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Peace Corps Volunteer 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey Africa Region November 24, 2008

Office of Strategic Information, Research and Planning

Table of Contents Introduction to the 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey Report...................3 Overall Assessment of Your Peace Corps Experience...........................4 A. Your Peace Corps Assignment.........................................................10 B. Training for Your Peace Corps Assignment ..................................15 C. Your Life in the Peace Corps.............................................................19 D. Volunteer Assignment Goals and Impact.........................................26 E. Peace Corps Support .........................................................................32 F. Your Safety and Security ...................................................................41 G. Volunteers working in HIV/AIDS........................................................60 H. Your Overall Assessment of Your Peace Corps Experience...........70

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.

Introduction to the 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey Report

This Report summarizes the responses of Volunteers in the Africa Region to the 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey (BVS) fielded from May through August 2008. You may compare post results to these regional results across all Africa Region Volunteers who responded to the 2008 BVS. The 2008 BVS results for Regions and Posts provide a picture of the activities, experiences and views of Peace Corps Volunteers in 2008. They show areas where Volunteers needs are met as well as identify areas where improvements may be needed. Additionally, in this years survey, new questions were included on ways in which Volunteers are meeting Peace Corps Goal 2 and Goal 3 Objectives. Posts are encouraged to compare these 2008 results with the 2006 survey results to note trends and changes over time. Because questions are revised from one survey to the next, a crosswalk between the 2006 and 2008 questions is posted on the OSIRP intranet page under 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey Reports Reference Documents. Copies of 2006 Volunteer Survey Country Reports are available through the OSIRP intranet page. Tables and graphs are labeled by survey section, question number, and the survey question. The tables show the percent of post respondents that selected each choice and the total number of post respondents that answered the question. Most survey questions asked respondents to select one out of a set of choices. The percentages for the select one responses add up to 100 percent. Tables reporting Volunteer responses to mark all that apply questions contain three types of information: the number of Volunteers who selected each possible choice, the percentage of respondents selecting that choice, and the total number of Volunteers who answered the question (in the right-hand bottom corner of the table). Each percentage equals the number of respondents selecting that choice divided by the number of respondents who answered the question. For Volunteers responses to the 2008 BVS seven major open-ended questions (B3, B5, D6, G8, and J1-3), please refer to the other post report BVS 2008 Survey Open Ended Questions.
Post Surveys: Paper and Online Paper Number Type of survey 435 Percent 31% Online Number 949 Percent 69% Number 1384 Total Percent 100%

The online count above may include PDF or damaged paper surveys hand-entered into the online survey system. The online count may also include mostly completed partial surveys added to the final dataset after the survey closed.

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.

Overall Assessment of Your Peace Corps Experience

This section reports Volunteers overall satisfaction with their Peace Corps experience.

H1: How personally rewarding is your overall Peace Corps service? Not at all H1 1% Minimally 4% Moderately 23% Considerably 47% Exceptionally 26% Total 1329

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.

H2: Today would you make the same decision to join the Peace Corps? No H2 1% Not likely 2% Possibly 12% Probably 25% Definitely 59% Total 1328

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.

H3: Would you recommend Peace Corps service to others you think are qualified? No H3 1% Not likely 2% Possibly 14% Probably 25% Definitely 58% Total 1329

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.

H4: How personally rewarding do you find your overall Peace Corps service? No H4 2% Not sure 4% Yes 73% Might extend 22% Total 1327

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.

H5: How well do your Peace Corps experiences match the expectations you had before you became a Volunteer? Not at all H5 6% Minimally 18% Moderately 38% Considerably 30% Exceptionally 8% Total 1328

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.

H6: Would your host country benefit the most if the Peace Corps program were---? Refocused/redesi Discontinued H6 3% Reduced 6% gned 43% Maintained as is 25% Expanded 23% Total 1138

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.

A. Your Peace Corps Assignment

This section reports Volunteers primary assignment work and secondary activities. The term primary assignment refers to the Volunteers assignment which is part of an overall project plan designed by your host country partners and in-country Peace Corps staff.
A1: Number of Months in Country including PST Fewer than 3 months Time in country 3% 3 to 6 months 10% 7 to 12 months 34% 13 to 18 months 16% 19 to 27 months 34% More than 27 months 4% Total 1377

A2: Which best describes your primary assignment? Percent A2 HIV/AIDS Health Math/science teaching English teaching Business education/advising Teacher training Agroforestry Urban & regional planning/municipal development Agriculture/fish/livestock Other Other education Environmental education Community development NGO development Youth Development Water sanitation Information & communications technology (ICT) Forestry/parks Total 15% 15% 9% 8% 7% 7% 6% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 100% Number 210 208 126 108 97 96 89 75 69 51 51 48 39 30 24 20 18 15 1374

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


A3: Which of the following initiatives does your primary work include? Mark all that apply. % Involved in PCV Responses $A3PrmAct HIV/AIDS Working with youth Income generation Nutrition education Working with NGO(s) Girls' education Environment work Rural development English teaching Household food security Natural resources management Child survival Business advising Information and communications technology (ICT) World Wise Schools/Correspondence Match WID/GAD Other Library development Micro-enterprise Biodiversity conservation Mobilize host country nationals (HCNs) to volunteer Working with disabled Urban development/municipal development Total Percents may total to more than 100% since Volunteers were asked to "Mark all that apply." 654 624 506 395 386 354 312 303 301 209 205 200 199 175 165 156 153 148 148 137 113 52 44 Initiative 47% 45% 37% 29% 28% 26% 23% 22% 22% 15% 15% 15% 14% 13% 12% 11% 11% 11% 11% 10% 8% 4% 3% 1377 Total PCVs Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


A4: Hours Spent on Primary Assignment During Average Work Week None A4Hrs6grp 1% 1-10 hrs 18% 11-20 hrs 31% 21-30 hrs 26% 31-40 hrs 16% More than 40 hrs 8% Total 1360

A4: How many hours do you spend on your primary assignment during an average work week? All Volunteers A4 1384 Average 23.9 Lowest reported 0 Highest reported 80 Did not answer 24

A5: To what extent are your skills, interests, and experiences used by your primary assignment? Not at all A5 1% Poorly 12% Adequately 38% Well 35% Very Well 13% Total 1377

