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SL. NO. Contents Page NO.

1 Introduction 2
2 Concept of vision 2020 2-4
3 Factors involved in vision 2020 4-6
4 9 challenges of establishing vision 2020 7-9
5 My standpoint towards the achievements of vision 2020 9-10
6 Conclusion 11
7 References 11


Vision is an announcement that decide the course of the trip and its goal, distinguish a long haul

objective and target that will probably be satisfied and gives a knowledge into the future

destinations and bearings that a country or an association need to take after. A reasonable vision

gives the concentration and course to the advancement of the present arrangement and

connections current activities to accomplishment of future objectives. Previous Malaysian Prime

Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir receptacle Mohammed reported the "Vision for Malaysia 2020" on

the 28th of February 1991 at the debut meeting of the Malaysian Business Council and it was

clarified that the fundamental objective of the Vision 2020 is to form and transform Malaysia

into an industrialized nation that will have the capacity to contend with different nations

constantly 2020.

After the vision was divulged by Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir canister Mohammed the

vision goes to the Malaysian bureau collectively endorsed this vision and approved a quick

national gathering in December 1991. In this meeting an extensive number of the nation's savvy

people and scholastics took an interest and imparted their constructive insights and perspectives

about Vision 2020 (Islam, R. and Ismail, Y. 2011).This vision is thought to be the rules and

structure for the approach taken when taking measures for long-remove travel that the nation will

actualize. The vision isn't focus on the financial field just, yet it chiefly incorporates all the

existence viewpoints, for example, political, monetary, social, social, mental and otherworldly.


Almost if just a single out of each odd Malaysian are all around natural the articulation

Wakashan 2020 which infers Vision 2020 in English. Vision 2020 was moved by Mahathir in

1990. It was accounted for as the New Economic Policy (NEP) was touching base at end

following twenty years. Vision 2020 was made to be a whole deal objective for the nation, the

goal of Malaysia transforming into a "totally made country" by year 2020 (Somun 148). All

around, the vision is suggested as twenty-twenty, which as demonstrated by Mahathir is related

with having a perfect vision of 2020. Exactly when gotten some data about Vision 2020,

Mahathir has energetically expressed, "I won't be around to be blamed should we disregard to

meet the goals.

" The essential destinations of Vision 2020 is to modernize and develop our country in

perspective of its own model and develop that nation monetarily, politically, socially,

significantly, rationally and socially [Somun 148]. Money related quality, political soundness,

and racial assignation is a basic perspective to ensure the country can continue driving fiscal

headway for the thriving of the overall public. The fiscal quality can be found in the budgetary

improvement of the country reliably and Gross Local Product per capita (GDP per capita) of the

local for the country. At that point, social quality can be seen from the piece of prosperity,

security, lodging, preparing, condition, culture, transportation and correspondence, social

collaboration, family living and occupation condition. Racial agreeability anchored by the social

perils, religious partnership, social coordination and political effect.

From the 2013 Malaysian People's Welfare Report shows that Malaysian People's Welfare Index

(IKRM) increase by 25.4 demonstrates in 2000 2012. Money related welfare point increase 33.3

spotlights on the interim social welfare perspective is 21.0 concentrations (Malaysian People's

Welfare Report, 2013). This shows the individual fulfillment for Malaysia occupants are more

better and augmentation. It is since social change and fiscal progression are between related.

Today, Malaysia is included 62.4 percent Malay or Bumiputera, 22.1 percent Chinese, 6.7

percent Indians, 0.9 percent others ethnic and 8.0 percent non-occupants (Department of

Statistics Malaysia, 2012).

The technique of nation building is fundamental to be realized by the country that involves

various ethnics. One of the outlines is Malaysia that includes Malay, Chinese, Indians moreover,

others ethnics whose live in the one country and shared everything from the country's wealth.

The strategy of nation building is a push to develop the spirit of patriotism and solidarity to make

a country whose people share a regular identity. The huge point is to develop national solidarity

by making another nation and a joined race (Hippler, 2002).

A nation building isn't critical solely in Europe yet, what's more, the considerable forces of the

21st century including Malaysia. Verbalization "nation working" in the post-flexibility period is

one plan to illuminate the relating association between the "national" (choice) family "subject",

particularly in Malaysia, that containing grouped ethnics (Chew Fong Peng, 2006). In the talk of

Council Malaysian Students the United Kingdom in Kuala Lumpur on the tenth September 1995,

the past Prime Clergyman, Tun Dr. Mahathir once expressed, "Bangsa Malaysia suggests people

who can separate themselves with the country, speak Malaysia tongue (Bahasa Melayu) and

recognize the Constitution".

