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َُ ‫ُ ُ ُ ا َّلص َ َ َ ْ َ ُن َ َ َ َ ن‬
‫شروط لاة وأركا ها ووأجبا ها‬
ُ ْ َّ
َّ‫للش ْي أ ْ َم ال ُم َج ِّ مح َّم َ ْب َع ْب ا ْل َ ه‬
َ ْ
‫خ لإ ام دد د ن د و اب‬
ُ-‫ َرح َم ُه ألله‬-

The Conditions of Salaah, its Pillars and

Obligatory Actions
By Ash-Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Abdil
Wahhaab (may Allaah have mercy upon
َ َ‫تََرجَمَهََمَحَمَدََبَنََعَمََرانَََحَسَيَن‬
Translated by
Muhammad Ibn Imraan Hussein
)‫(وفقه هللا‬

© Copyright 2022 by Pearls of knowledge

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This work may not be reproduced in any profitable way
except with permission.
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‫بسم هللا الرمحن الرحيم‬

‫احلمد هلل رب العاملني وصلى هللا وسلم على نبينا حممد وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعني‬

‫أما بعد‬
In the name of Allaah the Entirely Merciful the
Especially Merciful.

All praise is for Allaah and may the peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon our Prophet, his family, his
companions and those who follow them.

What follows:

This is a translation of The Conditions of Salaah, its Pillars and

Obligatory Actions by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil-
Wahhaab Ibn Sulaymaan At-Tameemee (May Allaah
shower His mercy upon him).
This translation was based upon the Arabic text that
was prepared by Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin Bin Muhammad
Al-Qaasim (may Allaah preserve him) in the texts that
he put together in his collection ‫ متون طالب العلم‬in the 2013

I benefitted from some of the previous translations.

If there is any corrections or advices please email us


Muhammad Ibn Imraan Hussein, Aboo Nasamah or Aboo
Makkah, Saudi Arabia
9 Safar 1444

The Shaikh )‫ (رمحه هللا‬said:

‫بسم هللا الر ْمحمـن الرحيم‬

In the name of Allaah The Entirely Merciful, The Especially

:‫شروط الص ملة ت ْس معة‬

The conditions for Prayer are nine:

،‫ال ْس ملم‬

،‫موالْ مع ْقل‬

،‫موالت ْمييز‬
The ability to differentiate between things (right and wrong);

،‫مومرفْع احلم مدث‬

Removal of intangible impurity;

‫موإ مزالمة الن مج م‬
Removal of physical impurity;

،‫مو مسْتـر الْ مع ْومرة‬

Covering the 'Awrah (private parts);

،‫مودخول الْ موقْت‬

The entrance of the Time;

،‫است ْقبمال الْقْبـلمة‬
ْ ‫مو‬
Facing the Qiblah,

And The Intention.

‫ ﴿ موممن يمـ ۡبـتمغ‬:‫ موال مكافر مع ممله مم ْردود موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬،‫ موضده الْك ْفر‬،‫ ال ْس ملم‬:‫الش ْرط المول‬
ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ‫غ ۡيـر ۡٱل‬
.]58 :‫ين﴾ [آل عمران‬ ‫ر‬‫س‬
‫م م م م‬‫ـ‬ ‫ٱۡل‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ة‬
‫ر‬ ‫خ‬ ٓ
‫ٱل‬ ‫ف‬ ‫و‬ ‫ه‬‫و‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ق‬‫ـ‬
‫م م م ً مم م م م م‬‫ي‬ ‫ن‬‫ل‬‫ـ‬‫ف‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ين‬ ‫د‬ ‫م‬‫ـ‬ ‫ل‬‫س‬
The First Condition is Islaam: Its opposite is Kufr (disbelief).
The actions of a disbeliever are rejected. The proof is His,
The Most High, statement [which means]: "and whoever seeks a
religion other than Islaam, it will never be accepted from him,
and he would be in the hereafter from the losers". [Surah Aali-
Imraan: 85]

‫ ﴿ مما مكا من ل ْلم ْشرك م‬:‫ موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬.‫ مولم ْو معم مل أمي مع مم ٍل‬،‫موالْ مكافر مع ممله مم ْردود‬
‫ني أم ْن يمـ ْعمروا‬
﴾‫ت أ ْمع مماُل ْم موف النار ه ْم مخالدو من‬ ‫ين معلمى أمنْـفسه ْم ِبلْك ْفر أولمئ م‬
ْ ‫ك محبطم‬ ‫مم مساج مد اَّلل مشاهد م‬
]71 :‫[التوبة‬
The actions of a disbeliever are rejected, regardless of
whatever he does. The proof is His, The Most High, statement
[which means]: "It is not befitting that the polytheists
maintain the Masaajid of Allaah while they bear witness of
their disbelief against their own selves. These, their works will
be void and in the fire they will be forever". [Surah At-
Tawbah: 17]

.]32 :‫ ﴿ موقمد ْمنما إ مل مما معملوا م ْن مع مم ٍل فم مج مع ْلنماه مهبماءً ممْنـث ًورا﴾ [الفرقان‬:‫ـال‬
‫موقمـ ْولـه تمـ مع م‬
And His, The Most High, statement [which means]: "And We
shall turn to whatever actions they did and make it as
scattered floating particles of dust". [Surah Al-Furqaan: 23]

‫ موالْ مم ْجنون مم ْرفوع معْنه الْ مقلمم محت يف م‬،‫النون‬
ْ ‫ موضده‬،‫الع ْقل‬
‫ م‬:‫الش ْرط الثان‬
The Second Condition is intellect: its opposite is Insanity. And
the insane person, the pen is lifted from him until he regains
his sanity.

‫ موالصغي‬،‫يق‬ ‫ النائم محت يم ْستمـْيق م‬:‫ {رف مع الْ مقلمم مع ْن ثمملثمٍة‬:‫احلمديث‬

‫ موالْ مم ْجنون محت يف م‬،‫ظ‬ ْ ‫موالدليل‬
.}‫محت يمـْبـل مغ‬
The proof is the hadeeth: "The pen is lifted from three: The
sleeping person until he wakes up; the insane person until he
regains sanity; and the child until he reaches the age of

‫ ث يـ ْؤممر ِبلص ملة؛‬،‫ني‬

‫ مو محده مسْبع سن م‬،‫ موضده الصغمر‬،‫ الت ْمييز‬:‫الش ْرط الثالث‬
The Third Condition the ability to differentiate between
things (right and wrong): Its opposite is childhood. It extends
to the age of seven, then he should be commanded to pray.

