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General Biology 2 – Grade 11 (STEM)

Quarter 4 – Week 2A: Plants and Animals: Nutrient Procurement and Processing

First Edition, 2021

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General Biology 2 Grade 11 Quarter 4 Week 2A

Plants and Animals: Nutrient Procurement and Processing

Name: ______________________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Compare and contrast nutrient procurement and processing in plants and animals

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners shall be able to:
1. define nutrient and cite the nutritional requirements of plants and animals;
2. enumerate nutritional adaptation by plants and feeding mechanisms in animals; and
3. trace the pathway of food processing in a mammalian/human digestive system.

Time Allotment: 2 Hours

Key Concepts

Nutrients are compounds in foods essential to life and health, providing us with energy, the
building blocks for repair and growth and substances necessary to regulate chemical processes.
There are six major nutrients: Carbohydrates (CHO), Lipids (fats), Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals,
and Water.

Plant Nutrition. When we talk plant nutrition, we are

referring to the supply and absorption of chemical
compounds for the growth and metabolism of plants.
These chemical compounds for growth are known as
plant nutrients or essential elements. In order for
higher plants to sustain their metabolic processes,
inorganic nutrients are obtained from the
environment via soil, air, and water. Classifying
elements are essential for plant growth is based on
visual diagnosis, plant analysis, biochemical tests, and
soil test. The following are the nutritional requirements of Figure 1. Plant Nutrients: What they need
plants; water, carbon dioxide, and essential elements. and when they need it?
• Water helps a plant by transporting important
nutrients. Nutrients are drawn from the soil and used by the©
plant. Without proper balance of
water, the plant not only is malnourished, but it is also physically weak and cannot support its
own weight.
• Carbon Dioxide is a gas consisting of one-part carbon and two parts oxygen. It is one of the
most important gases on Earth because plants use it to produce carbohydrates in a process
called photosynthesis. Since humans and animals depend on plants for food, photosynthesis
is necessary for the survival of life on Earth. Higher concentrations of carbon
dioxide make plants more productive because photosynthesis relies on using the sun's energy
to synthesize sugar out of carbon dioxide and water. Plants and ecosystems use the sugar both


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as an energy source and as the basic building block for growth. (Note that water and carbon
dioxide are the raw materials needed for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert the
energy from sunlight into chemical energy.)
• Essential Elements. At present, plant biologists are able to identify 17 elements as essential
for plants, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Essential Elements and Physiology in Plants

Elements Function in plants
Carbon, Hydrogen, Major constituent of organic plant material; assimilation
Oxygen of oxidation-reduction reactions
Cell wall synthesis; enzymatic reactions and metabolic pathways;
mitotic activity for rot development
Structural component of the cell wall and cell membrane;
counter-ion in the vacuole
Water splitting system for photosystem II; stomatal opening
Co-factor for metalloproteins and enzymes; photosynthetic
Copper electron transport; cell wall metabolism and hormone signaling;
oxidative stress response
Regulatory component of proteins and metabolites in roots and
Magnesium Chlorophyll synthesis; cofactor in activation of ATPase
Photo destruction of chlorophyll and chloroplast structure;
Manganese enzyme activator; precursor of amino acid, hormone (auxins) and
Enzyme activation (e.g., nitrate reductase, catalase, and
ribonuclease); chlorophyll synthesis
Endosperm development and dehydrogenase activity; urease
activation for urea breakdown; root nodule growth
General plant growth of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits;
chlorophyll synthesis
Energy transferring process for photosynthesis and respiration
Phosphorus (ADP-ATP synthesis); structural component of phospholipids,
nucleic acids, coenzymes, and nucleotides
Cell extension and stomatal regulation; enzyme activation
Potassium (kinase, starch synthase, and nitrate reductase); photosynthetic
activity (e.g., CO2 fixation and pH regulation)
Assimilation of oxidation-reduction reactions; participates in
various enzymatic processes
Enzymatic function and reactivity; stem elongation; protein and
starch synthesis
(Essential element for some but not all higher plant species)

Routes for the absorption of water and minerals across plant roots:
Symplast route – refers to the continuous arrangement of protoplasts of a plant, which are
interconnected by plasmodesmata. Apoplast route – refers to the non-protoplasmic
components of a plant, including the cell wall and the intracellular spaces.
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Water and minerals from the soil need to reach the conducting tissues of plants, specifically
the xylem. The two routes mentioned show how this can happen.

