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In my administration i declare to work the

eradication of poverty in the Philippines, because
the masa saw themselves on me, so that i gave
them hope. I establish deepwells, daycare and
crisis centers, services including educational
assistance and health insurances to filipino
families. I establish a sari sari store for them to
earn for their daily lives and help them financially.

Mr. Former President Erap during your presidential you declared an all-out-war against
MILF. Do you think it solved the problem of peace in Mindanao?

"My all-out-war solved the problem of peace there. I

don't have to expand this anymore, as you can see,
the people of mindanao voted for me, that means
they accepted and supported what I did.
Unfortunately, when I was removed it stopped and
MILF started to grow again."

Press: Mr. Former President Estrada, you brought the topic po during your Presidency
the Constitional Correction for Development (CONCORD), so what can be its effects
sa Pilipinas kung napatupad po ito?
Estrada: CONCORD is one of my major goals
during my Presidency, it aims to improve our
country's economic status dahil iaayos natin ang
mga limitations ng 1987 Constituiton patungkol sa
usaping ekonomiya ng bansa, dahil nahihirapan
ang pumasok ang mga foreign investor na kung
saan ay malaki ang dulot nito sa ating ekonomiya.
Kaya magiging maganda ang epekto nito sa

Press: Pero kung titignan po natin sa SWS survey, nung time po na iprinopose ninyo
itong Consitutional Correction, nagdrop po ng 12 percent ang inyong popularity. So
ano po ang masasabi natin mula dito?

Estrada: I think hindi pa ready ang sambayanan

natin noon para pag-usapan ang ganitong usapin,
lalong lalo na at ilang taon palang ang nakakalipas
nang magkaroon ng Edsa People Power. But still if
I'm still sitting at Malacanang, I will still work on
CONCORD because I really believe na
malalampasan natin ang kahirapan with this
Constitutional change.

Press: Sir but to clarify po, with all the positive impacts that CONCORD has based on
your statement, why did you temporarily dropped it?
Estrada: Dahil na rin sa naging reaction ng ating
sambayanan noon at gusto ko muna ipaalam sa
mga mamamayan ang tunay na hangarin ng ating
Constitutional Change at baka magbago ang tingin
nila mula rito. Gusto ko rin muna ito pag-aralan pa
ng malalim ng ating Congreso, at hingin rin ang
kanilang mga payo.

Good Afternoon Mr President: about that jueteng issue, Is it true about the accusations
that you are the "lord of all jueteng lords" for receiving more than 400 million pesos
protection money from jueteng?

"I never received a single centavo from illegal

gambling. I never consented to any form of illegal
gambling, particularly jueteng, even when I was a
mayor. I never conspired with anyone, especially
jueteng lords."

Press: Mr. Former President Estrada, you stated that you don’t receive any cash from
jueteng but why do you still want to legalize "Jueteng" here in our country? Is it
because the accusation is true? Since you want to push to legalize this type of
gambling here in our country even though it is one of the reasons for your downfall
from the Presidency of 2001?

"If I want to be legalized it doesn’t mean I received

money. Compared to other gambling Jueteng was
not a high stake game like a casino. The money
that belongs to the poor must be given to the poor,
like the "kubrador". A Church leader said that as
long as the money is given to them, it doesn’t
matter where it came from. So, I maintain my
position that jueteng has to be legalized.

Good Afternoon , former President Erap, is it true that the reason you stepped down in
2001 was because you were involved in the case of plunder? and Is it true that one of
the reasons you were demoted when you were impeached in 2001 was because you
were involved in a perjury case?

There is no truth to the claim that I stepped down

in 2001 due to involvement in any case of plunder.
My decision to resign was based on the need to
prioritize the welfare and stability of the nation
amidst political challenges. About sa perjury
naman that's not true because I don't invent things
like that and we know that many have been against
me because of that issue.

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