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


A6. Which of the following do your secondary activities include? Mark all that apply. PCV Responses $A6SecAct Working with youth HIV/AIDS English teaching Girls' education Income generation Nutrition education Working with NGO(s) Environment work Library development Rural development World Wise Schools/Correspondence Match WID/GAD Information and communications technology (ICT) Other Business advising Household food security Natural resources management Child survival Micro-enterprise Mobilize host country nationals (HCNs) to volunteer Biodiversity conservation Working with disabled Urban development/municipal development Total Percents may total to more than 100% since Volunteers were asked to "Mark all that apply." 600 509 492 450 390 289 271 254 235 229 227 214 186 146 136 120 118 114 114 103 71 41 32 % Involved in Initiative 47% 40% 38% 35% 30% 22% 21% 20% 18% 18% 18% 17% 14% 11% 11% 9% 9% 9% 9% 8% 6% 3% 2% 1286 Total PCVs Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


A6: No Secondary Activities Percent A6.NOSECACTS NA No secondary activities Total 91% 9% 100% Number 902 90 992

A7: Hours Spent on Secondary Activities During Average Work Week None A7Hrs6grp 1% 1-10 hrs 65% 11-20 hrs 25% 21-30 hrs 6% 31-40 hrs 2% More than 40 hrs 1% Total 1298

A7. How many hours do you spend on secondary activities during an average work week? All Volunteers A7 1384 Average 11.3 Lowest reported 0 Highest reported 75 Did not answer 86

A8. To what extent is the Peace Corps work you do personally satisfying? Not at all A8 1% Minimally 7% Moderately 32% Considerably 45% Exceptionally 16% Total 1367

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


B. Training for Your Peace Corps Assignment

This section reports Volunteers assessments of the effectiveness of their Pre-Service Training (B2) and In-Service Training (B4) at post. In-Service Training (IST) includes: Reconnect; Technical IST; Mid-Service and Close of Service conferences; project management/leadership conferences; and other post-sponsored training sessions.

B1: How long was your Pre-Service Training (PST) before you were sworn in as a Volunteer? Longer 6 weeks or less B1 1% 7 weeks 1% 8 weeks 22% 9 weeks 27% 10 weeks 32% 11 weeks 11% 12 weeks 5% than 12 weeks 1% Total 1374

B2: How effective was your Pre-Service Training (PST) in preparing you to-Not effective a. Manage cultural differences b. Deal with adjustment issues c. Work with counterparts d. Use language needed in work/social interactions e. Perform technical aspects of your work f. Work with project goals and objectives g. Use participatory development assessments (e.g., PACA) h. Monitor project goals and outcomes i. Maintain your physical health j. Maintain your mental/emotional health k. Maintain your personal safety and security 4% 1% 1% 25% 4% 8% 45% 22% 31% 23% 40% 39% 4% 33% 21% 1317 1362 1375 6% 25% 37% 24% 7% 1289 1% 1% 5% 4% Poor 6% 7% 26% 13% Adequate 29% 35% 44% 28% Effective 41% 42% 20% 31% Very Effective 24% 15% 5% 25% Total 1378 1372 1366 1366



















The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


B4: How effective was your In-Service Training (IST) in preparing you to-Not effective a. Manage cultural differences b. Deal with adjustment issues c. Build relationships with counterparts d. Use language needed in work/social interactions e. Perform technical aspects of your work f. Work with project goals and objectives g. Use participatory development assessments (e.g., PACA) h. Monitor project goals and outcomes i. Maintain your physical health j. Maintain your mental/emotional health k. Maintain your personal safety and security 3% 3% 3% 15% 6% 6% 41% 38% 38% 32% 35% 35% 9% 17% 18% 1174 1093 1112 9% 24% 40% 22% 5% 998 4% 3% 4% Poor 11% 9% 17% Adequate 48% 44% 41% Effective 31% 35% 29% Very Effective 7% 9% 9% Total 1082 1140 1153

























The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


B6.1: Did you have this skill before joining the Peace Corps? Yes a. Skills specific to my assignment b. Assessing community needs c. Organizing/ implementing community activities d. Building capacity of local organizations e. Monitoring, reporting and evaluating my work f. Designing and implementing training sessions 66% No 34% Total 1376
















B6.2: Is the skill needed for your Peace Corps work? Yes a. Skills specific to my assignment b. Assessing community needs c. Organizing/ implementing community activities d. Building capacity of local organizations e. Monitoring, reporting and evaluating my work f. Designing and implementing training sessions 91% No 9% Total 1373
















The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


B6.3: Have you had adequate Peace Corps training to acquire the skill? No Training Yes a. Skills specific to my assignment b. Assessing community needs c. Organizing/ implementing community activities d. Building capacity of local organizations e. Monitoring, reporting and evaluating my work f. Designing and implementing training sessions 63% No 26% Needed 11% Total 1263





















The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


C. Your Life in the Peace Corps

This section reports on Volunteers description of and adjustment to their living conditions, including a new question (C13) about the typical ways that Volunteers cope with stress. Adding to questions about Volunteers access to various information and communications technologies (ICTs), the 2008 BVS also asked about how often Volunteers typically use each type of ICTs in question C10.

C1: Please choose the best description of your assigned site.

Outer island (regardless of size) C1 1%

Village/rural area (population under Rural town (pop. 2,000) 49% 2,000 to 25,000) 35%

City (pop. over 25,000)not the capital 12% Capital of the country 3% Total 1383

C2: Have you lived with a host country individual or family?

Never lived with a HC individual or family C2 1% Yes, only during PST. 56%

Yes, in my community (not during PST). 1%

Yes, during PST & later in my community. 42% Total 1382

C2: If yes, how many months have you lived with a HC individual or family?

1 Months with host family 6%

2 28%

3 22%

4-6 6%

7-12 17%

13-18 8%

19-24 12%

25+ 3%

Total 1218

C3: How Integrated into your community do you feel now?

Not at all C3 1%

Poorly 6%

Adequately 28%

Well 39%

Very well 26%

Total 1381

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


C4: How well can you communicate in the language used by most people now?

Not at all C4 2%

Poorly 24%

Adequately 38%

Well 26%

Very well 11%

Total 1376

C5: How well does your living allowance meet your basic needs?

Not at all C5 2%

Poorly 17%

Adequately 41%

Well 23%

Very well 17%

Total 1377

C6a: How far away in kilometers is the closest PCV other than your spouse or site mates?