Specialized absorptive structures:

Root hairs – slender extensions of specialized epidermal cells that greatly increase the surface
area available for absorption. Root nodules – localized swellings in roots of certain plants
where bacterial cells exist symbiotically with the plant. The bacteria help the plant fix nitrogen
and in turn, the bacteria are able to utilize some organic compounds provided by the plant.
Mycorrhizae (singular, mycorrhiza) – a symbiotic interaction between a young root and
a fungus. The fungus obtains sugars and nitrogen-containing compounds from root cells while
the plant is able to get some scarce minerals that the fungus is able to absorb from the soil.

Nutritional adaptation by plants

• Symbiosis of plants and soil microbes.
Diatomic nitrogen is abundant in the
atmosphere and soil, but plants are unable to
use it because they do not have the necessary
enzyme, nitrogenase, to convert it into a form
that they can use to make proteins. Soil
bacteria, or rhizobia, are able to perform
biological nitrogen fixation in which
atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) is converted
into the ammonia (NH3) that plants are able to
use to synthesize proteins. Both the plants
and the bacteria benefit from the process of
nitrogen fixation; the plant obtains the Figure 2. Nutritional adaptation by plants
nitrogen it needs to synthesize proteins, while
the bacteria obtain carbon from the plant and
a secure environment to inhabit within the plant roots.
• Symbiosis of plants and fungi. Because nutrients are often depleted in the soil, most plants
form symbiotic relationships called mycorrhizae with fungi2.Summary
Figure that integrate into thenutrition
of animal plant’s root.
The relationship between plants and fungi is symbiotic because the plant obtains phosphate
and other minerals through the fungus, while the©
fungus obtains sugars from the plant root.
The long extensions of the fungus, called hyphae, help increase the surface area of the plant
root system so that it can extend beyond the area of nutrient depletion.
Symbiotic relationships are important because they are a major driving force of
evolution. This networking and cooperation among species allows them to survive better than
they would as individuals.
• Parasitism. Some plants are parasites, which acquire all or some of their nutrients from
another host plant and are therefore, entirely dependent upon it for their survival. Saprophytes
acquire nutrients from dead matter, using enzymes to convert complex organic compounds
into simpler forms from which the plant can absorb nutrients. A symbiont experiences a
mutually-beneficial arrangement with a plant; both partners contribute necessary nutrients to
the other.
• Predation is a biological interaction where one organism, the predator, kills and eats another
organism, its prey.


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Animal Nutrition. In the course of evolution, animals have formed ways to obtain, process, and
digest food as heterotrophs. Some were able to establish symbiosis with other organisms to
perform this function. Animal nutrition focuses on the dietary nutrients needs of animals,
primarily those in agriculture and food production, but also in zoos, aquariums, and wildlife
management. There are seven major classes
of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, fibre, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water.

