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Question 1


Which of the following provides evidence for a higher level of biodiversity now compared to any time in the past?

● A. Changing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide

● B. The fossil record

● C. A decrease in the rate of evolution

● D. Decreased levels of speciation

Difficulty: EASY

The number of organisms found via the fossil record for any era is much lower compared to the number of organisms found on
Earth now and those that continue to be found, so Choice B is correct. Choice A is incorrect as changing levels of atmospheric
carbon dioxide provide evidence for humans' impact on carbon dioxide levels. Choices C and D are incorrect as evidence suggests
that the rate of evolution and speciation are increasing, which provides evidence for increasing biodiversity.

Question 2

Which is not a cause of the current biodiversity crisis?

● A. Decreased urbanisation

● B. The widespread use of vaccines

● C. Increased air travel

● D. Increased transmission of diseases

Difficulty: EASY


Urbanisation is not decreasing, it is increasing all over the world, which is contributing to the current biodiversity crisis. Choice A is

The widespread use of vaccines has led to fewer people dying of diseases before reproductive age, contributing to worldwide
population growth, which contributes to the current biodiversity crisis, so Choice B is incorrect. Increased air travel results in more
pollution and makes it easier for diseases to spread worldwide which sometimes negatively impacts species, contributing to the
biodiversity crisis, so Choices C and D are incorrect.

Question 3

Which statement(s) are possible solutions to the biodiversity crisis?

I. Promoting rewilding projects

II. Recycling and reusing products

III. Increase meat consumption

● A. I only

● B. II only

● C. I and II only

● D. I, II and III

Difficulty: EASY


Rewilding projects attempt to restore and rehabilitate ecosystems by reintroducing native species and allowing natural processes to
become re-established. Statement I is therefore correct. Recycling and reusing products means fewer resources will be extracted
from the Earth which is a process that can destroy natural habitats and lead to excessive landfill use, so Statement II is correct.
Choice C is therefore correct (Statement I and II).

Increasing meat consumption (Statement III) results in more land being cleared for animals such as cattle to be bred, decreasing
biodiversity. Choice D is therefore incorrect as it includes this statement. Choices A and B are missing one of the possible
solutions to the crisis and are therefore incorrect.

Question 4

Which is not a cause of anthropogenic species extinction?

● A. Overhunting

● B. Deforestation

● C. Introduction of new diseases

● D. Asteroids

Difficulty: EASY

Anthropogenic species extinction is extinction caused by human activities. Asteroid impacts are natural events and are not caused
by human activities. However, they have played a significant role in past mass extinctions, such as the event that led to the
extinction of the dinosaurs. Choice D is therefore correct.

When humans overhunt (Choice A) it can lead to a decline in populations and, in some cases, extinction. Deforestation (Choice B)
is another human activity. The clearing of forests for purposes such as agriculture, logging or urban development, can destroy
habitats and disrupt ecosystems, leading to extinction of species that rely on those habitats. When humans introduce new diseases
to ecosystems (Choice C), either accidentally or deliberately, it can have devastating effects on native species and bring about
extinction. Choices A, B and C are therefore incorrect.

Question 5

The image shows changes in coverage to mixed dipterocarp forests in Southeast Asia over the last 100 years.
Which is not a factor that contributed to these changes?
[Source: Adapted from San Jose. (2006, February 8). File: map of east asia.png - wikimedia commons. Wikimedia commons.
Retrieved July 10, 2023 from URL Map_of_East_Asia.png. Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

● A. Building of new roads to mining sites

● B. Poaching of endangered species

● C. Planting of rubber plantations

● D. Building of hydroelectric dams

Difficulty: EASY

The image shows the loss of forests in Southeast Asia over 100 years. Poaching of endangered species does not result in
deforestation; Choice B is correct.

Building new roads to mining sites involves clearing land to mine sites, so Choice A is incorrect. Planting rubber plantations
requires clearing forests to plant rubber trees, so Choice C is incorrect. Building hydroelectric dams can lead to flooding of forests
and irreparable damage to trees, so Choice D is also incorrect.

Question 6

[Maximum mark:10]

The image shows the extinct North Island giant moa (Dinornis novaezealandiae), a flightless bird that was native to New Zealand.
The Moa became extinct in the last 600 years, during the current sixth mass extinction.

[Source: Adapted from Michael, B. H. (2012). File: Euryapteryx.jpg - Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia commons. Retrieved July 21,
2023 from URL https:// Euryapteryx.jpg. Copyright under CC BY 3.0 ]

1. State the key difference between the current sixth mass extinction and the previous mass extinctions. [1]

2. State one possible cause of the extinction of the Moa. [1]

3. Outline the physical evidence scientists have collected indicating that the Moa existed. [1]

4. In the past, scientists thought that the kiwi (Apteryx haastii), a flightless bird based in New Zealand, was the
Moa’s closest living relative. However, this has been disproven. State what evidence scientists may have found to
disprove this relationship. [1]

5. The Moa’s closest living relatives are the South American Tinamou (Tinamus major), which have the ability to fly.
Explain why these birds are less likely to go extinct than the Moa. [1]

2. Evidence suggests that the Tinamou and Moa shared a common ancestor, but they evolved independently from each
other when they were geographically isolated millions of years ago. Explain the evolution of the Tinamou with reference to
natural selection. [3]

3. Another animal at risk of extinction is the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus), shown in the image below. There are
thought to be fewer than 80 in the world. Suggest two methods scientists could use to prevent its extinction, with a reason
for each. [2]

[Source: Adapted from Nelson, S. (2012, July 20). Category: Rhinoceros Sondaicus. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved July 21, 2023
from URL https:// Rhinoceros_sondaicus. Copyright under CC BY 3.0 ]
Difficulty: EASY
Question 7

Which definitions are matched to the correct form of diversity?