0-5 km PCV proximity (kilometers) 17%

6-10 km 16%

11-20 km 21%

21-30 km 15%

31-50 km 51-100 km 101+ km 15% 11% 5%

Total 1355

C6b: How far away in minutes (by typical transport) is the closest PCV other than your spouse or site mates?

0-15 min PCV proximity (minutes) 15%

16-30 min 21%

31-60 min 30%

61-120 min 22%

121+ min 13%

Total 1371

C7: How often do you see other PCVs (not including spouse or site mates)?

Several times a Daily C7 3% week 9% Weekly 27% Every 2 weeks 33% Monthly 21%

Less than once a month 7% Total 1380

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


C8: Do you prefer to have other PCVs living near you?

Yes C8 66%

No 15%

No preference 19%

Total 1372

C9: Do you have the following at your residence? Never Electricity Running water Landline telephone Short-wave radio Cell phone Satellite phone Computer Internet access 45% 60% 92% 43% 7% 98% 59% 83% Sometimes 9% 7% 2% 12% 10% 1% 8% 7% Usually 32% 18% 2% 14% 27% 0% 8% 6% Always 13% 14% 4% 30% 56% 1% 25% 3% Total 1383 1381 1378 1376 1377 1376 1376 1378

C9: Do you have the following at your work site? Never Electricity Running water Landline telephone Short-wave radio Cell phone Satellite phone Computer Internet access 38% 57% 63% 64% 12% 97% 47% 74% Sometimes 17% 11% 8% 12% 12% 1% 13% 12% Usually 30% 19% 9% 10% 26% 1% 15% 9% Always 14% 14% 20% 14% 50% 1% 24% 5% Total 1367 1365 1365 1357 1359 1351 1367 1365

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


C10: Please describe how often you typically use the following at your work site. Once a week or Never Landline telephone Short-wave radio Cell phone Satellite phone Computer Internet E-mail Text messaging Other telecommunications 76% 90% 8% 99% 17% 28% 29% 11% 84% less 16% 5% 26% 0% 40% 49% 49% 28% 11% More than once a week 5% 3% 32% 0% 22% 15% 14% 30% 3% Daily 3% 2% 34% 0% 21% 8% 7% 31% 1% Total 1382 1378 1380 1378 1376 1380 1377 953 1218

NOTE: Text messaging added after survey start.

C10: Please describe how often you typically use the following for your personal use. Once a week or Never Landline telephone Short-wave radio Cell phone Satellite phone Computer Internet E-mail Text messaging Other telecommunications 87% 58% 2% 99% 12% 10% 8% 4% 90% less 11% 13% 11% 1% 47% 64% 65% 11% 7% More than once a week 2% 12% 25% 0% 22% 18% 19% 23% 2% Daily 1% 17% 62% 0% 19% 8% 8% 63% 1% Total 1372 1369 1367 1355 1368 1364 1367 943 1210

NOTE: Text messaging added after survey start.

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


C11: What is the most effective way you use to communicate with PC staff? Most effective Text messaging Cell phone (voice) In-person visits Email/ internet Work/ home landline telephone Other landline telephone Letters CB radio Other Satellite phone Fax Cable/ telegram Total 100% 1369 43% 39% 10% 4% 2% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 584 530 138 60 28 9 8 5 3 2 2

C11: What is the second most effective way you use to communicate with PC staff? Second most effective Cell phone (voice) Text messaging Email/ internet In-person visits Work/ home landline telephone Letters Other landline telephone Fax Other CB radio Satellite phone Cable/ telegram Total 100% 1368 40% 26% 18% 8% 2% 2% 2% 1% 0% 0% 0% 550 356 253 106 34 27 25 8 6 2 1

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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C11: What is the third most effective way you use to communicate with PC staff? Third most effective Email/ internet In-person visits Text messaging Cell phone (voice) Letters Work/ home landline telephone Fax Other landline telephone Other CB radio Cable/ telegram Satellite phone Total 100% 1360 41% 24% 11% 11% 6% 3% 2% 1% 1% 0% 0% 551 324 151 146 84 42 21 20 13 6 2

C12: How do you rate the effectiveness of your communication resources for contacting in-country PC staff?

Very poor C12 2%

Poor 8%

Adequate 31%

Good 39%

Excellent 21%

Total 1370

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


C13: Please mark all of the typical ways in which you cope with stress. % Using This PCV Responses $C13StressReducers Pursue personal hobbies Talk w US friends family Talk w outside PCVs Participate in sports Leave community for a time Talk w co-workers (not PCV) Talk w local PCVs Get involved in other projects Meditate Pray Talk w host family Talk w PC staff Other activity Talk w others Total *Percents total to more than 100% since Volunteers were asked to "mark all that apply." 1109 1041 1011 930 925 767 744 720 315 305 266 246 216 84 Stress Reducer 82% 77% 74% 68% 68% 56% 55% 53% 23% 22% 20% 18% 16% 6% 1358 Total PCVs Responding

C13: When asked about ways of coping with stress, Volunteers who answered "No stress"


I have no stress 2%

Total 953

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


D. Volunteer Assignment Goals and Impact

This section reports Volunteers self-assessments of their impact on the individuals (D3, D4) and organizations (D7) in the communities in which they serve. At the end of this section, Volunteers third goal activities, participation in Coverdell World Wise School/Correspondence Match (CWWS/CM) and use of Peace Corps resources to support their work are reported in questions D8-10.
D1: How clear to you are the following aspects of your Volunteer assignment? Exceptionally Not at all Clear a. Project plans goals and objectives b. Project activities c. My role and responsibilities d. Sponsoring agencys responsibilities e. My APCD/Program Managers responsibilities f. Monitoring, reporting, and evaluating tasks 5% 4% 4% 14% 2 12% 13% 13% 25% 3 28% 28% 29% 32% 4 36% 40% 38% 22% Clear 19% 16% 16% 8% Total 1370 1368 1371 1279













The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


D2: To what extent does your Volunteer assignment work accomplish the following? Not at all a. Meets the objectives of my project b. Builds local capacity for sustainability c. Involves local people in planning and implementing activities d. Complements other local development activities e. Transfers skills to host country individuals and organizations f. Mobilizes host country nationals (HCNs) to volunteer g. Helps promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served h. Helps promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans 2% 7% 24% 38% 29% 1341 1% 6% 24% 41% 29% 1347 18% 27% 30% 18% 7% 1275 2% 12% 30% 42% 14% 1347 6% 16% 33% 35% 10% 1301 3% 13% 27% 39% 18% 1340 2% 2 12% 3 33% 4 41% Exceptionally 12% Total 1337







