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Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary and conclusion of the study derived

from the findings both for the development and evaluation of Classroom

Management using Expert System (CEMS).

Summary of Findings

A rule-based expert system was successfully developed for classroom

management. The human decision-making process required to perform a

classroom management task was divided into its basic parts. The reasoning

derived from these elements was reproduced by a set of rules contained in each

of the logic module. The logic module was combined with a user-friendly

interface to effectively and reliably emulate the class scheduling process. With

this and in reference to the different results presented in the previous chapter,

the following summary of the results are made:

1. A Classroom Management System using Expert system (CMES) for

Elementary and Junior High School Department was designed and developed.

2. CMES could provide a well-distributed classroom management with

full report and could detect conflicts on plotting the schedules.

3. The system software was designed and coded usingC# and SQL light

which executed the logical processes execution of the system.


4. The system has a projection scheme which could project the total

number of population to accommodate during enrolment period.

5. The system has a capability of generating results in less time.

6. The system has capability of interacting with other system technology.

7. Aside from being usable, the system also has the ability to adapt in any

devices such as a desktop computer, a mobile phone, or a tablet, provided that

they have a Windows platform.


Classroom management using expert system (CMES) is beneficial to the

success of the entire institution especially in elementary and junior high school

department. The system makes tasks more productive and effective in a way that

it can amplify the work of human employees. This ultimately increases

productivity and show better results at a lower expense. It is more time-efficient

and gives employees more time for other priorities. Because of its usability, the

user can be any of the staff or faculty in the institution. It does not need an expert

user in operating the system. The CMES conformed with the International

Standards Organization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

2510:2011 as per rated by the users.


It is a recommendation to validate the developed system since there is a

need to improve system quality attribute as to functionality specifically on


precision of generated result to fully conform with the International Standards

Organization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 2510:2011

as per rated by the users.

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