 'lone Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry For you are not alone...
Asking me to come Not alone ohh
And hold you in my arms You are not alone
I can hear your prayers You are not alone
Your burdens I will bear Say it again
But first I need your hand You are not alone
Then forever can begin You are not alone
Not alone, Not alone
Everyday I sit and ask myself If you just reach out for me girl
How did love slip away In the morning, in the evening
Something whispers in my ear and says Not alone, not alone
That you are not alone You and me not alone
I am here with you Oh together together
Though you're far away Not not being alone
I am here to stay Not not being alone
you are not alone
I am here with you

110 First Thing First - Prebasic 1


1. My uncle bought two _______________ from the market.

(A) Gooses (B) geese

2. Please cut the watermelon into two equal _________________

(A) Half (B) halves

3. There are many ______________ on the meadow.

(A) sheep (B) sheeps

4. Peter always carries two ___________ in his pockets.

(A) handkerchiefs (B) handkerchief

5. Dian is studying three _________ this year.

(A) class (B) classes


(A) cow (B) cows

7. Jane and I are good friends. ______________ go out together all the

(A) She (B) He

(C) They (D) We

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 111

8. __________ are going to the bird park tomorrow. Are you going with
(A) We (B) They
(C) Us (D) You

9. Agung and Roy are not talking to each other. _____________ had a
quarrel last night.
(A) It (B) She
(C) He (D) They

10. Rahman is walking to the gym. _________ is going for his daily workout.
(A) She (B) He
(C) It (D) Its

11. I _____________ with my eyes.

(A) See (B) seen
(C) am seen (D) sees

12. Does this __________ nuts?

(A) contain (B) contained
(C) containing (D) have contained

13. She __________ a good job every time.

(A) do (B) did
(C) does (D) is done

14. The children ___________ in the garden every day.

(A) play (B) plays
(C) played (D) playing

112 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

15. She _________ my sister but I am older.
(A) was (B) were
(C) are (D) is

16. Both my mother and I __________ cooking.

(A) enjoy (B) enjoys
(C) enjoyed (D) enjoying

17. My brother ___________ to the gym three times a week.

(A) went (B) is going
(C) go (D) goes

18. ____________ she like to dance?

(A) Does (B) Do
(C) Have (D) Has

19. I __________ busy now. Please come back later.

(A) am (B) is
(C) was (D) were

20.__________ you with her now?

(A) Are (B) Is
(C) Am (D) Have

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 113

Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its
letter in the brackets.
There are many endangered animals in the world. These animals face the
threat of being extinct or wiped out because of things that people do or the
changes in the place they live in. The elephants are endangered as they are often
hunted and killed for their ivory tusks. The rhinoceros are also often killed by
vicious hunters for their horns. In some countries, some people believe that a
rhinoceros’ horn has magical powers.

On the contrary, the ayes-ayes in the rainforests of Madagascar are

endangered for a different reason. People killed them not for money but because
they thought these poor animals bring bad luck.

1. Endangered animals are animals that may be ________________

(A) Dangerous (C) precious

(B) Extinct (D) pets

2. Hunters usually hunt elephants for their __________________.

(A) Skins (C) trunks

(B) Eyes (D) tusks

3. The rhinoceros are killed because _______________.

(A) They are violent

(B) They are dangerous

(C) Their horns are worth a lot of money

(D) Their horns have magical powers

4. The aye-aye are found in ______________.

114 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

(A) Madagaskar (C) Asia

(B) South Africa (D) the raintrees

5. Some people kill the aye-aye as they think that the aye-ayes
(A) are smelly (C) are violent
(B) bring fortune (D) bring bad luck

Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

Mya loves to read. Reading is her hobby. She started reading at the
age of three. As Mya began reading from a young age, by the age of four
she has already read more than 400 children’s books. As she has read her
favourite stories man times over, she can tell the story of any children’s
classic tales such as Cinderella, The Gingerbread Man, Snow White,
Princess and the Pea, and the list just goes on.