The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


D3: How much impact does your assignment have on the capacities of HC counterparts with whom you work? None a. Ability to access information (e.g., library, Internet, etc.) b. Leadership skills c. Planning and management d. Problem solving e. Self-esteem f. Technical skills g. Use of local resources h. Use of external resources (e.g., grants, international NGOs) i. Better understanding of Americans j. Other 19% 6% 4% 5% 7% 5% 5% 11% 2 23% 18% 14% 15% 15% 16% 17% 23% 3 29% 39% 39% 40% 37% 35% 34% 34% 4 23% 30% 37% 34% 32% 36% 34% 26% Exceptional 7% 6% 6% 6% 9% 9% 9% 7% Total 1304 1328 1342 1340 1292 1337 412 1303

1% 21%

5% 7%

19% 35%

42% 24%

32% 12%

1349 164

NOTE: Use of local resources (D3g) asked only on paper surveys.

D4: How much impact does your assignment have on the capacities of HC individuals with whom you interact? None a. Ability to access information (e.g., library, Internet, etc.) b. Leadership skills c. Planning and management d. Problem solving e. Self-esteem f. Technical skills g. Use of local resources h. Use of external resources (e.g., grants, international NGOs) i. Better understanding of Americans j. Other 21% 6% 7% 5% 5% 5% 5% 18% 2 23% 17% 19% 15% 11% 16% 18% 27% 3 28% 39% 42% 41% 34% 39% 37% 33% 4 21% 32% 27% 33% 40% 32% 32% 18% Exceptional 7% 6% 5% 6% 11% 8% 9% 4% Total 1304 1319 1324 1324 1315 1327 919 1272

1% 30%

4% 7%

19% 27%

41% 24%

35% 13%

1340 118

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


D5: To what extent have HC individuals gained a better understanding of Americans? (including "Too early to tell") Not at All D5 0% Minimally 4% Moderately 25% Considerably 48% Exceptionally 19% Too early to tell 4% Total 1372

Looking at Impact on HCNs Understanding of Americans (D5) by Time in Country (LOS2grp) Low LOS2grp One Yr or less More than 1 Yr Goal2impact Goal2impact 5% 4% Average 27% 23% High 61% 73% Too early to tell 8% 0% Total 638 727

D5: To what extent have HC individuals gained a better understanding of Americans? (excluding "Too early to tell") Not at All D5 0% Minimally 4% Moderately 26% Considerably 50% Exceptionally 20% Total 1320

D7: To what extent does your assignment enhance the capacities of local organizations? None a. Identifying and prioritzing organizational needs b. Leadership c. Management d. Monitoring and evaluation e. Planning and implementing organizational activities f. Teamwork/participatory decision-making g. Use of local resources h. Better understanding of Americans i. Other 8% 9% 10% 11% 7% 2 20% 20% 20% 23% 14% 3 38% 42% 40% 37% 38% 4 29% 25% 26% 24% 33% Exceptional 5% 4% 4% 4% 8% Total 1274 1269 1268 1265 1279

8% 8% 3% 35%

16% 17% 8% 6%

38% 36% 26% 32%

31% 31% 40% 19%

7% 8% 23% 8%

1276 1273 1293 103

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


D8. In which of the following third goal activities have you participated? Total PCVs PCV Responses $D8Goal3Acts Electronic updates Paper updates Hosting American visitors Personal website blog CWWS/Corresp Match Pen pal program Spoke during home leave PC Week activities Other third goal activity Podcasts Total 1148 784 770 597 494 301 189 50 41 9 % Doing This 86% 59% 58% 45% 37% 22% 14% 4% 3% 1% 1339 Responding

D8: When asked about third goal activities, Volunteer answered "No involvement in third goal activities"

No third goal NA No third goal activities 97% activities 3% Total 955

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


D9: Would you recommend participation in the CWWS CMS to other Volunteers? I participated in I participated in CWWS/ No CWWS/CM participation D9 62% CM & would recommend it to others 32% CWWS/CM & would NOTrecommend it to others 6% Total 1305

D10: Please evaluate the following resources that you use to support your Volunteer activities. Aware but Resource not Unaware of available a. HIV/AIDS funds-PEPFAR/VAST b. PC Partnership Program (PCPP) c. Resource Center materials d. Small Project Assistance (SPA) e. Other resource I have used (specify in next question) 22% 18% 23% 2% 19% 17% 515 1% 9% 70% 2% 12% 7% 1313 8% 24% 47% 1% 12% 7% 1319 resource have not used Based on my Based on my Based on my use, it is ineffective use, it is effective use, it is very effective Total















The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


E. Peace Corps Support

This section reports Volunteers assessments of in-country Peace Corps support, host country counterpart support, and the factors such as work, relationships and isolation that contribute to stress. A new 2008 BVS question (E9) asked Volunteers how much support they receive from Peace Corps to help cope with the stress of HIV/AIDS in their communities. Another new question (E11) asked about the extent of the Country Directors interaction with Volunteers to be aware of Volunteer issues and concerns.
E1: How soon after you arrived in your community was adequate housing available? Within 3 Immediately E1 81% months 14% Within 6 months 2% Within 1 year 1% More than a year 1% Not yet available 1% Total 1363

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


E2: When you arrived at your community, how prepared for your arrival were the host people with whom you work? Not at all E2 5% Poorly 17% Adequately 34% Well 25% Very well 18% Total 1366

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


E3: How well prepared was your site upon your arrival? Not at all E3 4% Poorly 14% Adequately 33% Well 30% Very well 19% Total 1365

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


E4: How many hours does it take you in typical travel time to reach-Less than 2 hours Main Peace Corps office Regional PC office PC-approved health care provider 9% 18% 37% 2 to 6 hours 34% 32% 38% 7 to 10 hours 24% 9% 13% 11 to 18 hours 15% 4% 6% 19 to 24 hours 5% 2% 2% More than 24 hours 13% 4% 4% 32% NA Total 1360 1339 1312

E5: How satisfied are you with the healthcare you received from your PCMO(s)? Not at all E5 1% Minimally 7% Adequately 21% Considerably 33% Exceptionally 37% Total 1350

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


E6: Have you experienced a family or personal emergency? No Count E6 1149 Row N % 84% Count 212 Yes Row N % 16% Count 1361 Total Row N % 100%