‫ موفمـرقوا بمـْيـنمـه ْم ف‬،‫اضربوه ْم معلمْيـ مها ل مع ْش ٍر‬

ْ ‫ مو‬،‫ {مروا أمبْـنماءمك ْم ِبلص ملة ل مسْب ٍع‬:‫ل مق ْوله ﷺ‬
‫الْ مم م‬
Because of his ‫ ﷺ‬statement: "Command your children to pray
at the age of seven. And beat them to do it at the age of ten.
And separate them in their beds".

.‫احلم مدث‬
ْ ‫ موموجبه‬،‫ موه مو الوضوء الْ مم ْعروف‬،‫احلم مدث‬
ْ ‫ مرفْع‬:‫الش ْرط الرابع‬
The Fourth Condition is the removal of Hadath (intangible
impurity): which is (done by making) the wudoo (ablution) that
is well known. It (Wudoo) becomes compulsory because of
hadith (intangible impurity).

:‫موشروطه مع مشمرة‬

Its conditions are ten:

،‫ال ْس ملم‬

،‫الع ْقل‬
‫مو م‬

،‫موالت ْمييز‬
The ability to differentiate between things (right and wrong);


‫ص محاب ح ْكم مها بم ْن مل يمـْنو م‬

،‫ي قمطْ مع مها محت تمتم الط مه مارة‬ ْ ‫است‬
ْ ‫مو‬
Accompanying its ruling by not intending to cut it off until he
completes his purification,

ٍ ‫وانْقطماع موج‬
،‫ب‬ ‫م‬
That the things that makes purification obligatory stops;

ْ ‫استْن مجاء أمْو‬

،‫است ْج ممار قمـْبـلمه‬ ْ ‫مو‬
Cleansing the private parts before it,

،‫ موإ مِب محته‬،‫موطهورية مم ٍاء‬

Purity of the water; its permissibility;

،‫موإ مزالمة مما يمْنمع وصولمه إ مل الْبم مشمرة‬

Removing whatever prevents it (the water) from reaching the
ٍ ْ‫ودخول وق‬
.‫ت معلمى مم ْن مح مدثه مدائم ل مف ْرضه‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬

And the entrance of the timing for the obligatory prayer for
those who have a constant state of impurity.

:‫موأمما فـروضه فمستة‬

As for its obligatory actions, then they are six:

ً ‫ مو مع ْر‬،‫ مو محده ط ًول م ْن ممنمابت الش ْعر إ مل الذقْن‬،‫ضة موال ْستْن مشاق‬
‫ض مم م‬
ْ ‫ مومْنه الْ مم‬،‫مغ ْسل الْ مو ْجه‬
.‫إ مل فـروع الذنمـ ْني‬
Washing the face, which includes washing the mouth and
inhaling water in the nose, its (the face) limits are from where
the hair of the head begins to the chin, lengthwise, and from
the ear to the ear, widthwise;

،‫مو مغ ْسل الْيم مديْن إ مل الْم ْرفمـ مق ْني‬

Washing the hands to (and including) the elbows;

،‫ مومْنه ْالذ منن‬،‫مومم ْسح مجيع الرأْس‬

Wiping the entire head, which includes the ears,

،‫مو مغ ْسل الر ْجلمني إ مل الْ مك ْعبمـ ْني‬

Washing the feet to (and including) the ankles;

،‫موالتـ ْرتيب‬
Maintaining this sequence,

.‫موالْم مو مالة‬
And Muwaalaat (washing the body parts without delay between

‫وهك ْم موأميْديمك ْم إ مل‬ ‫ ﴿ مَي أميـ مها الذ م‬:‫موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬
‫ين مآمنوا إ مذا ق ْمت ْم إ مل الص ملة فما ْغسلوا وج م‬
.]6 :‫الْ مممرافق مو ْام مسحوا برءوسك ْم موأ ْمرجلمك ْم إ مل الْ مك ْعبمـ ْني﴾ [املائدة‬

The proof is His, The Most High, statement [which means]: "O
you who believe! When you rise to the prayer, wash your faces
and your hands up to the elbows. Wipe your heads [with water],
and wash your feet up to the ankles". [Surah Al-Maa’idah: 6]

.}‫ {ابْ مدأوا بما بم مدأم هللا به‬:‫احلمديث‬

ْ ‫مومدليل التـ ْرتيب‬
The proof for maintaining the same sequence is the hadeeth:
"Begin with what Allaah has begun with".

‫صاحب الل ْم ًعة معن النب ﷺ أمنه لمما مرأمى مرج ًل ف قم مدمه ل ْم معة قم ْدر‬
‫مومدليل الْم مو مالة محديث م‬
.‫الد ْرمهم ملْ يصْبـ مها الْ مماء فمأممممره ِبل مع مادة‬
The proof for Muwaalaat (washing the body parts without
delay) is the hadeeth of the man who left a spot unwashed. It
was reported that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬saw a man who had left a
spot on his foot the size of a dirham, which water had not
touched. So he (‫ )ﷺ‬ordered him to go back and repeat it.