The possibility of the nation building was characterized in his last expert talk which, "Malaysia

must be a country that is ethnically organized, living in affability with the full and sensible

affiliation, made up of one 'Bangsa Malaysia', with political dedication and promise to the

nation." (Lee Kam Hing, 2005: 184) For Malaysia, the nation building is the most fundamental

arrangement that still not been refined yet regardless of the way that this arrangement had been

capable since Malaysia transform into an independent country in 1957.


1. Malaysia economic policy and strategy:

This new arrangement can be viewed as an extra archive to the NEP; it gives a system towards

Dr. Mahathir's new vision 2020 arrangement symbolizing "the path forward" approach towards a

"created" country in 2020. This will require the country to keep up a 7 or more percent

development rates for the following 25 years. Leader Mahathir thinks raising workforce quality

and creating ability in advanced businesses are unequivocal components in the nation's street to

financial achievement and improvement (Brown 1993: 43). Keeping in mind the end goal to

encourage these development prerequisites, the NDP has loose a significant number of the FDI

limitations forced by the NEP, for example, value and permitting necessities and systems.

The motivation behind the Industrial Master Plan which was figured by the United Nations

Industrial Malaysia monetary arrangement centers around a few fields to accomplish its

motivations: Fare Facilitation. Import Substitution. Levy Structure, Strategic Exposure.

The monetary justification of Malaysia to advance fares furnishes the country with three

imperative favorable circumstances.

2. Export Facilitation:

1. First, it produces remote trade that can diminish the measure of outside obligation expected to

subsidize improvement.

2. Second, it adds to building up a focused industry framework from gaining from financial

specialists a move that brings mechanical greatness prompting higher esteem included fares. By

the advancement of particular enterprises, for example, the semiconductor industry, has speeded

innovation procurement and upgraded the country's focused worldwide situating.

3. Finally, FDI gives work in the business part, which to a huge degree is pulled in from the

farming segment

3. Tariff Structure:

As a connection to the strategy of keeping up a steady economy with past spending systems of

controlling expansion, there have been real diminishments and cancelation of import obligations

on products and enterprises. The 1995 spending plan proposes a diminishment of levies forced

on more than 2,600 things of which a dominant part is nourishment things (Budget 1995: 22).

Likewise, duties on building materials and family unit machines have been decreased. These

measures won't just control expansion, yet additionally upgrade the personal satisfaction and

support the general atmosphere for speculations. Notwithstanding, Ad Valorem charges are

forced on imported products and enterprises

3. Import Substitution:

Financial improvement in Malaysia was first based on Import Substitution, showed by the

expansive move of GNP conveyance from farming divisions to assembling parts. Import

substitution has expanded in for the most part three regions, transport hardware, Industrial

synthetic compounds and manures and in Industrial apparatus (Onn 1988: 28). Nonetheless,

sends out constitute the fundamental wellspring of development in the assembling area from

1970-1990 (allude to supplement 6). This pattern can be clarified by financial strategy that spots

incredible accentuation on enhancing modern intensity as a vehicle towards vision 2020.

4. Strategic Exposure

Key introduction speaks to a vital part in Strategic Trade Theory. The method of reasoning

behind bringing boundaries down to exchange and presenting nearby industry to outside rivalry

is to make a more focused household industry (Hamilton 1989: 4). Such a Level Playing Field

approach will drive neighborhood firms to build their aggressiveness to survive. Key

introduction speaks to an immediate connect to turning into an industrialized country by 2020

and the acknowledgment of monetary objectives. Fusing FDI as a key measure to upgrade

innovative know-in what manner can diminish local learning and experience bends in chosen

businesses. By giving remote speculators impressive duty deductible motivating forces in

regions, for example, preparing of nearby workers, innovative work and in advancement of fares

Malaysia has possessed the capacity to expand worldwide aggressiveness as showed by

expanding fares and GDP (Carrol, Errion 1991: 21). Malaysia goes for the year 2000 to have no

less than 1.6% of GDP spent on R&D and is anticipating that no less than 40% will originate

from the private segment.


The main goals of Vision 2020 is to modernize and develop Malaysia based on its own model

and develop that nation economically, politically, socially, spiritually, psychologically and

culturally. In achieving those goals, nine challenges have been listed:

1. Establish a united Malaysian nation with a sense of common and shared destiny. This must be

a nation in peace with itself, territorially and ethnically integrated, living in harmony and full and

fair partnership, made up of one Malaysian race with political loyalty and dedication towards the


But the rating (possibility to overcome) of that challenge is low so it means it is going to be

difficult to overcome this challenge cause Malaysia is a multicultural country where people from

different nation of origin, different religion’s people live together and eventually their thoughts,

wants, objectives all are not same and there are having divisive politics and race-based policies

continue to prevail that’s why unite that nation will be quite complicated.

2. Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society with faith and

confidence in itself, justifiably proud of what it is, of what is has accomplished, an robust enough

to face all manner of adversity. This Malaysian society must be distinguished by the pursuit of

excellence, fully aware of all its potentials, psychologically subservient to none, and respected by

the people of other nations. According to the research the probability to overcome that challenge

is moderate.

In some sense, being an upper - middle - income country with a sizeable educated middle class

comprising various ethnic groups, there is partial fulfilment of this highly qualitative and

subjective goal.

3. Fostering a mature, democratic society, practicing a form of consensual, community-oriented

Malaysian democracy that can be a model for many developing countries. The probability to

overcome that challenge is low.

Besides the ongoing 1MDB and other scandals that into question the country’s rule of law and

accountability, there have also been increasing calls for greater decentralisation and devolution

of power to the state and local authorities to ensure more equitable and appropriate development

strategies that meet local conditions. As per Abdul Rahman Embong (2000), when the legislature

declared the arrangement of 'Bangsa Malaysia', Chinese and Indians respected the arrangement.

All things considered, despite everything they have questions about the subject of their dialect

and culture notwithstanding different rights. In figuring the Malaysian patriotism, the subject of

culture and dialect must be underscored. This is on the grounds that both of these components is

the primary image speaking to an ethnicity. The Chinese and Indian stresses that they will lose

their parenthood character. Training is one critical divert in Malaysia to execute powerful

country building.

4. The fourth is the test of setting up a completely moral and moral society, whose subjects are

solid in religious and otherworldly qualities and pervaded with the most astounding of moral

benchmarks. The probability to overcome that challenge is moderate.

While there are continuing legal and regulatory reforms, including the establishment of key

institutions to ensure good governance and ethical behavior in business, public administration

political and religious activities, perceptions of the achievement of this hard-to-measure

aspiration are variable and mixed.

5. The fifth test that we have constantly confronted is the test of setting up a developed, liberal

and tolerant society in which Malaysians everything being equal and statements of faith are

allowed to rehearse and proclaim their traditions, societies and religious convictions but feeling

that they have a place with one country. The probability to overcome that challenge is low.

There is a general perception that ethnic relations have deteriorated in part due to polarisation

caused by religious extremism and intolerance. So from that statement it is getting clear that

setting up a developed, liberal and tolerant will be so difficult to achieve. The legislature

requirements to build up a national arrangement of instruction based. At the point when

understudies from various races were presented to ethnic and religious decent variety at the

lower level, endeavors to shape a unified multi-racial society can be made more proficient

(Muhammad Hisyam, 2014).

6. The 6th is the test of setting up a logical and dynamic culture, a general public that is creative

and forward-looking, and one that isn't just a customer of innovation yet, in addition, a supporter

of the logical and mechanical human progress without bounds. The probability to overcome that

challenge is low as well.

A key awakeness of the Malaysian economy is the low R&D and inadequate pool of scientists,

engineers, researchers and technologists at the cutting edge of innovation and scientific

development. The issue of racial polarization in light of the one-sided impression of their own

race who see it contrarily frequently closes with a questioning and verbal confrontation which

isn't little in nature (Shaharuddin, 2007). For instance, negative states of mind towards the Malay

dialect appeared by different races. They just utilize the Malay dialect only for everyday business

without valuing the Malay dialect as a monetary esteem and the union. In the interim, there is

more over the Malays who decline to acknowledge the decent variety of dialects, societies, and

religions that exist as a an important resource that can help in building a unified Malaysia

(Chandra Muzafar, 1996).

7. The seventh test is the test of setting up a completely minding society and a minding society, a

social framework in which society will precede self, in which the welfare of the general

population will rotate not around the state or the individual but rather around a solid and strong

family framework. The probability to overcome that challenge is low.

While there have been a proliferation of non-governmental and voluntary organizations in all

aspects of social and community life, the have not reached a scale or sophistication that

suggestions a fully caring society and caring culture. This is since instruction fills in as the

primary device for setting up and reinforcing social attachment. In any case, since our instruction

framework is frequently altered course and different scope of stream further muddle endeavors to

frame a solidarity. This is on the grounds that, from the low level up to tertiary establishments,

the component of solidarity isn't the fundamental plan behind the syllabus that instructed to the


8. The eighth is the test of guaranteeing a monetarily just society. This is a general public in

which there is a reasonable and fair circulation of the abundance of the country, in which there is

a full organization in financial advance. Such a general public can't be set up inasmuch as there is

the distinguishing proof of race with monetary capacity and the recognizable proof of financial

backwardness with race. The probability to overcome that challenge is moderate.

