Concession Draft 1

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Written by Robert William McCormack


56 Gorham Avenue Pembroke, Massachusetts 02359 781 361 1409

October 28th, 2011

FADE IN: INT. HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT Silence. Despite its lavish decor and air of privilege, the hotel suite is stuffy, cheerless... and nearly empty. Sitting alone on the edge of the master bed, CONGRESSMAN PETER DAHL, late 50s, is meticulously put together, his allAmerican charm faded beneath his weary and weathered face. Fidgeting, he loosens his suit tie only slightly, then clasps his sweaty palms together. He sighs heavily, bracing himself. Then... A sharp RAPPING at the hotel door, which Dahl rises to answer. KIM STERLING, late 40s, stands solitary in the doorway. Shes poised and graceful, effortlessly composed, and all business. Kim is followed closely by RYAN BECK, early 40s, a boyishly good looking bundle of tightly-wound nerves. Ready? KIM

Dahl motions them in. Drink? DAHL

KIM I need one. Dahl motions to Ryan, but he declines with a nod. Kim helps herself to the liquor cabinet in the corner of the room, pouring herself a glass of whisky, straight up. She knocks it back almost instantly, barely flinching. DAHL You really did need that. KIM I wasnt kidding. The three sit down opposite each other in the lounge chairs.

2. The tension is palpable. So? DAHL

KIM Its close. How close? DAHL

RYAN Were down 15. KIM And we lost California five minutes ago. Dahl flinches. DAHL (beat) What about Florida? KIM That right there is the question of the night, Congressman. Well hopefully know within the hour. An uncomfortable silence once again settles over the suite. DAHL Im no fool. I know its not looking good. (beat) How long do I have? RYAN Depends. Call it now, you come out looking very gracious, dignity preserved. Or? DAHL

RYAN Or, we wait until they call Florida. If we come out on top, we have a slim chance. The Carolinas look locked for us. That could be enough to push us over.

3. KIM If its as close as we think, we may want to consider a recount. Dahl rises, dabbing at his sweaty brow with a handkerchief. DAHL No. No recount. I dont want a repeat of that mess. He paces, momentarily pensive. DAHL (CONTD) What do you two think? What are my chances? Kim and Ryan glance at each other, doubtful. Dahl sits, resigned. KIM Its in your hands now, Peter. RYAN Its a calculated risk. (beat) You want my opinion? Dont. After everything theyve thrown at you, why not let them drag it out of you? If were going down, lets go down swinging. Dahl looks to Kim. DAHL I take it you feel differently? KIM Its... well, there could be a place for you. Mitchell could make good on his bipartisan agenda. Do it now, the possibility for Secretary of State -RYAN Are you crazy? We agreed, were not playing this game. Its illogical! The three exhausted players stop. Stalemate.

4. EXT. GARDEN - NIGHT SENATOR ELLIOT MITCHELL, mid 40s, watches his breathe in the cold night air. He shivers, shoving his hands into his coat pockets. Like Dahl, hes exhausted, and it shows across his youthful face. The warm glow of a bustling kitchen illuminates the barren patio as the sliding glass door opens. RENEE MITCHELL, mid 40s, emerges, phone in hand. RENEE Elliot. Its Jill. She says youve got a call on the other line. Mitchell turns slowly, almost apprehensively. Is it -MITCHELL

RENEE I think so. A smile cracks across Renees face as her eyes gloss over. She quickly hands the phone to Mitchell. MITCHELL Im going to take it our here, honey. Renee just nods, disappearing into the house. Cautiously, Mitchell puts the phone to his ear. Hey, Jill? MITCHELL (CONTD)

INT. HOTEL HALLWAY - NIGHT Dahl straightens his tie and runs a hand through his hair. Perfect. Kim and Ryan appear from within the suite, Ryan passing Dahl a sheet of paper. This it? Ryan just nods. DAHL

5. KIM Good luck, Congressman. DAHL Thank You. Both of you. (beat) Ill see you two down there. Dahl exhales sharply, clears his throat, and begins the long walk down. FADE TO BLACK.

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