.‫مومواجبه الت ْسميمة مم مع الذ ْكر‬

Its compulsory act is the mentioning Allaah’s Name if he

:‫مونمـ مواقضه مثمانيمة‬

Its (Wudoo) nullifiers are eight:

،‫اۡلمارج م من السبيلم ْني‬

Whatever comes out from the two private parts,

،‫الم مسد‬
ْ ‫مواۡلمارج ال مفاحش الن مجس م من‬
Any impure substance that comes out from the body if it is

،‫مومزموال الْ مع ْقل‬
Loss of consciousness;

،ٍ‫موممس الْ مم ْرأمة بش ْه موة‬

Touching a woman with sexual desire;

،‫ قـب ًل مكا من أمْو دبـًرا‬،‫موممس الْ مف ْرج ِبلْيمد‬

Touching one’s frontal or rear private parts with the hand,

ْ ‫موأم ْكل محلْم‬

Eating the meat of camels;

،‫موتمـ ْغسيل الْ مميت‬

Bathing a deceased person;

‫ أم معاذم من هللا م ْن ذمل م‬.‫موالردة معن ال ْس ملم‬

And Apostating from Islaam, may Allaah protect us from that
ٍ ‫ إزالمة النجاسة من ثممل‬:‫اۡلامس‬
:‫ موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬.‫ موالْبـ ْق معة‬،‫ موالثـ ْوب‬،‫ م من الْبم مدن‬:‫ث‬ ْ ‫م م‬ ‫م‬ ‫الش ْرط ْم‬
.]4 :‫ك فمطمه ْر﴾ [املدثر‬
‫﴿ موثيمابم م‬
The Fifth Condition is the Removal of physical impurity: (This
requires removing it) from three things: From one’s body,
garments and the area (of prayer). The proof is His, The Most
High, statement [which means]: "And your garments purify it.”
[Surah Al-Muddathir: 4]
،‫صلمى ع ْرمَي ًن موه مو يمـ ْقدر‬ ‫ أم ْجم مع أم ْهل الْع ْلم معلمى فم مساد م‬،‫ مسْتـر الْ مع ْومرة‬:‫الش ْرط السادس‬
‫ص ملة مم ْن م‬
The Sixth Condition is covering the 'Awrah (private parts):
The People of Knowledge have unanimously agreed that the
prayer of the one who prays naked while having the ability to
clothe himself is invalid.

،‫احلرة كل مها مع ْومرة إل مو ْج مه مها ف الص ملة‬
ْ ‫ مو‬،‫ك‬
‫ مو ْالمممة مكذل م‬،‫مو محد مع ْومرة الرجل م من السرة إ مل الرْكبمة‬
:‫ أم ْي‬،]27 :‫آد مم خذوا زينمـتمك ْم عْن مد كل مم ْسج ٍد﴾ [العراف‬ ‫ ﴿ مَي بمِن م‬:‫موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬
.ٍ‫ص ملة‬ ‫عْن مد كل م‬
The limits of the ‘Awrah for a man are from his navel to his
knees, the same applies to the slave-girl. As for the free
woman, all of her body is ‘Awrah except for her face. The
proof is His, The Most High, statement [which means]: "O
Children of Aadam take your adornment for every masjid".
[Surah Al-A’raaf: 31] meaning every prayer.

‫يل معلمْيه الس ملم أمنه أمم النب ﷺ‬

‫ موالدليل م من السنة محديث ج ْب م‬،‫ دخول الْ موقْت‬:‫الش ْرط السابع‬
،‫الوقْـتمـ ْني‬ ‫ الص ملة مما بمـ ْ م‬،‫ مَي حمممد‬:‫ ث قم مال‬،‫ف أمول الْ موقْت موف آخره‬
‫ني ه مذيْن م‬
The Seventh Condition is the Entrance of the Time: The proof
for this from the Sunnah is the hadeeth of Jibreel, peace be
on him, when he lead the Prophet in prayer at the beginning of
the time and at the ending of it, then he said to him: “O
Muhammad, the prayer is between these two times.”

:‫ أم ْي‬،]702 :‫وت﴾ [النساء‬

ً ‫ني كتم ًاِب م ْوق‬
‫ت معلمى الْم ْؤمن م‬
ْ ‫ ﴿إن الصلممة مكانم‬:‫موقمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬
.‫وضا ف ْالمْوقمات‬
ً ‫مم ْفر‬
And His, The Most High, statement [which means]: "Verily, the
prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed timings". [Surah
An-Nisaa: 103] meaning it is prescribed in specific timings.

‫ ﴿أمقم الصلممة لدلوك الش ْمس إ مل مغ مسق اللْيل موقـ ْرآ من الْ مف ْجر إن‬:‫مومدليل ْالمْوقمات قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬
.]15 :‫ودا﴾ [السراء‬
ً ‫قـ ْرآ من الْ مف ْجر مكا من مم ْشه‬
The proof for the timings is His, The Most High, statement
[which means]: "Establish the prayer from mid-day till the
darkness of the night, and [establish] the Qur’aan of Fajr.

Verily, [the recitation of] the Qur’aan in the early dawn is
witnessed". [Surah Al-Israa: 78]

‫ك ف الس مماء‬
‫ب مو ْجه م‬
‫ ﴿قم ْد نمـمرى تمـ مقل م‬:‫ موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬،‫است ْقبمال الْقْبـلمة‬
ْ :‫الش ْرط الثامن‬
‫احلممرام مو محْيث مما كنت ْم فمـ مولواْ وجومهك ْم‬
ْ ‫ك مشطْمر الْ مم ْسجد‬
‫اها فمـ مول مو ْج مه م‬
‫ضم‬ ‫ك قْبـلمةً تمـ ْر م‬
‫فمـلمنـ موليمـن م‬
.]744 :‫مشطْمره﴾ [البقرة‬
The Eighth Condition is facing the Qiblah: The proof is His,
The Most High, statement [which means]: "Verily, We have
seen the turning of your face towards the heaven. Surely, We
shall direct you to a Qiblah that will please you. So turn your
face to the direction of Al-Masjid-ul-Haraam (the sacred
Masjid in Makkah), and wherever you are then turn your faces
to its direction". [Surah Al-Baqarah: 144]

‫ {إَنما ْالم ْع ممال‬:‫ موالدليل محديث‬،‫ موالتـلمفظ بما ب ْد معة‬،‫ مومحممل مها الْ مق ْلب‬،‫ النية‬:‫الش ْرط التاسع‬
.}‫ موإَنما لكل ْامر ٍئ مما نمـ موى‬،‫ِبلنيات‬
The Ninth Condition is The Intention: Its place is the heart,
and saying it out is an innovation. The proof for this is the
hadeeth: "actions are only based on intentions, and every man
will only have that which he intended".