Wealth and income distribution has recorded significant gains over decades since the

implementation of race-based affirmative policies. The persistent regional and ethnic-based

inequalities as well as the inability to shift to needs -based policies is indicative of the shortfall in

achieving this goal.

9. The ninth test is the test of building up a prosperous society, with an economy that is

completely aggressive, dynamic, strong and versatile. The probability to overcome that challenge

is moderate.

Already an upper-middle-income country , it has a well-diversified economy with a sizeable

middle class and a relatively strong financial system . It’s high technology industries, however,

are still highly dependent on foreign direct investment (FDI).

In 2020, Malaysia's fantasies to end up a created and joined country. The goal must be

accomplished if Malaysians can confront and defeat different deterrents or hindrances seen as a

test. This is since keeping in mind the end goal to shape a durable society and have high qualities

that are difficult. This is on account of individuals are who have sound judgment and an alternate

supposition. What's more, the split of ethnic can cause the immense issue in accomplishing

Vision 2020. There are a couple of difficulties that should be settled shrewdly. One of these

difficulties is the issue of polarization.



Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak recently claimed his government remain

committed to Vision 2020 but after an overview it is becoming difficult that Malaysia is on the

right track towards achieving vision 2020. Here are some lacks that is becoming hindrance to

achieve vision 2020.

1. An absence of profitability is keeping Malaysia down

While profitability expanded by 3.5% from 2015 to 2016, that was still lower than the focused on

3.7%. The administration knows it has work to do around there. "More thorough endeavors are

expected to drive efficiency development towards the 3.7% yearly development focus under the

11MP," the Malaysian Productivity Corporation prompted in its yearly report. Insufficient ladies

are occupied with the working environment. Though the male work constrains the interest rate is

at 80.2%, the figure for females is 54.3%. This is on the ascent (in 2015 it was 54.1% and in

2010 it was 46.8%) yet shy of targets. The legislature must address rigidity with respect to bosses

and address the business law.

2. Education reform is severely required

The education framework isn't creating individuals who are "work prepared" or who have the

important capability in English. "Instruction is the best issue confronting Malaysia's

advancement," Lawrence Saez, School of Oriental and African Studies, examined. "The

enthusiasm from the administration is there to make enhancements however the capacities are

definitely not." The World Bank evaluated declining training measures as the greatest

obstruction to Malaysia achieving high-pay status. "There is a dire need to change Malaysia's

instruction framework with the goal that it produces quality graduates required by a high-pay


3. Malaysia is not meeting social and democratic challenges

Popularity based development is as yet far off. There is no indication of a statement from either

Pakatan Harapan or Barisan Nasional with decisions approaching, for instance. Barisan Nasional

system to shore up help among ethnic Malays instead of contacting a more extensive base will

accomplish more to extend ethnic divisions than unite the nation.

Activists assert that Malaysian legislative issues, the police compel, and the media are all things

considered in charge of a feeling of countrywide unfairness. "Laws, for example, the Prevention

of Terrorism Act (Pota) and the Sedition Act, ruin the mission of acknowledging Vision 2020



To sum up, most if not all of the developing nations have a vision of achieving the status of a

complete developed country, in our research we talked about Malaysia which set a specific

timeline for achieving and reaching its goal which is the 2020. In this assignment we mainly

explain and describe Malaysia Vision 2020 made by the Malaysian government to become a

developed nation by 2020. A short background about the vision was stated explaining the time it

was released to the public then a specific and detailed introduction of the concept of the Vision

2020 was explained in the social, political and cultural aspects that help in achieving the goal of

the vision. Moreover, the 9 challenges that Malaysia will face in establishing the Vision 2020

was discussed and was briefly explained.



2. Abdul Rahman Embong. (2000). Negara-bangsa: Proses dan Perbahasan. Bangi: Penerbit

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Aizat Khairi. (2011).

3. Konsep 1Malaysia dan cabaran pelaksanaannya ke arah pemantapan perpaduan sebuah

negara-bangsa. Sosiohumanika, 4(1), 129-140. Chandra Muzafar. (1996).

4. Cabaran Membina Bangsa Malaysia, dalam Abdul Razak Omar, Pembentukan Bangsa

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Nurul Yaqeen. 37-41.


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