E6_RATED : How much support and assistance did you receive from Peace Corps? None E6_RATED 18% Minimal 14% Moderate 18% Considerable 25% Exceptional 26% Total 210

E7: How satisfied are you with the support provided by in-country PC staff on the following? Not at all a. Administrative/logistical b. Cross-cultural c. Emotional d. Feedback on my project activities e. Job assignment f. Language learning g. Management h. Medical i. Safety and security support j. Site selection k. Technical skills 3% 2% 6% 13% 8% 6% 6% 2% 5% 7% 5% 2 18% 13% 17% 26% 17% 17% 17% 8% 11% 13% 18% 3 33% 38% 36% 30% 33% 30% 44% 20% 22% 24% 37% 4 33% 34% 28% 22% 28% 32% 25% 37% 35% 30% 28% Completely 12% 14% 13% 8% 13% 15% 8% 33% 28% 26% 11% Total 1343 1271 1259 1226 1321 1292 1277 1335 1336 1318 1320

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


E8: How much support do you receive from host country supervisors, sponsors, counterparts? None a. Administrative/logistical b. Cross-cultural c. Emotional d. Feedback on my project activities e. Job development f. Language g. Safety and security support h. Technical skills 19% 9% 24% 15% 18% 12% 14% 19% 2 23% 15% 23% 25% 24% 19% 14% 22% 3 32% 28% 29% 32% 33% 30% 30% 33% 4 19% 32% 18% 22% 20% 27% 27% 20% Exceptional 7% 16% 7% 6% 5% 13% 16% 5% Total 1300 1322 1286 1296 1311 1316 1288 1298

E9: How much PC support do you receive to help cope with HIV/AIDS stress in your community? (Including PCVs Reporting No Stress) NA/I have no Adequate No support E9 10% Minimal support 18% support 22% Considerable support 5% Exceptional support 1% HIV/AIDS stress 44% Total 1346

E9: How much PC support do you receive to help cope with HIV/AIDS stress in your community? (Excluding PCVs Reporting No Stress) Considerable No support E9 17% Minimal support Adequate support 32% 39% support 10% Exceptional support 3% Total 755

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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E10A: How would you rate your Country Director visits? Inadequate Informative content My comfort level discussing issues Responsiveness to my issues 18% 19% 18% Adequate 82% 81% 82% Total 514 510 508

E10B: How would you rate your APCD/program manager visits? Inadequate Informative content My comfort level discussing issues Responsiveness to my issues 22% 14% 25% Adequate 78% 86% 75% Total 1164 1166 1162

E10C: How would you rate your PTO/SRPC visits? Inadequate Informative content My comfort level discussing issues Responsiveness to my issues 20% 20% 21% Adequate 80% 80% 79% Total 335 333 333

E10D: How would you rate your PCMO visits? Inadequate Informative content My comfort level discussing issues Responsiveness to my issues 9% 7% 8% Adequate 91% 93% 92% Total 822 822 821

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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E10E: How would you rate your S&S Coordinator visits? Inadequate Informative content My comfort level discussing issues Responsiveness to my issues 15% 9% 14% Adequate 85% 91% 86% Total 629 628 622

E10F: How would you rate your other Staff visits? Inadequate Informative content My comfort level discussing issues Responsiveness to my issues 11% 7% 13% Adequate 89% 93% 87% Total 174 174 173

E11: To what extent does your CD interact with Volunteers to be aware of Volunteer issues and concerns? Not at all E11 2% Minimally 16% Adequately 28% Considerably 33% Completely 22% Total 1335

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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E12: To what extent do the following create stress and/or emotional health issues for you?

Exceptionally Not at all stressful a. Cultural issues b. Dealing with violence in country c. My health/medical problems d. US family/friends/loved ones e. Isolation/loneliness f. Local language g. Primary assignment h. HCN relationships i. Relationships with other PCVs j. PC staff relationships k. Safety and security l. Other 7% 35% 21% 19% 16% 11% 10% 15% 38% 36% 34% 31% 2 22% 31% 38% 34% 29% 30% 26% 35% 36% 33% 36% 4% 3 33% 18% 26% 27% 27% 33% 32% 33% 18% 20% 19% 8% 4 31% 12% 11% 15% 19% 20% 22% 14% 6% 7% 8% 26% stressful 8% 5% 3% 5% 9% 6% 10% 3% 2% 3% 3% 31% Total 1341 1279 1327 1330 1338 1337 1339 1326 1339 1340 1336 192

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F. Your Safety and Security

This section reports on how safe (F1) and informed about their safety (F2) Volunteers feel. Their experiences with reported and unreported crimes within and outside of their communities are summarized. The 2008 BVS definitions of burglary, theft and robbery were revised from earlier Volunteer Surveys to match the current crime definitions used in Office of Safety and Security reports. The 2008 BVS provided the following guidelines: Burglary (illegal entry into your permanent or temporary housing, whether or not anything is taken) Theft (no confrontation with thief; for example, pickpocket gets your wallet) Robbery (thief used or threatened force or weapon to take money/items; for example, thief threatened you with
knife and took your wallet/purse) Physical assault (without a weapon and no serious injury) Aggravated assault (assault with a weapon or serious injury) Sexual assault other than rape Rape

F1: How safe do you feel...?

Adequately Not at All Safe Where you live Where you work When you travel incountry City where main Peace Corps office is located 0% 0% 5% Often Unsafe 4% 1% 16% Safe 12% 9% 30% Usually Safe 28% 24% 38% Very Safe 56% 65% 11% Total 1345 1346 1346







F2: How informed do you feel about events in your host country that might affect your safety? Not at All Informed F2 5% 2 13% 3 27% 4 32% Very Well Informed 22% Total 1343

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F4: When traveling in your host country, how often has your safety been threatened by any of the following?

