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Threshold 1:

The Big Bang

- The moment of the big bang, and the scientific evidence that allows us to piece together
the ever-evolving story of creation.

Threshold 2:
The Star Light Up

- The star was formed with hydrogen and helium to give light to the universe.

Threshold 3:
New Chemical Element

- The first starts that has been aged and died with very high temperature, that’s when the
stars are starting to collapse which lead to a massive supernovea that’s when the
chemicals were born.
Threshold 4”
Earth and The Solar Sytem

- Our Earth was created as a by-product of the creation of our Sun and solar system about
4.5 billion years ago.

Threshold 5:
Life on Earth

- Life mysteriously appeared on Earth as a result of a variety of chemical elements and

ideal conditions.

Threshold 6:
Collective Learning

- Man evolved to become the most powerful force for change on the planet's surface
around 200,000 years ago with the help of interactions between individuals and
between communities.
Avila, Airess Joy P.
BS Psychology
P-103, 1st year

Give one important realization you have learned in BH 1.

- I thought there was no process of how the universe was made. I also thought that
suddenly there was life in the world. I didn’t know that it takes such a billion of years to
be able to have what we have right now in this life and in this planet earth that were

How can this realization help improve yourself?

- Understanding the science for me is kind of hard because I need to learn something that
I can’t see with my bare eyes. Knowing the process of how the universe was made,
makes me interested in things from the outer space and it helps me to think creatively.

My Commitment:
- Being able to live here in earth and in the universe, I promise to give more appreciation
with my surroundings and help to taking care of our mother earth so that the next
generation will have to see the beauty of the nature in the future that they will live in.

- I am a appreciative person of God’s work.

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