:‫موأمْرمكان الص ملة أمْربمـ معةم مع مشمر‬
The pillars of the prayer are fourteen:

،‫القيمام مم مع الق ْد مرة‬

Standing, if one has the ability to do so,

،‫موتم ْكب مية ْال ْحمرام‬

The opening Takbeer (saying Allaahu Akbar),

،‫موقمراءمة الْ مفاتمة‬

Reciting Surah Al-Faatihah,


،‫موالرفْع مْنه‬
Rising from it,

‫موالسجود معلمى مسْبـ معة ْالم ْع م‬
Prostrating on the seven limbs,

،‫موال ْعت مدال مْنه‬

Rising from it,

،‫ني الس ْج مدتمـ ْني‬

‫المْل مسة بمـ ْ م‬
ْ ‫مو‬
Sitting between the two prostrations,

،‫موالط ممأْنينمة ف مجيع ْالمْرمكان‬

Being tranquil in all of these pillars,

،‫موالتـ ْرتيب‬

Maintaining the order,

،‫موالت مشهد ْالمخي‬

The Final Tashahhud,

،‫اللوس لمه‬
ْ ‫مو‬
Sitting for it,

،‫موالص ملة معلمى النب ﷺ‬

Sending Salaah on the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬,

‫موالت ْسل م‬
And the two Tasleems (saying As-salaamu 'Alaikum).

‫ ﴿ محافظوا معلمى الصلم موات موالص ملة‬:‫ موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬،‫ القيمام مم مع الق ْد مرة‬:‫الرْكن ْالمول‬
.]325 :‫ني﴾ [البمـ مقمرة‬
‫الْو ْسطمى موقوموا َّلل قمانت م‬
The First Pillar is standing if one has the ability. The proof is
His, The Most High, statement [which means]: "safeguard the
prayers, and the middle prayer. And stand before Allaah with
full submission". [Surah Al-Baqarah: 238]

،}‫ مومْتليل مها الت ْسليم‬،‫ { مْتري مها الت ْكبي‬:‫احلمديث‬

ْ ‫ موالدليل‬،‫ تمكْب مية ْال ْحمرام‬:‫الرْكن الثان‬
The Second Pillar is the opening Takbeer (saying Allaahu Akbar).
The proof is the hadeeth: "what makes everything prohibited in
it (Salaah) is the Takbeer and what makes everything allowed
after it is the Tasleem (saying As-salaamu 'Alaikum)".

‫ موتمـ مع مال‬،‫ك‬
‫اس م‬
ْ ‫ موتمـبم مارمك‬،‫ك اللهم موبم ْمد مك‬
‫ {سْب محانم م‬:‫ قمـ ْول‬،‫ موه مو سنة‬،‫موبمـ ْع مد مها ال ْست ْفتماح‬
.}‫ مومل إلمـهم مغْيـرمك‬،‫مجد مك‬
After this is the opening supplication - and it is voluntary -
saying: "How perfect are You O Allaah, and I praise You,

blessed is Your name, raised is Your status and there is no
deity worthy of worship but You".

.‫ك مَي هللا‬ ‫ أنمـزه م‬:‫ك اللهم" أم ْي‬

‫ك التـْنزيهم اللئ مق بم ملل م‬ ‫مومم ْع من "سْب محانم م‬
The meaning of "How perfect are You O Allaah" is that I free
You from all imperfections in a way that befits Your majesty O

‫ ثـمنماءً معلمْي م‬:‫"وبم ْمد مك" أم ْي‬

.‫ك‬ ‫م‬
"And I praise You" means praising You.

.‫ البمـمرمكة تـنمال بذ ْكرمك‬:‫ك" أم ْي‬

‫اس م‬
ْ ‫"وتمـبم مارمك‬
"Blessed is Your name" means blessing are gained by
remembering You.

‫ ْارتمـ مف مع قم ْدرمك مو معظ مم مشأْن م‬:‫"وتمـ مع مال مجد مك" أم ْي‬

.‫ك‬ ‫م‬
"Raised is Your status" means raised is Your status and great is
Your affair.

.‫ود ف ْالمْرض مومل ف الس مماء بم ٍق س مو ماك مَي هللا‬

‫ مل مم ْعب م‬:‫"ومل إلمـهم مغْيـرمك" أم ْي‬
"And there is no deity worthy of worship but You" means There
is nothing that has the right to be worshipped on the earth or
in the heaven except You, O Allaah.

"‫"أمعوذ ِبهلل م من الشْيطمان الرجيم‬

[Then he says]: "I seek refuge with Allaah from Satan the

‫ أملوذ موأملْتمجئ موأم ْعتمصم ب م‬:"‫مم ْع من "أمعوذ‬

.‫ك مَي هللا‬
"I seek refuge" means I seek refuge and shelter in You and
rely on You, O Allaah.

‫ مومل ف دنْـيم م‬،‫ مل يمضرن ف ديِن‬،‫ الْمْبـ معد مع ْن مر ْمحمة هللا‬،‫"م من الشْيطمان الرجيم" الْ ممطْرود‬
"From Satan the outcast" the outcast, the one who is far
removed from Allaah’s mercy. That He harms me not in my
religion nor in my worldly affairs.

،}‫ص ملةم ل مم ْن ملْ يمـ ْقمرأْ ب مفاتمة الْكتماب‬ ٍ

‫ {مل م‬:‫ مك مما ف محديث‬،‫موقمراءمة الْ مفاتمة رْكن ف كل مرْك معة‬
.‫موه مي أم الْق ْرآن‬
The recitation of [Surah] Al-Faatihah is a pillar in every
Rak’ah, as in the hadeeth: "There is no prayer for the one who
doesn’t recite the opening of the Book" It is the foundation of
the Qur’aan.

.ً‫است معانمة‬
ْ ‫"ب ْسم هللا الر ْمحمـن الرحيم" بـممرمكةً مو‬
"In the Name of Allaah The entirely Merciful The Especially
Merciful" is [a request for] blessing and assistance.

ْ ‫ موأمما‬،‫ مو ْالملف مواللم ل ْست ْغمراق مجيع الْ مم محامد‬،‫ ثمـنماء‬:‫احلم ْمد‬
‫المميل الذي مل صْن مع‬ ْ "‫احلم ْمد هلل‬
.‫ مل محمْ ًدا‬،‫ مم ْد ًحا‬:‫ فمالثـنماء به ي مسمى‬- ‫الم ممال مومْنوه‬
ْ ‫ مثْل‬- ‫لمه فيه‬
"All praise is for Allaah": "Hamd" is praise. The Alif and Laam
shows the inclusion of all type of praise. As for beauty that
one has no role in bringing about, such as [physical] beauty and
the like, then praising that is called madah and not hamd.