Never Transportation conditions (e.g., vehicles, drivers, roads, etc.) Police stops Lodging conditions when traveling Harassment by strangers when traveling 54% 48% 7%








27% 34%

14% 14%

4% 4%

1% 1%

1324 1296







F6: In the past 12 months, how many times have your experienced the following crimes within your community? Did not experience Burglary Theft Robbery Physical assault Aggravated assault Sexual assault (no rape) Rape 84% 78% 97% 94% 98% 96% 100% 1 11% 15% 2% 5% 1% 3% 0% 1% 0% 2 3% 4% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3 1% 2% 4+ 1% 1% Total 1316 1324 1314 1315 1313 1312 1308

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F6A: How often have you personally reported your in-community experience with any of the following crimes? Did not report to PC Buglary reported Theft reported Robbery reported Physical assault reported Aggravated assault reported Sexual assault reported Rape reported 35% 59% 32% 58% 41% 70% 75% Reported once Reported twice 49% 35% 65% 33% 55% 20% 25% 7% 2% 9% 5% 3% 6% 1% 2% 5% 2% Reported 3 times 5% 1% Reported 4+ times 2% Total 199 274 34 83 22 56 4

F6: In the past 12 months, how many times have your experienced the following crimes out-of-community? Did not experience Burglary Theft Robbery Physical assault Aggravated assault Sexual assault (no rape) Rape 96% 79% 96% 94% 99% 97% 100% 1 3% 16% 4% 4% 1% 2% 0% 2 0% 3% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3 0% 0% 1% 4+ Total 1290 1299 1291 1291 1288 1284 1284

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F6A: How often have you personally reported your out-of-community experience with any of the following crimes? Did not report to PC Buglary reported Theft reported Robbery reported Physical assault reported Aggravated assault reported Sexual assault reported Rape reported 35% 50% 33% 76% 71% 77% 50% Reported once Reported twice 60% 46% 58% 22% 29% 20% 50% 3% 4% 4% 10% 1% Reported 3 times Reported 4+ times Total 48 256 52 72 14 35 4

F7A: I reported my experience with burglary to-Total PCVs PCV Responses $F7A S&S Coordinator Community Member Other PC Staff Vol Support Network CD PC Duty Officer Other PCMO Total 143 111 66 39 27 15 13 11 % Reporting To 73% 57% 34% 20% 14% 8% 7% 6% 196 Responding

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F7B: I reported my experience with theft to-Total PCVs PCV Responses $F7B S&S Coordinator Community Member Other PC Staff Vol Support Network Other CD PCMO PC Duty Officer Total 192 118 66 58 34 28 9 7 % Reporting To 64% 39% 22% 19% 11% 9% 3% 2% 299 Responding

F7C: I reported my experience with robbery to-Total PCVs PCV Responses $F7C S&S Coordinator Community Member CD Other PC Staff PCMO PC Duty Officer Vol Support Network Other Total 51 28 21 20 13 12 10 7 % Reporting To 76% 42% 31% 30% 19% 18% 15% 10% 67 Responding

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F7D: I reported my experience with physical assault to-Total PCVs PCV Responses $F7D S&S Coordinator Community Member Vol Support Network PCMO Other PC Staff Other CD PC Duty Officer Total 39 31 22 10 10 9 8 1 % Reporting To 50% 40% 28% 13% 13% 12% 10% 1% 78 Responding

F7E: I reported my experience with aggravated assault to-Total PCVs PCV Responses $F7E S&S Coordinator Community Member PCMO PC Duty Officer Other PC Staff CD Vol Support Network Other Total 16 10 6 5 5 3 3 3 % Reporting To 70% 43% 26% 22% 22% 13% 13% 13% 23 Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F7F: I reported my experience with sexual assault to-Total PCVs PCV Responses $F7F S&S Coordinator Vol Support Network Community Member Other PCMO Other PC Staff CD PC Duty Officer Total 50 18 17 15 13 9 9 6 % Reporting To 36% 34% 30% 26% 18% 18% 12% Responding

F7G: I reported my experience with rape to-Total PCVs PCV Responses $F7G PCMO S&S Coordinator Community Member Other CD PC Duty Officer Vol Support Network Other PC Staff Total 8 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 % Reporting To 50% 50% 25% 25% 12% 12% 12% Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F8A: I didn't report my experience with burglary because-PCV Responses $F8A Felt it was too minor or common to report Did not think the Peace Corps could help Might hurt my relationship with the community Believed it could result in changing sites Buglary why not reported Other Might result in disciplinary action against me Concerns of possible confidentiality breach Total 63 38 11 8 7 5 1 % Citing Reason 66% 40% 12% 8% 7% 5% 1% 95 Total PCVs Responding

F8B: I didn't report my experience with theft because-PCV Responses $F8B Felt it was too minor or common to report Did not think the Peace Corps could help Might result in disciplinary action against me Might hurt my relationship with the community Theft why not reported Other Believed it could result in changing sites Concerns of possible confidentiality breach Total 224 115 17 17 17 7 4 % Citing Reason 74% 38% 6% 6% 6% 2% 1% 302 Total PCVs Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F8C: I didn't report my experience with robbery because-PCV Responses $F8C Felt it was too minor or common to report Did not think the Peace Corps could help Might result in disciplinary action against me Robbery why not reported Other Might hurt my relationship with the community Believed it could result in changing sites Concerns of possible confidentiality breach Total 24 12 9 6 4 1 % Citing Reason 50% 38% 25% 17% 4% Total PCVs Responding

F8D: I didn't report my experience with physical assault because-PCV Responses $F8D Felt it was too minor or common to report Did not think the Peace Corps could help Believed it could result in changing sites Physical assault why not reported Other Might hurt my relationship with the community Concerns of possible confidentiality breach Might result in disciplinary action against me Total 73 34 6 5 4 2 2 % Citing Reason 75% 35% 6% 5% 4% 2% 2% 97 Total PCVs Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F8E: I didn't report my experience with aggravated assault because-PCV Responses $F8E Felt it was too minor or common to report Did not think the Peace Corps could help Might result in disciplinary action against me Aggravated assault not reported Other Might hurt my relationship with the community Believed it could result in changing sites Concerns of possible confidentiality breach Total 14 6 4 3 2 1 % Citing Reason 43% 29% 21% 14% 7% Total PCVs Responding

F8F: I didn't report my experience with sexual assault because-PCV Responses $F8F Felt it was too minor or common to report Did not think the Peace Corps could help Sexual assault why not reported Other Believed it could result in changing sites Might hurt my relationship with the community Might result in disciplinary action against me Concerns of possible confidentiality breach Total 40 24 5 4 4 2 1 % Citing Reason 62% 38% 8% 6% 6% 3% 2% 64 Total PCVs Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F8G: I didn't report my experience with rape because-PCV Responses $F8G Did not think the Peace Corps could help Felt it was too minor or common to report Believed it could result in changing sites Concerns of possible confidentiality breach Might result in disciplinary action against me Might hurt my relationship with the community Rape why not reported Other Total 3 2 1 % Citing Reason 67% 33% Total PCVs Responding