Mya has many favourite writers including Hans Christian Anderson,

Enid Blyton, Julia Donaldson and Judy Blume. Her favourite book is ‘The
Jolly Postman’, she loves to open the letters found in the book and to read
the mini letters found within the pages.

Mya has a little diary to keep track of all the books that she has read.
She hopes to achieve a target of 1000 books before she begins Primary
One in two years’ time.


1. What is Mya’s hobby?

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 115

2. How many books has Mya read at four years old?

3. Why is Mya able to tell so many children stories?


4. Why is ‘The Jolly Postman’ her favourite book?


5. What is Mya’s target?



Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets provided.

1. My grandfather has no more teeth of his own, so he wears a set of


(A) lips (C) mouth

(B) dentures (D) braces

2. When in Toronto is so cold that I can hear my ___________

chattering when the wind blows.

(A) mouth (C) lips

(B) tongue (D) teeth

3. Roy shook his ____________ to show displeasure over his son’s

116 First Thing First - Prebasic 1


(A) head (C) hair

(B) body (D) hips

4. I need to put on my _____________ as it is getting cold here.

(A) singlet (C) sandals

(B) cardigan (D) apron

5. Juang always wears his favourite ______________ to sleep.

(A) pyjamas (C) dress

(B) blouse (D) sunglasses



(B) mechanic (D) electrician

7. Uncle Boy is a well-known ____________ among his patients in the

Melia Hospital.

(A) doctor (C) barber

(B) accountant (D) teacher

8. We need to ask our ____________ for permission to leave the


(A) researcher (C) teacher

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 117

(B) ventriloquist (D) designer

9. Nurdin writes for a living. He is a/an _______________.

(A) thinker (C) reader

(B) author (D) teacher

10. The school _____________ usually decides all matters in the school.

(A) cleaner (C) janitor

(B) teacher (D) principal


(A) seahorse (C) eagle

(B) seagull (D) penguin

12. The panda belongs to the ____________ family.

(A) dog (C) cat

(B) horse (D) bear

13. A musical play is a mixture of singing, dancing and _____________.

(A) jumping (C) rolling

(B) acting (D) exercising

118 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

14. Football is a game which needs to be played on the

(A) sea (C) pool


15. Putri was accidently hit by a hockey ___________ during the


(A) bat (C) stick

(B) baton (D) racquet

16. Rahman’s dad likes to _________ chicken wings in the oven.

(A) steam (C) boil

(B) blanch (D) grill

17. My mum ___________ my toast over the grill.

(A) blued (C) browned

(B) greened (D) yellowed


(A) blue (C) black

(B) white (D) yellow

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 119

19. The earth orbits around the _______________.

(A) sun (C) moon

(B) planet (D) globe

20. Put on your coat, it is _____________ outside.

(A) foggy (C) fuzzy

(B) gloomy (D) freezing

Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box.

Performer performance performers performed performing

Fahita (1) _____________ for her school concert last night. She did a dance
together with 10 other (2) ______________ on stage. While she was (3)
_______________. She had a little accident. She stepped on her costume and
slipped. But Fahita was such a good (4) ____________, she picked herself up
quickly and continued dancing. The audience clapped for her sporting spirit and the
splendid (5) _____________ of the troupe.

eats eatery eat ate eating

Agung (1) _____________ noodles every day. One Thursday afternoon,

we went to an (2) ____________other to have noodles for lunch. We were feeling
really hungry, so I ordered another plate of fish and chips while Agung (3)
____________ another plate of fried noodles. While we were in the midst of
eating, a cat appeared out of nowhere and jumped onto empty seat next to mine. I
have seen the cat before. It was eyeing the plate of fish and chips on my table. I
knew it wanted to (4) ___________ my fish.

Then I recalled where I had seen it. This greedy cat had jumped a table,
grabbed the fish on the plate and started (5) ___________ it greedily.