• Carbohydrates are referred to as energy-giving

foods. They provide energy in the form of calories
that the body needs to be able to work, and to
support other functions. Carbohydrates are needed
in large amounts by the body. Indeed, up to 65% of
our energy comes from carbohydrates. They are the
body’s main source of fuel because they are easily
converted into energy. This energy is usually in the
form of glucose, which all tissues and cells in our
bodies readily use.
• Fats are triglycerides, made of assorted fatty
acid monomers bound to glycerol backbone. Some
fatty acids, but not all, are essential in the diet: they Figure 3. Classes of Nutrients
cannot be synthesized in the body. Fats and oils are ©
concentrated sources of energy and so are important
nutrients for young children who need a lot of energy-rich food. 2.Summary
Figure Fats can also make meals
of animal
tastier and satisfying. Fat is found in meat, chicken, milk products, butters, creams, avocado,
cooking oils and fats, cheese, fish and ground nuts.
• Fiber is a mixture of different carbohydrates which are not digested like other nutrients but
pass through the gut nearly unchanged. Foods rich in fiber are vegetables like cabbage,
carrots, cassava; fruits like banana and avocado; peas and beans; whole-grain cereals like
wheat flour and refined maize or sorghum. Fiber should be included in the diet for the
following reasons:
1. fiber makes food bulky or bigger — this can help a person who is overweight to eat less
2. fiber makes the feces soft and bulky; this can help prevent constipation; and
3. fiber slows the absorption of nutrients, so it helps nutrients to enter the blood stream
slowly. This is important for patients with diabetes mellitus.
• Proteins are needed in our diets for growth (especially important for children, teens and
pregnant women) and to improve immune functions. They also play an important role in
making essential hormones and enzymes, in tissue repair, preserving lean muscle mass, and
supplying energy in times when carbohydrates are not available. Pregnant women need protein
to build their bodies and that of the babies and placentas, to make extra blood and for fat
storage. Breastfeeding mothers need protein to make breast milk. The main sources of proteins
are meats, chicken, eggs, breast milk, beans, ground nuts, fish, cheese and milk. All animal
foods contain more protein than plants and are therefore usually better sources of body
building foods.
• Minerals or dietary minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms, other
than the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen that are present in nearly
all organic molecules. The term "mineral" is archaic, since the intent is to describe simply the


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less common elements in the diet. Many elements are essential in relative quantity; they are
usually called "bulk minerals". Some are structural, but many play a role as electrolytes.
• Vitamins are groups of related substances present in small amounts in foodstuffs and are
necessary for the body to function normally. Vitamins are also called protective foods. They
are grouped together because, as their name implies, they are a vital factor in the diet.
Vitamins are classified into two groups: Fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K) are
soluble in fats and fat solvents. They are insoluble in water. So these are utilized only if there is
enough fat in the body. Water soluble vitamins (vitamins B and C, and folic acid) are soluble
in water and so they cannot be stored in the body. The best sources of micronutrients in our
diets are fruits and vegetables. These two food groups contain essential vitamins and minerals.
Animal sources of foods are also both good sources of micronutrients.

• Water. As you may remember that a 50 kg adult contains about 31L of water and a one-year-
old, 10 kg child contains nearly 8L of water. Almost every part of the body contains large
amounts of water. People can live without solid food for a few weeks, but we cannot live
without water for more than a few days. An adult need about 2–3L of water each day. Water is
essential for life. We need water for a number of reasons:
1. for the body to make cells and fluids such as tears, digestive juices and breast milk;
2. for the body to make sweat for cooling itself;
3. for essential body processes — most take place in water;
4. for keeping the lining of the mouth, intestine, eyelids and lungs wet and healthy; and
5. for the production of urine which carries waste from the body.

Feeding Mechanisms of Animals

Substrate-feeders – animals that live in or on their food source. Examples: earthworms that
feed through the soil where they live in; caterpillars that eat through the leaves where they
live on. Filter-feeders – include many aquatic animals which draw in water and strain small
organisms and food particles present in the medium. Examples: whales and coelenterates.
Fluid-feeders – suck fluids containing nutrients from a living host. Examples: mosquitoes,
leeches, head lice. Bulk-feeders – eat relatively large chunks of food and have adaptations
like jaws, teeth, tentacles, claws, pincers, etc. that help in securing the food and tearing it to
pieces. Examples: snakes, cats, man. Feeding has a direct impact on the growth rate,
production capacity and health status of the animal. It has a direct impact on
the growth rate and health status of the animal as well as on the animal's product quality.