F9A: Who I believe was responsible for the burglary-Total PCVs PCV Responses BurglaryResp Stranger Friend/ Social acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Do not know Host country family member Counterpart, coworker or management (not PC) Other PCV PC staff (U.S./ HCN) Total 105 76 42 33 10 4 3 % Citing Person 44% 32% 18% 14% 4% 2% 1% 239 Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F9B: Who I believe was responsible for the theft-PCV Responses TheftResp Stranger Friend/ Social acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Do not know Host country family member Other PCV PC staff (U.S./ HCN) Counterpart, coworker or management (not PC) Total 322 84 61 16 10 6 4 % Citing Person 70% 18% 13% 3% 2% 1% 1% 460 Total PCVs Responding

F9C: Who I believe was responsible for the robbery-PCV Responses RobberyResp Stranger Do not know PC staff (U.S./ HCN) Friend/ Social acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Counterpart, coworker or management (not PC) Other PCV Host country family member Total 86 74 9 2 1 % Citing Person 86% 10% 2% 1% Total PCVs Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F9D: Who I believe was responsible for the physical assault-PCV Responses PhysAslt Resp Stranger Friend/ Social acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Do not know Host country family member Counterpart, coworker or management (not PC) Other PCV PC staff (U.S./ HCN) Total 138 115 12 9 4 2 % Citing Person 83% 9% 7% 3% 1% Total PCVs Responding

F9E: Who I believe was responsible for the aggravated assault-PCV Responses AggrAslt Resp Stranger Friend/ Social acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Do not know Counterpart, coworker or management (not PC) Other PCV PC staff (U.S./ HCN) Host country family member Total 29 23 3 3 1 % Citing Person 79% 10% 10% 3% Total PCVs Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


F9F: Who I believe was responsible for the sexual assault-PCV Responses SexualAslt Resp Stranger Friend/ Social acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Counterpart, coworker or management (not PC) Do not know Other PCV PC staff (U.S./ HCN) Host country family member Total 58 14 % Citing Person 72% 17% Total PCVs Responding

6 3 1 1 1

7% 4% 1% 1% 1% 81

F9G: Who I believe was responsible for the rape-PCV Responses RapeResp Stranger Do not know Friend/ Social acquaintance (not co-worker/not PC) Counterpart, coworker or management (not PC) Other PCV PC staff (U.S./ HCN) Host country family member Total 7 3 3 1 % Citing Person 43% 43% 14% Total PCVs Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F10A: Who I believe was responsible for age discrimination-Total PCVs PCV Responses Age Discr Stranger Counterpart, Co-worker or Management (not PC) Friend / Social Acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Other PCV Host Country Family Member PC Staff (U.S./ HCN) Other Total 138 135 % Citing Person 49% 48% Responding

81 29 25 15 9

29% 10% 9% 5% 3% 281

F10B: Who I believe was responsible for anti-American discrimination-Total PCVs PCV Responses AntiAmer discr Stranger Friend / Social Acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Counterpart, Co-worker or Management (not PC) Host Country Family Member Other Other PCV PC Staff (U.S./ HCN) Total 523 91 % Citing Person 91% 16% Responding

50 13 7 3 3

9% 2% 1% 1% 1% 573

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F10C: Who I believe was responsible for disability discrimination-Total PCVs PCV Responses Disability discr Stranger Counterpart, Co-worker or Management (not PC) Friend / Social Acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Other PCV PC Staff (U.S./ HCN) Host Country Family Member Other Total 17 11 6 % Citing Person 65% 35% Responding

3 2 2

18% 12% 12%

F10D: Who I believe was responsible for gender discrimination-Total PCVs PCV Responses Gender discr Stranger Counterpart, Co-worker or Management (not PC) Friend / Social Acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Host Country Family Member PC Staff (U.S./ HCN) Other PCV Other Total 471 320 % Citing Person 74% 51% Responding

307 91 31 23 19

48% 14% 5% 4% 3% 633

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F10E: Who I believe was responsible for racial/color/ethnicity discrimination-Total PCVs PCV Responses Racialethnic Stranger Friend / Social Acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Counterpart, Co-worker or Management (not PC) Host Country Family Member Other PC Staff (U.S./ HCN) Other PCV Total 664 233 % Citing Person 94% 33% Responding

164 67 17 13 12

23% 9% 2% 2% 2% 709

F10F: Who I believe was responsible for religious discrimination-Total PCVs PCV Responses Regious discr Stranger Friend / Social Acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Counterpart, Co-worker or Management (not PC) Host Country Family Member Other PCV Other PC Staff (U.S./ HCN) Total 163 113 % Citing Person 66% 46% Responding

64 33 17 7 2

26% 13% 7% 3% 1% 248

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


F10G: Who I believe was responsible for sexual (verbal) discrimination-Total PCVs PCV Responses Sexual verbal discr Stranger Friend / Social Acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Counterpart, Co-worker or Management (not PC) Host Country Family Member Other Other PCV PC Staff (U.S./ HCN) Total 573 204 % Citing Person 92% 33% Responding

128 29 20 6 5

21% 5% 3% 1% 1% 622

F10H: Who I believe was responsible for sexual (physical) discrimination-Total PCVs PCV Responses Sexual phys discr Stranger Friend / Social Acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Counterpart, Co-worker or Management (not PC) Host Country Family Member Other Other PCV PC Staff (U.S./ HCN) Total 175 145 39 % Citing Person 83% 22% Responding

23 3 3 2

13% 2% 2% 1%

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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F10I: Who I believe was responsible for sexual orientation discrimination-Total PCVs PCV Responses Sexual orient Discr Stranger Friend / Social Acquaintance (not co-worker or PC) Counterpart, Co-worker or Management (not PC) Other PCV PC Staff (U.S./ HCN) Host Country Family Member Other Total 28 11 % Citing Person 61% 24% Responding

11 11 9 2 2

24% 24% 20% 4% 4% 46

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


G. Volunteers working in HIV/AIDS

This section reports Volunteers use of and interest in additional resources to support their HIV/AIDS related activities. The 2008 BVS added a question (G6) this year about whether it is important for Peace Corps to provide emotional support to help Volunteers cope with HIV/AIDS in their communities.
G1: Which of the following best describes your involvement in HIV/AIDS activities?