120 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

LEVEL : Pre-Basic 1

Unit 2: Good morning, Roy.

A. Which greetings do you hear?
Conversation 1:
A : Good afternoon, Roy.
B : Hello, Dian. How are you today?

Conversation 2:
A : Good morning, Mr. Elfa. How are you today?

Conversation 3:
A : Good evening, uncle. How’s everything?

Conversation 4:
A : Good afternoon, students.

B. What’s next? Listen and check the correct response.

1. Who are you? 4. Nice to meet you, Rahman.
2. Good morning, Agung. 5. So, you are OK now.
3. How are you today, Dian? 6. Good evening, Mr. Siregar.

Progress Check: Units 1 & 2

A : Hi, are you a new student here?
B : Yes, I am. I’m Megan. What’s your name?
A : Kevin. Kevin Bartelsman.
B : Bartel ….
A : Ha ha., Bartelsman.
B : How do you spell that?
A : B-A-R-T-E-L-S-M-A-N. What’s your last name
B : Jones.
A : J-O-N-E-S?
B : That’s right. And my nick name is Meg.
A : Oh., and my nick name is Kec.
B : Well. Nice to meet you, Kev.
A : Nice to meet you too, Meg.

First Thing First - Prebasic 1 121

Unit 7: Our Lovely House
A : Tim. We’re late. Let’s go!
B : Argh.. Where’s my MP3 player? It’s not in my bag.
A : Look your room, Tim. It’s a mess!
B : ya ya I know. Oh look. My MP3 player is not on my dresser.
A : OK.., umm.. what’s this?
B : That’s my cell phone. It’s a calculator too.
A : Cool. It’s an alarm clock too, right.
B : yeah yeah.., umm. My MP3 Player is not on my desk.
A : Well, let me look under the bed. Hey, what’s this?
B : It’s not new video game.
A : Wow., it’s cool.
B : Aww.., it’s a spider! Look.. under the bed.
A : Katie, it’s only a spider. Hey, Katie…
B : See you later, Tim.

Unit 8: She’s Chinese

A. Listen to an interview for an article in a student newspaper. Does
Mei Lan have a large family?
Jonny : Welcome to our school, Mei Lan!
Mei Lan : Thank you.
Jonny : Mei Lan, are your parents living in Beijing now?
Mei Lan : No, they aren’t. They live in Kobe.
Jonny : What about the rest of your family?
Mei Lan : Well, my brother and I are living here in Jakarta. My sister is go-
ing to school in Miami. She is studying violin.
Jonny : Do you have any uncles and aunts?

uncle are traveling in Singapore. They are visiting me in Jakarta

this week.
Jonny : What about your cousins?
Mei lan : I have a lot of cousins in Australia. A few of my cousins are go-
ing to school in Manila.
Jonny : What are they studying?
Mei Lan : They are studying English, like me!

B. Listen again. Correct the nine mistakes in the article.

122 First Thing First - Prebasic 1

1. Postcards 1, Brian Abbs, Chris barker & Ingrid Freebairn, Pearson Edu-
cation, Inc.-Longman 2003.
2. Connect-Second Edition, Jack C. Richards, Carlos Barbisan with Chuck
Sandy, Cambridge University Press 2010.
3. Interchange-Third Edition, Jack C. Richards with Jonathan Hull and Su-
san Proctor, Cambridge University Press 2009
4. Complete Practice Book for Grammar, Vocabulary & Comprehension,
Josephine Yeo, B.A. (Hons), Dip.Ed., Educational Publishing House
Pte,Ltd, 2010.
5. Developing Reading and Vocabulary Skills—Elementary, Gillian Flaherty,
Chris Coey, Just English Sdn Bhd, Malaysia 005.
6. ExpressWays-English for Communication 3, Steven J. Molinsky & Bill
Bliss, Prentice hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ-1986


First Thing First - Prebasic 1 123

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