Ecosystem diversity Genetic diversity Species diversity

A. Different habitats, communities and The type of alleles in a population Genetic variation within a
ecological processes species
B. The number of species and their Phenotypic variation in a Genetic variability within a
abundance in an area community species

C. Variety and abundance of different Genetic variability within a species The number of species and
ecosystems in a geographical area or population their abundance in an area

D. Different habitats, communities and The total number and type of The variety of all life on Earth
ecological processes epigenetic markers in a population

Difficulty: EASY

Ecosystem diversity is defined as the variety and abundance of different ecosystems present in a geographical area. Genetic
diversity is the genetic variability within a species or population. Species diversity is the number and relative abundance of species
found in a specific area. Therefore Choice C is correct.

Choice A is incorrect because genetic diversity does not only refer to the type of alleles in a population but the number of different
alleles in a population. Choice B is incorrect because phenotypic variation refers to differences in observable characteristics, not
genetic diversity, and the definition of ecosystem diversity shown in row B is actually the definition for species diversity. Choice D is
incorrect as genetic diversity does not relate to the control of the expression of genes (epigenetics) within a population and the
variety of all life on Earth is the definition for biodiversity.

Question 8

[Maximum mark: 16]

1. Outline why scientists must have several approaches to conserve biodiversity. [3]

2. There are approximately 80 Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) in the world. Discuss the environmental and
economic implications the Indonesian government must consider before volunteering the Javan Rhinoceros to the EDGE
programme. [5]

3. Explain why rapid human population growth is linked to the current biodiversity crisis. [7]

Difficulty: EASY
Question 9

How does introducing new invasive species, such as Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica), to ecosystems affect biodiversity?

[Source: Adapted from Carter, W. (2019, September 11). File: reynoutria japonica in Brastad 1.jpg - Wikimedia Commons.
Wikimedia commons. Retrieved July 10, 2023 from URL
Reynoutria_japonica_in_Brastad_1.jpg. Copyright free]

● A. Increases biodiversity because there are more species in the ecosystem

● B. Decreases biodiversity as the invasive species outcompetes native species for resources

● C. Decreases biodiversity as new plants encourage new insects and animals to immigrate to the ecosystem

● D. Increases biodiversity as the invasive species brings new pests into the ecosystem

Difficulty: MEDIUM


Invasive species are species that arrive in an ecosystem to which they are not endemic to and they often lack natural population
controls such as herbivores or predators. They therefore sometimes outcompete native species for resources which can decrease
biodiversity. Choice B is correct.
Choice A is incorrect, as introducing an invasive species usually reduces biodiversity. There are many reasons for this, including
competition with native species, predation, herbivory, habitat alteration and the introduction of disease. Choice C is incorrect as
although new plants may encourage new insects and plants to immigrate into an area, this would increase biodiversity, not
decrease it. Choice D is incorrect because although invasive species can bring new pests, these pests often reduce biodiversity by
decimating native populations.

Question 10

[Maximum mark: 7]

Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to separate molecules such as nucleic acids. It involves loading the samples into wells in a
supporting medium, often agarose gel, and applying an electric current. The diagram below shows the outcome of a gel
electrophoresis run.

[© Revision Village 2023]

1. Deduce in which direction DNA fragments would move through this gel. [1]

2. State what causes the DNA to move in the direction given in (i) [1]

2. The DNA fragments are not visible immediately after separation. Outline how gene probes can be used to identify the DNA
fragments. [2]

3. DNA profiling can be used to study genetic diversity and population dynamics in various species, aiding in conservation
efforts. Describe one named ex-situ conservation technique used to help preserve biodiversity. [3]

Difficulty: MEDIUM
Question 11

[Maximum mark: 10]

The image shows the changes to mixed dipterocarp forests in Southeast Asia over 100 years. Researchers have concluded that the
changes are mainly due to anthropogenic factors.
[Source: Adapted from San Jose. (2006, February 8). File: map of east asia.png - wikimedia commons. Wikimedia commons.
Retrieved July 10, 2023 from URL Map_of_East_Asia.png. Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

1. Distinguish between the forest coverage in 1900 and 2000 [1]

2. State the definition for ‘anthropogenic’. [1]

3. Explain two possible anthropogenic reasons for differences in forest coverage between 1900 and 2000. [2]

4. Suggest what evidence scientists would need to collect from the forests to provide evidence for a biodiversity crisis in
South East Asia. [1]

5. Suggest why it might be important to increase biodiversity in the area. [1]

6. Conservationists in the area have started a reforestation project in the area, in an attempt to restore the forest to 1900
coverage levels. Discuss what effects this would have on biodiversity. [4]

Difficulty: MEDIUM
Question 12

The table shows the number of tree species in two similarly sized forests. Which statement about the two communities is correct?

Tree species Forest 1 Forest 2

Quercus alba 30 25

Acer rubrum 12 25

Fagus sylvatica 50 25

Betula occidentalis 8 25

Total number of trees 100 100

[©Revision Village 2023.]

● A. Forest 2 has the same species richness as Forest 1

● B. Forest 1 has a higher species evenness than Forest 2

● C. Forest 1 has a higher species richness than Forest 2

● D. Forest 2 has an equal species evenness to Forest 1

Difficulty: MEDIUM


Species richness is the number of different species present in an area. There are 4 species present in both forests so Choice A is

Species evenness is the relative abundance of different species in an area. Choices B and D are incorrect as Forest 2 has a higher
species evenness than Forest 1 as there is an equal number of each tree species. Choice C is incorrect as species richness is the
same in both forests.

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