‫يع ال معالمم م‬
‫ ممرب مج م‬،‫صرف‬
‫ الْمتم م‬،‫ الْ ممالك‬،‫ الرازق‬،‫اۡلمالق‬
ْ ،‫ ه مو الْ مم ْعبود‬:‫ني" الرب‬
‫" مرب الْ معالمم م‬
.‫بن معمه‬
"The Lord of the worlds": The Rabb is the One who is
worshipped, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Owner, and the
One who administers and takes care of all of the creation
through His favors.

ْ ‫ موه مو مرب‬،‫ني" كل مما س موى هللا معا مل‬
‫"الْ معالمم م‬

"The worlds": everything other than Allaah is considered an
‘Aalam. He is the Lord of them all.

.‫"الر ْمحمـ ـن" مر ْمحمةً معامةً بمميع الْ مم ْخلوقمات‬

"The Generally Merciful": General mercy that encompasses all
of the creation.

:‫يما﴾ [الحزاب‬
ً ‫ني مرح‬
‫ ﴿ مومكا من ِبلْم ْؤمن م‬:‫ موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬،‫ني‬
‫"الرحيم" مر ْمحمةً مخاصةً ِبلْم ْؤمن م‬
"The Especially Merciful": a specific mercy for the believers.
The proof is His, The Most High, statement [which means]:
"And He is Merciful to the believers". [Surah Al-Ahzaab: 43]

‫ موإ ْن مشًّرا‬،‫ إ ْن مخْيـًرا فم مخْيـر‬:‫ يمـ ْوم كل يم مازى ب مع ممله‬،‫احل مساب‬ ْ ‫الممزاء مو‬
ْ ‫" ممـ ـ ـلك يمـ ْوم الدين" يمـ ْوم‬
‫ ﴿ مومما أ ْمد مر ماك مما يمـ ْوم الدين ۞ ث مما أ ْمد مر ماك مما يمـ ْوم الدين ۞ يمـ ْومم ل‬:‫ موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬،‫فم مشر‬
.]71:‫س مشْيـئًا موال ْممر يمـ ْوممئ ٍذ َّلل﴾ [النفطار‬ ٍ ‫َتمْلك نمـ ْفس لنمـ ْف‬

"Owner of The Day of Recompense": the Day of Recompense

and Accountability, the Day when everyone will be compensated
for his deeds – if they were good, then good and if they were
evil, then evil. The proof is His, The Most High, statement
[which means]: "And what will make you know what the Day of
Recompense is? Then, what will make you know what the Day of
Recompense is? The Day when no person shall own nothing for
another and the affair that Day will be for Allaah". [Surah Al-
Infitaar: 17-19]

‫ موالْ معاجز مم ْن أمتْـبم مع نمـ ْف مسه‬،‫ {الْ مكيس مم ْن مدا من نمـ ْف مسه مو معم مل ل مما بمـ ْع مد الْ مم ْوت‬:‫احلمديث معْنه ﷺ‬
ْ ‫مو‬
.}‫ مومَتمن معلمى هللا ْالمممانم‬،‫مه مو ماها‬

And the hadeeth from him (the Prophet) ‫ﷺ‬: "The smart person
is the one who takes himself to account and works for what

comes after death. And the helpless person is the one who
allows himself to follow its desires, while aspiring for Allaah to
grant his ambitions".

.‫ني مربه أمل يمـ ْعب مد إل إَيه‬ ‫ مع ْهد بمـ ْ م‬،‫ مل نمـ ْعبد مغْيـمرمك‬:‫"إَي مك نمـ ْعبد" أم ْي‬
‫ني الْ معْبد موبمـ ْ م‬
"You Alone we worship": meaning we do not worship anyone
except You. This is a covenant between the servant and his
Lord that he will not worship anyone besides Him.

.‫ني بم مح ٍد س مواه‬
‫ني مربه أمل يم ْستمع م‬
‫ني الْ معْبد موبمـ ْ م‬
‫"وإَي مك نم ْستمعني" مع ْهد بمـ ْ م‬
"And Your help alone we seek": This is a covenant between the
servant and his Lord that he will not seek the assistance of
anyone besides Allaah.

.‫" ْاهد من الصمرا مط الْم ْستمق ميم" مم ْع من ْاهد من دلنما موأمْرش ْد من موثمبْتـنما‬
"Guide us to the straight path": Guide us means direct us, show
us the way and keep us firm on it.

.‫ موالْكل محق‬،‫ الْق ْرآن‬:‫يل‬

‫ موق م‬،‫ الرسول‬:‫يل‬
‫ موق م‬،‫موالصمرا مط ْال ْس ملم‬
"The path" is Islaam. Some said it is the Messenger and
others said the Qur’aan. All of these meanings are correct.

.‫موالْم ْستمق ميم الذي مل ع مو مج فيه‬

"The straight" is that which has no deviations in it.

‫ ﴿ موممن يطع اَّللم‬:‫ موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬،‫يق الْمْنـ معم معلمْيه ْم‬
‫ت معلميه ْم" طمر م‬‫ين أمنْـ مع ْم م‬
‫"صمرا مط الذ م‬
‫ني مو محس من‬ ‫ني موالش مه مداء موالصاحل م‬
‫ني موالصديق م‬ ‫ين أمنْـ مع مم هللا معلمْيهم م من النبي م‬
‫ك مم مع الذ م‬ ‫ول فمأ ْولمئ م‬
‫موالرس م‬
.]61 :‫ك مرفي ًقا﴾ [النساء‬
‫أولمئ م‬
"The path of those upon whom You have bestowed Your
bounty": meaning the way of those upon whom the Bounty has
been bestowed. The proof is His, The Most High, statement

[which means]: "And whoever obeys Allaah and the Messenger,
those will be with the ones Allaah has bestowed His Favors
upon, from the prophets, the siddeeqeen [those who were
foremost in their belief], the martyrs and the righteous. And
what excellent companions they are!" [Surah An-Nisaa: 69]

‫ تم ْسأمل هللام أم ْن يمنبم م‬،‫ مم معه ْم ع ْلم موملْ يمـ ْع مملوا به‬،‫" مغ ْي الْ مم ْغضوب معلمْيه ْم" موهم الْيمـهود‬
.‫ك طمري مقه ْم‬
"Not of those upon whom is wrath": They are the Jews they
had knowledge but did not act upon it. You are asking Allaah to
protect you from their way.

