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THE SAIPAN CHURCH OF CHRIST Courageous Faith THERMAN HODGE Faith is not just knowing the will of God but having the courage to act on it. May this degree of faith be seen in you and me. One prominent Bible character had the courage to :23). Moses’ parents were courageous. They hid defy a king (Hebrews 1 him for three months! Then his mother made a boat and set him in the river! What could cause a woman to do this with her baby? Could she not support the child any longer? Was it that the child was a burden to the family? Was he maybe an embarrassment to the family? No! The king demanded that all the Israelite newborn males be killed. What would you do for your child when you were that desperate? Moses’ mother trusted the Lord! There is more to the biblical account (Exodus 1:22: 2:10). Moses had the courage to identify with his people (Hebrews 11:24- 26). He courageously suffered with (Hebrews 11:24). Nursed by his own mother and learning of his nation's dilemma, Moses refused to live a lie to them, keep material benefits. Who we are is more important than riches and pleasure! Moses suffered hardships for Christ (Hebrews 11:25-26; Exodus 2:11. 14). Christ suffered immensely for us (1 Peter 1:21-23). We should be willing to suffer for Him. Serving Christ will bring some hardships and afflictions April 21, 2024 2 Timothy 3:12). We must stand with God's people in times of difficulty. Suffering for Christ is superior to the seasonal pleasure of sin, The results of suffering with our Lord are better than worldly riches (Matthew 5:11-12). Moses forsook the land of Egypt (Hebrews 11:27). He might have been second in command of the greatest nation in the world at that time, After all, he was the son of Pharaoh's daughter. He gave ital up, for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible! God's children need the confidence to face incredible odds (Hebrews 11:28-29). The last plague was an attack on the house of Pharaoh through the death of the firstborn! Blood placed over the door to indicate who to pass over spared sraelite families Then those who gladly received his word were baptized: and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship. in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. ACTS 2:41-42 (NKJV) Want to make a prayer request, comment, suggestion, or praise report? Please scan the QR Code above or contact us through the information provided at the back of this bulletin. Courageous Faith (Exodus 12:21-23). There was no blood sprinkled on the houses of the Egyptians. To be saved today, we must be covered by the blood of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:5-7). Crossing the Red Sea required faith and obedience by the fleeing Israelite nation, especially by Moses who led them (Exodus 14:21-28), Robinson If the Bible is authoritative (and it is), then how do | understand that authority? It's simple, if we will let it be. If God says nothing about a subject, like which football team to cheer, we are free to choose. If the Bible gives a generic command, like "Go into all the world,” we can go in any means available from foot to carriage to car to plane. If the Bible gives specifies, everything else is eliminated. Deliverance was through the Red Sea that God had divided, Israel had to trust God to hold the waters back. Every Israelite who entered the sea was saved, and every Egyptian who followed was lost! Do we possess courageous faith like Moses? We need that degree of faith today as we follow and imitate Jesus Christ. No one claiming Christianity would dare use cake and ice cream for the Lord's Supper. Why not? The Bible doesn't say we can't! But, when it specifies the fruit of the vine and unleavened bread, all else is eliminated. That makes sense, doesn't it? We might examine ourselves to see how well we are holding to Bible authority. THIS WEEK’S BIBLE READING: APRIL APRIL 21 2 SAM 1-4 APRIL 22 PS 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21 APRIL 23 1 CHR 1-2 APRIL 24 PS 43-45, 49, 84-85, 87 APRIL 25 1 CHR 3-5 APRIL 26 PS 73, 77-78 APRIL 27 1 CHR6 WELCOME TO THE CHURCH OF CHRIST! ANNOUNCEMENTS + PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: pound ectooled Teenagers’ Class io v= Henry Nauta for his recovery. taught every Sunday © {{| + The comfort and strength of Grace Sanga and her family for the DOE eae i i passing of Grace’s mom, + The comfort and strength of Marlen Marron and her family for eae sae | the passing of Marlen’s husband. Lord’s Day—if you * 6 Sis. Andy’s mom Candy Tabora cannot make it to * Julita Sablan’s health morning worship, + Ma’am Lourdes Kalen’s health and Sis. Jessica & Sis. Pam who are eetleariaeranin taking care of her. * Sis. Linda’s granddaughter Ariana who will be undergoing heart surgery at San Diego. Sis. Linda’s oldest daughter Kayleen who is. = having chest pain. + Pray that we would all be strong in the faith. if * The world leaders and those impacted by wars and conflict all ||| | —— “<*> S223 ——— over the world. ONGOING PRAYER LIST: * Bro. Joe Hill’s complete recovery with us in the evening at 6 p.m. ‘Those who are on the sick list ANNOUNCEMENTS: and recovering especially: + Mary llen Conrad, Joe Hil, Lourdes Kalen, Th PIBC Cl iI b J fhe by Bro, Nathaniel Steffanie Norita, Brother * The next PIBC Classes will begin in June, taught by Bro. Nathaniel ae Ferguson. He willbe traveling to Saipan with his wife and children. Re certo ‘ellowship will be on the Ist and 3rd Friday of every month, Gp.m., at the church fellowship room. Penny Harland, Dana Tyler, Alice Nearhery, Michelle Vankirk, Lourdes Hart Cabrera, Daniel Mensah, nae Lavefia del Rosario, Jun Dy, J Corinthians 15 Michael Dy, Avelina Lisua, x Lina Reyes, Eurofina Dira, Lani Aguon, Butch Tyler. + The mental health of sis. Please refer to the NKJV version of the bible. Christina Sakaziro and Bro. Michael Dy. Now if Christ is that He has been raised from the —_., how ‘+ Those who are in the of the dead? But middle of wars, conflict, and natural disasters. '* Those who are looking for is empty and your faith is also jobs or struggling financially and spiritually. do some among you say that there is no -. if there is no resurrection of the --.., then Christ is not —--... And if is not risen, then our Yes, and we are found -_-... witnesses of God, because we have = Those who are forsaking a of God that He -_____ up Christ, whom He did not raise up-if ‘the assembly and in fact the dead do not .... For if the _-.- do not rise, then Chrict ie ae ae ‘the church. not risen. And if Christ is... risen, your faith is ..; you are still in Rey eran .- asleep in Christ have Protection of those who are traveling. your ....| Then also those who have -. — If in this life only we have —__ in Christ, we are of all men + Those whose families are the ___. pitiable. But now ____ is risen from the dead, and has far away. May the Lord keep them safe always. become the —...._..--- of those who have fallen asleep. WU, ye SAIPAN CHURCH OF CHRIST P.O. Box 500549 Saipan, MP, 96950 Church Phone: (670) 235 - 2270 Email: Website: Facebook: Minister: Manuel Cabaluna 285 - 6170 Preacher: Gary Byrd 789 - 2245 Missionarie Dave Combs 789 - 0024 ASSEMBLY TIMES Sunday Morning Bible Class ... Sunday Morning Worship . Sunday Evening Worship .. Wednesday Bible Study... Assisting in Worship: Sunday Morning: Evening Worship: Seem Die Eve Announcements: Boyet Singing: Ruel Opening Prayer: Dave Singing: Boyet Lord's Supper & Giving: Willie Assisting: Cris, Jun, Darren Bible Reading: Darren Preaching: Gary Lord's Supper & Giving: Willie Opening Prayer: Dave Preaching: Boyet Closing Prayer: Ruel Closing Prayer: Dave

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