Food processing in the human digestive system

A. The Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Esophagus. Oral Cavity – it is where food is initially chewed
into shreds by the teeth, and mixed with saliva by the tongue. Saliva is secreted into the
mouth by three pairs of salivary glands located above the upper jaw and below the lower jaw.
Pharynx –the region in the back of the throat that serves as the entrance to the esophagus
that connects to the stomach and trachea (windpipe) that serves as airway to the lungs. To
block breathing as food leaves the pharynx, a flap-like valve (the epiglottis) and the vocal
cords close off the trachea. Esophagus – connects the pharynx with the stomach. No digestion
takes place within the esophagus but the contractions within its muscular wall propel the
food past a sphincter, into the stomach. The rhythmic waves of contraction of the smooth
muscle wall of the esophagus are called peristaltic contractions or peristalsis. The esophagus is
about 25 cm (10 in.) long.


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B. The Stomach is a muscular, stretchable sac located
just below the diaphragm. It has three important
functions. First, it mixes and stores ingested food.
Second, it secretes gastric juice that helps dissolve
and degrade the food, particularly proteins. Third, it
regulates the passage of food into the small intestine.
The gastric juice is a combination of HCl and acid-
stable proteases. The churning action of the stomach
together with the potent acidity of the gastric juice
convert food into a thick, liquid mixture called chyme.

C.Small Intestine is approximately 6 meters long and is

composed of three regions: the duodenum, jejunum,
and ileum. It is where most enzymatic hydrolysis of the
Figure 4. Digestive System
macromolecules from food occurs. The complete
digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins occurs in ©
the duodenum, about the first 25 cm. of the small
intestine. The rest of the small intestine is devoted to absorbing water and the products of
digestion into the bloodstream. Absorption of the end products of digestion takes place in the
ileum, the surface area of which is increased by villi and microvilli.

D. The Accessory Digestive Organs

liver – secretes bile for emulsifying fats
gallbladder – stores bile produced by the liver
pancreas – secretes enzymes that break down all major food molecules; secretes buffers
against HCl from the stomach; secretes the hormone insulin for control of glucose

E. The Large Intestine or Colon is much shorter than the small intestine, about 1 meter. It
concentrates and stores undigested matter by absorbing mineral ions and water. A small
amount of fluid, sodium, and vitamin K are absorbed through its walls. Unlike the small
intestine, it does not coil up and does not have villi and has only one-thirtieth of the
absorptive surface area of the small intestine. Many bacteria live and thrive within the large
intestine where they help process undigested material into the final excretory product, feces.

F. The Rectum and Anus. Rectum is a short extension of the large intestine and is the final
segment of the digestive tract. It is where the compacted undigested food from the colon is
pushed via peristaltic contractions. The distention of the rectum triggers expulsion of feces.
The anus is the terminal opening of the digestive system through which feces are expelled.


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Activity 1. Nutri-chunk!
Objective: Define nutrient and cite the nutritional requirements of plants and animals.
What you need: pen and paper
What to do: Match the Functions in Column A to their respective Nutritional Requirement to
Column B. Choose the letter of the correct answer, and write it on your answer sheet.
B. Nutritional
A. Function
1. For keeping the lining of the mouth, intestine, eyelids and lungs wet
a. Protein
and healthy
2. They provide energy in the form of calories that the body needs to be
b. Sulfur
able to work, and to support other functions.
3. Structural component of the cell wall and cell membrane; counter-ion
c. Potassium
in the vacuole
4. Play a role as electrolytes; d. Phosphorus