‫ تم ْسأمل هللام أم ْن يمنبم م‬،‫ض مل ٍل‬

.‫ك طمري مقه ْم‬ ‫ يمـ ْعبدو من هللام معلمى مج ْه ٍل مو م‬،‫ص مارى‬
‫ني" موهم الن م‬
‫" مومل الضال م‬
"Nor of those who went astray": They are the Christians, who
worship Allaah on ignorance and misguidance. You are asking
Allaah to protect you from their way.

‫ضل مس ْعيـه ْم ف‬
‫ين م‬
‫ين أ ْمع مم ًال ۞ الذ م‬
‫ ﴿ق ْل مه ْل نـنمـبئك ْم ِبْلم ْخ مسر م‬:‫ني قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬
‫مومدليل الضال م‬
‫احلميماة الدنْـيما موه ْم مَْي مسبو من أمنـه ْم َْيسنو من صْنـ ًعا ۞ أولمـ ــئ م‬
‫ك الذي من مك مفروا ِب مَيت مرب ْم مول مقائه‬ ْ
.]708 -702 :‫ت أ ْمع مم ــله ْم فم مل نقيم مُل ْم يمـ ْومم الْقيم ـ مـمة موْزًن﴾ [الكهف‬
ْ ‫فم محبطم‬
The proof for those who went astray is His, The Most High,
statement [which means]: "Say: Shall we inform you of the
greatest losers with respect to their deeds? Those whose
efforts have been lost in the worldly life, while they thought
that they were acquiring good deeds, those are the ones who
disbelieved in the Aayaat (signs) of their Lord and His meeting
so their works were deemed void and on the day of
resurrection their actions will not be weighed". [Surah Al-Kahf:

‫ب‬ ‫ محت لمْو مد مخلوا ج ْحمر م‬،‫ {لمتمـتبعن مسنم من مم ْن قمـْبـلمك ْم مح ْذ مو الْقذة ِبلْقذة‬:‫احلمديث معْنه ﷺ‬
ْ ‫مو‬
.‫ فم مم ْن؟!} أم ْخمر مجاه‬:‫ص مارى؟ قم مال‬
‫ الْيمـهود موالن م‬،‫ول هللا‬
‫ مَي مرس م‬:‫ قمالوا‬،‫لم مد مخ ْلتموه‬

And the hadeeth from him (the Prophet) ‫ﷺ‬: "You will surely
follow the ways of those who came before you, in exactly the
same manner, to the point that if they were to enter the hole
of a lizard, you would also enter it". They said: "O Messenger
of Allaah, do you mean the Jews and the Christians?" He (‫)ﷺ‬
said: "Who else?" Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim reported it.

‫ص مارى معلمى اثْـنمـتمني‬

‫ موافْـتمـمرقمت الن م‬،ً‫ني ف ْرقمة‬
‫ {افْـتمـمرقمت الْيمـهود معلمى إ ْح مدى مو مسْبع م‬:‫مواحلمديث الثمان‬
:‫ قـ ْلنما‬،ً‫ كل مها ف النار إل مواح مدة‬،ً‫ني ف ْرقمة‬ ٍ
‫ مو مستمـ ْف متق مهـذه ْالمة معلمى ثمملث مو مسْبع م‬،ً‫ني ف ْرقمة‬
‫مو مسْبع م‬
ْ ‫ مم ْن مكا من معلمى مثْل مما أم من معلمْيه موأم‬:‫ول هللا؟ قم مال‬
}‫ص محاب‬ ‫مم ْن ه مي مَي مرس م‬
And the second hadeeth is: "The Jews split up into seventy-one
sects and the Christians split up into seventy-two sects. And
this ummah (the Muslims) will split up into seventy-three sects.
All of them will be in the Hellfire except for one". They said:
"Who are they O Messenger of Allaah?" He (‫ )ﷺ‬said: "Those
who are upon the same way that I and my Companions are

‫المْل مسة بمـ ْ م‬
ْ ‫ مو‬،‫ موال ْعت مدال مْنه‬،‫ضاء السْبـ معة‬
‫ موالسجود معلمى ْالم ْع م‬،‫ موالرفْع مْنه‬،‫موالركوع‬
.‫الس ْج مدتمـ ْني‬
And Bowing, Rising from it, Prostrating on the seven limbs,
rising from it, and Sitting between the two prostrations.

‫احلمديث معْنه‬
ْ ‫ مو‬،]11 :‫اسجدوا﴾ [احلج‬ ‫ ﴿ مَي أميـ مها الذ م‬:‫موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬
ْ ‫ين مآمنوا ْارمكعوا مو‬
.}‫ {أم ْرت أم ْن أم ْسج مد معلمى مسْبـ معة أم ْعظ ٍم‬:‫ﷺ‬
The proof is His, The Most High, statement [which means]: "O
you who believe! Bow and prostrate". [Surah Al-Hajj: 77] And
the hadeeth from him (the Prophet) ‫ﷺ‬: "I was commanded to
prostrate on seven bones".

‫ موالتـ ْرتيب بمـ ْ م‬،‫موالط ممأْنينمة ف مجيع ْالمفْـ معال‬
،‫ني ْالمْرمكان‬
And Being tranquil throughout the actions, and Following the
order between these pillars.