Involved in HIV/AIDS efforts HIV/AIDS work is HIV/AIDS work is my primary assignment. G1 26% part of my secondary activities. 31% but not as primary/ secondary activities. 21% Not involved in any HIV/AIDS related activities. 22% Total 1324

G2: How well has PC training prepared you to undertake your HIV/AIDS activities?

Not at all G2 2%

Poorly 23%

Adequately 41%

Well 24%

Very well 10%

NA 1%

Total 1032

G3. What resources have you found useful in your HIV/AIDS work? % Using PCV Responses $G3UsefulResources Life Skills Manual Local ministry/NGO Other int'l organiz's materials Funds Idea Book Other resources found useful UNAIDS material Total 669 380 296 287 276 182 107 Resource 71% 40% 31% 30% 29% 19% 11% 944 Total PCVs Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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G3.OTHER: What other resources have you found useful in your work on HIV/AIDS? Count G3.OTHER.TEXT Hope kit Internet PSI Hope Kit Teach English, Prevent AIDS Other volunteers other volunteers Other PCVs other PCVs other pcvs Journey of Hope kit internet Working with the HIV/GYD committee woring with people in the medical clinic wikipedia Where There is No Doctor, Helping Health Workers Learn, Working with Youth, HIV Health and Your Community Where there is no artist We have a PC HIV/AIDS Idea Book??? That would be helpful. Volunteers from health sector volunteers volunteer created aids/hiv game to understand the disease Virginia Gildersleeve Foundation Video - Scenarios in Africa - Red Cross UNICEF materials UNICEF care-giver manual, WFP food preparation training sessions training too early
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.

Column N % 87% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

1206 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report


G4. To whom do you go when you need more information or advice in order to do a better job on HIV/AIDS in your community? % Seeking Info PCV Responses $G4InfoSources Other PCV Local expert Counterpart APCD Other source of info CD Total 746 369 367 351 141 33 From 76% 38% 38% 36% 14% 3% 977 Total PCVs Responding

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The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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G4.OTHER: "Other" persons with information or advice you go to in order to do a better job on HIV/AIDS in your community? Count G4.OTHER.TEXT internet Internet PEPFAR Coordinator PCMO PEPFAR coordinator PEPFAR rep PEPFAR Officer n/a HIV/AIDS Coordinator Health APCD AIDS Task Force Vicki Trainer from PST Caroline The PCV HIV/AIDS resource person Technical Project Partner under our New Partner Initiative PEPFAR Grant Tech trainer Helene Mendy studies and online documents social worker and the other volunteer in my village SIDA/GAD representative, PCV filled postition SIDA rep school materials PTA PSI project assistant Programming program assistant printed materials internet Population Services International Volunteer Liasion PEPFAR/ PCRV staff 1240 10 7 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Column N % 90% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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G4.NOONE: I have no resource person available.

No resource NA G4.NOONE 96% person 4% Total 689

G5. What would be helpful to you now in your HIV/AIDS work? Total PCVs PCV Responses $G5MoreHelpFrom Training tools References Visits from technical experts Workshops-specific skills Workshops-training skills Workshops-technical issues (paper only) Other Total 604 491 486 466 436 148 103 % Selecting This 63% 51% 50% 48% 45% 15% 11% 966 Responding

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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G5.OTHER: What "Other" would be helpful to you now in your HIV/AIDS work? Count G5.OTHER. TEXT Would have been nice to have received training materials (i.e. laminated flip-charts for presentations) with text in amharic workshops on terminology in the local language and cultural sensitivity to the issue of HIV/AIDS Workshops on implementing methods proven successful in other East African nations. Workshops on gender and HIV/AIDS Workshop/training on male involvement initiative Working together with other PCV's on HIV/AIDS projects What is the PC HIV/AIDS Idea Book? We3 had a very specific political situation surrounding HIV/AIDS in the Gambia that the Peace Corps office didi not adequately respond to because they did not want to be politically involved. As a volunteer working primarily with people with HIV/AIDS, t We need curriculum materials to include lesson plans for various trainings. HCNs just stand up and lecture using GTZ materials, which are just outlines of topics to be covered. It is really shameful how little effort is shown by HCN trainers in HBC, OVC We have PEPFAR seminars, very well orchestrated Visual Aids! VIsual Aids Use of vast funds for "other", not just "A" & "B" in PEPFAR Trocas de Experiencia with other schools, where the students organise everything. Trainings conducted by PSI, NASTAD, AED, etc. directly Training specific to dealing with youth prevention of HIV/AIDS Training on technical knowledge and HIV/AIDS vocabulary Training on specific HIV/AIDS topics (ARVS, etc.) These are helpful, and I already get them. the president of our country can cure HIV/AIDS so how you would you respond to that? support on cultural issues about discussing HIV/AIDS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0% 1 0% 1280 1 Column N % 92% 0%


1 1 1 1 1

0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Support in dealing with the government 'cure' 1 The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


G6: How important is it that PC provide you with emotional support/someone to talk to about coping with HIV/AIDS in your community?

Not at all G6 25%

Minimally 33%

Moderately 26%

Considerably 12%

Exceptionally 4%

Total 1030

G7: In working with HC individuals or groups, how would you rate the effectiveness of your specific HIV/ AIDS activities?

Sometimes Seldom effective G7 8% effective 40% Often effective 26%

Almost always effective 4% Don't know 22% Total 726

G7: How would you rate the effectiveness of your specific HIV/AIDS activities? (Excluding the "Don't Know" responses)

Sometimes Seldom effective G7 10% effective 51% Often effective 34%

Almost always effective 5% Total 568

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
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H. Your Overall Assessment of Your Peace Corps Experience

This section with tables and graphs appears at the beginning of this report.

I. Background Information
This section reports basic self-reported demographical information. Demographic information will be used in further analyses to tell us how demographic groups may differ in the way they answer survey questions and to show us if any group is not well represented.

I1: What is your age? 20-29 AGE3grp 86% 30-49 10% 50+ 3% Total 1315

I2: What is your gender? Female GENDER 65% Male 35% Total 1324

I8: Are you interested in the Fellows/USA Program? Don't know enough Yes Are you interested in the Fellows/USA Program? 52% No 22% about the program 26% Total 1331

The Peace Corps 2008 Biennial Volunteer Survey: Africa Region Report
For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization.


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