5. Protective foods; and a vital factor in the diet e. Fats

6. Regulatory component of proteins and metabolites in root and leaves f. Nickel

7. Help prevent constipation; it helps nutrients to enter the blood stream
g. Carbon Dioxide
slowly; and help a person who is overweight to eat less food
8. Photo destruction of chlorophyll and chloroplast structure; enzyme
h. Manganese
activator; precursor of amino acid, hormone (auxins) and lignin
9. It is one of the most important gases on Earth because plants use it to
i. Fiber
produce carbohydrates in a process called photosynthesis.
10. Endosperm development and dehydrogenase activity; urease activation
j. Iron
for urea breakdown; root nodule growth
11. Sources of energy and so are important nutrients for young children
k. Vitamins
who need a lot of energy-rich food.
12. Energy transferring process for photosynthesis and respiration (ADP-
ATP synthesis); structural component of phospholipids, nucleic acids, l. Minerals
coenzymes, and nucleotides
13. Cell extension and stomatal regulation; enzyme activation (kinase,
starch synthase, and nitrate reductase); photosynthetic activity (e.g., CO2 m. Calcium
fixation and pH regulation)
14. Assimilation of oxidation-reduction reactions; participates in various
n. Carbohydrates
enzymatic processes
15. Play an important role in making essential hormones and enzymes, in
tissue repair, preserving lean muscle mass, and supplying energy in o. Water
times when carbohydrates are not available.

Guide Question:
Why nutrients should be included in the diet? Justify your answer. Write two sentences
answer that practically explain the question.

(Note: you may refer to the rubric for rating responses on page 9)


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Activity 2. Crossword Puzzle
Objective: Enumerate nutritional adaptation by plants and feeding mechanisms in animals
What you need: pen and paper
What to do: Answer the crossword puzzle below. Some of the letters are already place correctly
as clue. Write your answers clearly on a separate sheet of paper.

1 M L 2 T
P 8
3 H A 4 U
5 Y R I Z E 11 I T F D F
9 U S R 14 T 10 E E
7 A I I S 12 U
13 R Y E
15 E T T R H P


1. The continuous arrangement of
protoplasts of a plant, which are
2. The non-protoplasmic components of a
interconnected by plasmodesmata.
plant, including the cell wall and the
3. Slender extensions of specialized
intracellular spaces.
epidermal cells that greatly increase the
4. Localized swellings in roots of certain
surface area available for absorption.
plants where bacterial cells exist
5. A symbiotic interaction between a young
symbiotically with the plant. The bacteria
root and a fungus.
help the plant fix nitrogen and in turn, the
7. Some plants are parasites, which
bacteria are able to utilize some organic
acquire all of some of their nutrients from
compounds provided by the plant.
another host plant and are, therefore,
6. Is a biological interaction where one
entirely dependent upon it for their
organism, the predator, kills and eats
another organism, its prey?
9. Animals that live in or on their food
8. Eat relatively large chunks of food and
source. Examples: earthworms that feed
have adaptations like jaws, teeth, tentacles,
through the soil where they live in;
claws, pincers, etc. that help in securing
caterpillars that eat through the leaves
the food and tearing it to pieces.
where they live on.
10. Suck fluids containing nutrients from a
11. Include many aquatic animals which
living host.
draw in water and strain small organisms
12. An organism that primarily obtains food
and food particles present in the medium.
by the killing and consuming of other
13. An animal taken by a predator as food.
15. Organisms that cannot manufacture
14. Organism that can make their own
their own food.
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Guide Question: Write two sentences answer that practically explains the question.
1. Why are symbiotic relationships important in our ecosystems?
2. How do feeds affect animals’ growth?

(Note: you may refer to the rubric for rating responses on page 9)

Activity 3. I’m On My Way

Objective: Trace the pathway of food processing in a mammalian/human digestive system.
What you need: pen and paper
What to do: State the chemical digestion that happens in each of the following organ illustrated
Example: it is where food is
initially chewed into shreds
by the teeth, and mixed 1.
with saliva by the tongue.


Guide Question: Write two sentences answer that practically explains the question.

What do think will happen to the food as it enters the mouth and before it reaches to the

Rubric for Rating the Answer to the Guide Questions:

3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Knowledge applied is Knowledge applied is Knowledge applied is

scientifically explained scientifically explained explained consistent to the
consistent to the concept, and consistent to the concept, but concept, but with
has no misconception with minimal misconception misconception

Reflection: Write five sentences answer that practically explains the question.