‫ {بمـْيـنم مما مْنن جلوس عْن مد النب ﷺ‬:‫ قم مال‬ ‫ مع ْن أمب همر ميرةم‬،‫ص ملتمه‬
‫موالدليل محديث الْ ممسيء م‬
‫ ث‬،‫صل فمـ معلم مها ثممل ًاًث‬
‫ك ملْ ت م‬
‫صل؛ فمإن م‬
‫ ْارج ْع فم م‬:‫ فم مسل مم معلمى النب ﷺ فمـ مق مال‬،‫صلى‬
‫إ ْذ مد مخ مل مرجل فم م‬
‫ت إ مل‬
‫ إذما ق ْم م‬:‫ فمـ مق مال لمه النمب ﷺ‬.‫ فمـ معل ْمِن‬،‫ك ِب ْحلمق نمبيًّا مل أ ْحسن مغْيـمر مهـ مذا‬ ‫ موالذي بمـ معثم م‬:‫قم مال‬
‫ ث ْارفم ْع محت‬،‫ ث ْارمك ْع محت تمطْ ممئن مراك ًعا‬،‫ك م من الْق ْرآن‬ ‫ ث اقْـمرأْ مما تمـيمسمر مم مع م‬،‫الص ملة فم مك ْب‬
‫ ث افْـ مع ْل ذل م‬،‫ ث ْارفم ْع محت تمطْ ممئن مجال ًسا‬،‫اسج ْد محت تمطْ ممئن مساج ًدا‬
ْ ‫ ث‬،‫تمـ ْعتمد مل قمائ ًما‬
.}‫ك كل مها‬
‫ص ملت م‬
The proof is the hadeeth of the man who prayed badly, which
was narrated by Abu Hurairah () who said: "One day we were
sitting with the Prophet when a man entered and prayed. Then
he greeted the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with Salaam. So the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
said: 'Go back and pray for you have not prayed'. This occurred
thrice, the man then said: ‘I swear by the One who sent you as
a prophet with the truth, I cannot do better than this, so
teach me'. So the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to him: 'When you stand up
to pray, say Allaahu Akbar. Then recite that which is easy for
you that you have of the Qur’aan. Then bow until you are
tranquil bowing. Then rise until you have stood up completely.
Then prostrate until you are tranquil whilst prostrating. Then
rise from it until you are tranquil sitting. Then repeat this in
your entire prayer".
ٍ ‫احلديث عن ابن مسع‬
‫ كنا نمـقول قمـْب مل أم ْن‬:‫ود قم مال‬ ْ‫م ْ م‬ ‫ مك مما ف ْم‬،‫موالت مشهد ْالمخي رْكن مم ْفروض‬
:‫ض معلمْيـنما الت مشهد‬
‫يـ ْفمر م‬

And the final Tashahhud is an obligatory pillar, as is stated in
the hadeeth reported by Ibn Mas’ood (), who said: "Before
the Tashahhud was made obligatory on us, we would say:

‫يل مومي مكائ م‬
‫ الس ملم معلمى ج ْب م‬،‫"الس ملم معلمى هللا م ْن عبماده‬
‘Peace be upon Allaah from His servants. Peace be upon Jibreel
and Mikaa’eel'.

:‫ مل تمـقولوا‬:‫فمـ مق مال النب ﷺ‬

So the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: ‘Do not say:

:‫ مولك ْن قولوا‬،‫الس ملم معلمى هللا م ْن عبماده؛ فمإن هللام ه مو الس ملم‬
Peace be upon Allaah from His slaves, for indeed Allaah is As-
Salaam. Instead, say:

‫ م‬،‫ك أميـ مها النب مومر ْمحمة هللا موبـممرمكاته‬

‫الس ملم معلمْيـنما‬ ‫ الس ملم معلمْي م‬،‫ موالصلم موات موالطيبمات‬،‫التحيات َّلل‬
.‫ موأم ْش مهد أمن حممم ًدا معْبده مومرسوله‬،‫ أم ْش مهد أمن ل إلـهم إل هللا‬،‫ني‬
‫مو معلمى عبماد هللا الصاحل م‬
All types of glorification, prayers and goodness belongs to
Allaah. May the peace, mercy of Allaah and His blessings be
upon you o prophet. Peace be upon us and upon all of the pious
slaves of Allaah. I testify that there is no deity worthy of
worship except Allaah and I testify that Muhammad is His
slave and messenger.

،‫ موالسجود‬،‫ موالركوع‬،‫ ال ْننماء‬:‫ مثْل‬،‫است ْح مقاقًا‬

ْ ‫يمات َّلل م ْل ًكا مو‬
‫ مجيع التـ ْعظ م‬:"‫مومم ْع من "التحيات‬
‫ف مْنه مشْيـئًا لغم ْي هللا فمـه مو‬
‫صمر م‬
‫ فم مم ْن م‬،‫ني فمـه مو َّلل‬
‫العالمم م‬
‫ مو مجيع مما يـ معظم به مرب م‬،‫موالْبمـ مقاء موالد موام‬
.‫م ْشرك‬
The meaning of "glorification" is that all types of glorification
are for Allaah, who owns and deserves it, such as the acts of
inclining, bowing, prostrating, remaining and continuity.
Everything that the Lord of worlds is glorified with, then that

belongs to Allaah. So whoever directs any of that to other than
Allaah, then he is a polytheist".

.‫اۡلم ْمس‬
ْ ‫ الصلم موات‬:‫يل‬
‫ موق م‬،‫ مجيع الد مع موات‬:‫اها‬
‫مو "الصلم موات" مم ْعنم م‬
And "prayers" means all supplications. And some say: the five

.‫ مومل يمـ ْقبمل م من ْالمقْـ موال مو ْالم ْع ممال إل طميبمـ مها‬،‫ هللا طميب‬:"‫مو "الطيبمات َّلل‬
And "goodness" Allaah is Good, He only accepts statements and
actions that are good.

‫ تم ْدعو للنب ﷺ ِبلس مل ممة موالر ْمحمة موالْبمـمرمكة مومرفْع‬:"‫ك أميـ مها النب مومر ْمحمة هللا موبـممرمكاته‬
‫"الس ملم معلمْي م‬
.‫ موالذي ي ْد معى لمه مما ي ْد معى مم مع هللا‬،‫الد مر مجة‬
"May the peace, mercy of Allaah and His blessings be upon you
o prophet" you are supplicating for the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, asking for
his safety, and that mercy and blessings be upon him and that
he be raised in rank. The one who others supplicate for should
not be supplicated to along with Allaah.

‫صال ٍح ف‬ ٍ
‫ مو معلمى كل معْبد م‬،‫ك‬
‫ ت مسلم معلمى نمـ ْفس م‬:"‫ني‬
‫"الس ملم معلمْيـنما مو معلمى عبماد هللا الصاحل م‬
.‫ مومل ي ْد مع ْو من مم مع هللا‬،‫ موالصاحلو من ي ْد معى مُل ْم‬،‫ موالس ملم د معاء‬،‫الس مماء مو ْالمْرض‬
"Peace be upon us and upon all of the pious slaves of Allaah":
you are saluting yourself and every pious servant in the heaven
and the earth. Salutation is a form of supplication. The pious
are being supplicated for, and they are not to be supplicated to
along with Allaah.

‫ تم ْش مهد مش مه مادةم الْيمقني أمن ل يـ ْعبم مد‬:"‫ موأم ْش مهد أمن حممم ًدا معْبده مومرسوله‬،‫"أم ْش مهد أمن ل إلـهم إل هللا‬
،‫ف الس مماء مومل ف ْالمْرض بم ٍق إل هللا‬
"I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except
Allaah and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and

messenger": You testify a testimony of certainty that no one in
the heaven and the earth is worshipped rightfully except

‫ مشرفمه‬،‫ بم ْل يطماع مويـتـبمع‬،‫ مومرسول مل ي مكذب‬،‫ معْبد مل يـ ْعبمد‬:"‫مو مش مه مادة "أمن حممم ًدا معْبده مومرسوله‬
‫ ﴿تمـبم مارمك الذي نمـزمل الْف ْرقما من معلمى معْبده ليمكو من‬:‫ موالدليل قمـ ْوله تمـ مع مال‬،‫هللا ِبلْعبودية موالر مسالمة‬
.]7 :‫ني نمذ ًيرا﴾ [الفرقان‬
‫ل ْل معالمم م‬
And your testimony that Muhammad is the slave and
Messenger of Allaah: he is a slave who should not be
worshipped, and a messenger who must not be rejected.
Rather, he is to be obeyed and followed. Allaah honored him
with slavery (to Allaah) and messengership. The proof is His,
The Most High, statement [which means]: "Blessed be the One
who sent down the Criterion upon His slave so that He may be a
warner to all the worlds". [Surah Al-Furqaan: 1]

"‫ك ممحيد مميد‬ ٍ ٍ

‫ إن م‬،‫ت معلمى آل إبْـمراه ميم‬
‫صلْي م‬
‫ مك مما م‬،‫ مو معلمى آل حمممد‬،‫صل معلمى حمممد‬
‫"اللهم م‬
O Allaah send Salaah upon Muhammad and upon the family of
Muhammad like You sent Salaah upon the family of Ibraaheem.
Verily, You are Praiseworthy and Majestic.

‫"صحيحه" مع ْن أمب‬
‫ مك مما مح مكى الْب مخاري ف م‬،‫الص ملة م من هللا ثـمنماؤه معلمى معْبده ف الْ مم مل ْالم ْعلمى‬
‫ موم من‬.‫ ال ْست ْغ مفار‬:‫ موم من الْ مم ملئ مكة‬،"‫"ص ملة هللا ثـمنماؤه معلمى معْبده ف الْ مم مل ْالم ْعلمى‬
‫ م‬:‫الْ معاليمة‬
.‫"ومِبرْك" مومما بمـ ْع مد مها م من الد معاء سنمن أمقْـ مو ٍال‬
‫ م‬.‫ الد معاء‬:‫ني‬
‫ْال مدمي م‬
The meaning of Salaah from Allaah is His praising of His
servant in the highest of gatherings, as Al-Bukhaaree
mentioned in his Saheeh that Abul-‘Aaliyah said: “The Salaah
of Allaah means His praise for His servant in the highest of
gatherings". And Salaah from the angels, means: seeking
forgiveness. And from the humans, it means supplication. And

asking for blessings and what comes after it from supplication
are all optional supplications.

،‫ مجيع الت ْكب ميات مغ مي تم ْكب مية ْال ْحمرام‬:‫موالْ مواجبمات مثمانيمة‬
The obligatory actions are eight: All of the Takbeers except
for the Opening Takbeer;

:‫موقمـ ْول‬

"‫ب الْ معظيم‬

‫"سْب محا من مر م‬
How perfect is my Lord, the Greatest.

،‫ف الركوع‬
While bowing;

:‫موقمـ ْول‬

"‫"س مع هللا ل مم ْن ممح مده‬

Allaah hears the one who praises Him

،‫ل ْل ممام موالْمْنـ مفرد‬

For the Imaam and the one praying alone;

:‫موقمـ ْول‬

"‫احلم ْمد‬
ْ ‫ك‬ ‫"ربـنما مولم م‬
Our Lord to You belongs the Praise

،‫ل ْلكل‬

For everyone;

:‫موقمـ ْول‬

"‫ب ْالم ْعلمى‬

‫"سْب محا من مر م‬
How Perfect is my Lord, the Most High

،‫ف السجود‬
While prostrating;

:‫موقمـ ْول‬

"‫"رب ا ْغف ْر ل‬
My Lord, forgive me

،‫ني الس ْج مدتمـ ْني‬

‫بمـ ْ م‬
Between the two prostrations;

،‫موالت مشهد ْالمول‬

The first Tashahhud; and

.‫اللوس لمه‬
ْ ‫مو‬
The sitting for it.

،‫ط مْنـ مها مس ْه ًوا أمْو مع ْم ًدا بمطملمت الص ملة بتمـ ْركه‬
‫فم ْالمْرمكان مما مس مق م‬
As for The pillars if one fails to perform any of them whether
it is out of forgetfulness or intentionally, then his prayer is
invalid because of what was left out.

،‫ط مْنـ مها مس ْه ًوا مجبمـمره سجود الس ْهو مو مع ْم ًدا بمطملمت الص ملة بتمـ ْركه‬
‫موالْ مواجبمات مما مس مق م‬

As for the obligatory actions if one fails to perform it due to
forgetfulness, then it should be compensated for with the
prostrations of forgetfulness and if left off intentionally, his
prayer is invalid because he left it off.

.‫موهللا أم ْعلمم‬
And Allaah knows best.


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