Every day, 95 children in the Philippines die from malnutrition. Twenty-seven out of
1,000 Filipino children do not get past their fifth birthday. A third of Filipino children are
stunted or short for their age. Stunting after 2 years of age can be permanent, irreversible and
even fatal. Why is malnutrition a problem in the Philippines?

(Note: you may refer to the rubric for rating responses above)


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Book Sources

Campbell, Neil A., Biology Concepts and Connections – 4th Edition. Pearson Education
Asia) Pte. Ltd., 2003.

Rea, Maria Angelica D., and Nikki Heherson A. Dagamac. General Biology 2 - 1st Edition.
RexBook Store, Inc. 2017

Web Sources

Airthings, What is Carbon Dioxide?, 2021 Accessed on: April 6, 2021 Retrieved

K to 12 MELCS with Corresponding CG- Codes. Department of Education: Curriculum and

Instruction Strand, 2020. Accessed on: June 10, 2020, Retrieved from:

Lumen. Soil and Plant Nutrition. October 17, 2013. April 6, 2021 Retrieved from:

Nutrition Module: 2. Nutrients and their Sources Accessed on: April 6, 2021 Retrieved from:

The Conversation MediaGroup Ltd, Carbon dioxide, 2010-2021 April 6, 2021 Retrieved from: Shari Armstrong, How does water affect plant growth? 2021.
April 6, 2021 Retrieved from:

Wikipedia, Animal Nutrition, March 2018 Accessed on: March 18, 2021 Retrieved from:


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Answer Key

Activity 1. Nurti-chunk Activity 2. Crossword Puzzle

1. O 9. G Across Down
2. N 10. F 1. Symplast 2. Apolast
3. M 11. E 3. Root hair 4. Root nodule
4. L 12. D 5. Mycorrhizae 6. Predation
5. K 13. C 7. Parasitism 8. Bulk-feeder
6. J 14. B 9. Substrate-feeder 10. Fluid-feeder
7. I 15. A 11. Filter-feeder 12. Predator
8. H 13. Prey 14. Autotrophs
15. Heterotrophs
Guide Questions:Sample Answers
1. Probably because nutrients are compounds in Guide Questions: Sample Answers
foods essential to life and health, providing us with 1. Symbiotic relationships are important because they
energy, the building blocks for repair and growth and are a major driving force of evolution. This networking
substances necessary to regulate chemical processes. and cooperation among species allows them to survive
better than they would as individuals.
2. Feeding has a direct impact on the growth rate,
production capacity and health status of the animal. It
has a direct impact on the growth rate and health status
of the animal as well as on the animal's product quality.

Activity 3. I’m On My Way Reflection

Guide Questions:Sample Answers
1. Serves as the entrance to the esophagus. Sample Answers:
2. No digestion takes place within the esophagus but An estimated seven million children across
the contractions within its muscular wall propel the Philippines suffer from serious malnutrition.
the food past a sphincter, into the stomach. This problem is largely driven by inadequate access to
3.It mixes and stores ingested food, it secretes gastric nutritious food, lack of nutrition education, as well as
juice that helps dissolve and degrade the food, poor health and sanitation services.
particularly proteins, and it regulates the passage
of food into the small intestine.
4.It is where most enzymatic hydrolysis of the
macromolecules from food occurs.
5.Secretes bile for emulsifying fats
6.Stores bile produced by the liver
7.Secretes enzymes that break down all major food
molecules; secretes buffers against HCl from the
stomach; secretes the hormone insulin for control
of glucose metabolism
8.It concentrates and stores undigested matter by
absorbing mineral ions and water.
9.It is where the compacted undigested food from the
colon is pushed via peristaltic contractions.
10.Is the terminal opening of the digestive system
through which feces are expelled?

Guide Question: Sample Answer

The digestive system plays an important role in the

absorption of nutrients into the body. It takes the
food we ingest, breaks it down mechanically and
chemically in the mouth and stomach. It then
absorbs nutrients, fats, proteins, and water in the
intestines before eliminating the waste through the


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